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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @SixtySomePing said:

> > So the Masters starts 2 weeks from tomorrow. That's pretty cool being retired, the opportunity to view it Thursday and Friday, I think. I was checking out live coverage those two days, and it says Masters.com I wonder if that means on computer only, and if it's free or if there's a fee. Sure would be nice to see live those days.


> Indeed. I always thought of the Masters as sort of the official start of the golf season for those of us in the northern tier whether courses were open or not as they soon would be. It was a hint that it was time to dust off the clubs and go outside and give them a swing.


> It's funny, but I get about as much enjoyment out of watching the par 3 competition and the chip, putt and drive contest as I do from the actual tournament.


> Not sure how I'm going to feel about the actual broadcast with Johnny Miller no longer adding his point-of-view. Can't say that I'm much of a fan of Sir Nick and all the contrived drama that others try and create.



I agree, the par 3 competition and the chip, putt and drive contest are very enjoyable to watch. The kids do so well on that c-p-d contest. I would love to compete in something like that locally in my age group. Probably if only for the fun of it if nothing else.


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To Mrs. @SixtySomePing:


We're informed you're going thru a scare but so far appears to not be heart related. That's being received as the better outcome inside a bad situation. You're husband (as you so well know) is a really cool guy. He's an all-time leader around here in humor and likability. Betting what we see is what you get. Here, we'd never presume to displace your importance to him for one millisecond. We know from his sharing you are and always have been more than a best friend to him.


But what we can offer you is our sincerest "get well soon" wishes along with our commitment to help him while away some hours here and there anytime he's in between your glances. It's not much to offer but we hope it gives you a touch of peace on your road to feeling much better.


Take care!

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> @Reasonability said:

> To Mrs. @SixtySomePing:


> We're informed you're going thru a scare but so far appears to not be heart related. That's being received as the better outcome inside a bad situation. You're husband (as you so well know) is a really cool guy. He's an all-time leader around here in humor and likability. Betting what we see is what you get. Here, we'd never presume to displace your importance to him for one millisecond. We know from his sharing you are and always have been more than a best friend to him.


> But what we can offer you is our sincerest "get well soon" wishes along with our commitment to help him while away some hours here and there anytime he's in between your glances. It's not much to offer but we hope it gives you a touch of peace on your road to feeling much better.


> Take care!

How nice of you. She already went to work this morning, and didn't come home for her 9:30 break, I suppose she filled in for someone who called off maybe. Like I've said, we just couldn't do without each other... here's a little funny from James Stewart from yesteryear about a long time married couple.


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@SixtySomePing the funny thing about that story is that my wife IS left handed! :p

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Will probably pay dearly for my dietary choices before it's over. No joke, I'm the poster child for how to NOT eat properly. Colas, coffee, sugar, snacks, bread, meat and potatoes. Breeze thru enough salads and veggies to get to the "good stuff." Wouldn't know a non-fat, sugar-free, organic, free range, pseudo-milk, gluten free, low salt meal if it was plastered in my face. Yes, I'm a very bad boy. Have downed half a tub of dip and chips, chased it down with a coke, and wiped my fingers between bites right here amongst you gents many times. And sadly, I absolutely ruin red meat by having it prepared rather well done.


The"why" part? Especially when I know better? I honestly don't know for sure. See, by virtue of career days gone by, I had to sit through uncountable dining experiences. Sat thru meals where a galvanized bucket of shop tools and a bib was handed out to crack open seafood. Ate at some of the finest restaurants in the land. About every imaginable and unfamiliar menu item passed through this gullet. Ordered stuff I couldn't pronounce. Sat with people who reveled in foods and wine. And every single time, I couldn't wait to get home and enjoy a grilled cheese "sammich".


Can't explain what gene was lost on me. Guess I stood in the wrong line the day a penchant for delicious, well prepared, and healthy food was handed out. I must have been stuck in the "rant" line that day.

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> @scomac2002 said:

> @SixtySomePing the funny thing about that story is that my wife IS left handed! :p

Ha, well there's nothing wrong with being left handed as you know then, there's a lot of good things leftys are good at.

