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Tyson Lamb Putters & Crafts

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You said the putter felt alive, among other things. I'm sure you knew what the responses would be, and that's ok. As long as your happy with your purchase. But responses like Mikey's aren't troll comments wether your deem it important enough to respond to or not.


Wasn't meant about Mikey's thread. His was very well thought out. Wish I had that kind of time.


Just because he made it doesnt change the material properties of metal.


Has he:


Used materials no one else has? No.

Used mills no one else has? No.

Head shapes? No.

Finishes/polymers? No.

Inserts? No.


So, no - his putters have no magical feel. Sorry bud, if u believe that i got ocean front property in south dakota if ur interested.


I never argued that. I'm not sure why words are being put in my mouth. Re-read what I have said instead of insinuating.

Titleist - 917-D3, 8.5 - AD BB-6X
Titleist - 917-F, 15 - AD BB-7X
Titleist - 916 T-MB 2 Iron - AD DI-105x
BB&F Co - DW - CB, 4-P - TI AMT X100
BB&F Co - DW - 53 & 58
Lamb Crafted - Allendale
MacKenzie - Sugarloaf Walker
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You said the putter felt alive, among other things. I'm sure you knew what the responses would be, and that's ok. As long as your happy with your purchase. But responses like Mikey's aren't troll comments wether your deem it important enough to respond to or not.


Wasn't meant about Mikey's thread. His was very well thought out. Wish I had that kind of time.

Just because he made it doesnt change the material properties of metal.


Has he:


Used materials no one else has? No.

Used mills no one else has? No.

Head shapes? No.

Finishes/polymers? No.

Inserts? No.


So, no - his putters have no magical feel. Sorry bud, if u believe that i got ocean front property in south dakota if ur interested.


I never argued that. I'm not sure why words are being put in my mouth. Re-read what I have said instead of insinuating.

"Seems gimmicky to say this, but if you havent felt it you wouldnt understand"


No no, i can read just fine.

Taylormade Qi10 LS / 8* (dialed to 10*) / Denali Black 60TX

Taylormade Qi10 Tour / 3w (dialed 1 notch higher) / HZRDUS RDX Smoke Green 85 6.5

Taylormade P-DHY / 2i / Tensei Pro White 100TX
Mizuno Pro 245 / 4-GW (3* weak) / KBS Tour X

Cleveland RTX6 / 54, 58 (full face2) / DG TI Spinner


Odyssey Jailbird AI Cruiser 40"

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The feel with these putters is unlike any other. There's a lot to these putters that other producers don't put this much effort into.


It's ridiculous comments like this about lamb putters that drive me insane.


A) how could this CNC machined anser style putter feel any different than the others before it. Same material, no new technology, no insert. I guarantee this feels the same if not worse than any otr cameron.


B)please explain what additional work was put into this putter over any other custom maker? Byron...slighter...Mann....all others, you are saying they put less work into their putters? Yeah he uses some additional hammering and finishing techniques, but you realize many other makers can take a block of steel and HAND MILL a shape. Lambs work is all done by a machine...finished by hand.


Again..beautiful putters, terrible representation.


Seems gimmicky to say this, but unless you felt it, you wouldn't understand. Putters from all producers are about to make the floor sink in the guest bedroom. One can make the argument about the mill, but a lot of the feel is brought on by other aspects that he's doing -- soft, terracing tri-soles for instance. There's a lot to be said for what is being coupled with the milling. If all you want to talk about is the mill, then you're only seeing one aspect; and it's not the head style, either.


Sorry, but a tri-sole (no matter how softly it terraces) has absolutely nothing to do with the feel of the putter.


The things that weigh into the feel of a putter include, but are not limited to:


Material Used

Face Thickness

Face Milling

Sound Slots (obviously)

Neck Type/Length




If you change any of these things, the way the putter feels will change. Usually things like face thickness and face milling will change the feel the most... neck and shaft, not so much.


That said, saying that the sole plays into the feel of a putter is just silly. Sure, it will affect how playable the putter is for a certain stroke, how it sits on the ground, etc... but if you change the sole grind on a putter, it's not going to change how it feels.


No putter maker has a magical combination of factors figured out that make their putter feel "different." A single putter, or batch of putters, may feel pretty dang good in comparison to the other things that are out there, but that is due to the combination of factors that go into that particular putter... it has nothing to do with the person who made it knowing something that the other makers don't.


For someone who says: "There's a lot to be said for what is being coupled with the milling," you sure aren't saying much about what's being coupled with the milling.


Don't get me wrong... I really like Tyson's designs, and your Allendale is drool-worthy (to my eyes, anyway), but don't talk like the guy has a "secret sauce" of sorts that nobody else has access to.


Tyson Lamb putters are nothing more than (in my opinion), very high quality putters that combine classic shapes with design elements. Some of those design elements are things we've seen before and some are not. Some are crafted by hand and some are done on a mill. The end result is almost always pleasing to the eye and they command a hefty price tag... and that's OK! Because high quality, classic putters with great design elements are awesome, regardless of who made it or what the price tag is.


The only thing that a "unless you felt it, you wouldn't understand" response does is expose your lack of knowledge about what's actually going into these (or any other makers) putters. If you have more information, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to hear it... but, please... hold the pixie dust.







Well said. I'm not going to take this long of a time, during the day, to type out some response of significant detail. I've taken a moment to embolden your quote, if that's okay, and simply respond with this: i don't have the time sometimes to type out exact examples with exactly what you would want to read. I will shorten what I have to say. Adding to that, any of you who are literally trolling this thread, you would rather bash the putters than concede any unique craftsmanship.


