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1) lots of stuff going on with Nike, travel, neck and putting

2) you've played well, and are making birdies

3) rest and recovery are part of athletic performance


So, my unsolicited advice


1) do not chase equipment deals. Find what works best and dial them in, balls, drivers, putter,everything

Equipment you love and trust will always be more valuable to reaching playing goals than getting them free

2) most important part of your equipment is your body...listen to it

3) assess your putting with no emotion, and remember, nobody is right 100% of the time. Your job is to take the coaching from the people you trust, and filter it in to what is best for you. You have the trusted coach, biggest part of the battle!


You're doing great, trust yourself!!


Great advice!! I can always use advice from sources like you and then filter them to what I think are useful. What you had to say is very useful and stuff I try to keep in mind. Pro golf is a grind...but I love it.

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no idea how i found this thread... but i truly believe this is the best thing ive ever seen on Wrx, seriously. tons of good info, but this is truly unique.


Ive been a member for quite some time, mostly using it for the Classifieds, but this was riveting to read. Read all 27 pages across 2 days. Love the updates, and your honesty about the game, your own thoughts on how your playing and the ups/downs regarding your journey.


best of luck to you, ill be checking this thread weekly going forward.


As a side note/question, do you ever hit up the east coast for tournaments? Ive played some competitive golf as a kid, and ive looped at the Travelers Pro-am. I can carry the bag and say "yes sir" like a champ. ha.


again, best of luck, go get 'em.


Thank you and I love new followers like you who support me through the internet. I always enjoy meeting you guys in person. I do come out to the east coast to play in qualifiers and such. Be sure to let me know when you follow on here if I post something and am headed near your town.

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no idea how i found this thread... but i truly believe this is the best thing ive ever seen on Wrx, seriously. tons of good info, but this is truly unique.


Ive been a member for quite some time, mostly using it for the Classifieds, but this was riveting to read. Read all 27 pages across 2 days. Love the updates, and your honesty about the game, your own thoughts on how your playing and the ups/downs regarding your journey.


best of luck to you, ill be checking this thread weekly going forward.


As a side note/question, do you ever hit up the east coast for tournaments? Ive played some competitive golf as a kid, and ive looped at the Travelers Pro-am. I can carry the bag and say "yes sir" like a champ. ha.


again, best of luck, go get 'em.


Thank you and I love new followers like you who support me through the internet. I always enjoy meeting you guys in person. I do come out to the east coast to play in qualifiers and such. Be sure to let me know when you follow on here if I post something and am headed near your town.


will do, thanks and best of luck.


do you have any concrete-ish plans to be in new england for any tournaments? I know the schedule fluctuates a lot, so i know nothing is definite, just wasnt sure.

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1) lots of stuff going on with Nike, travel, neck and putting

2) you've played well, and are making birdies

3) rest and recovery are part of athletic performance


So, my unsolicited advice


1) do not chase equipment deals. Find what works best and dial them in, balls, drivers, putter,everything

Equipment you love and trust will always be more valuable to reaching playing goals than getting them free

2) most important part of your equipment is your body...listen to it

3) assess your putting with no emotion, and remember, nobody is right 100% of the time. Your job is to take the coaching from the people you trust, and filter it in to what is best for you. You have the trusted coach, biggest part of the battle!


You're doing great, trust yourself!!


Great advice!! I can always use advice from sources like you and then filter them to what I think are useful. What you had to say is very useful and stuff I try to keep in mind. Pro golf is a grind...but I love it.


I'm OLD, have lot's of experience :taunt:


Experience is easy though, learning is the hard part

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no idea how i found this thread... but i truly believe this is the best thing ive ever seen on Wrx, seriously. tons of good info, but this is truly unique.


Ive been a member for quite some time, mostly using it for the Classifieds, but this was riveting to read. Read all 27 pages across 2 days. Love the updates, and your honesty about the game, your own thoughts on how your playing and the ups/downs regarding your journey.


best of luck to you, ill be checking this thread weekly going forward.


As a side note/question, do you ever hit up the east coast for tournaments? Ive played some competitive golf as a kid, and ive looped at the Travelers Pro-am. I can carry the bag and say "yes sir" like a champ. ha.


again, best of luck, go get 'em.


