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Tiger Woods Injured in Car Crash (Threads Merged here)


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[quote name='rankoutsider' post='2093931' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:26 PM'][quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2093879' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:56 PM'][quote name='rankoutsider' post='2093862' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:44 PM']I don't think anyone is saying they are smarter than the police, but if someone hits a tree and then is mumbling and incoherent and you say "despite the mumbling incoherence, we had no reason to suspect he had any alcohol or drugs" then you aren't much of a police officer. Most adults know that mumbling incoherence sometimes accompanies the intake of drugs and alcohol.

I don't think Tiger was on either at the time, but there appear to have been objective reasons to check for them.[/quote]
I don't suppose you've considered head injuries and a lack of any other symptoms of intoxication Inspector Clouseau?

[quote name='dannybsj' post='2093865' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:49 PM'][quote name='rankoutsider' post='2093862' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:44 PM']I don't think anyone is saying they are smarter than the police, but if someone hits a tree and then is mumbling and incoherent and you say "despite the mumbling incoherence, we had no reason to suspect he had any alcohol or drugs" then you aren't much of a police officer. Most adults know that mumbling incoherence sometimes accompanies the intake of drugs and alcohol.

I don't think Tiger was on either at the time, but there appear to have been objective reasons to check for them.[/quote]
Also his wife saying he is on these with pill bottles in hand is a bit suspicious to the untrained eye
Good thing there were trained eyes on the scene.

[edit:combine posts - this thread is long enough already]

Yes, I had thought of that, and that is ONE reason that you might be incoherent. But only one. Another might be that you are on painkillers and driving a car.

And you are being Clouseau here, my friend, not realizing that hitting the tree may have caused him to be groggy and mumbling, but we still have to explain why he hit the tree.

Any police officer who knows what they are doing would want to rule out drugs and alcohol with a test. It isn't being Clouseau to do that.

You can't do a test to rule it out without probable cause, and simply having an accident is not probable cause.

A quote available from a dozen articles (and cited more than once in this thread):

[i]"Woods was not given a breath test, nor was his blood or urine tested. Troopers need probable cause that someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs to demand such tests, and they had none, Montes said. Such probable cause could include finding liquor bottles in a car or smelling alcohol on someone's breath."[/i]

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Tiger made 900 million dollars from putting himself out to people as a role model. (Personally I admire the guy).
But if you make millions off people's views of you, (they paid to be part of Tiger Wood's life) and he accepted the contract. Then you have to be ready for the criticism to come when they paid for a view of you that now is different than what they paid for.
Remember the "I am Tiger Woods" ads?
People paid to be like Tiger Woods and he promoted that idea so that he could be wealthy.
Now what?

stealth 2 plus, 10.5 Titleist 6x tr blue

Cobra 4 iron 
G425 5 and 7 woods red ventus 90x

Tsi2 3 wood RDX black x

PXG 0311xp 5-gw, 0211 G,SW,LW  Wilson ci11 w/ ctaper 130x

Titleist sm9 s400 56,60
2ball blade
Titleist v1x

(Just had a shoulder replaced and I am buying clubs for my fantasy bag).

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[quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2093895' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:06 PM'][quote name='King Kobra' post='2093884' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:57 PM'][quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2093837' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:27 PM']FHP was on the scene and took over the investigation. They would have been able to request blood or other tests if they had been warranted.

I love the way so many people in this thread are better police officer than the police officers.[/quote]

You are absolutely right about the Florida Highway Patrol and it looks like they are going to get their warrant to look at his medical records based on news coming out. I'm sure it won't be hard to get a warrant for those medical records since he destroyed public property (fire hydrant) and had an accident in the right-of-way, which is of course public property as well.

That's of course assuming that the streets of Isleworth have been dedicated to the governing municipality. If they have not been dedicated and the fire hydrant and right-of-way belong to the Isleworth HOA, then he still has destroyed private property and had an accident on someone else's property making it very easy in my opinion for the Florida Highway Patrol to get a warrant for medical records, neighboring property surveillance cameras, or anything else they see fit to continue their investigation.

I would hate to see a surveillance camera video that shows Elin doing something other than what Tiger has promised she was doing.

