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Head-shaking - your strangest experience on course?

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My junior year in highschool we were playing a practice round and coach me and 2 others are standing on the 5th tee box and all of the sudden coach says "is that really what I think I'm seeing?" And my other teammate yells "OMG HES GETTING A BJ IN THE FAIRWAY!!!" And sure enough cart girl earning her tip in middle of the 7th fairway.

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I've got a couple.

During a high school tournament a kid in my group tees off on the first hole and hits a decent drive down the fairway. When it lands it hits the front edge of the concrete 150 yard marker and bounces back about 50 yards. No one knew how to react so we just stayed quiet.

I've been caddying for a while now. My second year there, there was a fox.. I'm sure you know were this is going but I'll keep going. It was like clockwork when we would loop. On the 7th hole the fox would run out on either the fairway or green and grab the balls. Sometimes it would be one sometimes all four of them.

The best part is that we always forecaddy on that hole so there was someone always in the fairway. I was within 20 feet of the fox. We'd tell the golfers about it and they wouldn't believe us until it happened. Eventually the fox died and one of the groundscrew found the foxes den (I assume that's what's they all what they live in) and it had hundreds of golf balls.

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[quote name='Golfkeepsmepoor' timestamp='1390516524' post='8519075']
My junior year in highschool we were playing a practice round and coach me and 2 others are standing on the 5th tee box and all of the sudden coach says "is that really what I think I'm seeing?" And my other teammate yells "OMG HES GETTING A BJ IN THE FAIRWAY!!!" And sure enough cart girl earning her tip in middle of the 7th fairway.

I am looking so much forward to play some of your courses in America.

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[quote name='vaterman' timestamp='1390569475' post='8522583']
[quote name='Golfkeepsmepoor' timestamp='1390516524' post='8519075']
My junior year in highschool we were playing a practice round and coach me and 2 others are standing on the 5th tee box and all of the sudden coach says "is that really what I think I'm seeing?" And my other teammate yells "OMG HES GETTING A BJ IN THE FAIRWAY!!!" And sure enough cart girl earning her tip in middle of the 7th fairway.

I am looking so much forward to play some of your courses in America.

even in thailand stuff like that doesn't happen

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[quote name='Golfkeepsmepoor' timestamp='1390516524' post='8519075']
My junior year in highschool we were playing a practice round and coach me and 2 others are standing on the 5th tee box and all of the sudden coach says "is that really what I think I'm seeing?" And my other teammate yells "OMG HES GETTING A BJ IN THE FAIRWAY!!!" And sure enough cart girl earning her tip in middle of the 7th fairway.

Um......may i ask what course you speak of? LOL........I'm joking. Crazy what people are capable of these days.

Ping G LST 9*
Callaway Epic 3w & 5w Diamana Thump
X2 Hot #4 Hybrid Matrix White Tie
Ping ie1 5 - GW Nippon SPO
Cleveland RTX-3 54* 58*

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Had another one that i thought i'd share.

went to my local course 1 day to meet my ex-father in law. ( God rest his soul ) Im heading in to the clubhouse when i get bombarded with what seemed like every employee rushing out the door. Turns out they were responding to a call from the 15th FW. Someone had been hit in the head from a tee shot from the following group. Turns out the guy that hit the shot was ANGRY that his group was constantly getting held up by the slower group in front of him. So he decided to tee 1 up when they were not clear, to help push them along. The golfer that was struck was an elderly gentleman and he was sent to the ER via ambulance. Luckily he was OK in the end. But the guy that hit the tee shot lost his membership for the remainder of the year.

On a lesser note,

I also witnessed a guy that played in my group once hit a 110 yrd tee shot on a 380 yrd par4. Grab his 3 wood and sling a ball that got 3' off the ground the first 25 yrds then rolled ALL THE WAY to the green ending 2" from the cup. Tap in birdie! how is this game so hard for me and so "easy" for others????

