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Tyson Lamb Putters & Crafts

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Raiders, or Tony, or raidernation51 on IG, I realize you have played golf with Tyson, have a beautiful collection of his putters, and consider him a friend.


I think that's really great, i honestly do, but I also know you've drank quite a bit of the coolaid.


There is a marketing and sales agreement in place with Jim and artificial scarcity is absolutely, definitely at work here.


Do you honestly believe Tyson has custom $3000-4000 dollar putters backordered for a year?


Do you honestly believe he cant just crank up his milling equipment and pump out a few hundred $75+ dollar divot tools?


Do you honestly believe he can't pump out hundreds of $55 dollar ball markers a week?


He is not selling enough product to justify seemingly ALWAYS be out of everything. He just isn't. No matter what he's telling you personally, there is simply no way he is actually that busy.


Let me clarify something as well. I'm not bashing Tyson personally or his work in the least. I think his stuff is very nice. Quite artistic. I genuinely like it. I am however, seriously questioning how long he's going to ride this "I'm out of everything" Business plan.


I'm just letting people know that this constant "out of stock" and "books closed on putter orders" is really getting old. It's NOT real. It's very deliberately creating desire through artificial scarcity...."Marketing of unnecessary luxury goods 101".....Rolex did it for years, Patek still does it with watches, De beers still does it with diamonds by controlling 90% of the market and stockpiling millions of carats.


On one hand it's a masterful manipulation of reality that the business side of me finds impressive, but I must admit the golf nut WRX side of my brain is starting to find it irritating.


He and Jim better be careful how long they keep it up, because at some point people will get frustrated start to say "screw it". I believe it will backfire on them if it goes on too long and they don't start leaking out a little more product a little faster.


sorry just saw this. i go by many names as i am a man of many hats. raiders, raidernation51, tony, Santo (a bunch of othernames my wife calls me not suitable for the boards)


i totally understand every point that you have made. now again i am not a part of Tyson's business and i would venture to guess your correct that anyone in business who understands supply and demand will regularly be "out of stock" on items they can produce more of. im sure to some extent that plays into a part of Tyson's business model (which i believe is working well for the most part), the only thing i was 100% refuting was the statement you made that Jim Butler, who is also a personal friend of mine along with Kathy and the rest of the family, have any control over the amount of product or distribution Tyson does. Tyson is completely his own business. he is not business partners with Jim butler aside from Jim being a distributor and retailer for some of Tyson's work. I would also venture a guess because of that when Tyson produces things he gives Jim early access to many items, but i am not 100% on that.


One of the things Tyson does and does well in my eyes are the fact when he says he is making "X" number of items that is the case. he isnt making 500 items and saying he made 250 and then after those 250 are sold releasing more. he also isnt making more of things he has told his collectors wont be available again. that limits quatities and keeps values up for his collectors. this i have spoken with him about extensively being a collector.


as far as drinking the cool-aide i am ok with you saying that. i feel its fairly accurate. i also drank the cool-aide with Scotty Cameron. i became one of his biggest collectors and was given a dishonorable discharge from his brand. i am still one of his biggest collectors by the way....i think. i dont think Scotty makes bad putters because i was ostracized from TCC. i still buy things i like and still get together with my cameron buddies. but obviously once you get out of his hemisphere you see a bit more clearly. perhaps the same will happen with Tyson although i think my releationship with Tyson is based around more then my collecting his stuff. he was generally excited for me when he found out Lamont Mann was making me a putter as i have said before. but yes i think Tyson is on par with the best makers out there. and yes like you i would like to see more people get putters in their hands, mainly because it allows for more get togethers of golf which is what collecting is all about in my humble opinion. the putters and accessories are just stuff. people and the connections are what im in it for.


