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It seems that i have not been well received on this site. Oh well. I post an excited post about how good a new driver is for me, I get knocked. I help out a fellow golfer, saving him from buying a club that was overpriced (by three times!) I get knocked. I talk about anything on here I get knocked. Oh well.


Where I draw the line is anyone saying "I feel sorry for his other two sons" and things if that ilk. That's crap. There's no one on earth that feels sorry for my kids. They're great kids. Good grades, respectful to others, good athletes, etc etc etc. They are well taken care of. Here in the Smiter house we have pretty broad shoulders. We talk a good game but we back up what we say. Nothing I've said on here hasn't been true. There are many traits that I have that I'm not proud of. Lying is not one of them.


I love the game of golf. 15-20 years ago I considered trying to be a pro. I played in a few minor events and found out that I didn't have the game to do it and I wasn't sure that I ever would so I moved on. I competed in some long drive comps as that was THE best area of my game. In that world I was average.


I'm now an above average golfer that loves to play and loves his three sons. We have a 10:22 tee time tomorrow morning. For all of us. Spring break. I take advantage of the rare times that we can all play a round together. As I've stated they are well taken care of and there isn't anyone in the world that "feels sorry" for them. I love them. They love me. They're the best part of my life, my entire life. I guarantee that if any single one of you met up with us as a single on the course and joined us, it would be an enjoyable experience for you.


My sons are 13, 11, and 5. The little guy only plays once we get to the green. The last round he played with me he had 14 holes in one, 3 two putts, and one DQ because he missed about 4 times (he sets his ball about 6" away from the hole and putts in from there, he's my little golfing buddy and I play a round with him at least once a week during season). Even though some of you "feel sorry" for them I can guarantee you that all of my poor children would treat every single one of you with respect. They would respect the rules of golf. Not even my 5 year old would step on your line on the green, even as excited as he'd be to get his hole in one. In short he'd show some of you (and your putt line) more respect than I've been shown.


This seems like a great site. There are some of you that do not seem like great people. We've gotten off to a rough start. Sure. I like to smash a golf ball. I can do that. Nothing I've posted hasn't been true. I don't lie. The rest of my game is hot/cold. There's a reason why I pay to play golf vs getting paid to play. I'm as liable to shoot a 68 as I am a 102. Both happen every year.


I'm a proud dad. I have three great sons. One of them is a natural hand/Eye coordinated athlete. He's great at baseball and getting to be very good at golf. EXCUSE ME! I am a little proud of him. He had the highest batting average in his league last year (by over 100 points btw) in baseball. Yeah, I will be a little surprised if he doesn't do something with that. One of my best friends played Major League Baseball for a few years (never really hit it big but made a 25 man roster for 3-4 years before he threw his arm out). He'll even tell you that my boy has a good shot at it. If you watched him play you'd come away with the same feeling. He's the best player on any baseball field he's ever stepped on. So allow me a little bit of pride in who he is and the way he plays. If he was your son you'd feel the same way. Will he make it? Who knows. I simply stated that I'd be surprised if he doesn't.


In short if you want to knock someone that you don't know, and have no clue as to their abilities, go for it. It says much more about you than me. I draw the line at taking even a semblance of a cheap shot at my kids. I can guarantee that not one of you would say that to me 1. Without the anonymity of an anonymous post on the internet ... and 2. If you were to meet my sons and me and see how respectful and polite they are to you and everyone else. It's crap. You wouldn't say that to my face so why are you saying it here? Pick on me? I don't care. Whatever. I'll gladly take your money on a course (hint: don't bet on out driving me). Make any sort of veiled comment about my awesome sons! You and I will have a serious problem. But I'd bet money that you wouldn't say a single negative word to me if we were to meet. The main reason is that there would not be one single reason to do so. My boys are great and will be much more polite and respectful than probably any children you've ever met. The secondary reason is that you'd take one look at me and decide that it would NOT be a good idea.


Bottom line. Knock me what you will. I don't care. Say something about my kids? It's 100% crap and totally uncalled for. I guarantee that not one of you would say it to me in person. So why hide behind a keyboard and say it. There's nothing in here (or anywhere) that I've said that I wouldn't say in person. You don't like me ? Fine. Do not say something about my boys. Just don't do it. If you're the type of person that would, they're already much better people than you. But go ahead and hide behind your keyboard and say stuff that you'd never say to a real man. If it makes you feel good, go for it. Just know that you'd never, ever! do that in person. I know you wouldn't. So why do it now??

