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Oceans Eleven Confessions to break a man's heart....

Matt J

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


That's a positive in my book.


Have absolutely no clue what life's meaning is my friend. One of those very natural and age old questions. The one I find myself asking a lot is..."What's really important?" That one seems to always drive forward the value of having fun - helping others - yadda yadda. That one seems to carry with it an inevitable appreciation for just how good I've got it. All I got for ya dude. But yea - still hanging-in after 60 years is a VERY good thing. .


Edit: Oh and as long as we're playing Socrates -- Happy B'day.


Good stuff Judge.


I like the way you talk about often taking things OUT of our swings in order

to make them as simple, repeatable and effective as possible.


In life I do the same things. I take things OUT in order to have room for

better things. When I was young it was more more more. Now that I am

older less is more. Less things equals more time for each rather than many

things with little time for each.


I've always been fascinated with Pareto's 80/20 rule and wondered why it

just seems to hold up no matter how or where you apply it. In a way it bugs

me, haha, and so I try to make it wrong by choice.


Anyway, I digress, but sayings like "adding by subtracting" or "less is more"

make so much more sense to me now that I'm older. For me, focusing on

just a few things gives me more time for those things and I do not miss the

time I would have spent on other things.


Cobi and I are both this way now. We focus on the things we truly love and

enjoy and, as you say, are most important, since they have been given priority

over other things. In our case, seeing the other happy and thriving, frees us to

be happy and thriving ourselves.


We cannot carry the woes of the whole world on our shoulders. Instead we do

what we can in our little "sphere".


As someone wiser than me said, paraphrasing: "One person, one family, one town,

one county, one state and one country and one world. From the ground level on

up, if we all do as we should, it multiplies all the way to the top.


It is noble to help others. It is also noble to help yourself so others don't have to.

We will always help the truly needy but we have no regard for those who are able

but won't help themselves. I've known plenty who fall in the latter category. Most

think the world should revolve around them and they will suck everyone around

them dry until there is nothing left to suck.


How many sets of irons do you have? LMAO!!!


So, I chose to hit balls instead of play the last few days. Hit and miss showers in the area. Probably 500 balls the last two days. Tinkering and frustrated, I got back in my truck and sat there to process my range time. A woman pulls up in a Volvo SUV. Proceeds to hit balls at the far end of the range....in yoga pants. She has a good set up and backswing but lunged at the ball something terrible. Poor thing couldn't get a ball in the there.


So....I sat there watching.....debating whether or not to be "that guy". I figured screw it. The worse thing she could say was "get away from you freak!!!"


I pulled over there and asked "May I?". She came back with absolutely and it must be frustrating to watch. We struck up a short conversation (I went into social butterfly mode) and I gave her a few tidbits. She just started playing and had two lessons and hit about 5 buckets. I assured her that I didn't want to interfere if she was working with someone but she was wanting it BAD!!


I told her to make a few practice swings while counting "1-2". Explained how she needed to keep her head behind the ball. Why it feels like it won't work but why it does. I said if it doesn't work for you....forget I said anything and walked back to my vehicle. I watched her make a few practice swings and pull a ball over. As I backed out she made a swing. I heard the sound of proper contact and the ball was airborne and flying nicely. She turned to find me and her face was lit up with a big smile and she gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back and drove away thinking "I love yoga pants!!"


The end.


Edit: still TOOLED!




Yoga pants..... So was your dog downward or upward during all this?


On second thought - please don't answer that. :no2:


(Way to give a newbie a boost. NICE... especially the WAY you did it.) .

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Speaking of trampoline faces I don't think Ping ever had one on any of their

irons until this new G iron came out.


Ping irons always felt very solid to me. I never had any issues with distance

control, flyers or any of the other complaints I've read about concerning CBs.

The Ping faces were always reinforced to promote a solid feel and shot



My old Cobra irons had hollow backs from 7i to 4i. They had a much different

feel to them compared to the Pings.


That reinforcement most definitely matters. You can do it with solid metal like with a blade or you can do it with plastic, "custom tuning ports", "eyes", a secondary metal...it doesn't matter. The more the face is reinforced, the more of a consistent surface the ball has to rebound against. This is a good thing! The ball spin is also more consistent from shot to shot this way.


Yes indeed and I have learned a lot from you the past few years, as you know,

and I understand now why I have preferred the feel and playability of Ping irons

over others when it comes to CBs.


I'm not saying other brands of CBs are bad by any means. It's more that I've just

grown accustomed to the feel of Pings and have a comfort level with them.


Actually, most of us do develop a sort of brand loyalty with whatever manufacturer

we like and get used to. They all make good equipment.


Since Ping doesn't make a blade I actually feel fortunate that I wound up with

the Mac blades. By what I've read here and around WRX the V-foil design seems

to be one of the more hack friendly designs to play. So when I'm in the mood for

some blades the transition from my S58 Pings is not much of a leap.




I saw that too. Now if they would forge them they might actually have some nice buttah sticks ;)


But the Anser line up didn't seem to catch on.

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Curious how others feel about the importance of the finish? I was actually working on that today. I seem to hit a good shot or have a nice finish, but rarely both


You can hit a good shot with a terrible finish, but man when you are doing both well, that is the best feeling. Almost every pro has a good finish.


I sometimes question some of DeNinny's postulates but I don't think he's doing this exactly. I think he starts with an observation and then "proves" why. I generally agree with the observation and so the proof interests me.


Matt J the only reason I'm not exact is because we have to be on the exact same page about the math and all the laws I'm using to back up my "proofs". Plus, I am trying to explain things as simply as possible and not bring in the math. If I had a chalkboard and we were face to face it would be much different than me typing the words to describe it all.


Again, all I can tell you if you don't agree with me is that I'm trying to help you. I would have no issue discussing anything I've stated with the top PhD physicists from any university and with the top club designers from any club manufacturer. The reason is because I can back everything I state with the laws of science and derive the answers from first principles, and no "expert" will be able to deny this. I won't (and haven't yet) make a statement unless I can back it up.


You can't have it both ways. We all know that forgiving is the opposite of workability, so don't try and sell me both.


