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> @Reasonability said:

> > @tolmij said:

> > Abandoned, Gus and the girls are thinking of shutting up shop for a while, went in there for breakfast this morning and Cyndie was crying into a cup of coffee not having seen the loves of her life for so long. Bacon was cold waffils were sticky and the maple sirap jug was empty. Cydie had just finished drinking it.

> >

> > Cyndies biggest problem was not seeing the hunk we call Fella, she certainly has a thing for him, so come on Grillers let’s make her dreams come true. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


> Will participate a little more as time/energy allows. Don't give up on me gang!


> Grandson born yesterday is healthy at 7 1/2 lbs. All are well. (Rad - THERE was the inevitable reality slap discussed earlier).


> Mom's saga continues.


> Still needing a 5 hr energy drink that lasts 72 hours.


> New adage: I don't need easy. Just opportunity.




Congratulations on the grandson!

Been there with caring for the elderly, a real tough situation, especially when multiples are involved. The wife's parents, mine, and Aunt Mildred, all at once. 1998 to 2014 when MIL passed, another two years until her house sold, 2016. Not a great way to spend middle age:doctor visits, ERs, blood work, grocery shopping, and other errands.

Not sorry we did this, but that 18 years represents the most productive parts of peoples' lives that are not encumbered by such duties.

I recall telling a very successful realtor I knew, a few stories about the caregiving. He was my age, and didn't have a clue. He just looked at me oddly, and replied, "That's nothing."

Absolutely want no praise for our prior situation. Just a situation that could not be avoided.

Now, the missus has a widowed sister. (She has a married daughter, BUT. ) She's the one encouraging buying the house two doors down.

Then, there's the Florida sister. A potential MAJOR situation, if hubby passes.

Why do husbands die before their wives?

They want to.


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> @billh17 said:

> maybe some day,the North American region will elevate to a level that removes Health of its people out of the profit driven hands. I may be undergoing a form of aging loss of cognitive

> thought,but it seems to me that medical and educational expenses should be there for all

> citizens.


Never happen.

Look at what happened when a college education is the norm. Becomes valueless. Now, Masters and Doctorates are needed to gain an advantage, if one isn't connected.

Look at my profession, accounting. Up until the 1950's or so, no college needed, pass the test. Next, a BA to take the test. Now, a 5 year degree.

Make it tougher to get, and it's more valuable.

If everyone had a million dollars, it wouldn't buy a loaf of bread.

Sad, but the way it is.

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> @Wriggles said:

> > @billh17 said:

> > maybe some day,the North American region will elevate to a level that removes Health of its people out of the profit driven hands. I may be undergoing a form of aging loss of cognitive

> > thought,but it seems to me that medical and educational expenses should be there for all

> > citizens.


> Never happen.

> Look at what happened when a college education is the norm. Becomes valueless. Now, Masters and Doctorates are needed to gain an advantage, if one isn't connected.

> Look at my profession, accounting. Up until the 1950's or so, no college needed, pass the test. Next, a BA to take the test. Now, a 5 year degree.

> Make it tougher to get, and it's more valuable.

> If everyone had a million dollars, it wouldn't buy a loaf of bread.

> Sad, but the way it is.


Think you are badly off, Australia is the most regulated country in the world, legally you require an electricians certificate to change a light bulb. There is hardly anything you can do without certification. One of my neighbours was a plumber, recently I called on him to do a small job and the local council had reminded his license because of his age.


When we were in the UK I did all my own plumbing and electrical work, then had to have a qualified person che k it, never had a problem, over here I cannot do it full stop.


Funnily enough when I was doing farrier work I did not require certification but in the UK it is heavily regulated. Go figure.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I would like to add my congratulations to Reasy on the safe arrival of your grandchild. WE have none yet oursleves although there has been talk of it, so we wait patiently.