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Not trying at all. Will take whatever is thrown at me in stride. I could care 100% less of what someone on the internet thinks of me but I'm sure as heck not going to take crap thrown at or around my awesome kids Thats coward level stuff and I will not put up with it. I post what I want to post and could care less if someone likes it or not. How is that trying too hard? (Just read over and realize that you could be trying to help). Still, not trying at all. I am who I am. Like me, fine. Hate me, fine. Talk about my kids? That's crap and cowardly.

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This is my moment Johnny, get your own dang thread.


If anyone cares, had a great day with my kids today playing some really awful golf. My little guy set a new course (and world) record with 17 holes in one, and one two putt birdie. I think he stopped short of the ultimate goal of 18 holes in one only because there is nowhere to go from there. Once you do that, you'll never top it. My oldest son continued to terrorize everyone and everything on the right side of the course. He's so gangly at this point that I feel sorry for him trying to swing a club. It's hard to find any level of consistency when you grow at the rate he is. He is not a good hand/eye athlete. Great kid although golf isn't his game but he always has a great attitude about it and is fun to play a round with. My middle son continues his solid performance level. His long drive of the day was probably only 200 yards, if that, but he hit all but 2 fairways and his short game is solid. He can already hang with me chipping and putting. Once he can drive it even an average adult distance (and provided he doesn't get gangly when he starts to become a man), he'll probably give me a run for the money. He, with a little help, overhauled his swing over the winter and went from hitting a weak fade/slice to powering through the ball and now it's either straight or has a draw.


Shots of the day are as follows.


Little guy-getting his hole in one on 18 to give him 17 on the round. Amazing performance for a 5 year old. The most amazing thing is that he had the tenacity to stick with us the previous 17 holes of awful golf and still being able to hit that 6" knee knocker into the back of the cup. Well done little fella.


Middle son-his drive on 18 splitting the fairway giving him 12 of 14 on the day. This in spite of of the dreadful conditions that we faced (wet, Wet, and WET) and him purposely trying to get a little extra on his drive. He also hit a bunker shot on 8 that was better than what I'd have done 9 out of ten times.


Oldest boy-despite not hitting a single fairway on the day, stepping up to the tee on 17 (by far the tightest driving hole of any course we regularly play-you pretty much have to hit one dead straight as there are trees tight both left and right that discourage a draw or a fade) and splitting the middle of the fairway. He followed it up by hitting a very solid second shot to just short of the green too.


Me-hit a good drive on the par 5 10th but was just off the fairway sitting about 230 out. The drive landing area is wide open but from 200 in it runs through through trees on both sides. I had a great lie in the rough but was left and had trees to contend with prohibiting a straight shot at the green. I set up a to hit a sweeping hook around the trees and left the ball on the front right of the green. Pin was front center so had 20-25 ft for eagle. Missed it but had less than a foot for birdie (my only on this awful round, yet it spearheaded a back nine that was under par until 17 (and reality) kicked my tail.


All in all it was a good day. It's probably the last round I'll get to play with all of them together until summer break due to baseball and track for my oldest two. They're signed up for the Drive, Chip, and Putt competition so we'll definitely work on those skills but it was nice to play a round with them.

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Awwww man cmon !!! You're going to insult me, and threaten to beat me up because you can't take a joke...and then not even let me participate.


I guess you can add overly sensitive to your list of passive brags.


And I'm just going leave this here so everyone knows what your poo-poo'd about



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Isn't 11 pretty young to be projecting to be drafted out of high school? I've seen a lot of kids who look like world beaters on the little league fields, but aren't even playing by high school age. By no means saying it couldn't or won't happen, just that a lot can change over seven years.


Correct. He's very good now. Once he starts to become a man it can all change. He might just gain speed/power or he might lose all his hand/eye skills. It is early to project. I just know that as of right now he's very good and he's always been driven. Knowing him, if that's the path he chooses I'll be surprised if he doesn't make a go of it. However there is a ton of stuff that can change between then and now. That I will certainly acknowledge.


In a day when full ride (verbal only, lol, that carry absolutely no guarantees of any type) FBS scholarship offers being handed out to football players in 7th and 8th grade, I can tell you that in baseball it's probably just as competetive. Albeit it with scouts for MLB teams checking out the youth all star games. At this point they're only really compiling notes, but in a world where they're bringing over 13-16 year olds from Central America and the DR, do you think any teams area scout doesn't know the top youth players in his area? While we talk about it and dream about it, we know that it's a long shot. I've coached both football and baseball and I've seen every angle once puberty hits. I've seen bad players become good (with offseason work and a nice growth spurt). I've seen good players lose all sense of coordination at that age. I've also seen good players become very good/great players.