Ping G LST 9*
Callaway Epic 3w & 5w Diamana Thump
X2 Hot #4 Hybrid Matrix White Tie
Ping ie1 5 - GW Nippon SPO
Cleveland RTX-3 54* 58*

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[quote name='juggernaut0629' timestamp='1390579923' post='8523567']
[quote name='Golfkeepsmepoor' timestamp='1390516524' post='8519075']
My junior year in highschool we were playing a practice round and coach me and 2 others are standing on the 5th tee box and all of the sudden coach says "is that really what I think I'm seeing?" And my other teammate yells "OMG HES GETTING A BJ IN THE FAIRWAY!!!" And sure enough cart girl earning her tip in middle of the 7th fairway.

Um......may i ask what course you speak of? LOL........I'm joking. Crazy what people are capable of these days.
I'm actually having a hard time believing this story....

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at my home course, a muni, and there are a few holes that run right next to each other. This hole in particular rises over a crest in the in the middle of the fairway, so you can see the flag but you cannot see where your drive actually lands. I hit a bit of a slice, not even an awful shot to be honest and it just leaked onto the other hole next to mine, but as i said i could not see where it actually hit the ground, as i walked up there i see that there was a foursome and i began to get worried because i knew they were in the region where my ball must've landed. Luckily it looked like it was close but it landed 10-15 yds from where they were...

But that evidently didn't matter because as i got up there one middle-aged guy in this foursome looked at me and said "is that your ball?" i said that it was expecting nothing major to occur, but then he completely exploded "YOU ALMOST F***ING HIT US!" i proceeded to apologize and say that i couldnt see them and if i did i would've yelled fore. As i was saying that i was walking to my ball, just to stand by it until they were gone. This guy had different ideas and said "IF YOU GET ONE STEP CLOSER IM GONNA FIGHT YOU" and he proceeded to run to my ball extremely angrily and picked it up and threw it (It was hilarious, it went maybe 15 yards) throughout all of this chaos the other 3 in his foursome looked incredibly embarrassed but failed to do anything. After he threw my ball and told me he wanted to fight me (i just kept apologizing and almost laughing, but i sure as heck wasn't going to fight) i retrieved my ball and stood and watched them finish hitting and drive off and then i put my ball back closely to where it was and proceeded to finish my hole.

I Still don't know if he was drunk, high, both or just an extreme hot head. I mean he reacted this way and its not like it landed 4 feet away from them it was 10-15 yards, close, i realize i shouldve yelled fore but i couldn't see them. Nothing else this strange has ever remotely happened to me.

Ping G430 LST 9 Project X HZRDUS Red RDX 6X

Ping G430 LST 15@14 Project X HZRDUS Black Gen 4 7X

Ping G430 3H Ping Tour Chrome 2.0 85X

Ping Blueprint S 4-PW Orange Dot Dynamic Gold X100

Ping S159 50, 56, 60 X100 in 50, 56, S400 in 60

SeeMore SBC20 46" Broomstick

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This story is so ridiculous that I'm sure at least 50% of you won't believe it. However, I swear that every word in it is true. I've shared in email before so I'll copy and paste and leave out the curse words:

So we’re playing at Highland Woods in Chicago, and it’s very slow. Front 9 took about 2.5 hours. We’re waiting on every shot. We’re teeing off on ten, and its so backed up, that the group behind is at the tee waiting for us to tee off. We get to the 12[sup]th[/sup] tee, and it’s a 280 yard par 4, downwind. I’m in between hitting easy driver, and a hard 3 wood. We wait for the group on the green to clear, and I hit driver, but it goes way right (past pin high). The other two guys I’m playing with are 15 and 20 handicaps, but they can easily reach. But they both also miss badly to the right. I look back and I see the group behind us had not yet finished the previous hole. I tee up a 3 wood just for fun, as we’re going to be waiting on the next hole as well. I hear from the 65 year old guy on the green behind me:

“Are you guys f****** serious?!?!? You can’t hit it that far! I’ve watched your shots, what the hell are you waiting for them to clear the green!?!?”

I'm telling you, this was out of NOWHERE. No words had been exchanged between our two groups to this point.

I immediately just start screaming at the guy. “What the f*** are you talking about? It’s 280 yards! I can hit it with my f***** 3 wood!”

