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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> >

> Glad to hear Mrs. Six is on the mend.


> That's a sweet looking headcover......well, maybe not sweet.....eagles are not known for their sweetness....so it's

> a very predatory looking headcover............when the headcover comes off the BS stops....as Stu would say.

Yes, she's up, looking great and getting ready for work today. Plus I found out it's Friday. Translated from retiree's language that is. I'm taking a course in my mind called Retirement Language 101. So 'Oh good, today is Friday, then the weekend' in English translated into Retirement Language can mean many things such as: 1) Oh good, another day, followed by some more 2) Oh good, yesterday continues on, interposed by sleep 3) Yeah, that's the sunrise because it's the east, thought it wasn't supposed to be nice until the weekend 4) Honey did we get a calendar this year?... Hello?... dang, 1:00 AM, oh and it's Saturday?... sorry

More retirement language to come I'm sure


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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > I'm liking hybrids. The last time I played I had 4 of them in the bag (Rapture V2 Hybrids). They are great hybrids

> > that just want to go high and straight. I like the older ones because they spin more.

> >

> > Many hybrids can be hooky though due to upright lie angles. I softened that a little with these by taking an inch

> > off the butt of the shaft to flatten them a bit. It worked. If I hit a bad shot with one it's on me and not the club.


> I need to correct something I said here. Taking an inch off a shaft does not flatten the lie angle, it just

> shortens the shaft. The shorter shaft then allows you to play with the more upright lie angle; the same logic

> as when irons shafts get shorter in a set from 2 down to PW the lie is set progressively more upright to

> allow for the shorter shaft.


> Geez, this sounds like jibberish but I know guys get what I'm saying.


You are correct, the actual lie angle of the club does not change. What does change though is the effective lie angle. If I remember the rule of thumb correctly, each 1/2" inch of length change alters the effective lie by 1 degree. It's a trigonometry function about right triangles. To ground the club in the same manner as before the length change (i.e. hands at same height as before, club soled in the same position), one would need to stand closer to the ball. Or bend over more. One has to account for the missing length in some manner, all things being equal.


So what has occurred by shortening the club by 1" is the effective lie, think of it as the playability position, is now ~2* flatter than prior. Again, positions remain constant as before. Then consider the effect lie angles have on ball flights. The general tendency is the flatter the (effective) lie, the direction would trend more right. And by extension, correcting a tendency to hook the club. Also, a shorter club may deliver the head more square to the ball at center face than prior.


There's a certain alchemist function involved with all to his. Certainly would not advocate adding or subtracting length to correct ball flight patterns. Better off attempting to bend the hosel (adjust actual lie) than altering preferred playing lengths. But there are occurrences like yours and the bud's where changing the length did have a meaningful impact on how a club plays. The premise for Ping's Color Code chart is based on adjusting and compensating for effective lie angles relative to length.



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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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I have to catch up with some reading, right back to my last post on page 803.


DW has had a very bad reaction to the last operation, mainly a mental thing. The last five days have been quite hard for her and this morning Friday is the first day she has been anything like normal. Looks good from now on, the better news is it does not have to happen again for three years so plenty of time to explore the alternatives.


The other personal news is regarding one of our cats, not well not eating and we do not think he can last much longer, drinking plenty of water but at nearly 16 years old we don’t think the end is very far off. A real character cat, always in charge, none of the other animals are willing to take him on, so we are making him comfortable untill the inevitable happens.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @"BIG STU" said:

> > @Fellaheen51 said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > Yardage "gaps". Two or three quick notions/musings.

> > >

> > > First, I 100% agree getting a strong idea of what each club "typically" delivers is the way to go. Makes it so much easier to play with or into the wind for starters.

> > >

> > > Second, there's only one reason a club goes in or comes out of my bag. It either does or does not fill a "gap".

> > >

> > > Last, I have and have had a gap for quite a few years now. It's right around 210-220 yards. Oh I've got the stick that seems to do it at the range. She betrays me 50% of the time once a scorecard is in my pocket. Feels and sounds solid, but too short or too long in that window. One fine day I'll fall in love with a hybrid. Hasn't happened thus far.

> >

> > I've had a lukewarm relationship with hybrids over the years. Was led to believe they were what I was suppose to be playing. However, didn't seem to find consistency in ball striking with one. Played a G25 4H for a couple of years. Could just as easily hit a bad shot with it as a good one. Finally picked up a 9 wood and discovered that was much easier to hit with consistency. Sold off the Ping. Would grab an 11 wood if I could find one. WTS, found an old Cobra Baffler Rail 19* Hybrid on the cheap ($5.00) awhile back. And I just nut that thing. Go figure. It doesn't really have a place in the bag, overlapping with the 18* 5 wood. But I carry it anyway. Sometimes, when sizing up a shot to be played, sorta feels like it's time to pull out the Cobra.

> >

> > The new Maltby's are stronger lofted than prior implements. So need to establish what if any difference is going to be realized with distance per club. This gapping business can only be uncovered by trial. Always found it rather whacky that I could hit the '99 Hogan 9 iron and PW further than I could the i20's. Despite being a couple of degrees weaker in loft. Not just outliers either. Had to mentally adjust when playing them otherwise could find myself flying greens on approach shots. All part of the process of dialing in a set and learning the distance capabilities. Each set is different regardless of the loft or number on the sole.