This is exactly what I was explaining about the cavity face in the other thread. You can't have both and you also get a little worse dispersion when you go more and more CB. This is exactly why the sweetspot gets continually more and more reinforced as you go from SGI club to blade. This is the physical change that makes the club more "forgiving" and less workable.


But also note that forgiving is not really forgiving when the dispersion is worse because of the very same physics that make it less workable. Forgiveness comes at a price so is it really forgiving?


BTW, Ninja, I can't understand how there's arguing about where the mass is on the club effecting trajectory and spin. If it wasn't true then a blade, cb, and muscle back with the same mass would all create the same shots with the same swings. Patently not true. Thickness of the club directly behind contact is obviously a big part of club design. Me personally, I like a blade, CB, and muscle back under certain circumstances, but I simply would not play any of those irons with the slots and trampoline faces or any kind of different density material like plastic elastomers, but that's just me. I'd play a hybrid up to a seven iron if that's what my swing speed dictated was necessary, but I don't need hybrids masquerading as an iron.


So I'm glad you're on board. Of course the shape and design of the head matters and also the thickness of the face. And again it is all based on the fact that when two objects collide, at the molecular level the molecules are not rigid objects. This applies to ALL the materials involved in the collision. It's just most important at the face of the club where the ball contacts it. This is where the forces are the greatest. And so to me it is very obvious that wall thickness matters at this point. And also if it didn't matter then why do the manufacturers keep adding reinforcement behind the sweetspot the more player's club you go? And then the blade is on the end of the spectrum of the thickest wall thickness and the SGI club is at the other end with the thinnest wall thickness. And then observe there is also a clear distinction on how "forgiving" and workable these clubs are. Hmmm...I wonder if the face wall thickness has anything to do with this...?


...and yes it does and it is proven in the math definition of those moduli (Young's, bulk, and shear) that I mentioned.

I think you should start a Thrillhouse Jr. thread. Again take that with a thousand grains of salt.


I'm on board. I think he should start an "Ask DeNinny" thread in the equipment forum. :)


Ready when you are, i'll support this.


Given circumstance, anyone who fails to appreciate this, well, what can i say without being a 'troll'. LOL.


I'm ready too. Socks pulled up, shoes tied and everything!


You'll never be a troll in here, mate.

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Pige - I'd seriously consider donating a man-grape to own that club-repair rig. Well done!. You're now in total control of your own destiny from the swing to the equipment. Dialed-in on all fronts at all times. OUTSTANDING!


As to the post-impact question. You guys are all pretty "fart smellers" so I doubt my two cents are going to change anyone's religion.


All I have to share is that in my own book - it matters. It doesn't have to matter to the extent a golfer makes some sort of "perfect" movements after impact/ So long as he is consistent with whatever the heck he does and can play it - then its all good as far as that goes.


But here are some of the things I personally believe the post impact motion signals.


IF - the timing of the start of takeaway to the top.... comes very close to the timing of the start of downswing to the dead-stop finish... then that golfer has BEAUTIFUL tempo.


IF - the arms, hands, shaft, and upper body all STOP together at the finish pose - then that golfer is NOT stalling along the way with ANY body parts - he is NOT hitting "at" the ball - but instead is accelerating smoothly all the way to the finish. He is getting his trail side (shoulder, hip, the whole smash) all the way over to his lead side.


IF - from down-the-line the club and arms disappear (hidden by his body blocking the camera view) then his trail side forearm is MOVING well and his hands are flipping less.


IF - from face one both arms extend fully for the first time AFTER impact - AND his hands travel up the follow-through plane right in front of his sternum... then he is TURNING THE MASS more so than flipping the hands.


IF - from down-the-line the head remains leaned more toward the ball wile the lead hip remains behind the lead heel for a long time after impact - that golfer is avoiding EE and typically has very good knee and hip turn action going on.


IF - from down-the-line the shaft re-appears from being momentarily blocked from view by the body... AND... its traveling on the same plane it was on in the downswing... And especially if the trail side wrist is flattened out and the lead wrist is bent backward (cupped) at that point... THAT guy has a 99% chance of delivering solid, whacks that fly straight - with all clubs but especially driver!


These are all examples of things that signal (to me at least) GOOD things are happening and they are revealed as much or more AFTER impact as anything going on before it.


Now do ALL of these little marks have to be hit perfectly? Do we absolutely HAVE to or are we doomed to terrible golf? - Are there a great many golfers who could probably care less about all this "analysis" voodoo and would just assume go play a fun round of golf regardless of this crap?


We all know the answers to those questions. We're pretty fart smellers at the end of the day. Just chiming in on the question "Does what happens after the strike really matter"? Well the freak'n ball is gone - so NO it doesn't. All I'm trotting out is that it sure as heck reveals a LOT about plane, tempo, timing, etc. Swing your swing - do your thing - and have fun in my book. No one has a "perfect" swing and most all of us owns way more "good" things than (IMO) we realize ourselves. Otherwise we would long ago have taken up needle point over golf.


Turning the mass and needle point all in the same post. Bravo Reason! :)


Put that one in there just to see if you'd catch it! LMAO.


Does moving suck a little less these days? New "digs" working out well? Any chance of a confessions party in your new back yard allowing the place to get trashed .... I mean inaugurated?


Thanks for asking. We are in week four of commuting from the newer place. Old farm house is being listed tomorrow. We have done a ton of work to get it ready. Fingers crossed that someone loves it as much as we have.


I am 5 min. from four courses. Not world class but would make for a pretty good golf party.


My golf game is in decline and in need of more reps.


Or maybe I just need to play my old, more forgiving Ping Eye II's. I was a six back when I gamed those. I will PM DeNinga and see if he thinks there is a correlation :)

Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


Haha, BTDT!


I'll be 72 in August, I REFUSE to consider myself OLD. LMAO


The one who refers to me as his patient, doesn't want to see me on a yearly basis. He says 2 years is enough...Unless I notice something wrong! :rofl:


Everything still works just fine, simply not with the same intensity. :cheesy: As in, the reservoir seems to be shrinking some. I need a middleofthenight "pit stop".