Trolls hold more value in entertainment than knowledge.


You can embolden any of my post that you feel fit... though I did take the time to type out a well thought out reply, so I'd prefer that the whole thing be taken into consideration, as opposed to just a piece that you feel is more important than the rest.


I can completely understand the time constraints one can be under, and how that would result in an abridged post. That said, it's really odd that, when questioned about the feel of the putter, the only thing you chose mention within said abridged post was the tri-sole... a part of the putter that does not affect feel at all.


I agree with you on the trolling comments, but it comes with the territory on internet forums. All we can do is share as much valuable information as we can and trust that the majority of readers appreciate it... which I think they do, because the majority of readers are lurkers who don't post at all.



Please just recognize that the things that make these putters special are based in aesthetics... not performance. Within the constraints of these head shapes, there is nothing left to do that could improve performance or feel. Performance is pretty much limited to matching up loft, lie and alignment aids with a persons eye and stroke. Feel is completely subjective, so the definition of "improvement" in that respect will differ from person to person.


There is nothing wrong with building value in aesthetics. Tyson seems to have some great ideas, and executes them really well (I'm especially a fan of the chiseled and hammered patterns he does), and there is a big market for that. I hope he can capture his fair share of that market... there is more than enough to go around.

TaylorMade Driver
Tour Edge Exotics Fairways
Bridgestone Irons
Vokey Wedges
Byron Morgan Putter(s)
[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/951653-mikey-towns-witb/"]WITB Link[/url]

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Trolls hold more value in entertainment than knowledge.



You can embolden any of my post that you feel fit... though I did take the time to type out a well thought out reply, so I'd prefer that the whole thing be taken into consideration, as opposed to just a piece that you feel is more important than the rest.


I can completely understand the time constraints one can be under, and how that would result in an abridged post. That said, it's really odd that, when questioned about the feel of the putter, the only thing you chose mention within said abridged post was the tri-sole... a part of the putter that does not affect feel at all.


I agree with you on the trolling comments, but it comes with the territory on internet forums. All we can do is share as much valuable information as we can and trust that the majority of readers appreciate it... which I think they do, because the majority of readers are lurkers who don't post at all.



Please just recognize that the things that make these putters special are based in aesthetics... not performance. Within the constraints of these head shapes, there is nothing left to do that could improve performance or feel. Performance is pretty much limited to matching up loft, lie and alignment aids with a persons eye and stroke. Feel is completely subjective, so the definition of "improvement" in that respect will differ from person to person.


There is nothing wrong with building value in aesthetics. Tyson seems to have some great ideas, and executes them really well (I'm especially a fan of the chiseled and hammered patterns he does), and there is a big market for that. I hope he can capture his fair share of that market... there is more than enough to go around.



I think I was pretty clear in my review my views on the matter of feel. As noted above, I mentioned the putter felt alive-- which for some reason was demeaned by those who haven't even taken a stroke. And that would be the reason for my lack of detail in my responses. It is also the reason why i have referred with a simple term for those who find entertainment from this thread, as opposed to even simplistic curiosity.


I do apologize but I do feel as though I am wasting my time, but I do not apologize for my simplistic answers for those who wish to tear them apart. The only responses of any thought are coming from my simplistic answers. Complex details are being written off, so once again, I do apologize for those on the outskirts who are genuinely interested.

Titleist - 917-D3, 8.5 - AD BB-6X
Titleist - 917-F, 15 - AD BB-7X
Titleist - 916 T-MB 2 Iron - AD DI-105x
BB&F Co - DW - CB, 4-P - TI AMT X100
BB&F Co - DW - 53 & 58
Lamb Crafted - Allendale
MacKenzie - Sugarloaf Walker
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jesus, i need some cliff notes for the past couple of pages.

Ping G430 MAX Rogue Silver 60S
915F Rogue Black 80S
915H Rogue Black 85S
ZX Utility 4i Recoil F4 110
Srixon ZX5/ZX7 Nippon Modus 120S
SM6 52.08F | 56.08M | 60.10S
Scotty Cameron Mil-Spec 33/350G
restoration on my Mil-Spec

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You can embolden any of my post that you feel fit... though I did take the time to type out a well thought out reply, so I'd prefer that the whole thing be taken into consideration, as opposed to just a piece that you feel is more important than the rest.


I can completely understand the time constraints one can be under, and how that would result in an abridged post. That said, it's really odd that, when questioned about the feel of the putter, the only thing you chose mention within said abridged post was the tri-sole... a part of the putter that does not affect feel at all.


I agree with you on the trolling comments, but it comes with the territory on internet forums. All we can do is share as much valuable information as we can and trust that the majority of readers appreciate it... which I think they do, because the majority of readers are lurkers who don't post at all.



Please just recognize that the things that make these putters special are based in aesthetics... not performance. Within the constraints of these head shapes, there is nothing left to do that could improve performance or feel. Performance is pretty much limited to matching up loft, lie and alignment aids with a persons eye and stroke. Feel is completely subjective, so the definition of "improvement" in that respect will differ from person to person.


There is nothing wrong with building value in aesthetics. Tyson seems to have some great ideas, and executes them really well (I'm especially a fan of the chiseled and hammered patterns he does), and there is a big market for that. I hope he can capture his fair share of that market... there is more than enough to go around.


I do like this response, I am done fighting the war of the trolls and agree its what you get on these Forums.


