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Quite simple to understand Scooter, to many people are intellectually lazy these days. Not willing to invest the time necessary to research often complex issues, with difficult to determine solutions, and then form a reasoned opinion. May be right, maybe not, but at least attempt to have a intellectual footing for your opinion. Nowadays, opinion is served to the Hoi Polloi in a 10 minute (maybe) feature, with built biases and agendas of the purveyor. Veracity is always suspect. They are told what to think, not being required to do anything other than listen.


"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able think things out.....without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable." - H. L. Mencken (journalist, satirist and cultural critic)

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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On a brighter note, spring has sprung (at least for one day). Temp reached 73* with lots of sun. Felt wonderful! Even took a nice walk with the Mrs. after dinner. Would like to have hit some balls today, but other obligations prevented it. Maybe in the next couple of days. I see the possibility of golf by the weekend.


For us northern lads, ready to rejoin the conversation discussing the triumphs and travails of our respective games. To hell with affairs of State.....let's go golfing.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Our spring is sneaking in rather rapidly here as well. Highs in the high 50's/low 60's forecast for this weekend, but the ground will still be somewhat frozen.


That being said, with almost all the snow gone, we could even have courses opening before end of March. That being said, March golf is rather unpleasant. Late April/Early May at least gives the greens some time to grow in.

D -  TM Stealth+ Kuro Kage 5th Gen 60g S

4W - Ping Anser TFC S

3H - Ping Anser TFC S

4-PW W/S D7 Forged KBS $ Taper Lite S
48* W - Cleveland Zipcore RTX 6 DGS S

54* W - Cleveland Zipcore RTX 6 DGS S

60* W - Cleveland Zipcore RTX 6 DGS S

Putter - 22 TM Spider X Short Slant Hydroblast

Srixon Z-Star - Yellow
10.7 Hdcp (CPGA) 

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Back when I was still a working stiff, traveled into Canada with regularity on business. Calling on clients rom Windsor up to Mississauga. Several of which I would call friends. Breaking bread together, occasionally playing in a golf outing or two, etc. ALWAYS found Canadians friendly and engaging. And I do not say that just because of the several that post around here. A topic that I did not actively pursue but came up from time to time was their view of the United States. And conversely my view of Canada. Topics such health care, guns, national politics, taxes....always found the perspectives interesting. Sometimes fueled by a few Molson Exports. I'm not going to post the litany of all things discussed other than to say that they found Americans admirable and interesting. I reciprocated with same. The United States, as a nation state, not so much. This has been 15 years past now, maybe opinion has changed. But I did find it refreshing. We sometimes think entirely to provincial.


Can't really post what I would like to say. Would risk banishment. This may even be deleted. Very troubled by what is currently taking place in the "body politic" these days. Perhaps a system sufficiently broke by money, power and corruption that it's beyond repair. Seemingly, the "art of compromise" in order to govern for the public good has been lost. Either your 100% in lock step with my ideology, or your the enemy. Dangerous rhetoric, unrealistic (false) promises, fanning of a Nationalistic fervor, increasing need to point fingers at "them" as the source of the problems. All the while, never addressing the real issues that exist and need immediate attention. Wish I could regain some of my idealism, think things will get better. It's been drained away. Now just want to ignore it, not engage, wish the whole process would end.


Very dangerous to not pay attention. Thats how Despots are created. Primary day here, suppose I should go vote. It is by duty. Take my ballot, select no one, and stick in the counting machine. Only way I can vote...."None of the Above".


Astute analysis Fella. Given the way the US is becoming more polar and divided, what is the prognosis?

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Thanks Randy. Nice win. Had to play good D and rebound, both Spartan BB traits that are always dependable when the shooting goes cold. However, not necessarily a fan of these post season conference tourney's. Playing three games in as many days is a grind. They are for the "wannabes " to try and back door they're way in (see UMAA).


When the selection show started and the four #1 seeds were announced, I was OUTRAGED. But when I cooled down, revisited their position and where, determined it was not so bad. Thinking a #2 seed, closer to home (Chicago), is a better situation for them than being a #1 out west. Plus, this becomes motivational ammunition for Izzo and crew. Spartans know how to play the "disrespect" card well. The lower end of the bracket sets up nicely for them. They're a very good team with lots of senior leadership. Hopefully, ready to make a strong run to another final four.


How good is UK? They're a number four seed, but this a.m., see they're the betting odds favorite to win it all by the "Wiseguys". Perplexing as I begin strategizing my bracket sheet(s). A KY v. MSU semifinal would be fun. We could trash talk each other a bit leading into that matchup. LOL.