I have been spared the worst of parent caregiving as both of my parents passed fairly early on. My Dad was killed in an accident at 68 and my Mom died of post-op complications at 76. My wife on the other hand was the primary caregiver for her mother in the final year or so of her life as she refused a move to a senior's home or accept any outside aid. It became extremely difficult as my wife was working fulltime and her brother took the tough love route by refusing to come more than once a week when my MIL wouldn't co-operate with her care. Fortunately my MIL didn't last long under those cuircumstances. Perhaps she willed herself to die, I don't know as I often wondered the same about my mother even though she was in much better physical health. She would often talk about my father visiting her in her dreams coming to get her and take her away. It was as though she was looking forward to it and wanted it.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I didn't even realize that they've moved the PGA Championship to May. What a dumb idea! I know that they moved the Canadian Open up here to the first weekend in June so that it didn't follow hot on the heels of the British Open so that they might get better high end participation, but with the PGA being moved at the same time it has pretty much scuttled the RCGA's efforts. One more reason to OGA!


What is it with "Cupcake" anyway? The guy lopes along under the radar for most ot the events and then all of a sudden boom! If it's a major he's leading or in the hunt. It's like he turns a switch on. Has there ever been anyone in the game that had as high a win percentage of majors as Koepka? Talk about statistical anomalies!

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Edit. University payments can be deferred, it took my son 10 years to pay his off, its stopped as a tax when your salary gets to a certain level.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> Well Sixty, your pick Brooks has a 9 shot lead on Tiger after 1 round.......and

> they played together. Not looking good for the GOAT. We'll see what tomorrow

> brings.


Yes he does, he seems to know how to play Bethpage. I was thinking of maybe what score I would end up with. Maybe 150?

By the way, that's why Cyndy was crying, she loves Brooksie as Tiger calls him. So she wants him to win, or wyn as she would say.

Three days left however, and Danny Lee is no fluke in all this. Plus there are alway some that come out of nowhere. Still I'm sticking with Brooksie...

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> @Reasonability said:

> > @tolmij said:

> > Abandoned, Gus and the girls are thinking of shutting up shop for a while, went in there for breakfast this morning and Cyndie was crying into a cup of coffee not having seen the loves of her life for so long. Bacon was cold waffils were sticky and the maple sirap jug was empty. Cydie had just finished drinking it.

> >

> > Cyndies biggest problem was not seeing the hunk we call Fella, she certainly has a thing for him, so come on Grillers let’s make her dreams come true. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


> Will participate a little more as time/energy allows. Don't give up on me gang!


> Grandson born yesterday is healthy at 7 1/2 lbs. All are well. (Rad - THERE was the inevitable reality slap discussed earlier).


> Mom's saga continues.


> Still needing a 5 hr energy drink that lasts 72 hours.


> New adage: I don't need easy. Just opportunity.




My added congrats on the new grandson as well. Did they give him a fancy name like Reason Brookes Ability?

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> @tolmij said:

> A> @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > @tolmij said:

> > > > Abandoned, Gus and the girls are thinking of shutting up shop for a while, went in there for breakfast this morning and Cyndie was crying into a cup of coffee not having seen the loves of her life for so long. Bacon was cold waffils were sticky and the maple sirap jug was empty. Cydie had just finished drinking it.

> > > >

> > > > Cyndies biggest problem was not seeing the hunk we call Fella, she certainly has a thing for him, so come on Grillers let’s make her dreams come true. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

> > >

> > > Will participate a little more as time/energy allows. Don't give up on me gang!

> > >

> > > Grandson born yesterday is healthy at 7 1/2 lbs. All are well. (Rad - THERE was the inevitable reality slap discussed earlier).

> > >

> > > Mom's saga continues.

> > >

> > > Still needing a 5 hr energy drink that lasts 72 hours.

> > >

> > > New adage: I don't need easy. Just opportunity.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > For you, and all of you with aging parents in failing health; you have my

> > deepest sympathy. I was the last of 4 children, my oldest sis 11 years

> > older than me; my parents in their early 30s by the time I came along.

> >

> > I went through this some time ago. Difficult times those were. My parents

> > passed on in their 70s; which today seems pretty young to me.


> At 77 I hope the 70s are pretty young, if not I am in trouble.