As to the feel question its hard for to explain between what I have from Lamb versus what I have in my SC Collection. I will tell you that taking my Flowneck Allendale versus My 1.5 Welded Neck 009 the Allendale feels much softer. I will also say that it sounds softer (muffled), which if you listen to many putter makers they tell you sound equates to feel. So meaning that my TL isn't as clicky as SC. Both are same head weight (350), same length (34") and same loft (4*) so at least those specs are the same. Overall weight differs by 1.5 Swingweights due to grip difference. I have a square Superstroke on my Lamb and a Matador on my SC. To me the grips feel the same in my hand but I know SS weighs almost 10 grams more. One other factor between the 2 is my Lamb has a Damascus Insert. So back to the feel when asked about the feel of my putter I always say its something I have not felt before in a SSS head. As all of SSS SC's don't feel anything like this one. They are clicky and feel like the face doesn't absorb any of the ball at impact. But when I putt with my C & C GSS plumber's neck I get similar sound and feel to that of my Lamb Crafted putter which feels like a marshmallow. With the differences in the GSS being neck and grip only everything else is the same. So the only unknown factor in my review here is the shaft. I do not know if they are the same or not, so that could make a difference. But I am unsure how a GSS feels similar to a SSS putter but it just does. My only thought can be the milling pattern along with the Damascus insert. This could make the cvity thinner causing the face to be thinner which would change feel. But when asked by other collectors I refer to GSS feel and if they have putted with one then they understand when they have rolled mine.

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You can embolden any of my post that you feel fit... though I did take the time to type out a well thought out reply, so I'd prefer that the whole thing be taken into consideration, as opposed to just a piece that you feel is more important than the rest.


I can completely understand the time constraints one can be under, and how that would result in an abridged post. That said, it's really odd that, when questioned about the feel of the putter, the only thing you chose mention within said abridged post was the tri-sole... a part of the putter that does not affect feel at all.


I agree with you on the trolling comments, but it comes with the territory on internet forums. All we can do is share as much valuable information as we can and trust that the majority of readers appreciate it... which I think they do, because the majority of readers are lurkers who don't post at all.



Please just recognize that the things that make these putters special are based in aesthetics... not performance. Within the constraints of these head shapes, there is nothing left to do that could improve performance or feel. Performance is pretty much limited to matching up loft, lie and alignment aids with a persons eye and stroke. Feel is completely subjective, so the definition of "improvement" in that respect will differ from person to person.


There is nothing wrong with building value in aesthetics. Tyson seems to have some great ideas, and executes them really well (I'm especially a fan of the chiseled and hammered patterns he does), and there is a big market for that. I hope he can capture his fair share of that market... there is more than enough to go around.


I do like this response, I am done fighting the war of the trolls and agree its what you get on these Forums.


As to the feel question its hard for to explain between what I have from Lamb versus what I have in my SC Collection. I will tell you that taking my Flowneck Allendale versus My 1.5 Welded Neck 009 the Allendale feels much softer. I will also say that it sounds softer (muffled), which if you listen to many putter makers they tell you sound equates to feel. So meaning that my TL isn't as clicky as SC. Both are same head weight (350), same length (34") and same loft (4*) so at least those specs are the same. Overall weight differs by 1.5 Swingweights due to grip difference. I have a square Superstroke on my Lamb and a Matador on my SC. To me the grips feel the same in my hand but I know SS weighs almost 10 grams more. One other factor between the 2 is my Lamb has a Damascus Insert. So back to the feel when asked about the feel of my putter I always say its something I have not felt before in a SSS head. As all of SSS SC's don't feel anything like this one. They are clicky and feel like the face doesn't absorb any of the ball at impact. But when I putt with my C & C GSS plumber's neck I get similar sound and feel to that of my Lamb Crafted putter which feels like a marshmallow. With the differences in the GSS being neck and grip only everything else is the same. So the only unknown factor in my review here is the shaft. I do not know if they are the same or not, so that could make a difference. But I am unsure how a GSS feels similar to a SSS putter but it just does. My only thought can be the milling pattern along with the Damascus insert. This could make the cvity thinner causing the face to be thinner which would change feel. But when asked by other collectors I refer to GSS feel and if they have putted with one then they understand when they have rolled mine.


Serious couple of questions (lest I be considered a troll without stating so beforehand):


When you say you have a Damascus insert, do you have Damascus inserted on the face? Or, is it one of those insert cut outs screwed into the cavity back like we have seen in some of Tyson's IG posts? Also, is it Damascus or Timascus in your putter? Again, serious questions as I am genuinely interested and I would think the answers to these would positively go to the "feel" debate (IMO).

IG Handle: @tarheelnation3


What's in the bag:

Driver: Callaway AI Smoke Triple Diamond w/ Ventus Velocore+ Blue 6s

Fairway Wood: Taylormade Stealth 2+ 3 wood w/ Ventus Velocore Red 7s

Hybrid/Utility Wood: Taylormade Stealth+ 5 wood w/ Ventus Velocore Red 7s

Hybrid/Utility Wood: Tour Issued Callaway Paradym 7 wood w/ Speeder 757 Evolution VII

Irons: Taylormade P790 Copper w/ Nippon Modus 120 Shafts

Wedges: Cleveland RTX 6 ZipCore Raw 50/55/60 w/ Nippon Modus 120

Putters: Scotty Cameron 009 Aloha (and many others)

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I think I was pretty clear in my review my views on the matter of feel. As noted above, I mentioned the putter felt alive-- which for some reason was demeaned by those who haven't even taken a stroke. And that would be the reason for my lack of detail in my responses. It is also the reason why i have referred with a simple term for those who find entertainment from this thread, as opposed to even simplistic curiosity.