He starts screaming back that no I couldn’t reach the green, so I swing it, and just spank it up there right next to the green. I turn to him, dead pan, and just say, “I’M F****** SCRATCH”.

The 3[sup]rd[/sup] guy in our group, who just started working with us, and that we barely know, just starts screaming at the guy, and yells something along of the lines of “I’ll break your hip old man…. Go to hell” etc, etc.

More screaming back and forth occurs, and finally we just go up to the green. While we’re on the green, the old guy tees off, and its it into a bunker that one of our guys is standing in, right next to the green.

We’re teeing off on the next hole, and the guy actually apologizes for hitting into us, but kind of in a smart a** way, and my co-worker just goes, “Don’t do it again old man.” This just sets him off, and he starts charging us.

“I’LL KICK YOUR A** RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE S***.” People from the other holes are now stopping and watching. The guy’s son gets out of the cart, and starts coming towards us. He’s huge. 6’4”, and pretty jacked. He gets in Brent’s face, and yells at him for threatening his father, and says, “If you do it again, I’ll smash your face in.” Literally, they are standing 5 feet away from each other, in between where my friend has his ball teed up, and where he’s aiming down the fairway. I start yelling at the guys, just telling them to go back to their hole, let us play, and saying how they are now the ones responsible for holding us up. Sure enough, by the next tee, we’re waiting for the group in front of us. The next hole is a par 3, so it gets even more jammed up, and they have to awkwardly pull up next to us while we’re still teeing off. So needless to say, we were not in the wrong at all, and this a-hole just decided to come out of no where and start swearing at us. A hole later they eventually wussed out and just went in. It took me about 4 holes for my heart rate to calm down.

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I was playing at a fundraising event And a guy in the group in front of us satrted a fight with me because I was wearing pink shorts. He was obviously intoxicated when he charges up to me on the 15th tee and says "why you wearin' pink, you f$%kin' gay or something!" I was in no mood to ruin the event with a fight so I just looked at him and said "because I'm pretty confident in myself". The stare down lasted another moment and he walked away. I didn't stay for the dinner and raffles but he got under the skin of quite a few more people then passed out at his table. A few guys carried him out to the middle of the course to "sleep" it off". Wi sh I could have seen the reaction when the sprinklers came on.

Looong Mitten winter!
under construction!

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I was hitting balls into the dark, trying to find my swing again for an upcoming match I was in. It had been some time since I had played competitively, however to my astonishment a dark figure appeared right in my target line. I chastised him for standing in my way and explained that I could have really hurt him. We got into a really deep conversation that seemed to last an entire week. At the end of the week I had won the match with him by my side, until the 18th hole where he walked off into the sunset.

Spike Lee was not happy.

[url="http://www.yale.edu/opa/arc-ybc/v29.n21/story3.html"]http://www.yale.edu/opa/arc-ybc/v29.n21/story3.html [/url]

[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/1580770-recaps-the-taylormade-twistfaceexperience-7-golfwrx-members-visit-the-kingdom-for-an-exclusive-m3m4-driver-fitting/"][size=2]M3 Taylormade Experience[/size][/url]

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I was playing a few Saturday's ago and it was pretty crowded on my home course. We get to the 3rd green, which is elevated and has a great view of 13 and 14th hole. We hear a guy in his best Northern accent screaming, "How 'bout a f****ing faw! This is the third time you have almost hit us and haven't yelled faw yet!" (faw meaning fore) The tirade continued for a while until the offender had heard enough and he calls him an a**hole. Yankee guy then lets lose with another string of profanities. I am in NC, and have worked in construction my whole life. I have heard plenty of salty language. I have to admit that us Southerners cannot come close to keeping up with a yankee when it comes to a verbal bashing! We were glad the confrontation didn't come to blows but we did laugh about the way he pronounced fore the rest of the day!

