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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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The Gibson ES series are fabulous, they produce a signature sound, George Benson to rock a billy. Takes a bit of getting used to the big wide body..


That's what I liked about this one, it had the reduced body size..



Beautiful guitar, sir. I've always liked the tobacco sunburst. My oldest daughter has a hollow body Gibson from the 50s. She got it as a family heirloom from her mom's side of the family. She leaves it at home. Lol. She has my old Ovation that she takes out when she's playing somewhere. She actually has several guitars.


I'm down to one...well actually two if you count the Ibanez electric that is hers that she keeps here. My acoustic is an old Charvel cutaway. It's not an overly expensive one but it frets as plays nice...and stays in tune. It has an internal pickup too if I want to plug it in.

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I have a Martin acoustic I bought new in 2006. It's made from mahogony. I

liked the dark wood look and the sound so I said what the hey, lol.


I haven't touched it for awhile. It's just sitting in the stand next to my Yamaha

keyboard. I bought some new elixir strings a few years back but have yet to

put them on. I should be ashamed of myself.

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I have a Martin acoustic I bought new in 2006. It's made from mahogony. I

liked the dark wood look and the sound so I said what the hey, lol.


I haven't touched it for awhile. It's just sitting in the stand next to my Yamaha

keyboard. I bought some new elixir strings a few years back but have yet to

put them on. I should be ashamed of myself.


Just think, if you picked it up instead of ignoring it, you could be on tour now making heaps of dollars.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I have a Martin acoustic I bought new in 2006. It's made from mahogony. I

liked the dark wood look and the sound so I said what the hey, lol.


I haven't touched it for awhile. It's just sitting in the stand next to my Yamaha

keyboard. I bought some new elixir strings a few years back but have yet to

put them on. I should be ashamed of myself.


Just think, if you picked it up instead of ignoring it, you could be on tour now making heaps of dollars.


Ya I could try out for the "Americans With No Talent" show, lol. I bet I could

at least come in 3rd.

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I've always wanted an Epiphone of some model. The Beatles liked them, John and Paul, and even George used them on occasion. John here on the rooftop concert is using an Epihphone Casino..and then there's also an article talking about them using them




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Played today and should not have bothered, having problems mainly with consistency. Hit my drives straight and long, only one hook, none sliced. My hybrid worked every other stroke, went forever or 20meters. Short irons were all that bit short, could not seem to judge the swing speed and putting was really a lost cause.



Weather was perfect, company also. Next week I will have a practice round, no score just play two balls and try to nail every stroke. I think I am still too fast on my back swing, it always causes problems when I speed up.


Only lost one ball today, it went for a swim.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Feel for you Tol.


I had run out of golf steam last week. Just didn't feel like myself on the course and the results were sporadic. I've put together some solid holes this week, but have thrown in some skunkers as well. Seems to be par for the course.

Cobra King F9 10.5*
Cobra F9 14.5*
Cobra 18.5*
Adams Super S Hybrids 22*, 25*
NCW 24*, 28*, 33*, 38*, 43*, 48*, 53*
Mac Custom Grind 58* (NevadaGolfGuy Special)
Bradley, Geom, Machine, Mannkrafted, Ping, Rife, SGC, Scotty, Tad Moore, Xenon

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Our company has a summer ending golf event coming up 3 weeks from tomorrow. We used to have it in October, called the Chili Open. Kinda fun, 18 hole scramble, then lunch. Chili only when it got started years ago, now it's pretty much brats, hamburgers, lots of sides and prizes. It gives other people from the plant who don't play in the league a chance to come out and play too, which is nice. Since it's a scramble, and sometimes with people who don't play much, and the scores don't really matter, and it's the end of summer, this is when I usually find my game..hahaha :golfer:

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Got to say this right out loud. And believe me please - As I plop this one out there for all, there more than a little "physician heal thyself" in what follows.


This goofy game is demanding for 99.9% of us. There is that .01% who can never put in the reps - never wants or even cares to understand their equipment or mechanics and can just go play remarkable golf.


For the rest of us - the deep-down decision we have to make is just how far are we able and willing to go in terms of honestly gaining consistency. It's just not going to come to us - we have to go to it.