Either way, I pay the taxes via the toll booths every time I drive on the money sucking interstate highways of Florida and as a part time tax payer I would like to see an investigation because heavens knows they would investigate me if I did it.
[b]I don't think they are going to get a look at any blood tests. That isn't what they were requesting. And the FHP would still have to demonstrate reasonable cause for a judge to issue a warrant for any items seized by the FHP.
I also wonder if you or I would still be under investigation. I suspect (although I will never know) that you and I would simply have been issued a ticket for reckless driving and our insurance companies would be billed for the hydrant and we'd already be on our way. I just don't see the State Patrol putting this much effort into a fender bender. Whatever else is going on, to the FHP this is a trivial accident made larger by the fame of Tiger Woods.

As a full time tax payer, I'd like to see the FHP drop this, issue a ticket and move on. They have bigger issues than a crash where nobody wants to press charges and where the party can and will pay to repair any damage.

From the quote I saw that the FHP spokesperson made they don't need a warrant to gain access to the blood drawn at the hospital.

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[quote name='cschimen' post='2093926' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:25 PM']well, as you can see by my picture, i am only 17, so i obviously have no clue about marriage. i'm just trying to give alternative reasons for the event.[/quote]

Better let the grown-ups mishandle this one! :russian_roulette:

Unseen, in the background, Fate was quietly slipping the lead into the boxing-glove.  P.G. Wodehouse
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[quote name='JYB' post='2093963' date='Nov 30 2009, 11:45 PM']The fact of the matter is that Tiger Woods is a spokesperson for a lot of companies and if he was just a golfer, like say Parker McLachlin, nobody would really care but, he is not just a golfer. Tiger Woods is the wealthiest athlete in the world and because of that, he is in the public spotlight.

Now, the fact that Tiger doesn't like to have his life be out in public view is fine by me as it should be fine with everyone else: his life is his life. HOWEVER, the fact that he acts like a baby on the course and sometimes acts like he is god's gift to sport probably annoys people and with his reactions to questions like, "[b]I have no fears in life"[/b], people want to see him brought down to a human level. That's what's happening here: if Tiger acted more like a regular person during his career, this wouldn't be as big of a deal. But he hasn't. He's tried to act like a super-human (on and off the course) and that's why we all care and that's why people want him to be brought down.[/quote]

Bet he fears flaxen haired European women holding golf clubs from now on.....LOL

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[quote name='JYB' post='2093963' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:45 PM'][b]The fact of the matter is that Tiger Woods is a spokesperson for a lot of companies and if he was just a golfer, like say Parker McLachlin, nobody would really care but, he is not just a golfer.[/b] Tiger Woods is the wealthiest athlete in the world and because of that, he is in the public spotlight.

Now, the fact that Tiger doesn't like to have his life be out in public view is fine by me as it should be fine with everyone else: his life is his life. HOWEVER, the fact that he acts like a baby on the course and sometimes acts like he is god's gift to sport probably annoys people and with his reactions to questions like, "I have no fears in life", people want to see him brought down to a human level. That's what's happening here: if Tiger acted more like a regular person during his career, this wouldn't be as big of a deal. But he hasn't. He's tried to act like a super-human (on and off the course) and that's why we all care and that's why people want him to be brought down.[/quote]
Good point. Dustin Johnson got a DUI and the whole thing blew over very quickly. Because Tiger has created a personna, and has remained so private, and because he lives a lifestyle few can even imagine, lots of people are going to be pretty inquisitive.

Unseen, in the background, Fate was quietly slipping the lead into the boxing-glove.  P.G. Wodehouse
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Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I’m not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a sentimental favorite like Mickleson get hot at the beginning of 2010, don’t be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I’m not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, “You ruined Thanksgiving” after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."

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[quote name='elrey23' post='2093993' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:03 PM'][quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2093895' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:06 PM'][quote name='King Kobra' post='2093884' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:57 PM'][quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2093837' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:27 PM']FHP was on the scene and took over the investigation. They would have been able to request blood or other tests if they had been warranted.

I love the way so many people in this thread are better police officer than the police officers.[/quote]

You are absolutely right about the Florida Highway Patrol and it looks like they are going to get their warrant to look at his medical records based on news coming out. I'm sure it won't be hard to get a warrant for those medical records since he destroyed public property (fire hydrant) and had an accident in the right-of-way, which is of course public property as well.

That's of course assuming that the streets of Isleworth have been dedicated to the governing municipality. If they have not been dedicated and the fire hydrant and right-of-way belong to the Isleworth HOA, then he still has destroyed private property and had an accident on someone else's property making it very easy in my opinion for the Florida Highway Patrol to get a warrant for medical records, neighboring property surveillance cameras, or anything else they see fit to continue their investigation.