I do apologize but I do feel as though I am wasting my time, but I do not apologize for my simplistic answers for those who wish to tear them apart. The only responses of any thought are coming from my simplistic answers. Complex details are being written off, so once again, I do apologize for those on the outskirts who are genuinely interested.


This is what confuses me the most about your posts. I've read all of them, in both threads, and I've not seen you explain one complex detail that has anything to do with something other than aesthetics.


I did enjoy your review, though. Although a bit unconventional, I can sincerely understand being in love with a putter... or three...

TaylorMade Driver
Tour Edge Exotics Fairways
Bridgestone Irons
Vokey Wedges
Byron Morgan Putter(s)
[url="http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/951653-mikey-towns-witb/"]WITB Link[/url]

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I think I was pretty clear in my review my views on the matter of feel. As noted above, I mentioned the putter felt alive-- which for some reason was demeaned by those who haven't even taken a stroke. And that would be the reason for my lack of detail in my responses. It is also the reason why i have referred with a simple term for those who find entertainment from this thread, as opposed to even simplistic curiosity.


I do apologize but I do feel as though I am wasting my time, but I do not apologize for my simplistic answers for those who wish to tear them apart. The only responses of any thought are coming from my simplistic answers. Complex details are being written off, so once again, I do apologize for those on the outskirts who are genuinely interested.


You have not mentioned a single complex detail....literally not one. Your original review was written beautifully ...talking about curves and indescribable feel.


If your intention was to convince us his putters are built better in any other way...you are absolutely wasting your time.

PING G400 Max 
Maltby STi2  Fairway

Maltby STi2 Hybrid 

Maltby STI2 Irons 
Cleveland CBX Zipcore 50 54 58

BBFandCo Roulette
MannKrafted Carbon Rattler XL
TP Mills Stainless Softtail
Krew Blade

Mannkrafted HotRod

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I think I was pretty clear in my review my views on the matter of feel. As noted above, I mentioned the putter felt alive-- which for some reason was demeaned by those who haven't even taken a stroke. And that would be the reason for my lack of detail in my responses. It is also the reason why i have referred with a simple term for those who find entertainment from this thread, as opposed to even simplistic curiosity.


I do apologize but I do feel as though I am wasting my time, but I do not apologize for my simplistic answers for those who wish to tear them apart. The only responses of any thought are coming from my simplistic answers. Complex details are being written off, so once again, I do apologize for those on the outskirts who are genuinely interested.


This is what confuses me the most about your posts. I've read all of them, in both threads, and I've not seen you explain one complex detail that has anything to do with something other than aesthetics.


I did enjoy your review, though. Although a bit unconventional, I can sincerely understand being in love with a putter... or three...

I think I was pretty clear in my review my views on the matter of feel. As noted above, I mentioned the putter felt alive-- which for some reason was demeaned by those who haven't even taken a stroke. And that would be the reason for my lack of detail in my responses. It is also the reason why i have referred with a simple term for those who find entertainment from this thread, as opposed to even simplistic curiosity.


I do apologize but I do feel as though I am wasting my time, but I do not apologize for my simplistic answers for those who wish to tear them apart. The only responses of any thought are coming from my simplistic answers. Complex details are being written off, so once again, I do apologize for those on the outskirts who are genuinely interested.


You have not mentioned a single complex detail....literally not one. Your original review read like it was written as an early 1900s romance...talking about curves and indescribable feel.


If your intention was to convince us his putters are built better in any other way...you are absolutely wasting your time.


From the Review:

Upon contact with all three of these putters, the feel that comes into the hands is a culmination of two fortuitous aspects of feel: vibration and sound. Simply tapping the ball to place before putting creates firm, confident vibrations. The sound is a deep click. Actually putting the ball creates so much feel, it's apparent that there has been endless thought on how to create it. There's little other words to put except that the putter feels alive. The putters are responsive and the sound is a deep, answering click. The click is not deep mill-like at all -- it isn't dead and hollow. The feel is very much one of the strongest aspects, if not the strongest aspect, to all three of these putters.


Feel is incredibly subjective and I feel this was enough of a detailed description for a 20th century romance.


Also, never did I insinuate that he was doing something that others are not able to do, but simply that some of the design aspects are something that he is spending more time thinking upon. For instance, the soles. The tri-soles are a different breed with the head sitting square and terraced (atleast on the Allendales and Bridgeports), combined keeping the head on the back swing from flaring. I typically am a flow neck guy, but found that the plumbers necks, which I prefer aesthetically, are actually friendly for me for that reason. Can Morgan do this? Can Cameron do this? Well of course they can! Have they done it? I suppose that's debatable but I've never heard or read of either of them speaking as in-depthly about soles as Tyson has.


I may be so ecstatic about using these putters because I can finally use a plumber's neck confidently. Couple that confidence with the amount of feel coming into the hands and the pleasing soft, but hardly hollow, click, it's a bit of an enlightening experience using a Lamb.