Ping G400 Max 10.5
Ping G400 5 wood
Ping i-e1 4-U Nippon 105 Stiff
Cleveland 588 RTX CB 52, 56&60
Cameron Squareback 1 Studio Select

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[quote name='flip flappy' timestamp='1390652920' post='8528653']
I was playing a few Saturday's ago and it was pretty crowded on my home course. We get to the 3rd green, which is elevated and has a great view of 13 and 14th hole. We hear a guy in his best Northern accent screaming, "How 'bout a f****ing faw! This is the third time you have almost hit us and haven't yelled faw yet!" (faw meaning fore) The tirade continued for a while until the offender had heard enough and he calls him an a**hole. Yankee guy then lets lose with another string of profanities. I am in NC, and have worked in construction my whole life. I have heard plenty of salty language. I have to admit that us Southerners cannot come close to keeping up with a yankee when it comes to a verbal bashing! We were glad the confrontation didn't come to blows but we did laugh about the way he pronounced fore the rest of the day!
Sounds like he was a NY-er. That ain't a "yankee" ;-)

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[quote name='flip flappy' timestamp='1390652920' post='8528653']
"How 'bout a f****ing faw! This is the third time you have almost hit us and haven't yelled faw yet!"

The accent may be Boston... I cannot tell. In my head "faw" sounds like the assistant coach from The Waterboy.

I agree with you though, it seems like people from south of the Mason Dixon Line tend to be more polite in regards to profanity. However, in the "Yankee's" defense, you would be less sensitive to cursing too if you ever had to wait 3 hours to go over Tappan Zee Bridge in the middle of the day.

[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/1580770-recaps-the-taylormade-twistfaceexperience-7-golfwrx-members-visit-the-kingdom-for-an-exclusive-m3m4-driver-fitting/"][size=2]M3 Taylormade Experience[/size][/url]

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[quote name='Splitter' timestamp='1388776961' post='8392025']
[quote name='Canuckistan' timestamp='1388540929' post='8376973']
[quote name='Splitter' timestamp='1388527434' post='8375743']
[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1388526485' post='8375645']
[quote name='Splitter' timestamp='1388526203' post='8375621']
I've posted this a couple of times and am still waiting for someone to say "Hey, I was one of those golfers!"
Oh, that's gotta be phoney. Three guys all hitting the green?

Ha! It *might* be a little off. I remember being impressed by the shots and thinking how bitter the players must be with the kid.

But, after so much time, my wife and I still disagree on how many local kids were there and how many golfers. I'm pretty sure 3 balls hit the green and the 4th guy didn't try...

There is more story about the restaurant experience as well, but it's even more bizarre than the golfers. To this day, it's one of the strangest two hours of my life. :fool:

I wouldn't mind hearing the restaurant part. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

ha! I'll try and make it quick and bulleted so we don't bore anyone. Keep in mind that we are in Hawaii with a GREAT table and view so we're making the best of things and just enjoying that part of it. In a normal restaurant we would have left or asked to see a manger, etc.. But we were on vacation, enjoying everything and not caring about time..


Went to a recommended restaurant with AWESOME views of course and bay.
Restaurant is empty when we show up and we still wait a bit for a table.
They try and seat us in the back with no view. They are famous for the view.
We have to ask for a balcony table. It has an awesome view of the course, ocean, etc...
We are only the second couple on the balcony. Other than that it is empty.
A waiter walks waaay around us, comes from opposite direction, etc.. for 10-15 minutes taking care of the other table. He's purposfully looking the other way (like walking into things because he's not looking where he's going) so I'd have to yell to get his attention.
He finally gets close enough for me to get his attention and tells me that he is our waiter.
Order beer, ask for menus.
Beer and menus show up 15 minutes later. Other couple has left.
Waiter comes back 15 minutes later for food order. (He's vanishing in between visits to hang with friends in the restaurant)
We just want to munch and want *fast* so we order another round of beer, nachos and a quesadilla.
The quesadilla is listed with sour cream. Wife HATES sour cream so we ask for no sour cream on either.
Wait 45 minutes for the nachos and quesadilla. (again, GREAT view, Hawaii, we're chillin!)
During the 45 minute wait:
No second round shows up so we have to go to the bar ourselves. (when I get up to go to the bar, the waiter runs to the back and hides)
The ball stealing, baseball sliding kid does his thing.
Nachos and Quesadilla show up after 45 minutes. Quesadilla has sour cream all over it.
Ask waiter to order a new Quesadilla with no sour cream and order another round.
5 minutes later the quesadilla shows up. No beer.
So.. 45 minutes for nachos and quesadilla but 5 minutes for the quesadilla?
On a hunch, I flip the quesadilla over. *Someone* tried to wipe the sour cream off and then flipped the Quesadilla over to hide the side with SC on it.
Waiter has really vanished this time. Wife and I are laughing at this.
We finish our nachos (don't eat the quesadilla) and the waiter *appears* with the check.
I show him the quesadilla and ask him to take it off the tab. I'm being nice about the whole thing because I don't want to ruin our chillaxin'.
Waiter gets really pissy about it but finally agrees.
Believe it or not, my wife and I are still totally relaxed and just rollin' with it. The nachos were filling, the view was awesome, the golfer/ball stealing event had happened and the bar was close by. A pissy waiter is not a big deal. NO worries.
Waiter brings us a new check 15 minutes later.
Total is somewhere in the $16-$17 range since we paid for our second round at the bar.
I give him a $20 before he can vanish.