What I "think" gets lost too often is the simple fact that it's perfectly fine to "own" a game that simply is what it is based on our available time, money, priorities, infirmities, age.... whatever. And if that part is true - there is absolutely zero shame in the state(s) of our games.


I've not heard one of you guys ever say - "Well I don't understand why I'm not shooting par or better golf every time out". To my eye/ear, what I keep hearing here is that we sort of are what we are individually. Some have the time and focus to work on their whole package from putting all the way back to the tee box. Some can do "some" of that. Some are fine with their game being what it is for right now and we gather to just revel in the good shots or good days - While at other times we're not one bit ashamed here to commiserate a little openly and honestly about it.


Purpose of this rant? I suppose it's merely to put in on record that here.... it doesn't matter to others if you're shooting this score or that - as much as it matter you feel free to play on and call it whatever it is without being judged for it. If you have the time/energy/focus to get down in the weeds and work on your scoring - GREAT. If you don't - GREAT. It's all good. We tend (here) to be happy for one another either way.


I've never personally been part of one of these "bike" clubs.... the ones that descend several times each year by the tens of thousands in Stu's back yard. But there are mechanics, doctors, lawyers, and all walks of life who come together and revel in their common interests of biking. (and screw up Stu's world in the process - lol). But the point is they don't get together to play that game about who wins some silly prize for biggest or best anything. They each give their little hobby the passion and time they can give to it and that much alone is good enough to gather together in just that spirit.


Wish I had more time these days to practice what I preach about the swing and the game in general. But there's no fear here in admitting that much and owning it. Frustrating to be slowing down swing-speed-wise? Yes. Wish my own world afforded me more time to practice and play? Yup! Would I personally spend untold hours each day practice and playing if I could? Frankly - YES I would obsess on that cause I happen to be one of those golfers who just can't get enough of it. LOVE seeing what tweaking this and practicing that does to the ball flights. That sound of the ball riffling through the air - that's pure music to my soul. BUT - it is what it is these days and it's so very good to get together with others who share some level of passion for golf - and life - and gather in that spirit.


Having rambled this much - there will come that first hole in one. Maybe not in this life - lol. But that will happen. It might bounce from the creek rocks - to the tree trunk - to the back of Old Man Jones' head to the cup. But when and however it happens..... you boys had better get ready for the grandest brag post ever seen on this forum. My arse will be dropping all internet bombs, screaming form the highest mountain tops, and before it's over - very likely committed to a rubber room.


From the tee box to the straight jacket in one easy lesson!

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Good post Mr. Reason. I appreciate and relate to your sentiments.


My 2 cents. Play about as well as can be expected given that I don't really practice much, have never sought out professional instruction, don't spend much time studying the golf swing. In other words, don't really try all that hard to get better than the bogey golf I typically shoot. Good enough to get me around a golf course without embarrassing myself. (Most of the time.) Always treated golf as an activity, not wanting it to become a compulsion.


Participate in a league compromised mostly of local fireman from neighboring communities. Great group of guys, everybody knows everybody, fun to golf with and against. Just the right amount of competition to enhance the focus. Without getting to serious.


Some days play a little worse, some days better. But always look forward to that "next round" as being the day it all comes together. But have good friends that I enjoy playing with. The Mrs. as well. Lots of laughs, pleasure in shared company, while we go about hitting a ball around an open area. Sometimes, a round all to myself brings a special pleasure. Fresh air, blue skies (and gray), sometimes stellar scenery. Fortunate to be blessed with good health so can play as often as I choose.


It is what it is. Probably as good as I will ever be. I'm OK with that. I have fun. Isn't that what it's supposed to be about?


Edit add: Upon further reflection, I do probably have one golf compulsion. For absolutely no justifiable reason, I enjoy "scrounging" around looking for old golf clubs. Something about the "hunt" is very compelling. Finding, fixing up, holding on to them for awhile and then selling them off. Because I never play at golf with them. Rather strange really. But its fun also.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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I have a Martin acoustic I bought new in 2006. It's made from mahogony. I

liked the dark wood look and the sound so I said what the hey, lol.


I haven't touched it for awhile. It's just sitting in the stand next to my Yamaha

keyboard. I bought some new elixir strings a few years back but have yet to

put them on. I should be ashamed of myself.

