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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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You gents have done very well with this! LMAO. Good fun!



So nothing to report here - yet. Tomorrow will be the calm before I suppose. Looks like deeper into Friday and the weekend is when all hell break loose locally.


Schools already closed. They're preparing them for shelters and giving students/staff time to prepare. You can't buy propane for gas grills, batteries, bread, milk, water. Gas stations are jammed as folks from the coast head this way. Gas prices are climbing accordingly. But for the moment, weather-wise... nothing yet.


This morning it was tracking one way, by noon another, and now it's on another. Here's the issue with looking at the where the center of it is heading... This thing is hundreds of miles in diameter. It isn't going to matter where the exact eye of it heads. Millions of people are in for a ride.

Just hoping the elder, pets, kids, folks in retirement homes, hospitals.... these are the souls that need your thoughts and prayers.


Will keep you guys abreast as best I can until the power and/or net go down. With a little luck - we may get a light dose here.

Yep it is jigging around--- One of the reasons I did not bug out--- I had a place to stay in Charlotte but figured it would be a repeat of Hugo in 89. Did not want to get stuck in Charlotte for 2 weeks either because sometimes they will not let you back in. Stocked up on supplies here and hunkered down. Had actually entertained the thought of camping out at CMS since they opened it up but same thing wondered when I could get back in. 2 different neighbors evacuated to the Savannah Ga area. Now they are facing the same thing they ran from. I told them that they needed to head Southwest past Atlanta towards Montgomery. Of course no one listens to me--- One neighbor and myself on this street have stuck it out and he is originally from Lexington NC and also remembers Hugo well. 2 years ago we were the only ones on this street that stuck out Matthew. Heard one horror story over the phone from some people I know. They left this Am around 10:00 or so going to Florida. 5 hours later they had not gotten out of SC but I absolutely can not figure out why. The Police made the Scotchman store up the street close a few hours back. The Kroger my wife works at which is a 24 hr store closed last night at 9:00. Now the Publix up the street will close tomorrow at 11:00 or so. With all the panicked no common sense idiots running around I figured our chances were better riding it out at home in familiar territory so to speak. I also want to defend my property against looters. Trust me we are heavily armed. In hurricane Matthew homes flooded out along the river in Conway and these sorry arses were actually riding up in boats and looting. Law enforcement had to borrow boats from citizens to patrol that area then. One of my Church buds is the patrol corporal on the County Police on this end he has came by and checked on us. Told the rookie riding with him that I had the situation under control and if looting occured after the storm that I would handle it and call them AFTER the fact. . Yep got plenty of canned food plenty of drinking water (some 400 bottles) and we have water in containers to flush toilets etc in case the water runs out. Also have my generator ready to go plenty of gas filled up with 10 gallons to spare. of course the mini van and the mini Bulldog are full of gas and I know how to use a "Mississippi Credit Card" too. Got the mattress on the floor away from windows etc. Got extra firewood in the house dry for cooking and lighting. Of course have 6 flashlights. Hey a redneck can survive. Serviced the generator a few weeks ago in prep for this season along with my other things I pre prepare on. We will be ok if not well it was destiny anyhow and I am at home


"Hope for the best, plan for the worst."


Looks like you've got things in hand BigStu. Hope you and all of the other east coast Grillers stay safe.

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Last night was not the situation I was looking for.


Carried the new under TV units from the shed with son, very heavy. Placed them next to the gap that it was supposed to fit and guess what.




This is the first time in all the jobs I have done in the houses we have owned, where something did not fit where it was supposed to.


The wall sloped in one spot and it was 2mm too narrow. I could have forced it in but you never know what other damage will happen.


In the shed today, removed side shortened top and bottom re fitted shelves, shaved some off doors, re fitted and hopefully it will be in place tomorrow morning.


FIIIIIINGERS, LEGS, TOES and all I could think of crossed.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Last night was not the situation I was looking for.


Carried the new under TV units from the shed with son, very heavy. Placed them next to the gap that it was supposed to fit and guess what.




This is the first time in all the jobs I have done in the houses we have owned, where something did not fit where it was supposed to.