Thank you and I love new followers like you who support me through the internet. I always enjoy meeting you guys in person. I do come out to the east coast to play in qualifiers and such. Be sure to let me know when you follow on here if I post something and am headed near your town.


will do, thanks and best of luck.


do you have any concrete-ish plans to be in new england for any tournaments? I know the schedule fluctuates a lot, so i know nothing is definite, just wasnt sure.


No plans at the moment to be in New England. But if I do I will be sure to keep everyone on the board updated!

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no idea how i found this thread... but i truly believe this is the best thing ive ever seen on Wrx, seriously. tons of good info, but this is truly unique.


Ive been a member for quite some time, mostly using it for the Classifieds, but this was riveting to read. Read all 27 pages across 2 days. Love the updates, and your honesty about the game, your own thoughts on how your playing and the ups/downs regarding your journey.


best of luck to you, ill be checking this thread weekly going forward.


As a side note/question, do you ever hit up the east coast for tournaments? Ive played some competitive golf as a kid, and ive looped at the Travelers Pro-am. I can carry the bag and say "yes sir" like a champ. ha.


again, best of luck, go get 'em.


Thank you and I love new followers like you who support me through the internet. I always enjoy meeting you guys in person. I do come out to the east coast to play in qualifiers and such. Be sure to let me know when you follow on here if I post something and am headed near your town.


will do, thanks and best of luck.


do you have any concrete-ish plans to be in new england for any tournaments? I know the schedule fluctuates a lot, so i know nothing is definite, just wasnt sure.


No plans at the moment to be in New England. But if I do I will be sure to keep everyone on the board updated!

there are a few good events up there back to back. Low cost, high return on investment. Played 3 little events in Maine and New Hampshire in about 9 days
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no idea how i found this thread... but i truly believe this is the best thing ive ever seen on Wrx, seriously. tons of good info, but this is truly unique.


Ive been a member for quite some time, mostly using it for the Classifieds, but this was riveting to read. Read all 27 pages across 2 days. Love the updates, and your honesty about the game, your own thoughts on how your playing and the ups/downs regarding your journey.


best of luck to you, ill be checking this thread weekly going forward.


As a side note/question, do you ever hit up the east coast for tournaments? Ive played some competitive golf as a kid, and ive looped at the Travelers Pro-am. I can carry the bag and say "yes sir" like a champ. ha.


again, best of luck, go get 'em.


Thank you and I love new followers like you who support me through the internet. I always enjoy meeting you guys in person. I do come out to the east coast to play in qualifiers and such. Be sure to let me know when you follow on here if I post something and am headed near your town.


will do, thanks and best of luck.


do you have any concrete-ish plans to be in new england for any tournaments? I know the schedule fluctuates a lot, so i know nothing is definite, just wasnt sure.


No plans at the moment to be in New England. But if I do I will be sure to keep everyone on the board updated!

there are a few good events up there back to back. Low cost, high return on investment. Played 3 little events in Maine and New Hampshire in about 9 days


What are the events called? State Opens?

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Tomorrow I leave for the National Capital Open in Ottowa CAN.


I had a week off and I decided to get down to see my swing coach and discuss future plans and what it will take to win the PGA Tour. I became really open to big changes in my putting. My stroke was consistent but not very effective and long lasting. It was something I needed to change in order to make it and win on the PGA Tour. As you can see on my Twitter there is a video! Go Check it out @MattHansenGolf


Basically I will be working hard to keep my stroke on a consistent arc path. I also needed a putter change since the mallet putter I had did not produce the desired stroke. I will now be putting with a 35 in. 3 degree of loft and a lie of 71 Method Matter B1-07 My putting coach who works at Don Parsons Golf Academy is giving me drills and block practice to do while I am home, and before and after rounds.


I am now focused on the future. The goals of what I am doing is for the future and not the immediate present. It is all about patience and understanding that its a process.

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Golf can really suck sometimes. Had a great opportunity this weekend and let my emotions get the best of me. Carried poor shots and mistakes with me over the next few putts I had. Lost 5 shots due to putting over the weekend. Ball striking was there from start to finish but the mental attitude and putting failed me on the weekend. The next big hurdle in my career will be to take care of my head...thinking positive, not getting negative, not focusing on result, not thinking about the future, not trying so hard to make things happen.


