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Jeans on the Golf Course - Yay or Nay?

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again, please explain to me that jeans are warmer than khaki's. I am from Canada and no one golfs in colder weather than us. If you are that cold, throw a pair of long underwear under your pants. As for mud, we have that too. the washing machine takes care of that.

That and many khakis are spill resistant, and stain resistant, so there for actually are beter suited for a light drizzle day, damp conditions and a little mud.


BTW I wear jeans most of the time... Off the course.


I think anymore if you want to be an against the grain guy, then dressing traditionally iis the way to go.

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Honestly I lied I do not even own sweat pants and would not wear them out ot the house its just not me.


But jeans on a cold muddy golf course just makes sense and what is so bad about denim

I think the reason many clubs prohibit denim is because it would be hard to draw the line. Would faded threadbare blue jeans still be okay? How about those low riding blue jeans that can show a plumber's crack when you read the putt? I guess the clubs made a blanket statement on jeans because it eliminates the problem of having to qualify which is acceptable and which is not.


Personally, I prefer wearing khaki's or chinos and thicker wool pants if the weather is quite cold but this is just me and I would not impose my personal taste on anyone else. I just think that the denim look in a golf course is somewhat out of place. I lived in Texas for a few years and I remember seeing some guy play in Wrangler's, Tony Lama boots, some checkered shirt and a felt hat. His boots alone must have cost about $500 since they were alligator skin. He looked like he was going out to town to two-step the night away and I'm pretty sure his attire wasn't cheap but he still looked as out of place as a guy in lime green sweatpants and a tangerine top. I don't think it's about being snobbish or uppity. It's more about being appropriately attired based on the customs of the activity you are undertaking. Just my 2 cents.

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do you guys just not like wearing jeans?


I prefer to golf in what I prefer to wear in general when given the option, which is jeans (of course if there's a dress code I'll follow it, although a dress code will make me less likely to play there vs a course that doesn't have a dress code)


do you jean disliking golfers just not like jeans, or is there some sort of unwritten rule lost on this 30 year old baffoon :-)


Jeans on a golf course is a written rule at the many courses. Usually, most courses have rules requiring no denim and no t-shirts.


I simply love jeans and am amazed at how snobish this thread is.


Just the same the masses have spoken and the anti jeans people are clearly the winner


Hey guys if I wear pleated jeans by Docker does it count as jeans


Is it politically correct to discriminate against denim


I mean Levi's and Wrangerl built this country


Just wish I could vote denim to the PGA tour I have been a long time advocate that they wear shorts.



They let the women????


I understand your pain and your frustration of being a Denim-American. However, on Main Street American golf courses, you will be discriminated against and not allowed to play the courses that Khaki-Americans can play. You really need a Rosa Parks for the Denim Americans who will stand up and fight for the rights of Denim-Americans.


I wear Jeans more often than not, They are never old or tired looking, but single colour jeans whether thats Tan, Grey or Black coloured.


Wearing Jeans doesn't make me less polite, play worse, have bad etiquette, or fail to repair a pitch mark/divot. Having a 50 year old dress code is simply ancient snobbery of the typical upper class, captains parking spaces and all the BS that goes with golf, I truly hate. The sooner Golf gets into the real world the better, its one of the places where you step back in time the moment you park up. Why have so many said "no way"? What the hell difference does it make?


It makes all the difference. It's a gentleman's game, shrouded in hundreds of years of history and tradition. And it's far from snobbery. I am anything but a snob. Should you wear jeans and a wifebeater to a funeral? A wedding? your graduation? A job interview? How about opening a door for a woman? Saying please and thank you? And where do you want to draw that line regarding what to wear? Respect the game and its traditions.


Its not a gentlemans games, its a sport, thats pretty much it, so many people try to link it to the past and these are the ones that come up with stupid rules about socks, tailored shorts, trousers, and besides, wearing trousers has nothing to do with whether I say please and thankyou, or hold a door open?


"Respect the game and its traditions."

I respect some players and enjoy the game, but I really don't care for the stuffy club house traditions. If you want to keep the hundreds of years old traditions get out your tweed cap and Plus Fours, but people don't often simply because times change...