before Lamb Jam this year i really was unaware what went into making anything let alone putters from scratch. when we were at the event Tyson was behind in making some sticks for guys who were supposed to be playing with them at the event and picking them up. Tyson was nervous and bummed out he didnt have them done (and this was for his close friends and biggest spenders). we got to watch him complete a putter post milling. i remember the donut putter was one of the sticks to be completed. i also remember the 3 other attempts at making that putter in the scrap pile. these were essentially finished putters milled out and ready for finishing work and stamping. they didnt meet his high standards and were being thrown out. we had to convince him to use these "screw ups" to give away as prizes or something. he ended up making the winners trophies from 2 of them and throwing number 3 in the thrash bin because it was "too bad". my gambler putter also had multiple attempts that were scrapped. one of them was made into a thank you gift for me. it was hammered and stamped and the neck was welded on.....most other makers would have sold it to me, but it wasnt good enough for tyson so he made me a "better" one. when tyson makes a putter for someone this happens almost every time. its why it takes him a while to make a putter. they need to be perfect for it to leave his shop. at lamb jam he and i stayed at his shop long after everyone else went to sleep for our 8am round. we were there until almost 3 am so one of the guys putter could be torched, shafted, paintfilled and gripped for the next morning round. he didnt need to do that. but in his mind he did. to me that speaks volumes and makes me sit back and sip the cool-aide a bit. its the ectra mile he is willing to go for a customer.


that level of attention cant be given to everyone if your making 100 putters a month. im sure Tyson could send out his milling to someone else and have heads sent to him ready for his finishing touches, but thats just not him. plus i agree if that was the case he wouldnt be able to charge what he does because then it would be worth it. you are paying usually 1500-2500 for something made by Tyson and only Tyson. if you dont want to wait anyone can go pay Jim 3k+. some people arent patient and do that. with cameron covers for instance we all new that a cover would come down in price if you waited a year for the honeymoon to pass, but many of us paid the premium to have it NOW. i know because i was one of them. collectors are a funny bunch.


i harbour no insult or malice for you my friend. i think you make lots of good points. i think Tyson needs another machine to make more accessories to keep up (so does Tyson) but money isnt easy when you want to do it yourself. i have offered to buy Tyson a machine, offered to be his partner, offered my own services if needed, but he wants to do it himself and do it his way. i can respect that. your lawyer buddy got a version of the truth im sure. but i can tell you with certainty that Jim has 0 influence on what Tsyon wants to do. Jim, like myself and many others, offer Tyson and Tana recommendations based on our personal experiences in the market. Jim obviously offers better advice then myself when it comes to selling things, but when it comes to collecting and keeping the collectors happy i like to think of myself as one of Tyson's trusted advisers. but when the dust settles, like any good football coach will tell the press, it was his call to make good or bad and he will accept and be held accountable for the compliment or condemnation of his actions and brand.


hopefully i make sense in my 2am ramblings. Go Raiders


-Santo aka Tony aka Raiders aka Raidernation51 aka Otnas aka worthless piece of **** (my wife Talia's pet name for me)


"(a bunch of other names my wife calls me not suitable for the boards)" - you too bro?


BTW for anyone on here that has not heard this - and it is applicable to most of us. My worst nightmare at my age, is I die and my wife sells my putters for what I told her they cost me!!!! :swoon:




Rob my friend you're not going anywhere. I'm sure that Tash knows the value of your incredible collection.

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the same cant be said for me Bruce. if my wife ever figures out how much money i have into putter she will do the HIT herself :black eye:


I understand that...I'm getting the stink eye and I don't even own one of Tyson's putters..just talked about the one I want costing 2000ish give or take. ;)

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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Do Tyson or Tana respond at all to inquiries about custom putter orders through the website?


I messaged them mentioning building a putter to commemorate my newborn son (when they start accepting orders again) and never heard anything back.


I'm not bitter, just curious if they are ignoring that portion of the business all together, or maybe my message slipped through the cracks.


Picked up a Lambcrafted headcover and I feel awkward putting it on my Scotty putter lol :) Two great craftsman but I'd rather have a Lamb putter under my Lamb cover!

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I had a Lamb head cover on my Donny Cameron special for 8months before I finally got my Lamb Crafted stick. Nothing silly about it. Plus the velcro ripping every time the putter came out was not missed by anyone.