It's a crap shoot at best, however if I've seen any kid his age that's willing to put in the work to maximize his talents, it's him. I certainly wouldn't put any money on it either way, but I'd really not put any money against it. If you've ever watched someone that's truly gifted do something for a long time, you know what I'm saying. The funny thing is I'm not afraid to tell my kids they stink st something and that their time is better spent doing something else. I'm not a "little Johnny is so good at everything" type of parent. If they're good at something, I try to drive then be great at it. If they're not I try to steer them to find a true calling, while still allowing them to do it if that's what they really want or they love to do it. I just want them to be well informed as to their true abilities.

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Awwww man cmon !!! You're going to insult me, and threaten to beat me up because you can't take a joke...and then not even let me participate.


I guess you can add overly sensitive to your list of passive brags.


And I'm just going leave this here so everyone knows what your poo-poo'd about




Where did I threaten to beat you up? I'm too old for that crap now. I just said there aren't many that will say something to a mans face that they'll say cowering in fear behind a keyboard (:)) (please note the Smiley in parentheses). Once people see me I find that the list gets even smaller. I'm not exactly, ehh, tiny.


I wouldn't call me overly sensitive. Just did not take that in a joking fashion. You can say whatever you want about me such as "big gorilla man topped drive that went 50 yards" and I'd probably lol about it. But stating much of anything about kids or parenting isn't something that many of us would find funny. That said I didn't even know you were the guy from that thread until I clicked on it. With that being said so much of what is said on here can be taken the wrong way. Me writing "go get your own thread" or whatever was my attempt at humor. Especially since I didn't even know it was you that said that in the other thread. I didn't care who it was. My point was that it's not cool to state things that -1. You'd never say to me in person and 2. State anything about kids or parenting.


You don't know me. If you were playing as a single on a course and joined my boys and I you'd have a great time and likely walk away thinking "wow, that guy is raising some great kids" or some such thing. I'll only accept partial responsibility as my kids are great kids and I have to guide them very little. My oldest two boys would call you sir, or Mr Whatever. My little guy would say "please" if he wanted something and "thank you" if you gave him something (or complimented his making another crucial 6 inch putt for hole in one). I'd love to post a video of him lining up a putt today on 18. The way he sets down the flower he picked for his Mom on the green so he can use both hands. The way he looks just like the bigger people in holding his putter up to show him the line. The seriousness of it to him. At this point, that isn't happening on this site. Someone would likely claim that it was only 5", not 6" and that his Nike putter was outdated and useless and that the ProV1x he was using was last years model so he obviously is an abused child.

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Awwww man cmon !!! You're going to insult me, and threaten to beat me up because you can't take a joke...and then not even let me participate.


I guess you can add overly sensitive to your list of passive brags.


And I'm just going leave this here so everyone knows what your poo-poo'd about




Passive brags? I stopped posting driver distances (although it still cracks me up that to some of you it's so beyond belief that someone that used to compete in long drive comps can really hit a, what do you call it again,... oh yeah, long drive). What more can be expected from me?


I've stated time and again that I'm not really that good of a golfer. Not anymore at any rate, way too inconsistent. Due to my length off the tee I occasionally catch lightening in a bottle for 9 or 18 and post a score but for every eagle putt I have I usually have to scramble twice to post a double bogey.


You want to see a passive brag, find that guy that said something like "Bethpage Black from the tips, it was 7700 yards, I only shot a 77" when we were listing hardest courses we've ever played. Most under par rounds for me occur on courses that are wide open and only 6,000 yards or so. Most of the time then par 4's play as long 3's and par 5's play as long 4's. You put me on a tight course, or one that's pro length and par is not a score I'm going to shoot anymore. I've never stated otherwise.


So I guess why does it bother you, or anyone else for that matter, that I can smoke a golf ball? Is it hard to believe that someone that used to compete in long drive competitions found this site and posted that he hit the ball well north of 300? As a note, I've learned from that and don't post exact yardages any more. From the way that was received you'd have thought I'd have made fun of the pope or something. As another note, it's pretty amazing how far a former long drive competitor can hit a golf ball with today's equipment. Particularly when both holes listed were down hill and down wind. Take into account on the "slightly toed" hit comment, by slightly I did mean slightly. As in about 1/3". Also take into account that it was a dogleg that I cut the dogleg out of by flying it over some trees. So while I don't have an exact "as the crow flies" yardage, it was likely a bit less.


