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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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So is anyone watching game 7 of the Series tonight? Been trying to watch some of the games. But for us eastern time zone guys, the games end too late. Hard to get beyond the sixth inning before falling asleep. Tonight, going to try and make it till completion. As long as the outcome is in contention.


Doesn't seem like the World Series has the same level of cache as it once did. Certainly not like it was BITD, when it was THE fall classic. Seemingly everyone would be following the games as they played out. Even if it your hometown team wasn't playing in the games. Pull for the AL vs. those somewhat unknown NL teams that you never saw on TV. Would sneak a transistor radio into school, equipped with an earplug strung up a shirt sleeve, listening to the game. When they were played in the afternoon. Now days, few kids, on a school night, are allowed to watch the entire game. Perhaps only those in Houston or DC. Hell, many could care less about watching baseball.


Being a life long American Leaguer, hoping Houston pulls it out. (During the regular season, don't always remember they're in the AL now.) Going to be a tall task against Scherzer. Didn't he once pitch for the Tigers? Either way, hope it's a tight high drama game. To keep be entertained. And awake.


For others, there's always the 49'ers v. Cardinals FB. Yawn.






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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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@Fellaheen51 , yes the WS is on here tonight, but I'm subjected to DW's surfing between the ballgame and the Chicago series of TV dramas (currently Fire as I write).


I'm also staring at a couple of shipping boxes filled with clubs that are on their way to Golfavenue to take advantage of their Hallowe'en 25% bonus. I'll be taking a store credit and then go from there with no plans on buying anything at this time. The store credit has no time limit so I can wait for something really good to come along or for the time that I need to make a change. It's actually a fairly generous offer for the end of season as I suspect that the reseller is looking for fresh inventory for the Christmas shopping season. I'm fairly happy with what's in the bag in my signature at this time, so the balance of newer gear with some resale value is headed out the door. On the way out are the Titleist 913 driver, the Ping i25 irons, an SLDR hybrid and a pair of Vokey wedges.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Made it into the 7th inning, recall 3- 2 Nats, before dozing off. Turned off the TV sometime in the night, not knowing who won until this morning. Lying in bed watching the game is not conducive to staying awake. I tried.


And the NFL FB game is tonight, not last night. Lose track of what day of the week it is on occasion.

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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> Made it into the 7th inning, recall 3- 2 Nats, before dozing off. Turned off the TV sometime in the night, not knowing who won until this morning. Lying in bed watching the game is not conducive to staying awake. I tried.


> And the NFL FB game is tonight, not last night. Lose track of what day of the week it is on occasion.


Very happy with the ~~Expos~~ Nationals win last night. Can't stand the smug little **** on the Astros roster. Not sure what it is about Texas ball teams? I guess they were believing their own press with platitudes of budding dynasty. Looks good on them! :triumph:

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Seems appropriate due to the lack of traffic in the past day or so.


Shipped my clubs off yesterday and began to put away things for winter in the garage loft. It's a very handy spot that should allow us plenty of room for a car in the space as well as other winter necessities including storing two sets of summer tires. Now with Hallowe'en passed that will be the next item on the docket.


Speaking of Hallowe'en, we had 33 trick or treaters last night. Not bad I figured for a night that was cold, windy and wet. It's a big difference from being at the farm where we got no one. It was nice to see the parents in on the act as well. There was a couple dancing out on the street with [Dead Mau5](http://https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadmau5 "Dead Mau5") costumes on. It was kinda cool in a wierd way especially with the third in their party filming the goings on as our street was a party zone for about 20 minutes with kids rushing door to door and the parents congregating out in front of our house. I'd be curious to know if that was a result of posting on Nextdoor Neighbour that our house would be giving out treats. The app had a neighbourhood map with the houses participating tagged with a candy symbol and those doing the haunted house thing tagged with a ghost symbol. The house directly across the street was doing the haunted house thing. I think for next year that we're going to have to up our game. Decorate a bit more elaborately -- we had a single Jack-o-lantern -- and wear costumes ourselves! There could be the makings of a street party if the weather was more co-operative.