I would hate to see a surveillance camera video that shows Elin doing something other than what Tiger has promised she was doing.

Either way, I pay the taxes via the toll booths every time I drive on the money sucking interstate highways of Florida and as a part time tax payer I would like to see an investigation because heavens knows they would investigate me if I did it.
[b]I don't think they are going to get a look at any blood tests. That isn't what they were requesting. And the FHP would still have to demonstrate reasonable cause for a judge to issue a warrant for any items seized by the FHP.
I also wonder if you or I would still be under investigation. I suspect (although I will never know) that you and I would simply have been issued a ticket for reckless driving and our insurance companies would be billed for the hydrant and we'd already be on our way. I just don't see the State Patrol putting this much effort into a fender bender. Whatever else is going on, to the FHP this is a trivial accident made larger by the fame of Tiger Woods.

As a full time tax payer, I'd like to see the FHP drop this, issue a ticket and move on. They have bigger issues than a crash where nobody wants to press charges and where the party can and will pay to repair any damage.

From the quote I saw that the FHP spokesperson made they don't need a warrant to gain access to the blood drawn at the hospital.
I am certain this is not accurate. The police need a warrant to get anything at the hospital. They can request the hospital preserve the sample and seal it with evidence tape, but they may not take it nor use it without a warrant.

I also believe that if a warrant is issued for Tiger's medical records and a judge grants the warrant in an attempt to gather evidence in a DV case, they can't use the blood sample for anything else except to gain knowledge of the DV case.

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[quote name='TheDarkOne' post='2094021' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:13 PM']Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I’m not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a sentimental favorite like Mickleson get hot at the beginning of 2010, don’t be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I’m not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, “You ruined Thanksgiving” after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."[/quote]

If you read carefully the last few pages. There are a lot of sentiments of 'he doesn't owe anyone any more explanation' or 'let's move on'...

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[quote name='Caligula' post='2094032' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:19 PM']Not been the best few weeks for Gilette - what with Henry's blatant cheating and now Tiger falling of his pedestal with a resounding crash. Expect some shoplifting or bizarre sexual antics from Roger Federer soon.[/quote]
I laughed out loud

But seriously, WHAT THE MESS is wrong with everyone about this whole matter? Wouldnt it be smart to leave it alone for a couple of days, then when Tiger wants to explain things, he can. HE HIT A STUPID HYDRANT, there are thousands of deadly alcohol related crashes that go of unheard every year, simply because the person isn't of importance to the media.

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[quote name='TheDarkOne' post='2094021' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:13 PM']Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I'm not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a sentimental favorite like Mickleson get hot at the beginning of 2010, don't be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I'm not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, "You ruined Thanksgiving" after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."[/quote]

I doubt there are as many "fair weather" Tiger fans out there as you may think.

Tiger brought a lot of people into the game.

A fan, a true fan, sticks with his team or his player.

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[quote name='TheDarkOne' post='2094021' date='Nov 30 2009, 08:13 PM']Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I’m not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a [b]sentimental favorite like Mickleson [/b]get hot at the beginning of 2010, don’t be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I’m not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, “You ruined Thanksgiving” after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."[/quote]

Funny you should mention Mickelson, seems like it wasn't that long ago that
there were rumours floating around about some [b]very serious [/b]gambling debts
and also some infidelity on his part as well. The american public seems to forgive and forget
very quickly, something tells me that won't be the case with Tiger. Those that are already
fans will be quick to support him, those who dislike him now have potentionally a ton of reasons
to dislike him even more.

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I'm going to work this thing backwards, assuming the most innocent of circumstances.

Thursday morning, you get a call from you agent telling you that a story is hitting the wire about you hooking up with some gold digger from New York. You do the pow-wow with the wife. She's not shocked. She comes from a public family, has worked for public people. She knows you are one of the richest athletes in the world and that his sort of stuff is inevitable.

2am your child is yacking up the Swedish Turkey gravity from diner, you hop out of bed and high tail it for some pepto. Getting a little to jumpy out of the shoot, you loose control and wrap your caddy around the neighbors Douglas Fir.

Next thing you know you wake up in the hospital looking like Chuck Liddell worked you over in the octogon. Your still feeling groggy after all you just had a serious concussion.