You guys are making me feel inadquate I can't play anything but a radio but I can twist the heck out of those knobs- I do not know the difference from one guitar to another except I know what a Les Paul looks like--- Fella probably remembers this guy over in the classics section called guitarzan or something like that he had one extensive collection of guitars and they were quite beautiful-- I can't play one but I do like to look at them for the beauty of the woodwork and intricate details of the metal where the strings mount etc

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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The idea of a Grill'ster roundup is a intriguing notion. Me thinks I'd be so damn nervous trying to play at golf in front of everyone, probably wouldn't be able to hit the ball for the first nine holes. What clubs to play? What do I wear? Do I get a crash course in swing lingo in order to be conversational? What if I have one to many beverages and get loud? Geez Louise, I'm getting an anxiety attack just typing out this posting.


I want strokes. Lots. You guys are all shooters.


Have this carefully crafted online persona to protect and uphold. Albeit, the adventure would be worth it for no other reason to rummage around and kibitz in Stu's shop for a few hours. That would be fun.


P.S. - I'm not quite as slim and handsome as the internets make me out to be.


Pardo - sit in my cart. In fact, let's split one of those street legal golf carts and just buzz all over town telling folks we are direct descendants of Bobby Jones or something. Our goal will be to get banned from every place of business we touch. If you can pull my finger it's a slam dunk!


There is not anything that any one in this group could do down here that would get them banned from any where--- Trust me I know!!


Take this as something of a challenge. What mischief could we perpetrate to get banned in M.B?


You're on Reason, you drive and I'll handle shotgun. Lay siege to the town, pull off a few cart shenanigans and other assorted hijinks.





And while searching for the above, found this one. Unrelated but sorta related. To funny. Pranking young guys v. cranky old guys.




LOL they have a saying here--- Came to Myrtle Beach on vacation left on probation!!

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Got to say this right out loud. And believe me please - As I plop this one out there for all, there more than a little "physician heal thyself" in what follows.


This goofy game is demanding for 99.9% of us. There is that .01% who can never put in the reps - never wants or even cares to understand their equipment or mechanics and can just go play remarkable golf.


For the rest of us - the deep-down decision we have to make is just how far are we able and willing to go in terms of honestly gaining consistency. It's just not going to come to us - we have to go to it.


What I "think" gets lost too often is the simple fact that it's perfectly fine to "own" a game that simply is what it is based on our available time, money, priorities, infirmities, age.... whatever. And if that part is true - there is absolutely zero shame in the state(s) of our games.


I've not heard one of you guys ever say - "Well I don't understand why I'm not shooting par or better golf every time out". To my eye/ear, what I keep hearing here is that we sort of are what we are individually. Some have the time and focus to work on their whole package from putting all the way back to the tee box. Some can do "some" of that. Some are fine with their game being what it is for right now and we gather to just revel in the good shots or good days - While at other times we're not one bit ashamed here to commiserate a little openly and honestly about it.


Purpose of this rant? I suppose it's merely to put in on record that here.... it doesn't matter to others if you're shooting this score or that - as much as it matter you feel free to play on and call it whatever it is without being judged for it. If you have the time/energy/focus to get down in the weeds and work on your scoring - GREAT. If you don't - GREAT. It's all good. We tend (here) to be happy for one another either way.


I've never personally been part of one of these "bike" clubs.... the ones that descend several times each year by the tens of thousands in Stu's back yard. But there are mechanics, doctors, lawyers, and all walks of life who come together and revel in their common interests of biking. (and screw up Stu's world in the process - lol). But the point is they don't get together to play that game about who wins some silly prize for biggest or best anything. They each give their little hobby the passion and time they can give to it and that much alone is good enough to gather together in just that spirit.


Wish I had more time these days to practice what I preach about the swing and the game in general. But there's no fear here in admitting that much and owning it. Frustrating to be slowing down swing-speed-wise? Yes. Wish my own world afforded me more time to practice and play? Yup! Would I personally spend untold hours each day practice and playing if I could? Frankly - YES I would obsess on that cause I happen to be one of those golfers who just can't get enough of it. LOVE seeing what tweaking this and practicing that does to the ball flights. That sound of the ball riffling through the air - that's pure music to my soul. BUT - it is what it is these days and it's so very good to get together with others who share some level of passion for golf - and life - and gather in that spirit.