I sleep 6-8 hrs, and don't ever need an afternoon nap. Now, if only I could use that "nap" period to get back in better physical shape again.


But hey!


I understand what you're going through, (Or should I say "putting yourself through") when I retired at 60, I wrongly believed it was the beginning of the end...It doesn't have to be that way. If, and when, I have a *downtime* moment, I read up on Richard. It never fails to boost the whole system back in operation again.


Happy Birthday, skullshot!


There's so much more, yet to do, on that list. :birthday:

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


That's a positive in my book.


Have absolutely no clue what life's meaning is my friend. One of those very natural and age old questions. The one I find myself asking a lot is..."What's really important?" That one seems to always drive forward the value of having fun - helping others - yadda yadda. That one seems to carry with it an inevitable appreciation for just how good I've got it. All I got for ya dude. But yea - still hanging-in after 60 years is a VERY good thing. .


Edit: Oh and as long as we're playing Socrates -- Happy B'day.


Forgot about him, sorry! He comes and goes but is MIA these days.


:birthday: Socrats!

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Pige - I'd seriously consider donating a man-grape to own that club-repair rig. Well done!. You're now in total control of your own destiny from the swing to the equipment. Dialed-in on all fronts at all times. OUTSTANDING!


As to the post-impact question. You guys are all pretty "fart smellers" so I doubt my two cents are going to change anyone's religion.


All I have to share is that in my own book - it matters. It doesn't have to matter to the extent a golfer makes some sort of "perfect" movements after impact/ So long as he is consistent with whatever the heck he does and can play it - then its all good as far as that goes.


But here are some of the things I personally believe the post impact motion signals.


IF - the timing of the start of takeaway to the top.... comes very close to the timing of the start of downswing to the dead-stop finish... then that golfer has BEAUTIFUL tempo.


IF - the arms, hands, shaft, and upper body all STOP together at the finish pose - then that golfer is NOT stalling along the way with ANY body parts - he is NOT hitting "at" the ball - but instead is accelerating smoothly all the way to the finish. He is getting his trail side (shoulder, hip, the whole smash) all the way over to his lead side.


IF - from down-the-line the club and arms disappear (hidden by his body blocking the camera view) then his trail side forearm is MOVING well and his hands are flipping less.


IF - from face one both arms extend fully for the first time AFTER impact - AND his hands travel up the follow-through plane right in front of his sternum... then he is TURNING THE MASS more so than flipping the hands.


IF - from down-the-line the head remains leaned more toward the ball wile the lead hip remains behind the lead heel for a long time after impact - that golfer is avoiding EE and typically has very good knee and hip turn action going on.


IF - from down-the-line the shaft re-appears from being momentarily blocked from view by the body... AND... its traveling on the same plane it was on in the downswing... And especially if the trail side wrist is flattened out and the lead wrist is bent backward (cupped) at that point... THAT guy has a 99% chance of delivering solid, whacks that fly straight - with all clubs but especially driver!


These are all examples of things that signal (to me at least) GOOD things are happening and they are revealed as much or more AFTER impact as anything going on before it.


Now do ALL of these little marks have to be hit perfectly? Do we absolutely HAVE to or are we doomed to terrible golf? - Are there a great many golfers who could probably care less about all this "analysis" voodoo and would just assume go play a fun round of golf regardless of this crap?


We all know the answers to those questions. We're pretty fart smellers at the end of the day. Just chiming in on the question "Does what happens after the strike really matter"? Well the freak'n ball is gone - so NO it doesn't. All I'm trotting out is that it sure as heck reveals a LOT about plane, tempo, timing, etc. Swing your swing - do your thing - and have fun in my book. No one has a "perfect" swing and most all of us owns way more "good" things than (IMO) we realize ourselves. Otherwise we would long ago have taken up needle point over golf.


Turning the mass and needle point all in the same post. Bravo Reason! :)


TOOLed............So soon?????????

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Yes Happy 60th Nogin Wacker and welcome to the club! Speaking of Sixty. Where is our friend?


In a corner somewhere, feeling sorry for himself, cause to me he's a young'un.


Come on SSP, get back in here and put up your dukes....Don't hit me too hard! :diespam:

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Pige - I'd seriously consider donating a man-grape to own that club-repair rig. Well done!. You're now in total control of your own destiny from the swing to the equipment. Dialed-in on all fronts at all times. OUTSTANDING!


As to the post-impact question. You guys are all pretty "fart smellers" so I doubt my two cents are going to change anyone's religion.


All I have to share is that in my own book - it matters. It doesn't have to matter to the extent a golfer makes some sort of "perfect" movements after impact/ So long as he is consistent with whatever the heck he does and can play it - then its all good as far as that goes.


But here are some of the things I personally believe the post impact motion signals.


IF - the timing of the start of takeaway to the top.... comes very close to the timing of the start of downswing to the dead-stop finish... then that golfer has BEAUTIFUL tempo.


IF - the arms, hands, shaft, and upper body all STOP together at the finish pose - then that golfer is NOT stalling along the way with ANY body parts - he is NOT hitting "at" the ball - but instead is accelerating smoothly all the way to the finish. He is getting his trail side (shoulder, hip, the whole smash) all the way over to his lead side.


IF - from down-the-line the club and arms disappear (hidden by his body blocking the camera view) then his trail side forearm is MOVING well and his hands are flipping less.


IF - from face one both arms extend fully for the first time AFTER impact - AND his hands travel up the follow-through plane right in front of his sternum... then he is TURNING THE MASS more so than flipping the hands.


IF - from down-the-line the head remains leaned more toward the ball wile the lead hip remains behind the lead heel for a long time after impact - that golfer is avoiding EE and typically has very good knee and hip turn action going on.


IF - from down-the-line the shaft re-appears from being momentarily blocked from view by the body... AND... its traveling on the same plane it was on in the downswing... And especially if the trail side wrist is flattened out and the lead wrist is bent backward (cupped) at that point... THAT guy has a 99% chance of delivering solid, whacks that fly straight - with all clubs but especially driver!


These are all examples of things that signal (to me at least) GOOD things are happening and they are revealed as much or more AFTER impact as anything going on before it.