Now what do you do:

a.) Schedule the next available time slot on Nancy Grace to "just talk about stuff" (sure hope she doesn't spend to much time talking about that NYC Streetwalker thats stalking me)

b.) Hide under a rock until the ringing in your head stops (and you regain the ability to chew)

Next question, what do you tell the adoring public:

a.) I did this to myself because of little Charlie (sure that will do wonders for the little tike!)

b.) I'm an idiot and I wrapped my caddy around my freak douglas fir (I alway hated that tree btw)

*** Now let me editorialize a bit ***

First off, if you haven't noticed that "other" girl gives me bad vibes. The whole thing seems like a setup. Oops my friend told the national enquirer I'm polishing Tigers 1 iron. Ooops I got photographed in his hotel half way around the world, but I was only there "entertaining clients". Its just ashame that they can't get any decent golf tournament around NYC. But then I release a statement saying in no way did I ever have relations with said celebrity, and oh btw I have a new single dropping next week.

Next you have the wife allegedly going Suga Ray on TW's face. Come on! The girl is a tiny little thing, and here is Tiger one of the fittest athletes in the world. Your telling me he couldn't restrain her, or get away without getting worked over.

Then you have the flying iron through the window which then makes him crash. So now all of a sudden she's Zena Princess Warrior, able to spear a car traveling away at 20 mph through both windows.

Ask yourself what you are going to do when you step out your door and see your loved one's car hugging a tree with said person slumped over the wheel. Correct answer would be, you have no freaking clue. Adrenaline is going to kick in and you are going to try to do everything you can think of all at once to free your loved one.

I have always respected Tigers golf, but never been a homer. That being said I really hope I'm right and this littlecrash has been blown way out of proportion.

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[quote name='duck hook' post='2094075' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:42 PM'][quote name='TheDarkOne' post='2094021' date='Nov 30 2009, 08:13 PM']Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I'm not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a [b]sentimental favorite like Mickleson [/b]get hot at the beginning of 2010, don't be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I'm not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, "You ruined Thanksgiving" after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."[/quote]

Funny you should mention Mickelson, seems like it wasn't that long ago that
there were rumours floating around about some [b]very serious [/b]gambling debts
and also some infidelity on his part as well. The american public seems to forgive and forget
very quickly, something tells me that won't be the case with Tiger. [b]Those that are already
fans will be quick to support him, those who dislike him now have potentionally a ton of reasons
to dislike him even more.[/b]

Allow me to say my first internet...

You da man!

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Some of the ignorance on here is astounding.

The guy hit a fire hydrant, not the Pope. *If* (and this is speculation) Elin did "rough him up", he's doing every thing he should, legally, to protect her. For this, he's the worst person in the world?

And, when did the National Enquirer and TMZ become the standard bearers of fair and accurate reporting???

This is a guy who has helped THOUSANDS of kids get a head start on a better life through his charity work. But to read this thread one would think his entire golfing career has been a selfish pursuit at the expense of the entire PGA TOUR and everyone around him.

Last I checked, golf is what it is today because of him. For all the club ho's on this board do you seriously think any one would give a rat's a** about club technology if it wasn't for Tiger showing up in '97 and beating the crap out of everybody. Before Tiger, golf was perceived by most as a recreational activity for fat, white, rich guys not an athletic pursuit open to all as it is today.

In light of all the positive things he has done for the sport we all love, I will give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

Perhaps some of you here should do the same.

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[quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2094026' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:16 PM'][quote name='elrey23' post='2093993' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:03 PM'][quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2093895' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:06 PM'][quote name='King Kobra' post='2093884' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:57 PM'][quote name='HeadonaStick' post='2093837' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:27 PM']FHP was on the scene and took over the investigation. They would have been able to request blood or other tests if they had been warranted.

I love the way so many people in this thread are better police officer than the police officers.[/quote]

You are absolutely right about the Florida Highway Patrol and it looks like they are going to get their warrant to look at his medical records based on news coming out. I'm sure it won't be hard to get a warrant for those medical records since he destroyed public property (fire hydrant) and had an accident in the right-of-way, which is of course public property as well.

That's of course assuming that the streets of Isleworth have been dedicated to the governing municipality. If they have not been dedicated and the fire hydrant and right-of-way belong to the Isleworth HOA, then he still has destroyed private property and had an accident on someone else's property making it very easy in my opinion for the Florida Highway Patrol to get a warrant for medical records, neighboring property surveillance cameras, or anything else they see fit to continue their investigation.