Actually, it is a gentleman's game. When your honor requires you to call a penalty on yourself, contrary to almost every single other sport, it is a game for gentlemen (and ladies). What some call "stuffy club house traditions" I call class and manners. Wearing appropriate clothing to an event shows the class you have. While you might get away with wearing jeans on some courses, it does reflect negatively on you. This may not be right, but it does. Its kind of like wearing jeans and a T-shirt to court for a speeding ticket. The judge and prosecutor will treat you better if you show up in a tie because you are showing respect for the judicial system. Same thing for wearing appropriate golf clothing at a course which is a way of showing respect for the game's traditions and history, both of which form the foundation for the current game of golf.


While saying please and thank you are manners, class is a little more than being polite. It is about showing those around you respect. If a guest showed up to play with me at my course in jeans, I would not say anything to the guest, but I would feel like the guest did not care enough about my friendship to make sure that the guest dressed appropriately at my course to avoid causing me any embarrassment. It would likely be the last time I would invite that person to my home course.


For the people that find jeans to not be functional, I totally understand your feelings. If they feel restrictive to the golf swing, thats a perfect excuse. If you don't like them because....well, you just don't like to wear jeans, cool.


But....for the people that pass judgement on all the other golfers that are wearing jeans.....I'm guessing that you probably


A. Think your high class because you play golf.

B. Trying your best to look like a golfer because you sure as hell don't play like one.

C. Got your a** handed to you by the Marlboro man.


"Oh Porterhouse, look at the wax build up on these shoes I want that wax stripped off there, then I want them creamed and buffed with a fine chamois, and I want them now. Chop chop. " :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



I have to agree. I think the "uppity" mentality that goes along with golf sometimes is the worst part of the game. "A Gentlemen's Game". . .I've heard it called this countless times, and I wonder. . .who decides what makes a gentlemen?


To me, its all about skill, etiquette, having fun, and maybe improving my game. The silly crap like described above. . .OLD, OLD, OLD. I get so tired of the pompous attitude that is so often associated with golf.


Golf is different than all other sports. Part of what makes golf different is the honor and integrity that a person has is fundamental to the game. Can anyone see me ground my club in a bunker from 75 yards away? No, but I would know. To avoid calling a penalty on myself, I do not ground the club. That is the basis for what you refer to as the pompous attitude and to what I refer to as the class as being part of the game.


Now, I am not saying that your income bracket determines if you have class or not. A very good friend of mine is a bartender and will likely be one for the foreseeable future. He is not an upper income individual by any stretch of the word. However, he understands the game of golf, its history, and he has class in abundance. While being in the lower income bracket, he is a heck of a golfer and always shows the game the respect it deserves, in addition to being a true gentleman.


As for it being a gentleman's game, and that bothering you....SERIOUSLY? I will admit that there is a minority of golfers who are not gentlemen or ladies. However, you really would want for the game of golf to exclude the gentlemen/ladies mentality? You would not want to be part of a group of people that try to act with class and manners? Uhmmm, ok, if you do not want to fit into that category, I am pretty sure you do not need to worry about it.


Golf is not just all about skill, etiquette, having fun, and maybe improving my game. While those are a large part of the game, it is also about HOW you choose to play. Do you call the water-ball or not. Do you take stroke and distance for out of bounds, or just drop another ball. Do you choose to treat others around you with respect and be true to the game of golf's rules and history or not. Wait, I guess all of that fits under golf etiquette. Just as appropriate golf clothing fits under etiquette. What makes golf a game for gentlemen and ladies is that you accept ALL of golf etiquette and try to follow it, not to just pick and choose those parts that you like the most.


It may be silly to you, but to me, what I refer to the class found in the game of golf is one of the things I enjoy about the sport. In almost every other aspect of life, politeness, respect, manners, and class have gone out the window. I enjoy going to a place (for the most part, not all of the time, just most of the time) where I will not be around uncouth individuals, where I will not have people yelling at their kids as the kids tear down the restaurant and run all over the place, where people will dress appropriately and be polite, where respect is shown for other golfers on the course and in the club, and where people are not dressed like slobs. Its nice to be there. Is this snobby....Nope, snobby is looking down at people for their socio-economic bracket. I could care less if you are wealthy, poor, or somewhere in between. However, I choose to associate with those that show respect for others and themselves. Accordingly, while I shop at Walmart, I do not make a huge amount of income, and I am solidly in the middle class right now, I can still enjoy being some place nice where most people dress and act appropriately. That is why I have not been to Panama City Beach since I was in college, and why I now prefer to go to a nice resort instead of a beach filled with dive bars. That is also why I tend to play courses where denim and t-shirts are not permitted. That is not snobby (which is about income), it is being selective (about being around those with manners and class as opposed to uncouth people).