In regards to them answering emails, I know they're super busy as I've gathered from other sources. I doubt they're ignoring that part of the business just trying to keep up with the demand for everything.

[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra F8+[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Adams Tight Lies Tour 14.5[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra AMP 18[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Bridgestone J40 Combo [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Callaway MP3 52/58[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]Tyson Lamb Custom Bridgeport[/font][/size]
[font="tahoma, geneva, sans-serif"]Vice Pro +[/font]

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Mula and raiders - since you guys seem to be on the inner circle please pass along some frustration to Tyson. Little background I am an avid golfer and one who likes unique and different clubs for my bag. I have build 5 Byron Morgans in the last 2 years and have experimented with Don White Irons and all sorts of craftsman golf products. When I First heard and saw some of tysons work I was extremely excited and interested. I initially reached out over the website but received nothing back. I figured it was a start up issue. Since I couldn't get a response on a putter I bought a couple ball marks and a divot tool. Great quality but all it did was wet my appetite for an actually putter. So I tried again via the web... NOTHING not even sorry we can't take your order. Then after reading posts here I decided to try IG which resulted in the same response as before.... CRICKETS. Now as a guy who runs marketing teams I know one thing... Tyson is playing to a select market of golfers..I would call it the 1%ers. I am that group I spend a ton of money on equipment and collections we are not very common people. Why wouldnt you do the simple things like return requests etc. I don't want to hear excuses that it is too much to do, etc. IF you want to establish a brand, be a player in golf you sure as hell don't want a 26 page thread on golfwrx talking about your poor customers service. I would say that if that is going on you have a problem and without answering that problem you will fail in the long run especially if you have a grand plan of scaling up. I hope I am wrong but as someone who really wants a putter from Tyson I just don't think this approach is sustainable. If you are killing it like the "sold out " says hire a customer service rep or two.... My two cents for what's it worth. I hope it succeeds but I have moved on and will never buy a putter from Tyson.

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You are not the only person who has or is going through this. However, giving your two cents on a subject that has been covered and they are aware of..I feel you should keep your pennies. Especially when you tell people what not to say.


Patience is a virtue and for everyone that bails means a spot opens for another person.


IMO, it's such a cliche saying " I won't ever buy this or that" companies do their best but can't make everyone happy.


Did you know that Tyson controls his own Ig account? Imagine how many messages he gets a day? I believe he said 400 in 5 hours of playing a round and having lunch.. crazy.


Like Raiders said, if he responds to one that person naturally is going to respond back. Ant hill turns into a molehill..


So be patience man if you think his stuff is that good (it is). I know 1% arent used to having to wait but this time it's different.


Just my 2 cents..

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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Yes I know Tyson controls his on IG account. There are a lot of companies that do that and are successful at making things work. I am sorry if I expect to receive the obligatory email that says can't handle this or try back later. I guess there are others who are willing to just say ok and here is my money..


There are many examples of small companies that respond and get back to you quickly. Take for example dormie workshop while different goods they have some of the best service in the business. Stitch golf started in a guys garage and he committed to high quality high customer service. There are lots of choices in the golf world I am not sure I understand why you would want to push away or disinfranchise potentially customers. And I get it.... there are lots of emails to answer blah blah .. if you didn't want the spotlight then don't say your the next greatest thing since sliced bread.


If I offended you with my opinion I apologize. Good luck getting in line fore the putter


PS.. no issues waiting I have waited 8 months for special Byron and a long time for custom don white irons... my issue is no customer service.. additionally if you are willing to pay over 1.5k for a putter you are one of the 1%ers too. There aren't many golfers that do that . The 1%ers is about the golfers willing to shell out this type of money for equipment etc vs what you think I am talking about.

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Yes I know Tyson controls his on IG account. There are a lot of companies that do that and are successful at making things work. I am sorry if I expect to receive the obligatory email that says can't handle this or try back later. I guess there are others who are willing to just say ok and here is my money..