This is where it get funny really.

He returns 10 minutes later with the change. It's all small change.
Piled on the plastic tab is somewhere near $3 in two quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies.
He's trying to keep a straight face but you can tell it's killing him.
It was so funny I laugh and asked him what was up.
He gets pissy that we think its funny and says "That's all we have for change".
I tell him that the bar has dollar bills since that's where I got my second round from. He claims the bar won't give him dollar bills. I never saw him near the bar, although we were not watching it either.
We debated asking for the manager and/or not leaving him a tip.
In the end, we decided the manager would just be some drama we didn't want. It wouldn't be fun for us and maybe the guy was just having a bad day? Not leaving a tip was too vanilla.
So... we left him all the pennies, one nickle and one dime for a tip.

I know it's going to be easy for someone to assume that my wife and I did something wonkey to get such bad/wierd service.

I worked restaurant bars, bussed and waited tables throughout school. I know how hard the restaurant biz can be for all the customer facing staff. I ALWAYS go out of my way to be polite with the host/hostess, try to take great care of wait staff and start my tips at 20%. I want to be the easy customer.

We checked the hours when we left (we thought we may have screwed up the waiters schedule) and the posted hours showed they were open (and the bartender was there). Between the golfers and the waiter, it was just some wierd twilight zone period.
[/quote]If you had not previously stated that you were in Hawaii I would have sworn you were in Myrtle Beach that is about the standard of service here

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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[quote name='luck box' timestamp='1390661156' post='8529181']
[quote name='flip flappy' timestamp='1390652920' post='8528653']
"How 'bout a f****ing faw! This is the third time you have almost hit us and haven't yelled faw yet!"

The accent may be Boston... I cannot tell. In my head "faw" sounds like the assistant coach from The Waterboy.

I agree with you though, it seems like people from south of the Mason Dixon Line tend to be more polite in regards to profanity. However, in the "Yankee's" defense, you would be less sensitive to cursing too if you ever had to wait 3 hours to go over Tappan Zee Bridge in the middle of the day.
[/quote] We hear it all the time down here at the beach. I was in the Navy for 3 years Drove a truck on and off all my life hung around racetracks and golf courses all my life but have never heard cuss words like comes from some of those "Yankees" I think they invented some of them but glad you explained it come to think of it I may have invented some myself when driving a truck in those areas cant really blame them:)

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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[quote name='luck box' timestamp='1390661156' post='8529181']
[quote name='flip flappy' timestamp='1390652920' post='8528653']
"How 'bout a f****ing faw! This is the third time you have almost hit us and haven't yelled faw yet!"

The accent may be Boston... I cannot tell. In my head "faw" sounds like the assistant coach from The Waterboy.

I agree with you though, it seems like people from south of the Mason Dixon Line tend to be more polite in regards to profanity. However, in the "Yankee's" defense, you would be less sensitive to cursing too if you ever had to wait 3 hours to go over Tappan Zee Bridge in the middle of the day.
Hard to put it in writing, but a Boston accent would pronounce "four" as two syllables - like "fowah".