Having rambled this much - there will come that first hole in one. Maybe not in this life - lol. But that will happen. It might bounce from the creek rocks - to the tree trunk - to the back of Old Man Jones' head to the cup. But when and however it happens..... you boys had better get ready for the grandest brag post ever seen on this forum. My arse will be dropping all internet bombs, screaming form the highest mountain tops, and before it's over - very likely committed to a rubber room.


From the tee box to the straight jacket in one easy lesson!

Actually the World Am and the spring tourist golf season screw up my world more than the bike weeks--- Where I live on the South end the Memorial Day Bike Fest does not affect me at all. Harley week does to some extent even though we used to ride. I remember 2 or 3 years ago spring tourist golf season was so bad you could not get a tee time anywhere. What happened was that the winter was unusally cold and wet and the "snowbirds " did not get to play any. Most of them extended their stay and it overlapped with the spring golf season. Finally I said screw it went to the Charlotte area for 2 weeks and played golf. Now I love College and Pro football in the fall because it keeps a lot of the idiots off the golf course. LOL back in the day in Charlotte when the Panthers were first a team you could get a tee time anywhere any time for a cut rate price when they were playing at home. Used to have some course Pros call me up begging me to get a calcutta up. I told them Are you kidding me? most anyone that would bet a calcutta is out at the stadium or glued to the TV because they have several games bet. In fact when the Panthers play at home I will slip up to Charlotte and play some

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Thoughts and prayers to all in the southeastern US facing the weather issues of the day. Hopefully this one passes through with as little impact on lives as can be expected.

Thanks the rain is just starting to hit us. I did the morning run got empty about 8:00 --- Called my boss to see what yard I needed to go to--- He told me Myrtle to park it period!! Schools all through the area shut down at noon today as did a lot of businesses. We are at home doing the Reo Speedwagon thing "Riding The Storm Out" ---- Did something sorta nutty when I came in to the yard pulled up under the shelter by the office had the Dolby Stereo In the big truck blasting the Scorpins Playing "Rock You Like a Hurricane"----- People at work think I am nutty too and have several screws loose--- But that is part of my persona Makes me laugh when people think I have several screws loose and that I am nutty as a fruitcake

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Good post Mr. Reason. I appreciate and relate to your sentiments.


My 2 cents. Play about as well as can be expected given that I don't really practice much, have never sought out professional instruction, don't spend much time studying the golf swing. In other words, don't really try all that hard to get better than the bogey golf a typically shoot. Good enough to get me around a golf course without embarrassing myself. (Most of the time.) Always treated golf as an activity, not wanting it to become a compulsion.


Participate in a league compromised mostly of local fireman from neighboring communities. Great group of guys, everybody knows everybody, fun to golf with and against. Just the right amount of competition to enhance the focus. Without getting to serious.


Some days play a little worse, some days better. But always look forward to that "next round" as being the day it all comes together. But have good friends that I enjoy playing with. The Mrs. as well. Lots of laughs, pleasure in shared company, while we go about hitting a ball around an open area. Sometimes, a round all to myself brings a special pleasure. Fresh air, blue skies (and gray), sometimes stellar scenery. Fortunate to be blessed with good health so can play as often as I choose.


It is what it is. Probably as good as I will ever be. I'm OK with that. I have fun. Isn't that what it's supposed to be about?

Sorta like our group called the Miura Mafia---- All of us are older guys with a mix some are retired club pros some are like me retired mini tour players and some retired bookies and golf hustlers. We do not play for big money. Standard team bet $2 per hole $1 birdies with a $10 cap and the winners buy the beer after the round. Now you can get into some side action as much as you want. We have a lot of fun and the needle is constantly being applied. What is funny due to the people involved with their past history most of the rank and file retirees think we play for big money even though we told them the truth that we do not.

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Reasy's most recent post has me thinking, is there any part of your game(s) that you are really happy with this summer?


My wedge game is the best it's ever been. Last year I felt like a missed green was a recipe for bogey or worse. Not so much this year. I'm walking up to pitch/chip shots thinking that I can hole out. Not that I am with any frequency, but I feel like anything is truly possible. This summer I've had more 'tap ins' than ever before after missing a green. I've also learned to hit a high pitch/lob to a tight pin.

