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Confessions 12 --- Exploding Heads


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My buddy and I were talking about this thread on WRX about the guy using SkyPro to measure his path and face angle on his putting stroke. He tells me he hates gadgets but his wife, who used to be quite the player, always gives him the latest toys for Xmas and his birthday. So, the next day, he shows up with something similar to the SkyPro, the SwingTip sensor.


It's Bluetooth to your phone, basically gives you a trace of your path you can view from face on, from the back, or from overhead. It will tell you if your downswing is relatively square to the backswing, out to in, or in to out, your swing speed, where you hit it on the face, and whether the face angle was square, closed, or open.


None of it seems terribly accurate compared to a real monitor, but I used it out on the range yesterday for about 40 swings with driver and was a bit intrigued. I'll probably put it on an iron next week just for the hell of it. Driver swing speed starts out slow for me and picks up after about the 10th swing. I was up just over a hundred which is about right. I probably need to do one of those swing speed improvement programs. If I could get 5 or 10 mph out of it I would be super stoked.


Happy Sunday confessionieers!


I'd be real interested in knowing if your mishits are all nearly face angle or path angle issues or are they offset path issues.


I think the golf industry puts out their faux science of forgiveness based on offset path issues...hitting on the toe or heel with a square path...but in reality most golfer misses are from either a face angle or path angle issue. In my anecdotal personal experience, this is how the majority of my bad misses are. When I miss based on offset path, it is rare but also not really that bad...even with baby blades.


Happy Sunday too, Bro J!

TEE CB2 13* 3w, 43.5", 57g Fujikura Motore F1 X-flex
TEE CB2 15* 3w, 43" 65g Fujikura Motore F1 S-flex
Miura Black Boron 1957 Small Blades 2i-PW, Nippon NS Pro 850 GH S-flex
Miura Black Wedges 53* and 60*, Nippon NS Pro 850 GH S-flex
GripMaster Club Maker's Stitchback Grips
34" Piretti Bosa, GripMaster Pistol Grip

Registered Bladeocrat
Outlaw Golf Association Member #7

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I would absolutely love one of those swing analyzer thingys lol!


Also, I just realized they have a Jack Nicklaus Golf Academy here. I guarantee they have trackman, I gonna have to get on that bad boy when this is over just so I can get some baseline numbers. Of course I'll knock the rust off first, do want to pay for a session and start hacking it while trying to explain to the guy I used to be scratch,.....no seriously....or I could use the "I've never hit the ball this bad before" excuse :)


Another quick observation from this morning, they keep breaking down Jordan Spieths swing this morning. I don't agree with some of the "faults" they're finding. Plus, didn't the guy just win almost every major last year LOL. I'm sure he's close, IMO I think it's between the ears. He runs a little to hot, it's like I can see him getting frustrated he's not winning every tournament.


Lastly, how about that Ariya Jutanugarn?? Back to back wins! If any of you have followed her career she has had a couple of serious collapses while leading coming down the stretch, most recently the ANA Inspiration (major). She's figured it out now, she has some serious game. It'll be fun to watch her, Lexi, and Lydia battle for the coming years.

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Interesting question Ninja.


I can definitely tell the difference in when I make a path error, face angle error, or mishit it on the club (what you're calling offset path, I think).


I agree with you that the biggest problems most golfers face are path and face angle related. Usually comes from aiming into their mishits. If you keep opening up for a slice then you're going to slice it even more, then you close the face down and hit the straight pull to where you're aimed.


TJ, this swing analyzer is kind of cool, but the only real thing I find to be useful is club head speed and that's only for driver.


Fellas, I shot a 79 in my tournament today, but although I'm happy with that number I felt like I could have gone much lower. Had an epic collapse on the second to the last hole, as well as making a double bogey six earlier in the day after being 30 yards from the pin in one. Six strokes I gave away as well as a tap-in par putt I pulled. So, I was 7 over par with 9 strokes of dumb mistakes that would have been easily correctable including, 5 3-putts. I did chip-in twice which was awesome. I hit 10 fairways and 12 greens, got up and down 4 times, so really just two bad holes and some bad lag putting kept me from going under par. Well, I keep telling myself that i have to keep putting myself in the spot to find out what I'm made of... today I was choke city, but I fought hard and never quit.