Now do ALL of these little marks have to be hit perfectly? Do we absolutely HAVE to or are we doomed to terrible golf? - Are there a great many golfers who could probably care less about all this "analysis" voodoo and would just assume go play a fun round of golf regardless of this crap?


We all know the answers to those questions. We're pretty fart smellers at the end of the day. Just chiming in on the question "Does what happens after the strike really matter"? Well the freak'n ball is gone - so NO it doesn't. All I'm trotting out is that it sure as heck reveals a LOT about plane, tempo, timing, etc. Swing your swing - do your thing - and have fun in my book. No one has a "perfect" swing and most all of us owns way more "good" things than (IMO) we realize ourselves. Otherwise we would long ago have taken up needle point over golf.


Turning the mass and needle point all in the same post. Bravo Reason! :)


Put that one in there just to see if you'd catch it! LMAO.


Does moving suck a little less these days? New "digs" working out well? Any chance of a confessions party in your new back yard allowing the place to get trashed .... I mean inaugurated?


Your courthouse sneakiness never ceases to amaze me.


Hat's off to you, Your Gavelness.

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


That's a positive in my book.


Have absolutely no clue what life's meaning is my friend. One of those very natural and age old questions. The one I find myself asking a lot is..."What's really important?" That one seems to always drive forward the value of having fun - helping others - yadda yadda. That one seems to carry with it an inevitable appreciation for just how good I've got it. All I got for ya dude. But yea - still hanging-in after 60 years is a VERY good thing. .


Edit: Oh and as long as we're playing Socrates -- Happy B'day.


Good stuff Judge.


I like the way you talk about often taking things OUT of our swings in order

to make them as simple, repeatable and effective as possible.


In life I do the same things. I take things OUT in order to have room for

better things. When I was young it was more more more. Now that I am

older less is more. Less things equals more time for each rather than many

things with little time for each.


I've always been fascinated with Pareto's 80/20 rule and wondered why it

just seems to hold up no matter how or where you apply it. In a way it bugs

me, haha, and so I try to make it wrong by choice.


Anyway, I digress, but sayings like "adding by subtracting" or "less is more"

make so much more sense to me now that I'm older. For me, focusing on

just a few things gives me more time for those things and I do not miss the

time I would have spent on other things.


Cobi and I are both this way now. We focus on the things we truly love and

enjoy and, as you say, are most important, since they have been given priority

over other things. In our case, seeing the other happy and thriving, frees us to

be happy and thriving ourselves.


We cannot carry the woes of the whole world on our shoulders. Instead we do

what we can in our little "sphere".


As someone wiser than me said, paraphrasing: "One person, one family, one town,

one county, one state and one country and one world. From the ground level on

up, if we all do as we should, it multiplies all the way to the top.


It is noble to help others. It is also noble to help yourself so others don't have to.

We will always help the truly needy but we have no regard for those who are able

but won't help themselves. I've known plenty who fall in the latter category. Most

think the world should revolve around them and they will suck everyone around

them dry until there is nothing left to suck.


Couldn't have said it better myself??????


I wouldn't have found the words, even in my native tongue, to say it any better.


Thanks Loads, Radro.



DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


That's a positive in my book.


Have absolutely no clue what life's meaning is my friend. One of those very natural and age old questions. The one I find myself asking a lot is..."What's really important?" That one seems to always drive forward the value of having fun - helping others - yadda yadda. That one seems to carry with it an inevitable appreciation for just how good I've got it. All I got for ya dude. But yea - still hanging-in after 60 years is a VERY good thing. .


Edit: Oh and as long as we're playing Socrates -- Happy B'day.


Good stuff Judge.


I like the way you talk about often taking things OUT of our swings in order

to make them as simple, repeatable and effective as possible.


In life I do the same things. I take things OUT in order to have room for

better things. When I was young it was more more more. Now that I am

older less is more. Less things equals more time for each rather than many

things with little time for each.


I've always been fascinated with Pareto's 80/20 rule and wondered why it

just seems to hold up no matter how or where you apply it. In a way it bugs

me, haha, and so I try to make it wrong by choice.


Anyway, I digress, but sayings like "adding by subtracting" or "less is more"

make so much more sense to me now that I'm older. For me, focusing on

just a few things gives me more time for those things and I do not miss the

time I would have spent on other things.


Cobi and I are both this way now. We focus on the things we truly love and

enjoy and, as you say, are most important, since they have been given priority

over other things. In our case, seeing the other happy and thriving, frees us to

be happy and thriving ourselves.


We cannot carry the woes of the whole world on our shoulders. Instead we do

what we can in our little "sphere".


As someone wiser than me said, paraphrasing: "One person, one family, one town,

one county, one state and one country and one world. From the ground level on

up, if we all do as we should, it multiplies all the way to the top.


It is noble to help others. It is also noble to help yourself so others don't have to.

We will always help the truly needy but we have no regard for those who are able

but won't help themselves. I've known plenty who fall in the latter category. Most

think the world should revolve around them and they will suck everyone around

them dry until there is nothing left to suck.


How many sets of irons do you have? LMAO!!!


So, I chose to hit balls instead of play the last few days. Hit and miss showers in the area. Probably 500 balls the last two days. Tinkering and frustrated, I got back in my truck and sat there to process my range time. A woman pulls up in a Volvo SUV. Proceeds to hit balls at the far end of the range....in yoga pants. She has a good set up and backswing but lunged at the ball something terrible. Poor thing couldn't get a ball in the there.


So....I sat there watching.....debating whether or not to be "that guy". I figured screw it. The worse thing she could say was "get away from you freak!!!"


I pulled over there and asked "May I?". She came back with absolutely and it must be frustrating to watch. We struck up a short conversation (I went into social butterfly mode) and I gave her a few tidbits. She just started playing and had two lessons and hit about 5 buckets. I assured her that I didn't want to interfere if she was working with someone but she was wanting it BAD!!


I told her to make a few practice swings while counting "1-2". Explained how she needed to keep her head behind the ball. Why it feels like it won't work but why it does. I said if it doesn't work for you....forget I said anything and walked back to my vehicle. I watched her make a few practice swings and pull a ball over. As I backed out she made a swing. I heard the sound of proper contact and the ball was airborne and flying nicely. She turned to find me and her face was lit up with a big smile and she gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back and drove away thinking "I love yoga pants!!"