Cobra King F9 10.5*
Cobra F9 14.5*
Cobra 18.5*
Adams Super S Hybrids 22*, 25*
NCW 24*, 28*, 33*, 38*, 43*, 48*, 53*
Mac Custom Grind 58* (NevadaGolfGuy Special)
Bradley, Geom, Machine, Mannkrafted, Ping, Rife, SGC, Scotty, Tad Moore, Xenon

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I'm sitting in my living room waiting for a putter and accessories to arrive. I get so excited when a shipment is 'out for delivery'. If all goes as I hope the putter will be in my hands four days earlier than expected and will see the course for a maiden voyage tomorrow morning. I thought I was going to wait until I went back to school to roll the ball with it.


Anyone score some new equipment of note?

Cobra King F9 10.5*
Cobra F9 14.5*
Cobra 18.5*
Adams Super S Hybrids 22*, 25*
NCW 24*, 28*, 33*, 38*, 43*, 48*, 53*
Mac Custom Grind 58* (NevadaGolfGuy Special)
Bradley, Geom, Machine, Mannkrafted, Ping, Rife, SGC, Scotty, Tad Moore, Xenon

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I'm sitting in my living room waiting for a putter and accessories to arrive. I get so excited when a shipment is 'out for delivery'. If all goes as I hope the putter will be in my hands four days earlier than expected and will see the course for a maiden voyage tomorrow morning. I thought I was going to wait until I went back to school to roll the ball with it.


Anyone score some new equipment of note?

Me? NEW eqipment

I'm sitting in my living room waiting for a putter and accessories to arrive. I get so excited when a shipment is 'out for delivery'. If all goes as I hope the putter will be in my hands four days earlier than expected and will see the course for a maiden voyage tomorrow morning. I thought I was going to wait until I went back to school to roll the ball with it.


Anyone score some new equipment of note?

Me NEW equipment? surely you jest my friend. Come to think of it the last New piece of equipment I got was a certain Canadian Special 2 iron come to think of it that head was new. I have not found anything at all on the yards lately worth saving

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Reasy's most recent post has me thinking, is there any part of your game(s) that you are really happy with this summer?




For the last two seasons - the part of my game I trust most is driver. Ironically this trust leaves me practicing it the least. Something odd about that fact to me, Rather than question it I just go with it hoping it lasts for seasons to come.


Anyone score some new equipment of note?


Got a voice-caddie mini launch monitor recently. Good news is it tells me my swing speed. The bad news is it tells me my swing speed!


Twin sister to my old standby putter is here. Bought it to have it bent - maybe try a little Stu inspired lead tape. This keeps me from wrecking old reliable while experimenting. On the hunt for heads to attach to Nippon shafts. If a backup set of VIPs with 5.5 Rifle shafts appears at a bargain - those will be snagged, too. Still coming up dry at the Goodwill stores. Looking more into consignment shops going forward. Ready to trade a kidney for an affordable lie/loft machine. And by affordable I mean bargain basement priced. Daughter's pending wedding will be flowing cash like prune juice in an old folks home.


As Stu pointed out - the word "new" and these acquisitions probably don't belong in the same sentence - lol

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Mr. Reason, I'm with you in hoping the east coast fairs well through this hurricane/tropical storm. Be safe.


As far as my game, I'm aware of my potential but, take it as it comes. Good days and bad days. I'm not able to put the time in it takes to play this game at a consistently higher level than I am currently. I try to take something out of every round. Sometimes it's a good score. Other times, it's consistency in certain area of the game.


Fella, this is a good group and getting together for some actual on course time would be nothing but enjoyable. We are all different ages and play at different levels. I can assure you the only pressure you'll feel will be self induced. We all love the game and camaraderie whether we're shooting 65 or 125. I recently played a few rounds with Conrad and we both had a blast because we love to play golf. I feel like everyone in here would have the same experience.


PD, I'm most pleased this season with my putting. It's funny, I rarely practice putting unless there's an issue. This season my issues were hitting the center of the face and short putts. These issues were related. I made a change in ball position and it worked itself out. I've been putting well since.