My feelings on said driver have cooled somewhat too. It's definitely longer than any regular club I've ever owned. The last few rounds have been an accuracy struggle. An almost straight shot shape has been rare. When I try to hit a draw with it I usually do but have been pulling it AND hitting a draw. When I try to hit a fade it's been closer to a slice, although those ones have at least started on line. What to do? What to do?? I think the answer must lie in an M1 or an M2. Surely that will help me, don't you think? Of course I'll temper my enthusiasm better when I take that plunge. There will be nary a peep nor a whimper about how it hits for me. Surely no one would ever want to hear about how anyone feels about a new club. That's not the site for this.

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I think you might be trying too hard.


Definitely agree OP may be trying too hard. No offense but your posts seem to run on for too long and don't always need to be paragraphs long. Also, I'm sure you're a great dad and your kids are great but most people don't care about them when you're posting in the DOND forum.

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I think you might be trying too hard.


Definitely agree OP may be trying too hard. No offense but your posts seem to run on for too long and don't always need to be paragraphs long. Also, I'm sure you're a great dad and your kids are great but most people don't care about them when you're posting in the DOND forum.


I'm a barrel of fun. If you don't like paragraphs, read sentences. If you don't like sentences, read words. If you don't like words, read letters. If you don't like letters,.... wait for it.....


Learn sign language!


Also what the friendly dog is the DOND forum? And if people don't care in this forum than lobby for them to care. I'm entertaining. It's free for you. When I spend an hour writing a post, I expect it will be read. I'm a huge fan of people that care enough to read a bunch of words written by someone that has a way with them. Has his way with them. So to speak.


I don't have the patience to write a real multiple paragraph


Reply to you.



So rest well tonight knowing that


I'd never


Do something


Like that.


Seriously. I don't need a life coach. What I would appreciate is someone saying "you know what, this guy is funner than a barrel of barrels filled with monkeys". You don't like what I post? Don't read it. Simple /simple. Even a Neanderthal like me can understand that.


Telling another adult how to act comes across as condescending and petty. I'm not either. If your heart was in the right place than don't look into this any further. And if your heart is in the right place you know that right now I'm like a cornered animal and you'll understand. If you're smirking and trying to find a new way to be petty and annoying than crawl back into the hole of which I have just vacated.


I may have stated this before but I'm not on here to please you. Pleasing me is what I do best. So that is my entire goal. I'm here to have fun. Even at my own expense. I'm just setting the groundwork. You don't like me, fine. Don't bring my kids into this. That was my entire point. There's not a single dad here that wouldn't take great offense to what has been said to me. All because I had the audacity to write that I liked my new driver and could hit it further than most.


Trying hard? I don't care. I don't care what anyone on here thinks of me. Every post I post I have a great big grin on my face. If it's not read that way, that's on the reader.


Trying hard?? Seriously? If I was trying hard I'd find an established guy and kiss his butt. That's not me. I'm me. I'm going to do that. You're you. You do that.

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Might try filling your RX of Xanex.


You have 90 posts and havent been here longer than a month.


Quite possibly, instead of posting the equivalent of a roid rage rant thread, you might sit back and learn how the forum flows. I've been here long enough to see someone like you come along, they never last.....

Taylormade Sim 9° (set to 7°) - Fuji 53k X 

Cobra Rad Speed Tour 5 Wood 16° - Attas-T2 9x

Mizuno MP Fli Hi 18° - C Taper 125 S+
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 23° - C Taper 120 S
Srixon z785 5-PW - KBS TourV X

Cleveland ZipCore 50° - Tour S400
Ping Glide Pro Forged 54°/ Eye Toe 59°  - Tour S400
Seemore mFGP2 
Podcast - "Rough Fairways - A Journey to the PGA Tour" available on Spotify - Pandora - Apple

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It's best not to write things down that could later be used to disprove your sanity.


Lol! Finally. Someone that's trying to help me. Maybe, just maybe, I'm trying to write things that will prove otherwise. There could be any number of reasons. Seriously though. What do you take umbrage in? What have I said that's been so wrong? Other than taking 2k characters when I could take 130, what's so bad?


