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Crap course at Golf National? Seriously? A superb test of Golf, in fantastic condition and very fair. Brutal but so is Carnoustie and Waterville.


Well,'one man's meat....'etc.


It just looks like a Dye tribute mish-mash,very contrived as are most 'stadium' courses and there is absolutely nothing that would readily identify it as European.

The same old that they play every week on the PGA Tour practically speaking.

What does Carnoustie have to do with it?

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I can't believe I'm not the only one not watching Ryder Cup highlights!


After 30 minutes of fist pumps and chest bumps I'd had enough along with the flapping Ms Barbour who is like a winged duck on acid and the idiot Poulter banging his chest.

The US team have behaved in more modest fashion though Bubba appears to be affected by the French air.

What a crap golf course.

Is that really the best they could find to host the RC?

The track at Evian-les-Bains (have to be careful with the spelling!) where the ladies played is a beautiful and testing course.

Random thoughts.

The event is hyped-up beyond belief.


Actually just finished watching 2nd episode of Killing Eve. Very quirky, original stuff. I'll make more of an effort to watch future instalments of that than the rest of the RC.


I'm sorry to say I now avoid BBC drama after seeing a black actor cast as Achilles and the dreadful mauling given to Bernard Cornwell's Saxon/Viking Uhtred of Bebbanburg novels which are,along with his 'Sharpe' series an excellent read.

Before the PC comments start flying this is not race-hate but an objection to those who rewrite existing histories and plays to fit their own agenda and quotae.

Where is it even remotely suggested that Achilles was of African descent?

I have the same issue with those who interfere with the classics,some woman has recently rewritten The Scottish Play because Shakespeare failed to fully empower Lady M,so she's changed it by adding her own script.

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Moving on....


Today was my first day at my new club,located about 12 miles in the opposite direction to my previous one and located just outside the pleasant market town of Driffield 'Gateway to The Wolds'.

Four or five years ago I had a short stint there and was pleasantly surprised today,the course was better and more difficult than I remembered,it's fairly flat so easy walking but lots of beautiful mature trees and a trout stream running through the middle of it.

The greens are recovering from winter maintenance so a bit slow and bumpy,Tad was not happy,too fine an instrument for these conditions so Mr Anser will be having an outing on Wednesday and hopefully will do the biz.

We played better ball which I enjoy,one of the other guys was an absolute magician with his short game and putting.

He spent a fair while aiming down his club or putter to see a line then for the actual stroke he gripped it as though wringing a chicken's neck.


Never seen the like in 50 years,he putted stiff,I mean to 1" or 2" several times from long range and holed everything from 5' in.

I intend to take my camera on Wednesday and will try to get some shots of the course and of Cliff the Strangler!

Bit of a mixed bag from yours truly,4 chances for birdie 0 made,several reasonable putts for par 0 made,as the wonderful Tony Blair sang in 1997 "Things can only get better..."

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Moving on....


Today was my first day at my new club,located about 12 miles in the opposite direction to my previous one and located just outside the pleasant market town of Driffield 'Gateway to The Wolds'.

Four or five years ago I had a short stint there and was pleasantly surprised today,the course was better and more difficult than I remembered,it's fairly flat so easy walking but lots of beautiful mature trees and a trout stream running through the middle of it.

The greens are recovering from winter maintenance so a bit slow and bumpy,Tad was not happy,too fine an instrument for these conditions so Mr Anser will be having an outing on Wednesday and hopefully will do the biz.

We played better ball which I enjoy,one of the other guys was an absolute magician with his short game and putting.

He spent a fair while aiming down his club or putter to see a line then for the actual stroke he gripped it as though wringing a chicken's neck.


Never seen the like in 50 years,he putted stiff,I mean to 1" or 2" several times from long range and holed everything from 5' in.

I intend to take my camera on Wednesday and will try to get some shots of the course and of Cliff the Strangler!

Bit of a mixed bag from yours truly,4 chances for birdie 0 made,several reasonable putts for par 0 made,as the wonderful Tony Blair sang in 1997 "Things can only get better..."

Sounds interesting. Looking forward to pictures. Forgive me if this has been asked, but do you "have to" belong to a club to play in your country? In the US I can go anywhere except the private clubs or those that are beyond my price range. Just curious if there are "Munis" over there.
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It's a very mixed situation.

There are private golf clubs of different standards where a member pays an annual subscription fee which will vary according to location and quality of the club and course.

Some private clubs are by invitation only and cannot be joined by applying as per 'normal' golf clubs.

