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Autumn approaches. Temperature has plummeted. Trees are shedding leaves. Time to put trolley away and carry. Removing all new and expensive balls from bag as you can lose a ball under leaves without hitting a bad shot. Coolmax type shirts folded away.

Played Thursday at a place called “Pine Forest.” Name was appropriate. Hit the ball decently and lost two sleeves of balls. Fairways looked like they were baling hay, and no Buffalo Blower in sight.


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Autumn approaches. Temperature has plummeted. Trees are shedding leaves. Time to put trolley away and carry. Removing all new and expensive balls from bag as you can lose a ball under leaves without hitting a bad shot. Coolmax type shirts folded away.

Played Thursday at a place called "Pine Forest." Name was appropriate. Hit the ball decently and lost two sleeves of balls. Fairways looked like they were baling hay, and no Buffalo Blower in sight.


I pretty near choked on my coffee when I read your comment, Randy. :rofl:


The comment reminds me of a place down by Niagara Falls that I used to play in a charity scramble at in the late spring. The course was a pie shaped piece of property between the Welland River and Lyons Creek. It was always wet in the spring and it would be June before they could cut everything. The hay baling analogy is apt for what that placed looked like on a couple of occasions that I played it.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I'm still here! As much as Florence threatened, I feel blessed to have survived.


2 trees down, but neither hit cars or house. Big problem for the area:


1) A damn broke protecting a converted coal power plant, so coal ash has now contaminated the Cape Fear river - primary water source for households


2) I-40, which terminates in Wilmington, has washed out or sinkholes multiple places, making travel/re-supply difficult.


Not sure how courses are doing. Just got tv/Internet back today, after being out for a week.


Overall, I feel lucky & blessed. Hope others hit harder by this storm recover quickly.


Thanks, all, for your thoughts & prayers.

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All I have to go by is my recovery time from having part of my colon removed. All depends on how long it takes to get your core strength back up to a reasonable amount. I was chipping and putting in about two months, started trying full swings at about the three month mark.

Body, and game never fully recovered from pre op status, but, you learn to adjust.


Reminds me of that movie, "Dude, Who Stole My Colon?" (I think that was the name...) Sounds like he got yours, too, Randy. At least he left me 2/3's of mine, enough for me to take care of business, anyway.


Six months later the b@#$%^ds came back wanting the rest of it. So I moved.



BTW, Randy, glad to hear you and your property was spared the worst of it. I was thinking of you when I heard the reports. If you get back to Georgia again let me know, maybe we'll finally be able to get together for a round.

And if you play persimmon, you're my friend

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The golfing mindset was different in the past.

In my experience we all tried to play to the lowest number we could reach,cards were put in on a regular basis in addition to competition scores.

The powers that be have jumped on the 'slow play' bandwagon and by doing so have demonstrated how dismally out of touch they are with reality.

Slow play is not a result of a complicated rules book,it is due to the ignorance and stupidity of people who have not been taught (committees at fault) or cannot be bothered to learn and adopt the right way to behave on the course.

I agree with Stixman,it will not be long before we see bigger holes and a circle round the cup for 'gimmes'.

As it is there will be no penalty for accidently striking yourself or equipment,so a wedge laid below the hole on a sloping green that stops the ball from disappearing will presumably be ok as long as I say I hit it accidentally?

The OB rule will be a fiasco as will permitting players to drop from bunkers albeit under penalty.

All this nonsense combined with changes to the handicap system make me wonder if I really want to continue especially when my current course is being ruined by a chairman of greens and captain/comp secretary who want to leave their mark.

I wonder what the reaction of the world governing body for chess would be if it was suggested they make the rules a bit more like draughts,easier to understand and quicker to play?


I guess, the slow play is not the reason what prompted the changes. Slow play had always been there since day one.

What I believe the cause of the sense of urgency to "modify" the existing rules of the game is an attempt to catch up with the change brought on by the technology..

For some of you whom remembered the verse of "patience is a virtue" probably would not hold true in today's trending.


Today, everything has to be rushed like right now before tomorrow comes. Boxed instant solution for everything and anything in life.


I agree, whatever this game turns out to be, won;t be the golf game I learned to love.