Now you can call me corny, old school, a romantic, whatever you want-- but you must remember how much passion some people have for this game. To those people, little details can create an absolute world of difference. I've spent exorbitant amounts of money on Camerons over the past year -- probably well over 100k -- feeling and using all types. Plus who knows on others, and I must say I have an unexpected amount of respect for the detail Tyson has put into these putters. If you do not, and will not use his product, that is completely up to you. But I have felt disdain for a man who seemingly cared little for his brand, disregarded that disdain, and took a chance because pure ignorance is nothing to spend your whole life living in. I am here to tell you, and that's why this thread is here, that I am shocked by the feel and craftsmanship to these putters. Are other producers using almost exact product and technique? Yes. I'll never argue that. Is he thinking outside the box on certain aspects? Yes, and I will argue that.

Titleist - 917-D3, 8.5 - AD BB-6X
Titleist - 917-F, 15 - AD BB-7X
Titleist - 916 T-MB 2 Iron - AD DI-105x
BB&F Co - DW - CB, 4-P - TI AMT X100
BB&F Co - DW - 53 & 58
Lamb Crafted - Allendale
MacKenzie - Sugarloaf Walker
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Send me your info and I will send you a putter.


I'll try out the flamed putter with sight line if you're still game; never winter in Hawaii!

9° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 60 6.5
15° Titleist TSi2 HZRDUS Smoke RDX 70 6.0
19° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
22° PXG 0317 X Gen 2 Fujikura Pro 2.0 HB 85S
5-PW Srixon ZX5 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 50/54/58 Project X LZ 6.5
Artisan Golf 0418

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I do like this response, I am done fighting the war of the trolls and agree its what you get on these Forums.


As to the feel question its hard for to explain between what I have from Lamb versus what I have in my SC Collection. I will tell you that taking my Flowneck Allendale versus My 1.5 Welded Neck 009 the Allendale feels much softer. I will also say that it sounds softer (muffled), which if you listen to many putter makers they tell you sound equates to feel. So meaning that my TL isn't as clicky as SC. Both are same head weight (350), same length (34") and same loft (4*) so at least those specs are the same. Overall weight differs by 1.5 Swingweights due to grip difference. I have a square Superstroke on my Lamb and a Matador on my SC. To me the grips feel the same in my hand but I know SS weighs almost 10 grams more. One other factor between the 2 is my Lamb has a Damascus Insert. So back to the feel when asked about the feel of my putter I always say its something I have not felt before in a SSS head. As all of SSS SC's don't feel anything like this one. They are clicky and feel like the face doesn't absorb any of the ball at impact. But when I putt with my C & C GSS plumber's neck I get similar sound and feel to that of my Lamb Crafted putter which feels like a marshmallow. With the differences in the GSS being neck and grip only everything else is the same. So the only unknown factor in my review here is the shaft. I do not know if they are the same or not, so that could make a difference. But I am unsure how a GSS feels similar to a SSS putter but it just does. My only thought can be the milling pattern along with the Damascus insert. This could make the cvity thinner causing the face to be thinner which would change feel. But when asked by other collectors I refer to GSS feel and if they have putted with one then they understand when they have rolled mine.


Serious couple of questions (lest I be considered a troll without stating so beforehand):


When you say you have a Damascus insert, do you have Damascus inserted on the face? Or, is it one of those insert cut outs screwed into the cavity back like we have seen in some of Tyson's IG posts? Also, is it Damascus or Timascus in your putter? Again, serious questions as I am genuinely interested and I would think the answers to these would positively go to the "feel" debate (IMO).


It is an insert in the cavity not the face. Picture Below:

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You can embolden any of my post that you feel fit... though I did take the time to type out a well thought out reply, so I'd prefer that the whole thing be taken into consideration, as opposed to just a piece that you feel is more important than the rest.


I can completely understand the time constraints one can be under, and how that would result in an abridged post. That said, it's really odd that, when questioned about the feel of the putter, the only thing you chose mention within said abridged post was the tri-sole... a part of the putter that does not affect feel at all.


I agree with you on the trolling comments, but it comes with the territory on internet forums. All we can do is share as much valuable information as we can and trust that the majority of readers appreciate it... which I think they do, because the majority of readers are lurkers who don't post at all.



Please just recognize that the things that make these putters special are based in aesthetics... not performance. Within the constraints of these head shapes, there is nothing left to do that could improve performance or feel. Performance is pretty much limited to matching up loft, lie and alignment aids with a persons eye and stroke. Feel is completely subjective, so the definition of "improvement" in that respect will differ from person to person.


There is nothing wrong with building value in aesthetics. Tyson seems to have some great ideas, and executes them really well (I'm especially a fan of the chiseled and hammered patterns he does), and there is a big market for that. I hope he can capture his fair share of that market... there is more than enough to go around.


I do like this response, I am done fighting the war of the trolls and agree its what you get on these Forums.


As to the feel question its hard for to explain between what I have from Lamb versus what I have in my SC Collection. I will tell you that taking my Flowneck Allendale versus My 1.5 Welded Neck 009 the Allendale feels much softer. I will also say that it sounds softer (muffled), which if you listen to many putter makers they tell you sound equates to feel. So meaning that my TL isn't as clicky as SC. Both are same head weight (350), same length (34") and same loft (4*) so at least those specs are the same. Overall weight differs by 1.5 Swingweights due to grip difference. I have a square Superstroke on my Lamb and a Matador on my SC. To me the grips feel the same in my hand but I know SS weighs almost 10 grams more. One other factor between the 2 is my Lamb has a Damascus Insert. So back to the feel when asked about the feel of my putter I always say its something I have not felt before in a SSS head. As all of SSS SC's don't feel anything like this one. They are clicky and feel like the face doesn't absorb any of the ball at impact. But when I putt with my C & C GSS plumber's neck I get similar sound and feel to that of my Lamb Crafted putter which feels like a marshmallow. With the differences in the GSS being neck and grip only everything else is the same. So the only unknown factor in my review here is the shaft. I do not know if they are the same or not, so that could make a difference. But I am unsure how a GSS feels similar to a SSS putter but it just does. My only thought can be the milling pattern along with the Damascus insert. This could make the cvity thinner causing the face to be thinner which would change feel. But when asked by other collectors I refer to GSS feel and if they have putted with one then they understand when they have rolled mine.