In a strange way I was very happy to see my clubs head out the door. In the last year or so I have never felt comfortable playing them as I always felt that it screamed poser. Nothing worse than a hacker showing up with a Titleist driver, Ping I-series irons, Vokey wedges and a boutique putter. I'm much more comfortable playing 10 year old SGI clubs that says two things -- I'm cheap and I suck! That I can live with. Now all that I have left to do is cull the golf specific clothing from my wardrobe which I have been sort of forced into by losing weight. Not a bad thing. :blush:

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scomac2002 said:

> In a strange way I was very happy to see my clubs head out the door. In the last year or so I have never felt comfortable playing them as I always felt that it screamed poser. Nothing worse than a hacker showing up with a Titleist driver, Ping I-series irons, Vokey wedges and a boutique putter. I'm much more comfortable playing 10 year old SGI clubs that says two things -- I'm cheap and I suck! That I can live with. Now all that I have left to do is cull the golf specific clothing from my wardrobe which I have been sort of forced into by losing weight. Not a bad thing. :blush:


LOL. I can relate to what you saying. Being a hack AND a poser. Have a degree of self consciousness when I take the Hogan MB's afield. I can hit them OK when I have had a re-adaptation period of playing them with some frequency. Not trying to hit 175 yard 5 irons. But from 135'ish and in they play pretty good. At least I can execute some shots with them, and are especially sweet when I do. But they do require more preciseness with the swing and contact. Nevertheless, the inevitable hacked shots occur. No different really than any irons I wield. So I play them during selective opportunities, often solo. Never with the buds group. A bad shot with the regular irons is just a hack. But one with the Hogans identifies me as a hack AND a poser. By trying to play irons that by all appearances, are way beyond my apparent skill set.


I can live with being a hack. I've had lots of practice being one. But being a poser? That's something entirely different, and unacceptable. So I pose discreetly.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > In a strange way I was very happy to see my clubs head out the door. In the last year or so I have never felt comfortable playing them as I always felt that it screamed poser. Nothing worse than a hacker showing up with a Titleist driver, Ping I-series irons, Vokey wedges and a boutique putter. I'm much more comfortable playing 10 year old SGI clubs that says two things -- I'm cheap and I suck! That I can live with. Now all that I have left to do is cull the golf specific clothing from my wardrobe which I have been sort of forced into by losing weight. Not a bad thing. :blush:


> LOL. I can relate to what you saying. Being a hack AND a poser. Have a degree of self consciousness when I take the Hogan MB's afield. I can hit them OK when I have had a re-adaptation period of playing them with some frequency. Not trying to hit 175 yard 5 irons. But from 135'ish and in they play pretty good. At least I can execute some shots with them, and are especially sweet when I do. But they do require more preciseness with the swing and contact. Nevertheless, the inevitable hacked shots occur. No different really than any irons I wield. So I play them during selective opportunities, often solo. Never with the buds group. A bad shot with the regular irons is just a hack. But one with the Hogans identifies me as a hack AND a poser. By trying to play irons that by all appearances, are way beyond my apparent skill set.


> I can live with being a hack. I've had lots of practice being one. But being a poser? That's something entirely different, and unacceptable. So I pose discreetly.


I've got no problem playing vintage and hacking, even if that means playing my Golden Ram forged blades. Most passers by will assume that I'm just playing my grandfather's clubs and I'm not really a golfer at all. That can be quite rewarding when you actually flush one and then someone says -- imagine how well you could play if you actually had modern clubs! One of my most rewarding rounds I ever had was about three years ago playing a half set of the blades with my PowerBilt Citation laminates and I shot 40 for 9 on a legit heritage course. Most fun I ever had playing at golf! :grin:

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Posing is a younger man's game IMO. Us seasoned citizens grew up with blades and

weird clothes and bags and, frankly, no one expects us to be "with it" when out in

public...............so OGA rules govern everything for us.


Now, if I see a young guy out there with flashy clothes, a staff bag and very expensive

sticks or very gamey sticks..........and he can't play..............definitely a poser.....or a sucker

who followed someone's advice on what to buy when entering the game.


Us old guys aren't "posers", we're just "eccentric".


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@Conrad1953. Ha! Thanks for adding perspective. Had failed to consider (forgotten?) that OGA rules govern everything. Only do what I do because the trying is fun. Not like I'm trying to impress. When one has no "game", one can game whatever they choose. When virtually all my choice golf attire comes from thrift stores, how can that be posing.


I'm old(ish). I'm OGA. Not good enough to have pretense with golf. I'm an eccentric. Dam(n) straight.

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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> Suppose this means that I won't be playing at golf today.


> jlxtotmjuhv9.jpeg



SIGH Years ago, I would have looked forward to winter activities. Now, i just look in the mirror and tell that dummy staring back at me that

he chose to continue living here !