The wall sloped in one spot and it was 2mm too narrow. I could have forced it in but you never know what other damage will happen.


In the shed today, removed side shortened top and bottom re fitted shelves, shaved some off doors, re fitted and hopefully it will be in place tomorrow morning.


FIIIIIINGERS, LEGS, TOES and all I could think of crossed.

Sounds like some of my carpenter projects. For some reason I have never been a carpenter--- Now metal fab I can do but will tell you the truth-- medal fab you can cover a bad cut or off measurement if you can weld--- I used to be a pretty decent welder--- Someone asked me how I got to be a good welder? I told them because I was a bad fabricator. Seriously if I am left alone and not rushed I do good work.


I worked for a concrete company here as a general mechanic-- I ended up doing all the welding and fab. We got a new shop manager that had no idea at all on stuff. He used to try to rush me hurry hurry hurry. I will not sacrifice the quality of my work. Finally got fed up. went to the head of maintenance at corporate and told him he needed to hire a welder fabricator for the Myrtle Beach area that I was going back to turning wrenches or going up the road. Some other stuff happened in that time frame and I ended up leaving anyhow. Basically I am anal in how I do stuff. I run my buddy Bear nuts in my shop especially setting up the lofts and lies on clubs. Hats off--- Bear is one hell of a carpenter / finish carpenter in his own right and one hell of a painter too everything from the side of a house to the trim out detail---- When I do something I am anal about it even checking my units out that I run on the road that day

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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This hurricane is getting more massive all the time, I hope you guys in the Carolinas and everyone on the east coast are safe and make it through Ok. I can't imagine what that would be like to be pummeled with the winds and the rain the way they are predicting. We are all hoping for the best for you, your families and all that are around you there.


I agree. I have no experience with hurricanes beyond watching Irma in real time a year ago as it hit the harbour of St. Maartens in the Lesser Antillies. The winds were beyond description as the island was literally reduced to rubble. It was so sad to see a glimpse of that after having stopped there in the previous spring while on cruise.


We're pretty fortunate where we are in that we are often times spared the worst of weather. We will get a huge blizzard every few years and maybe a tornado or two on the same interval, but the last hurricane to affect the Great Lakes in a severely damaging way was Hurricane Hazel in 1954.

Wow I did not realize Hazel got all the way up there!! I grew up hearing stories of Hazel since my old man was from Raleigh NC and it went straight through there. Some of the old timers still talk about Hazel.. Hazel down here is sorta the benchmark for buildings standing. One of our friends has a beach house out on the Garden City point that survived Hazel and still stands today. Typical saying around here "oh that building will be ok it stood through Hazel" of course more and more of those buildings and houses have been torn down to make room for "new" buildings. I guess the benchmarks for my generation here are Floyd and Hugo. My home stood through Hugo and every hurricane SO FAR. Notice I put so far in caps you never know.

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Last night was not the situation I was looking for.


Carried the new under TV units from the shed with son, very heavy. Placed them next to the gap that it was supposed to fit and guess what.




This is the first time in all the jobs I have done in the houses we have owned, where something did not fit where it was supposed to.


The wall sloped in one spot and it was 2mm too narrow. I could have forced it in but you never know what other damage will happen.


In the shed today, removed side shortened top and bottom re fitted shelves, shaved some off doors, re fitted and hopefully it will be in place tomorrow morning.


FIIIIIINGERS, LEGS, TOES and all I could think of crossed.

Sounds like some of my carpenter projects. For some reason I have never been a carpenter--- Now metal fab I can do but will tell you the truth-- medal fab you can cover a bad cut or off measurement if you can weld--- I used to be a pretty decent welder--- Someone asked me how I got to be a good welder? I told them because I was a bad fabricator. Seriously if I am left alone and not rushed I do good work.