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This was only strange for a few minutes, but it was pretty funny. A buddie and I were teeing off on a par 3 that had a pond to the right of the green. The water stretched down the right side to about 35 yards from the tee box. As we were standing on the tee box, the water started churning close to our end of the pond. A two legged creature emerged, covered in reeds and mud. We, like the lion from the Wizard of Oz, panicked and were making a move to sprint to the clubhouse to report an alien landing. After a couple minutes, and letting our IQ's catch up, we realized it was a guy in a wet suit collecting golf balls from the pond. For that brief period, though, I can't remember the adrenaline level ever being that high.

TSr 2, 11 driver, Tensei Blue, 55r

TSi 2, 16.5 fairway wood, Tensei Blue, 65r

Aerojet, 21 fairway wood, Kai’li Blue, 65r
Qi10 22 hybrid, Ventus Blue, 65r
AP3, 5-48* - Steelfiber i95 r
Vokey SM9 - 52, 56, KBS Tour lite
Evnroll ER2,  33"

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[quote name='homergolf' timestamp='1390664576' post='8529411']
This was only strange for a few minutes, but it was pretty funny. A buddie and I were teeing off on a par 3 that had a pond to the right of the green. The water stretched down the right side to about 35 yards from the tee box. As we were standing on the tee box, the water started churning close to our end of the pond. A two legged creature emerged, covered in reeds and mud. We, like the lion from the Wizard of Oz, panicked and were making a move to sprint to the clubhouse to report an alien landing. After a couple minutes, and letting our IQ's catch up, we realized it was a guy in a wet suit collecting golf balls from the pond. For that brief period, though, I can't remember the adrenaline level ever being that high.

Haha, i have a similar story. Par 5 with second shot going over water. I was going for the green so I put everything I had into a my 2nd shot. I smoked it, but it only got a few feet off the ground and nailed the embankment on the other side of the water and dropped in, roughly 100 yards away, so it still had some heat on it when it hit. Just before we heard my ball hit the embankment, a head pops out of the water, looks up for a few seconds and went back down. At first we were startled, but realized it was a diver looking for golf balls. The scary thing was, when he popped up, his head was directly in front of where my ball hit the embankment. If he had come up 2 seconds earlier, his head might have exploded ( and my ball may have ended up on the green, dang it!). It was scary, I think I will pass on that profession.

Side note: It was at our local muni , Charleston Municipal. Fun course when it's not packed, a pretty nice municipal course, but it gets slammed with the golfers you would associate with a $8 twilight walking rate (including myself on plenty of occasions). How lucrative can fishing out pinnacles and top flites be?

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Ok, heres mine, I worked at a golf course from age 16-18( Dad miller golf course in Anaheim CA) I was a range servant/cart boy.

#1. Working at the golf course so i got to play for free and would always bring my friends to play because i was young and it was free to play with them. On the 6 tee a 320 yard par four my buddie(who is a new player but very athletic 6"1 and a very competitive basketball player/person) hits decent drive in the fairway about 120 yards from the green, The next hole is a par 3 directly right of the hole we are playing, the green is about 75 yards away way to the right. My friends gets to his shot and completely shanks a 9 iron dead right and it goes directly at the #7 green(luckily the course was empty) the ball hit the green bounced twice and went directly into the hole, i still remember hearing the sound of the ball entering the cup. My friend greg was still super excited that he made an unofficial eagle and was calling the ball his lucky one throughout the rest of the round.

#2 When i was 12 years old playing with my dad and a few of his buddies we were on a course in fullerton CA, and for some reason this course had a excess amount of ducks all over it. On the 12th tee we see about 20-30 ducks on the fairway, no way to get them to move so we hit like normal, im 12 so i come up short of the ducks, most of our playing partners clear them, then my dad comes up to hit who is not a great golfer(plays a couple rounds a year) and hits a complete worm burner right into the group of ducks, it hits on of them in the head and this thing drops like a sack of potatoes. I thought it was funny as a kid but kind of feel bad now. We get up to the duck and its obviously dead, their is blood dripping from its head and its not moving at all(it might have been KO'd.) I felt bad and my dad gave me a talking too about how your never supposed to kill animals unless your planning to eat them LOL( We are hunters) . I will never forget this day it was crazy.