Go Green.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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24 ends of curling in less than 24 hours -- my wife and I participated in our first ever "Open" bonspiel at our club on the weekend with another couple that we asked to join us. Being rookie curlers anything better than last would be an accomplishment and we managed that finishing fifth in our draw bracket. Every game we were competitive in and the outcome wasn't decided until the final end, so I was very happy about that. The competition was quite stiff judging by the number of skips that were on some of the teams, so that was gratifying as well. The only downside was that both of us were barely moving yesterday in the aftermath of that marathon; I'm still sore today! There's a reason that all the guys on the "Pro" circuit are ripped. The Canadian Men's Championship was decided this weekend at the Tim Horton's Brier in Ottawa and after 11 games of round robin and then 3 rounds of playoffs over 9 days you begin to appreciate what these guys put themselves through! :shok: When thinking of the front end of Brad Jacobs' Northern Ontario rink they don't call them the Gun Brothers for nothing! :bb2:

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Congratulations Sco on the fifth place finish. Sounds as though it was good competition and experience. More importantly, good fun. Never realized that curling was such a physically demanding sport. Curious on one thing. As a participant, do you have your own stones? Analogous to a bowler with their own ball(s). Different ones for different conditions? Probably like most sporting endeavors, there's always equipment costs.


Note - Before posting, went to the googles to read a bit on curling. Stones, shoes and a broom all seem to be necessary, user preference equipment. Varying weights of the stones seem to indicate a variance in use. Even different colors of granite! Are there Curling gear Ho's? LOL.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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The Cats are peaking at the right time. If they can get some solid play from their bigs they could make a deep run in the dance. A couple of times during the season they didn't show up to play, but I think that area has been addressed and I don't see it happening again.

The committee really was trying to play the puppet master in the way they manipulated the brackets. Texas and A&M could meet, as could UK and Indiana.

Looking forward to enjoying some games. I am still broken hearted over last years results.


(from an outpost of Big Blue Nation in South Carolina.)

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Please forgive me for this intrusion, but I want to talk about something said in the last page or so. Someone referred to the Boston Tea Party in the usual way, as an act of defiance, a demonstration against the British Crown. If you ask 200 people, I think 199 would say it was a protest against a tax increase by the crown - taxation without representation.


That was not what happened at all, but the story has morphed over time in history books, as history usually is, to serve the purpose of a government. It's "adjusted" to suit a narrative.


John Hancock is known for his large and dominant signature in the center of the Declaration of Independence. He was also the instigator of the Tea Party. His employees were the people who boarded the ship and threw the tea overboard.


Who was John Hancock? He was a tea smuggler.


The East India Company (EIC) was the exclusive importer of tea by royal decree and sold the tea to distributors in the colonies. This is much like cable companies today have exclusive rights in a locality, conferred by the local government.


John Hancock smuggled cheaper quality tea at a cheaper price than the EIC because no tax was paid. To stop the tea smuggling, the crown reduced the tax on tea so that the price of the higher quality EIC tea would be the same as the smuggled, lower quality tea.


John Hancock (a rich man) was being put out of business, and that is why his employees threw the tea in the harbor. He was protesting a lower tax.


The real story is usually more interesting and complicated than the one molded to mold minds.



i don’t need no stinkin’ shift key

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Congratulations Sco on the fifth place finish. Sounds as though it was good competition and experience. More importantly, good fun. Never realized that curling was such a physically demanding sport. Curious on one thing. As a participant, do you have your own stones? Analogous to a bowler with their own ball(s). Different ones for different conditions? Probably like most sporting endeavors, there's always equipment costs.


Note - Before posting, went to the googles to read a bit on curling. Stones, shoes and a broom all seem to be necessary, user preference equipment. Varying weights of the stones seem to indicate a variance in use. Even different colors of granite! Are there Curling gear Ho's? LOL.


Thanks Fella! We don't own our own rocks, they are the property of the curling club. A regulation rock is 42 pounds. They have lighter rocks for juniors. The key seems to be to have closely matching stones as that makes it easier for the skip to call the shots during the game and easier for the shooter to get a feel for "weight" and curl (which is also highly dependent upon ice conditions).


In terms of equipment, the shoes and the broom are the two key pieces for the individual player. You can get different shoes that are "faster" based on the slider thickness. There is quite a variance in brooms in terms of shaft material and shape/diameter as well as head design -- hair or pad with differing synthetic pad materials. Ancillary bits of equipment are stabilizers to aid in balance while delivering the rock, sticks for those who deliver upright and stop watches for timing rocks not to mention a full array of curling specific clothing.