Cheating ? It had been with the game since day one. Changing the rules to promote cheating ? I doubt it. People whom cheat will always cheat with or without the governing rules. But I assume after the dust settled, everything will be on track again. Just like a few decades ago, shopping on the internet was unrealistic. paying one's dues online was not a trusted method .......

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I don't really remember slow play ever being an issue when I first started playing golf,although in fairness I was fortunate to play with decent players who set a good example in every respect.

It reared its ugly head when I joined a municipal course with my brother-in-law and we played in a Sunday morning competition.

Well it started out as Sunday morning and reached Sunday lunchtime and then Sunday afternoon before we had even reached the turn,Al is not usually one for strong language but declared quite forcibly that it was "Ruckin fidiculous",we walked off and went home for a roast dinner.

Subsequently I have experienced slow play because committees have insisted on playing medal competitions as fourballs and put too many players on the course at the same time which means that the slightest delay causes the entire course to stack up.

What doesn't help either is the attitude of some members,at one club there was a half-way house run by the ladies' section,we were trying to get round in good time because one lad was off to his brother's wedding and we asked the guys in front if we could leapfrog them while they were having a drink and they refused,telling us that everyone had to stop!

My pal told him of his farming interest by saying "Bullocks" or similar...

I agree that cheating has been around a long time (ask Gary Player) but never to the extent that is apparent now either in the form of legal or illegal cheating.

I look at those I play with regularly and those I've met in inter-club matches and there are only a very few who play off a genuine handicap,many if not most are guilty of sandbagging not because they want to win board competitions but because they can enter open am-am or better ball competitions as well as club clutches or roll-ups and win substantial amounts of money.

They are cheats and the system allows them to do it and in some way they are more despicable than the odd old fart who says he took six when he actually took seven!

The simple fact is that there is no incentive for people to try to lower their handicap,'Rabbits' golf for 16+ handicappers has grown massively and that in itself has removed the desire to perform better.

I play regularly with guys off 16 to 24 handicap who drive the ball further than me,hit fairway woods a mile and almost always score better than their handicap but ONLY when their score is not recorded.

A good dose of myxomatosis might help.

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I don't really remember slow play ever being an issue when I first started playing golf,although in fairness I was fortunate to play with decent players who set a good example in every respect.

It reared its ugly head when I joined a municipal course with my brother-in-law and we played in a Sunday morning competition.

Well it started out as Sunday morning and reached Sunday lunchtime and then Sunday afternoon before we had even reached the turn,Al is not usually one for strong language but declared quite forcibly that it was "Ruckin fidiculous",we walked off and went home for a roast dinner.

Subsequently I have experienced slow play because committees have insisted on playing medal competitions as fourballs and put too many players on the course at the same time which means that the slightest delay causes the entire course to stack up.

What doesn't help either is the attitude of some members,at one club there was a half-way house run by the ladies' section,we were trying to get round in good time because one lad was off to his brother's wedding and we asked the guys in front if we could leapfrog them while they were having a drink and they refused,telling us that everyone had to stop!

My pal told him of his farming interest by saying "Bullocks" or similar...

I agree that cheating has been around a long time (ask Gary Player) but never to the extent that is apparent now either in the form of legal or illegal cheating.

I look at those I play with regularly and those I've met in inter-club matches and there are only a very few who play off a genuine handicap,many if not most are guilty of sandbagging not because they want to win board competitions but because they can enter open am-am or better ball competitions as well as club clutches or roll-ups and win substantial amounts of money.

They are cheats and the system allows them to do it and in some way they are more despicable than the odd old fart who says he took six when he actually took seven!

The simple fact is that there is no incentive for people to try to lower their handicap,'Rabbits' golf for 16+ handicappers has grown massively and that in itself has removed the desire to perform better.

I play regularly with guys off 16 to 24 handicap who drive the ball further than me,hit fairway woods a mile and almost always score better than their handicap but ONLY when their score is not recorded.

A good dose of myxomatosis might help.


We can'y expect everyone we had contact with will have the same attitude toward life as we do, have respect for law and ordinance , observe the basic courtesy and etiquette.

You're correct on one thing, time has changed, just as we had changed our father's and grand father's time. They'd probably shake their heads when talking about "us" .