I would hate to see a surveillance camera video that shows Elin doing something other than what Tiger has promised she was doing.

Either way, I pay the taxes via the toll booths every time I drive on the money sucking interstate highways of Florida and as a part time tax payer I would like to see an investigation because heavens knows they would investigate me if I did it.
[b]I don't think they are going to get a look at any blood tests. That isn't what they were requesting. And the FHP would still have to demonstrate reasonable cause for a judge to issue a warrant for any items seized by the FHP.
I also wonder if you or I would still be under investigation. I suspect (although I will never know) that you and I would simply have been issued a ticket for reckless driving and our insurance companies would be billed for the hydrant and we'd already be on our way. I just don't see the State Patrol putting this much effort into a fender bender. Whatever else is going on, to the FHP this is a trivial accident made larger by the fame of Tiger Woods.

As a full time tax payer, I'd like to see the FHP drop this, issue a ticket and move on. They have bigger issues than a crash where nobody wants to press charges and where the party can and will pay to repair any damage.

From the quote I saw that the FHP spokesperson made they don't need a warrant to gain access to the blood drawn at the hospital.
I am certain this is not accurate. The police need a warrant to get anything at the hospital. They can request the hospital preserve the sample and seal it with evidence tape, but they may not take it nor use it without a warrant.

I also believe that if a warrant is issued for Tiger's medical records and a judge grants the warrant in an attempt to gather evidence in a DV case, they can't use the blood sample for anything else except to gain knowledge of the DV case.

There's so much information, most of it questionable, floating around about this case. Just did a little reading on CNN.com and what I found is that the FHP could possibly subpoena the blood sample.

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[quote name='phillypete' post='2094077' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:44 PM']I'm going to work this thing backwards, assuming the most innocent of circumstances.

Thursday morning, you get a call from you agent telling you that a story is hitting the wire about you hooking up with some gold digger from New York. You do the pow-wow with the wife. She's not shocked. She comes from a public family, has worked for public people. She knows you are one of the richest athletes in the world and that his sort of stuff is inevitable.

2am your child is yacking up the Swedish Turkey gravity from diner, you hop out of bed and high tail it for some pepto. Getting a little to jumpy out of the shoot, you loose control and wrap your caddy around the neighbors Douglas Fir.

Next thing you know you wake up in the hospital looking like Chuck Liddell worked you over in the octogon. Your still feeling groggy after all you just had a serious concussion.

Now what do you do:

a.) Schedule the next available time slot on Nancy Grace to "just talk about stuff" (sure hope she doesn't spend to much time talking about that NYC Streetwalker thats stalking me)

b.) Hide under a rock until the ringing in your head stops (and you regain the ability to chew)

Next question, what do you tell the adoring public:

a.) I did this to myself because of little Charlie (sure that will do wonders for the little tike!)

b.) I'm an idiot and I wrapped my caddy around my freak douglas fir (I alway hated that tree btw)

*** Now let me editorialize a bit ***

First off, if you haven't noticed that "other" girl gives me bad vibes. The whole thing seems like a setup. Oops my friend told the national enquirer I'm polishing Tigers 1 iron. Ooops I got photographed in his hotel half way around the world, but I was only there "entertaining clients". Its just ashame that they can't get any decent golf tournament around NYC. But then I release a statement saying in no way did I ever have relations with said celebrity, and oh btw I have a new single dropping next week.

Next you have the wife allegedly going Suga Ray on TW's face. Come on! The girl is a tiny little thing, and here is Tiger one of the fittest athletes in the world. Your telling me he couldn't restrain her, or get away without getting worked over.

Then you have the flying iron through the window which then makes him crash. So now all of a sudden she's Zena Princess Warrior, able to spear a car traveling away at 20 mph through both windows.

Ask yourself what you are going to do when you step out your door and see your loved one's car hugging a tree with said person slumped over the wheel. Correct answer would be, you have no freaking clue. Adrenaline is going to kick in and you are going to try to do everything you can think of all at once to free your loved one.

I have always respected Tigers golf, but never been a homer. That being said I really hope I'm right and this littlecrash has been blown way out of proportion.[/quote]

I cannot believe some of you are still so naive as to believe the story that the Tiger camp is still desperately trying to spoon feed you. Seriously, just look at the facts. I'm not claiming to know what happened but I know that the facts do not support Tiger's story.