They say they can be more creative for one. In golf, when right handers have the dreaded dog leg left, leftys simply hit a fade instead of hitting a draw. (nicer if there's trees in the way for a righty fader)

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> @Reasonability said:

> Will probably pay dearly for my dietary choices before it's over. No joke, I'm the poster child for how to NOT eat properly. Colas, coffee, sugar, snacks, bread, meat and potatoes. Breeze thru enough salads and veggies to get to the "good stuff." Wouldn't know a non-fat, sugar-free, organic, free range, pseudo-milk, gluten free, low salt meal if it was plastered in my face. Yes, I'm a very bad boy. Have downed half a tub of dip and chips, chased it down with a coke, and wiped my fingers between bites right here amongst you gents many times. And sadly, I absolutely ruin red meat by having it prepared rather well done.


> The"why" part? Especially when I know better? I honestly don't know for sure. See, by virtue of career days gone by, I had to sit through uncountable dining experiences. Sat thru meals where a galvanized bucket of shop tools and a bib was handed out to crack open seafood. Ate at some of the finest restaurants in the land. About every imaginable and unfamiliar menu item passed through this gullet. Ordered stuff I couldn't pronounce. Sat with people who reveled in foods and wine. And every single time, I couldn't wait to get home and enjoy a grilled cheese "sammich".


> Can't explain what gene was lost on me. Guess I stood in the wrong line the day a penchant for delicious, well prepared, and healthy food was handed out. I must have been stuck in the "rant" line that day.


Since I have been home, I have lost 8 lbs. I didn't really need to lose any, but I feel really good about that. I never drink colas anyway, very careful with sugars, breads are multi-grain or gluten free but we aren't 'wacko-tofu-duwhut-we-do' types at all, cuz maybe once a week we'll freak out and get some great pizza or just whatever slithers or moos by. Have to have our coffee, lots of veggies and fruits, natural stuff. My big advantage is the last epilepsy med I changed to along with one I was taking both have as a side effect 'loss of appetite'. I think when I stopped being busy at work, it really kicked in. One of them on the details page actually says 'anorexia'. That won't happen here, the owner's manual for my body says right in it 'pizza required' on a regular basis'.



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> @SixtySomePing said:

> Phew, long night last night with DW. She came home at 3:30 with a chest pain, and we went to the ER. Got checked, they were so busy they first did an XX-ray, EKG, and some preliminary work and we had to stay in the waiting area. They finally had a room for her at 6:00 PM. Got her back for a CT scan, hooked her up to all the typical things, did blood work every hour. By the time we got out at 12:00, yes that's 12:00, they determined she probably had pulled a muscle near her heart on the left side. She's a trooper though, she went to work this morning anyway (have I mentioned I love her?)


So glad your lovely bride is OK Sixty. My guess is by the time you left, you two had nurses and staff smiling.

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Sitting here thinking it through, part of my problem with poor diet is (hate to say it), my mom was just a lousy cook. Dad and I choked down some really bad meals, lol. Great lady. A super mom and couldn't have been more caring, supportive, and involved. Just turns out in our case she had a talent for cranking out some totally horrible food. Makes my skin crawl to this day when I think back on the crap she discovered in the Parade section of the newspaper. If it said "tetrazzini" we were having it. And whenever we heard that hissing pressure cooker sounding off, we'd strategize ahead of time about how to slip half of it to the dog under the table. LMAO, couldn't wait to be invited to friends house for dinner. They were never close by to even be asked to stay once mom entered that kitchen.


Simple and hard to ruin foods took on a special meaning here at a very early age.

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I've watched Masters.com the past few years and it's very good. They usually provide morning featured

groups and afternoon featured groups. They also provide coverage on certain holes and you can just

watch as the groups come through. Guys that I've listened to on the radio for years are normally the ones

working the Masters.com coverage. They are very good and do not talk excessively......Brian Katreck, John

Maginnes, Mark Immelman, Taylor Zarzour, Mark Carnavale are some you might hear.