New equipment? 48* Cleveland wedge....and, I'm always looking for that magic fairway wood. I've been eyeballing a Callaway as of late. ;)

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Mr reason and Mr Fella.



Playing golf for me has never been an obsession, it's about challenging yourself to do better. When I play a round of golf with someone, their score is totally irrelevant. My score is the only one that counts. Having said that I always give credit for good golf to my playing partners and commiserate for duff shots.


I was 64 before I started playing on a regular basis, never having the money or time before, I enjoy the company on the course, I enjoy the nature that pops up, the ducks, the kangaroos, not always the magpies that dive bomb in the nesting season, but the whole package as a life experiance.


At times my good wife will accompany me on a game, then it's look out for the ducks, don't count that shot, kick it out from the trees and many other distracting comments that somehow manage to enhance the day.


I suppose what I am trying to put across is that for me, playing golf is not only about playing golf, it's about an experiance encompassing all aspects of my retirement. The freedom at last to engage in something I enjoy, the ability to include my life partner and the constant challenge to improve myself, which as you age is more important. It keeps you young.



Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Feel for you Tol.


I had run out of golf steam last week. Just didn't feel like myself on the course and the results were sporadic. I've put together some solid holes this week, but have thrown in some skunkers as well. Seems to be par for the course.




It certainly is a funny game, I had a few holes that gave me great satisfaction, solid drive good iron spot on putting, not enough to make me happy at the end unfortunately.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Mr reason and Mr Fella.



Playing golf for me has never been an obsession, it's about challenging yourself to do better. When I play a round of golf with someone, their score is totally irrelevant. My score is the only one that counts. Having said that I always give credit for good golf to my playing partners and commiserate for duff shots.


I was 64 before I started playing on a regular basis, never having the money or time before, I enjoy the company on the course, I enjoy the nature that pops up, the ducks, the kangaroos, not always the magpies that dive bomb in the nesting season, but the whole package as a life experiance.


At times my good wife will accompany me on a game, then it's look out for the ducks, don't count that shot, kick it out from the trees and many other distracting comments that somehow manage to enhance the day.


I suppose what I am trying to put across is that for me, playing golf is not only about playing golf, it's about an experiance encompassing all aspects of my retirement. The freedom at last to engage in something I enjoy, the ability to include my life partner and the constant challenge to improve myself, which as you age is more important. It keeps you young.


That's a perfect attitude Tol. Unlike you I started at age 12 or 13. I got to mid single digit for just long enough to think that I should always stay there or even get to scratch. Now at 64 I see the start of some decline and sometimes it just pisses me off when I can't do what I used to do. I try hard to keep my attitude positive and am still in love with the game. When I retire in a couple of years I still hope to see some improvement and chase the elusive goals of this addiction but I resolve to do like you and take time to smell the roses along the way.

Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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I'm sitting in my living room waiting for a putter and accessories to arrive. I get so excited when a shipment is 'out for delivery'.


Anyone score some new equipment of note?


Won't ask you to spill the beans until said putter is in hand and played. Then pics and a review is required.


New Equipment? Probably will never go down that path again. Unless I win the lotto or something. With that said, like MC, been perusing for a fairway wood. More specifically, a 4W in good shape for a good price. Figure I can replace two fairways (3 & 5) with one. Just not sure what flavor yet. Play V-Steels now, but......."looking for magic".


Now if we're talking new old stuff, I've been dabbling a bit. When I stumble into something intriguing (and dirt cheap), can't just turn my back and walk away. Some recent acquisitions. Can't remember where I've posted these, probably just over in Classic.


MacGregor Tourney FC 4000 M2 irons (2-9), circa 1963. Black ceramic face, quite pristine leather wrap grips, and the very cool "crown" ferrules all in one piece. Were quite rusty and dusty when found but cleaned up better than I had anticipated. Fresh paint fill was added. Had a FC4000 TA D.S. wedge around that was added to complete the set. Haven't tried them out yet, maybe a future range session. They are to short but nothing I can do with extensions on these.




MacGregor Reg M85 Colokroms (3 - PW). Not the originals from the mid-50's. These are the remakes form the 80's. Shafted TT Dynamic stiff. But in good overall condition, needing just a little spiffing up to make presentable. Will freshen the paint when I get around to it. They need grips, thinking the Perma Wrap Classics I've been hoarding for just the right set. I'm a sucker for a pretty (copper) face. These might find their way to the course, guaranteed no one else will be 'gaming' a set that day. Sometimes it's better to look good than play good.