BTW, went to post that score and had to drop it down to a 77 due to ESC with that 9 on the par 5. That trended my handicap down even more to 8.0 even, that means I'm 40% to my goal of getting to 5 by the end of summer!

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Hold the door.. hold the door.. hold the door!!!




Intense episode. Coolest plot twist yet IMO, non-sequential time blows my mind.


The forces of good seem to finally be assembling for the final battle. I've watched every episode, but never read much of the hype, is this definitely the last season?


I believe there will be at least another season, I recall reading that HBO doesn't make shows any longer than 7 seasons, so I imagine based on the success of the show they will go at least that far.


Very cool episode for sure, I love how there is a nice mix of episodes that will twist your brain around (like last night) and some great action packed fight scene heavy episodes. Neither ever seem to disappoint, can't wait to see what comes next.


Waiting a week between episodes is one of the more painful things I've experienced as a television watcher. Some shows I don't mind waiting, this one I just need more and I need it now.

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Hold the door.. hold the door.. hold the door!!!




Intense episode. Coolest plot twist yet IMO, non-sequential time blows my mind.


The forces of good seem to finally be assembling for the final battle. I've watched every episode, but never read much of the hype, is this definitely the last season?


I believe there will be at least another season, I recall reading that HBO doesn't make shows any longer than 7 seasons, so I imagine based on the success of the show they will go at least that far.


Very cool episode for sure, I love how there is a nice mix of episodes that will twist your brain around (like last night) and some great action packed fight scene heavy episodes. Neither ever seem to disappoint, can't wait to see what comes next.


Waiting a week between episodes is one of the more painful things I've experienced as a television watcher. Some shows I don't mind waiting, this one I just need more and I need it now.


I'm the same way with GOT. It's so bad that every season finale I hesitate to watch it, like I wanna save it for when I can't take the withdrawal anymore lol. And, yes the latest episode was great!

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Hold the door.. hold the door.. hold the door!!!




Intense episode. Coolest plot twist yet IMO, non-sequential time blows my mind.


The forces of good seem to finally be assembling for the final battle. I've watched every episode, but never read much of the hype, is this definitely the last season?


I believe there will be at least another season, I recall reading that HBO doesn't make shows any longer than 7 seasons, so I imagine based on the success of the show they will go at least that far.


Very cool episode for sure, I love how there is a nice mix of episodes that will twist your brain around (like last night) and some great action packed fight scene heavy episodes. Neither ever seem to disappoint, can't wait to see what comes next.


Waiting a week between episodes is one of the more painful things I've experienced as a television watcher. Some shows I don't mind waiting, this one I just need more and I need it now.


I agree.


We didn't watch the first few seasons while they were coming out, so we watched them one episode a night for as many nights as there are episodes. It was awesome.


I must say I prefer the fighting episodes. Sword fights, wars with bows and arrows, jousting, fist fights, - that's what I enjoy the most. I don't really like the fight scenes with the "white walkers" as much because I can't always figure out what will kill them or not. Real people, real fights, that's my fav.


Most of the super fantasy stuff, blood magic, people coming back from the dead, fairies, and stuff I could do with out, too, but I enjoy the show so much it doesn't *really* bother me.


I don't know where I got in my mind that this is the last season. Glad I'm wrong.

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I was very skeptical when it was suggested I check out Game of Thrones, then I was completely hooked. I now have GOT shirts too lol


Confession, I usually watch the previous 2 seasons, each episode, in preparation for a new season. Like a mental refresher.


It should also be noted I'm not much of a "show" guy. I probably watch too much golf. If it's not that I'm watching Discovery channel or Animal Planet.

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I need to stay out of the BST. Just bought a Bettinardi BB-1 no sight aids. Basically just another stainless Anser. If I like the feel and head weight I might just sell my Newport.