As for:


"...the people that pass judgement on all the other golfers that are wearing jeans.....I'm guessing that you probably:


A. Think your high class because you play golf.


(No, that is not why I think that I am a person with some class, I am much more complicated than that. Its many more things than a simple sport that makes me who I am.)


B. Trying your best to look like a golfer because you sure as hell don't play like one.


(Nope, but are you really suggesting that a person dressing appropriately who does not like jeans on a course has no golf game or are you just trying to insult people? I have a golf game, not the best, not the worst, but it is at least solid (11 Handicap).)


C. Got your a** handed to you by the Marlboro man.


(Yep, you guessed it. I got it handed to me by a marketing scheme that is 30+ years old which has caused me to look down on people that do not know how to dress appropriately. You sure did show me with that comment.)


Please note, your attempts to stereotype those that are different than you in their opinions is actually kind of sad in its attempt. Just because you choose to rebel against the establishment which is the golf community by wearing inappropriate clothing does not make the rest of us wrong. It instead shows a disturbing lack of maturity in your beliefs. Its kind of like saying you are going to go meet the president wearing jeans and a T-shirt because he is just a man. However, it is the respect for the history of the office of the presidency which dictates that you wear a little more appropriate clothing. You can say that you would wear your jeans then, just as you would on a golf course or at your job interview, but realize that it is really a reflection of you more than it is a reflection of those that would dress appropriately.



I would respond to this in some long post, but it is not really worth it. I don't agree with anything you said about being some kind of rebel (I am not, I don't wear the jeans), or my "disturbing lack of maturity". Just not worth the time and effort.

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do you guys just not like wearing jeans?


I prefer to golf in what I prefer to wear in general when given the option, which is jeans (of course if there's a dress code I'll follow it, although a dress code will make me less likely to play there vs a course that doesn't have a dress code)


do you jean disliking golfers just not like jeans, or is there some sort of unwritten rule lost on this 30 year old baffoon :-)


I wear Jeans a fair bit, especially on the weekends when I am out and about and the weather is cool. So I have no problem with Jeans, there is just a time and place for everything and golf should never ever be played in Jeans. There is no way my jeans are more comfortable than khakis though, especially doing something semi-athletic.


My dad's course which is private won't even allow you to wear them onto the premises.



I have never fathomed how people think jeans can combat severe temperatures. They are not warm in cold weather as wool/microfibre blends are far superior. In the summer, they are hot as hell.

Club Champion Custom Callaway AI Smoke Max 10*, Aldila Ascent 40 Gram, A Flex

Taylor Made Sim 2 Max 5-wood 18*, Ventus Blue 50 A
TXG Custom  SIM Max 7-wood, Accra FX 140 2.0 M2

TXG Custom Cobra Tech 5-hybrid, KBS TGI 75 R
TXG Custom PXG 0211 6-pw, 1* upright, Recoil E460 R
PXG 0211 GW, 50*, (new version), UST Recoil Dart R
TXG Custom Cleveland CBX 54*, Tour Issue DG Spinner 115 

Ping Glide 4.0 58*, Nippon 115 
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The jeans are taking over.


Again, today I was at a $100/round public course and 1/2 of the golfers were wearing jeans. One guy even had holes in his knees.


When I went in to pay I said, "I can't believe you allow jeans here."


She said, "Yeah, we're making a rule against them next season. We've never had a problem like this in previous years."

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Its just a piece of material made of something slightly different. Who cares what you wear, or what someone else wears. I don't mean who cares about your opinion, I am referring to actually playing on the course.


If Garcia, Woods etc, or any none pro walked up and said " fancy a game" I wouldn't look at there clothing and judge their class or lack of it on an item of clothing or the construction of it.


How weird is that? I suppose that's what makes us all different, some aspire to get into the top clubs and love the code of conduct, other like to just have a game in a relaxed atmosphere. Nothing wrong with either but looking someone up and down because of jeans may be taking it a little far…


Here is the point to all this. If the course / club allows jeans, then wear what you will.


If the course / club does not allow jeans, don't wear jeans. Heck, if there's a course out there that requires all golfers to wear pink and yellow striped pants with polka-dotted shirts, that's their right to run their business as they see fit, but you won't catch me playing there. :D


What I don't get is people complaining about courses / clubs that don't allow jeans. If you are hell bent on wearing jeans to play golf, play elsewhere and don't pick a fight for no reason.


