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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> This website has seen some improvements in the last day or so. Small things, but progress nevertheless. Perhaps it's simply the 'old' system being further in the rearview mirror.


> Watching the Masters today, began wondering. Could any of us break 100 on ANGC? Playing from the forward (members) tees. Keeping the ball in play. Seems to have rather generous fairways and non-penal rough. Laying up often. The elevation differences would be challenging. Greens would be extreme compared to what we typically putt. Playing without the added pressure of being with members. @Reasonability has been on the grounds IIRC. What do you think? Pipe dream or possibility?


> Am I only just noticing today? These guys sure play a number of whacky putters these days. The thing Adam Scott is using looks huge. That one guy (Justin Harding, never heard of him) using a long putter that seemingly comes up to his chin.


> Jason Day sure seems to have been playing through a number of physical conditions that last couple of years. Always liked him. Wouldn't mind seeing him pickup a win. On Sunday final pairing with Adam Scott. For Tol. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!


> TW prowling. Anyone's opinion on him is more than justified and understandable. But he does make it interesting when he's in contention (Despite the hyperventilating commentary that surrounds him). Also wonder, if we were to show up for mythical round at Augusta. Would they let us on the course with a no collar shirt like TW wore today? Or be promptly escorted off the grounds.


> I don't like pimento cheese. Maybe the stuff they serve at ANGC isn't the processed variety.


> Once found a Masters polo shirt at a estate sale. When I tried wearing it, thought it made me look like a tool. Sold it for a nice ROI.


> One-length had a rough day. The physics must have went off axis. The X-man playing himself into contention. Don't know what it is about Brooks Koepka that rubs me the wrong way? Does JustinThomas ever smile?


> Killing time waiting on the Mrs to head out for dinner. Just announced, she's ready.


Breaking 100 at ANGC. From the member tees, I'd play a 3W off the tee. Then, as Harvey Pencick would say, "Play vanilla golf." If I was on, and the pin placement wasn't too difficult, MAYBE, I'd break 100. Probably not, the first time I played the course. On a regular basis, yes.

As far as Masters regalia, the only official item I have, is the green sleeveless windshirt with logo. Unofficially, I have two green jackets, a set of Masters inspired Lamkin grips, (on my x-forged irons), an inspired long tie (from $20 tie), and a hideous green Kangol cap.

AND I almost forgot, a 2018 "official"? program, that someone left on the free magazine pile at the club. Didn't look like anyone even opened it. It'll be a fixture on a table during "Masters" week.

Missus has made plans with her sister for both today and Sunday, so I will watch it solo in my green jacket and tie, hopefully, after a few holes of golf.


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> @scotee said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > Growing a little concerned for Scotee. Sounded like a computer was fixed up on his end. Sort of assumed that effort got him back up and running. But since, he's basically gone silent. Hopefully he and his bride are off on another fun journey taking cool pics.


> Not to fear scotee is near. Back home from another trip to Spokane. We went up Wed. night for the main part of Mrs. scotee's shoulder treatment. Thurs. morning they sedated her and took blood cells from her hip. We went back in the afternoon and they injected the processed stem cells into her shoulder. We stayed over last night and took her car to have some warranty work today. I have spent quite a bit of time in medical and auto dealer waiting rooms. She did great. Some soreness but no real pain. Back next week for one more. A blood draw and PRP injections into the same shoulder and the other side for good measure and into her sore achilles tendon. Then we wait. If it works I may be tempted to have some of my balky parts stemmed and stirred.

> Ok one cool bride pic from Spokane:


> jhp9lcvt8hsa.png



Really lovely picture scotee, even better looking young lady. As someone suggested a younger member of the family.?

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Just saw the video of the security guy tripping Tiger. Don't know what to think, a stupid move, perhaps?

Don't see anything wrong with his shirt. Looks good on him, probably wouldn't look good on me, moobs.