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[quote name='juggernaut0629' timestamp='1390580658' post='8523653']
Had another one that i thought i'd share.

went to my local course 1 day to meet my ex-father in law. ( God rest his soul ) Im heading in to the clubhouse when i get bombarded with what seemed like every employee rushing out the door. Turns out they were responding to a call from the 15th FW. Someone had been hit in the head from a tee shot from the following group. Turns out the guy that hit the shot was ANGRY that his group was constantly getting held up by the slower group in front of him. So he decided to tee 1 up when they were not clear, to help push them along. The golfer that was struck was an elderly gentleman and he was sent to the ER via ambulance. Luckily he was OK in the end. But the guy that hit the tee shot lost his membership for the remainder of the year.

On a lesser note,

I also witnessed a guy that played in my group once hit a 110 yrd tee shot on a 380 yrd par4. Grab his 3 wood and sling a ball that got 3' off the ground the first 25 yrds then rolled ALL THE WAY to the green ending 2" from the cup. Tap in birdie! how is this game so hard for me and so "easy" for others????

Hitting into the group in front of you to speed them up is the most ridiculous, obnoxious, irresponsible thing I have ever heard. "Ya their making us wait so lets hit golf balls at them and possibly kill one of them."

Im surprised he only lost his membership for the rest of the year. I figure that would be grounds for a lifetime ban.

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[quote name='luck box' timestamp='1390609889' post='8526543']
I was hitting balls into the dark, trying to find my swing again for an upcoming match I was in. It had been some time since I had played competitively, however to my astonishment a dark figure appeared right in my target line. I chastised him for standing in my way and explained that I could have really hurt him. We got into a really deep conversation that seemed to last an entire week. At the end of the week I had won the match with him by my side, until the 18th hole where he walked off into the sunset.

Spike Lee was not happy.

[url="http://www.yale.edu/opa/arc-ybc/v29.n21/story3.html"]http://www.yale.edu/opa/arc-ybc/v29.n21/story3.html [/url]

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How about a guy handcuffed to a golf cart ...

This is more about a strange thing to see on a golf course. A few years ago we were playing a nice little muni outside of Nashville. As we approached the 17th tee box, we could see two foursomes in a nose to nose, highly animated discussion on the adjoining # 10 fairway. OK, I've seen a couple of groups mix it up before, but what made this encounter a little different was the two police cruisers on the fairway. Apparently the lead group reacted to the guys behind 'pulling the trigger' a little too quickly. As the fairway discussion escalated, one player pulled a pistol from his bag. A brave human being in the other group pulled out a cell phone. Now we are back to the beginning. As we walked off #18, there he was ... The sheepish gunslinger involuntarily hugging a golf cart. No idea what he shot that day.

Killarney Golf & Fishing Club, IR.

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[quote name='lumberman2462' timestamp='1388522201' post='8375259']
I hit a way-off-the-planet tee shot at a course in Florida and was wandering through the pine trees looking for my ball when I notice a golf course maintanence truck on a little road along the edge of the property. Fairly dense pine trees. As I'm walking up I see a the driver sitting in the truck and just as I get about even with the driver's side window a head pops up out of the lap of the dude driving. The head that popped up was a dude too.....The look on their faces was priceless. I just kinda tried to give them the acknowledging nod and keep going without break down laughing.

By the time I could get back to the fairway to tell my buddies that truck was hitting NASCAR speeds getting out of there.

very reminiscent of a Sopranos epidsode

Ping G400 Max AD IZ 6s
2016 TI M2 HL AD IZ 7s
M2 4h AD DI 8s
Ping G400 5hy ADDI 9s
718 TMB 6-Gap Modus 130s
Scratch 53 Modus 125
Scratch 57 Modus 125
PXG 03x 60* Modus 125

Scotty Cameron Custom 009 HHH

[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/982109-joes-witb-set-for-2014-update-2015/#entry10682349"]WITB Link[/url]

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not sure if this falls into play here but my friends father owned a plethora of McDonalds... a millionaire many times over.... EVERY hole with water or woods he would search for balls and not come out until he found a couple... after our tee shots he would grab his ball retriever and say,"I'm gonna walk."