I worked for a concrete company here as a general mechanic-- I ended up doing all the welding and fab. We got a new shop manager that had no idea at all on stuff. He used to try to rush me hurry hurry hurry. I will not sacrifice the quality of my work. Finally got fed up. went to the head of maintenance at corporate and told him he needed to hire a welder fabricator for the Myrtle Beach area that I was going back to turning wrenches or going up the road. Some other stuff happened in that time frame and I ended up leaving anyhow. Basically I am anal in how I do stuff. I run my buddy Bear nuts in my shop especially setting up the lofts and lies on clubs. Hats off--- Bear is one hell of a carpenter / finish carpenter in his own right and one hell of a painter too everything from the side of a house to the trim out detail---- When I do something I am anal about it even checking my units out that I run on the road that day


I am also anal when it comes to jobs around the house or my paid work, to me getting it correct is the only way.. with the jobs we are doing now, I am giving my son his head as he has never been interested before, I try to let go and when I do this is what happens, I asked all the questions but he was not as fussy as me, although he is getting there. He has recently built himself a complete new wardrobe and made an excellent job of it.


We have done major renovations in every house we owned.


I agree, one go with wood, welding saves many a mistake.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Can't lay claim to being any kind of craftsman. I remember doing a couple of rough carpentry jobs on our first house and being very disappointed with the results despite my buddy supposedly knowing what he was doing. No one ever took me aside to attempt to teach me how to do those sorts of jobs, so I quickly discovered that I would be much happier paying someone else to do it that knew what they were doing. It's really a bit surprising because my father was a carpenter in his younger days, but anything I ever remember him building around the farm was pretty rough using reused materials often times. They always stood though...


Conversely, my BIL is like a master jack-of-all-trades as he will DIY just about anything and always ends up with what looks like a first rate job to me. It can take him a while to do it, but it always gets done eventually. They've been in their current house for 40 years and they still haven't completely finished renovating it as the master bedroom is still stripped back to the bare lath and plaster. I keep thinking that when he gets that room finally finished they will have to sell the place as the work will finally be done!

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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The old adage of "Measure twice, cut once" still holds true. Especially when tackling DIY projects. Except, these days, seemingly it's measure six times. Get ready to cut. Stop and measure again. Because I've forgotten what the measurement was or not sure if I measured correctly to begin with.


Somehow muddle through with most projects. Not fast. But when it's done, it's done perfectly. (Yeah, Im very anal as well.) I will forever know if something is not done correctly. And will have to redo it eventually. May as well get it right to begin with.


Edit add: I've never welded anything ever. Don't know the first thing about it. Is it kinda like soldering? I've soldered stuff before. Plumbing mostly. Didn't leak when I was done. Soldered up a "build by number" Heathkit amp way BITD. Worked just fine. Until it didn't. Blew up in a cloud of smoke and hum of electrical circuitry misfiring. Think I had the volume turned up to high.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Speaking of selling; we have decided that we will put our property up for sale. The real estate photographer is coming on Monday afternoon to do the photo spread of our house for the listing. All the golf clubs got put away yesterday in the closet as I start with the next phase of clean-up. I'm thinking that's pretty much it for me this season. I'm not comfortable playing and I'm not really enjoying myself, so what's the point?


There's so much to do to get ready for a move; that needs to be my focus going forward along with regaining my health. Who knows what will come first, but if we're intent on downsizing and moving I need to get on with that while I'm still somewhat capable. I've got a list of contractors to do various things and these need to be arranged in the coming months.


Not sure where we're going to end up. My wife has been looking at houses for the better part of five years now, so she has a pretty good idea of what she is looking for. Every few months something comes along that would be suitable. In fact one sold just this week that belonged to a friend of a friend. We may even end up in an adult lifestyle community as we have been looking at options there as well as individual freehold homes.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Speaking of selling; we have decided that we will put our property up for sale. The real estate photographer is coming on Monday afternoon to do the photo spread of our house for the listing. All the golf clubs got put away yesterday in the closet as I start with the next phase of clean-up. I'm thinking that's pretty much it for me this season. I'm not comfortable playing and I'm not really enjoying myself, so what's the point?


There's so much to do to get ready for a move; that needs to be my focus going forward along with regaining my health. Who knows what will come first, but if we're intent on downsizing and moving I need to get on with that while I'm still somewhat capable. I've got a list of contractors to do various things and these need to be arranged in the coming months.