The end.


Edit: still TOOLED!


You lucky dog!


I never see any of these humans of the lighter/perfect build---w/yoga anything---whenever I get the urge to be *That GUY*.


But, glancing over the stalls at the range, I actually understand why some *that guy* may be of help....Most are useless. (incl. me)



DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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MC, creeping the MILF's at the driving range, I love it!


Used the take dead aim, no shot shape philosophy to card a 77 today. I would have taken two shots back, but that's okay, it wasn't due to the new strategy.


One thing I'm liking is the ability to tell more what's going on with my swing. And the Miura CB's really shine in just hitting it straight with traj flighting (thanks Tiger).


I need to practice picking a target this way. I pretty much just fired at flags and I could improve on fudging back towards the center of the green. I hit 13 fairways and 12 greens although I only had one birdie and one that stopped on the lip for a real heartbreaker. Putting was suspect, but the greens are only 6 days out from the solid small tine punch and were definitely slow and bumpy.


Anyways, the Miura's are in the bag for awhile and the blades are practice time only and "play" rounds that will be free-for-all shot-shaping bonanzas.


Edited to take the Judge's good name out of it. I should have known MC is the creep. :)

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Good stuff Judge.


I like the way you talk about often taking things OUT of our swings in order

to make them as simple, repeatable and effective as possible.


In life I do the same things. I take things OUT in order to have room for

better things. When I was young it was more more more. Now that I am

older less is more. Less things equals more time for each rather than many

things with little time for each.


I've always been fascinated with Pareto's 80/20 rule and wondered why it

just seems to hold up no matter how or where you apply it. In a way it bugs

me, haha, and so I try to make it wrong by choice.


Anyway, I digress, but sayings like "adding by subtracting" or "less is more"

make so much more sense to me now that I'm older. For me, focusing on

just a few things gives me more time for those things and I do not miss the

time I would have spent on other things.


Cobi and I are both this way now. We focus on the things we truly love and

enjoy and, as you say, are most important, since they have been given priority

over other things. In our case, seeing the other happy and thriving, frees us to

be happy and thriving ourselves.


We cannot carry the woes of the whole world on our shoulders. Instead we do

what we can in our little "sphere".


As someone wiser than me said, paraphrasing: "One person, one family, one town,

one county, one state and one country and one world. From the ground level on

up, if we all do as we should, it multiplies all the way to the top.


It is noble to help others. It is also noble to help yourself so others don't have to.

We will always help the truly needy but we have no regard for those who are able

but won't help themselves. I've known plenty who fall in the latter category. Most

think the world should revolve around them and they will suck everyone around

them dry until there is nothing left to suck.


How many sets of irons do you have? LMAO!!!


So, I chose to hit balls instead of play the last few days. Hit and miss showers in the area. Probably 500 balls the last two days. Tinkering and frustrated, I got back in my truck and sat there to process my range time. A woman pulls up in a Volvo SUV. Proceeds to hit balls at the far end of the range....in yoga pants. She has a good set up and backswing but lunged at the ball something terrible. Poor thing couldn't get a ball in the there.


So....I sat there watching.....debating whether or not to be "that guy". I figured screw it. The worse thing she could say was "get away from you freak!!!"


I pulled over there and asked "May I?". She came back with absolutely and it must be frustrating to watch. We struck up a short conversation (I went into social butterfly mode) and I gave her a few tidbits. She just started playing and had two lessons and hit about 5 buckets. I assured her that I didn't want to interfere if she was working with someone but she was wanting it BAD!!


I told her to make a few practice swings while counting "1-2". Explained how she needed to keep her head behind the ball. Why it feels like it won't work but why it does. I said if it doesn't work for you....forget I said anything and walked back to my vehicle. I watched her make a few practice swings and pull a ball over. As I backed out she made a swing. I heard the sound of proper contact and the ball was airborne and flying nicely. She turned to find me and her face was lit up with a big smile and she gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back and drove away thinking "I love yoga pants!!"


The end.


Edit: still TOOLED!




Yoga pants..... So was your dog downward or upward during all this?


On second thought - please don't answer that. :no2:


(Way to give a newbie a boost. NICE... especially the WAY you did it.) .


It did make feel good when she hit the first one in the air after several unsuccessful attempts before I helped her. I wondered as I drove away whether I would've helped her had she not been an attractive woman wearing yoga pants.


I like to think I would have.


I analyze this psychological crap too much. Did a good thing and trying to make myself feel like a piece of poop. LMAO. Add self-sabotaging to my other descriptive attributes that begin with "self -". :D


Let's face it, the yoga apparel helped. Had she been hitting well, you still would have paid attention.


Then again, had it been me, in my very beginnings, you probably would've felt sorry for me, and come over. As you pointed out, "she wanted it bad" and it showed.


No need for psychological evaluation. You were being yourself...A very good hearted generous human being. A Confessioner and OGA Elite Member.


What else did YOU expect???

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Okay got the yoga pants. Now what top was she wearing??


Pink athletic style zip up. White visor, sunglasses white Adidas shoes with pink stripes.


Me? Cargo shorts and a tshirt. DUH!

Yeah but the tshirt was two sizes to small right bro. Yeah that's right Q.

Callaway Razr X Black 9.5 stiff
Callaway Razr X Black 4wd. stiff
Wilson CI9 4-gw. TT reg.
Cleveland RTG Wedges TT reg. 52,56.
MG ball
Cleveland Classic #4

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


Happy birthday my friend. As i rapidly approach the big 70 in a couple months,the only meaning I have ever found is simply to see how long we

can go ! After a few glasses of Bacardi 151,i lay on my recliner,on the deck in the summer time,and look at the billions of stars..and they say

hundreds of billions we cant see,and i can truly understand why a lot of people smarter than me think that we are not alone....well....