Some clubs still charge a joining fee which is frequently the same as the first year's subscription,when I lived in York membership at Fulford which is a top quality course was around £1,200 plus £1,200 joining fee which was slightly eased by being able to pay the joining fee over 2 years.

I was a member at Heworth which was about £575 (then).

I've been fortunate enough to play at Sunningdale and Copt Heath where the members just divvy up what the costs are each year,so one year their bill was several thousand £'s because the club bought brand new replacement machinery which was offset the following year when they sold a parcel of land for building and received a very large sum which was shared between the members.

Many clubs have struggled because when the golf boom was on in the '90's and following a misleading report from the R&A (?) on the need for more courses to satisfy the number of people on club waiting lists many farmers turned land into golf courses thinking that there was going to be a flood of people wanting to play.

The R&A failed to understand that many people who were on waiting lists to join a club had multiple applications on hold.the actual number was far less than they thought and many of those courses have disappeared through lack of members.

A sub division of private courses are those proprietary courses which are run as a profit making business and may be attached to a hotel or leisure complex.

The hotel where I worked had a membership,competitions and a committee but overall control rested with the hotel management.

There are municipal courses owned and run by local authorities and they can vary tremendously in quality of both layout and upkeep.

I have played some which are no better than fields with flags and then there are others that are a real treat.

Newbold Comyn in Leamington Spa is a good test as is Brandon Wood,Coventry but probably the best is The Glen at North Berwick at the other end of the town from the famous West Links but just as enjoyable with spectacular views over the Firth of Forth.

What also hurts golf clubs are the number of freebies,2 for 1 vouchers and online discounted green fees which undermine a club's price structuring and the tendency has become one of 'sell it cheap and stack the course' i.e. quantity above quality,there are committees who think it preferable to have 30 hackers at £10 rather than 15 decent golfers at £20.

It used to be protocol to show a handicap certificate to demonstrate a certain proficiency and etiquette but that's largely disappeared.

I'm sure that any mistakes or omissions will be corrected by the boys on here and hope that it's an insight into some aspects of golf UK.

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It's a very mixed situation.

There are private golf clubs of different standards where a member pays an annual subscription fee which will vary according to location and quality of the club and course.

Some private clubs are by invitation only and cannot be joined by applying as per 'normal' golf clubs.

Some clubs still charge a joining fee which is frequently the same as the first year's subscription,when I lived in York membership at Fulford which is a top quality course was around £1,200 plus £1,200 joining fee which was slightly eased by being able to pay the joining fee over 2 years.

I was a member at Heworth which was about £575 (then).

I've been fortunate enough to play at Sunningdale and Copt Heath where the members just divvy up what the costs are each year,so one year their bill was several thousand £'s because the club bought brand new replacement machinery which was offset the following year when they sold a parcel of land for building and received a very large sum which was shared between the members.

Many clubs have struggled because when the golf boom was on in the '90's and following a misleading report from the R&A (?) on the need for more courses to satisfy the number of people on club waiting lists many farmers turned land into golf courses thinking that there was going to be a flood of people wanting to play.

The R&A failed to understand that many people who were on waiting lists to join a club had multiple applications on hold.the actual number was far less than they thought and many of those courses have disappeared through lack of members.

A sub division of private courses are those proprietary courses which are run as a profit making business and may be attached to a hotel or leisure complex.

The hotel where I worked had a membership,competitions and a committee but overall control rested with the hotel management.

There are municipal courses owned and run by local authorities and they can vary tremendously in quality of both layout and upkeep.

I have played some which are no better than fields with flags and then there are others that are a real treat.

Newbold Comyn in Leamington Spa is a good test as is Brandon Wood,Coventry but probably the best is The Glen at North Berwick at the other end of the town from the famous West Links but just as enjoyable with spectacular views over the Firth of Forth.

What also hurts golf clubs are the number of freebies,2 for 1 vouchers and online discounted green fees which undermine a club's price structuring and the tendency has become one of 'sell it cheap and stack the course' i.e. quantity above quality,there are committees who think it preferable to have 30 hackers at £10 rather than 15 decent golfers at £20.

It used to be protocol to show a handicap certificate to demonstrate a certain proficiency and etiquette but that's largely disappeared.

I'm sure that any mistakes or omissions will be corrected by the boys on here and hope that it's an insight into some aspects of golf UK.


The discounting of golf has also become a problem here as well.


