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Golf Pet-Peeves


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-yackers who talk up to like 1.3 seconds before u pull the trigger ;)

-temper tantrums and club tossing


-dudes smokin brown turds(cigars) on the course and leaving the ashes all over!


-guys who gear up like they are pga pros to play a muni


-14 year olds with j lindeburg gear and white belts -dudes wearin pink shirts


-kids with clubs valued more than your car


-guys u play against in a tournament who have to bring their whole entourage(mom,dad,girlfriend/boyfriend,friends,grandma,the dog etc....)

im gonna have to agree with that one. I dont know what it is but i play enough junior stuff and see little 12 year olds wearing those crazy shirts and the belts with the big JL. I cant stand those belts. Even kids my age, 17, who wear that stuff pisses me off. I dont understand why you need a 120$ belt and a 70$ shirt. One time i saw a little 14 year old wear JL stuff for all 4 days of the tourney. AHH!

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-yackers who talk up to like 1.3 seconds before u pull the trigger ;)

-temper tantrums and club tossing


-dudes smokin brown turds(cigars) on the course and leaving the ashes all over!


-guys who gear up like they are pga pros to play a muni


-14 year olds with j lindeburg gear and white belts -dudes wearin pink shirts


-kids with clubs valued more than your car


-guys u play against in a tournament who have to bring their whole entourage(mom,dad,girlfriend/boyfriend,friends,grandma,the dog etc....)

im gonna have to agree with that one. I dont know what it is but i play enough junior stuff and see little 12 year olds wearing those crazy shirts and the belts with the big JL. I cant stand those belts. Even kids my age, 17, who wear that stuff pisses me off. I dont understand why you need a 120$ belt and a 70$ shirt. One time i saw a little 14 year old wear JL stuff for all 4 days of the tourney. AHH!


I don't have a problem with kids or anyone wearing JL. At least they are wearing golf apparel. I have a problem with the guy who shows up with cut offs, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt and then goes and hacks up the course for the next 5 hours, with 140 strokes, a dozen lost balls, with me having to help look for every gall dang one, even though they are Rockflite X outs that he paid 6 dollars for the dozen, all the while drinking beer, acting stupid, stepping in my line, talking while I'm hitting, talking on his cell phone, and asking me if he can hit my new driver!!! :) :) :tongue:

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If you can't get it out of the rough after you've tried 3 times. PICK IT UP!

If you advanced it only 50 yards with your last 5 strokes PICK IT UP!

If you're lying 10 ANYwhere PICK IT UP!

Your ball is in the knee-deep stuff again? FORGET IT!

OK, i know you're a hack AND having a bad day; but please: It's saturday afternoon. You don't have to finish every hole. You'll put a 7 on your scorecard anyway ;)

Respect the better players and we will respect you back.

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I guess I'm not as picky as the rest, but I hate it when people drag their feet on the green (or just don't take care of them regardless).


This isn't as much as a pet peeve, just a minor annoyance; rakes outside the bunkers. At some courses, they're inside, others -- they're outside. I guess it is just odd. I demand some sort of bunker rake standard.

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I'm with the "pick it up" crowd. People are so fixated on a score, a number. If you lie 4 in a greenside bunker and you can't get out in 2 hacks...PICK IT UP! It's no disgrace.




And why do some idiots insist on standing directly behind you (on the line between your ball and the target) when you're playing a shot???? Watch just 1 tournament and see where people stand!!!




And, like the fellow who began this post, GOLF is a noun. I play golf. I do not "go golfing." Infuriates me!




Iron covers are irritating. People who walk in your line are irritating. Strangers you hook up with and tell you on the first tee that they shot 77 here last week (as if we all care) and then can't break 90 are irritating. ANY unsolicited advice is irritating. People who move their ball in the rough and then claim they shot a certain number for the hole are irritating. People who take too long searching for a ball are irritating....it's a ball not a gold ingot....move on. Ball retrievers are irritating. Courses with more than 5 water holes are irritating. Driving ranges that won't let you hit drivers are irritating. Practice greens without holes are irritating.