> And believe this or not different golf balls work better or worse with different irons. And I am not talking this junk like Callaway balls work better with Callaway clubs or TM balls work better with TM clubs.

> I can tell you the difference between the i20 and the Hogans actually there are several. A lot has to do with how the shafts respectfully match your swing and AOA. Also has to do with ball flight. I bet you hit the i20s high and the Hogans a more lower piercing flight due to club head design. I bet you get a lot more spin with the i20s too. A friend of mine has some i20s with really whippy graphite senior shafts. He insisted I hit his 7 iron one day on the range. I did and I had to really slow it down. He goes man you hit that well. Yeah I hit that 7 iron as high as I do a 60* wedge and about 100 yards. I was zip spinning those things on the range with range rocks. I said this is how a 7 iron should hit for me as I proceeded to pull one of my Apex shafted Macs. Hit it lower and further. Do not believe the manufacturers hype about height equals distance. You can still hit a low ball into a green and spin it. That is why you experiment with clubs ,shafts and even balls. I can give you an example of the ball thing. Vice and Snell balls perform well for me with any of my vintage irons and my sorta vintage KZGs. Now they do not do as well with the EYE2s but the Callaway Chrome Soft does excellent with the old Eye2s.


Glad you like the Snells, that's what I play. They have improved even more this year, and have a new one MTB-X. Seems to be well liked, and all are available in yellow. I don't play a yellow ball but some like them.


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> @tolmij said:

> I have to catch up with some reading, right back to my last post on page 803.


> DW has had a very bad reaction to the last operation, mainly a mental thing. The last five days have been quite hard for her and this morning Friday is the first day she has been anything like normal. Looks good from now on, the better news is it does not have to happen again for three years so plenty of time to explore the alternatives.


> The other personal news is regarding one of our cats, not well not eating and we do not think he can last much longer, drinking plenty of water but at nearly 16 years old we don’t think the end is very far off. A real character cat, always in charge, none of the other animals are willing to take him on, so we are making him comfortable untill the inevitable happens.


Hopefully your DW continues to get better tol. When one hurts both hurt. Glad you're there for her as I'm sure she is too. Let her know we're all thinking of her however much that might help. Mental/Physical not so separate as some might think. Perhaps also a little sunshine might help as well, it's a little different situation for her, but one of the best ways to overcome the winter blahs concerning the mental thing is just getting some sun. The vitamin D and brightness seems to trigger what the body needs to set things in order studies show apparently. Anyway I wish her the best.

As far as your cat, my goodness, 16 years, he's become part of the family. Is that the one that was in the Christmas tree? Like you say, make him comfortable, and know you've given him the best life possible, and he has enjoyed the wonderful home you have provided for him. No regrets, you have done your very best and he and both of you have been equally rewarded.

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So DW and I are now officially hipsters, today for lunch we had mashed avo on toast, that is for you non hipsters avocado, salt pepper chille flakes and lime juice, on top the very best hot smoked leg ham from Costco. The bread was the best Turkish bread available, don’t know if I want to carry on being a hipster, no idea what else they eat or do.??????




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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> I think I might have sleep apnea. Will probably do the sleep study in a bit. If I fall asleep on my back my throat

> closes up right away and gags me. Doesn't happen when I sleep on my side, where I usually sleep. I guess that

> is sleep apnea cause if I roll over onto my back while I'm sleeping it wakes me up. I'm not one who moves much

> when I'm sleeping so most of the time I'm fine on my side.


One of the symptoms of sleep apnea, as explained to me by the Sleep Doc, is being a side sleeper rather than on your back. By sleeping on one's side, actually increases air flow through one's mouth/nose. And when you roll onto your back, you wake up because of the lack of air entering. A poor attempt at explanation, but that's how it was described to me. With the acute sleep anemia I have, I'm better off sleeping on my side to increase air flow.


I have a "Level 4" obstruction in the back of my throat. It's primarily genetic, always have had it. I've been a loud snorer by entire life. So were by father and grandfather. We all likely had this obstruction. Been suffering from apnea for 10 years or better now. Don't know at this point why it's become so much worse in the last couple. But I wake up every 2 hours or so all night long. Never being able to get into the "deep sleep" state that results in being well rested. The Doc spoke of levels to this that are beyond REM sleep. Been reading about sleep apnea and it's impact on one's health. Cardiac arrest is a major concern for individuals with bad apnea. Scaring the cra(p) out of me.


This sleep study analysis has been interesting. Was hooked up with sensors all over by body. Couple straps around my chest, that measured something (IDK). Sensors under my eyes. Oxygen monitor. EKG monitor. Was well trussed. Then they placed a full coverage nose and mouth face mask on me. "Now go to sleep". I laid there for an hour or better, couldn't fall asleep. The mask was quite uncomfortable. After a point, as I was fidgeting with it, asked if I could use a nose only breathing device. It was much more comfortable. And finally slept for the required 6 hours of monitoring time. Booting me out at about 6:00 a.m. All the results to be sent to the sleep doc for analysis and recommendations. Follow-up appointment within two weeks.


The process has gone on for nearly three months now. I'm more than ready to get my CPAP and be done with it. Hoping that I can use the nose only breathing thingy rather than the full mask. The adaption period would be a whole lot less with the prior. Then follow-up appointments after issuance. Sheesh.