If I played ANGC, I'd wear the same getup I wear at my cow pasture. I'd have to add the bow tie, in honor of Bobby Jones.

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> > @tolmij said:

> > Not a usual pursuit but this afternoon I am watching horse racing, specifically because it is the last race of a horse called Winx. This horse has won the last 33 consecutive races, has a gear that is engaged about 150 yds from the finish and pulls away as if the others are standing still. Today will make it the most successful horse in racing history If it wins. One punter has a bet of $450,000 on a win to have a return of $50,000 plus the stake money. One thing I can relate to is the sheer power of horses, having shod them for many years, love the athletic ability of them such a noble creature. Race is about to start being run in 15 mins


> Certainly understand your unique perspective on the majesty of the animal. Don't have any horseiness in my background, but always enjoyed watching horse racing. Make a point to catch the Triple Crown races here in the States. Some of the Breeders Cup. Don't watch the entire programming, but tune in 20 minutes before post. In time to catch the closing odds.


> Been to two Kentucky Derby's BITD (late 70's). Big group of us had access to a motorhome and we'd make the trek to Churchill. Parked in the infield, amongst the hoards. Couldn't see much of the horse racing, only heads going by. Had to climb up on top of the motorhome to view the racing. I usually wasn't in a condition to get that high off the ground. Last time was the year Affirmed went on to win the Crown (1978). What was rather remarkable, was the sound of the horses as they "thundered" by our location. Literally. Always had a great time. Although the trip back home on Sunday was brutal.


> Michigan use to have two thoroughbred tracks that a bud and I ventured to on sunny summer afternoons. For some horse racing action. Analyze the Racing Form, place our parlay totes, hoping to win some easy money. ("Money won is twice as sweet as money earned" - Fast Eddie Felson). Great place to people watch as well. Lot of characters hanging out at the race track. Kick back in the stands, drink a couple of cold ones. Be part of the action. Sadly those days are gone. No horse racing left, not even trotters. Put out of business by all the alternative sanctioned gambling (casinos) that exists. If there was a quality track nearby (Churchill, Saratoga, San Anita, etc.) would certainly hit them up. Nothing quite like a day at the track with some betting action to keep things interesting.



Funny thing with me and horses. My DW has always loved them and took every opportunity to be around them, me I was scared of them and always made sure there was someone else between me and them. The idea of training to be a farrier was suggested when we had very little cash and moved to a rural area, DW was talking to someone who said how expensive it was and how difficult it was to find one, so I contacted a farrier that did the teaching the practical way, I went out on his rounds with him, watched tried read practiced and eventually got there. On the way I completely forgot my fear and enjoyed working with them. Built up my own round and had many good years with these beautiful animals.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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The golf journalist for one of the Detroit newspapers won the blind media draw for the opportunity to play Augusta the day after the tournament a number of years ago. He posted the story about it this morning. Thought it coincided with several of the perspectives shared by @Reasonability. Thought it was a worthwhile read on the experience. Many annoying pop-ups to navigate though.



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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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A long time ago in my youth I used to date a gal that worked with thoroughbreds. She was a groom at the time and one year when she had a particularly successful 2 yr. old under her care she did the full season from Ontario then to NY and the winter meet in Florida.


That was a pretty fast crowd. A lot of hard living with money flying around like it was water. Plenty of shenanigans went on between the jockeys and women who worked with the horses. Tough crowd. Truth be told, that was ultimately what came between us as she eventually made a career out of horse racing, first working with the animals and then later for the tracks themselves in management. Stumbled upon her on FB a few years back and she was running a retirement farm for race horses. Once a horse person always a horse person, I guess.


After splitting up with her I never took much to do with the ponies until we joined a bowling league that held its annual banquet at the local sulky track. That was always a fun night even though I knew nothing about reading a racing form. Would allocate about $20 to the action and if I came home with money in my pocket deemed the night to be a success. AFAIK that track is still operating, but the bulk of the action takes places in the attached casino with the bevy of slot machines. Most of the tracks up here are now combination venues with slots and trots.