There is a prominent change of generations from the Boomers (born 1946-1964 ), to Generation X ( born 1965- 1976 ), to Generation Y the Millennials ( born 1977-1995), to the current generation Z ( born form 1996...)


Kids will be molded by their parents and the environment they grew up in. What we view as slow play, to those doing it probably won't care much since they were groomed as Price and Princess and never got out of that mold even when they reached adulthood.

Can you feel that and seeing the behavior off the golf course ? I'd seen it everyday on the roadway, in the restaurants, Shopping Mall. Anywhere you have contact with more than a few strangers. Pay attention because what's happening off the golf course will be carried onto the golf course.

I don't expect a cheater will suddenly become an honest guy once he gets on the golf course.


One of my good friend said it once, it'll be interesting to see how the kids turn up to be when they're taking over the world.


BTW, for random thoughts related to golf....... We were really sadden by the murder of one promising lady golfer on the golf course recently. And was excited to watch T.W. life on the Golf Channel in the last few days. Hopefully he will retain the form and composure today.

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I totally agree,what were regarded as common courtesies and respectful behaviour are now cause for raised eyebrows.


As for Mr Woods.....I have never been able to like him,his recovery is amazing and at his very best possibly played the game better than anyone else I've ever seen BUT in my mind will never replace Jack Nicklaus as the all-time greatest simply because Jack represents everything positive about the game of golf and life.

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I totally agree,what were regarded as common courtesies and respectful behaviour are now cause for raised eyebrows.


As for Mr Woods.....I have never been able to like him,his recovery is amazing and at his very best possibly played the game better than anyone else I've ever seen BUT in my mind will never replace Jack Nicklaus as the all-time greatest simply because Jack represents everything positive about the game of golf and life.


Everyone has his/her own hero, don't need to be agreeable on personal choice and every choice has it's merit !


I had heard of the rumors of a more human side for all the big names in golf. They are just rumors and I'm not judgmental to pass a verdict. Yes, that includes the King and Jack and many others. They were not under the microscope being exam and judge by all the internet users.

I have a lot of respect for anyone willing to carry the banner of the game I love. It's not easily done with more attracted to it for all the wrong reason. It's a wave to rush into the game not just because one love the game but because the fame , the financial reward which comes with it. Another attraction was, the longevity of staying in the game far pass all the other professional sports.


Whatever works, and I sincerely wish this good for the game wave rides out a bit longer. I enjoyed watching the golf tournament over the last 4 days more than I had been in the pass 5-6 years. Had to sneak into other room to watch the final round of The Tour Championship while others were watching football game.

I might even watch the re-run on the Golf Channel later.

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Hey guys totally random and not golf related but how long can I expect to be laid up from a laparoscopic appendectomy.


So we had our annual scramble to raise money for the high school team I coach, i managed to scrape it around a little...didn't go after anything full force. No pain, so i take that as a win...

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I was walking up the 16th fairway , an up hill dogleg right tough par 4, and usually leave my push cart between the 16th and the 17th fairway along the tree line because pushing the cart up 15° slope can be quite difficult. We usually leave our bag, cart about 140 yards away , just take our putter and wedge + whatever you wish to tee off with on the 17th ( driver or 3 wood for the most of us ).


So today, I left the cart in the usual place and while walking up to the green about 110 yards away spotted something pink in the rough. As I walked closer, I realized it was a pink shorts. So I looked around, found no one close to me. I teed off at the first of the light today and went out as a single.

Soon I spotted something white about 10 paces away under another tree. It was someone's underwear.


I reported this to the ranger and the Proshop. I mean, I'll pick up occasional trash like beer can and plastic bags but....... I refuse to pick up someone else's underwear, no matter how beautiful that person might be. On a golf course ? They must have watched the CaddyShack movie. I assume the reason they did not do it on the green was because the greens were aerated last week, still pretty sandy and bumpy.

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As for Mr Woods.....I have never been able to like him,his recovery is amazing and at his very best possibly played the game better than anyone else I've ever seen BUT in my mind will never replace Jack Nicklaus as the all-time greatest simply because Jack represents everything positive about the game of golf and life.