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[b]I cannot believe some of you are still so naive as to believe the story that the Tiger camp is still desperately trying to spoon feed you.[/b] Seriously, just look at the facts. I'm not claiming to know what happened but I know that the facts do not support Tiger's story.

I neither believe or disbelieve.

I just don't care that much.

I think he is a good guy, I am a big fan and will continue to be.

Even the most sensational reports have not accused him of anything that is not forgivable as a fan.

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[quote name='joe81005' post='2093870' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:52 PM'][quote name='Redman' post='2093824' date='Nov 30 2009, 05:21 PM'][quote name='joe81005' post='2093649' date='Nov 30 2009, 04:07 PM']Just a few thoughts.....

Tiger over the past month or so has not been the same Tiger... He has lost his temper more than a few times. The club tossing/throwing, acting like a spolied brat and cursing have become more intense and more frequent during this stretch. Maybe these are signs that he has not been happy. Not happy at home and/or maybe not happy that some events/behaviors have gotten out of his control that he has been able to control in the past and wasn't able to control anymore.

Another thought (that might me way out there....or could be spot on) was that he was sweating quite a bit while he was in Australia, I know it is hot there, and he sweats, but maybe he had a wild night or two and was on X the night before, from what I have read, it dehydrates the body.

These are of course speculative; nothing other than speculation. But it is interesting to think about and discuss on message boards.

None-the-less, whether you love him or hate him, one shouldn't wish ill-will on another...so best of luck to Tiger and his family.[/quote]

Hahahaha, please please please tell me you are joking about the E thing! That is the most far-fetched thing in this thread.

I also said that the E thing is possibly way out there....But hey, stranger things have happened. And if you are foolish enough to be Tiger Woods and have an affair in the first place, it shows that you are not thinking clearly and who knows, behind closed doors, with a party animal woman as his mistress appears to be, maybe she slipped him something. Who knows, we certainly never will.

Tigers recent actions on and off the golf course do show that he has not been thinking clearly. That's all I am saying

We DO NOT know if Tiger had an affair or not. I have yet to see any photos of him with the girl. I am not going to believe the National Enquirer or anyone else until I see that. How many times have we already seen claims like this and even rape/sexual assault claims that end up being completely false. I am not saying I don't think he had an affair. I think that is definitely a possibility, but Tiger has been so good at staying out of trouble with everything, but especially other women and I find it hard to believe that he would break all this by hooking up with of all things a night club hostess in freaking New York City and then flying her to Australia in his jet. Someone a lot less intelligent than Tiger knows that is going to get discovered.

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[quote name='bscinstnct' post='2094063' date='Nov 30 2009, 04:35 PM'][quote name='TheDarkOne' post='2094021' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:13 PM']Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I'm not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a sentimental favorite like Mickleson get hot at the beginning of 2010, don't be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I'm not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, "You ruined Thanksgiving" after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."[/quote]

I doubt there are as many "fair weather" Tiger fans out there as you may think.

Tiger brought a lot of people into the game.

A fan, a true fan, sticks with his team or his player.

There is a great quote from Sun Tzu: "Your strength will become your weakness".

Tiger's personna and arrogant behaviors in dealing with the sports press will not work on TMZ and the other celebrity rags. Everyone in sports is afraid of pissing off Tiger so they are nice to him an accept whatever "interview crumbs" he tosses their way. It won't work that way with the celebrity rags. They will continue to dig and will not stop and they will find whatever is they are looking for.

Tiger's inability to have an open/honest discussion about anything (while on camera) is well known. He does it so he doesn't piss anyone off (potential endorsement deals) or alienate fans. But that same approach won't work in this situation but he (and his team) are in denial about it. The "machine" won't stop until they find some serious dirt on Tiger now. Its almost a challenge to them and there are a lot of them out there. I liken them to computer hackers. They do it for the sport/fun of it. And while a lot of them probably didn't care about Tiger before last Thursday, they do now. Someone is going to find something, its only a matter of time...