I think they would be far more advanced than we are.....which explains the pyramids....Aztec and Mayan temples... designs only

visible from the air,but have been there for thousands of years...all these things...leads me to a simple conclusion:

We are nothing more than some greater beings ant farm. Thats it...We are an experiment....in progress...LOL Now the question

becomes " What if they think the experiment is a failure? " Time for another glass ....happy bithday !

Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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Okay got the yoga pants. Now what top was she wearing??


Pink athletic style zip up. White visor, sunglasses white Adidas shoes with pink stripes.


Me? Cargo shorts and a tshirt. DUH!


:yahoo: I soooo wanted to misread pink *stripes* :rofl:


My new glasses wouldn't let me.


...And you still had the strength to slowly walk away, and drive off into the sunset. :good: :superman:

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Judge great post! I've been working on my swing quite a bit lately, as usual working on the lower half. I've also been doing a lot of drills. I agree with your point that getting the set up and grip correct are extremely important, and for the most part, dictate how/why we swing our swings. The more I dig deeper into "parts matching" the more my own swing makes sense. Also, for me, with the driver, to develop a nice positive and powerful angle of attack I make an imaginary wall that is in line with the golf ball. When I take my backswing I get my shoulders to turn parallel and behind that imaginary wall, then unwind on the downswing from there, staying behind the "wall". I made that up as a way to stop swaying during my transition from the top as I have a tendency to get lazy.


Ninja, Judge explained in the later post, but I think of turning my trail hip behind me. You should feel the weight in your inner thigh (trail leg), weight goes to the trail heel. If you have tendency to sway (I did somewhat) it will "feel" like your reverse pivoting almost LOL. But if you have a mirror you can see your actually turning your hips, the pressure on your trail heel indicates you've shifted pressure properly.



MC, nice swing Brah!! Super slo mo too, I've always wanted to shoot my swing in slo mo, I'll have to ask one of my friends with a fancy phone to shoot a swing when I get back out there. Also, you have to keep the club at the top in the finish, then point it perpendicular to the ground, hands drop to your hip, then fire the fingers/wrists hard in a clockwise motion whist simultaneously easing grip pressure as to ensure max revolutions of club as it ascends gently toward the ground then catching it just before the clubhead :taunt: other than that it looks good :)


Very timely for me Ham. Last month or so I have been trying to incorporate the exact same thing. I read some posts on A&I started by a post from Monte about placing pressure or weight on the back heel. I also like to put the weight a little on the inside of trail foot as well. It does indeed almost feel like you're reverse pivoting, but I have done mirror drills where I can see that I'm really just making a nice deep turn. And I find it really encourages a ground-up swing, hard to turn over the top when done with a little tempo.

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


Haha, BTDT!


I'll be 72 in August, I REFUSE to consider myself OLD. LMAO


The one who refers to me as his patient, doesn't want to see me on a yearly basis. He says 2 years is enough...Unless I notice something wrong! :rofl:


Everything still works just fine, simply not with the same intensity. :cheesy: As in, the reservoir seems to be shrinking some. I need a middleofthenight "pit stop".


I sleep 6-8 hrs, and don't ever need an afternoon nap. Now, if only I could use that "nap" period to get back in better physical shape again.


But hey!


I understand what you're going through, (Or should I say "putting yourself through") when I retired at 60, I wrongly believed it was the beginning of the end...It doesn't have to be that way. If, and when, I have a *downtime* moment, I read up on Richard. It never fails to boost the whole system back in operation again.


Happy Birthday, skullshot!


There's so much more, yet to do, on that list. :birthday:


You're only as old as you act, making the average age in this thread about 15.

TEE CB2 13* 3w, 43.5", 57g Fujikura Motore F1 X-flex
TEE CB2 15* 3w, 43" 65g Fujikura Motore F1 S-flex
Miura Black Boron 1957 Small Blades 2i-PW, Nippon NS Pro 850 GH S-flex
Miura Black Wedges 53* and 60*, Nippon NS Pro 850 GH S-flex
GripMaster Club Maker's Stitchback Grips
34" Piretti Bosa, GripMaster Pistol Grip

Registered Bladeocrat
Outlaw Golf Association Member #7

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


Haha, BTDT!


I'll be 72 in August, I REFUSE to consider myself OLD. LMAO


The one who refers to me as his patient, doesn't want to see me on a yearly basis. He says 2 years is enough...Unless I notice something wrong! :rofl:


Everything still works just fine, simply not with the same intensity. :cheesy: As in, the reservoir seems to be shrinking some. I need a middleofthenight "pit stop".


I sleep 6-8 hrs, and don't ever need an afternoon nap. Now, if only I could use that "nap" period to get back in better physical shape again.


But hey!


I understand what you're going through, (Or should I say "putting yourself through") when I retired at 60, I wrongly believed it was the beginning of the end...It doesn't have to be that way. If, and when, I have a *downtime* moment, I read up on Richard. It never fails to boost the whole system back in operation again.


Happy Birthday, skullshot!


There's so much more, yet to do, on that list. :birthday:


You're only as old as you act, making the average age in this thread about 15.


Spit my coke on the screen, part of it on the keyboard! ROTFLMAO!



My Precious just came downstairs to see what TV show I am watching that made me burst out laughing. She didn't understand why I was cleaning the comp. Good thing the keyboard is water resistant, spillproof.

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Okay got the yoga pants. Now what top was she wearing??


Pink athletic style zip up. White visor, sunglasses white Adidas shoes with pink stripes.


Me? Cargo shorts and a tshirt. DUH!

Yeah but the tshirt was two sizes to small right bro. Yeah that's right Q.


It didn't used to be! My shorts though....well...nevermind, Brorection!!


Is Bro Rection Hugh G. Rections bro?

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


Haha, BTDT!


I'll be 72 in August, I REFUSE to consider myself OLD. LMAO


The one who refers to me as his patient, doesn't want to see me on a yearly basis. He says 2 years is enough...Unless I notice something wrong! :rofl:


Everything still works just fine, simply not with the same intensity. :cheesy: As in, the reservoir seems to be shrinking some. I need a middleofthenight "pit stop".


I sleep 6-8 hrs, and don't ever need an afternoon nap. Now, if only I could use that "nap" period to get back in better physical shape again.