Not sure where we're going to end up. My wife has been looking at houses for the better part of five years now, so she has a pretty good idea of what she is looking for. Every few months something comes along that would be suitable. In fact one sold just this week that belonged to a friend of a friend. We may even end up in an adult lifestyle community as we have been looking at options there as well as individual freehold homes.


Whatever you do, do not downsize it is a mistake our last home was a down size from the previous one and we hated it. This one is the largest house we have ever owned, and we have never regretted for one second going into a much larger house.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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The old adage of "Measure twice, cut once" still holds true. Especially when tackling DIY projects. Except, these days, seemingly it's measure six times. Get ready to cut. Stop and measure again. Because I've forgotten what the measurement was or not sure if I measured correctly to begin with.


Somehow muddle through with most projects. Not fast. But when it's done, it's done perfectly. (Yeah, Im very anal as well.) I will forever know if something is not done correctly. And will have to redo it eventually. May as well get it right to begin with.


Edit add: I've never welded anything ever. Don't know the first thing about it. Is it kinda like soldering? I've soldered stuff before. Plumbing mostly. Didn't leak when I was done. Soldered up a "build by number" Heathkit amp way BITD. Worked just fine. Until it didn't. Blew up in a cloud of smoke and hum of electrical circuitry misfiring. Think I had the volume turned up to high.


Funnily enough I have always told apprentices that I have trained measure twice, cut once. I tiled the kitchen splash backs in one house and was not happy with the tile line. At the time a relative was a professional tiler and when I showed him the work I had done and complained about it, he said none of his tradesmen could do better and do I want a job tiling. I still to this day consider that a poorly finished job.


Welding is as far from soldering as you can get. It’s an art, requires a steady hand, strong nerves and a good knowledge of the different steels and how they react to melting. Stu will tell you just do it, but I bet he is well versed in all the technical intricacies required to weld well. Anyone can pick up a welder and get the two parts to stick together, the secret is getting them to stay together.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Yeah, I kinda knew that welding was not at all like soldering. At this stage of life, have no reason to ever learn how to weld. A bud was a master welder in an Ford auto factory. He's now retired. Creates welded art work from pieces of scrap metal and whatever he has around. His "shop" (old barn) is a wild looking place! Sells them for $$$ at craft shows during the summer. Indeed, welding is art.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

OGA - Mitglied Nummer Sechs

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Can't lay claim to being any kind of craftsman. I remember doing a couple of rough carpentry jobs on our first house and being very disappointed with the results despite my buddy supposedly knowing what he was doing. No one ever took me aside to attempt to teach me how to do those sorts of jobs, so I quickly discovered that I would be much happier paying someone else to do it that knew what they were doing. It's really a bit surprising because my father was a carpenter in his younger days, but anything I ever remember him building around the farm was pretty rough using reused materials often times. They always stood though...


Conversely, my BIL is like a master jack-of-all-trades as he will DIY just about anything and always ends up with what looks like a first rate job to me. It can take him a while to do it, but it always gets done eventually. They've been in their current house for 40 years and they still haven't completely finished renovating it as the master bedroom is still stripped back to the bare lath and plaster. I keep thinking that when he gets that room finally finished they will have to sell the place as the work will finally be done!


Somewhat of a Jack of all trades. Taught myself . Would tackle all kinds of jobs, house and car. As I grow older, I find myself with very little interest in projects. I've found that I don't know as much as I thought.


I'd rather expend energy playing golf, than working on a car or household project.

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The old adage of "Measure twice, cut once" still holds true. Especially when tackling DIY projects. Except, these days, seemingly it's measure six times. Get ready to cut. Stop and measure again. Because I've forgotten what the measurement was or not sure if I measured correctly to begin with.


Somehow muddle through with most projects. Not fast. But when it's done, it's done perfectly. (Yeah, Im very anal as well.) I will forever know if something is not done correctly. And will have to redo it eventually. May as well get it right to begin with.