I need to stay present and focus on things I can control. Golf is hard and there are many many aspects of the game that make it very difficult.

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For those who like more details I will add a few things here as well relating to this past event and week prior. As some of you have read, Matthew's putter was just not to where he needed it or wanted it to be. The frustration finally got him to surrender and totally give himself over to the putting specialist at Don's. First thing that happened was the realization that the putter he was using was not a good one for his stroke, so bye bye ugly spaceship on a stick as I referred to it.. Nike came thru for him and made a new putter and had it shipped to Ottawa (initials and all) by Tuesday of the tournament week. Despite the lack of club making they still came thru.. It is a pretty putter too, blade style.


On top of that I believe they addressed some other things as well with the emphasis being on long term overall improvement, not focused on immediate results. So he went into this week with a total revamp in the area of putting.

He also discussed at length with his coach other things to work on in all areas - fitness, mental, nutrition etc.. all with a goal of working to be doing the best he can possibly do in all areas.


I am here in Ottawa this week so I got to watch the joy and agony of the past 4 days.. The first 2 rounds were great, balls striking was super and he made a good amount of putts. More than normal in the range that he sometimes struggled with. Round 3 he is T5 and starts off fine.. Par Par but then hole 3 he got a bad lie in a bunker.. It was on backside up high about 8 inches below the lip and he has to try to get it up and out over the other side which was a bit higher. He did not have a good stance either. Not easy.. anyway, he failed to get it out on that shot and at some point there he grounded his club, took another shot to get out and then 2 putted for a triple with the stroke penalty he called on himself. (He got the extra stroke penalty at end of round when they double checked and found out grounding the club was 2 strokes).. So he took a quad.


That bites especially when you are contending and its early in the round and could have been avoided. So rest of round just didn't fare well. He hit ball fine but the putts just would not drop. I would say his brain was firing on too many cylinders at that point. Bottom line is, he didn't handle it well and it hurt him.

Not to say it is easy, but its something to work on. He was not a happy camper rest of the day. He was mad at himself, etc.. It led to decent dialog and I guess its one of those you learn more from when things don't go well than when they do type of things..


Today the weather SUCKED. It was pouring and windy and awful. At least the lightning stayed away so it was just 5 hours of being wet and uncomfortable and battling the weather in addition to course, but a delay would have been horrible. His rain jacket eventually failed so he was just in a short sleeve shirt and rain pants over his golf pants and absolutely soaking wet.


He played well considering the conditions, had a few bad shots which when its that wet and the rough is thick there is not much you can really do to salvage it. Missed some good birdie opportunities as well but he was good at sticking with the new putting and I believe it will pay off in the long run.


The leaders going into today both shot 6 and 7 over and did not come close to the win, I am sure they felt like crap too. Golf is hard. We fly home tomorrow early am and he has a week off. He will then head back to Nova Scotia and Niagra Falls for the last 2 tour events. If he can get into the top 60 (he is at 61) after next 2 he will then get to play the tour championship the week following Niagra.


I hope he can do it because I want to go to that one.. :)

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Golf can really suck sometimes. Had a great opportunity this weekend and let my emotions get the best of me. Carried poor shots and mistakes with me over the next few putts I had. Lost 5 shots due to putting over the weekend. Ball striking was there from start to finish but the mental attitude and putting failed me on the weekend. The next big hurdle in my career will be to take care of my head...thinking positive, not getting negative, not focusing on result, not thinking about the future, not trying so hard to make things happen.


I need to stay present and focus on things I can control. Golf is hard and there are many many aspects of the game that make it very difficult.


One shot at a time. Once the last shot was hit its over and there is nothing that you can do. Close your eyes, One deep breath and on the exhale the last shot goes out of your mind and you turn to your next shot. If you have to on the exhale say something to yourself (I.e. next, gone, one at a time, etc.) For me personally it was exhale and then find that person in the crowd that I would focus on the entire match (coach, family, etc.), when I was out there on my own I had what I considered the good luck charm, which was something small that someone would give me prior to me leaving home for the tourney. Once time it was a hair band, another was a $1 bill. It always varied depending on what family and friends decided. Whatever it was didn't leave my pocket for that entire trip. In the middle of a match if I got frustrated or lost focus it was as simple as close my eyes one deep breath in and out and touch or look at that specific item and then it was a "oh ya, I'm not alone all these people have my back". Would always bring a smile to my face and the ship would then be right.