But hey!


I understand what you're going through, (Or should I say "putting yourself through") when I retired at 60, I wrongly believed it was the beginning of the end...It doesn't have to be that way. If, and when, I have a *downtime* moment, I read up on Richard. It never fails to boost the whole system back in operation again.


Happy Birthday, skullshot!


There's so much more, yet to do, on that list. :birthday:


You're only as old as you act, making the average age in this thread about 15.


Spit my coke on the screen, part of it on the keyboard! ROTFLMAO!


Haha, I'm TOOL and 15 years old! I own it!!

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


That's pretty much all I got too. Look skull, from what I know about you, you've published a book that I have heard is quite good (OK, I haven't read it, but it is now on my list), and you are around a 4 hc, and you are one of the more unique WRX members. So heal, get well, and get your hc down to scratch, and keep donating your dark humorous insight to WRX.

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


That's pretty much all I got too. Look skull, from what I know about you, you've published a book that I have heard is quite good (OK, I haven't read it, but it is now on my list), and you are around a 4 hc, and you are one of the more unique WRX members. So heal, get well, and get your hc down to scratch, and keep donating your dark humorous insight to WRX.


Congratulations Skull. Happy you are still above ground.

Cobra King F9 10.5*
Cobra F9 14.5*
Cobra 18.5*
Adams Super S Hybrids 22*, 25*
NCW 24*, 28*, 33*, 38*, 43*, 48*, 53*
Mac Custom Grind 58* (NevadaGolfGuy Special)
Bradley, Geom, Machine, Mannkrafted, Ping, Rife, SGC, Scotty, Tad Moore, Xenon

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Pige - I'd seriously consider donating a man-grape to own that club-repair rig. Well done!. You're now in total control of your own destiny from the swing to the equipment. Dialed-in on all fronts at all times. OUTSTANDING!


As to the post-impact question. You guys are all pretty "fart smellers" so I doubt my two cents are going to change anyone's religion.


All I have to share is that in my own book - it matters. It doesn't have to matter to the extent a golfer makes some sort of "perfect" movements after impact/ So long as he is consistent with whatever the heck he does and can play it - then its all good as far as that goes.


But here are some of the things I personally believe the post impact motion signals.


IF - the timing of the start of takeaway to the top.... comes very close to the timing of the start of downswing to the dead-stop finish... then that golfer has BEAUTIFUL tempo.


IF - the arms, hands, shaft, and upper body all STOP together at the finish pose - then that golfer is NOT stalling along the way with ANY body parts - he is NOT hitting "at" the ball - but instead is accelerating smoothly all the way to the finish. He is getting his trail side (shoulder, hip, the whole smash) all the way over to his lead side.


IF - from down-the-line the club and arms disappear (hidden by his body blocking the camera view) then his trail side forearm is MOVING well and his hands are flipping less.


IF - from face one both arms extend fully for the first time AFTER impact - AND his hands travel up the follow-through plane right in front of his sternum... then he is TURNING THE MASS more so than flipping the hands.


IF - from down-the-line the head remains leaned more toward the ball wile the lead hip remains behind the lead heel for a long time after impact - that golfer is avoiding EE and typically has very good knee and hip turn action going on.


IF - from down-the-line the shaft re-appears from being momentarily blocked from view by the body... AND... its traveling on the same plane it was on in the downswing... And especially if the trail side wrist is flattened out and the lead wrist is bent backward (cupped) at that point... THAT guy has a 99% chance of delivering solid, whacks that fly straight - with all clubs but especially driver!


These are all examples of things that signal (to me at least) GOOD things are happening and they are revealed as much or more AFTER impact as anything going on before it.


Now do ALL of these little marks have to be hit perfectly? Do we absolutely HAVE to or are we doomed to terrible golf? - Are there a great many golfers who could probably care less about all this "analysis" voodoo and would just assume go play a fun round of golf regardless of this crap?


We all know the answers to those questions. We're pretty fart smellers at the end of the day. Just chiming in on the question "Does what happens after the strike really matter"? Well the freak'n ball is gone - so NO it doesn't. All I'm trotting out is that it sure as heck reveals a LOT about plane, tempo, timing, etc. Swing your swing - do your thing - and have fun in my book. No one has a "perfect" swing and most all of us owns way more "good" things than (IMO) we realize ourselves. Otherwise we would long ago have taken up needle point over golf.


Turning the mass and needle point all in the same post. Bravo Reason! :)


Put that one in there just to see if you'd catch it! LMAO.


Does moving suck a little less these days? New "digs" working out well? Any chance of a confessions party in your new back yard allowing the place to get trashed .... I mean inaugurated?


Thanks for asking. We are in week four of commuting from the newer place. Old farm house is being listed tomorrow. We have done a ton of work to get it ready. Fingers crossed that someone loves it as much as we have.


I am 5 min. from four courses. Not world class but would make for a pretty good golf party.


My golf game is in decline and in need of more reps.


Or maybe I just need to play my old, more forgiving Ping Eye II's. I was a six back when I gamed those. I will PM DeNinga and see if he thinks there is a correlation :)


PING. Play your Best!!


If I ever make it back up there we can have the battle of the "has been"

vs the "never was".


Smart money will be on the has been since he has been and the never

was never was

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Pink athletic style zip up. White visor, sunglasses white Adidas shoes with pink stripes.


Me? Cargo shorts and a tshirt. DUH!

Yeah but the tshirt was two sizes to small right bro. Yeah that's right Q.


It didn't used to be! My shorts though....well...nevermind, Brorection!!


Is Bro Rection Hugh G. Rections bro?


You didn't know I had a brother? I gotta cousin, too. Peter Dragon.


No, But I did hear about Calvin Coldwater and Mel Smallwood.

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Yeah but the tshirt was two sizes to small right bro. Yeah that's right Q.


It didn't used to be! My shorts though....well...nevermind, Brorection!!


Is Bro Rection Hugh G. Rections bro?


You didn't know I had a brother? I gotta cousin, too. Peter Dragon.


No, But I did hear about Calvin Coldwater and Mel Smallwood.


LMAO! WHAT? Are you like 15?