I think you're fine tol, you and DW look great, and are active, and nowadays the 70's are still quite young. After all, look how old Doris Day was when she passed, 97. Hope we do as well.

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The most bizzare thing just happened. My computer died! Completely unresponsive. Right in the middle of streaming a feed from FuboTV. Couldn't get it to do anything. Eventually, it shut itself off, but i could hear a fan running. This went on for 5 or 10 minutes and I couldn't get the power button to actuate, so I decided to pull the box out of the cabinet and noticed a power switch on the back of the box. I turned that off and then the fan quit running.


When I turned the switch back on; no fan. The I hit the power button on the front of the box and it fired up right away. In fact the computer rebooted faster than it has done since it was probably new! Everything seems to be working just fine. I know that it's getting long in the tooth, but I thought I would have some time to think about a replacement after the move. It will be interesting to see if this sort of behavior repeats in the coming weeks. I have no answers beyond ghosts in the machine... :confounded:

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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sounds like a fan problem, or a heat sensor problem.,which tells the fan when to run . i'd keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't overheat with the fan off.

Reference the big golf tournament...an old coach of mine, over half a century ago(i dont feel that old)...said " It ain't bragging if you go out and do it " Seems that applies to BK ! He is on a roll

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Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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> @tolmij said:

> A> @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > @tolmij said:

> > > > Abandoned, Gus and the girls are thinking of shutting up shop for a while, went in there for breakfast this morning and Cyndie was crying into a cup of coffee not having seen the loves of her life for so long. Bacon was cold waffils were sticky and the maple sirap jug was empty. Cydie had just finished drinking it.

> > > >

> > > > Cyndies biggest problem was not seeing the hunk we call Fella, she certainly has a thing for him, so come on Grillers let’s make her dreams come true. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

> > >

> > > Will participate a little more as time/energy allows. Don't give up on me gang!

> > >

> > > Grandson born yesterday is healthy at 7 1/2 lbs. All are well. (Rad - THERE was the inevitable reality slap discussed earlier).

> > >

> > > Mom's saga continues.

> > >

> > > Still needing a 5 hr energy drink that lasts 72 hours.

> > >

> > > New adage: I don't need easy. Just opportunity.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > For you, and all of you with aging parents in failing health; you have my

> > deepest sympathy. I was the last of 4 children, my oldest sis 11 years

> > older than me; my parents in their early 30s by the time I came along.

> >

> > I went through this some time ago. Difficult times those were. My parents

> > passed on in their 70s; which today seems pretty young to me.


> At 77 I hope the 70s are pretty young, if not I am in trouble.


You are awesome Tol. You inspire me to keep right on going! As you once

said; just keep living like you're gonna be here forever. You're not too old

and and it's not too late as your DW said.


My mom just shy of her 72nd birthday. Heart failure due to radiation

damage from cancer treatments for breast cancer. She beat the cancer

but the treatments for it got her in the long run. She was diagnosed

with breast cancer in her mid 50s. My dad at 75 from Parkinsons.


So far I've dodged those bullets. I'll be here until my appointed time

comes. Until then I'm gonna keep on keepin' on....and play some golf!

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Ya, Brooks is getting a lot of play in the forum for his statements. I'll

give him his props thus far but..........Rory won 4 from 2012-2014 and

we know Jordan won 3 in a couple years.


Now Rory is into his 5th straight majorless year and Jordan, well, he's

been really stuggling as we know.


We'll see if Brooks can keep it up. If he can win 10 majors he'll be in

some very rarified air.

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So, the driver you see in my signature showed up this afternoon. It's a bit of a flyer, but I do remember seeing them in the flesh a year or so ago and thinking that I liked the look and feel of the club when I gave it a go at a local big box retailer.


This club has a real deal Matrix White Tie 55X4 in senior flex and boy is it stout! There's no telling what you'll get based on flex anymore I guess. I hit three balls with it and got distances between 170-200. About par for the course with me at the helm. I thought this might give me a bit of an edge over the Titlesit, but it's looking at first blush to be about the same, perhaps a bit straighter, but distance wise is pretty similar to the Rflex RIP Phenom in the 913D2. At least I've figured out that going forward it's going to be Sr. flex in my woods. Loft is a good thing as both of these drivers are 12° loft. I guess that's a side effect of the move to low spin heads for those with less than adequate swing speeds to generate enough spin.