Its interesting the evolution of perception that great players go through. When Tiger was an up-and-coming phenom he created more positive buzz for the game of golf than anyone since Arnie, and probably more. He was the Invincible Hero!


Then as he started kicking everyone's you-know-what with machine-like regularity, and doing it with more than a little cockiness (which all great champions have, I believe) he became the Villain! And more than a few fans and players took some degree of glee when he fell.


Now, with time away from the spotlight and humbled a bit by injury and circumstance, he's the Comeback Hero. Not as bullet proof this time, we all know and see the chinks in his armor, but that just makes him more human, and thus, more likable.


I've always said this about Tiger: love him or hate him, every tournament is more interesting when he's in contention. How else do you explain this:



And if you play persimmon, you're my friend

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I think Jack Nicklaus and Ben Hogan went through similar journeys in their careers, btw.


Hogan was the cold & aloof robotic killer until his car accident and subsequent comeback when he became the sympathetic hero, battered and bruised and even smiling on occasion.


Jack was not well liked by the golfing public as a young player because he dethroned the King. But by the time of his last hurrah, the '86 Masters, he was the most beloved figure in the game.

And if you play persimmon, you're my friend

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I agree that there are certain parallels that can be applied to all champion golfers from the past,Walter Hagen was guilty of disrespecting opponents by arriving late for matches,blatant gamesmanship which we might now ascribe to him being a bit of a wag.

Nick Faldo was labelled 'Foldo' because he failed to capitalise on his obvious talent,altered by Svengali Leadbetter but Sir Nick probably not loved as much as he should have been particularly by his peers who showed their acute jealousy by childish behaviour in Ryder Cup events.

Ben Hogan was unique.

I think he understood that everybody would want a part of him in one way or another so shut himself off and got down to business,watching his interviews it's clear that he was extremely perceptive and intelligent,everything he had was earned by his own hard work.

Your summation of Jack Nicklaus is spot on,I didn't like Nicklaus at all,he was too good!

Although I can't 'like' Tiger Woods I feel a great deal of sympathy because he's the product of his father's obsession,I doubt that he had a happy and normal childhood just immense pressure to perform well.

I said this to someone the other day who told me that there was a 'tell-all' biography due to be published,likely to be a chilling read.

The fan worship is nothing more than that,TV ratings rise when Woods plays but are these golfers or potential golfers tuning in?

I doubt it.

Armchair sports fans who when they can get out drink themselves stupid and yell 'Get in the hole' for the tee shot on a 580 yard par 5.

There will probably be quite a few in Paris wearing yellow and blue.


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I agree that there are certain parallels that can be applied to all champion golfers from the past,Walter Hagen was guilty of disrespecting opponents by arriving late for matches,blatant gamesmanship which we might now ascribe to him being a bit of a wag.

Nick Faldo was labelled 'Foldo' because he failed to capitalise on his obvious talent,altered by Svengali Leadbetter but Sir Nick probably not loved as much as he should have been particularly by his peers who showed their acute jealousy by childish behaviour in Ryder Cup events.


Great point about Faldo, he fits the narrative as well. I find him very likable now in the booth with his sardonic, but also self deprecating, wit.




Ben Hogan was unique.

I think he understood that everybody would want a part of him in one way or another so shut himself off and got down to business,watching his interviews it's clear that he was extremely perceptive and intelligent,everything he had was earned by his own hard work.



Boy, was he ever unique. I cannot fathom what he went thru in his childhood. To walk in on the father that he adored, as a 9 year old, just in time to witness his suicide. Its no wonder he had trust issues.

And if you play persimmon, you're my friend

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Well Yankee-Doodles,have you seen the pairings for the first round of this weekend's golfing extravaganza?


Bjorn looked a right chump,his picks as captain endorse that view.


I will be amazed if the score is not USA 4 - EU 0 tomorrow lunchtime.


Who on earth was responsible for the team outfits?




Did they get muddled in the changing rooms and just put on the nearest item to hand?


Spieth's trousers halfway up his legs.....they must have had 30% off! Boom-boom!


An epic contest in prospect?


I don't think so,a Paxo job on the way.


Blue and yellow for Europe.


BLUE for Poulter fans faces trying to pop their eyeballs like him.


YELLOW for the vomit stains on the boozed-up 'fans'.