Not wanting to make this sound worse than it is. Not really THAT big a deal comparatively. If you surmise that you might have apnea, go have a consultation with a sleep doctor. They can offer guidance on your current sleep patterns. I certainly didn't realize how pervasive the condition is today before starting this process.


All part of the new year, the new me, doctoring thing I've started.




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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @"BIG STU" said:

> > > @Fellaheen51 said:

> > > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > Yardage "gaps". Two or three quick notions/musings.

> > > >

> > > > First, I 100% agree getting a strong idea of what each club "typically" delivers is the way to go. Makes it so much easier to play with or into the wind for starters.

> > > >

> > > > Second, there's only one reason a club goes in or comes out of my bag. It either does or does not fill a "gap".

> > > >

> > > > Last, I have and have had a gap for quite a few years now. It's right around 210-220 yards. Oh I've got the stick that seems to do it at the range. She betrays me 50% of the time once a scorecard is in my pocket. Feels and sounds solid, but too short or too long in that window. One fine day I'll fall in love with a hybrid. Hasn't happened thus far.

> > >

> > > I've had a lukewarm relationship with hybrids over the years. Was led to believe they were what I was suppose to be playing. However, didn't seem to find consistency in ball striking with one. Played a G25 4H for a couple of years. Could just as easily hit a bad shot with it as a good one. Finally picked up a 9 wood and discovered that was much easier to hit with consistency. Sold off the Ping. Would grab an 11 wood if I could find one. WTS, found an old Cobra Baffler Rail 19* Hybrid on the cheap ($5.00) awhile back. And I just nut that thing. Go figure. It doesn't really have a place in the bag, overlapping with the 18* 5 wood. But I carry it anyway. Sometimes, when sizing up a shot to be played, sorta feels like it's time to pull out the Cobra.

> > >

> > > The new Maltby's are stronger lofted than prior implements. So need to establish what if any difference is going to be realized with distance per club. This gapping business can only be uncovered by trial. Always found it rather whacky that I could hit the '99 Hogan 9 iron and PW further than I could the i20's. Despite being a couple of degrees weaker in loft. Not just outliers either. Had to mentally adjust when playing them otherwise could find myself flying greens on approach shots. All part of the process of dialing in a set and learning the distance capabilities. Each set is different regardless of the loft or number on the sole.

> >

> > And believe this or not different golf balls work better or worse with different irons. And I am not talking this junk like Callaway balls work better with Callaway clubs or TM balls work better with TM clubs.

> > I can tell you the difference between the i20 and the Hogans actually there are several. A lot has to do with how the shafts respectfully match your swing and AOA. Also has to do with ball flight. I bet you hit the i20s high and the Hogans a more lower piercing flight due to club head design. I bet you get a lot more spin with the i20s too. A friend of mine has some i20s with really whippy graphite senior shafts. He insisted I hit his 7 iron one day on the range. I did and I had to really slow it down. He goes man you hit that well. Yeah I hit that 7 iron as high as I do a 60* wedge and about 100 yards. I was zip spinning those things on the range with range rocks. I said this is how a 7 iron should hit for me as I proceeded to pull one of my Apex shafted Macs. Hit it lower and further. Do not believe the manufacturers hype about height equals distance. You can still hit a low ball into a green and spin it. That is why you experiment with clubs ,shafts and even balls. I can give you an example of the ball thing. Vice and Snell balls perform well for me with any of my vintage irons and my sorta vintage KZGs. Now they do not do as well with the EYE2s but the Callaway Chrome Soft does excellent with the old Eye2s.


> I have a funny story about CPAP machines......maybe you can relate....don't know.........but


> A good friend of ours, who is actually quite young (late 30s) has sleep apnea really bad. His doctor told him

> he's the worst case he's ever seen. He needs a very powerful machine and it took awhile for his insurance

> company to approve the move to this new machine.


> He has 2 young daughters and as kids sometimes do, they tell on their parents. Apparently this machine blows

> so much air in him that it gets in the never never places and when he gets up every morning he's a fartin' machine

> .....as in MANY MANY LOUD farts..........until all the air comes out of him.


> They were giggling about it when they told Cobi, who passed it on to me.


> I think I might have sleep apnea. Will probably do the sleep study in a bit. If I fall asleep on my back my throat

> closes up right away and gags me. Doesn't happen when I sleep on my side, where I usually sleep. I guess that

> is sleep apnea cause if I roll over onto my back while I'm sleeping it wakes me up. I'm not one who moves much

> when I'm sleeping so most of the time I'm fine on my side.


Naah I have never had the case of the farts due to the machine that I know of. Yep if you even think you have sleep apnea go get that study done. Basically it can cause a heart attack especially at our age. One of the younger guys on the show "Deadliest Catch" died in his sleep from a heart attack caused by sleep apnea. This was a few years back and this guy was only 23 years old. They want you to sleep at least 4 hours a night on it. I have been doing it so long I exceed that. I am off today ( exceeded hours of service regs again ha ha) so I just got up and I can see the display on my new one. I slept 9 1/2 hrs this last go round

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @Reasonability said:

> Today would have been glorious for golf. Had a very good practice session but unfortunately didn't have time to go play. Maybe in the next week or two.


> I need Wriggs or Bill close by. They seem to get golf done.