Old stuff:
1962 Tommy Armour AT2W Driver   1953 Macgregor M65W EOM 3 wood   1978 H&B PowerBilt Citation 4 wood
1984 Ben Hogan Apex PC 2-E   1968 Wilson Dual Wedge
1964 Acushnet O-SET M6S Bullseye Putter

New stuff
Cobra ZL 10.5 driver (Matrix HD6 s-flex)  Titleist TSR2 18* fairway wood (Matrix Code-8 s-flex)   Adams A2P 20* hybrid (Rombax 8D07HB s-flex)
Titleist 716 MB irons 4-PW (Apex 4 soft-stepped)    Callaway Mack Daddy wedges 52, 56, 60 (DG S200)
Odyssey ProType 9 putter

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I am amazed at the number of perfect human beings that have posted a reply to this fiasco. I've been ignoring this whole thing until I turned on the TV tonight. Good god, are we really that starved for news? Seriously, don't we have more important things to focus on these days? Do you really need to know what is going on in TW's personal life? Is it any of your business? You can't be that shocked to find out he's a human being, with the same kind of problems that everyone here deals with to one degree or another. Please don't give me the role model BS, that doesn't fly with me. Do you really buy a brand of razor because a famous golfer supposedly uses that brand? TW has done more for kids and charity than all of the members of this community combined. Don't mistake this for a TW love fest, but really, some of the posters here need to find something more constructive to focus their energy on. Including me. :wacko:

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[quote name='dpark' post='2094115' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:58 PM'][quote name='bscinstnct' post='2094063' date='Nov 30 2009, 04:35 PM'][quote name='TheDarkOne' post='2094021' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:13 PM']Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I'm not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a sentimental favorite like Mickleson get hot at the beginning of 2010, don't be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I'm not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, "You ruined Thanksgiving" after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."[/quote]

I doubt there are as many "fair weather" Tiger fans out there as you may think.

Tiger brought a lot of people into the game.

A fan, a true fan, sticks with his team or his player.

There is a great quote from Sun Tzu: "Your strength will become your weakness".

Tiger's personna and arrogant behaviors in dealing with the sports press will not work on TMZ and the other celebrity rags. Everyone in sports is afraid of pissing off Tiger so they are nice to him an accept whatever "interview crumbs" he tosses their way. It won't work that way with the celebrity rags. They will continue to dig and will not stop and they will find whatever is they are looking for.

Tiger's inability to have an open/honest discussion about anything (while on camera) is well known. He does it so he doesn't piss anyone off (potential endorsement deals) or alienate fans. But that same approach won't work in this situation but he (and his team) are in denial about it. The "machine" won't stop until they find some serious dirt on Tiger now. Its almost a challenge to them and there are a lot of them out there. I liken them to computer hackers. They do it for the sport/fun of it. And while a lot of them probably didn't care about Tiger before last Thursday, they do now. [b]Someone is going to find something, its only a matter of time...[/b]


You are assuming that there is "something" to find.

I doubt that there is.

Other than being one of the most charitable individuals in history. I don't think that this would be considered "serious dirt".
It is also pretty well known.

Okay, I am done.

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[quote name='TheDarkOne' post='2094021' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:13 PM']Perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in the over 30 pages of this thread, is the absolute abandonment of Woods by his fans. Look through the first ten pages or so of this thread and look how many people poured out to show support and love for this man, and express their best wishes. 20 pages later look where we are. Not even the most die hard Tiger Woods fan is buying the story he has put out, and several have expressed heart break and expressed they are now done with him. At first I like many others thought that this would blow over in a few days, now I’m not so sure. This act along with his tirades, the most recent at the Australian Masters where he threw a club into a group of people and sneered at them, might be the turning point where the love is lost. If any of the young charismatic players or a sentimental favorite like Mickleson get hot at the beginning of 2010, don’t be shocked to see Woods become this decades bad guy. Woods has always played one part, the super hero that everyone loved and looked up to. I’m not so sure that will be as easy to reprise now, especially not knowing what is coming next in this crazy saga. It will be interesting how he handles the fans, especially when some yells, “You ruined Thanksgiving” after he tees off instead of the customary "get in the hole."[/quote]

Things are never as bad as they seem nor are they as good as they seem. I have often said during the past 10 years that when Tiger was winning everything, he was not as good as everybody was saying he was. Consequently, when he was playing poorly, I never thought he was done and never going to win again.

People tend to exaggerate situations. Human nature I guess.