Still considering playing the State Mid-Am qualifier. It's the only real tournament golf that blows my skirt up before the big match play tournament in September. Price is pretty reasonable for the layout, but my wife and I would need to get a hotel for a couple of nights. It's right around our anniversary so maybe I can use that as a selling point... or maybe not ;)

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I need to stay out of the BST. Just bought a Bettinardi BB-1 no sight aids. Basically just another stainless Anser. If I like the feel and head weight I might just sell my Newport.


Still considering playing the State Mid-Am qualifier. It's the only real tournament golf that blows my skirt up before the big match play tournament in September. Price is pretty reasonable for the layout, but my wife and I would need to get a hotel for a couple of nights. It's right around our anniversary so maybe I can use that as a selling point... or maybe not ;)


I saw that one in the BST, nice stick and sweet score!


Think about it, it would be a great experience! But at the same time you wouldn't want to upset the Mrs. for sure.


I thought about doing a regional Mid-Am qualifier, and I probably will once I'm able. I have to fly to Hawaii though, pretty expensive trip unfortunately.

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Thug, was just gonna say that experience on the course you and your Wife had with the young Red Tail would have made me giddy! One of my phases growing up was Birds of Prey. My best friend growing up in Seattle had a AWESOME house on the cliff line overlooking Puget Sound, we would regularly see a Bald Eagle, and a couple of Golden Eagles. Both are just so majestic and kind of have a regal presence. I'd always stop in my tracks and just watch them float on the updrafts from the cliff. It would stare at us too. Some of my fondest memories. Also, when my Dad would take me to the Woodland Park Zoo, I would basically just sit at the Raptor exhibit for 2-3 hours every time we went. Sure I looked at the other animals but on the way to the Raptor exhibit. They, at the time, had a 14 year old Bald Eagle named "Montana" huge bird, but my 2 favorites were the Peregrine Falcon and the Gryfalcon, beautiful plumage and just the perfection of their design, speed and agility.


Top 3 favorite Eagles 1. Philippine Eagle 2. Golden Eagle 3. Stellars Sea Eagle.......honorable mention Don Henley and Glenn Frey *rip* :)

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OK, so I didn't check in to Con12 last night, and you guys only pumped out 1 page in that time? Fricikin slackers...


I bagged the Pursuit 510 MBs yesterday. I have to start with a disclaimer cause the weather was a nasty chilly wind driven misting rain. Not enough to even put my rain jacket on as I was wearing two layers of microfiber, but face was wet, hands were wet, feet were wet, ick. Front 9 I don't think I hit one iron cleanly. I had one 135 par 3 where I hit 3 balls with a 9i, all were slightly thin and short. I experienced this about a week ago under wet sloppy conditions, I think I kind of short arm the swing when the turf is spongy because I am afraid of the mud chunk.


Anyway, my driver was working pretty well throughout so it wasn't a total wash. Then, around #10 the rain stopped and I could finally get some dry hands on the clubs, and I hit 2 really nice 6 irons and 2 beautiful 4 irons as layups on par 5s. One of the 6 irons got me a birdie on a 165 par 3. Also hit some good PWs and 9 irons, although they still didn't seem to carry as far as my FGs. Overall feel when struck in the center was definitely more firm than the FGs, but still very satisfying as with any center struck blade.


I want to bring them out on a nice dry day, will probably be Wed, and I'll post again...

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL


Sorry for the ignorance, but you guys sound like you are talking about dungeons and dragons or something. I have heard others talk about GOT, but never delved into it. I did read LOTR multiple times when I was younger...

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OK, so I didn't check in to Con12 last night, and you guys only pumped out 1 page in that time? Fricikin slackers...


I bagged the Pursuit 510 MBs yesterday. I have to start with a disclaimer cause the weather was a nasty chilly wind driven misting rain. Not enough to even put my rain jacket on as I was wearing two layers of microfiber, but face was wet, hands were wet, feet were wet, ick. Front 9 I don't think I hit one iron cleanly. I had one 135 par 3 where I hit 3 balls with a 9i, all were slightly thin and short. I experienced this about a week ago under wet sloppy conditions, I think I kind of short arm the swing when the turf is spongy because I am afraid of the mud chunk.


