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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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Went to the local green grass pro shop yesterday afternoon as they had an open house on to show off their new indoor facility with simulators, three hitting bays and trackman. It's pretty nice what they've done with the renovations around this place. They've done a really nice job of upgrading the facility. I told the owner that it was a shame he had just gone to all this work and I was going to be moving away. I might just start to make my way back to this course as it will be about 40 minutes from our new home, so not so bad of a drive, on par with what i do now for the course i'm currently working at.


I was browsing through the new wares in the shop proper and just kinda shook my head at how similar everything look from one make to another and how expensive it has all gotten to be. A lady came into the shop while I was there to talk about getting fitted for a new set of irons, so I'm thinking well there goes about $1200+ right there!


From there I headed to the restaurant/bar and they were doing tastings of wine and craft beer. I tried a couple of the beers from a small brewery east of Toronto that I'd never heard of before. With all the really good local breweries I was left wondering why these folks chose this one in particular as they are carrying the product at the bar. It was pretty non-descript by my measure.


I had a nice conversation with the owner's wife. She's a lovely lady, very friendly and the sort of person that I would be happy to work for. Very down to earth. I like her husband to, but as a teaching pro and ex-tour player, he's always a bit full of sh*te as I see it. Everything that's new is always better and he's always got a story to tell that has me thinking that I would like to introduce Doug to @"BIG STU" and then he could hear some real golf stories!! I find it's always interesting to just sit there and listen to someone talk about the game with authority and hear them make errors in the story or the analysis. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I would caution that you never know who might be listening. It's pretty clear that @Reasonability is starting to rub off on me as I found myself making comments on the swing of the club champion as the video played back... At any rate, I figured that the stories and analysis were more for the regulars than for me; the recognizable stranger that shows up every once in a blue moon but rarely spends on a round or making a purchase of any sort.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.


The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.


I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.


But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.


Will try to catch up.


Hope you all are well.

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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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Hard day today, Saturday or Sunday we usually cut the wood for the weeks fires, chainsaw to reasonable size and then use the log splitter to cut to usable size. Last week towards the end of the log splitting the pull start on the chain saw stopped working, ordered a new one ten working days delivery, so this week we have been choosing logs that could have the first split with an axe.


As I said hard day. Next job making strong fences to put round our new plants in happy valley. The scrub turkeys love to dig, in particular where the plants have been put, soft soil and recently some of them we have had to replant several times, so, fences with strong wire. When they are growing, three months time we can take them down. We love the wildlife but it can be destructive.


Finished now and resting with a nice glass of red. Cheers Grillers. ?

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @scotee said:

> We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.


> The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.


> I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.


> But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.


> Will try to catch up.


> Hope you all are well.


Good grief scotee, talk about unlucky and lucky at the same time, seems you mom is one tough nut. They want to put them onto a no treatment plan, saves them time and money. It was really bad in the UK until recently when they stopped it by law, if you were in your moms position they would have refused to help no matter what.


I know exactly where you mom is coming from because there is absolutely no way I will go into assisted living, worked as a volunteer in one of those facilities and was not impressed how they were looked after.


Happy to see you safely back and posting again, it’s been very quiet in here. Sleep off the journey then come back all guns blazing.??????

  • Like 2

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @scotee said:

> We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.


> The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.


> I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.


> But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.


> Will try to catch up.


> Hope you all are well.

Goodness scotee, lots going on, hope your Mom continues on the path to OKness... You have a lot of grit to keep plugging away, like scotee Koepka. Glad you were able to stop and smell the roses so to speak.


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> @tolmij said:

> Some people love the sound of their own voice, content is unimportant.


Well, to be fair, his job is sales. Selling golf lessons; selling golf equipment. Each person that walks in the store is a potential customer, so one can't expect the guy to operate in a different mode. Interestingly, his wife did more to convince me than he did by simply being down to earth, so they do make for an effective team.

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scotee said:

> We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.


> The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.


> I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.


> But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.


> Will try to catch up.


> Hope you all are well.


Well...further proof that it's not over til it's over no matter what the powers that be think. Hey @Conrad1953 you need to make a call and straighten those folks out! My wife has often times said that without an advocat you are screwed in today's healthcare system. DW's best friend is going through cancer treatment as we speak. She was tested and has a gene, so opted for preventative therapy even though she is asymptomatic. I swear to gawd that they're gonna kill her! But, hey, doctors gotta fix, even if there isn't a problem! But that's another story and I'm just glad that your mom has decided that she's not done with this world yet.