I've never understood the fascination of the slot machine with its spinning tumblers and repetitive action of feeding in coins and tugging on the lever. Meanwhile there's real action going on outside as the horses race around the track. Furthermore, you can make $20 last the night if you limit yourself to $2 bets to show. I've whistled through $20 in about 20 minutes with your typical slot machine. I don't know what I'm doing in either case, but it seems as though my ignorance is less punishing betting on horses as I've only got about 10 races to wager on per night.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @Fellaheen51 said:

> The golf journalist for one of the Detroit newspapers won the blind media draw for the opportunity to play Augusta the day after the tournament a number of years ago. He posted the story about it this morning. Thought it coincided with several of the perspectives shared by @Reasonability. Thought it was a worthwhile read on the experience. Many annoying pop-ups to navigate though.


> https://www.freep.com/story/sports/golf/2019/04/13/augusta-national-masters/3449537002/


Good read Fella, the pop tarts weren't too bad. He puts the story in the hands of golfers like us, I like that, the caddie definitely helped him for sure.

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> @tolmij said:

> > @scotee said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > Growing a little concerned for Scotee. Sounded like a computer was fixed up on his end. Sort of assumed that effort got him back up and running. But since, he's basically gone silent. Hopefully he and his bride are off on another fun journey taking cool pics.

> >

> > Not to fear scotee is near. Back home from another trip to Spokane. We went up Wed. night for the main part of Mrs. scotee's shoulder treatment. Thurs. morning they sedated her and took blood cells from her hip. We went back in the afternoon and they injected the processed stem cells into her shoulder. We stayed over last night and took her car to have some warranty work today. I have spent quite a bit of time in medical and auto dealer waiting rooms. She did great. Some soreness but no real pain. Back next week for one more. A blood draw and PRP injections into the same shoulder and the other side for good measure and into her sore achilles tendon. Then we wait. If it works I may be tempted to have some of my balky parts stemmed and stirred.

> > Ok one cool bride pic from Spokane:

> >

> > jhp9lcvt8hsa.png

> >


> Really lovely picture scotee, even better looking young lady. As someone suggested a younger member of the family.?


Indeed. Now either the good doc is younger than he's been letting on or else he may have been guilty of cradle robbing... :tongue:

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @SixtySomePing said:

> > @Fellaheen51 said:

> > The golf journalist for one of the Detroit newspapers won the blind media draw for the opportunity to play Augusta the day after the tournament a number of years ago. He posted the story about it this morning. Thought it coincided with several of the perspectives shared by @Reasonability. Thought it was a worthwhile read on the experience. Many annoying pop-ups to navigate though.

> >

> > https://www.freep.com/story/sports/golf/2019/04/13/augusta-national-masters/3449537002/


> Good read Fella, the pop tarts weren't too bad. He puts the story in the hands of golfers like us, I like that, the caddie definitely helped him for sure.


Agreed. Sounds about like how I might do in a relative sense. Start out reasonably well and then begin to think about posting a score at which point you promptly blow up! Once all hope is lost, then you free up and begin to play up to your capability, but alas, it's a case of too little too late.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Yeah, that was kinda what I was getting at when posting about breaking 100. Try and employ an ultra-conservative approach. @Wriggles touched upon it. Hitting safely off the tee, playing "vanilla golf". Advance the ball as safely as possible, to position 50 -75 yards out on the most demanding holes. Then wedge in hopefully to some measure of position. And hope for the best once the putting began. Undoubtedly, a knowledgeable caddie would be of huge benefit for navigating you around. With the only thought of score being one that has two digits.


However, would surmise us mere mortals would get enraptured by the majesty of the surroundings, the provenance, and lose focus on the basic task at hand. Score. Likely the most difficult challenge would be to keep one's nerves in check. To be able to simply swing the club without becoming a basket case. Idk. All pure speculation.