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Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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@billh17. Aye choices. Some have the ability to change locales. By plan or happenstance. Because of opportunity. Or to start over. Always thought I'd move somewhere else one day. A long time ago. Bounced around for awhile, rather aimlessly, after college. Returning because I discovered that the grass wasn't greener.


Today, this is where family and friends are located. That's important. Where would we go? I'm dug in. For the duration. It is what it is.


Furthermore, with whom would I play my mediocre golf with? A group of strangers?

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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @billh17 said:

> @ Fella: But , that is still a very nice photo.


I agree......and I suspect........well, let me frame it this way.........years ago I was watching the

Weather Channel and they were up in upstate New York in the lake effect snow belt and

they were interviewing a guy trying to get several feet of lake effect snow off his roof and

the Weather Channel guy started commiserating with the guy and saying how awful it is

up there and the guy stopped him and said......"Hey, I would not want to live anywhere else,

especially not in a place like Florida. I like it just fine right here."



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> @billh17 said:

> > @Fellaheen51 said:

> > Suppose this means that I won't be playing at golf today.

> >

> > jlxtotmjuhv9.jpeg

> >


> SIGH Years ago, I would have looked forward to winter activities. Now, i just look in the mirror and tell that dummy staring back at me that

> he chose to continue living here !


Dang! I guess I missed the earlier post. First snow of the season just in time for November 1! I can't be smug cause we're getting it tonight!

  • Like 1

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> @billh17. Aye choices. Some have the ability to change locales. By plan or happenstance. Because of opportunity. Or to start over. Always thought I'd move somewhere else one day. A long time ago. Bounced around for awhile, rather aimlessly, after college. Returning because I discovered that the grass wasn't greener.


> Today, this is where family and friends are located. That's important. Where would we go? I'm dug in. For the duration. It is what it is.


> Furthermore, with whom would I play my mediocre golf with? A group of strangers?


I've been pretty much stuck in one spot for 60 years. When we decided to move we just headed about a half hour down the road, so we're still in the same spot, more or less. That's likely the way it is for most folks. Number 2 son on the other hand has packed a whole lot of living into his youthful 27 years:


* 17 years in Mount Hope

* 3 years in St. Catharines

* 1 year in Central Otago, New Zealand

* 1 year in Hillier

* 4 months in Western Cape, SA

* 2 years in Hamilton

* 3 years in Penticton, BC


What the future holds is unkown, for all of us, not just for him. I suspect that he will be on the move again as opportunity knocks anew.


Do not be afraid of change, it's called progress.


We may think that we're standing pat, but the truth is if we're not moving forward, we're falling behind.


Above all remember; weren't we all a bunch of strangers not so long ago?

  • Like 1

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Yesterday and last evening, during trick or treating time, was absolutely miserable. A cold driving rain, windy, temps ~35*. As nasty as can be. Don't know what parents would have taken their kids out in those conditions. The snow fell overnight. I'll take the snow anytime over what was occurring prior. It's warmed sufficiently today that it's mostly melted. Unfortunately, a harbinger of climatic things to come. Watcha gonna do.


I like to share such things with me buds in warmer climes.

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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Sco that is a lot of moving for a youngster, but i bet he has really enjoyed all the different things he has seen.

Different Cultures, people, places, it all can be a great foundation for life.


We are up to a balmy 44 degrees. Thats close to my 50 mark for golf !

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Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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Family and friends. Amazing how life turns out so differently for some. If I returned to the

place where I grew up I would find no family and likely very few friends from those days.

That's SoCal, a pretty transient place as some move there chasing dreams and others

dream of getting out and finding a more normal life elsewhere.


My family is scattered about the country. I've fallen out of touch with old friends.....but

I made new friends wherever I have gone.....as Sco said,,,,,,all of us in here were strangers

when we met.

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@ Rad: I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't know everyone. I grew up and lived most of my life where everyone knows everyone.

Barber, Baker, Deli operator, gas station, cashier at Krogers walmart, everywhere we go we know folks,. Now if we travel an hour away its a different world. My golf group are all life long buds and all the wives are great,except one ,and she just thinks she is high society and a little snobbish. I'd be lost if we moved, even tho i love the Santee area in So. Carolina. Not right in Santee, but within 20 minutes of there.

Nice area.