They don't react to the leaderboard though so if you want to follow the leaders you have to watch the TV

coverage. Also, the Sunday coverage ends well before the tournament is over so you have to tune in to

the TV coverage to watch the last hour or so.

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> @SixtySomePing said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > Will probably pay dearly for my dietary choices before it's over. No joke, I'm the poster child for how to NOT eat properly. Colas, coffee, sugar, snacks, bread, meat and potatoes. Breeze thru enough salads and veggies to get to the "good stuff." Wouldn't know a non-fat, sugar-free, organic, free range, pseudo-milk, gluten free, low salt meal if it was plastered in my face. Yes, I'm a very bad boy. Have downed half a tub of dip and chips, chased it down with a coke, and wiped my fingers between bites right here amongst you gents many times. And sadly, I absolutely ruin red meat by having it prepared rather well done.

> >

> > The"why" part? Especially when I know better? I honestly don't know for sure. See, by virtue of career days gone by, I had to sit through uncountable dining experiences. Sat thru meals where a galvanized bucket of shop tools and a bib was handed out to crack open seafood. Ate at some of the finest restaurants in the land. About every imaginable and unfamiliar menu item passed through this gullet. Ordered stuff I couldn't pronounce. Sat with people who reveled in foods and wine. And every single time, I couldn't wait to get home and enjoy a grilled cheese "sammich".

> >

> > Can't explain what gene was lost on me. Guess I stood in the wrong line the day a penchant for delicious, well prepared, and healthy food was handed out. I must have been stuck in the "rant" line that day.


> Since I have been home, I have lost 8 lbs. I didn't really need to lose any, but I feel really good about that. I never drink colas anyway, very careful with sugars, breads are multi-grain or gluten free but we aren't 'wacko-tofu-duwhut-we-do' types at all, cuz maybe once a week we'll freak out and get some great pizza or just whatever slithers or moos by. Have to have our coffee, lots of veggies and fruits, natural stuff. My big advantage is the last epilepsy med I changed to along with one I was taking both have as a side effect 'loss of appetite'. I think when I stopped being busy at work, it really kicked in. One of them on the details page actually says 'anorexia'. That won't happen here, the owner's manual for my body says right in it 'pizza required' on a regular basis'.




I could go for a little "loss of appetite". I GAINED 10 lbs since I've been home.......been enjoying the home

cookin' a little too much.


Cobi and I like to eat healthy but we are not chefs and not inclined to spend a lot of time food prepping

and cooking, normally................but on occasion we do like to whip up something special to change things

up a little.


If all food was equally nutritious and healthy................I could live on pizza and ice cream.

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@Reasonability life is meant to be lived. It's up to each of us to choose how best to do that. You aren't alone. If I took to heart ever warning about whatever I put into my body I'm pretty sure that I'd starve or at the very least be left so wanting as to be permanently in a state of hunger pangs.


I'm a firm believer that your body will tell you when it has had enough of something. Maybe its fat or sugar. Maybe something more sinister like tobacco or alcohol or even prescription drugs. I know that over the years my preferences have changed and there's certain things that i used to consume that I don't anymore because I didn't like how it made me feel afterwards.


I know people that are so focused on living a healthy and fit life that I wonder just what they're quietly enduring in order to meet their preconceived goals. This describes my BIL and SIL to a tee. Oh, they're very active, but their focus on health hasn't stopped the clock by any means and they both are looking decidedly old for two not yet 70 and they both have chronic conditions that can't be controlled by lifestyle alone.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @SixtySomePing said:

> > Phew, long night last night with DW. She came home at 3:30 with a chest pain, and we went to the ER. Got checked, they were so busy they first did an XX-ray, EKG, and some preliminary work and we had to stay in the waiting area. They finally had a room for her at 6:00 PM. Got her back for a CT scan, hooked her up to all the typical things, did blood work every hour. By the time we got out at 12:00, yes that's 12:00, they determined she probably had pulled a muscle near her heart on the left side. She's a trooper though, she went to work this morning anyway (have I mentioned I love her?)