That's enough irritation for now. ;)

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some of my favorites are the guys that mark the 1 foot putts...sure if its the masters but if you need it shoot 93 go ahead and knock it in...dont damn mark it...


usually its a foursome of guys and they all mark their 1 footers....great....


agreed with the 220 yard drive waiting on the green to clear from 300.... get on with your topping...they are on the green..their safe


guys that hit several greens and never have a pivot tool....hey as.shole you know it's going to happen get one


CELL PHONES....should i hit you with the 3 iron or the wedge... your choice


advice from the 30 handicapper


tee shot mulligans that arent counted as three from the tee


people who say "right idea wrong direction" on any pulled or pushed shot.


people who scrap the ball around the course and beat me by 1....on the other side i love it when i scrap it around the course and beat them by 1

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When four old women are laughing in the middle of the fairway as they stand next to their balls... 10 metres from the tee.


Getting hit by someones ball without hearing a fore call... whoever does that is a dead man.


This happens in alot of sports but I can't stand it when someone says "nice GOLF swing" or "great GOLF shot". We know what sport we're playing thank you very much.


Good to see there's so much positivity in the WRX community.

Keep on hating!

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People who blame their clubs for a bad shot.


There is one exception this rule - loose grips. And if u have loose grips then u should know that when your practising during the week and should have gotten it fixed. I had a loose grip the other day when i was practising - the top half was turning the opposite way to the bottom half (shanking absolutely everything and getting ready to throw a tantrum :) ) - take out a different club and ur hitting the ball perfect again. Hmm - its the club ;). That's also my pet peeve, though

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Pretty much everything than can be mentioned has. I only have two that haven't.

The guy who hits in your fairway, while your group is teeing off, and they drive right in front of you and hit their next shot before you group has finished from the tee, makeing you wait on them.


And when watching golf on tv, that guy that yells you the man, when someone hits their drive. They have no idea how that shot is going to end up.

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My only pet peeve is people harassing my wife on the course. Anything other than that I can handle. But if she doesn't enjoy the round, then I don't enjoy the round, and the offending party will not enjoy the round either.

Ping Rapture 14 Stiff Saishin (sp)
Ping Rapture 21 vs Proto Stiff
Ping Zing 4-SW Stiff
Ping Eye 2 Plus LW
Ping Cadence B65

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I think most all items have been covered, but, undaunted:




1. Slow play in all forms


2. People who donot repair their divots and pitch marks


3. Cheating even when there is nothing on the line


4. Cell phones (I a friend that I play with frequently who seems to have one as a natural extention of his person, the rule is "put it on vibrate or I will and place it where you will get a thrill with each call")

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-Talking during any of my swings.

-When im putting standing there swinging theyre putter around.

-People wacking balls with their putter of the greens.

-Un repaired pitchmarks.

-People asking to borrow my clubs.

-Juniours robbing balls etc out of my bag.

-People standing behind me when teeing off.

-Slow Players.

-People who never go to get the flag out and expect you to do it.

-People who blame the equipment for a bad shot.



-Shouting(Unless Fore)

-Mobile Phones

-Arrogant Ipods!

-Throwing Clubs

-Temper Tantrums

-Being abused because i dont pay full membership fee's.(My home club is really this sad!)

-Being told i cannot enter a competition because im a juniour when i am allowed in any other mens comp.

-Playing behind women(At my club they all suck)


-People looking for a ball and not waving you through.


Damn i could write so many more but i think ill end it here!

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-Talking during any of my swings.

-When im putting standing there swinging theyre putter around.

-People wacking balls with their putter of the greens.

-Un repaired pitchmarks.

-People asking to borrow my clubs.

-Juniours robbing balls etc out of my bag.

-People standing behind me when teeing off.