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Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> Yesterday and last evening, during trick or treating time, was absolutely miserable. A cold driving rain, windy, temps ~35*. As nasty as can be. Don't know what parents would have taken their kids out in those conditions. The snow fell overnight. I'll take the snow anytime over what was occurring prior. It's warmed sufficiently today that it's mostly melted. Unfortunately, a harbinger of climatic things to come. Watcha gonna do.


> I like to share such things with me buds in warmer climes.


Anybody have a whole house generator? We've had occasions when our electric has gone out, of course during the winter, and it would be nice to keep the house 'running' so to speak.

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> @scomac2002 said:

> @Fellaheen51 , yes the WS is on here tonight, but I'm subjected to DW's surfing between the ballgame and the Chicago series of TV dramas (currently Fire as I write).


> I'm also staring at a couple of shipping boxes filled with clubs that are on their way to Golfavenue to take advantage of their Hallowe'en 25% bonus. I'll be taking a store credit and then go from there with no plans on buying anything at this time. The store credit has no time limit so I can wait for something really good to come along or for the time that I need to make a change. It's actually a fairly generous offer for the end of season as I suspect that the reseller is looking for fresh inventory for the Christmas shopping season. I'm fairly happy with what's in the bag in my signature at this time, so the balance of newer gear with some resale value is headed out the door. On the way out are the Titleist 913 driver, the Ping i25 irons, an SLDR hybrid and a pair of Vokey wedges.


In the past, Ive traded two iron sets, ti-100s and x-12's, for $110 and $67 respectively. Literally, less than 10% of their cost. Currently, I'd have to empty out my entire cellar to get $100 in trade, which includes a set of 845's and a set of Pings. The Pings trade for $18, less shipping. Drivers and woods are ridiculous, also, like $12 for a Diablo driver, etc. AND the trades must be in great condition, matching grips, no chips or damage.


I realize there isn't much demand for older clubs, and today, older means a few seasons old. The golf industry has made golf an expensive game, where one cannot play unless he has the latest and greatest equipment. The days of a kid playing with hand me down clubs and a couple balls, saving up a $1.25 for green fees, and .20 for a hot dog are gone forever.


Earlier this year, the President of the club was riding around in a cart with his neighbor's son (age 15). I noticed the kid was a lefty. So, I asked him if he wanted a few lefty clubs I had lying around. He seemed like he did, and thanked me. He had a very modern bag of Pings. I rounded up 16 clubs, all nice, which included pyratones, blades, wooden drivers, and two really nice Callaway warbird drivers, with headcovers. Gave the President the clubs. Saw the kid a couple times after that, he wouldn't look in my direction. Probably, the kid thought I gave him junk, and was insulted. Can't be certain about that, so I don't feel badly about my gift. At least, I got rid of the clubs, with good intentions.


Last month, I left 6 clubs on cleanup day. Someone took them, before the trash collector came.


On the first tee website, the First Tee wants people to send their stuff to the PGA value site, and they send trade in money to the "charity."


Cheers, guys.






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> @Wriggles said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > @Fellaheen51 , yes the WS is on here tonight, but I'm subjected to DW's surfing between the ballgame and the Chicago series of TV dramas (currently Fire as I write).

> >

> > I'm also staring at a couple of shipping boxes filled with clubs that are on their way to Golfavenue to take advantage of their Hallowe'en 25% bonus. I'll be taking a store credit and then go from there with no plans on buying anything at this time. The store credit has no time limit so I can wait for something really good to come along or for the time that I need to make a change. It's actually a fairly generous offer for the end of season as I suspect that the reseller is looking for fresh inventory for the Christmas shopping season. I'm fairly happy with what's in the bag in my signature at this time, so the balance of newer gear with some resale value is headed out the door. On the way out are the Titleist 913 driver, the Ping i25 irons, an SLDR hybrid and a pair of Vokey wedges.


> In the past, Ive traded two iron sets, ti-100s and x-12's, for $110 and $67 respectively. Literally, less than 10% of their cost. Currently, I'd have to empty out my entire cellar to get $100 in trade, which includes a set of 845's and a set of Pings. The Pings trade for $18, less shipping. Drivers and woods are ridiculous, also, like $12 for a Diablo driver, etc. AND the trades must be in great condition, matching grips, no chips or damage.


> I realize there isn't much demand for older clubs, and today, older means a few seasons old. The golf industry has made golf an expensive game, where one cannot play unless he has the latest and greatest equipment. The days of a kid playing with hand me down clubs and a couple balls, saving up a $1.25 for green fees, and .20 for a hot dog are gone forever.