With Englishmen in the EU squad the French will probably support the US!


Sacre bleu,la plume de ma tante est chamois leather mon brave et salut!

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I agree that there are certain parallels that can be applied to all champion golfers from the past,Walter Hagen was guilty of disrespecting opponents by arriving late for matches,blatant gamesmanship which we might now ascribe to him being a bit of a wag.

Nick Faldo was labelled 'Foldo' because he failed to capitalise on his obvious talent,altered by Svengali Leadbetter but Sir Nick probably not loved as much as he should have been particularly by his peers who showed their acute jealousy by childish behaviour in Ryder Cup events.


Great point about Faldo, he fits the narrative as well. I find him very likable now in the booth with his sardonic, but also self deprecating, wit.



Ben Hogan was unique.

I think he understood that everybody would want a part of him in one way or another so shut himself off and got down to business,watching his interviews it's clear that he was extremely perceptive and intelligent,everything he had was earned by his own hard work.



Boy, was he ever unique. I cannot fathom what he went thru in his childhood. To walk in on the father that he adored, as a 9 year old, just in time to witness his suicide. Its no wonder he had trust issues.


Faldo was always funny. At least I thought so. But athletes with a sense of irony often go down badly with the fans-with-typewriters, who seem to want a more bombastic narrative.


This might send some of our fellow posters who march under the flag of St George into a froth, but I put Andy Murray in the same bracket. He's clearly not comfortable just trotting out the money-quote, and this leads to him being typecast in sections of the press as "dour" etc.

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Apologies for my lack of participation after returning home from the hurricane evacuation.

First, hope everyone is recovering. I know some areas, especially around Augie and Stu and still waiting for rivers to crest from the runoff.

Taking advantage of the lull in weather for my area to push forward with reconstruction. Should have floors and doors by the start of next week. That, coupled with the season actually just coming into full swing at Yeamans has left me little time, or energy, for thrifting, or actual golf.

Once again, thoughts and prayers for those impacted by Florence.

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Agree about Andy Murray,he obviously found dealing with the media an excruciating experience when younger,I like him and the way he handles himself,far far better than the predictable McIlroy who could do with a new script.

"I can take a lot of positives out of my performance" is something I now use myself when taking 7 on a par 4

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I agree that there are certain parallels that can be applied to all champion golfers from the past,Walter Hagen was guilty of disrespecting opponents by arriving late for matches,blatant gamesmanship which we might now ascribe to him being a bit of a wag.

Nick Faldo was labelled 'Foldo' because he failed to capitalise on his obvious talent,altered by Svengali Leadbetter but Sir Nick probably not loved as much as he should have been particularly by his peers who showed their acute jealousy by childish behaviour in Ryder Cup events.


Great point about Faldo, he fits the narrative as well. I find him very likable now in the booth with his sardonic, but also self deprecating, wit.



Ben Hogan was unique.

I think he understood that everybody would want a part of him in one way or another so shut himself off and got down to business,watching his interviews it's clear that he was extremely perceptive and intelligent,everything he had was earned by his own hard work.



Boy, was he ever unique. I cannot fathom what he went thru in his childhood. To walk in on the father that he adored, as a 9 year old, just in time to witness his suicide. Its no wonder he had trust issues.


Faldo was always funny. At least I thought so. But athletes with a sense of irony often go down badly with the fans-with-typewriters, who seem to want a more bombastic narrative.


This might send some of our fellow posters who march under the flag of St George into a froth, but I put Andy Murray in the same bracket. He's clearly not comfortable just trotting out the money-quote, and this leads to him being typecast in sections of the press as "dour" etc.


Thought he was a Saltire Swinger so nothing to do with us. Now Henman, whatever happened to him, thought he was a nice feller.

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Thought he was a Saltire Swinger so nothing to do with us.


Lol. Aye, until he wins another Wimbledon - and then he's British! :angry22:


See, you gone and brought out the oldest gripe in the book of chippy gripes!


C'mon the Bruce!!!


Sorry. Note to self: we're all Euros this week. Well, apart from BoJo perhaps...

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I can't believe I'm not the only one not watching Ryder Cup highlights!