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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Good afternoon all... at least, where I am in the world this week. I know it's been a while as I don't even recognize the new look.


Confession... I have played once in the past 17 months. Yeah, there has been that much travel that I couldn't get it together other than about 2 weeks ago. Struck the ball like garbage with the exception of about 3 shots all day. Almost holed a 3w at 241 for albatross ... and I mean air mail into the hole. Hit about 1 foot short and maybe 3 inches wide. Other than that... I'm glad I can still putt and chip a bit or else I would have stunk it up.


Here's hoping when I get home I will be able to find time to hit the course before getting on another flight around the world.


Hope all are well and nobody has fallen into bad swing thoughts!

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> @Gauchograd99 said:

> Good afternoon all... at least, where I am in the world this week. I know it's been a while as I don't even recognize the new look.


> Confession... I have played once in the past 17 months. Yeah, there has been that much travel that I couldn't get it together other than about 2 weeks ago. Struck the ball like garbage with the exception of about 3 shots all day. Almost holed a 3w at 241 for albatross ... and I mean air mail into the hole. Hit about 1 foot short and maybe 3 inches wide. Other than that... I'm glad I can still putt and chip a bit or else I would have stunk it up.


> Here's hoping when I get home I will be able to find time to hit the course before getting on another flight around the world.


> Hope all are well and nobody has fallen into bad swing thoughts!


You've always got a seat at this table, Gaucho. And we appreciate your stepping in here when you can. With springtime just now taking effect, most of us are also blowing out the rusty pipes, especially on and around the greens. And yea, new format to WRX. Supposedly more to come.


Travel safe and be well. Your seat here always awaits your return.

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> @tolmij said:

> > @scotee said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > Growing a little concerned for Scotee. Sounded like a computer was fixed up on his end. Sort of assumed that effort got him back up and running. But since, he's basically gone silent. Hopefully he and his bride are off on another fun journey taking cool pics.

> >

> > Not to fear scotee is near. Back home from another trip to Spokane. We went up Wed. night for the main part of Mrs. scotee's shoulder treatment. Thurs. morning they sedated her and took blood cells from her hip. We went back in the afternoon and they injected the processed stem cells into her shoulder. We stayed over last night and took her car to have some warranty work today. I have spent quite a bit of time in medical and auto dealer waiting rooms. She did great. Some soreness but no real pain. Back next week for one more. A blood draw and PRP injections into the same shoulder and the other side for good measure and into her sore achilles tendon. Then we wait. If it works I may be tempted to have some of my balky parts stemmed and stirred.

> > Ok one cool bride pic from Spokane:

> >

> > jhp9lcvt8hsa.png

> >


> Really lovely picture scotee, even better looking young lady. As someone suggested a younger member of the family.?


Echoing relief that a buddy - and in this case his bride - are both doing well.


So cool a core group comes "home" be it routinely or eventually. Hard to imagine our little nest without any single one of our buds. Always interested to see if anyone new joins. They're always made to feel welcome. Even better when they hang-in with us over time. As stated in post# 1, it's not the brand of banter for everyone - perfectly understandable. But if you appreciate good old fashioned clubhouse fun, sure looks like we managed at least that much. An anniversary date for the Grille is approaching. We're racking up measurable years here!




No earthly clue who wins at Augusta. If I had to pick based on what I've seen it might be Molinari or Scott. Some of the commentary is getting silly. We're now hearing how Phil and Tiger are chewing peppermint gum to get a mind-calming effect. Heavens!!! My swing coach, my physical therapist, my sports psychologist, my club fitter, my diet, my track man, my caddie, and my talent may not quite be enough. Need me a stick of gum to seal the deal. LMAO



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Just back from the local green grass pro shop's annual club swap. I took a passel of metal woods over earlier in the week. The Nike SUMO2 FW's sold, but the others remain. It appears as though there wasn't nearly the level of consignments as other years and it's pretty well picked over at this juncture. I suspect that the other woods I consigned will be coming home with me next week. When you see brand new Tour Edge Trilogy hybrids still in plastic unsold at $25 for the pair, I feel like a really scored getting $70 for a pair of semi-collectible woods that have seen their share of usage. It will pay for a couple of 18 hole rounds with a cart. Between eBay and on-line resellers like Golfavenue the local used club market is pretty much dead!