> Earlier this year, the President of the club was riding around in a cart with his neighbor's son (age 15). I noticed the kid was a lefty. So, I asked him if he wanted a few lefty clubs I had lying around. He seemed like he did, and thanked me. He had a very modern bag of Pings. I rounded up 16 clubs, all nice, which included pyratones, blades, wooden drivers, and two really nice Callaway warbird drivers, with headcovers. Gave the President the clubs. Saw the kid a couple times after that, he wouldn't look in my direction. Probably, the kid thought I gave him junk, and was insulted. Can't be certain about that, so I don't feel badly about my gift. At least, I got rid of the clubs, with good intentions.


> Last month, I left 6 clubs on cleanup day. Someone took them, before the trash collector came.


> On the first tee website, the First Tee wants people to send their stuff to the PGA value site, and they send trade in money to the "charity."


> Cheers, guys.







Sounds as though I did okay by your description, Wriggs. The catch is that I got a store credit at Golfavenue that I can use in the future. I'm not too concerned because they have a huge inventory with lots of turnover so things can change rapidly. I was actually looking at irons and they have a couple of sets of NOS graphite shafted Cobra F8's (both standard and one length) and a couple of sets of TM M4's all still in plastic that could be had for not much more than my credit. I'll find something for sure when the time is right. Who knows, I might just spend it on family. Both boys could use new drivers and that might make for a sort of unexpected Christmas gift that could be shipped direct to each of them. A couple of Ping G400's would fit the bill and that would kill my credit off in one fell swoop. Gee, I may just have to go and check out their website now... :wink:

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @SixtySomePing said:

> > @Fellaheen51 said:

> > Yesterday and last evening, during trick or treating time, was absolutely miserable. A cold driving rain, windy, temps ~35*. As nasty as can be. Don't know what parents would have taken their kids out in those conditions. The snow fell overnight. I'll take the snow anytime over what was occurring prior. It's warmed sufficiently today that it's mostly melted. Unfortunately, a harbinger of climatic things to come. Watcha gonna do.

> >

> > I like to share such things with me buds in warmer climes.


> Anybody have a whole house generator? We've had occasions when our electric has gone out, of course during the winter, and it would be nice to keep the house 'running' so to speak.


Yes, have a generator. Depends on how one defines "whole house". It's a 6500w Honda that runs the well pump (220v), furnace, 2 refrigerators and a freezer, lights, range, the internet (ha!). All without having to perform any "zoning" to regulate distribution. But it does require going outside, into the shed adjacent to the back of the garage, and manually starting the unit when a power outage occurs. I perform regular startup and maintenance. Always use ethanol free gas, with Sta-Bil and Sea Foam added. Always starts within a couple of pulls. It's wired into a transfer switch in the basement that I throw to switch from power company to the generator circuit. What you don't want to do is back feed the system. It has always accomplished the task of providing electricity for lights, water and heat.


Have a suspicion what you are referring to is a standby (aka backup) generator. A permanently installed unit with the most popular manufacturer being Generac. Runs on NG or LP. Power goes out, it turns on instantaneously and switches the circuit. Close friends recently had a 10k unit installed. The supplier/contractor performed an analysis on backup power requirements in their home. The unit turns on automatically every couple of weeks to run for a few minutes. System diagnostics to evaluate operation and function. Essentially a hands off standby power system.


I bought the Honda in the late 90's. At the time, we were experiencing power outages with regularity. A generator was something of a necessity. Even today, will have use 3x - 4x times a year of varying durations. The fam doesn't tolerate sitting in the dark (or being off the grid) for very long. A whole house, permanent system was prohibitively expensive (~18K IIRC). WTS, today would opt for a permanent Generac system. No question. Considering it necessary investment in my home. Saves the trucking outside, often in stormy conditions, and firing it up. Plus, typically wattages available are higher. Living in a semi-rural locale, backup power systems are becoming ever more prevalent.


In the summer, it's mostly a matter of convenience. In the winter, the ability to generate power becomes much more significant. We had a major ice storm a few years back. Our area did not have power restored for 4 days. Was able to keep everything operating for the duration. I would not own a house without some from of electricity generation capability.