j - the feel/sound differences can be narrowed down to the type of milling that is done on the putter -- I'm probably preaching and most know this but, the style/depth of mill will make the putter more clicky (shallow, wide or smooth mill) or more muted (close or wide deep mill) -- and can vary depending on personal preference or just craftsman choice.


only shafts that will deaden feel or make it feel smoother are either choosing a softer flex shaft, using graphite, or a UST frequency tuned shaft --- or something few know about -- using a sensicore insert.

Taylormade Qi10 LS / 8* (dialed to 10*) / Denali Black 60TX

Taylormade Qi10 Tour / 3w (dialed 1 notch higher) / HZRDUS RDX Smoke Green 85 6.5

Taylormade P-DHY / 2i / Tensei Pro White 100TX
Mizuno Pro 245 / 4-GW (3* weak) / KBS Tour X

Cleveland RTX6 / 54, 58 (full face2) / DG TI Spinner


Odyssey Jailbird AI Cruiser 40"

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out of curiosity how many putters do you all have on here? are most of you guys cameron collectors? betti? piretti? LaMont? etc.? i only ask because some of the comments i have heard on here arent original thoughts and are just regurgitated from the mouths of other, far wiser, individuals. i have heard lots of these "scottys putters resell for the same as purchesed!" which if you believe that i have some putters to sell you right now!


let me break my point down.....


1. Tyson makes beautiful putters. Scotty Cameron's EMPLOYEES make some great sticks from time to time (lately very unoriginal less the Craftsman series), Betti makes some beuatiful sticks, Byron has great looking sticks, LaMont's all look unfinished to me but he will try anything.


2. as far as finishing a putter i feel no one does it better then Tyson and Byron. Scotty used to but he refuses to unretire the cool finishes.

3. Tyson can machiine circles around almost everyone except Bob Bettinardi

4. For all of Tyson's unoriginal ideas (according to many of you) he has had quite a few great ones as far as stepped soles, purposeful bumper milling, cavity inserts, multiple neck options, face milling to heel fade, etc.

5. Tyson realizes that your accessories need to be better then everyone elses to stand out. his quality is second to none. look at his leather headcovers and you tell me who makes a better (and he uses Magnets!)

6. Tyson is young and hungry, almost all the other putter guys are 50s and up. those guys have been in business a lot longer. meaning Tyson will have growing pains but has a much higher upside.

7. its only a matter of time before Tyson gets a tour presence.

8. Tyson had 30 putters at the PGA show. 3 were left over. thats 27 sold. i think Tyson and Jim are doing just fine.


i have no issue with anyone criticizing any putter maker.....but as a large collector of Scotty Cameron putters i personally feel that Tyson's general work is far better then 90% of what Scotty produces. The Cameron brand has gotten lazy and complacent. i try and call a spade a spade. feel is subjective, as is look. i think Tyson's putters feel the same as anyone else who makes their putters with Stainless, yet i think his putters look more "finished" then almost any other manufacturer.

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out of curiosity how many putters do you all have on here? are most of you guys cameron collectors? betti? piretti? LaMont? etc.? i only ask because some of the comments i have heard on here arent original thoughts and are just regurgitated from the mouths of other, far wiser, individuals. i have heard lots of these "scottys putters resell for the same as purchesed!" which if you believe that i have some putters to sell you right now!


let me break my point down.....


1. Tyson makes beautiful putters. Scotty Cameron's EMPLOYEES make some great sticks from time to time (lately very unoriginal less the Craftsman series), Betti makes some beuatiful sticks, Byron has great looking sticks, LaMont's all look unfinished to me but he will try anything.


2. as far as finishing a putter i feel no one does it better then Tyson and Byron. Scotty used to but he refuses to unretire the cool finishes.

3. Tyson can machiine circles around almost everyone except Bob Bettinardi

4. For all of Tyson's unoriginal ideas (according to many of you) he has had quite a few great ones as far as stepped soles, purposeful bumper milling, cavity inserts, multiple neck options, face milling to heel fade, etc.

5. Tyson realizes that your accessories need to be better then everyone elses to stand out. his quality is second to none. look at his leather headcovers and you tell me who makes a better (and he uses Magnets!)

6. Tyson is young and hungry, almost all the other putter guys are 50s and up. those guys have been in business a lot longer. meaning Tyson will have growing pains but has a much higher upside.

7. its only a matter of time before Tyson gets a tour presence.

8. Tyson had 30 putters at the PGA show. 3 were left over. thats 27 sold. i think Tyson and Jim are doing just fine.


i have no issue with anyone criticizing any putter maker.....but as a large collector of Scotty Cameron putters i personally feel that Tyson's general work is far better then 90% of what Scotty produces. The Cameron brand has gotten lazy and complacent. i try and call a spade a spade. feel is subjective, as is look. i think Tyson's putters feel the same as anyone else who makes their putters with Stainless, yet i think his putters look more "finished" then almost any other manufacturer.