Anyway, my driver was working pretty well throughout so it wasn't a total wash. Then, around #10 the rain stopped and I could finally get some dry hands on the clubs, and I hit 2 really nice 6 irons and 2 beautiful 4 irons as layups on par 5s. One of the 6 irons got me a birdie on a 165 par 3. Also hit some good PWs and 9 irons, although they still didn't seem to carry as far as my FGs. Overall feel when struck in the center was definitely more firm than the FGs, but still very satisfying as with any center struck blade.


I want to bring them out on a nice dry day, will probably be Wed, and I'll post again...


In sloppy, soggy conditions, I take three practice swings. The first with ~1/2" choke down, the other two to adjust to barely scraping the surface. Gotta try to keep the same swing regardless of conditions. Disclaimer: I'm not saying it works all the time, every time. I'm only eliminating "the worst of all time". LOL

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL


So, there's two wolves left. I couldn't remember if Arya's was still alive but she sent it off. I bet it's still following her somewhere. I never read the books.

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OK, so I didn't check in to Con12 last night, and you guys only pumped out 1 page in that time? Fricikin slackers...


I bagged the Pursuit 510 MBs yesterday. I have to start with a disclaimer cause the weather was a nasty chilly wind driven misting rain. Not enough to even put my rain jacket on as I was wearing two layers of microfiber, but face was wet, hands were wet, feet were wet, ick. Front 9 I don't think I hit one iron cleanly. I had one 135 par 3 where I hit 3 balls with a 9i, all were slightly thin and short. I experienced this about a week ago under wet sloppy conditions, I think I kind of short arm the swing when the turf is spongy because I am afraid of the mud chunk.


Anyway, my driver was working pretty well throughout so it wasn't a total wash. Then, around #10 the rain stopped and I could finally get some dry hands on the clubs, and I hit 2 really nice 6 irons and 2 beautiful 4 irons as layups on par 5s. One of the 6 irons got me a birdie on a 165 par 3. Also hit some good PWs and 9 irons, although they still didn't seem to carry as far as my FGs. Overall feel when struck in the center was definitely more firm than the FGs, but still very satisfying as with any center struck blade.


I want to bring them out on a nice dry day, will probably be Wed, and I'll post again...


In sloppy, soggy conditions, I take three practice swings. The first with ~1/2" choke down, the other two to adjust to barely scraping the surface. Gotta try to keep the same swing regardless of conditions. Disclaimer: I'm not saying it works all the time, every time. I'm only eliminating "the worst of all time". LOL


I adjusted on the back to try to hit like I was in a fairway bunker. Ball first at all costs, to minimize interaction with the slop. Once your leading edge catches the mud, you're done.

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OK, so I didn't check in to Con12 last night, and you guys only pumped out 1 page in that time? Fricikin slackers...


I bagged the Pursuit 510 MBs yesterday. I have to start with a disclaimer cause the weather was a nasty chilly wind driven misting rain. Not enough to even put my rain jacket on as I was wearing two layers of microfiber, but face was wet, hands were wet, feet were wet, ick. Front 9 I don't think I hit one iron cleanly. I had one 135 par 3 where I hit 3 balls with a 9i, all were slightly thin and short. I experienced this about a week ago under wet sloppy conditions, I think I kind of short arm the swing when the turf is spongy because I am afraid of the mud chunk.


Anyway, my driver was working pretty well throughout so it wasn't a total wash. Then, around #10 the rain stopped and I could finally get some dry hands on the clubs, and I hit 2 really nice 6 irons and 2 beautiful 4 irons as layups on par 5s. One of the 6 irons got me a birdie on a 165 par 3. Also hit some good PWs and 9 irons, although they still didn't seem to carry as far as my FGs. Overall feel when struck in the center was definitely more firm than the FGs, but still very satisfying as with any center struck blade.