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @SixtySomePing said:

> > @scotee said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > Growing a little concerned for Scotee. Sounded like a computer was fixed up on his end. Sort of assumed that effort got him back up and running. But since, he's basically gone silent. Hopefully he and his bride are off on another fun journey taking cool pics.

> >

> > Not to fear scotee is near. Back home from another trip to Spokane. We went up Wed. night for the main part of Mrs. scotee's shoulder treatment. Thurs. morning they sedated her and took blood cells from her hip. We went back in the afternoon and they injected the processed stem cells into her shoulder. We stayed over last night and took her car to have some warranty work today. I have spent quite a bit of time in medical and auto dealer waiting rooms. She did great. Some soreness but no real pain. Back next week for one more. A blood draw and PRP injections into the same shoulder and the other side for good measure and into her sore achilles tendon. Then we wait. If it works I may be tempted to have some of my balky parts stemmed and stirred.

> > Ok one cool bride pic from Spokane:

> >

> > jhp9lcvt8hsa.png

> >

> Great pic of your granddaughter scotee, ha, she looks wonderful. Hope all goes well for her.


Thank you guys. She sailed through the procedure and is hopeful for a good result. The neurosurgeon that I play golf with is a little skeptical but then again he is in the cutting business. Yes, as you already know, I "out kicked my coverage" and yes robbed the cradle but only by 2 years. We have birthdays in May and she will then be on Medicare. Did I say how lucky my 4 daughters are? People see them and think look just like their mother.

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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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A trio of Finau, Woods, and Molinari tasked to play early and get it done. Others lurking and won't go quietly.


Sunday breakfast with a Masters broadcast. Never experienced that one. Got me a green Masters fold-out chair in front of the TV. Clubs propped up at arm's reach. Will be wearing AGNC gear. Fired up. Foaming at the mouth and falling over backwards. Paper bag handy if hyperventilating occurs. Might run to a parlor tonite and get me an amen corner tat. Eating pine straw and dumping cones.

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So did any of you see the Peter Kostis analysis of "Motion Capture" technology. They showed that the fastest point in a golf swing with driver was about 18 inches before impact. On the example with Brooks Koepka he was at 126 mph max and down to 120 mph at impact. Interesting. That is a 6 mph deceleration in just 18 inches. They teach us to have the fast spot in our swing just after impact but that does not happen. He did say that the fastest swingers had the max speed closer to impact than slower swingers. So when Trackman says 120 measured at impact, the speed was higher before that. That would be interesting to see in our swings.


Edit to add: Does that mean if you swing one of those clubs that measure club head speed, that you have to subtract 5 or 6 mph to get a true at impact speed?

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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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> @Reasonability said:

> A trio of Finau, Woods, and Molinari tasked to play early and get it done. Others lurking and won't go quietly.


> Sunday breakfast with a Masters broadcast. Never experienced that one. Got me a green Masters fold-out chair in front of the TV. Clubs propped up at arm's reach. Will be wearing AGNC gear. Fired up. Foaming at the mouth and falling over backwards. Paper bag handy if hyperventilating occurs. Might run to a parlor tonite and get me an amen corner tat. Eating pine straw and dumping cones.

Yes @Reasonability ! It is set up to be epic. Let's hope the storm is late and does not ruin it for the leaders. I would rather see a Monday finish than to have weather determine the winner. Those out early could make a run for sure. So many still in this!



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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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> @scotee said:

> > @SixtySomePing said:

> > > @scotee said:

> > > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > Growing a little concerned for Scotee. Sounded like a computer was fixed up on his end. Sort of assumed that effort got him back up and running. But since, he's basically gone silent. Hopefully he and his bride are off on another fun journey taking cool pics.