There exists a price point at which it makes sense for the golf course and the golfers...but, it takes some experience, common sense, and study of the market to determine what that point is.


FWIW - I have always believed in providing a quality product, priced fairly, with outstanding customer service, and pricing falls in line.

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It's a very mixed situation.

There are private golf clubs of different standards where a member pays an annual subscription fee which will vary according to location and quality of the club and course.

Some private clubs are by invitation only and cannot be joined by applying as per 'normal' golf clubs.

Some clubs still charge a joining fee which is frequently the same as the first year's subscription,when I lived in York membership at Fulford which is a top quality course was around £1,200 plus £1,200 joining fee which was slightly eased by being able to pay the joining fee over 2 years.

I was a member at Heworth which was about £575 (then).

I've been fortunate enough to play at Sunningdale and Copt Heath where the members just divvy up what the costs are each year,so one year their bill was several thousand £'s because the club bought brand new replacement machinery which was offset the following year when they sold a parcel of land for building and received a very large sum which was shared between the members.

Many clubs have struggled because when the golf boom was on in the '90's and following a misleading report from the R&A (?) on the need for more courses to satisfy the number of people on club waiting lists many farmers turned land into golf courses thinking that there was going to be a flood of people wanting to play.

The R&A failed to understand that many people who were on waiting lists to join a club had multiple applications on hold.the actual number was far less than they thought and many of those courses have disappeared through lack of members.

A sub division of private courses are those proprietary courses which are run as a profit making business and may be attached to a hotel or leisure complex.

The hotel where I worked had a membership,competitions and a committee but overall control rested with the hotel management.

There are municipal courses owned and run by local authorities and they can vary tremendously in quality of both layout and upkeep.

I have played some which are no better than fields with flags and then there are others that are a real treat.

Newbold Comyn in Leamington Spa is a good test as is Brandon Wood,Coventry but probably the best is The Glen at North Berwick at the other end of the town from the famous West Links but just as enjoyable with spectacular views over the Firth of Forth.

What also hurts golf clubs are the number of freebies,2 for 1 vouchers and online discounted green fees which undermine a club's price structuring and the tendency has become one of 'sell it cheap and stack the course' i.e. quantity above quality,there are committees who think it preferable to have 30 hackers at £10 rather than 15 decent golfers at £20.

It used to be protocol to show a handicap certificate to demonstrate a certain proficiency and etiquette but that's largely disappeared.

I'm sure that any mistakes or omissions will be corrected by the boys on here and hope that it's an insight into some aspects of golf UK.


Spot on Chris, that's a very good analysis.

Just add a mention about ' European Union and Set aside' and the subsidy paid to farmer landowners who 'diversified' their land to rough and ready golf courses. This happened at the same time as the R&As report recommending more golf courses.

Coincidence?? Where inter-governmental money is concerned there is no such thing. Were the R&A influenced by Government into skewing their report...I couldn't possibly comment!

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Typically I was so busy blethering that I forgot to answer the question properly!


That is ..... no,you don't have to be a member of a club to play golf in the UK.

Some but not all private clubs will allow visitors without evidence of club membership or handicap certificate on payment of a green fee.

Municipal courses are generally free of any restrictions,simply pay-and-play.

Most proprietary owned courses operate on a pay-and-play basis without restrictions.


My membership will renew in January at approx £700 which is less than £14 per week and I would normally expect to play 3 times a week which makes it a relatively inexpensive pastime.

A common and mistaken view is that golf is for the wealthy....I've been told that by people who disdain golf and golfers and go to the pub three or four times a week and have two or three pints at £3 a go!

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If you can play year around that's great. Here in Wisconsin the weather will dictate how many more outings I have. Maybe one with Baloo if its warm enough and all of the cosmic tumblers are aligned. And the weather will dictate when we resume and in what month. Save for a couple of outings in Florida this winter....its shaping up to be a long off season.


Thanks for the insights into UK golf. Love the pictures. Maybe someday I'll make it over there to play.

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If you can play year around that's great. Here in Wisconsin the weather will dictate how many more outings I have. Maybe one with Baloo if its warm enough and all of the cosmic tumblers are aligned. And the weather will dictate when we resume and in what month. Save for a couple of outings in Florida this winter....its shaping up to be a long off season.


Thanks for the insights into UK golf. Love the pictures. Maybe someday I'll make it over there to play.


One more outing would be great. I haven't played since shooting a 70 with the other 2 guys in Delevan. Hopefully, some of the magic is still left for a last outing.