> So glad your lovely bride is OK Sixty. My guess is by the time you left, you two had nurses and staff smiling.

Well, it's funny you would say that, we did... we moved here in '89 and she got into the pre-school teaching business back then. She Also went through breast cancer in '95, and then took up her running etc and works at the Y. We have met so many people since '89. So we arrived, and the check in lady knows us and says 'which one of you needs checked in?' and she says 'me' so she checks in, and we sat down. A nurse comes by from the blood lab that she runs with and says 'Terri, which one of you?' and she says 'me' so they talk and the lady says 'wow, expect delays, we are superbusy tonight-good luck' so she has to leave. To make a long story short, the nurse that checked her into the ER cubby room that you get used to teach pre-school with her while she was going to nursing school at night. When it came time for her CT scan the guy that did the scan was our youngest daughter's first crush around 1990, a wonderful young guy, and at the end of the night the checkout girl was related to a teacher DW works with. She told us that the nice Indian lady doctor we had all night was our dentist's wife. The lady who did blood and IV's came in and told her that she was very nice and didn't complain even though they had such a hard time finding veins (typical for a former chemo patient) She was the aunt of a kid my DW teaches.

We all had fun and laughed all night, especially after good results of stuff came trickling in, it was the only way to survive the whole thing. Ok, well fun, we were en-captured by the ambiance of the ER, make the best of any situation...




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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @SixtySomePing said:

> > Phew, long night last night with DW. She came home at 3:30 with a chest pain, and we went to the ER. Got checked, they were so busy they first did an XX-ray, EKG, and some preliminary work and we had to stay in the waiting area. They finally had a room for her at 6:00 PM. Got her back for a CT scan, hooked her up to all the typical things, did blood work every hour. By the time we got out at 12:00, yes that's 12:00, they determined she probably had pulled a muscle near her heart on the left side. She's a trooper though, she went to work this morning anyway (have I mentioned I love her?)


> So glad your lovely bride is OK Sixty. My guess is by the time you left, you two had nurses and staff smiling.


Wow! I completely missed this. You must think I'm a real a**hat for not at least acknowledging it and offering up a sincere get well.


I really do hope that she's OK. I had an episode a few years ago in Florida where it was eventually determined that i pulled a muscle in my chest wall from coughing, so I've got a pretty good idea what she was going through. Scary stuff when you automatically think MI... :#

  • Like 1

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @Reasonability said:

> Sitting here thinking it through, part of my problem with poor diet is (hate to say it), my mom was just a lousy cook. Dad and I choked down some really bad meals, lol. Great lady. A super mom and couldn't have been more caring, supportive, and involved. Just turns out in our case she had a talent for cranking out some totally horrible food. Makes my skin crawl to this day when I think back on the **** she discovered in the Parade section of the newspaper. If it said "tetrazzini" we were having it. And whenever we heard that hissing pressure cooker sounding off, we'd strategize ahead of time about how to slip half of it to the dog under the table. LMAO, couldn't wait to be invited to friends house for dinner. They were never close by to even be asked to stay once mom entered that kitchen.


> Simple and hard to ruin foods took on a special meaning here at a very early age.


I'm beginning to wonder if we had the same mother. Mine couldn't cook worth a lick either. I think my childhood could best be described as ground beef 101 ways...

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @scotee said:

> > Anybody hungry? Here's what's on tonights Grille menu. These guys are hilarious and do a great job of promoting Sou Vide and especially beef. It's what's for dinner.

> >


> Wow, what did he use to to sear that with? I haven't seen that before. Maybe I'm living a sheltered

> cooking life. I love flank steak


Actually my wife is planning on making Tacos tonight with Carne Beef

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @scotee said:

> > @"BIG STU" said:

> > > @scotee said:

> > > > @SixtySomePing said:

> > > > > @Fellaheen51 said:

> > > > > This time it worked. After trying multiple times earlier with no success. Using the pic insert icon on the right. IDK. ?