> > >

> > > Not to fear scotee is near. Back home from another trip to Spokane. We went up Wed. night for the main part of Mrs. scotee's shoulder treatment. Thurs. morning they sedated her and took blood cells from her hip. We went back in the afternoon and they injected the processed stem cells into her shoulder. We stayed over last night and took her car to have some warranty work today. I have spent quite a bit of time in medical and auto dealer waiting rooms. She did great. Some soreness but no real pain. Back next week for one more. A blood draw and PRP injections into the same shoulder and the other side for good measure and into her sore achilles tendon. Then we wait. If it works I may be tempted to have some of my balky parts stemmed and stirred.

> > > Ok one cool bride pic from Spokane:

> > >

> > > jhp9lcvt8hsa.png

> > >

> > Great pic of your granddaughter scotee, ha, she looks wonderful. Hope all goes well for her.

> >

> Thank you guys. She sailed through the procedure and is hopeful for a good result. The neurosurgeon that I play golf with is a little skeptical but then again he is in the cutting business. Yes, as you already know, I "out kicked my coverage" and yes robbed the cradle but only by 2 years. We have birthdays in May and she will then be on Medicare. Did I say how lucky my 4 daughters are? People see them and think look just like their mother.

My DW has a birthday in May as well. This year, I will still need her, I will still feed her, cause she'll be 64!


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> @scotee said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > A trio of Finau, Woods, and Molinari tasked to play early and get it done. Others lurking and won't go quietly.

> >

> > Sunday breakfast with a Masters broadcast. Never experienced that one. Got me a green Masters fold-out chair in front of the TV. Clubs propped up at arm's reach. Will be wearing AGNC gear. Fired up. Foaming at the mouth and falling over backwards. Paper bag handy if hyperventilating occurs. Might run to a parlor tonite and get me an amen corner tat. Eating pine straw and dumping cones.

> Yes @Reasonability ! It is set up to be epic. Let's hope the storm is late and does not ruin it for the leaders. I would rather see a Monday finish than to have weather determine the winner. Those out early could make a run for sure. So many still in this!



I agree, please, no weather determination of the outcome, just pure golf. Looks like a terrific Masters this year. Molinari has been playing well, and consistently. Could be quite the finish. Tiger wants it bad too, so hang on to your seats, good thing we have plenty of great seats to view from here at the Grille...


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> @scotee said:

> So did any of you see the Peter Kostis analysis of "Motion Capture" technology. They showed that the fastest point in a golf swing with driver was about 18 inches before impact. On the example with Brooks Koepka he was at 126 mph max and down to 120 mph at impact. Interesting. That is a 6 mph deceleration in just 18 inches. They teach us to have the fast spot in our swing just after impact but that does not happen. He did say that the fastest swingers had the max speed closer to impact than slower swingers. So when Trackman says 120 measured at impact, the speed was higher before that. That would be interesting to see in our swings.


> Edit to add: Does that mean if you swing one of those clubs that measure club head speed, that you have to subtract 5 or 6 mph to get a true at impact speed?


The following is my story, and I'm sticking to it - lol. Any/all are welcome to disagree.


There's two separate things going on during a downswing that primarily determine clubhead speed at any point we choose to measure it.


A. The golfer ... Mind-numbing variables from his application of wrist hinge, sequencing, release pattern. A gamut of terms this gang would shoot me for unpacking. They'd drop me dead where I stand for sure.


B. The club ... The shaft loads up, flexing when it does. The clubhead resultingly lags a bit behind the handle. That moment of highest loading creates a temporary deceleration which is made up for when the shaft subsequently unloads this stored (flex) energy.


It's conceivable I suppose parts A and B possibly could combine to create the situation Peter Kostis mentions. Possibly.


I love old Peter. He's battled cancer. He's a well known coach. Walks inside the ropes with a small radio station strapped on his back. Earned his stripes.