-Slow Players.

-People who never go to get the flag out and expect you to do it.

-People who blame the equipment for a bad shot.



-Shouting(Unless Fore)

-Mobile Phones

-Arrogant Ipods!

-Throwing Clubs

-Temper Tantrums

-Being abused because i dont pay full membership fee's.(My home club is really this sad!)

-Being told i cannot enter a competition because im a juniour when i am allowed in any other mens comp.

-Playing behind women(At my club they all suck)


-People looking for a ball and not waving you through.


Damn i could write so many more but i think ill end it here!

I think we should stop there dave! ;)
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-Cigarette butts anywhere on the course.

-Spit anywhere on the course.

-people who take 10 practice swings.

-un repaired ball marks

-un raked traps

-People who forget to put the flag back in the damn hole.

-when someone that hits his/her driver 220 waits for the green 280 yards away to clear.

-when someone takes their pull cart across the green, and through the back bunker.

-when a group stands in the fairway for 5 minutes taking pictures of the damn ocean.

- when I hear people complain about women, children, and the elderly on the course.( shut up before I punch you)

-when the group behind asks to play through when the group ahead of me is 200 yards from the tee.

-when a group cuts out in front of me(skipping holes and jumping in front of me, making me wait for you to GTF out of my way)


Now working in the Pro shop pet peeves:


-when you call and ask for a tee time. Tell me what time you want to play and I will do my best to get you out as close to that time as possible. I will not read off every damn open space on the starting sheet.

-please speak clearly on the phone.

-Please leave your clubs outside.

-Don’t walk in with a club that is broken in half in the middle of the shaft and ask if I can do anything to it…you shaft is broken in half…

-Leaving your empty beer cans in the cart is fine, but don’t come back looking for the can that was ¼ full, I dumped it. Your car keys, wallet, cell phone and sun glasses however, are under the counter in the shop. Just ask.

-I appreciate it if you use the spike cleaners that says ‘please clean spikes before entering pro shop.’ Now I don’t have to vacume(sp) 13 times.

-Don’t act like it’s my fault when you show up un expectedly and I tell you play, there’s a tournament being played, and you can’t play.

-Don’t swing the $400 drivers in my shop, there’s not enough room. There’s a huge window behind me, if you ask me, I’ll probably let you take it outside for a few swings. I’m a fast runner so don’t expect to get to your car with it either.

- I don’t have a problem with singles, but Saturday afternoon at 10-1?..dream on.


I think that’s pretty much it. I’m a nice guy I swear!. :)



People who have absolutely no grasp of the ettiquite of the game.

You can feel in the hundreds of stupid things that ignorant hackers do during the course of a round.


I've got to agree with this one the most!!!


These things should be known but are not practiced by most!!!


Talking while I'm putting

Talking while I'm hitting

Parking the cart to the right of me

Parking the cart right in front of me

The proper cart position is behind me and to the left (not in in front or to my right, cart shouldn't be visible during my swing)!!!!

Standing to close to me while I'm teeing off

Standing behind me while I'm teeing off and especially too close, far back is fine but I should have room to practice swing behind the ball and then approach it (I shouldn't have to worry about knocking you in the head on a practice swing)!!!!

Stepping in my through line

Stepping in my line at all

Taking two shots on every hole to get to my drive

Taking more than 6 mulligans during a round

Wearing tennis shoes on the course

Wearing jeans and t-shirt on the course

Looking for your ball on every other hole, I don't need you to look for mine so I shouldn't have to help you out almost every frickin hole!!! Once in a while is fine but sometimes it gets ridiculous.

Talking about how great I'm playing or what my score is, This gets me out of my mental focus of one shot at a time and makes me think about my score. Really bugs me.


One more-Telling me good shot when I hit a bad or very average shot. If I hit it 25 feet from 100 yards it isn't a good shot!!!