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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> > @SixtySomePing said:

> > > @Fellaheen51 said:

> > > Yesterday and last evening, during trick or treating time, was absolutely miserable. A cold driving rain, windy, temps ~35*. As nasty as can be. Don't know what parents would have taken their kids out in those conditions. The snow fell overnight. I'll take the snow anytime over what was occurring prior. It's warmed sufficiently today that it's mostly melted. Unfortunately, a harbinger of climatic things to come. Watcha gonna do.

> > >

> > > I like to share such things with me buds in warmer climes.

> >

> > Anybody have a whole house generator? We've had occasions when our electric has gone out, of course during the winter, and it would be nice to keep the house 'running' so to speak.


> Yes, have a generator. Depends on how one defines "whole house". It's a 6500w Honda that runs the well pump (220v), furnace, 2 refrigerators and a freezer, lights, range, the internet (ha!). All without having to perform any "zoning" to regulate distribution. But it does require going outside, into the shed adjacent to the back of the garage, and manually starting the unit when a power outage occurs. I perform regular startup and maintenance. Always use ethanol free gas, with Sta-Bil and Sea Foam added. Always starts within a couple of pulls. It's wired into a transfer switch in the basement that I throw to switch from power company to the generator circuit. What you don't want to do is back feed the system. It has always accomplished the task of providing electricity for lights, water and heat.


> Have a suspicion what you are referring to is a standby (aka backup) generator. A permanently installed unit with the most popular manufacturer being Generac. Runs on NG or LP. Power goes out, it turns on instantaneously and switches the circuit. Close friends recently had a 10k unit installed. The supplier/contractor performed an analysis on backup power requirements in their home. The unit turns on automatically every couple of weeks to run for a few minutes. System diagnostics to evaluate operation and function. Essentially a hands off standby power system.


> I bought the Honda in the late 90's. At the time, we were experiencing power outages with regularity. A generator was something of a necessity. Even today, will have use 3x - 4x times a year of varying durations. The fam doesn't tolerate sitting in the dark (or being off the grid) for very long. A whole house, permanent system was prohibitively expensive (~18K IIRC). WTS, today would opt for a permanent Generac system. No question. Considering it necessary investment in my home. Saves the trucking outside, often in stormy conditions, and firing it up. Plus, typically wattages available are higher. Living in a semi-rural locale, backup power systems are becoming ever more prevalent.


> In the summer, it's mostly a matter of convenience. In the winter, the ability to generate power becomes much more significant. We had a major ice storm a few years back. Our area did not have power restored for 4 days. Was able to keep everything operating for the duration. I would not own a house without some from of electricity generation capability.





Exactly, the Generac. I have a guy coming out next week to check out our place and give us a quote, one for our essentials, and one for our whole house. I've already talked to them on the phone a bunch and it sounds like the difference between the two, for our house including labor will be either 7k or 8k. What the heck, 1k difference. We live 2 blocks from the hospital, so we have been on the 'hospital grid' for 16 years. However they just got their own grid, so now we are on the same grid as the neighboring part of town which goes out more. The hospital still had its own backup generators for its times when power went out. We did have a time maybe 12 years ago when it was out for 4 days in the winter. I had a backyard generator which I had to feed but dang, it didn't run everything we needed including the furnace plus it only held 5 gallons of gas, and I hadn't planned for 4 days worth of running. And I'll be 70 in 2021, even though that's not old, I can't get around as well as others.

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Was going mention something about age and condition, but didn't because I sorta figured you were taking those issues into consideration. It really is a no brainer if you want a generator. A standby unit is the only way to go. And as mentioned would be my only choice, if I had it to do over again. They've come down in cost significantly compared to when I shopped them 20 years ago. A reputable contractor/supplier will be able to determine the appropriate size for your requirements. You may have seen this, maybe not. Generac has [sizing calculator](http://www.generac.com/for-homeowners/home-backup-power/build-your-generator "sizing calculator") that may be of benefit to roughly determine your requirements. At least to the point of having a general understanding of the required capacity necessary prior to "your guy" showing up next week. Always worthwhile to be a semi-educated consumer.

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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> Was going mention something about age and condition, but didn't because I sorta figured you were taking those issues into consideration. It really is a no brainer if you want a generator. A standby unit is the only way to go. And as mentioned would be my only choice, if I had it to do over again. They've come down in cost significantly compared to when I shopped them 20 years ago. A reputable contractor/supplier will be able to determine the appropriate size for your requirements. You may have seen this, maybe not. Generac has [sizing calculator](http://www.generac.com/for-homeowners/home-backup-power/build-your-generator "sizing calculator") that may be of benefit to roughly determine your requirements. At least to the point of having a general understanding of the required capacity necessary prior to "your guy" showing up next week. Always worthwhile to be a semi-educated consumer.