My own PERSONAL decision is that I would not wear jeans to play golf anywhere, anytime. That is my choice, and it's not like I really have a choice in the matter as I've never seen a course worth playing that permitted jeans. I am sure that there must be some out there, but I've not seen them, and I have better things to spend my time doing than protesting a simple dress code.


Just follow the course policy...

Adaptive Golf.....look out for the one-armed man:

  Ping G425 Max Driver, 5W, 7W....+2"

  PXG 0211 hybrids, 25*, 28*, 31*….+2”

  Sub70 699 8i - SW….+4”

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Its just a piece of material made of something slightly different. Who cares what you wear, or what someone else wears. I don't mean who cares about your opinion, I am referring to actually playing on the course.


If Garcia, Woods etc, or any none pro walked up and said " fancy a game" I wouldn't look at there clothing and judge their class or lack of it on an item of clothing or the construction of it.


How weird is that? I suppose that's what makes us all different, some aspire to get into the top clubs and love the code of conduct, other like to just have a game in a relaxed atmosphere. Nothing wrong with either but looking someone up and down because of jeans may be taking it a little far…


Here is the point to all this. If the course / club allows jeans, then wear what you will.


If the course / club does not allow jeans, don't wear jeans. Heck, if there's a course out there that requires all golfers to wear pink and yellow striped pants with polka-dotted shirts, that's their right to run their business as they see fit, but you won't catch me playing there. :D


What I don't get is people complaining about courses / clubs that don't allow jeans. If you are hell bent on wearing jeans to play golf, play elsewhere and don't pick a fight for no reason.


My own PERSONAL decision is that I would not wear jeans to play golf anywhere, anytime. That is my choice, and it's not like I really have a choice in the matter as I've never seen a course worth playing that permitted jeans. I am sure that there must be some out there, but I've not seen them, and I have better things to spend my time doing than protesting a simple dress code.


Just follow the course policy...


I totally agree with your post , with the exception with a course worth playing that allowed jeans I have played several


But this thread is not about complaining because we cant wear jeans . the only post that mentioned that was a guy complaining in the Pro Shop because the course allowed jeans


I am still trying to figure out how the course decided that was a problem and intends to change the rules.


this morning in my foursome three of us were wearing jeans

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And traditionally the game of golf considers pants made of Denim to be rude.


The problem trickles down endlessly. Today you move for jeans to be acceptable as playing attire on a golf course. In 20 years people thin it's OK to wear regular old sweat pants... Heck why not a tank top.



Remember the days when your shirt had to have a collar. Then a guy named Tiger came along. There went the collars for all you youngins.

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Remember the days when your shirt had to have a collar. Then a guy named Tiger came along. There went the collars for all you youngins.


What does Tiger have to do with it? He definitely made the game younger and more athletic, but I've never seen him wear jeans or collar-less shirts on a golf course. Show me a photo of him doing that.... even once.

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Remember the days when your shirt had to have a collar. Then a guy named Tiger came along. There went the collars for all you youngins.


What does Tiger have to do with it? He definitely made the game younger and more athletic, but I've never seen him wear jeans or collar-less shirts on a golf course. Show me a photo of him doing that.... even once.


While I agree Tiger isn't responsible for people wearing jeans on the course, he is responsible for the "mock"-style shirts.

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Remember the days when your shirt had to have a collar. Then a guy named Tiger came along. There went the collars for all you youngins.


What does Tiger have to do with it? He definitely made the game younger and more athletic, but I've never seen him wear jeans or collar-less shirts on a golf course. Show me a photo of him doing that.... even once.


While I agree Tiger isn't responsible for people wearing jeans on the course, he is responsible for the "mock"-style shirts.



Jeez the only reason courses have rules against collar less shirts is to keep people from wearing T shirts lots of players have worn mock turtles


I would also bet money when it was allowed that Tiger has worn jeans one time or another

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Remember the days when your shirt had to have a collar. Then a guy named Tiger came along. There went the collars for all you youngins.


What does Tiger have to do with it? He definitely made the game younger and more athletic, but I've never seen him wear jeans or collar-less shirts on a golf course. Show me a photo of him doing that.... even once.


While I agree Tiger isn't responsible for people wearing jeans on the course, he is responsible for the "mock"-style shirts.


Gary Player and Arnold Palmer used to wear mock style shirts.

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