There are many examples of small companies that respond and get back to you quickly. Take for example dormie workshop while different goods they have some of the best service in the business. Stitch golf started in a guys garage and he committed to high quality high customer service. There are lots of choices in the golf world I am not sure I understand why you would want to push away or disinfranchise potentially customers. And I get it.... there are lots of emails to answer blah blah .. if you didn't want the spotlight then don't say your the next greatest thing since sliced bread.


If I offended you with my opinion I apologize. Good luck getting in line fore the putter


PS.. no issues waiting I have waited 8 months for special Byron and a long time for custom don white irons... my issue is no customer service.. additionally if you are willing to pay over 1.5k for a putter you are one of the 1%ers too. There aren't many golfers that do that . The 1%ers is about the golfers willing to shell out this type of money for equipment etc vs what you think I am talking about.


You didn't offend me. Telling people not to say this or that just never sits well with me.


You are saying what a lot have said. However, don't think Tyson & Co aren't aware or not working on it. Going from a garage to a shop to looking for a bigger workspace.. things are happening we aren't privy too.


There are a lot of 1% on the site..I'll drop that on one of just putters without a blink of an eye. But.. I have got to meet Tyson and talk to him. I became a fan instantly because of the passion he talked about making putters and more. Also, the Texan connection ;). He is such a down to earth guy that is grinding daily. He will admit... he wants to touch everything to ensure its how he wants it. Having expectations to that degree will slow down product.


However, would you want any less?


Hard not to argue his stuff is better than most if not all of the stuff out there.


Hell I don't know where the line starts or ends but I have time to wait..

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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Almost every time I pull up his IG live feed he's milling a putter.


Where are all of those putters going? Asian market? Backlog of customs he's already committed to?


It's gotta be rough for him knowing he's missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars by not being more efficient with all of this....


He could even do a "$100 holds your spot in line" and just have a live backlog on his site where you can see where you rank. When the top person gets their putter, everyone moves up a spot. Maybe an estimated wait time beside your name.


Hell I'd throw $100 down to know when my putter was going to be made.

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I waited a long time for my putter. I got a quick reply here and there but then crickets like many have reported. It was incredibly frustrating especially when I wanted to get in the game before he got too big (summer of last year).


Yes, I did receive my putter and yes I'm more than happy with the product and quality. I too did get a chance to talk with him in person and was thanked for my patience and support. That he is indeed aware of the back log of requests, that he needs more this and do more of that. That he needs more help. From my take of the end of the conversation, Tyson wants to make sure his rapid growth is not a flash in the pan. Making mistakes can be costly cause he has time against him.


And now I wait, knowing I'll be at the bottom again of an ever expanding list of names wanting a putter as I dream up my next Lamb creation. I'm ok with that cause it's only a "want" and not a "need". Plus, his stuff is so good.

[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra F8+[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Adams Tight Lies Tour 14.5[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra AMP 18[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Bridgestone J40 Combo [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Callaway MP3 52/58[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]Tyson Lamb Custom Bridgeport[/font][/size]
[font="tahoma, geneva, sans-serif"]Vice Pro +[/font]

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The fact that people continue to email and hear crickets just says he doesn't know how to run a business. He's clearly good at making anser style putters (many are nowadays) but if he can't figure out how to make the business work while employing real business people he's doomed. Lots of people make lots of great products but only a select few survive long term and it doesn't always come down to who has the best product.



Callaway Ai Smoke Triple  8* / Fuji Ventus Black TR 6X               

TM Qi10 15* / Project X HZRDUS Black 8X        

Edel SMS iron 4-5 / DG TI X100 /////  SMS PRO irons 6-PW / DG TI X100

Edel SMS 50V, 54T, 60T / DG TI S400/ BGT ZNE 130

Edel ARRAY F3 w/ 3 line alignment


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So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?

So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?


Organizing golf events so they have a loyal following online


I have faith they are gearing up to improve it all.


Swizbeat-- they don't need any help with that.