I enjoyed hearing about your road trip home in the old car. I was talking with a friend the other day and she related to me how one of her great desires was to do a road trip in a Mercedes 450 convertible. #1 son drove the costal Hwy #1 in California in a Mustang and raved about that. Haven't done a road trip in many years since my back started to act up. Might have to make Route 66 a bucket list item of my own.

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Hard to believe, but I actually watched several hours of the third round yesterday. Most of it in fact and I was rivitted. The relentless charge of Koepka and the steadfastness of both Rose and Woodland. Should be pretty good today I would think. I certainly appreciated the familiar venue and the fact that the USGA was able to resist tricking the set-up beyond ridiculous a la Chambers Bay!

I think this proves that they don't have to go over the edge to get a compelling test. Lots of guys were charging and then falling back at the same time due to the penal nature of errors. Best US Open I've seen in a long time and it helps that no one is running away with it.

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @scotee said:

> > We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.

> >

> > The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.

> >

> > I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.

> >

> > But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.

> >

> > Will try to catch up.

> >

> > Hope you all are well.


> Well...further proof that it's not over til it's over no matter what the powers that be think. Hey @Conrad1953 you need to make a call and straighten those folks out! My wife has often times said that without an advocat you are screwed in today's healthcare system. DW's best friend is going through cancer treatment as we speak. She was tested and has a gene, so opted for preventative therapy even though she is asymptomatic. I swear to gawd that they're gonna kill her! But, hey, doctors gotta fix, even if there isn't a problem! But that's another story and I'm just glad that your mom has decided that she's not done with this world yet.


> I enjoyed hearing about your road trip home in the old car. I was talking with a friend the other day and she related to me how one of her great desires was to do a road trip in a Mercedes 450 convertible. #1 son drove the costal Hwy #1 in California in a Mustang and raved about that. Haven't done a road trip in many years since my back started to act up. Might have to make Route 66 a bucket list item of my own.


It would be good to do that sort of road trip but over here there are not that many roads to drive on that are not in a built up area or highway, unless that is you want to drive way out for thousands of miles. Most of them are not conducive to driving, long way between towns and petroleum stations.

  • Like 2

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @scotee said:

> > We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.

> >

> > The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.

> >

> > I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.

> >

> > But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.

> >

> > Will try to catch up.

> >

> > Hope you all are well.


> Well...further proof that it's not over til it's over no matter what the powers that be think. Hey @Conrad1953 you need to make a call and straighten those folks out! My wife has often times said that without an advocat you are screwed in today's healthcare system. DW's best friend is going through cancer treatment as we speak. She was tested and has a gene, so opted for preventative therapy even though she is asymptomatic. I swear to gawd that they're gonna kill her! But, hey, doctors gotta fix, even if there isn't a problem! But that's another story and I'm just glad that your mom has decided that she's not done with this world yet.


> I enjoyed hearing about your road trip home in the old car. I was talking with a friend the other day and she related to me how one of her great desires was to do a road trip in a Mercedes 450 convertible. #1 son drove the costal Hwy #1 in California in a Mustang and raved about that. Haven't done a road trip in many years since my back started to act up. Might have to make Route 66 a bucket list item of my own.


Old route 66 is now Interstate 40 with the occasional tourist trap, i.e.,

Indians ripping you off for stuff made in Mexico.......and Indian casinos

wanting your money and putting up billboards romanticising the old

glory days of route 66; more like fantasizing about the old days of

route 66.


BTW, I'm not being PC because they are not PC, calling themselves

Indians and not Native Americans, lol, because they make more

money as "Indians"..............lol, money talks.

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > > @scotee said:

> > > We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.

> > >

> > > The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.

> > >

> > > I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.

> > >

> > > But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.

> > >

> > > Will try to catch up.

> > >

> > > Hope you all are well.

> >

> > Well...further proof that it's not over til it's over no matter what the powers that be think. Hey @Conrad1953 you need to make a call and straighten those folks out! My wife has often times said that without an advocat you are screwed in today's healthcare system. DW's best friend is going through cancer treatment as we speak. She was tested and has a gene, so opted for preventative therapy even though she is asymptomatic. I swear to gawd that they're gonna kill her! But, hey, doctors gotta fix, even if there isn't a problem! But that's another story and I'm just glad that your mom has decided that she's not done with this world yet.

> >

> > I enjoyed hearing about your road trip home in the old car. I was talking with a friend the other day and she related to me how one of her great desires was to do a road trip in a Mercedes 450 convertible. #1 son drove the costal Hwy #1 in California in a Mustang and raved about that. Haven't done a road trip in many years since my back started to act up. Might have to make Route 66 a bucket list item of my own.