FWIW, I agree with you on the quality aspect of his putters and yes he has some original idea in terms of soles/finishes, rivots, etc. his covers and his ballmarkers are of incredible quality (I own both).

Taylormade Qi10 LS / 8* (dialed to 10*) / Denali Black 60TX

Taylormade Qi10 Tour / 3w (dialed 1 notch higher) / HZRDUS RDX Smoke Green 85 6.5

Taylormade P-DHY / 2i / Tensei Pro White 100TX
Mizuno Pro 245 / 4-GW (3* weak) / KBS Tour X

Cleveland RTX6 / 54, 58 (full face2) / DG TI Spinner


Odyssey Jailbird AI Cruiser 40"

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I just took a lowly, old Ping putter and rotated 3 grips until It felt comfortable. FWIW, the feel changed immensely throughout he process and was a major factor in my choice. The head itself, being solid metal, was the last variable in that feel during my trials....


Not sure if it was mentioned, but having different dampening materials in the base of the shaft affects feel a lot too. Hardwood, fluted dowels or similar polymer plugs at the hosel/shaft joint can make putters feel fantastic.


Dare I say that one can achieve their desired feel for under 50$??!?!? Save your hard earned money if you are chasing unicorns, cause a horse with a horn is still a horse......

TM 2016 M2 12*(-2 setting) - OG Grafalloy Blue X, 43.5"

TEE XCG7 16.5* 4w, OG Grafalloy Blue S, 41.75"

Wilson D9 18* 4i, KBS Max-R, 39.5”

Cobra King OS 4-G, TT XP95 R300, -.5
Mack Daddy CB 56.14(2* weak)  60.12(3*  weak)

Edel Brick


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I just took a lowly, old Ping putter and rotated 3 grips until It felt comfortable. FWIW, the feel changed immensely throughout he process and was a major factor in my choice. The head itself, being solid metal, was the last variable in that feel during my trials....


Not sure if it was mentioned, but having different dampening materials in the base of the shaft affects feel a lot too. Hardwood, fluted dowels or similar polymer plugs at the hosel/shaft joint can make putters feel fantastic.


Dare I say that one can achieve their desired feel for under 50$??!?!? Save your hard earned money if you are chasing unicorns, cause a horse with a horn is still a horse......


I get you didn't start the "feel" discussion but anyone buying a $3k putter isn't buying it for the feel

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out of curiosity how many putters do you all have on here? are most of you guys cameron collectors? betti? piretti? LaMont? etc.? i only ask because some of the comments i have heard on here arent original thoughts and are just regurgitated from the mouths of other, far wiser, individuals. i have heard lots of these "scottys putters resell for the same as purchesed!" which if you believe that i have some putters to sell you right now!


let me break my point down.....


1. Tyson makes beautiful putters. Scotty Cameron's EMPLOYEES make some great sticks from time to time (lately very unoriginal less the Craftsman series), Betti makes some beuatiful sticks, Byron has great looking sticks, LaMont's all look unfinished to me but he will try anything.


2. as far as finishing a putter i feel no one does it better then Tyson and Byron. Scotty used to but he refuses to unretire the cool finishes.

3. Tyson can machiine circles around almost everyone except Bob Bettinardi

4. For all of Tyson's unoriginal ideas (according to many of you) he has had quite a few great ones as far as stepped soles, purposeful bumper milling, cavity inserts, multiple neck options, face milling to heel fade, etc.

5. Tyson realizes that your accessories need to be better then everyone elses to stand out. his quality is second to none. look at his leather headcovers and you tell me who makes a better (and he uses Magnets!)

6. Tyson is young and hungry, almost all the other putter guys are 50s and up. those guys have been in business a lot longer. meaning Tyson will have growing pains but has a much higher upside.

7. its only a matter of time before Tyson gets a tour presence.

8. Tyson had 30 putters at the PGA show. 3 were left over. thats 27 sold. i think Tyson and Jim are doing just fine.


i have no issue with anyone criticizing any putter maker.....but as a large collector of Scotty Cameron putters i personally feel that Tyson's general work is far better then 90% of what Scotty produces. The Cameron brand has gotten lazy and complacent. i try and call a spade a spade. feel is subjective, as is look. i think Tyson's putters feel the same as anyone else who makes their putters with Stainless, yet i think his putters look more "finished" then almost any other manufacturer.

I agree with most everything you said except the machining circles part. Dave Billing (Machine putters) has been doing machining magic for quite some time and is on par or better than Tyson for sure. Tyson Lamb may be hungry but too cocky as well, he needs to take some lessons from guys like Byron and David Mills who are very humble and will take the time to speak to you.

Titleist TSR2 GD UB 6S
TEE CB5 4 wood Fubuki Tour
Srixon ZX7 5-pw Nippon Modus 120
Miura custom raw 50 54, 56 Nippon WV 125

David Mills SG Dale Pencil flowneck
David Mills Custom torched Heritage SS flow neck
David Mills Custom Carbon flow neck Hertitage V2 with Nitride finish
David Mills Carbon Ming V3 pencil flow neck
Byron Rincon DH89

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I just took a lowly, old Ping putter and rotated 3 grips until It felt comfortable. FWIW, the feel changed immensely throughout he process and was a major factor in my choice. The head itself, being solid metal, was the last variable in that feel during my trials....


Not sure if it was mentioned, but having different dampening materials in the base of the shaft affects feel a lot too. Hardwood, fluted dowels or similar polymer plugs at the hosel/shaft joint can make putters feel fantastic.