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So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life. I turned 60 yesterday and I've been trying to put that milestone into some sort of context within the broader scope of things. All I've come up with so far is Great job, dude, you're still alive.


That's a net positive, right?


That's pretty much all I got too. Look skull, from what I know about you, you've published a book that I have heard is quite good (OK, I haven't read it, but it is now on my list), and you are around a 4 hc, and you are one of the more unique WRX members. So heal, get well, and get your hc down to scratch, and keep donating your dark humorous insight to WRX.


I have the promotional eBook, I have read it, (thank you Gary) and I have suggested it, on here and other threads. Problem I had is, sometimes I had to put it down. When I picked it up again, I'd have to go back a chapter or two to find out who is where, doing what? :diablo:


It literally took me to places I could not see coming. :shok:

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Listening, now watching Hockey. The Pens are murdering the Caps. 3-0, mid 2 sd.

DRIVER: Ping G20, 9.5° w/169D-Tour, reg (Back up: Srixon Z-rw, 9.5°, stf)
3+W: Srixon Z-Steel, 12.5°, stock SV3005J, stf. (In rotation: 3W, 14.5°)
5W: Srixon Z-Steel, 18.5° stock SV3005J, stf
IRONS: Ping i20, 3-PW, stock CFS reg @ D2
PUTTER: Ping Craz-E iWi, w/2x20gr weights, Lamkin Jumbo pistol grip
WEDGES: Ping Glide, 54° SS, 60° TS, stock Ping wedge shafts
BALL: Srixon XV 
BAG: SM H2N0, PING C-130
BACK UP: Ping S58, 3-Pw, stock CS-Lite, stf, @ D2. (Lofts jacked to S55 specs.)

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Ninja, you know I'm on board. The only thing I've ever 100% disagreed with you about is bounce. I was actually just looking at the difference between high and low bounce and trying to figure out a way to represent it as a percentage of total mass of the club head. I think that's the rub. Lower center of gravity. Blunt leading edge and lower center of gravity I should say.


Most of my relative experience with equipment design comes from whitewater kayaks. I think I've mentioned it before, but everyone always wants a more "user-friendly" design just like golf clubs. Not going to happen. You can only take material away or add it. The materials themselves are practically identical. There have certainly been a couple of very innovative design changes, true game changers, during my tenure paddling, but they are few and far between. Everything you change does in fact change performance, but none of it makes anything "easier." The exact same debate happens constantly as with golf clubs. Is it better to master a more "difficult to hit" design or just accept the "benefits" of a different design.


So Matt J, I'm glad you are mostly on board, and I never want to become a 'just trust me' person. It is far better and satisfying for me to finally convince a doubter that what I'm saying is 100% correct. And through being challenged and openly and respectfully discussing it is the way I like to get there. And (LOL) please 'trust me' in that I'm 100% open to being wrong. I just don't ever accept it without some counter proof or basis. This is how technical arguments in my profession are resolved.


And also thank you for sharing your thought process on the issue of bounce. That helps me a lot.


So in regards to your thought about a lower CG and more mass to create the higher sole curvature, and there is a more blunt leading edge, I see where you are coming from. But again those same points still support what I'm saying about the increased drag and energy required to move through ANY substrate. Let's cover them one at a time.


Lower CG. This one is easy. A lower CG puts the weight of the clubhead FARTHER away from the golfer. The total swing MOI is higher, by definition. And since the golfer has a fixed energy (again setting all other things equal) to swing, the higher MOI clubhead is theoretically SLOWER. And if you argue that the more mass helps to push dirt out of the way due to simple momentum, I can't disagree but as much as the lower mass helped in this regard, the issue of a slower velocity negates the benefit. And besides, just physically compare a low and high bounce club. That little extra mass is VERY minimal considering how much volume above the bounce comprises the rest of the clubhead. So I'm sorry, the lower CG does not play into the benefit of high bounce.


More rounded sole and blunt leading edge. This has already been explained before. To repeat: they will INCREASE the drag though ANY media and they will move turf out of the way, slowing down more than the lower bounce club in the process, BEFORE any rerouting of the clubhead path happens. Also remember that rerouting the clubhead REQUIRES that the shaft either bend and/or the swing fulcrum (which means hands, arms, and entire club) changes position in milliseconds of time. All caused by soft dirt! Sorry, ain't happening over the distance we are talking about. Plus again, literally look at the physical differences on the two clubs closely. It really isn't that much difference. And lastly per my 100% accurate CONCEPTUAL drawing, these features make it HARDER to make clean ball contact FIRST. And again this is regardless of the substrate that the ball sits on.


So I'm sorry but again there is nothing in the points you made that support that a high bounce club will dig less over the distance and time of concern. Your argument is saying that a higher drag and more imprecise design feature is helpful. The laws of physics don't support this.


As to your last paragraph, I agree that it is very rare for any club innovation to change the game. To me, when it happens, the game changes for EVERYBODY because it is a true breakthrough. Steel shafts, metal woods, polybutadiene ball. These were breakthrough innovations that EVERYBODY adopted because they truly changed the game. All the other "stuff" is just 'faux' innovation or very limited in practical application.


And as to your last point, you are getting into psychology and the psyche of the individual golfer. That's not my area and no longer science. All I can do is assess the complete science behind a 'feature' and then I just let the science define whether or not the feature helps or hurts based on that alone.


So in the case of high bounce, the science answer is that it HURTS. There is nothing in the science for sure that supports it being truly beneficial...but the manufacturers found a way to market it as such due to a VERY LIMITED presentation of the "science". Again only possible with the ignorant golfer.

TEE CB2 13* 3w, 43.5", 57g Fujikura Motore F1 X-flex
TEE CB2 15* 3w, 43" 65g Fujikura Motore F1 S-flex
Miura Black Boron 1957 Small Blades 2i-PW, Nippon NS Pro 850 GH S-flex
Miura Black Wedges 53* and 60*, Nippon NS Pro 850 GH S-flex
GripMaster Club Maker's Stitchback Grips
34" Piretti Bosa, GripMaster Pistol Grip

Registered Bladeocrat
Outlaw Golf Association Member #7

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