The weather isn't ideal for golf, but I was out playing softball tonight and it really was beautiful weather for it. The other team forfeited (probably scared by all the rain of late), so our team just scrimmaged and had a great time. 50 degrees or so playing under the lights. The grass was pretty damp but no puddles to be found. Played short and had a blast. I'm normally in left-center as I have wheels compared to the rest of the team, but none of that really matters in an informal scrimmage. I used to play short in baseball before I switched over to golf in high school, so it was nice playing in there again.

Driver, 3W, 4W - Macgregor Custom Tourney
2-10 - 1954 Spalding Synchro Dyned
SW - Wilson Staff
Putter - Bullseye
Ball - Pro Plus

YT Channel - [url="https://www.youtube.com/PlayVintageGolf"]https://www.youtube....PlayVintageGolf[/url]

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It's a very mixed situation.

There are private golf clubs of different standards where a member pays an annual subscription fee which will vary according to location and quality of the club and course.

Some private clubs are by invitation only and cannot be joined by applying as per 'normal' golf clubs.

Some clubs still charge a joining fee which is frequently the same as the first year's subscription,when I lived in York membership at Fulford which is a top quality course was around £1,200 plus £1,200 joining fee which was slightly eased by being able to pay the joining fee over 2 years.

I was a member at Heworth which was about £575 (then).

I've been fortunate enough to play at Sunningdale and Copt Heath where the members just divvy up what the costs are each year,so one year their bill was several thousand £'s because the club bought brand new replacement machinery which was offset the following year when they sold a parcel of land for building and received a very large sum which was shared between the members.

Many clubs have struggled because when the golf boom was on in the '90's and following a misleading report from the R&A (?) on the need for more courses to satisfy the number of people on club waiting lists many farmers turned land into golf courses thinking that there was going to be a flood of people wanting to play.

The R&A failed to understand that many people who were on waiting lists to join a club had multiple applications on hold.the actual number was far less than they thought and many of those courses have disappeared through lack of members.

A sub division of private courses are those proprietary courses which are run as a profit making business and may be attached to a hotel or leisure complex.

The hotel where I worked had a membership,competitions and a committee but overall control rested with the hotel management.

There are municipal courses owned and run by local authorities and they can vary tremendously in quality of both layout and upkeep.

I have played some which are no better than fields with flags and then there are others that are a real treat.

Newbold Comyn in Leamington Spa is a good test as is Brandon Wood,Coventry but probably the best is The Glen at North Berwick at the other end of the town from the famous West Links but just as enjoyable with spectacular views over the Firth of Forth.

What also hurts golf clubs are the number of freebies,2 for 1 vouchers and online discounted green fees which undermine a club's price structuring and the tendency has become one of 'sell it cheap and stack the course' i.e. quantity above quality,there are committees who think it preferable to have 30 hackers at £10 rather than 15 decent golfers at £20.

It used to be protocol to show a handicap certificate to demonstrate a certain proficiency and etiquette but that's largely disappeared.

I'm sure that any mistakes or omissions will be corrected by the boys on here and hope that it's an insight into some aspects of golf UK.


The discounting of golf has also become a problem here as well.


There exists a price point at which it makes sense for the golf course and the golfers...but, it takes some experience, common sense, and study of the market to determine what that point is.


FWIW - I have always believed in providing a quality product, priced fairly, with outstanding customer service, and pricing falls in line.

That last line is exactly how my old man run the course he was pro at----- Sadly our views do not fit with modern business mode and what they are turning out today at these modern PGM schools

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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As regards pricing the powers that be fail to understand that if you continually discount something the discounted price actually becomes the value of whatever it is you're marketing (ask Taylormade!).

If people are offered cheap green fees that reflects the value of the course,any fool can give stuff away the trick is to charge the right amount.

Now here's a quirky one,they don't keep score on a card but mentally!

At the turn an opponent who was 'scoring' said "It's 4-4-2",which I queried,he said "Simple,we're both 4 under and we have 2 birdies",he lost the smile when I reminded him that we had been -4 on the previous tee and I had just made net birdie!

Don't understand why card and pencil are not used,anybody can make a mistake,if it's written down there's no problem.

Anyway,here's Cliff at 'Full Throttle'.

Says it's the Dave Stockton technique which made Molinari the man he is today.

Followed by the green of the 4th hole 'Pillbox',can you guess why it's called that?

7th with pond and mature woodland,many oak and chestnut trees.

View back from the par 5 9th green,the two big trees come into play and ask 'Under or Over?'.