Dare I say that one can achieve their desired feel for under 50$??!?!? Save your hard earned money if you are chasing unicorns, cause a horse with a horn is still a horse......


I get you didn't start the "feel" discussion but anyone buying a $3k putter isn't buying it for the feel


If there aren't any to get your hands on, there are many more blanks that need to be filled in the knowledge bank than feel -- feel is only one of those blanks.

And if there aren't many on the market, then they're going to hold their value until there are enough on the market. Whether or not you would pay $3k isn't a true indicator of worth.

The value discussion isn't worth having for multiple reasons (1 being, putters have a very strong collector market, unlike for instance the driver market which is purely new technology based ; 2 being, who is indicating they aren't worth their value?).

And to assume exactly why people would pay $3k on a lesser-known producer's goods would be conjecture (1 being, people tend to take chances/gambles; two being, it's exciting to get your hands on new products).

We all buy putters from producers for different reasons. Maybe you like Steve at Byron. Or maybe you and Lamont see things a certain way. Maybe you're new to the collector market and Scotty Cameron is highly recognizable to you, so to make a purchase of a tour putter from a widely known and highly reputable producer, would make the most sense.

I see what you're saying about not buying a $3k putter purely for the matter of feel, but that's not necessarily true. For everyone their reasoning is different. I'm sure there were people at the expo who had all kinds of reasons to purchase one.

Anyone buying a $3k putter probably is doing so because they're curious and they've spent that much on a putter before. And just like the putters from other producers, there will be a collectors market. And when there's none to be had like right now, and buyers are impressed and the word spreads, the putters will only continue to gain value the more people that get interested. Whether or not you're curious doesn't mean others aren't. Whether or not you'd pay $3k for a putter doesn't mean others won't. Just because you wouldn't pay $3k for feel doesn't mean others won't. If you would pay $3k for a putter, I'm sure your rationale is all yours, too.

Titleist - 917-D3, 8.5 - AD BB-6X
Titleist - 917-F, 15 - AD BB-7X
Titleist - 916 T-MB 2 Iron - AD DI-105x
BB&F Co - DW - CB, 4-P - TI AMT X100
BB&F Co - DW - 53 & 58
Lamb Crafted - Allendale
MacKenzie - Sugarloaf Walker
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T. Lamb just made some putters for Wayne Gretzky and his kid.

Taylormade M2 10.5° [color=#0000ff]Graphite Design AD-BB 7x[/color]
Titleist 913 FD 15° [color=#a9a9a9]Diamana 'Ahina 70x[/color]
Titleist 716 AP2 3 iron [color=#a9a9a9]Accra 110i[/color]
Titleist 716 MB 4-PW [color=#0000ff]Project X 6.0[/color]
Vokey [color=#000000]Jet Black [/color]SM7 52° 56° 60° [color=#000000]S400 Tour Issue Black Onyx[/color]
Scotty Cameron Newport [color=#daa520]Teryllium[/color] Sole Stamp

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I don't find his work appealing. It looks like every putter is bedazzled, way too much going on for my taste. Less is more. I'll take a pile of full-on custom Kingston and Byron putters for the same money as one of lamb's.

Callaway Rogue TD - Mitsubishi MMT 70
PXG 0341X 3W - HZRDUS Yellow Hand Crafted
Callaway Epic SZ 5W - Aldila Tour Blue
Honma TW747 V 4-10 - Accra 80i
Corey Paul Raw 50*

Vega VW-06 54*

Scratch 58*
Odyssey Rahm Rossie 38"

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for those without IG.





Taylormade M2 10.5° [color=#0000ff]Graphite Design AD-BB 7x[/color]
Titleist 913 FD 15° [color=#a9a9a9]Diamana 'Ahina 70x[/color]
Titleist 716 AP2 3 iron [color=#a9a9a9]Accra 110i[/color]
Titleist 716 MB 4-PW [color=#0000ff]Project X 6.0[/color]
Vokey [color=#000000]Jet Black [/color]SM7 52° 56° 60° [color=#000000]S400 Tour Issue Black Onyx[/color]
Scotty Cameron Newport [color=#daa520]Teryllium[/color] Sole Stamp

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I don't find his work appealing. It looks like every putter is bedazzled, way too much going on for my taste. Less is more. I'll take a pile of full-on custom Kingston and Byron putters for the same money as one of lamb's.


Agree. Too much going on. My preference is clean and minimal. To his credit I have seen a few this way.

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But the whole brand just seems wrapped in a thick layer of douchbaggery I can't get over quite yet.


I've figured it out. Tyson Lamb is trying to be the Ed Hardy of boutique putters.


DB 1: 'Hey bro you get that F-BOMB putter???'

DB 2: 'Naw dog, I got the pen15 putter!!! My pen15 putter feels so SOFT!'




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But the whole brand just seems wrapped in a thick layer of douchbaggery I can't get over quite yet.


I've figured it out. Tyson Lamb is trying to be the Ed Hardy of boutique putters.


DB 1: 'Hey bro you get that F-BOMB putter???'

DB 2: 'Naw dog, I got the pen15 putter!!! My pen15 putter feels so SOFT!'





Lol, living in NJ I do find this really funny.... but I doubt thats the vibe he's going for.


cheers to the post though... thats funny

[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra F8+[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Adams Tight Lies Tour 14.5[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra AMP 18[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Bridgestone J40 Combo [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Callaway MP3 52/58[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]Tyson Lamb Custom Bridgeport[/font][/size]
[font="tahoma, geneva, sans-serif"]Vice Pro +[/font]

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