The RBZ Black has a fairly thick aftermarket grip on it. I might just pull that in favour of something a bit more slender. I've got one GP Tour Velvet midsize kicking around in the basement, but I'm wondering about something more of the reduced taper ilk, but in a regular size.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scomac2002 said:

> So, the driver you see in my signature showed up this afternoon. It's a bit of a flyer, but I do remember seeing them in the flesh a year or so ago and thinking that I liked the look and feel of the club when I gave it a go at a local big box retailer.


> This club has a real deal Matrix White Tie 55X4 in senior flex and boy is it stout! There's no telling what you'll get based on flex anymore I guess. I hit three balls with it and got distances between 170-200. About par for the course with me at the helm. I thought this might give me a bit of an edge over the Titlesit, but it's looking at first blush to be about the same, perhaps a bit straighter, but distance wise is pretty similar to the Rflex RIP Phenom in the 913D2. At least I've figured out that going forward it's going to be Sr. flex in my woods. Loft is a good thing as both of these drivers are 12° loft. I guess that's a side effect of the move to low spin heads for those with less than adequate swing speeds to generate enough spin.


> The RBZ Black has a fairly thick aftermarket grip on it. I might just pull that in favour of something a bit more slender. I've got one GP Tour Velvet midsize kicking around in the basement, but I'm wondering about something more of the reduced taper ilk, but in a regular size.


My G15 is 12 degrees and I love it. I thought perhaps I might be hitting

it too high and maybe a little too much spin....but.....I compared it to

my G25 with the same shaft, an inch shorter, with 10 degrees loft. I

hit the G15 further. Both have the Prolaunch Blue 65 gram stiff shaft

in them.


I can still play the stiff shaft because the tip is soft, for a high launch.

The overall stiffness and low torque help me to keep the dispersion

down. It's a good combo for me now, at least.


All my golf buds have told me "don't you ever get rid of that driver"

and I don't plan to......unless my swing slows down and I can't hit it

any more. When you find one that works.....................


Oddly, I bought it used on Ebay for about $150 many years ago. It

came with the PL Blue already in it; installed by Ping WRX; so a

custom order at the time. It's a 2010 model, so getting pretty old

now. It's 45.5 inches long too.


The driver is such an important club in the bag. If you find one that

gives you confidence, keep it, no matter how old it is. I have 5 drivers,

lol, but none of the others can kick the G15 out. I might as well sell


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Wow....Brooksie whooped Tiger by 17 shots in 2 days.......and Tiger MC.

Brooksie now with a 7 shot lead. This looks to be over. Back to back US

Opens and now looking like back to back PGAs. The dude is Superman, lol.


Maybe I jinxed him now and he'll fold up like a wilting flower.............

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Sixty and Conrad, thank you for your comments. Most of it is belief in yourself, and that is what we have always done, never doubted our decisions and accepted the outcome no matter what. Much like all Grillers.


Sco, did you not know computers have a mind of their own, our regularly do things we do not require.

Ignore them and they give up eventually.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @tolmij said:

> > @Wriggles said:

> > > @billh17 said:

> > > maybe some day,the North American region will elevate to a level that removes Health of its people out of the profit driven hands. I may be undergoing a form of aging loss of cognitive

> > > thought,but it seems to me that medical and educational expenses should be there for all

> > > citizens.

> >

> > Never happen.

> > Look at what happened when a college education is the norm. Becomes valueless. Now, Masters and Doctorates are needed to gain an advantage, if one isn't connected.

> > Look at my profession, accounting. Up until the 1950's or so, no college needed, pass the test. Next, a BA to take the test. Now, a 5 year degree.

> > Make it tougher to get, and it's more valuable.

> > If everyone had a million dollars, it wouldn't buy a loaf of bread.