> > > > >

> > > > > adenhuiv2o5s.jpg

> > > > >

> > > > That's truly a golf experience Fella. One would want to stay and play, eat dinner at the lodge, perhaps the walleye if it's from Lake Michigan or perhaps the charred elk rack. I am happy to see the scrambled eggs florentine for breakfast. This means my sweet DW can go too, and get the version without the egg yolks, then take her own gluten free bagel out of her pocket and ask them to toast it for her. They will of course, she's a pro at this. There will be extra butter at the surrounding tables, even though I'm saying in a low smiling voice while sinking 'no, please-don't' she is saying 'it's ok', as she runs into an old classmate at the next table, their butter in hand, no matter what part of the universe we are in... about that time the kitchen people come back with her bagel and some cream cheese and a free car... dang I love this woman. I usually end up by saying 'I hope I go first, I would miss this stuff you do too much if I was alone'...

> > > >

> > >

> > > @SixtySomePing You mentioned Walleye. We went to visit Mrs. scotee's sis in Traverse City a few years ago and she took us to a popular fish house restaurant there and I had a wonderful Walleye filet right out of the big lake. I also got to play at their CC https://www.kingsleyclub.com/ which I have mentioned before which was a real treat for me. @Fellaheen51 has some fine country and great golf up there in Michigan. I vote to put it on Grille meet up rota along with @Conrad1953 Trail and @"BIG STU" Myrtle if he will have us tourists. :smile:

> >

> > You are always welcome------ Really I do not have anything against tourists as long as they act and conduct themselves like decent human beings


> Thank you Stu. I have always heard good things about golf at Myrtle Beach. Everyone tells me to get it on my bucket list. These Grillers would always be on their best behavior but they might not play by USGA rules. :)


Like my buddy Bear says " Ain't no one in this group give a hoot what rules you want to play by or what equipment you play"

  • Like 2

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @SixtySomePing said:

> > > Phew, long night last night with DW. She came home at 3:30 with a chest pain, and we went to the ER. Got checked, they were so busy they first did an XX-ray, EKG, and some preliminary work and we had to stay in the waiting area. They finally had a room for her at 6:00 PM. Got her back for a CT scan, hooked her up to all the typical things, did blood work every hour. By the time we got out at 12:00, yes that's 12:00, they determined she probably had pulled a muscle near her heart on the left side. She's a trooper though, she went to work this morning anyway (have I mentioned I love her?)

> >

> > So glad your lovely bride is OK Sixty. My guess is by the time you left, you two had nurses and staff smiling.


> Wow! I completely missed this. You must think I'm a real a**hat for not at least acknowledging it and offering up a sincere get well.


> I really do hope that she's OK. I had an episode a few years ago in Florida where it was eventually determined that i pulled a muscle in my chest wall from coughing, so I've got a pretty good idea what she was going through. Scary stuff when you automatically think MI... :#

No, I would never think that about you or any Grillster, it's in the code, really. And she has been coughing a lot too, just like you're saying. She just got home from work, she did skip her morning break so she could take off a bit early and come home and go back to bed, poor baby. She's tough, in the ER from 3:30 to almost midnight, gets up and goes to work at 5:30, skips her morning and lunch break and comes home and goes straight to bed.

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> @scomac2002 said:

> @Reasonability life is meant to be lived. It's up to each of us to choose how best to do that. You aren't alone. If I took to heart ever warning about whatever I put into my body I'm pretty sure that I'd starve or at the very least be left so wanting as to be permanently in a state of hunger pangs.


> I'm a firm believer that your body will tell you when it has had enough of something. Maybe its fat or sugar. Maybe something more sinister like tobacco or alcohol or even prescription drugs. I know that over the years my preferences have changed and there's certain things that i used to consume that I don't anymore because I didn't like how it made me feel afterwards.