Name someone else in the business that will go on vacation to play golf with random people and sit down afterwards for lunch/drinks and just BS?


No gain by him or a giveaway or a trip to this or that oem to push product. I'm glad Wrx get these opportunities and OEM do it as well-- however its Tyson and his family.

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?

So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?


Organizing golf events so they have a loyal following online


I have faith they are gearing up to improve it all.


Swizbeat-- they don't need any help with that.


Name someone else in the business that will go on vacation to play golf with random people and sit down afterwards for lunch/drinks and just BS?


No gain by him or a giveaway or a trip to this or that oem to push product. I'm glad Wrx get these opportunities and OEM do it as well-- however its Tyson and his family.


I'd prefer a response from them on my multiple requests for a putter but you confirming exactly my point will do for now.

Ping/Epon/Scratch/Bettinardi WITB Link

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So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?

So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?


Organizing golf events so they have a loyal following online


I have faith they are gearing up to improve it all.


Swizbeat-- they don't need any help with that.


Name someone else in the business that will go on vacation to play golf with random people and sit down afterwards for lunch/drinks and just BS?


No gain by him or a giveaway or a trip to this or that oem to push product. I'm glad Wrx get these opportunities and OEM do it as well-- however its Tyson and his family.


I'd prefer a response from them on my multiple requests for a putter but you confirming exactly my point will do for now.


Books are closed? So how are they going to take requests?


You ain't the only one but I'm glad I'm could help.



Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?

So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?


Organizing golf events so they have a loyal following online


I have faith they are gearing up to improve it all.


Swizbeat-- they don't need any help with that.


Name someone else in the business that will go on vacation to play golf with random people and sit down afterwards for lunch/drinks and just BS?


No gain by him or a giveaway or a trip to this or that oem to push product. I'm glad Wrx get these opportunities and OEM do it as well-- however its Tyson and his family.


I was at one SCAD where SC did that very thing. A lot of the other small makers have done get togethers for their fans.

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everyone's frustration is completely understandable. i dont ever blame folks for getting peeved about a lack of communication. i do know that tyson and tana are working very hard on getting putters made for their backlog of clients. i also know that they get absurd amounts of emails, texts, ig DMs, etc every single day and try to get to what they can. i am a brand ambassador because i believe in the product and the people behind it. if i can help in any way please dont hesitate to send me a message through WRX privately and i will see what i can do to help.


i know that Tyson also designs everything himself and i in the process of getting the Halloween cover ready, the christmas goodies ready, stuff for his south korean show, stuff for his japan show, stuff for the pga show, and countless numbers of old orders done. he literally has his hands on EVERYTHING. i am going to share a photo he sent me just today about some putters he milled today that i will get yelled at for posting, but i want people to see he is working hard at it. again if you need help with a putter and arent getting a response from them shoot me a message and i will do my best to help. id rather help with some of the frustration then see people get upset and post things due to that and not have them part of our Lamb Fam in the future. as collectors we want all of you to join in on the act. we dont want to push anyone away. the more folks we have the better get togethers, which is what collecting is all about....hanging out, making new friends, and playing some golf with expensive sh*t we dont really need, but really enjoy having :)

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So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?

So, they are aware of the CS issues. What are they doing to correct them?


Organizing golf events so they have a loyal following online


I have faith they are gearing up to improve it all.


Swizbeat-- they don't need any help with that.


Name someone else in the business that will go on vacation to play golf with random people and sit down afterwards for lunch/drinks and just BS?


No gain by him or a giveaway or a trip to this or that oem to push product. I'm glad Wrx get these opportunities and OEM do it as well-- however its Tyson and his family.