> Old route 66 is now Interstate 40 with the occasional tourist trap, i.e.,

> Indians ripping you off for stuff made in Mexico.......and Indian casinos

> wanting your money and putting up billboards romanticising the old

> glory days of route 66; more like fantasizing about the old days of

> route 66.


> BTW, I'm not being PC because they are not PC, calling themselves

> Indians and not Native Americans, lol, because they make more

> money as "Indians"..............lol, money talks.


In the modern vernacular this is cultural appropriation, they are not Indians because Indians live in India not America so to be correct they are native Americans or whatever they called it before the white man came.

  • Like 1

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @scomac2002 said:

> Hard to believe, but I actually watched several hours of the third round yesterday. Most of it in fact and I was rivitted. The relentless charge of Koepka and the steadfastness of both Rose and Woodland. Should be pretty good today I would think. I certainly appreciated the familiar venue and the fact that the USGA was able to resist tricking the set-up beyond ridiculous a la Chambers Bay!

> I think this proves that they don't have to go over the edge to get a compelling test. Lots of guys were charging and then falling back at the same time due to the penal nature of errors. Best US Open I've seen in a long time and it helps that no one is running away with it.


Well deserved victory by Woodland. Clearly the best on the day and the week. He was certainly most consistent and was able to quickly right the ship when things went a bit awry. Those who were chasing were pressing and that had a negative impact on their swings as they were spraying the ball all over. I was shocked to learn the Woodland was 35! It doesn't seem that he's been around that long, but I suppose he's part of the DJ and Ricky cohort and they've both been around for a long time now.


On the Ireland next and the Open Championship. I'm really looking forward to that one as I've actually been there in person and had a meal in the clubhouse restaurant back in 2010.

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I learned yesterday that my former next door neighbour is sufferring from severe dementia. He is only 72. That's pretty scarry. I had always figured that something was wrong as he would call up about once a year and we would have a conversation on the phone. I found him to be increasingly difficult to understand the past couple of times and i had begun to wonder what was up with him. He has always slurred his words a bit as he studdered as a child, so never gave it much thought until after they moved away and I didn't see him more than once a year.


Turns out both of his wives have had troubles too. The first wife is an alcoholic and is pretty much bed ridden while the second has had all sorts of kidney issues which I had always attributed to her addiction of Coca-Cola. That's the only thing she ever drank and she would go through 3 cases a week! Myabe there's something more to it than the obvious. Water? Low grade CO2 poisoning? Who knows, but when I factor in that family's issues with some of the other neighbours and my own mother, I'm a little bit worried. Visions of Erin Brockovich begin to dance through my head... Can't say that we're getting out of here soon enough!

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @tolmij said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @scomac2002 said:

> > > > @scotee said:

> > > > We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.

> > > >

> > > > The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.

> > > >

> > > > I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.

> > > >

> > > > But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.

> > > >

> > > > Will try to catch up.

> > > >

> > > > Hope you all are well.

> > >

> > > Well...further proof that it's not over til it's over no matter what the powers that be think. Hey @Conrad1953 you need to make a call and straighten those folks out! My wife has often times said that without an advocat you are screwed in today's healthcare system. DW's best friend is going through cancer treatment as we speak. She was tested and has a gene, so opted for preventative therapy even though she is asymptomatic. I swear to gawd that they're gonna kill her! But, hey, doctors gotta fix, even if there isn't a problem! But that's another story and I'm just glad that your mom has decided that she's not done with this world yet.

> > >

> > > I enjoyed hearing about your road trip home in the old car. I was talking with a friend the other day and she related to me how one of her great desires was to do a road trip in a Mercedes 450 convertible. #1 son drove the costal Hwy #1 in California in a Mustang and raved about that. Haven't done a road trip in many years since my back started to act up. Might have to make Route 66 a bucket list item of my own.

> >

> > Old route 66 is now Interstate 40 with the occasional tourist trap, i.e.,

> > Indians ripping you off for stuff made in Mexico.......and Indian casinos

> > wanting your money and putting up billboards romanticising the old

> > glory days of route 66; more like fantasizing about the old days of

> > route 66.

> >

> > BTW, I'm not being PC because they are not PC, calling themselves

> > Indians and not Native Americans, lol, because they make more

> > money as "Indians"..............lol, money talks.


> In the modern vernacular this is cultural appropriation, they are not Indians because Indians live in India not America so to be correct they are native Americans or whatever they called it before the white man came.


No, it isn't cultural appropriation. They are the real deal "Indians"

who have been called such for many centuries; though initially it

was a name mistakenly given to them.