> Stu, hope you made your run up here after the bad weather. Snowed pretty hard for an hour+ The other day. Four hours later temps were right back in the 50s. Today's high approached 80. Greenish pollen dust starting to coat all things in sight.


> Very tired soldier here. Calling it early this eve. Got me that thousand-mile stare with light drooling brand of tired. So tired I'm making three tracks. We're talking tired. Did I mention I should call it a day?


No sign of snow when I came up Wednesday in fact it got a little warm. I know one thing Charlotte and Rock Hill have changed. Have had thoughts in the recent past about moving back up there when I retired. No offense but no way. I slid out the back way coming from Shelby to the beach. Came right out the back road to SC 198 fueled in Blacksburg went to US 29 to I-26 to Columbia and in. Went past my old property in Gaffney. I felt like Rip Van Winkle. Man I did not recognize any of the exits on I -77 in Rock Hill and I -85 through Gaffney they are making it 8 lane now. My butt is staying in the Low Country. I has been 6 or 7 years since I had been up there. Yep IMHO it ain't Charlotte anymore or at least my Charlotte

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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@Reasonability ; certainly appreciate the dog tired state you found yourself in last night as I was the same way. I left the house at about 10:45 am prior to the showing and didn't return until after 9 pm. I needed to entertain myself for a couple of hours and managed to fill in a whole day what with various activities that followed. Tried to watch the evening draw of the Men's Worlds, but fell asleep sitting upright in my recliner which is never a good thing...

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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@tolmij. Adding to the well wishes for Mrs. T's continued health improvement. She's had a tough go of it for awhile now.


We're all hipsters here in the Grille. Each in our own inimitable way. Part of the Kool Kidz Club. So much more fun than being a normie. However, a true food hipster would NEVER have slices of ham on their salad. They only consume tofu.



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Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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> @BicknellCC said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > I'm liking hybrids. The last time I played I had 4 of them in the bag (Rapture V2 Hybrids). They are great hybrids

> > that just want to go high and straight. I like the older ones because they spin more.

> >

> > Many hybrids can be hooky though due to upright lie angles. I softened that a little with these by taking an inch

> > off the butt of the shaft to flatten them a bit. It worked. If I hit a bad shot with one it's on me and not the club.


> Fwiw,

> I used to have a 5 wood in the bag, Bridgestone JP 33 great club. Hit high 205-210 shots from the fairway all day. Problem was I ain't always in the short grass, and that club was 50/50 good/major punishment shot from the rough. I decided to try a hybrid, and asked my CEO if he knew of anyone who had a stiff shaft 21 degree for sale.( he is the league president at the course he resides on, so he can usually find good used stuff) The next day he called me in to his offfice, and handed me a Adams version of the club I had requested, and told me if I liked it keep it. The shaft was too stiff for him.

> Lifesaver club, I can hit it the same distance from the fairway as the 5 wood. From the rough, sometimes I may lose distance, but keep it straight, and usually get at least a high 160 yard pop up out of a swing.


Yep they can be very versatile. That friend of mine that I was talking about with the Ping 7 iron. He was the one who told me they were good out of a fairway bunker. LOL he is a complete hack but I gotta give him credit he is correct on that. He is also 76 years old. But he is in great physical shape. The driver is really the only club you can depend on him to hit good. He is great in a scramble because at his age he can hit from the most forward tees about 230 or so with roll out in the fairway. Can tell you a funny story on that guy .

He used to come over here all the time to the house especially when he wants grips put on and he likes to hang out in my shop here. My first hybrid I experimented with was a TM rescue II and I put a UST Pro Force Gold 65 stiff in. I messed with it some but at the time opted for the V-Steel 7 wood with the same shaft. One night he was over here and spied the hybrid and wanted it. I told him ok let me find and change the shaft for you. NOO NOO Nooo he said I want it like it is. I told him he could not swing that shaft if someone held a loaded 38 to his head. He said he wanted it like it was. Ok I told him bring it back when you want the shaft changed. He hung it up in his home gym. His wife told me he wanted it because I built it and had played it. Geez it ain't like I am Jack Nicklaus or something. But she told me he shows it to everyone and tells them that it is one of my clubs and he watched me build it. Yeah it has lead tape on it too actually it is a sorta sexy club has the last of my original Crown Cord grips on it too.

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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WOW!!! this new software edited out the word S-e-x-y in my last post. Some real bible thumpers must have wrote that program but then again I noticed in someone else's post that it edited out the big man upstairs name too

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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@tolmij ; ah yes the wonderful world of the hipster. I would say the #2 son is bonafide so I speak from some experience in this matter.


There's a certain chronological history to the hipster movement. If I had to guess the birth of hipsters had to be with Seinfeld as that off-beat cadre of friends marked the start of the movement most noticeably in the Michael Richards character; Kramer. The concept was further flushed out with subsequent sit-coms to the point of the nerdy hipsters that make up The Big Bang Theory of present times.


Hipsters are relatively easy to identify; facial hair and tattoos are a must. Hairstyles can involve anything from ponytails to man-buns to the classic undercut hairstyle of the 40's. Clothing often involves flannel plaid and suspenders, cuffed blue jeans with either Converse Allstars or Blundstones for footwear. You will find these folks drinking espressos and craft beers at minimalist establishments that often serve exotic fusion cuisines. Natural, Organic and Fair trade are buzz words.