I want to bring them out on a nice dry day, will probably be Wed, and I'll post again...


In sloppy, soggy conditions, I take three practice swings. The first with ~1/2" choke down, the other two to adjust to barely scraping the surface. Gotta try to keep the same swing regardless of conditions. Disclaimer: I'm not saying it works all the time, every time. I'm only eliminating "the worst of all time". LOL


I adjusted on the back to try to hit like I was in a fairway bunker. Ball first at all costs, to minimize interaction with the slop. Once your leading edge catches the mud, you're done.


It's actually easier to do than it is to explain. My first practice stroke barely touches the grass/turf, if at all. I found that if I lightly scrape the grass, the leading edge will catch the ball below the equator, the head bottoms out above anything solid, (mud) providing the ball is not plugged.... It will then be LCP.


Taking less than three swings always ended in disaster for me. It's a completely different shot than any bunker: No digging my feet, No lip, No negotiation if I should open the face some. IMHO, it's an easier shot than if I had to hit a FW that would glide on the wet/soggy turf, I don't have to worry about the added drag involved.


If I absolutely have to find a similarity between soggy and bunker, I would say that I would try to keep my lower body steadier, by limiting my swing to 3/4. Not thinking about digging reduces the stress of missing the shot.

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL


Sorry for the ignorance, but you guys sound like you are talking about dungeons and dragons or something. I have heard others talk about GOT, but never delved into it. I did read LOTR multiple times when I was younger...


Never got into Dungeons and Dragons but I'm willing to bet it's in the same category only GOT has some adult aspects to it. I say if your bored give it whirl, your lucky you have 5 seasons to look forward to as they're currently on the 6th one.

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL


So, there's two wolves left. I couldn't remember if Arya's was still alive but she sent it off. I bet it's still following her somewhere. I never read the books.


Darn, hope we didn't spoil it for you Broskee! Yeah just Ghost and Nymeria left now.

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL


So, there's two wolves left. I couldn't remember if Arya's was still alive but she sent it off. I bet it's still following her somewhere. I never read the books.


Darn, hope we didn't spoil it for you Broskee! Yeah just Ghost and Nymeria left now.


No, sir. I'm caught up. I was just thinking about the two wolves in the last two or three episodes and was trying to remember how many were left. So many story lines it's hard to keep track of everything. Lol.

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Greetings to all. Apologies for the short comment today, but I am going back to India (again) on Friday. Just got back Sunday... back on the plane Friday for another 2 weeks.


Confession time:

Haven't hit my clubs since Jan 29th... once I get back again I should have some time to see how things are going with everyone. I have a LOT to catch up on but I cannot access the site from India and I literally have no time to do it. Not even sure what club makers have come up with for the next big gimmick, who claims their ball is "even better" than last year, etc... I'm out of the loop. :)


Daily schedule:

6am wakeup, breakfast at 6:20, in the car by 7am for a 2 hour drive to site. Work ends about 6pm, 2.5 hours back makes it 8:30pm, eat and head up at 9:30pm to get ready for bed. Repeat 6 of 7 days a week... the 7th is the relaxation day (so to speak).

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL


So, there's two wolves left. I couldn't remember if Arya's was still alive but she sent it off. I bet it's still following her somewhere. I never read the books.


Darn, hope we didn't spoil it for you Broskee! Yeah just Ghost and Nymeria left now.


No, sir. I'm caught up. I was just thinking about the two wolves in the last two or three episodes and was trying to remember how many were left. So many story lines it's hard to keep track of everything. Lol.


LOL, I know, that's why I re-watch a lot of stuff. It's easy to both forget and/or miss things.


Confession, I absolutely love the theme song "Song of Fire and Ice" here are a couple cool covers lol



Metal/Rock version complete with long hair and black clothing


Smooth Jazz version with good ole' Dave Koz on the sax

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Greetings to all. Apologies for the short comment today, but I am going back to India (again) on Friday. Just got back Sunday... back on the plane Friday for another 2 weeks.