> I know people that are so focused on living a healthy and fit life that I wonder just what they're quietly enduring in order to meet their preconceived goals. This describes my BIL and SIL to a tee. Oh, they're very active, but their focus on health hasn't stopped the clock by any means and they both are looking decidedly old for two not yet 70 and they both have chronic conditions that can't be controlled by lifestyle alone.


In "Grumpy Old Men" Burgess Meredith attributed his long life to eating bacon, lots of bacon. It was a joke,

of course, but really, medical and nutritional experts have been getting it wrong on many fronts when it comes

to what we eat and how if affects us.

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> @SixtySomePing said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @SixtySomePing said:

> > > Phew, long night last night with DW. She came home at 3:30 with a chest pain, and we went to the ER. Got checked, they were so busy they first did an XX-ray, EKG, and some preliminary work and we had to stay in the waiting area. They finally had a room for her at 6:00 PM. Got her back for a CT scan, hooked her up to all the typical things, did blood work every hour. By the time we got out at 12:00, yes that's 12:00, they determined she probably had pulled a muscle near her heart on the left side. She's a trooper though, she went to work this morning anyway (have I mentioned I love her?)

> >

> > So glad your lovely bride is OK Sixty. My guess is by the time you left, you two had nurses and staff smiling.

> Well, it's funny you would say that, we did... we moved here in '89 and she got into the pre-school teaching business back then. She Also went through breast cancer in '95, and then took up her running etc and works at the Y. We have met so many people since '89. So we arrived, and the check in lady knows us and says 'which one of you needs checked in?' and she says 'me' so she checks in, and we sat down. A nurse comes by from the blood lab that she runs with and says 'Terri, which one of you?' and she says 'me' so they talk and the lady says 'wow, expect delays, we are superbusy tonight-good luck' so she has to leave. To make a long story short, the nurse that checked her into the ER cubby room that you get used to teach pre-school with her while she was going to nursing school at night. When it came time for her CT scan the guy that did the scan was our youngest daughter's first crush around 1990, a wonderful young guy, and at the end of the night the checkout girl was related to a teacher DW works with. She told us that the nice Indian lady doctor we had all night was our dentist's wife. The lady who did blood and IV's came in and told her that she was very nice and didn't complain even though they had such a hard time finding veins (typical for a former chemo patient) She was the aunt of a kid my DW teaches.

> We all had fun and laughed all night, especially after good results of stuff came trickling in, it was the only way to survive the whole thing. Ok, well fun, we were en-captured by the ambiance of the ER, make the best of any situation...





So glad all is well. You guys have a great attitude! Stuff happens and you might as well make the best of it.

Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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> @"BIG STU" said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @scotee said:

> > > Anybody hungry? Here's what's on tonights Grille menu. These guys are hilarious and do a great job of promoting Sou Vide and especially beef. It's what's for dinner.

> > >

> >

> > Wow, what did he use to to sear that with? I haven't seen that before. Maybe I'm living a sheltered

> > cooking life. I love flank steak


> Actually my wife is planning on making Tacos tonight with Carne Beef


@"BIG STU" Love me some tacos! That’s what we did with the Carne Asada. Mrs. scotee made some crock pot pinto beans. She got the recipe from a friend from Costa Rica and they are amazing! Put a scoop of those and a little rice, cheese, homemade salsa, some cabbage cole slaw with lime juice/mayo dressing and cilantro. Add the carne and a little sour cream. Put it in fried corn or pan toasted flour tortillas and I could eat that almost every day! Oh and I sprinkle in some fine chopped jalapeño for a bit more kick.


A note about the medium rare carne.

I’m like @Reasonability

and like it a little more well done. The nice thing about cooking it med/rare is that when you thin slice it and cast iron pan brown it, it gets a nice quick crust but is not dried out and is the way I like it for tacos, fajitas and sandwiches.


I think Gus has this down pat and coming soon to the Grille.





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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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> @scotee said:

> **TOOLED**














> April fools

> Not time?

> Just kidding. So far this thing is tool proof. I haven't had to delete any old pics either! We may have a winner!


Agree. It's going to be much better than the old when it's all said and done. Bring on the pics!