I swear that the hipster movement is responsible for the non-stop screenings of action adventure flicks that were spawned from the Marvel comic books. Hipsters are great aficionados of all things retro from the 40's and 50's in particular. It's a bit like they are obsessed with their parent's childhood (ie. ours).


They're completely unplugged. No cable, no landlines, pretty much everything done from their smartphones and virtual bank accounts. A lot of what our generation strove to achieve they aren't particularly interested in, be it parenthood, home ownership or a career. Work is more of a means to an end rather than defining who they are. That doesn't mean that they lack talent or commitment, it's just that their priorities are different.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @"BIG STU" said:

> > @BicknellCC said:

> > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > I'm liking hybrids. The last time I played I had 4 of them in the bag (Rapture V2 Hybrids). They are great hybrids

> > > that just want to go high and straight. I like the older ones because they spin more.

> > >

> > > Many hybrids can be hooky though due to upright lie angles. I softened that a little with these by taking an inch

> > > off the butt of the shaft to flatten them a bit. It worked. If I hit a bad shot with one it's on me and not the club.

> >

> > Fwiw,

> > I used to have a 5 wood in the bag, Bridgestone JP 33 great club. Hit high 205-210 shots from the fairway all day. Problem was I ain't always in the short grass, and that club was 50/50 good/major punishment shot from the rough. I decided to try a hybrid, and asked my CEO if he knew of anyone who had a stiff shaft 21 degree for sale.( he is the league president at the course he resides on, so he can usually find good used stuff) The next day he called me in to his offfice, and handed me a Adams version of the club I had requested, and told me if I liked it keep it. The shaft was too stiff for him.

> > Lifesaver club, I can hit it the same distance from the fairway as the 5 wood. From the rough, sometimes I may lose distance, but keep it straight, and usually get at least a high 160 yard pop up out of a swing.


> Yep they can be very versatile. That friend of mine that I was talking about with the Ping 7 iron. He was the one who told me they were good out of a fairway bunker. LOL he is a complete hack but I gotta give him credit he is correct on that. He is also 76 years old. But he is in great physical shape. The driver is really the only club you can depend on him to hit good. He is great in a scramble because at his age he can hit from the most forward tees about 230 or so with roll out in the fairway. Can tell you a funny story on that guy .

> He used to come over here all the time to the house especially when he wants grips put on and he likes to hang out in my shop here. My first hybrid I experimented with was a TM rescue II and I put a UST Pro Force Gold 65 stiff in. I messed with it some but at the time opted for the V-Steel 7 wood with the same shaft. One night he was over here and spied the hybrid and wanted it. I told him ok let me find and change the shaft for you. NOO NOO Nooo he said I want it like it is. I told him he could not swing that shaft if someone held a loaded 38 to his head. He said he wanted it like it was. Ok I told him bring it back when you want the shaft changed. He hung it up in his home gym. His wife told me he wanted it because I built it and had played it. Geez it ain't like I am Jack Nicklaus or something. But she told me he shows it to everyone and tells them that it is one of my clubs and he watched me build it. Yeah it has lead tape on it too actually it is a sorta **** club has the last of my original Crown Cord grips on it too.



you are my hero too. I would gladly accept a black Cleveland 588 56/10 signed wedge with your signature on it at your convenience. :smile:

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> @BicknellCC said:

> > @"BIG STU" said:

> > > @BicknellCC said:

> > > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > > I'm liking hybrids. The last time I played I had 4 of them in the bag (Rapture V2 Hybrids). They are great hybrids

> > > > that just want to go high and straight. I like the older ones because they spin more.

> > > >

> > > > Many hybrids can be hooky though due to upright lie angles. I softened that a little with these by taking an inch

> > > > off the butt of the shaft to flatten them a bit. It worked. If I hit a bad shot with one it's on me and not the club.

> > >

> > > Fwiw,

> > > I used to have a 5 wood in the bag, Bridgestone JP 33 great club. Hit high 205-210 shots from the fairway all day. Problem was I ain't always in the short grass, and that club was 50/50 good/major punishment shot from the rough. I decided to try a hybrid, and asked my CEO if he knew of anyone who had a stiff shaft 21 degree for sale.( he is the league president at the course he resides on, so he can usually find good used stuff) The next day he called me in to his offfice, and handed me a Adams version of the club I had requested, and told me if I liked it keep it. The shaft was too stiff for him.

> > > Lifesaver club, I can hit it the same distance from the fairway as the 5 wood. From the rough, sometimes I may lose distance, but keep it straight, and usually get at least a high 160 yard pop up out of a swing.

> >

> > Yep they can be very versatile. That friend of mine that I was talking about with the Ping 7 iron. He was the one who told me they were good out of a fairway bunker. LOL he is a complete hack but I gotta give him credit he is correct on that. He is also 76 years old. But he is in great physical shape. The driver is really the only club you can depend on him to hit good. He is great in a scramble because at his age he can hit from the most forward tees about 230 or so with roll out in the fairway. Can tell you a funny story on that guy .