Ping G400 Max AD IZ 6s
2016 TI M2 HL AD IZ 7s
M2 4h AD DI 8s
Ping G400 5hy ADDI 9s
718 TMB 6-Gap Modus 130s
Scratch 53 Modus 125
Scratch 57 Modus 125
PXG 03x 60* Modus 125

Scotty Cameron Custom 009 HHH

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[quote name='KLeC' timestamp='1391090919' post='8564326']
How about a guy handcuffed to a golf cart ...

This is more about a strange thing to see on a golf course. A few years ago we were playing a nice little muni outside of Nashville. As we approached the 17th tee box, we could see two foursomes in a nose to nose, highly animated discussion on the adjoining # 10 fairway. OK, I've seen a couple of groups mix it up before, but what made this encounter a little different was the two police cruisers on the fairway. Apparently the lead group reacted to the guys behind 'pulling the trigger' a little too quickly. As the fairway discussion escalated, one player pulled a pistol from his bag. A brave human being in the other group pulled out a cell phone. Now we are back to the beginning. As we walked off #18, there he was ... The sheepish gunslinger involuntarily hugging a golf cart. No idea what he shot that day.
This is why we don't want concealed carry....

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[quote name='rsj1360' timestamp='1391099166' post='8565164']
[quote name='KLeC' timestamp='1391090919' post='8564326']
How about a guy handcuffed to a golf cart ...

This is more about a strange thing to see on a golf course. A few years ago we were playing a nice little muni outside of Nashville. As we approached the 17th tee box, we could see two foursomes in a nose to nose, highly animated discussion on the adjoining # 10 fairway. OK, I've seen a couple of groups mix it up before, but what made this encounter a little different was the two police cruisers on the fairway. Apparently the lead group reacted to the guys behind 'pulling the trigger' a little too quickly. As the fairway discussion escalated, one player pulled a pistol from his bag. A brave human being in the other group pulled out a cell phone. Now we are back to the beginning. As we walked off #18, there he was ... The sheepish gunslinger involuntarily hugging a golf cart. No idea what he shot that day.
This is why we don't want concealed carry....
It's not the gun that would have killed anyone it would have been the idiot that had it I'm all for concealed carry but but far more for more scrutiny when getting the license to

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A buddy of mine and I are playing one afternoon. We stop after 9 to grab a beer and some snacks then head over to #10. Course is crowded so we are waiting. He had opened his beer and left it in the holder in the cart. Look over and there is squirrel trying to get into the crackers we had bought. He throws a golf ball at the cart and hits it. The squirrel jumps out of the cart. A minute or so later, I look over and the squirrel is back in the cart. This time, he is perched up on the front of the cart directly over his beer (again which is opened). The squirrel takes a pi$$ directly onto the top of his open beer.

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[quote name='RickKimbrell' timestamp='1391105424' post='8565914']
A buddy of mine and I are playing one afternoon. We stop after 9 to grab a beer and some snacks then head over to #10. Course is crowded so we are waiting. He had opened his beer and left it in the holder in the cart. Look over and there is squirrel trying to get into the crackers we had bought. He throws a golf ball at the cart and hits it. The squirrel jumps out of the cart. A minute or so later, I look over and the squirrel is back in the cart. This time, he is perched up on the front of the cart directly over his beer (again which is opened). The squirrel takes a pi$$ directly onto the top of his open beer.

I just spit coffee on my phone! Great story

Ping G30 SFT (RIp Alpha)
Taylormade Jetspeed 3 Wood (RIP Alpha)
Taylormade SLDR 5 Wood (Kai'li)
Ping G25 (4-U) (Nippon 950gh)
Taylormade ATV 58*
Bettinardi Signature 6

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