Oh yeah, in the middle. A Wilson Original 600 Geo Low putter. Pretty rough with the plating flaking off in some spots. But for a buck, what the heck. Maybe take it PD Raw and torch it. It's forged carbon steel so may flame up nicely.


Other than that, nothing new to play mediocre golf with.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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I don't usually make fun of other golfers, but I played with a couple guys today who were the quintessential 'I never play this bad' guys. Nice guys, and good company, but they would hit one squirrely shot after another, right, left, chunky, etc, and constantly comment on what's going on, I never play like this. Then on one tee, after complaining again one guy says, 'Yeah, I don't understand it, I mean, Mike is a 4, and I'm a 6'. OK, the guy who said that, Jim, lined up his shots about 30* right, waaay closed, and swung OTT with a good amount of weight on his back foot, and what a surprise, he missed left and right. The other guy Mike had a stance at least 1ft wider than his shoulders, like a baseball batter's stance. Both of them had quick muscular arm swings, I've seen it a million times. I just had to hold in the chuckle when he told me their 'handicaps'.


Edit: Some swing thoughts - I started out tired after working so I muddled along picking up some pars with some good shots and hitting some meh shots, but as I was trying stuff through the round on the last 4 holes I decided I needed to initiate more with hips/knees since I had been turning over the top too much. I started puring shots. I have always been a little gunshy of firing the hips/knees too much, because in the past it has led to spin out slices, but now I am learning I can use that when I see I'm turning over a base that is not keeping up.

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I don't usually make fun of other golfers, but I played with a couple guys today who were the quintessential 'I never play this bad' guys. Nice guys, and good company, but they would hit one squirrely shot after another, right, left, chunky, etc, and constantly comment on what's going on, I never play like this. Then on one tee, after complaining again one guy says, 'Yeah, I don't understand it, I mean, Mike is a 4, and I'm a 6'. OK, the guy who said that, Jim, lined up his shots about 30* right, waaay closed, and swung OTT with a good amount of weight on his back foot, and what a surprise, he missed left and right. The other guy Mike had a stance at least 1ft wider than his shoulders, like a baseball batter's stance. Both of them had quick muscular arm swings, I've seen it a million times. I just had to hold in the chuckle when he told me their 'handicaps'.


I see it a lot when I play with people who come down here to play the trail.


I can tell the difference between a good player having a bad day and a bad

player having a bad day, lol. It's funny because people don't seem to realize

that and they'll try to BS you sometimes. Like you, I just hold my tongue.


I don't know why people even bother with the BS cause most are not

fooled by it. The best one is when they tell you they're a scratch normally but

they're going through a "swing change" right now, lol.


As our old bud RP would say..................swing change this!!! LMAO.

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I don't usually make fun of other golfers, but I played with a couple guys today who were the quintessential 'I never play this bad' guys. Nice guys, and good company, but they would hit one squirrely shot after another, right, left, chunky, etc, and constantly comment on what's going on, I never play like this. Then on one tee, after complaining again one guy says, 'Yeah, I don't understand it, I mean, Mike is a 4, and I'm a 6'. OK, the guy who said that, Jim, lined up his shots about 30* right, waaay closed, and swung OTT with a good amount of weight on his back foot, and what a surprise, he missed left and right. The other guy Mike had a stance at least 1ft wider than his shoulders, like a baseball batter's stance. Both of them had quick muscular arm swings, I've seen it a million times. I just had to hold in the chuckle when he told me their 'handicaps'.


I see it a lot when I play with people who come down here to play the trail.


I can tell the difference between a good player having a bad day and a bad

player having a bad day, lol. It's funny because people don't seem to realize

that and they'll try to BS you sometimes. Like you, I just hold my tongue.


I don't know why people even bother with the BS cause most are not

fooled by it. The best one is when they tell you they're a scratch normally but

they're going through a "swing change" right now, lol.


As our old bud RP would say..................swing change this!!! LMAO.


Hey Conrad, I was going through a swing change when we.....



Ah, who am I kidding. I'm always going through a swing change. LMAO!! :D

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