> > He used to come over here all the time to the house especially when he wants grips put on and he likes to hang out in my shop here. My first hybrid I experimented with was a TM rescue II and I put a UST Pro Force Gold 65 stiff in. I messed with it some but at the time opted for the V-Steel 7 wood with the same shaft. One night he was over here and spied the hybrid and wanted it. I told him ok let me find and change the shaft for you. NOO NOO Nooo he said I want it like it is. I told him he could not swing that shaft if someone held a loaded 38 to his head. He said he wanted it like it was. Ok I told him bring it back when you want the shaft changed. He hung it up in his home gym. His wife told me he wanted it because I built it and had played it. Geez it ain't like I am Jack Nicklaus or something. But she told me he shows it to everyone and tells them that it is one of my clubs and he watched me build it. Yeah it has lead tape on it too actually it is a sorta **** club has the last of my original Crown Cord grips on it too.


> Stu,

> you are my hero too. I would gladly accept a black Cleveland 588 56/10 signed wedge with your signature on it at your convenience. :smile:


Will have to look for a black one most of mine are rusty and lead taped. I will look this weekend maybe today since I am off and it is raining. Old School Rocker (Randy) in the classics forum has one of my Wilson JP wedges that I had messed with grinded sole lead tape and all with the loft , lie and bounce written on the lead tape with a sharpie. I will dig you up something that just humbles me that you would want one of my wedges. PM me your address

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @scomac2002 said:

> @tolmij ; ah yes the wonderful world of the hipster. I would say the #2 son is bonafide so I speak from some experience in this matter.


> There's a certain chronological history to the hipster movement. If I had to guess the birth of hipsters had to be with Seinfeld as that off-beat cadre of friends marked the start of the movement most noticeably in the Michael Richards character; Kramer. The concept was further flushed out with subsequent sit-coms to the point of the nerdy hipsters that make up The Big Bang Theory of present times.


> Hipsters are relatively easy to identify; facial hair and tattoos are a must. Hairstyles can involve anything from ponytails to man-buns to the classic undercut hairstyle of the 40's. Clothing often involves flannel plaid and suspenders, cuffed blue jeans with either Converse Allstars or Blundstones for footwear. You will find these folks drinking espressos and craft beers at minimalist establishments that often serve exotic fusion cuisines. Natural, Organic and Fair trade are buzz words.


> I swear that the hipster movement is responsible for the non-stop screenings of action adventure flicks that were spawned from the Marvel comic books. Hipsters are great aficionados of all things retro from the 40's and 50's in particular. It's a bit like they are obsessed with their parent's childhood (ie. ours).


> They're completely unplugged. No cable, no landlines, pretty much everything done from their smartphones and virtual bank accounts. A lot of what our generation strove to achieve they aren't particularly interested in, be it parenthood, home ownership or a career. Work is more of a means to an end rather than defining who they are. That doesn't mean that they lack talent or commitment, it's just that their priorities are different.


I do not know how one would describe me. I cut my ponytail some 8 years ago now. I wear my hair extremely short now (less maintenance) At 62 years of age I have not lost any yet and have very little gray. I also call myself the original rock and roll trucker. I know the trucker stereotype country music etc. Never did always rock and rolled still do. Wear an old ball cap at work unless in the summer then it is a raggedy Titleist visor. On the course in the last few years I wear a floppy Pukka brand hat most of the time with Stenson type shades and a cigar. I only smoke cigars on the golf course and maybe on occasion in the shop. If not at work I wear shorts and Crocs footwear except no Crocs on the course. Many moons ago I self described myself as a Redneck Hippie. Basically I do my own thing and could give two hoots less what someone else thinks.

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @scomac2002 said:

> @Reasonability ; certainly appreciate the dog tired state you found yourself in last night as I was the same way. I left the house at about 10:45 am prior to the showing and didn't return until after 9 pm. I needed to entertain myself for a couple of hours and managed to fill in a whole day what with various activities that followed.


So what was he doing all day long? Inquiring minds want to know!


I went to the golf course yesterday. I called the clubhouse manager from the parking lot of the mall after I did my walk and got a coffee from my favourite Starbuck's barista. Decided to venture up there for a visit and to discuss work opportunities for the coming season. What Brenda failed to tell me was that the highway that runs north out of town to the golf course was closed due to a major accident clean-up!


I proceed to drive around in circles for about 20 minutes or more trying to find a way to get off one highway and go up the escarpment northbound. I was thinking out loud that I must be in love or something to be driving around in circles to go and see this woman! It's fortunate that I know the back roads and took an old cycling route eventually making my way to the course in about twice as long as necessary.


I get to the course and the first person to greet me is my old friend Jack. Now Jack is the boss's R&W Border Collie. I do like those dogs!


First thing I notice is that everything is cut, so Saturday is going to be a full opening not just a soft open. I walk towards the clubhouse and Curtis is cutting the 9th green. Everything looks surprisingly green, but there's still a fair bit of water laying around in a couple of low lying fairways. A warm rain and that will change in a hurry as the frost washes out of the ground. It's going to be a bit hard out there tomorrow though!


I walk into the clubhouse and Jeff is there (The owner and Superintendent) as well as Brenda who has her nose in her computer. I probably talk to Jeff for 10 minutes or so before making a comment Brenda's way about her not telling me about the road closure! Oh, was it still closed?


After a pot of coffee gets made we sit down to discuss the purpose of my visit as she wonders if I would be willing to take over starter's duties on Thursdays because the fellow currently doing it doesn't want to do it anymore. It's not ideal for me as Thursdays are the second session of the men's league that I belong in, so I won't be able to play in that anymore, but I'll still have my Mondays and free golf. I used to work Thursdays so I know all the regulars that play that day and it's not too busy of a day to begin with so I told her that I would do it. We visit for about a half hour longer and then I head home.