As always, if you don't read my posts with a big fat grin on your face, then you have misread me. You won't win The Masters reading things like that.

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For someone how doesnt try hard nor care what others think, you sure do wear out your keyboard defending yourself.....

Taylormade Sim 9° (set to 7°) - Fuji 53k X 

Cobra Rad Speed Tour 5 Wood 16° - Attas-T2 9x

Mizuno MP Fli Hi 18° - C Taper 125 S+
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 23° - C Taper 120 S
Srixon z785 5-PW - KBS TourV X

Cleveland ZipCore 50° - Tour S400
Ping Glide Pro Forged 54°/ Eye Toe 59°  - Tour S400
Seemore mFGP2 
Podcast - "Rough Fairways - A Journey to the PGA Tour" available on Spotify - Pandora - Apple

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Might try filling your RX of Xanex.


You have 90 posts and havent been here longer than a month.


Quite possibly, instead of posting the equivalent of a roid rage rant thread, you might sit back and learn how the forum flows. I've been here long enough to see someone like you come along, they never last.....


If it makes you feel better I'll last. I like golf too much. You guys are acting like a gang of bullies that corner a wounded animal and poke it with sticks. I don't like that.


As I've previously stated, there's not a single person on here that wouldn't get along with me if we met on a course. I've never, not once, had a problem with a golfer on a course. Nor will I ever. Closest I've come is someone hitting into me. Several times. Even a crazy, insane, butthole like me can deal with that without going postal. Right???


90 posts in a month? Sue me lawyer man. 60 of them have been spent defending the honor of those closest to me. I haven't been picked on like I am here ever in my life. Not a single one of you would ever say such things to my face. That I can guarantee. You've heard the term "gentle giant". That applies. Again, no one on here would have anything but nice things to say about me OR my children if we met in a course. My little guy has better manners than anyone on here that I've met!!! That should speak volumes.


So go ahead. Tell this full grown man (from the anonymity of your keyboard you coward!) that he should be medicated. I can without a doubt, 100% guarantee that you'd never say that to my face. Never. So go ahead. Hide. Say what you want. Sleep safely in your bed knowing that you'd never have the, in golfing terms, "range bucket" to say anything like that to me. In person.


First of all there'd never be a reason. Me and mine would great you warmly and treat you with respect. Second of all I lol at all of you keyboard warriors that would literally have either a yellow or brown stain in your pants if you even thought of saying something like that to my face. There's no chance.


Treat me with respect and kindness? I'll respond in turn. Treat me like I've been treated on here??


Roid rant? Sure. That's what I need at this point in my life. Everything negative that I've said has been warranted. I've not started it. It seems like some on here are offended by a former LONG DRIVE competitor hitting LONG DRIVES. Go figure. The only thing keeping from really telling you off are the fact that I do actually like it here. I'm not a crazy man. Quit screwing with me (and if you are go back and read my frickin posts-those that aren't antogonized are friendly and if I might have the audacity to add, funny). And I'll quit ranting. Don't like me? Fine. Quit poking a wounded animal with a stick.


For someone how doesnt try hard nor care what others think, you sure do wear out your keyboard defending yourself.....


I'm not defending myself. At this point I'm issuing a challenge. You figure it out.

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Might try filling your RX of Xanex.


You have 90 posts and havent been here longer than a month.


Quite possibly, instead of posting the equivalent of a roid rage rant thread, you might sit back and learn how the forum flows. I've been here long enough to see someone like you come along, they never last.....


If it makes you feel better I'll last. I like golf too much. You guys are acting like a gang of bullies that corner a wounded animal and poke it with sticks. I don't like that.


As I've previously stated, there's not a single person on here that wouldn't get along with me if we met on a course. I've never, not once, had a problem with a golfer on a course. Nor will I ever. Closest I've come is someone hitting into me. Several times. Even a crazy, insane, butthole like me can deal with that without going postal. Right???


90 posts in a month? Sue me lawyer man. 60 of them have been spent defending the honor of those closest to me. I haven't been picked on like I am here ever in my life. Not a single one of you would ever say such things to my face. That I can guarantee. You've heard the term "gentle giant". That applies. Again, no one on here would have anything but nice things to say about me OR my children if we met in a course. My little guy has better manners than anyone on here that I've met!!! That should speak volumes.