Edit add: I've never welded anything ever. Don't know the first thing about it. Is it kinda like soldering? I've soldered stuff before. Plumbing mostly. Didn't leak when I was done. Soldered up a "build by number" Heathkit amp way BITD. Worked just fine. Until it didn't. Blew up in a cloud of smoke and hum of electrical circuitry misfiring. Think I had the volume turned up to high.

First 3 words of Sweet Home Alabama------- TURN IT UP!!!!---- When the rain and wind started this Am I had it ready (told you I am prepared) cranked REO Speedwagon WFO "Riding The Storm Out" sorta a tradition with us. My neighbor called me on the phone and he is an old rocker too and said "good appropriate song" this is the first hurricane he has stuck for and I had it cranked no one around on this street to bother.

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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The old adage of "Measure twice, cut once" still holds true. Especially when tackling DIY projects. Except, these days, seemingly it's measure six times. Get ready to cut. Stop and measure again. Because I've forgotten what the measurement was or not sure if I measured correctly to begin with.


Somehow muddle through with most projects. Not fast. But when it's done, it's done perfectly. (Yeah, Im very anal as well.) I will forever know if something is not done correctly. And will have to redo it eventually. May as well get it right to begin with.


Edit add: I've never welded anything ever. Don't know the first thing about it. Is it kinda like soldering? I've soldered stuff before. Plumbing mostly. Didn't leak when I was done. Soldered up a "build by number" Heathkit amp way BITD. Worked just fine. Until it didn't. Blew up in a cloud of smoke and hum of electrical circuitry misfiring. Think I had the volume turned up to high.


It has been known to happen... I blew one up myself that way.


I wouldn't wonder if my boys nuked another one when we were travelling a number of years ago. The home stereo doesn't work properly anymore and the receiver will cut out after 10 minutes or so on moderate volume. DW can't even get through her Christmas music anymore. I should take it apart and have a look see, perhaps after the move and we decide whether we need it or not anymore as now we just typically listen to satellite radio through the home theater system.

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Reasy better find higher ground--- I have been flipping through stations nothing else to do and have been looking at several NC stations and it looks like floods are heading your way.

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

Irons 4 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Reasy better find higher ground--- I have been flipping through stations nothing else to do and have been looking at several NC stations and it looks like floods are heading your way.


The fun is getting started here. Trees are bendy in the windy. First good slap of hard rain as the first bands hit. Let the games begin! You OK so far?


Here's one from your earlier comments.


RIP Ed King.


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Reasy better find higher ground--- I have been flipping through stations nothing else to do and have been looking at several NC stations and it looks like floods are heading your way.


The fun is getting started here. Trees are bendy in the windy. First good slap of hard rain as the first bands hit. Let the games begin! You OK so far?


Here's one from your earlier comments.


RIP Ed King.





Ah, I loved that song in 1974 and I still love it today.

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Saturday PM units fitted, only doors to fit on the smaller one, went in perfectly, 2mm clearance. DW has oiled them so the look very good now. Will post a picture when it’s all done, hopefully it should be Sunday.


What is happening on the east coast Grillers, looks as if it is going to be a big wet, expecting tidal surge of gigantic proportions. One news item that got me mad was the looters back in as soon as the residents move out, the shoot to kill is really too good for them, they are the lowest scum imaginable. Hope any Grillers that have moved out dont get done by them. This is one time when the OGA rule book should be used,


Looters rule, when caught anything goes.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Saturday PM units fitted, only doors to fit on the smaller one, went in perfectly, 2mm clearance. DW has oiled them so the look very good now. Will post a picture when it’s all done, hopefully it should be Sunday

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Missed work with some kind of stomach bug the last 2 days, I'll see what today brings. I've seen a lot of the hurricane coverage, and have a lot of empathy toward all of you dear folks in that region. I hope recovery goes well and speedy. They keep saying 'patience', I'm sure with those who haven't returned yet and will come back to damaged property, limited fuel, unstocked grocery shelves, patience will be difficult. Southerners have a way of pulling through together though...

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Too tired to golf yesterday, after cutting my grass. Stayed home with my best buddy, Penny.