I was at one SCAD where SC did that very thing. A lot of the other small makers have done get togethers for their fans.


i totally get what your saying. and as someone who attended a SCAD as well your partially correct. however its different and hard to explain....but when Scotty did that it was for his best customers in a small intimate setting and it felt like a press requirement almost. with Tyson it feels more like a backyard BBQ and its open to anyone who wants to come...just more organic if that makes any sense. im not knocking it at all as SCAD was sweet to be at as im sure other makers events are as well.


i cant turn the world...all i can say is give the guy a fighters chance and let people who know him and tana well try and help out...sometimes knowing low people (like myself and mula) in high places (not really that high, but valid for this instance) helps out a bit. we want you to be part of our growing collectors group and want you to be happy with whatever product you are using to suck at golf like the rest of us :taunt:

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Thanks for the input Raiders. Kinda understandable why Tyson is so busy and behind.


And thanks for showing some behind the scenes stuff

[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra F8+[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Adams Tight Lies Tour 14.5[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra AMP 18[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Bridgestone J40 Combo [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Callaway MP3 52/58[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]Tyson Lamb Custom Bridgeport[/font][/size]
[font="tahoma, geneva, sans-serif"]Vice Pro +[/font]

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I was at one SCAD where SC did that very thing. A lot of the other small makers have done get togethers for their fans.


i totally get what your saying. and as someone who attended a SCAD as well your partially correct. however its different and hard to explain....but when Scotty did that it was for his best customers in a small intimate setting and it felt like a press requirement almost. with Tyson it feels more like a backyard BBQ and its open to anyone who wants to come...just more organic if that makes any sense. im not knocking it at all as SCAD was sweet to be at as im sure other makers events are as well.


i cant turn the world...all i can say is give the guy a fighters chance and let people who know him and tana well try and help out...sometimes knowing low people (like myself and mula) in high places (not really that high, but valid for this instance) helps out a bit. we want you to be part of our growing collectors group and want you to be happy with whatever product you are using to suck at golf like the rest of us :taunt:


The one I attended was early on. Back then, it wasn't all about TR's best customers. It was about meeting and playing golf with SC. Sounds a lot like a small maker looking to make his mark in the world of putters.

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This could have possibly been posted earlier in the thread but wanted to get feedback from Lamb Crafted putter owners. How does the allendale compare to the Scotty 009? Are they the best comparison? Is his putters super soft or more solid? I received a reply back from them stating they will be posting items on their site shortly and orders will start opening up in the near future. Makes me excited but wondering if its worth to spend the $ on this as oppose to a Circle T Scotty?


Whatever feedback you have is deeply appreciated, even though I doubt I'll be getting a custom putter in the near future. Probably have to wait till my daughters go to college. (First one is almost 3 and second one is coming out soon)... :scotty: :cry:

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    • 2024 John Deere Classic - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 John Deere Classic - Monday #1
      2024 John Deere Classic - Monday #2
      2024 John Deere Classic - Tuesday #1
      2024 John Deere Classic - Tuesday #2
      2024 John Deere Classic - Tuesday #3
      2024 John Deere Classic - Tuesday #4
      WITB Albums
      Jason Day - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Josh Teater - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Michael Thorbjornsen - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Austin Smotherman - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Joseph Bramlett - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      C.T. Pan - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Anders Albertson - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Seung Yul Noh - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Blake Hathcoat - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Jimmy Stanger - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Cole Sherwood - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Anders Larson - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Bill Haas - WITB - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Tommy "2 Gloves" Gainey WITB – 2024 John Deere Classic
      Pullout Albums
      Garrick Higgo - 2 Aretera shafts in the bag - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Jhonattan Vegas' custom Cameron putter - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Bud Cauley's custom Cameron putter - 2024 John Deere Classic
      2 new Super Stroke Marvel comics grips - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Swag blade putter - 2024 John Deere Classic
      Swag Golf - Joe Dirt covers - 2024 John Deere Classic
      • 1 reply
    • 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put and questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #1
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #2
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #3
      WITB Albums
      Nate Lashley - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Hayden Springer - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Jackson Koivun - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Callum Tarren - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Luke Clanton - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Pullout Albums
      Jason Dufner's custom 3-D printed Cobra putter - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
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      • 11 replies
    • Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
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      • 52 replies
    • 2024 US Open - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 US Open - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Edoardo Molinari - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Logan McAllister - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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