Confession time:

Haven't hit my clubs since Jan 29th... once I get back again I should have some time to see how things are going with everyone. I have a LOT to catch up on but I cannot access the site from India and I literally have no time to do it. Not even sure what club makers have come up with for the next big gimmick, who claims their ball is "even better" than last year, etc... I'm out of the loop. :)


Daily schedule:

6am wakeup, breakfast at 6:20, in the car by 7am for a 2 hour drive to site. Work ends about 6pm, 2.5 hours back makes it 8:30pm, eat and head up at 9:30pm to get ready for bed. Repeat 6 of 7 days a week... the 7th is the relaxation day (so to speak).


Gaucho! Great to hear from you Brother, and glad all is well. India is a long ways away I imagine your pretty beat! Knowing your a Cally driver guy, they released a version called the "Sub Zero" which I guess refers to the cg being below the neutral axis or something like that, I probably said it wrong. It's supposed to put top spin on the ball, and add like 111 yards to your carry :)


Be safe out there, hope the family is good too! We'll keep your seat warm for you Brochacho :D

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Hey, Hey, Hey, Gauchoman,


Welcome back, a whole lot going down in Confessions.


The last time I was away, for no more than a week, I had close to forty pages to catch up on. LMAO (That's the hard part)


The easy part is to drop in anywhere, and read some of the newer exchanges. You'll catch up in spite of yourself.

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Hi Gang,


I'm back after a long weekend away in Toronto ("Traano") visiting family. We had a great time and the weather has been glorious.


Too much to catch up on but for now, I will say that both Mrs Wolf and I love Game of Thrones. Such a great show. I haven't seen any of the current season (no spoilers please) but will get hold of it once it's done.


My favourites of all time are The Wire and the Shield. The two greatest police shows ever.

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Thug, was just gonna say that experience on the course you and your Wife had with the young Red Tail would have made me giddy! One of my phases growing up was Birds of Prey. My best friend growing up in Seattle had a AWESOME house on the cliff line overlooking Puget Sound, we would regularly see a Bald Eagle, and a couple of Golden Eagles. Both are just so majestic and kind of have a regal presence. I'd always stop in my tracks and just watch them float on the updrafts from the cliff. It would stare at us too. Some of my fondest memories. Also, when my Dad would take me to the Woodland Park Zoo, I would basically just sit at the Raptor exhibit for 2-3 hours every time we went. Sure I looked at the other animals but on the way to the Raptor exhibit. They, at the time, had a 14 year old Bald Eagle named "Montana" huge bird, but my 2 favorites were the Peregrine Falcon and the Gryfalcon, beautiful plumage and just the perfection of their design, speed and agility.


Top 3 favorite Eagles 1. Philippine Eagle 2. Golden Eagle 3. Stellars Sea Eagle.......honorable mention Don Henley and Glenn Frey *rip* :)


Nice to see we are talking about birds of prey! Y'all know that Thug and I are "twitchers" as we call them in Blighty.


Top 3 Eagles: 1) Golden 2) Stellar's Sea 3) Harpey - the biggest and rarest of all.

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"Westeros is west"-Tyrion Lannister


That fight at the end of the last episode is what subwoofers are made for ; )


Cant believe there are only 2 direwolves left. Nymeria will be a total beast when (if) she reappears. Arya and Nymeria together again? Watch out.


Not sure if you guys got into the books. Very addictive.


I haven't got into the books......YET! I was just having a chat with my homegirl about there only being 2 direwolves left. Arya is by far my favorite character, and I confess that I almost named my current pooch Nymeria! I also agree that last skirmish at the end of last episode was killer. Gonna be a sad sad day when this show comes to an end, I don't think I've ever been this into a show before, I have mixed emotions about it LOL


Sorry for the ignorance, but you guys sound like you are talking about dungeons and dragons or something. I have heard others talk about GOT, but never delved into it. I did read LOTR multiple times when I was younger...


If you like LOTR (which is amazing), there's a good chance you'd enjoy GOT. It is a tad more violent though.

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