I had to do an insurance "audit" for the club. A lot of baloney. The insurance company wants info from the policy period, 8/30/17 to 8/30/18. It's very time consuming to compile that info manually. So, I use quarterly summaries, 3-qtr-17 to 2-qtr-18 that I already have done. Still a goodly amount of work to produce wage, profit and loss statements, and others. Really doesn't make much difference, amounts are close. A couple years ago, I talked to an insurance lady. She railed on and on about getting the "correct" information. She didn't think it was difficult. I told her it was, for I do all the work by hand. I told her respectfully that if she couldn't use my reports, I'd welcome her to compile the information herself. No more problems for 2017, and hopefully for 2018.


Penny kept me company while I worked, the best office manager I ever worked with.


Hopefully, golf today. Hickories are on the agenda.


Play well!

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The pieces are moving. The board is set.


Last night we signed the listing agreement. And so begins the greatest odyssey of my life since I said I do. I've been up since 3:30 with my mind just racing...


There's so much to do I don't even know where to begin! It's a good job that I've put away my clubs because I won't have time for it nor do I want to subject myself to any more negative influences than I have to. The same applies to curling which will be limited to me making a weekly appearance at the club for supper on a Friday night following my wife's mixed league game. This will make getting ready for the wedding seem like a walk in the park by comparison!


Perhaps it's just as well that our timeline is going to potentially result in a winter move as this would work best for #2 son if we had to fly him back home to help out for a week. In the meantime I'm looking around at all the things I'd just as soon not move, but would rather unload before that day inevitably comes. The stumbling block will be to get agreement on what we sell beforehand. We've gone through a lot of stuff and tossed out a lot of stuff over the past few years and yet we still have so much stuff that needs to be dealt with. I admire those that can hold fast to the rule that nothing new comes into the house without something else first leaving. :good:

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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The pieces are moving. The board is set.


Last night we signed the listing agreement. And so begins the greatest odyssey of my life since I said I do. I've been up since 3:30 with my mind just racing...


There's so much to do I don't even know where to begin! It's a good job that I've put away my clubs because I won't have time for it nor do I want to subject myself to any more negative influences than I have to. The same applies to curling which will be limited to me making a weekly appearance at the club for supper on a Friday night following my wife's mixed league game. This will make getting ready for the wedding seem like a walk in the park by comparison!


Perhaps it's just as well that our timeline is going to potentially result in a winter move as this would work best for #2 son if we had to fly him back home to help out for a week. In the meantime I'm looking around at all the things I'd just as soon not move, but would rather unload before that day inevitably comes. The stumbling block will be to get agreement on what we sell beforehand. We've gone through a lot of stuff and tossed out a lot of stuff over the past few years and yet we still have so much stuff that needs to be dealt with. I admire those that can hold fast to the rule that nothing new comes into the house without something else first leaving. :good:


Well, the nothing new coming in certainly does not apply to us. The units we have completed and fitted replaced purchased furniture, so DW has been working out where they could be placed, as the house is FULLY furnished it’s difficult. We have finished up with one small set of shelves we cannot place so these have been donated to an artist friend of ours for paint storage.


All the best with working towards the move sco, we have moved twice in the past 10 years and it is a pain. Have you looked at any properties yet and how long does it take to purchase when you find one. In the UK it was a minimum of three months, but in Australia it only takes four weeks from contract sign to moving out

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Playing my first round of golf in over a year tomorrow. I'm getting pumped as it's been far too long

since I've played with the old gang. Playing the Senator course; which is good as the ladies Symetra

Tour will be taking the course over on Monday for one of their tournaments later in the week; which

means the course will be in great shape for us tomorrow.

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Playing my first round of golf in over a year tomorrow. I'm getting pumped as it's been far too long

since I've played with the old gang. Playing the Senator course; which is good as the ladies Symetra

Tour will be taking the course over on Monday for one of their tournaments later in the week; which

means the course will be in great shape for us tomorrow.

I see a course record. The flow will be flowing.

Callaway Razr X Black 9.5 stiff
Callaway Razr X Black 4wd. stiff
Wilson CI9 4-gw. TT reg.
Cleveland RTG Wedges TT reg. 52,56.
MG ball
Cleveland Classic #4

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