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[quote name='hogan64' post='2094120' date='Nov 30 2009, 08:02 PM']I am amazed at the number of perfect human beings that have posted a reply to this fiasco. I've been ignoring this whole thing until I turned on the TV tonight. Good god, are we really that starved for news? Seriously, don't we have more important things to focus on these days? Do you really need to know what is going on in TW's personal life? Is it any of your business? You can't be that shocked to find out he's a human being, with the same kind of problems that everyone here deals with to one degree or another. Please don't give me the role model BS, that doesn't fly with me. Do you really buy a brand of razor because a famous golfer supposedly uses that brand? TW has done more for kids and charity than all of the members of this community combined. Don't mistake this for a TW love fest, but really, some of the posters here need to find something more constructive to focus their energy on. Including me. :wacko:[/quote]

Get over yourself. Nobody here is suggesting that we are perfect. We are golf fans we want to know what is shaking the house of the number one golfer in the world. I don't think theres anything wrong or unexpected about that.

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[quote name='koa' post='2094090' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:50 PM']Some of the ignorance on here is astounding.

The guy hit a fire hydrant, not the Pope. *If* (and this is speculation) Elin did "rough him up", he's doing every thing he should, legally, to protect her. For this, he's the worst person in the world?

And, when did the National Enquirer and TMZ become the standard bearers of fair and accurate reporting???

This is a guy who has helped THOUSANDS of kids get a head start on a better life through his charity work. But to read this thread one would think his entire golfing career has been a selfish pursuit at the expense of the entire PGA TOUR and everyone around him.

Last I checked, golf is what it is today because of him. For all the club ho's on this board do you seriously think any one would give a rat's a** about club technology if it wasn't for Tiger showing up in '97 and beating the crap out of everybody. Before Tiger, golf was perceived by most as a recreational activity for fat, white, rich guys not an athletic pursuit open to all as it is today.

In light of all the positive things he has done for the sport we all love, I will give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

Perhaps some of you here should do the same.[/quote]

Great post! Could not agree more.

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[quote name='buckman821' post='2094095' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:51 PM'][quote name='phillypete' post='2094077' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:44 PM']I'm going to work this thing backwards, assuming the most innocent of circumstances.

Thursday morning, you get a call from you agent telling you that a story is hitting the wire about you hooking up with some gold digger from New York. You do the pow-wow with the wife. She's not shocked. She comes from a public family, has worked for public people. She knows you are one of the richest athletes in the world and that his sort of stuff is inevitable.

2am your child is yacking up the Swedish Turkey gravity from diner, you hop out of bed and high tail it for some pepto. Getting a little to jumpy out of the shoot, you loose control and wrap your caddy around the neighbors Douglas Fir.

Next thing you know you wake up in the hospital looking like Chuck Liddell worked you over in the octogon. Your still feeling groggy after all you just had a serious concussion.

Now what do you do:

a.) Schedule the next available time slot on Nancy Grace to "just talk about stuff" (sure hope she doesn't spend to much time talking about that NYC Streetwalker thats stalking me)

b.) Hide under a rock until the ringing in your head stops (and you regain the ability to chew)

Next question, what do you tell the adoring public:

a.) I did this to myself because of little Charlie (sure that will do wonders for the little tike!)

b.) I'm an idiot and I wrapped my caddy around my freak douglas fir (I alway hated that tree btw)

*** Now let me editorialize a bit ***

First off, if you haven't noticed that "other" girl gives me bad vibes. The whole thing seems like a setup. Oops my friend told the national enquirer I'm polishing Tigers 1 iron. Ooops I got photographed in his hotel half way around the world, but I was only there "entertaining clients". Its just ashame that they can't get any decent golf tournament around NYC. But then I release a statement saying in no way did I ever have relations with said celebrity, and oh btw I have a new single dropping next week.

Next you have the wife allegedly going Suga Ray on TW's face. Come on! The girl is a tiny little thing, and here is Tiger one of the fittest athletes in the world. Your telling me he couldn't restrain her, or get away without getting worked over.

Then you have the flying iron through the window which then makes him crash. So now all of a sudden she's Zena Princess Warrior, able to spear a car traveling away at 20 mph through both windows.

Ask yourself what you are going to do when you step out your door and see your loved one's car hugging a tree with said person slumped over the wheel. Correct answer would be, you have no freaking clue. Adrenaline is going to kick in and you are going to try to do everything you can think of all at once to free your loved one.

I have always respected Tigers golf, but never been a homer. That being said I really hope I'm right and this littlecrash has been blown way out of proportion.[/quote]

I cannot believe some of you are still so naive as to believe the story that the Tiger camp is still desperately trying to spoon feed you. Seriously, just look at the facts. I'm not claiming to know what happened but I know that the facts do not support Tiger's story.

What are the facts? I am not sure that you can base any opinion only on the facts that are known right now.

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