The stream which runs through the course,as I stepped onto the bridge there was a swirl in the water of a fish rising.

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As regards pricing the powers that be fail to understand that if you continually discount something the discounted price actually becomes the value of whatever it is you're marketing (ask Taylormade!).

If people are offered cheap green fees that reflects the value of the course,any fool can give stuff away the trick is to charge the right amount.

Now here's a quirky one,they don't keep score on a card but mentally!

At the turn an opponent who was 'scoring' said "It's 4-4-2",which I queried,he said "Simple,we're both 4 under and we have 2 birdies",he lost the smile when I reminded him that we had been -4 on the previous tee and I had just made net birdie!

Don't understand why card and pencil are not used,anybody can make a mistake,if it's written down there's no problem.

Anyway,here's Cliff at 'Full Throttle'.

Says it's the Dave Stockton technique which made Molinari the man he is today.

Followed by the green of the 4th hole 'Pillbox',can you guess why it's called that?

7th with pond and mature woodland,many oak and chestnut trees.

View back from the par 5 9th green,the two big trees come into play and ask 'Under or Over?'.

The stream which runs through the course,as I stepped onto the bridge there was a swirl in the water of a fish rising.


Nice pictures.

Much easier to walk comparing to what I used to play, tall every greens and mots of elevation changes. Glade you guys were walking.

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It's a very mixed situation.

There are private golf clubs of different standards where a member pays an annual subscription fee which will vary according to location and quality of the club and course.

Some private clubs are by invitation only and cannot be joined by applying as per 'normal' golf clubs.

Some clubs still charge a joining fee which is frequently the same as the first year's subscription,when I lived in York membership at Fulford which is a top quality course was around £1,200 plus £1,200 joining fee which was slightly eased by being able to pay the joining fee over 2 years.

I was a member at Heworth which was about £575 (then).

I've been fortunate enough to play at Sunningdale and Copt Heath where the members just divvy up what the costs are each year,so one year their bill was several thousand £'s because the club bought brand new replacement machinery which was offset the following year when they sold a parcel of land for building and received a very large sum which was shared between the members.

Many clubs have struggled because when the golf boom was on in the '90's and following a misleading report from the R&A (?) on the need for more courses to satisfy the number of people on club waiting lists many farmers turned land into golf courses thinking that there was going to be a flood of people wanting to play.

The R&A failed to understand that many people who were on waiting lists to join a club had multiple applications on hold.the actual number was far less than they thought and many of those courses have disappeared through lack of members.

A sub division of private courses are those proprietary courses which are run as a profit making business and may be attached to a hotel or leisure complex.

The hotel where I worked had a membership,competitions and a committee but overall control rested with the hotel management.

There are municipal courses owned and run by local authorities and they can vary tremendously in quality of both layout and upkeep.

I have played some which are no better than fields with flags and then there are others that are a real treat.

Newbold Comyn in Leamington Spa is a good test as is Brandon Wood,Coventry but probably the best is The Glen at North Berwick at the other end of the town from the famous West Links but just as enjoyable with spectacular views over the Firth of Forth.

What also hurts golf clubs are the number of freebies,2 for 1 vouchers and online discounted green fees which undermine a club's price structuring and the tendency has become one of 'sell it cheap and stack the course' i.e. quantity above quality,there are committees who think it preferable to have 30 hackers at £10 rather than 15 decent golfers at £20.

It used to be protocol to show a handicap certificate to demonstrate a certain proficiency and etiquette but that's largely disappeared.

I'm sure that any mistakes or omissions will be corrected by the boys on here and hope that it's an insight into some aspects of golf UK.


The discounting of golf has also become a problem here as well.


There exists a price point at which it makes sense for the golf course and the golfers...but, it takes some experience, common sense, and study of the market to determine what that point is.


FWIW - I have always believed in providing a quality product, priced fairly, with outstanding customer service, and pricing falls in line.

That last line is exactly how my old man run the course he was pro at----- Sadly our views do not fit with modern business mode and what they are turning out today at these modern PGM schools


Another thing is, once something works and making decent profit margin, all of the sudden there be feeding frenzy with sharks coming from all corners to have a piece of the action. Flooding the market place and eventually killed the business.

Same thing in my trade, it'll disappear in the future.

Don't think any trade is safe from the "future" but for right now, they can NOT even make the self-driving car work, not just yet.


Again, the geeks think it'll work because it works on the computer model and test models. They had forgot one very crucial element in the formula - the human. Can't take what's around the car out of the formula, the other drivers, the pedestrians, the cyclists, the joggers..........