So go ahead. Tell this full grown man (from the anonymity of your keyboard you coward!) that he should be medicated. I can without a doubt, 100% guarantee that you'd never say that to my face. Never. So go ahead. Hide. Say what you want. Sleep safely in your bed knowing that you'd never have the, in golfing terms, "range bucket" to say anything like that to me. In person.


First of all there'd never be a reason. Me and mine would great you warmly and treat you with respect. Second of all I lol at all of you keyboard warriors that would literally have either a yellow or brown stain in your pants if you even thought of saying something like that to my face. There's no chance.


Treat me with respect and kindness? I'll respond in turn. Treat me like I've been treated on here??


Roid rant? Sure. That's what I need at this point in my life. Everything negative that I've said has been warranted. I've not started it. It seems like some on here are offended by a former LONG DRIVE competitor hitting LONG DRIVES. Go figure. The only thing keeping from really telling you off are the fact that I do actually like it here. I'm not a crazy man. Quit screwing with me (and if you are go back and read my frickin posts-those that aren't antogonized are friendly and if I might have the audacity to add, funny). And I'll quit ranting. Don't like me? Fine. Quit poking a wounded animal with a stick.


For someone how doesnt try hard nor care what others think, you sure do wear out your keyboard defending yourself.....


I'm not defending myself. At this point I'm issuing a challenge. You figure it out.


That challenge is, I pick a time and a place (of my liking) and we'll each hit one ball for distance.


What??!? You thought I was picking a fight? You might be but I'm just trying to fend off the sticks. Quit poking.

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Learn to spell it's PIXL


You have to be your own best friend

Taylormade Sim 9° (set to 7°) - Fuji 53k X 

Cobra Rad Speed Tour 5 Wood 16° - Attas-T2 9x

Mizuno MP Fli Hi 18° - C Taper 125 S+
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 23° - C Taper 120 S
Srixon z785 5-PW - KBS TourV X

Cleveland ZipCore 50° - Tour S400
Ping Glide Pro Forged 54°/ Eye Toe 59°  - Tour S400
Seemore mFGP2 
Podcast - "Rough Fairways - A Journey to the PGA Tour" available on Spotify - Pandora - Apple

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Whether you actually leave or not is irrelevant. Once everyone ignores you, it's the same as you leaving.

Taylormade Sim 9° (set to 7°) - Fuji 53k X 

Cobra Rad Speed Tour 5 Wood 16° - Attas-T2 9x

Mizuno MP Fli Hi 18° - C Taper 125 S+
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 23° - C Taper 120 S
Srixon z785 5-PW - KBS TourV X

Cleveland ZipCore 50° - Tour S400
Ping Glide Pro Forged 54°/ Eye Toe 59°  - Tour S400
Seemore mFGP2 
Podcast - "Rough Fairways - A Journey to the PGA Tour" available on Spotify - Pandora - Apple

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For anyone not following along at home...

He has used " I " or some other variation of self reference 148 times so far.


That doesn't include any of the "we...they...us...me" etc. statements he has made about how amazing his family is, how well off they are, What a tuff guy he is in person, name dropping that he knows a former professional athlete, or how much farther he can crush a golf ball than all of us.

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Learn to spell it's PIXL


your screename made me think of this. enjoy.




Pixl aint not country I ever heard of

Taylormade Sim 9° (set to 7°) - Fuji 53k X 

Cobra Rad Speed Tour 5 Wood 16° - Attas-T2 9x

Mizuno MP Fli Hi 18° - C Taper 125 S+
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 23° - C Taper 120 S
Srixon z785 5-PW - KBS TourV X

Cleveland ZipCore 50° - Tour S400
Ping Glide Pro Forged 54°/ Eye Toe 59°  - Tour S400
Seemore mFGP2 
Podcast - "Rough Fairways - A Journey to the PGA Tour" available on Spotify - Pandora - Apple

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Smiter, I'll give you some honest feedback...


1) your posts are too long and rambling. When I see a wall of text I skip it. There are other posters here who are that way as well, and I probably read maybe 10% of what they might post in the threads I follow. Your Dunhams thread had about 3 other side plots that probably could have been threads of their own.


2) whether you mean to or not, your style is a little "braggadocious". Either grow a pair, or stop....which leads me to 3


3) there's a sizeable peanut gallery on here, many of whom hate passive or active brags, and will say so. In particular, claims of driving the ball 300+ yards typically are troll fodder.


4) there's a few people who are "likes to argue" guy. Don't be that guy, and don't give him what he wants. He'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Member of TMAG #TeamJetspeed 2013

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