> > Sad, but the way it is.


> Think you are badly off, Australia is the most regulated country in the world, legally you require an electricians certificate to change a light bulb. There is hardly anything you can do without certification. One of my neighbours was a plumber, recently I called on him to do a small job and the local council had reminded his license because of his age.


> When we were in the UK I did all my own plumbing and electrical work, then had to have a qualified person che k it, never had a problem, over here I cannot do it full stop.


> Funnily enough when I was doing farrier work I did not require certification but in the UK it is heavily regulated. Go figure.


Don't think we're that much apart in our thinking. If a license is needed to change a light bulb, it makes the skill more valuable, and much harder to get. Therefore, less people are able to meet requirements for licensure. For instance, my elderly neighbor needs a light bulb changed. I can not legally do the 2 minute job, so she has to get a licensed entity to do it. He charges $100 for the service call, to bring his truck, and his time for the job. A simple example.

What I am saying, is that, if you make something difficult or costly to get, it becomes more valuable. Goods and services are the same principle. In the 1980's, everyone had to have designer jeans. Get a $10 pair of jeans, sew a designer label on the pocket, and sell for $30.

In the USA, nurses and physician assistants routinely perform the services of the doctors who employ them. Visit fees do not reflect that you didn't see the doctor. The doctor status is hard to get, so doctors need to delegate their duties to lower personnel. Same with the light bulb changer. Although the electrician is licensed, he can send a much less paid underling to do it.

At least, this is the way it works in the USA.

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > So, the driver you see in my signature showed up this afternoon. It's a bit of a flyer, but I do remember seeing them in the flesh a year or so ago and thinking that I liked the look and feel of the club when I gave it a go at a local big box retailer.

> >

> > This club has a real deal Matrix White Tie 55X4 in senior flex and boy is it stout! There's no telling what you'll get based on flex anymore I guess. I hit three balls with it and got distances between 170-200. About par for the course with me at the helm. I thought this might give me a bit of an edge over the Titlesit, but it's looking at first blush to be about the same, perhaps a bit straighter, but distance wise is pretty similar to the Rflex RIP Phenom in the 913D2. At least I've figured out that going forward it's going to be Sr. flex in my woods. Loft is a good thing as both of these drivers are 12° loft. I guess that's a side effect of the move to low spin heads for those with less than adequate swing speeds to generate enough spin.

> >

> > The RBZ Black has a fairly thick aftermarket grip on it. I might just pull that in favour of something a bit more slender. I've got one GP Tour Velvet midsize kicking around in the basement, but I'm wondering about something more of the reduced taper ilk, but in a regular size.


> My G15 is 12 degrees and I love it. I thought perhaps I might be hitting

> it too high and maybe a little too much spin....but.....I compared it to

> my G25 with the same shaft, an inch shorter, with 10 degrees loft. I

> hit the G15 further. Both have the Prolaunch Blue 65 gram stiff shaft

> in them.


> I can still play the stiff shaft because the tip is soft, for a high launch.

> The overall stiffness and low torque help me to keep the dispersion

> down. It's a good combo for me now, at least.


> All my golf buds have told me "don't you ever get rid of that driver"

> and I don't plan to......unless my swing slows down and I can't hit it

> any more. When you find one that works.....................


> Oddly, I bought it used on Ebay for about $150 many years ago. It

> came with the PL Blue already in it; installed by Ping WRX; so a

> custom order at the time. It's a 2010 model, so getting pretty old

> now. It's 45.5 inches long too.


> **The driver is such an important club in the bag. If you find one that

> gives you confidence, keep it, no matter how old it is. I have 5 drivers,

> lol, but none of the others can kick the G15 out. I might as well sell

> them.**


In that case I may have committed a great sin as my beloved TM R7 425 was sold as part of the bag of clubs I let go on Friday. I have never run across a driver that i had more confidence in than that one, nor one that I hit further on a consistent basis. Having said that, it was a 2005 model I believe and was getting long in the tooth. It had hit a lot of balls over the years. Like you I had tried lots of other drivers, but none earned my favour over that one. Now, I have no choice but to get used to a different one and probably both going forward. Probably a good thing...