AS I'm going home the back way, I'm thinking to myself; boy this is a long drive just to work/play golf! I then remind myself that it's only about 20 weeks, so I won't be making the trip too often if I'm only going up a couple of times a week. It's going to be the last year because when we sell our place and find something suitable in our preferred location I won't be golfing up there anymore anyway. Time to move on with the next phase of life.


Rather than lug clubs back and forth all the time, I'm going to leave a set up there with a trolley in the storage building. That way if I feel like playing on a Thursday after my shift I can just go and do it. I'm pretty sure that Brenda will go for that as she has done it for others in the past.



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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Sorry about the sleep apnea, I had a terrible time waking up as stated every 2 hrs. at least, more of a snore thing, but also breathing problem. Two things took care of it for me. One was simply the Breathe Right extras (only the brand name ones work) and this snore med thing https://www.snoremeds.com/?sscid=41k3_3m2cq it extends the lower jaw and opens everything up in order to be able to breathe more freely. I know sleep apnea is more severe, but this cured my problem completely and I have slept like a baby ever since. My concern was seizures in the middle of the night due to lack of oxygen.

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> @tolmij said:

> So DW and I are now officially hipsters, today for lunch we had mashed avo on toast, that is for you non hipsters avocado, salt pepper chille flakes and lime juice, on top the very best hot smoked leg ham from Costco. The bread was the best Turkish bread available, don’t know if I want to carry on being a hipster, no idea what else they eat or do.??????


> 24n3fxk4ywzp.jpeg


Looks great tol, I can't recall you posting any food that didn't look great.


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No golf here for a until at least Monday...rained hard last night. The local courses hadjust started to dry out and now it will be a day or two. And I don't play on weekends .

Have nothing to add to the sleep issues. Very fortunate that neither of us have had that problem. Hope all of you find a system that works for you.


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Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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> @billh17 said:

> No golf here for a until at least Monday...rained hard last night. The local courses hadjust started to dry out and now it will be a day or two. And I don't play on weekends .

> Have nothing to add to the sleep issues. Very fortunate that neither of us have had that problem. Hope all of you find a system that works for you.


About the same weather for us bill, supposed to be sunny and a real feel of nearly 70* tomorrow. I see the bugs that survived the several nights of -8* or more during the winter months are now coming out. Must've had little bug wood burning stoves or something. Not too many bugs yet, but most still seem to have full beards and are still wearing Carhartts...


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Oh man! Believe I clocked a solid 11 hours of the deepest sleep humanly possible. It was a drop dead in the recliner night as Scomacer suggested but I slept so hard it was worth it!


Got two pretty close friends who Cpap. One recently decided to insert some sort of foam padding where the straps touch facial skin. Said he'd been awaking each day looking as though faint red lines on his face as if from surgery were present, which would fade to normal by mid-day. Evidently his little bit of red neck engineering paid off and now he confidently starts each day without last night's "strap marks". The other bud used to travel with me on occasion. He checked a semi-large suitcase at airports. (His cpap). We haven't flown together anywhere in several years but when I saw him recently he said his current machine is much more compact and remarked it would be far easier to transport.


I'm a side sleeper, too. Mrs. Reason pokes me at night if I end up on my back. Says I become a snore-monster on my back. Her little snore makes me grin - lol. Sounds more like a sleeping kitten than a snore. Mine evidently rattles windows.


Glad the Tol's and Sixty's are well. Sorry to hear about Tol's cat. I've made "that trip" to the vet more than once to put a pet down and end suffering. As Sixty says, the ride was worth the fall. FWIW, we're currently "petless". We needed a little window to come and go without deciding what might not be fair to a pet. Given how much time a critter would have been left alone or cooped up in a car, it was probably for the best.

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> @"BIG STU" said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > Today would have been glorious for golf. Had a very good practice session but unfortunately didn't have time to go play. Maybe in the next week or two.

> >

> > I need Wriggs or Bill close by. They seem to get golf done.

> >

> > Stu, hope you made your run up here after the bad weather. Snowed pretty hard for an hour+ The other day. Four hours later temps were right back in the 50s. Today's high approached 80. Greenish pollen dust starting to coat all things in sight.

> >

> > Very tired soldier here. Calling it early this eve. Got me that thousand-mile stare with light drooling brand of tired. So tired I'm making three tracks. We're talking tired. Did I mention I should call it a day?


> No sign of snow when I came up Wednesday in fact it got a little warm. I know one thing Charlotte and Rock Hill have changed. Have had thoughts in the recent past about moving back up there when I retired. No offense but no way. I slid out the back way coming from Shelby to the beach. Came right out the back road to SC 198 fueled in Blacksburg went to US 29 to I-26 to Columbia and in. Went past my old property in Gaffney. I felt like Rip Van Winkle. Man I did not recognize any of the exits on I -77 in Rock Hill and I -85 through Gaffney they are making it 8 lane now. My butt is staying in the Low Country. I has been 6 or 7 years since I had been up there. Yep IMHO it ain't Charlotte anymore or at least my Charlotte.