Same with golf, equipment and golf club fitting....... they always forget the one variables in the formula - the golfer.

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Thanks for the pics, I'd post some during my round tomorrow, but, it's still hot as blue blazes here and I might be stripped down to knickers by the turn.

Can't wait till I can play in a sweater and trousers...


Hush your mouth, son - this is the south.


Need I remind you about last winter??????

Yeah last winter was crazy cold down here. I had thought about going up North to see Alan or Fella so I could warm up!!! Global warming my butt so I thought at the time----- Now maybe I am having second thoughts maybe Al Gore is right 92* in October crazy

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Yep, that last winter, she was a rough one for sure. Just need a little reprieve from the oppression. 93F...before adding in the heat index Thursday, and this is October.

Time for the heat and the no-see-ums to subside.

Yeah those no-see-ums were bad up around Darlington yesterday. Which in that area seem to be real bad anyhow anyday. And for some reason the Darlington area is hotter than anywhere else in SC other than Columbia. BTW Bear and myself are playing strictly vintage today at the Man O War. LOL I got him hooked for sure. I also switched my vintage stuff to the Orange Power Bilt bag you saw. Small but with plenty of storage for stuff. As in my true style carrying a logo bag with none of their branded equipment in it. But yeah that size does me just right.

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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The story so far......


Following the purchase of the Spalding irons shown over in the other thread I was anxious to follow their journey however on first attempt there was no indication of any movement despite seller's claim of fast dispatch.

By the end of the week there was still no information on USPS tracking which showed that they were still awaiting the package,accordingly I emailed the seller asking for an update and having drawn a blank with that decided that (in my view) there was something wrong and sent a request to cancel the transaction.

That did provoke a response.

Their shipping team made a "slight mistake" and sent the irons to an unknown (at least to me) third party but they had made contact with them and arranged that the third party would post them on to me.

I was pretty annoyed because it was only my cancellation request that had brought this to light,otherwise the seller would have said nothing and presumably the irons lost.Not only was the seller unable to guarantee the bona fides of that third party but obviously could not guarantee the status of the clubs.

Had they been damaged,were they complete?

I am persisting with cancellation,the clubs are still in the US but the seller has insisted that they will be shipped and accordingly I have told him that I will refuse delivery and they will be returned.

Maybe I'm being fussy but when things start to go pear-shaped I feel that the deal is tainted and merits cancellation.

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I had issues back in June with an eBay purchase. I received an empty box that appeared to have been tampered with, so when I asked for a refund was denied based on the confirmed delivery of the package. It took a lot of back and forth to secure a refund and even at that it wasn't a full refund as any duties or taxes are not covered with a cross border shipment that are automatically levied by the Global Shipping Policy.


In your situation, Chris, if I was happy with the condition of the clubs should you eventually receive them I wouldn't bother with the hassle of return shipping. But, in the meantime I would continue to pursue a full refund. It's just so much simpler. No tickie, no laundry!

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Very rarely buy anything off Ebay. With the volume of listings, someone's going to get burned occasionally. I always say, "Don't buy anything online that you can't afford to lose." Like anything under $100 is just pocket money. Nothing to worry about.


Will never buy any high ticket item online. NEVER.


Many "Facebook" and "Twitter" users post things that should never see the light of day. I don't frequent any sites except Golfwrx.


I use the KISS philosophy, even in normal conversation. Keep it simple and stupid. Learned that from my Dad. He could take any subject, and transform it back to when he was in Europe during WW2 within a few minutes. (His war effort sounded more like a vacation, but he did his duty."


I recall an episode, some years ago, when a neighbor had been burglarized. Two police officers questioned my Dad and Mom, if they had seen anything. Neither had, but in a couple minutes, my Dad was going on and on about something similar occurring in London, when he was stationed there.


The police officers were quite amused, and politely listened to Dad's recount. The police officers were good guys.


I'm getting more like Dad every day.

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My grandfather used to recount his old war stories from WW 1 on a regular basis. Didn't sound like much of a holiday to me whereas my father's experience, at least before they went across to the continent following D Day was definitely a very good time. After that not so much and I suspect that's why he never talked about it.


I remember an acquaintance of mine talking about how his father reacted during thunderstorms. He said he would intuitively hit the deck for years when he heard the bang that accompanies a bolt of lightning. He had served in the Pacific on a battleship that was involved in a number of large engagements.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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