After 30 minutes of fist pumps and chest bumps I'd had enough along with the flapping Ms Barbour who is like a winged duck on acid and the idiot Poulter banging his chest.

The US team have behaved in more modest fashion though Bubba appears to be affected by the French air.

What a crap golf course.

Is that really the best they could find to host the RC?

The track at Evian-les-Bains (have to be careful with the spelling!) where the ladies played is a beautiful and testing course.

Random thoughts.

The event is hyped-up beyond belief.

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I can't believe I'm not the only one not watching Ryder Cup highlights!


After 30 minutes of fist pumps and chest bumps I'd had enough along with the flapping Ms Barbour who is like a winged duck on acid and the idiot Poulter banging his chest.

The US team have behaved in more modest fashion though Bubba appears to be affected by the French air.

What a crap golf course.

Is that really the best they could find to host the RC?

The track at Evian-les-Bains (have to be careful with the spelling!) where the ladies played is a beautiful and testing course.

Random thoughts.

The event is hyped-up beyond belief.


Actually just finished watching 2nd episode of Killing Eve. Very quirky, original stuff. I'll make more of an effort to watch future instalments of that than the rest of the RC.

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Apologies for my lack of participation after returning home from the hurricane evacuation.

First, hope everyone is recovering. I know some areas, especially around Augie and Stu and still waiting for rivers to crest from the runoff.

Taking advantage of the lull in weather for my area to push forward with reconstruction. Should have floors and doors by the start of next week. That, coupled with the season actually just coming into full swing at Yeamans has left me little time, or energy, for thrifting, or actual golf.

Once again, thoughts and prayers for those impacted by Florence.

We are ok. Luckily we missed the flooding. Even though the DOT and SHP did a great job of keeping the roads open and traffic flowing I did get to work which was a blessing itself. Could not run but 1 trip up a day due to traffic but that is better than sitting at home doing and making nothing. It has been 3 weeks since I have played golf but Bear and myself are playing vintage tomorrow. I gave him the 925 Mac Tommy Armours you saw in the shop. I am playing the Hogan Precisions and the Penna Driver you gave me. Love that driver. Hit the Crown Sterlings on the range Sunday afternoon. The short irons hit high for me but good but I think the long irons are a little stiff for me. Will hit and play them in the future. Got the keyhole Mac fairways in the bag too.

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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I can't believe I'm not the only one not watching Ryder Cup highlights!


After 30 minutes of fist pumps and chest bumps I'd had enough along with the flapping Ms Barbour who is like a winged duck on acid and the idiot Poulter banging his chest.

The US team have behaved in more modest fashion though Bubba appears to be affected by the French air.

What a crap golf course.

Is that really the best they could find to host the RC?

The track at Evian-les-Bains (have to be careful with the spelling!) where the ladies played is a beautiful and testing course.

Random thoughts.

The event is hyped-up beyond belief.

I ain't either got tired of it rather quickly after 30 minutes or so------ Bubba to me looks like he could give 2 hoots less about the Ryder Cup period but I will give him the benefit of a doubt maybe he ain't feeling well or something---- I am off the next 2 days and I darn sure ain't getting up at 2 or 3 AM to watch it either

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Apologies for my lack of participation after returning home from the hurricane evacuation.

First, hope everyone is recovering. I know some areas, especially around Augie and Stu and still waiting for rivers to crest from the runoff.

Taking advantage of the lull in weather for my area to push forward with reconstruction. Should have floors and doors by the start of next week. That, coupled with the season actually just coming into full swing at Yeamans has left me little time, or energy, for thrifting, or actual golf.

Once again, thoughts and prayers for those impacted by Florence.

Welcome back & hope your after-storm problems clear up quickly.


I'm helping friends cutting down trees & generally cleaning up so golf will have to wait for a bit.


We'll get together soon!






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      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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      • 291 replies
    • 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Monday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #2
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Keith Mitchell - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Rafa Campos - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      R Squared - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Martin Laird - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Paul Haley - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Min Woo Lee - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Austin Smotherman - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Lee Hodges - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Sami Valimaki - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Pullout Albums
      Eric Cole's newest custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      • 0 replies
    • 2024 PGA Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put  any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 PGA Championship - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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      • 13 replies

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