No offense taken my friend! The opportunity missed is you and I didn't start a company 25+ years ago making/selling orange & white lane blocking barrels. Those temporary concrete median sections laid one at a time for miles would have also made us both rich, too. This place is one giant land of never ending road-work with no end in sight. If half of the lane closures we face day and night would cease, a person might actually be able to get from place to place. Been going on so long we're numb to it. Get a lot of local news and weather via car radio. Lol.



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This whole discussion of sticks (such as hybrids) that tend to hook has really caught my attention. It's yet another one of those absolute proofs I do NOT have all the answers. There are very interesting things I 'm hearing here - some of which are frankly counterintuitive. Will elaborate later as it's a rant that needs heavy toning down. Not sure I know how to condense what I'm going for by way of cryptic sharing. Will go away and work on it to see if it's possible to unwind the knot. Won't be easy. Lol

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> @billh17 said:

> Going to stop at the course,and see if they are cart path only,and will play if not.

> if they are,i will head on down to the range. It is simply too nice a day not to get some

> golf in !


Yea we had that day weather-wise yesterday. Today it's back to steady light ran.


My Sonny boy just texted asking if I'm up for 18 tomorrow. My reply: "Yabba Dabba". Haven't teed it up with a foursome, for a full 18 with scorecard in the pocket since January- lol. And that round was a pure lift/cleanplace, wet, cold winter rules nightmare on steroids. Tomorrow should be what I'd have to call my first "real" round of the season. Good luck out there today, Bill. Have yourself a blast! If I don't personally report later how mine went... well I at least hope to say it was relaxing and fun! Expectation bar here is set to do the limbo without much bending so to speak!




Oh and I owe Scomacer a reply to yesterday's fatigue. First I cut three overgrown shrubs from about 5' tall to a foot. If that weren't enough, I go whack 90 range balls followed by 45 mins of pitching, chipping. I was then spent for sure but the saga continues. I hate saying "no" when a friend needs help on a demanding two-man job. As I was leaving the practice facility, the guy who owns/operates it asked me to help replace the bottom 5' of one of the range nets. So we sew (using parachute cord and zip ties) the new section in. Backbreaking work. The wind actually treats a 40' X 50' section of net like a giant sail. We took turns grabbing the darn thing holding it steady while the other guy attached the perimeter which was often done hands and knees.


Any one of those three activities was enough to wear this old man out. The good news? A friend got help. Today I can rest for golf tomorrow. Front lawn is a little less ragged. And I'm caught up on sleep now for days! Noticing the old appetite is way up today. LOL, what's up with that???



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> @Reasonability said:

> > @"BIG STU" said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > Today would have been glorious for golf. Had a very good practice session but unfortunately didn't have time to go play. Maybe in the next week or two.

> > >

> > > I need Wriggs or Bill close by. They seem to get golf done.

> > >

> > > Stu, hope you made your run up here after the bad weather. Snowed pretty hard for an hour+ The other day. Four hours later temps were right back in the 50s. Today's high approached 80. Greenish pollen dust starting to coat all things in sight.

> > >

> > > Very tired soldier here. Calling it early this eve. Got me that thousand-mile stare with light drooling brand of tired. So tired I'm making three tracks. We're talking tired. Did I mention I should call it a day?

> >

> > No sign of snow when I came up Wednesday in fact it got a little warm. I know one thing Charlotte and Rock Hill have changed. Have had thoughts in the recent past about moving back up there when I retired. No offense but no way. I slid out the back way coming from Shelby to the beach. Came right out the back road to SC 198 fueled in Blacksburg went to US 29 to I-26 to Columbia and in. Went past my old property in Gaffney. I felt like Rip Van Winkle. Man I did not recognize any of the exits on I -77 in Rock Hill and I -85 through Gaffney they are making it 8 lane now. My butt is staying in the Low Country. I has been 6 or 7 years since I had been up there. Yep IMHO it ain't Charlotte anymore or at least my Charlotte.


> No offense taken my friend! The opportunity missed is you and I didn't start a company 25+ years ago making/selling orange & white lane blocking barrels. Those temporary concrete median sections laid one at a time for miles would have also made us both rich, too. This place is one giant land of never ending road-work with no end in sight. If half of the lane closures we face day and night would cease, a person might actually be able to get from place to place. Been going on so long we're numb to it. Get a lot of local news and weather via car radio. Lol.




Yeah Radiator Specialty in Indian Trail got filthy rich making those plastic barrels and safety cones over the years. I briefly hauled trailer loads of those things to different municipalities all over the place. I believe they made more off of them than the chemical business

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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It has rained here today in Biblical proportions. We are supposed to play tomorrow at my home course Indian Wells but I know it will be CPO so I am not sure Bear and the boys will play. What a day to be off oh well got some needed rest and sleep

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Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Having given it the old college try, I'm forgoing the attempt to dive deeper into my personal take on "hooking hybrids". BUT, please feel free to talk it up more here if you like! I'm not for one second poo-pooing this discussion. To the contrary.


It's become clear as I tried, my comments would not necessarily line up with a style of club I simply have very limited experience/knowledge of. There's one older hybrid here. I've used it only on days when I know before leaving the house, the course I'm about to play has let the rough grow a bit thicker (not taller) after recent heavy rains. It's spent much of it's life in a dark closet.


Lmao - I'm all ears. Weighing in with zero comments having tried. Hybrids are something I obviously don't fully understand.

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