If you haven't read it yet I highly suggest you read the book Mind Gym ( https://books.google.com/books?id=arDM9Zbd1ZwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=mind+gym&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAsILCktXOAhUJ02MKHQeOD5YQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=mind%20gym&f=false )

I can't tell you how much that helped me in my days of playing on the world level.


Believe in yourself and everything you do/can do. Let mom, dad, gf, and all of the other people pulling for you worry about the previous shot (sorry Agatha, you gotta take one for the team :happy: ) I know its easier said then done, I've been there.

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Golf can really suck sometimes. Had a great opportunity this weekend and let my emotions get the best of me. Carried poor shots and mistakes with me over the next few putts I had. Lost 5 shots due to putting over the weekend. Ball striking was there from start to finish but the mental attitude and putting failed me on the weekend. The next big hurdle in my career will be to take care of my head...thinking positive, not getting negative, not focusing on result, not thinking about the future, not trying so hard to make things happen.


I need to stay present and focus on things I can control. Golf is hard and there are many many aspects of the game that make it very difficult.


One shot at a time. Once the last shot was hit its over and there is nothing that you can do. Close your eyes, One deep breath and on the exhale the last shot goes out of your mind and you turn to your next shot. If you have to on the exhale say something to yourself (I.e. next, gone, one at a time, etc.) For me personally it was exhale and then find that person in the crowd that I would focus on the entire match (coach, family, etc.), when I was out there on my own I had what I considered the good luck charm, which was something small that someone would give me prior to me leaving home for the tourney. Once time it was a hair band, another was a $1 bill. It always varied depending on what family and friends decided. Whatever it was didn't leave my pocket for that entire trip. In the middle of a match if I got frustrated or lost focus it was as simple as close my eyes one deep breath in and out and touch or look at that specific item and then it was a "oh ya, I'm not alone all these people have my back". Would always bring a smile to my face and the ship would then be right.


If you haven't read it yet I highly suggest you read the book Mind Gym ( https://books.google...ind gym&f=false )

I can't tell you how much that helped me in my days of playing on the world level.


Believe in yourself and everything you do/can do. Let mom, dad, gf, and all of the other people pulling for you worry about the previous shot (sorry Agatha, you gotta take one for the team :happy: ) I know its easier said then done, I've been there.


Thank you for the advice. Something I will try going forward.


Also today I am going to see a hypnotherapist! I will let all you board members know how that goes and what it is like.

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Hey Matt, I was wondering if you have ever considered going overseas and trying to qualify for the asian tour, challenge tour, even the sunshine tour?


I have. It's just expensive. Something I may look at in the future depending on funds. I would totally do European Tour School every year if I could afford it because I could make it on the European Tour and then at worst get status on the Challenge Tour.

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I really enjoy this thread. I have to login to my computer to post anything though because it doesn't allow me to post from my phone which is weird. Anyways, I have been lurking this thread. I was really bummed to hear about Nike leaving the business and some of my good friends at the Oven have been effected by the change. I hope you have a strong finish this year. I might have missed it but where do you normally practice at when at home?

TM SiM 9* Kuro Kage XT 60 TX

TM SiM 15* Diamana D+ LTD 70 X

Titleist u500 2 Diamana Tensei Blue 90X, 4 DG TI S400

Titleist T100 5-6 DG TI S400

Titleist MB 7-PW DG TIS400
Artisan TW/TGR Blade 50*, Artisan 55R, 59TW S400
001 TW Proto

WITB http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/1183320-cota0429-nike-oven-baked-witb-52215/

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I really enjoy this thread. I have to login to my computer to post anything though because it doesn't allow me to post from my phone which is weird. Anyways, I have been lurking this thread. I was really bummed to hear about Nike leaving the business and some of my good friends at the Oven have been effected by the change. I hope you have a strong finish this year. I might have missed it but where do you normally practice at when at home?


Thanks! When I'm with the parents at I play at a par 31 muni course that I grew up on called Sea Pines Golf course. When I'm in Davis in my condo I practice and play at El Macero CC, the place where my college team played at.