Are there gear ho's? I don't see it at our club, but no doubt there are folks who will have to have the latest and greatest every year. In our first game against a team from a visiting club, two of the players were sporting Hardline brooms with IcePads which is the absolute top-of-the-line broom this season. Our local curling pro shop doesn't even stock them because he said the price is "way too high" for his customer base.


In terms of equipment costs, I've spent about $330 this season for shoes, a gripper, a broom and a pair of curling pants. The shoes and broom were last year's models so I got them at about 20% off. The club membership is $600/yr. for unlimited curling so that's quite a good value too compared to golf.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Yeah, me to. But MSU was totally and thoroughly out played. From the 15-2 beginning, to MTS making all the necessary plays at the end. In the second half, while I hoped, never felt like they were going to pull it out. MTS made every play down the stretch. Major props to them, they played an excellent game in all facets. They have several players that can really ball, especially Upshaw Jr.


Had high expectations. But just a BB game. Disappointing yes, but a mere trifle in the grand scheme of things.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Extending my condolences. Join the "losers" club. Indiana v. Kentucky is always an intense contest. This proved to be the case, enjoyable game to watch. FWIW, had the 'Cats going to the Final 4.


The Cats just put my 3rd and final bracket into the recyclable bin. Good game though. Dang it, it's been years since I had a good bracket..

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I walked 27 holes twice and 36 holes once last week. I was happy to be able to do that. For me the exercise is just as important as the golf itself, including the fresh air and sunshine. I am in my 60s, don't use the gym (I hate those places), and am of the opinion that walking is good exercise. Last year I had a knee issue so had to take a cart for a few months. I was really annoyed that I could not walk. Fortunately my home course is flat, and so are the other couple of course I occasionally play. Though there is this one course that is quite hilly I think I will attempt to walk when the weather gets better.

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24 ends of curling in less than 24 hours -- my wife and I participated in our first ever "Open" bonspiel at our club on the weekend with another couple that we asked to join us. Being rookie curlers anything better than last would be an accomplishment and we managed that finishing fifth in our draw bracket. Every game we were competitive in and the outcome wasn't decided until the final end, so I was very happy about that. The competition was quite stiff judging by the number of skips that were on some of the teams, so that was gratifying as well. The only downside was that both of us were barely moving yesterday in the aftermath of that marathon; I'm still sore today!


Less than two weeks later and I played in the Sr. Men's Club Championship yesterday; another three game extravaganza. I was fortunate that I was on a very good team and I played well enough not to put a damper on my team's chances. We won the day! So now I get to call myself a Club Champion as a rookie curler. I may never win again so I'm going to enjoy it!


Our Mixed Club Championship starts in a week Monday. With all this curling competition still ongoing golf is about the furthest thing from my mind. My (golf) club e-mailed me to say that they were opening April 2 weather permitting. Don't think I'll be quite ready to play by then.


FWIW, I hit a few balls about a week and a half ago. It wasn't pretty, in fact it was really bad. Damn those blades are hard to hit! black%20eye.gif

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Congrads on your curling season!!!

Now, get back to golf. j/k, I've always enjoyed watching ice related sports.


Thanks Randy! FWIW golf seemed closer 4 weeks ago when we headed down to the DR. We had an ice storm Wednesday/Thursday and temperatures are still at freezing. The next couple of weeks don't look much better; cold and wet with snow forecast a couple of days. :fie:


April 22 seems to be a good target date most years as that roughly corresponds with my first cutting of the lawn. Before that date, range time is likely to be the better use of my available golf swings although I suspect that the grass will need cutting before then. May not turn out to be much different than a typical spring.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I walked 27 holes twice and 36 holes once last week. I was happy to be able to do that. For me the exercise is just as important as the golf itself, including the fresh air and sunshine. I am in my 60s, don't use the gym (I hate those places), and am of the opinion that walking is good exercise. Last year I had a knee issue so had to take a cart for a few months. I was really annoyed that I could not walk. Fortunately my home course is flat, and so are the other couple of course I occasionally play. Though there is this one course that is quite hilly I think I will attempt to walk when the weather gets better.

Me too, I like to walk the course - except the very steep and hilly ones - and keep my cart bag light, I was thinking about getting one of those electric push cart models like the Bat-Caddy or Caddytrek etc then I could tackle some of the hills.