The good things about the contractor I'm working with is that they are a large local electric contractor. They have done work for me before on the house before too, and the owner is the son-in-law of a guy who was one of my best employees when I was a manager at the factory at work. So he had one of these put in a few years ago (discount no doubt) and we had been talking about them. Anyway they are a Generac dealer as well so I know them.


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Quiet night I see. Mine was filled with the final regular season game for the Tiger-Cats which they won on a last second field goal to finish the regular season 15-3. That is the best record in the league this year and the best in club history. The final game was a mean nothing game that was mostly played by substitutes. Some stood out, others struggled as is often the case when you get that one lone opportunity to show what you've got. We stayed home and watched it on TV as it was rainy, cold and windy. I know, not much of a diehard fan, but i wanted to be able to move this morning so common snense prevailed.


I think I'm done for the golf season. I stored the pull carts in the garage loft and brought my bag of players down to the basement to be cleaned and then put away. May post a pic of what I ended up the year with. Next on the to do list will be getting the winter tires installed on the vehicles. This is typically the worst time of year where I live because it's not winter yet, but it's not much fun to be outside in either as it's cold, windy and damp. Our big Linden tree has only 50% leaf drop at this point so I don't see the need to rake them up just yet, but I see some of the neighbours working away at it yesterday depending upon what they have in their yards.


We have hired a landscaper to come and do some work with our front yard. It's pretty much going to be a major overhaul to tame the jungle that we live with. He's starting mid month, so I want to get a few things done before then as we won't have access to our driveway and garage once he starts. Stay warm fellas!

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scomac2002 said:

> Quiet night I see. Mine was filled with the final regular season game for the Tiger-Cats which they won on a last second field goal to finish the regular season 15-3. That is the best record in the league this year and the best in club history. The final game was a mean nothing game that was mostly played by substitutes. Some stood out, others struggled as is often the case when you get that one lone opportunity to show what you've got. We stayed home and watched it on TV as it was rainy, cold and windy. I know, not much of a diehard fan, but i wanted to be able to move this morning so common snense prevailed.


> I think I'm done for the golf season. I stored the pull carts in the garage loft and brought my bag of players down to the basement to be cleaned and then put away. May post a pic of what I ended up the year with. Next on the to do list will be getting the winter tires installed on the vehicles. This is typically the worst time of year where I live because it's not winter yet, but it's not much fun to be outside in either as it's cold, windy and damp. Our big Linden tree has only 50% leaf drop at this point so I don't see the need to rake them up just yet, but I see some of the neighbours working away at it yesterday depending upon what they have in their yards.


> We have hired a landscaper to come and do some work with our front yard. It's pretty much going to be a major overhaul to tame the jungle that we live with. He's starting mid month, so I want to get a few things done before then as we won't have access to our driveway and garage once he starts. Stay warm fellas!


I've been doing landscape work around our yards for 15 years+, lol. It's a never ending labor

of love, I suppose. I enjoy it for 3/4 of the year, since during the summer I just mow and edge

for the most part.


Cobi and I both like rocks and stones, especially the smooth, rounded river rocks, and when

we traveled about the country in the truck we would gather rocks up and bring them home

to Alabama when we would come home, and add them to our landscape. Over the years it

adds up.


We've also bought rock locally by the truckload and had it dumped at the edge of our

property, then spread it around ourselves. Our backyard is a mixture of grass, trees, rocks,

pavers and other assorted odds and ends. Other than the pool, deck and the stone retaining

wall, we have done all the work ouselves. We both enjoy the work and being creative.



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@ Sco: Our tree picture is about the same as yours. We had some high winds during the rain Saturday, so that got a lot of the leaves down. Color is mostly done,and some of the Maples and oaks already are bare in the tops.. We had our first sub- freezing for the year last two nights. The cold weather is on the way. I wont be leaving my clubs in the garage anymore. Lucky enough to have a range with enclosed bays and overhead heaters if wanted , so i will still get to hit some balls over the winter. And there are always a few days to get out, even tho i dont much care for palying when the ground is like a sponge nor winter frozen solid ! I dont blame you for using the Landscaper to get it all done. We are hoping to put ours on the market next spring( We said that last year too) , and i will even hire one of them to get it looking sharp for that.


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Certified Orginal Member#2
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