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Yesterday I went in for a hypno therapy session. A local guy who follows my golfing career had a free coupon for a session and after much delay and skepticism I decided to go in a give it a try.


Now hypno therapy as many of you may think is not "mumbo jumbo". I also thought the same until I sat down. The therapist explained that hypno therapy was to show how much the mind, the sub conscious mind, can control the body. She explained how only 2% of thoughts are conscious and the rest is sub conscious thought. The sub conscious thought then creeps into the forefront of the mind, the conscious part. Bad thoughts that are deep in the sub conscious will slowly filter through into the conscious and this is something I have struggled with. I knew I was thinking poor thoughts but I didn't know how to stop them or key words to think when thoughts happen.


The session began with her analyzing my handwriting on a note I wrote on why I think hypno therapy will help me. She found key words and what sub consciously I was thinking while I was writing. For example the only part of the letter I stumbled upon and had to fix was when I got to the phrase "mental state on the golf course". She said sub consciously thats what I was focusing on and it was shown through my writing since that is the place where I had my only writing error. Very interesting stuff since that was the whole reason I was there.


She explained everything logically and somewhat scientifically so a mind as skeptical as mine could understand. After she looked at my writing she asked a few questions to see the best way I take directions, verbally or physically. We followed that by her showing how powerful the mind is with a simple imagination and visualization technique with a balloon tied around my writ, and it filling with helium as i breathed in and out.


During the whole hour long session I was completely aware and remember everything, but she tapped deep into my head into a place I couldn't consciously control. Another example was during the deep trance, she said imagine all your worries and stresses going into your left arm, it will be as still as a board and you wont be able to bend it...and I couldn't bend it no matter how hard I was trying while I was in the trance. Then she said let all of those worries and self doubt go and your arm will become limp again. It was fascinating how hypno therapy works. And I did feel much much better and at peace afterwards.


I was a skeptic at the beginning, but since all mental coaches say the same thing over and over, it was nice trying something else to help my mental strength and mental thoughts. Its something I will go back to since I have now experienced it and I believe it will help my golf.

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Yesterday I went in for a hypno therapy session. A local guy who follows my golfing career had a free coupon for a session and after much delay and skepticism I decided to go in a give it a try.


Now hypno therapy as many of you may think is not "mumbo jumbo". I also thought the same until I sat down. The therapist explained that hypno therapy was to show how much the mind, the sub conscious mind, can control the body. She explained how only 2% of thoughts are conscious and the rest is sub conscious thought. The sub conscious thought then creeps into the forefront of the mind, the conscious part. Bad thoughts that are deep in the sub conscious will slowly filter through into the conscious and this is something I have struggled with. I knew I was thinking poor thoughts but I didn't know how to stop them or key words to think when thoughts happen.


The session began with her analyzing my handwriting on a note I wrote on why I think the therapy will help me. She found key words and what sub consciously I was thinking while I was writing. For example the only part of the letter I stumbled upon and had to fix was when I got to the phrase "mental state on the golf course". She said sub consciously thats what I was focusing on and it was shown through my writing since that is the place where I had my only writing error. Very interesting stuff since that was the whole reason I was there.


She explained everything logically and somewhat scientifically so a mind as skeptical as mine could understand. After she looked at my writing she asked a few questions to see the best way I take directions, verbally or physically. We followed that by her showing how powerful the mind is with a simple imagination and visualization technique with a balloon tied around my writ, and it filling with helium as i breathed in and out.


During the whole hour long session I was completely aware and remember everything, but she tapped deep into my head into a place I couldn't consciously control. Another example was during the deep trance, she said imagine all your worries and stresses going into your left arm, it will be as still as a board and you wont be able to bend it...and I couldn't bend it no matter how hard I was trying while I was in the trance. Then she said let all of those worries and self doubt go and your arm will become limp again. It was fascinating how hypno therapy works. And I did feel much much better and at peace afterwards.


I was a skeptic at the beginning, but since all mental coaches say the same thing over and over, it was nice trying something else to help my mental strength and mental thoughts. Its something I will go back to since I have now experienced it and I believe it will help my golf.

It's great stuff. I was introduced to hypnosis, self hypnosis and visualization/imaging at the age of 17yo by former NFL Linebacker Pete Wysocki, who was a patient/friend of my father's and he basically became my position coacb(LB) and taught me everything that I knew about Playin the position.