Current Bag:

TM R7 425 driver 11.5

Cleveland Launcher #4 wood

Cobra King Hyper Steel #7 wood

BB Heavenwood # 9 wood

Titlelst DCI Black O/S irons 7 8 9 W SW, Lovett chipper

McGregor putter

Titleist Tour Soft balls

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24 ends of curling in less than 24 hours -- my wife and I participated in our first ever "Open" bonspiel at our club on the weekend with another couple that we asked to join us. Being rookie curlers anything better than last would be an accomplishment and we managed that finishing fifth in our draw bracket. Every game we were competitive in and the outcome wasn't decided until the final end, so I was very happy about that. The competition was quite stiff judging by the number of skips that were on some of the teams, so that was gratifying as well. The only downside was that both of us were barely moving yesterday in the aftermath of that marathon; I'm still sore today!


Less than two weeks later and I played in the Sr. Men's Club Championship yesterday; another three game extravaganza. I was fortunate that I was on a very good team and I played well enough not to put a damper on my team's chances. We won the day! So now I get to call myself a Club Champion as a rookie curler. I may never win again so I'm going to enjoy it!


Our Mixed Club Championship starts in a week Monday. With all this curling competition still ongoing golf is about the furthest thing from my mind. My (golf) club e-mailed me to say that they were opening April 2 weather permitting. Don't think I'll be quite ready to play by then.


FWIW, I hit a few balls about a week and a half ago. It wasn't pretty, in fact it was really bad. Damn those blades are hard to hit! black%20eye.gif


When I was a young member at our club, we had a small group of older couples that played it. they always boasted the fact that they were the State Champions for 22 straight years. I found it kind of strange. I had only ever seen them at the bar, before and after they curled...

Later I found out that ours was the only country club in Indiana that had curling facilities.


If you can't be #1 in your category, change categories

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't watched much competitive golf this winter. Whenever it came on the tube it seems that my eyes would quickly glaze over due to the incessant attempts to build drama by the commentators and uninspiring play that was often on offer. I think it was back in January when watching a bit of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions to see guys bomb drives over 350 yards only to be left with awkward approach shots that resulted in uninspiring two putt pars or worse when the risk:reward pay-off didn't. Have these guys forgotten how to play? It happens all the time.


Yesterday in the space of an hour and a half I watched two of the five star favourites implode. Sure that happens, but I also recall that over the same period I think there was only two drives that found the fairway on 13 with the rest wailing their toasters into the pine trees. Note to Billy Payne: No need to redesign 13 to preserve the shot values. Add a little bit of wind and these fellows will look after it without any intervention!


I just don't get it. They can't hit the ball in the fairway off the tee consistently. They're so stiff and mechanical with pitches and putts it's no wonder they lack feel and are prone to yips. Maybe things are just too perfect these days thus exaggerating errors requiring too much precision on the operator's part to play tension free. It's tough to watch.


Maybe it has always been this way to some degree, but it seems that the elegance and grace of previous eras is missing. Rare is the day when a truly compelling storyline is woven out on the course. I hope that tomorrow is different.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I haven't watched much competitive golf this winter. Whenever it came on the tube it seems that my eyes would quickly glaze over due to the incessant attempts to build drama by the commentators and uninspiring play that was often on offer. I think it was back in January when watching a bit of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions to see guys bomb drives over 350 yards only to be left with awkward approach shots that resulted in uninspiring two putt pars or worse when the risk:reward pay-off didn't. Have these guys forgotten how to play? It happens all the time.


Yesterday in the space of an hour and a half I watched two of the five star favourites implode. Sure that happens, but I also recall that over the same period I think there was only two drives that found the fairway on 13 with the rest wailing their toasters into the pine trees. Note to Billy Payne: No need to redesign 13 to preserve the shot values. Add a little bit of wind and these fellows will look after it without any intervention!


I just don't get it. They can't hit the ball in the fairway off the tee consistently. They're so stiff and mechanical with pitches and putts it's no wonder they lack feel and are prone to yips. Maybe things are just too perfect these days thus exaggerating errors requiring too much precision on the operator's part to play tension free. It's tough to watch.


Maybe it has always been this way to some degree, but it seems that the elegance and grace of previous eras is missing. Rare is the day when a truly compelling storyline is woven out on the course. I hope that tomorrow is different.


I dunno sco, these players have some pretty darn nice touch around the greens, although Augusta greens are nasty. I do agree that bomb and gouge has become the strategy du jour though. Who cares where you hit it when you only have 130 left on a 450 par 4? Don't worry though, plenty of non-bombers still win their share showing that shot making is not a lost art.

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