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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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BIL and SIL showed up yesterday morning bright and early to begin the big clean out. My BIL is a machine! He's like the Energizer Bunny and the guy is 69! He was going for what seemed like 8 hours straight! We have a 15 yd. dumpster level full past the 3/4 mark. What we thought would take the weekend is now pretty much done, but then again so are we, so today will be a "me" day as DW wants to go to a couple of local wineries that are having events this weekend. #1 son is coming out on Monday to finish up with the cleanout as we have a garden shed left to go through. I'm still kinda shocked that we got that basement done in a day as there was a lot of stuff to deal with. We have about two car loads of items that are being donated to the church yard sale and I will take them over on Wednesday with the recycling probably being dropped off at the depot on Tuesday about a pickup truck load there.


In case you're wondering what I'm doing up at this hour; I was in bed at 9:00 pm last night. Woke about 2 or so to use the toilet and now I'm up or at least feeling like I needed to move around rather than just laying there. Feeling pretty good otherwise considering the amount of miles that I put on yesterday. :smile:

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Walked 16 holes yesterday, played 2 balls on a few holes, so I played over 18. Had three birds, played pretty well. The course is still pretty wet and soggy, so not much roll. Came across two buried balls, dug them out. Getting anywhere from 175 to 200 yards off the tee, with one pacing off at 223. The 440 Optiforce driver is probably the best modern driver I've hit. Anyhow, hitting from the ladies tees on a couple holes, and playing a long par 4 as a 5 resulted in a pretty good game.

I really dread cleaning the house out, if we end up selling the house. All the stuff, I've accumulated over the years, golf clubs, tools, clothing etc. Who needs 4 navy blazers, 2 green ones, and 3 assorted sport coats, all in sterling condition? And two suits, never worn, or even the pants hemmed. I already donated a bunch of good, but worn suits, years ago. I just put a sport coat in a donation bin, a Brooks Brothers with the tags on, way too big for me, never worn.

The thrift shop vultures will have it on Ebay. Oh well.

We watched "The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, " with Gregory Peck, the other day. Things have surely changed since the 1950's. A nice period piece, though. Peck, getting $10K a year, with the new job. I can recall, in 1974, making $12K, thinking I was well off. My Dad, never hit the $10 mark, until some time after he retired, with pension and Social Security, along with minimal interest income.

I used to golf with a guy, long deceased, who made more money on his minimal pension and social security, than he made working. He earned barely above minimum wage most of his life, but still managed to pay off his house, and raise two children in his career as a retail salesman. I imagine, people on public assistance make far more, in adjusted buying power, than my father and my friend. Different world back then.

Got to quit watching those old movies. I just long for a simpler, more gentle time.


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Got mom to skilled nursing for rehab. If there's a trick to it:


- Make sure the attending hospital Doc (aka Hospitalist) doesn't discharge without a discharge plan. This way the patient remains in "care" as the insurance company racks up their own bills.

- Communicate IN WRITING to the insurance company and appeal your basis for having concerns for the patient. Don't be emotional. Just state fact. If there is risk of serious injury or death to the patient - state that and give reasons why.

- If you don't have it done already, get a "durable" or "medical" power of attorney done asap, so that when the time comes, you're able to speak for your loved one. This proves invaluable whenever you have to fight someone else's battle.

- Be sure to state some mythical number of steps taken while doped up on pain meds as hospital PT staff urges them on is NOT a fair test of a person's ability to go straight home. There's also issues such as sitting/standing without help, possibly cognitive abiliti (aka "capacity") which all enter into consideration.



Anyway, we aren't out of the woods. She won't get too long in rehab before they blast her out of there. But at least she's getting the brand of help she needs. They'll push her pretty hard, which she won't like but needs at this point.



Who will run at Koepka? Will it be Jazz Janekitebirdnonhatchetfrankenburger?