He believed in it strongly and says that he'd have never made the NFL without hypnosis, self hypnosis and visualization. He was a bad a** and Defensive Captain of the Skins. I would have followed him over a cliff if he said that it would make me a DI LB. It helped me tremendously and I continued it through college and I just transferred the self hyonosis and visualization to golf and in the early 90's I started doing transcendental meditation and it helped tremendously as far as allowing me to relax and turn it on and off when I needed it because I am naturely hi wired and as you know, 18 holes and the natural highs, lows and all that occurs can make for a very long and draining day if you don't know when to shut it down between shots.


You're so correct regarding all of the mental books and mouth pieces basically saying the same thing in a different way however I found hypnosis, self hyonosis and transcendental meditation to be a whole nother ball game and a game changer for me.


I've always been a confident individual however they helped me to channel my thoughts and focus on the immediate tasks at hand and not let thoughts slip into my mind that could sabotage my goals.


If you find someone that you're comfortable with and they are on top if their game, they'll be invaluable to ya. I would have her show you how to use self hyonosis.


The best ya Bro!!


It's time to turn it up!!


Fairways Greens Pins & Cups,


In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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Matthew left this morning at 6 am, long travel day ahead for him. Too expensive to fly out of our area so he is headed to LAX which is a bit over 3 hours drive. To save money he will go to Goleta and park at his swing coaches house and take a shuttle bus to the airport so he does not have to pay for 2-3 weeks of parking. By the time he gets to Nova Scotia tonight it will be 1:30 am their time (they are 4 hours ahead). This week he will be staying with Ron MacDonald who caddied for him last year. He graciously opened up his home to us ( although I cannot go) and will caddy again as well feed and house him for the week. Super great guy as is his wife. The week after he will be playing the Niagra Championship, its a new event and after that only the tour championship remains which is for the top 60 only and those players will retain their cards for next season. At 61 currently we will hope for the best. If he makes the Championship I will go. Be nice to watch 4 round no cut tournament with no pressure should he get there. Please send him good thoughts for a few good weeks...

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Good luck Matt. My friend Tadd and I might go up there to Niagara. Tadd has status, I'll have to Monday in. Maybe I'll see you.


You should try to Monday, this late in season its so much easier.. For this weeks event in Nova Scotia the field was only 29 guys for 10 spots which is crazy. I am assuming Niagra will be low numbers as well. Here is the link - https://secure.espor...&regID=6281#top


Deadline is tomorrow and it says they have 53 spots open, that means small field..

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Good luck Matt. My friend Tadd and I might go up there to Niagara. Tadd has status, I'll have to Monday in. Maybe I'll see you.


You should try to Monday, this late in season its so much easier.. For this weeks event in Nova Scotia the field was only 29 guys for 10 spots which is crazy. I am assuming Niagra will be low numbers as well. Here is the link - https://secure.espor...&regID=6281#top


Deadline is tomorrow and it says they have 53 spots open, that means small field..

Thank you, I've already signed up. Looking forward to it!
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      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
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    • 2024 PGA Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
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      General Albums
      2024 PGA Championship - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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      • 13 replies
    • 2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Monday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #2
      WITB Albums
      Akshay Bhatia - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matthieu Pavon - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Keegan Bradley - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Webb Simpson - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Emiliano Grillo - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Taylor Pendrith - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Kevin Tway - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Rory McIlroy - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      New Cobra equipment truck - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Eric Cole's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matt Kuchar's custom Bettinardi - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Justin Thomas - driver change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler - putter change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler's new custom Odyssey Jailbird 380 putter – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Tommy Fleetwood testing a TaylorMade Spider Tour X (with custom neck) – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Cobra Darkspeed Volition driver – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      • 2 replies
    • 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Pierceson Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kris Kim - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      David Nyfjall - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Adrien Dumont de Chassart - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Jarred Jetter - North Texas PGA Section Champ - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Richy Werenski - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Wesley Bryan - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Parker Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Peter Kuest - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Blaine Hale, Jr. - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kelly Kraft - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Rico Hoey - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Pullout Albums
      Adam Scott's 2 new custom L.A.B. Golf putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Scotty Cameron putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
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