Am I loco or do others agree??? ;)



- people who ask you to move your mark "one to the left" & miss your mark on the left


- the guy who wants to hit my new driver


- The guy who takes a piss on every tree on the course & has to shake your hand on 18


- The guy who goes to shake your hand with his palm facing the ground. (Yeah, I beat you by 30 & you think are superior?)


- People who say "1 wood"


- The golf channel tournament coverage


- Brush tees


- people who don't wear hats & complain about me parking a cart 20 yards away (to their right). Dude I'm not going to drive behind you every time you hit a shot. *cough* wannabe *cough*


- People who use brush tees


- People who carry a staff bag with their name on it


- Actually I like People who carry a staff bag with their name on it, (EZ Money)


- the sweaty fat guy who wants to share a cart


- the guy who won't tip a caddie/bartender/beverage cart girl...


- colored balls


- dim lit driving ranges that are open at night


- bad teaching pros (great you are a B-8, do you want a cookie?)


- mud on my ball


- greens keepers who can't cut a hole without making a volcano


- The Golf Lab in palo alto. THey charged a friend of mine $60 for the instalation of tour concepts & didn't prep the tips of the shafts. Yes the shafts just slide off the heads. And they don't finish ferrules.



AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh. Now I feel better & I was Just kidding wannabe, I hate when people are clueless with golfcarts.


While all of these are things I can't stand, the absolute worst is when a hack hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, etc..........AND THEN, realized he left the cart 200 yards back and has to walk back to retrieve it. GET IN THE DA*N CART AND DRIVE IT FORWARD!!! Or pick your ball up, anything, just play faster!

TaylorMade Qi10 LS 9° w/ PX HZRDUS Gen4 Black 75 6.0

TaylorMade SIM ROCKET 14.5° w/ PX Handcrafted EvenFlow Black 75 6.5

TaylorMade SIM 2 Max Rescue 3-19° w/ PX RDX Smoke 90 6.5

TaylorMade SIM 2 Max Rescue 4-22° w/ PX RDX Smoke 90 6.5

Srixon ZU85 5 26° w/ PX RDX Smoke 100 6.5

Srixon ZX7 6-PW w/ Nippon Modus Tour125 X

Cleveland 588 RTX 52° w/ Nippon Modus Prototype C10 S
Srixon WG-706 56° w/ Nippon Modus Prototype C10 S
Scotty Cameron SSS Circle T Newport Beach w/ UST Frequency Filter

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Wow...no wonder people think golfers are snobby - it seems as if we get annoyed by anything.


In a tournament, my competitor told me not to walk through his "through line."




I told him to "make a damn putt and not worry about where the ball goes when you miss the putt." He shut up.

TaylorMade 2017 M1 440 8.5° Driver == Project X HZRDUS Black 65 6.5
TaylorMade 2017 M2 Tour 15° FW == Project X HZRDUS Black 75 6.5
Titleist 816H2 19° Hybrid == Veylix Rome 988 S+
Miura 1957 Small Blade 4-PW Irons == TT Project X LZ 6.5
Titleist Vokey SM6 50°, 54°, 58° Custom Wedges == TT Project X LZ 6.5
Titleist Scotty Cameron "Cameron & Crown" M2 Putter
Nike RZN Tour Black Golf Balls

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While all of these are things I can't stand, the absolute worst is when a hack hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, walks up, hits it 20 yards, etc..........AND THEN, realized he left the cart 200 yards back and has to walk back to retrieve it. GET IN THE DA*N CART AND DRIVE IT FORWARD!!! Or pick your ball up, anything, just play faster!



This reminded me of one of the funniest things I have seen on the course. We had just caught up to group on the 6th hole. We walked up just as the last person in the other group hit their drive from the 6th tee. One of the guys says, "Now let's play some golf!" 2 carts take of full speed and come to screeching halt 20 yards off the tee not even to the woman's tee yet and 2 of the four guys get out to hit their next shots. We jumped to 15 instead.