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> @Reasonability said:

> Got mom to skilled nursing for rehab. If there's a trick to it:


> - Make sure the attending hospital Doc (aka Hospitalist) doesn't discharge without a discharge plan. This way the patient remains in "care" as the insurance company racks up their own bills.

> - Communicate IN WRITING to the insurance company and appeal your basis for having concerns for the patient. Don't be emotional. Just state fact. If there is risk of serious injury or death to the patient - state that and give reasons why.

> - If you don't have it done already, get a "durable" or "medical" power of attorney done asap, so that when the time comes, you're able to speak for your loved one. This proves invaluable whenever you have to fight someone else's battle.

> - Be sure to state some mythical number of steps taken while doped up on pain meds as hospital PT staff urges them on is NOT a fair test of a person's ability to go straight home. There's also issues such as sitting/standing without help, possibly cognitive abiliti (aka "capacity") which all enter into consideration.



> Anyway, we aren't out of the woods. She won't get too long in rehab before they blast her out of there. But at least she's getting the brand of help she needs. They'll push her pretty hard, which she won't like but needs at this point.



> Who will run at Koepka? Will it be Jazz Janekitebirdnonhatchetfrankenburger?



Good news for the short term Reason, you really can’t do anything other than live the problem day to day, as you are always dependant on others that do not have the same emotional attachment as yourself. We do appear to have a more caring medical staff in our local hospitals than yourself, never had any problems with them trying to remove DW when she has had problems, we have it the other way, always needs a specialist doctor to approve being signed out, and the exit procedure is always spot on. We are very fortunate with the staff in all of our near medical facilities.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @SixtySomePing said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > So, on a more trivial matter............PGA Championship this week in it's new slot.

> > Anyone making a pick? Must confess I will be rooting for Tiger. Haven't checked

> > the weather. Bethpage Black might be dicey this time of year. I hope the weather

> > will be good. Now that I'm thinking of it, I'll go take a look.

> >

> > EDIT: weather looks good. A chance of rain Friday

> > but 0 chance of rain on the weekend. Temps in

> > mid to upper 60s during the day and low/mid 50s

> > at night. Great golf weather, actually.


> I want Tiger, I'm picking Brooks Koepka


Well, since I got the PGA right, If anybody wants to know in advance, for the Open, I'm picking Tommy Fleetwood for that one...

you're welcome... ha


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Interesting he was -12 at the halfway point and finished -8. That's what

often happens at majors as the course set up gets tougher and the

pressure mounts. Good thing for him he had a big lead........but he got

it done so he deserves all the props.


I think Phil gets his career slam completed at the US Open this year.

He has to be licking his chops at this opportunity at Pebble, where

he usually plays very well.

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WEll, it was interesting for about five minutes, but there was no Normanesque collapse to be had just as surely as DJ coming up just a bit light once again. Sorry to say, but it was a ho hum affair that was over 2 days ago. I will say this much, the average tour stop going PGA fan appears to be well up on the moron scale what with their insistance of not providing adequate allowance for Koepka to make his second shot after his drive went wide left into the fescue. Tour officials and State Troopers no less tried to push them back but to no avail. They simply wouldn't budge. Nothing like staring down a PGA pro about to hit and iron shot that would come out of the grass at deadly velocity with a dumb grin on your face and the cellphone camera in hand ready to take that once-in-a-lifetime shot... :confounded:

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scomac2002 said:

> WEll, it was interesting for about five minutes, but there was no Normanesque collapse to be had just as surely as DJ coming up just a bit light once again. Sorry to say, but it was a ho hum affair that was over 2 days ago. I will say this much, the average tour stop going PGA fan appears to be well up on the moron scale what with their insistance of not providing adequate allowance for Koepka to make his second shot after his drive went wide left into the fescue. Tour officials and State Troopers no less tried to push them back but to no avail. They simply wouldn't budge. Nothing like staring down a PGA pro about to hit and iron shot that would come out of the grass at deadly velocity with a dumb grin on your face and the cellphone camera in hand ready to take that once-in-a-lifetime shot... :confounded:


Perhaps BSC can explain. New Yorkers (the city) are another breed altogether.

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