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> @scotee said:

> > @"BIG STU" said:

> > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > > @scotee said:

> > > > Anybody hungry? Here's what's on tonights Grille menu. These guys are hilarious and do a great job of promoting Sou Vide and especially beef. It's what's for dinner.


> > >

> > > Wow, what did he use to to sear that with? I haven't seen that before. Maybe I'm living a sheltered

> > > cooking life. I love flank steak

> >

> > Actually my wife is planning on making Tacos tonight with Carne Beef


> @"BIG STU" Love me some tacos! That’s what we did with the Carne Asada. Mrs. scotee made some crock pot pinto beans. She got the recipe from a friend from Costa Rica and they are amazing! Put a scoop of those and a little rice, cheese, homemade salsa, some cabbage cole slaw with lime juice/mayo dressing and cilantro. Add the carne and a little sour cream. Put it in fried corn or pan toasted flour tortillas and I could eat that almost every day! Oh and I sprinkle in some fine chopped jalapeño for a bit more kick.


> A note about the medium rare carne.

> I’m like @Reasonability

> and like it a little more well done. The nice thing about cooking it med/rare is that when you thin slice it and cast iron pan brown it, it gets a nice quick crust but is not dried out and is the way I like it for tacos, fajitas and sandwiches.


> I think Gus has this down pat and coming soon to the Grille.


> 6gv7e90k5397.png


There's a nice aroma coming out of my laptop speakers...and I thought they were just for sound


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> @SixtySomePing said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @SixtySomePing said:

> > > Phew, long night last night with DW. She came home at 3:30 with a chest pain, and we went to the ER. Got checked, they were so busy they first did an XX-ray, EKG, and some preliminary work and we had to stay in the waiting area. They finally had a room for her at 6:00 PM. Got her back for a CT scan, hooked her up to all the typical things, did blood work every hour. By the time we got out at 12:00, yes that's 12:00, they determined she probably had pulled a muscle near her heart on the left side. She's a trooper though, she went to work this morning anyway (have I mentioned I love her?)

> >

> > So glad your lovely bride is OK Sixty. My guess is by the time you left, you two had nurses and staff smiling.

> Well, it's funny you would say that, we did... we moved here in '89 and she got into the pre-school teaching business back then. She Also went through breast cancer in '95, and then took up her running etc and works at the Y. We have met so many people since '89. So we arrived, and the check in lady knows us and says 'which one of you needs checked in?' and she says 'me' so she checks in, and we sat down. A nurse comes by from the blood lab that she runs with and says 'Terri, which one of you?' and she says 'me' so they talk and the lady says 'wow, expect delays, we are superbusy tonight-good luck' so she has to leave. To make a long story short, the nurse that checked her into the ER cubby room that you get used to teach pre-school with her while she was going to nursing school at night. When it came time for her CT scan the guy that did the scan was our youngest daughter's first crush around 1990, a wonderful young guy, and at the end of the night the checkout girl was related to a teacher DW works with. She told us that the nice Indian lady doctor we had all night was our dentist's wife. The lady who did blood and IV's came in and told her that she was very nice and didn't complain even though they had such a hard time finding veins (typical for a former chemo patient) She was the aunt of a kid my DW teaches.

> We all had fun and laughed all night, especially after good results of stuff came trickling in, it was the only way to survive the whole thing. Ok, well fun, we were en-captured by the ambiance of the ER, make the best of any situation...





Sounds as if you have your very own ER team, satisfying being able to relate to those caring for you, similar to yourself, I always try to engage people in conversation, makes the day go sweeter. DW always knows where I am when we are out, she looks for the group chatting away, have some excellent conversation with fellow shoppers when waiting in the check out line.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @billh17 said:

> Just to rub it in a smidge,I will be on the first tee( #10) in about 20 minutes. Have a good day guys !

> It is 55,no wind,sunshine and i'll shoot around 45 a side and still love it !



Enjoy Billh, hope to be joining you out there soon. ??‍♂️

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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