Peter sometimes trips on his own attempt to apply technology to technique. I feel pretty sure I've seen him misappropriate both by protracting partial information into leaping conclusions. When he does, he confuses people with info that isn't IMHO always exactly true. And this gang would kill me again for ranting about those specifics. It's just my opinion anyway but it's a discussion I'd gladly have in the right venue.


Bottom line - Peter showed something that's "possible" if and only if certain golfers with specific swing styles are attached to certain sensors while swinging certain shafts. I don't see it as changing the world of golf anytime soon.


More on shaft loading and swing styles should anyone care to see it for grins:







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Also, I'm no Doppler radar expert. Lol. I slept in a Holiday Inn Express where I heard all those colored ribbons we see on TV showing ball flights accurately use both clubhead speed at impact and ball speed just after impact in some sort of algorithm. So I "think" (could be wrong) the speed that matters is at impact. Peter may be right and I may be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time! Lol

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Interesting stuff. He answered but not really my question about if Iron Byron would be the same as Koepka. Maybe not. Kostis made it sound like every swing was faster before impact when measured with this thing. I am assuming someone has looked at a mechanical swing with this motion analysis. At any rate, I want my 6 mph back.

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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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Started painting this morning with only 5 mins required to put a finishing touch to a painting that has taken far too long, must have been a seniors moment and completely stuffed it. 1 hour later I had removed the rubbish and repaIred the other bits, try again tomorrow. Have six on the go at present, feel sometimes as if I am running out of time and need to work harder.


On the other foot, we have songs playing when we paint and one of them was Louis Armstrong singing what a wonderful world, stopped me in my tracks and made me aware of what we have. Waking up each morning next to the most wonderful person I have ever met makes everything worth while. Always look to what we have and the positives in life, makes the mistake on the painting quite irrelevant.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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We are not the instagramme types but as an experiment DW decided to give one of our cats an account to see how it worked, in four days he has over 500 followers, trying to see how long it takes to reach 2,000. Report on this later as I know you will all be hanging on to see how it goes.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @Reasonability said:

> Just experienced something (not for the first time), I've heard so many others report.


> Maybe 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back spent typing a post. Got up for a bio-break and returned to read it in full for the first time.


> LMAO, it was a disconnected, mis-directed, poorly worded, confusing, useless mess. Heck I wrote it and couldn't follow along. A stream of consciousness gone wrong.


> Deleted it in it's entirety. Crash avoided.


That is SOP for me--- I have trouble conveying my thoughts to written or typed text--- I am more of a hands on show you guy---- Now if I get technical a few like you or De Ninny can understand what I am talking about and so can Bladehunter. I think Rad deciphers my technical stuff pretty well too. That is why I do not write a lot of detailed technical stuff. I could do an article about the changes I made on my rusty Scotty yesterday but it would take me 2 hours to post and maybe you 4 could understand it. Basically I got the yips and I am getting older so I had to do some old fart modifications. I have done a lot of experimentation all this year. I have around 100 putters of all types and vintages. Did not want to admit it but it was the Indian not the arrow. Basically I lengenther it from my standard 33" to 35" using an Bullseye fluted shaft for stability. Messed with the loft and lie and installed a long SS Traxion Tour 3.0 XL grip with the counterbalance system. I an using a modified claw type grip with my hands. Worked with it on the practice green for about 2 hours yesterday morning getting the balance and feel right. ROTFLMAO got some puzzled looks from the touron crowd because I had my little gym bag out with the lead tape and SS counterweight kit in it. Alsi had my old school SW scale set up by the starter stand not to check SW but to check balance. Went back out around 5:00 or so when all the tourist had went home or to eat and putted to dark think I have it dialed in. Made a lot of putts 6 feet and in which has been my nemesis recently. I can still chip and my short irons are ok but putting from 10 feet in has been killing me. I will do some more evaluation this afternoon if it does not rain

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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