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In a tournament, my competitor told me not to walk through his "through line."




I told him to "make a damn putt and not worry about where the ball goes when you miss the putt." He shut up.


Snapity snap snap!! ;) Nice one!


I could go on for days with pet peeves, but my number one is definitely ball marks. 5 seconds to fix what takes Mother Nature 2 weeks to heal. Unacceptable.


That being said, I try hard to "pet peeve proof" myself by playing as much as I can with people I know, and who show the same respect to the course and others as I do (judging from the previous posts, I'd say that's pretty much everyone here too :) ).

Callaway Optiforce 440, Diamana Ahina 70 S
Adams Speedline Fast 12 3W, Grafalloy Prolaunch Blue 65 S
Taylor Made UDI 3, KBS C-Taper S
MacGregor MT Pro CM 4-PW, Rifle 6.5 Flighted
Callaway 2012 Forged 50/54/58, Apollo Matchflex S
TM Ghost Spider S slant
Callaway Chrome Soft Truvis

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The one thing that bugs me most of all is when folks stand in my peripheral vision. I was always taught to be sure to see one pair of cheeks - either front or back, not one of each - from whoever's getting ready to play. Otherwise you're in the wrong place.


The only other thing that gets me a little riled is when someone wants to start talking about my work or my personal life right before my shot. "I'm out here to get away from all that" is what I'd like to tell them. I don't mind small talk, just not right before I'm supposed to hit.


But I can deal with most of the other stuff people have listed. Like has been said before, a lot of these complaints are par for the course on a public course or in a pro-am.

Callaway Rogue ST Max LS, Tensei White 65S
Taylormade Qi10 15*, Hzrdus Gen 4 Black 70 6.0

Taylormade Sim Ti 18*, GD AD-IZ 7X

Taylormade Qi 4i, Dart 90 S +1/2"

Taylormade P790 5i - 6i, MMT 105 S +1"

Taylormade P770 7i-AW, MMT 105 S +1"

Taylormade MG 3 56*, & 60*, MMT 105 S +1"
Odyssey TriHot 5k Seven CH, 35"

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My biggest thing is when avg joe 15 handicap players think they are Pros and play an X stiff 44 1/4 inch shaft with an 10.5 degree loft and hit it 300 feet high, moving right and play a fade to go about 250 yards with the club in the middle of their stance. Then saying they need a stiffer shaft with a lower loft. When you swing at 90 miles an hour, you dont need an X flex.




Sorry, I had to vent......Thanks

#YumaMade #YTown

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Oh yeah, and the guys who wait for a group to putt out on a 400 yard par 4 thinking they are going to drive the green. And when they do drive off, they end up 260 yard slice to the right and hit the green in 3.


I Az, a course called San Marcos, My boss and I were playing in the afternoon, you know, "Business Meetings", and we were stuck behind these 2 guys who waited on every tee for the group in front to move off the par 4 and 5's. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! That happened about 3 times on the front 9. After the 3rd time, Being a Longdriver, I drove each green after that onthe par 4's, took us 3 hours to play 9 holes on a 6'600 yard course with no more than 15 groups out. bastards..............

#YumaMade #YTown

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I have alot of pet peeves....but here is one that i didnt see on here that really pisses me off


On long par 5's yardage markers that say "too far" or "you cant get there"....thanks for your sarcastic commentary wise guy but I still need to know what club to hit to layup to the yardage it want for my 3rd shot.


I just want to give the person that started that a swift kick in the nuts.

Fairway: Srixon ZX MKII 13.5* w/ GD TOUR AD M9003
Hybrid: Srixon ZX MKII 16* w/ Nippon GOST

Utility: Srixon ZX MKII 20* w/Nippon GOST
Wedges: RTX6 50* and 56*
Putter: Frontline Elite RHO

Ball: Z-Star XV Divide

All with Bad@$$ headcovers

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