They have not adopted the culture of people living or from

India. They have their own and it is a culture I am somewhat

familiar with as I am actually a member of the Cherokee Nation.

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American "Indians" want you to appropriate their culture by selling

you things like headresses, dream catchers and the like.


Actually, if you are a tourist who travels you are given many opportunities

to appropriate other cultures and encouraged by them to do so.


People want to see their cultures spread and appropriated, otherwise

Thai's would not be serving Thai food in restaurants in America....or

anywhere else outside Thailand.

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> American "Indians" want you to appropriate their culture by selling

> you things like headresses, dream catchers and the like.


> Actually, if you are a tourist who travels you are given many opportunities

> to appropriate other cultures and encouraged by them to do so.


> People want to see their cultures spread and appropriated, otherwise

> Thai's would not be serving Thai food in restaurants in America....or

> anywhere else outside Thailand.


I agree with you, it’s just today everyone in the PC brigade seems to thing you cannot do, dress, talk, eat or any other function if it was not originally part of the culture in the country you were born. I have to laugh when they start because they do not seem aware of how idiotic they sound.

  • Like 2

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @tolmij said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > American "Indians" want you to appropriate their culture by selling

> > you things like headresses, dream catchers and the like.

> >

> > Actually, if you are a tourist who travels you are given many opportunities

> > to appropriate other cultures and encouraged by them to do so.

> >

> > People want to see their cultures spread and appropriated, otherwise

> > Thai's would not be serving Thai food in restaurants in America....or

> > anywhere else outside Thailand.


> I agree with you, it’s just today everyone in the PC brigade seems to thing you cannot do, dress, talk, eat or any other function if it was not originally part of the culture in the country you were born. I have to laugh when they start because they do not seem aware of how idiotic they sound.


Perhaps we should just misappropriate those people and lose them

on a remote island somewhere and let them enjoy a primitive culture;

free from the appropriators.

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > Hard to believe, but I actually watched several hours of the third round yesterday. Most of it in fact and I was rivitted. The relentless charge of Koepka and the steadfastness of both Rose and Woodland. Should be pretty good today I would think. I certainly appreciated the familiar venue and the fact that the USGA was able to resist tricking the set-up beyond ridiculous a la Chambers Bay!

> > I think this proves that they don't have to go over the edge to get a compelling test. Lots of guys were charging and then falling back at the same time due to the penal nature of errors. Best US Open I've seen in a long time and it helps that no one is running away with it.


> Well deserved victory by Woodland. Clearly the best on the day and the week. He was certainly most consistent and was able to quickly right the ship when things went a bit awry. Those who were chasing were pressing and that had a negative impact on their swings as they were spraying the ball all over. I was shocked to learn the Woodland was 35! It doesn't seem that he's been around that long, but I suppose he's part of the DJ and Ricky cohort and they've both been around for a long time now.


> On the Ireland next and the Open Championship. I'm really looking forward to that one as I've actually been there in person and had a meal in the clubhouse restaurant back in 2010.


I watched a lot of it too. Such a great course and fun to watch the best

players play it in fair conditions and not tricked up by the USGA. Hats

off to Woodland. He played the best and deserved the win IMO.


I'm also looking forward to the Open being played in N. Ireland

this time. I've not been there but have heard others say it's a great

course. They don't trick up the courses for the Open. They let the

weather do or not do that and the scores will go however the

weather goes for the most part.

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> @scomac2002 said:

> I learned yesterday that my former next door neighbour is sufferring from severe dementia. He is only 72. That's pretty scarry. I had always figured that something was wrong as he would call up about once a year and we would have a conversation on the phone. I found him to be increasingly difficult to understand the past couple of times and i had begun to wonder what was up with him. He has always slurred his words a bit as he studdered as a child, so never gave it much thought until after they moved away and I didn't see him more than once a year.


> Turns out both of his wives have had troubles too. The first wife is an alcoholic and is pretty much bed ridden while the second has had all sorts of kidney issues which I had always attributed to her addiction of Coca-Cola. That's the only thing she ever drank and she would go through 3 cases a week! Myabe there's something more to it than the obvious. Water? Low grade CO2 poisoning? Who knows, but when I factor in that family's issues with some of the other neighbours and my own mother, I'm a little bit worried. Visions of Erin Brockovich begin to dance through my head... Can't say that we're getting out of here soon enough!


I sometimes worry because by my age my father would dress in 8/10 layers of clothes and stand on his doorstep shouting at people going past. Hoping that is not my future, he did sort of lose it though when mom passed on, in particular my messing sister went to the house and removed every single reminder of my mother so he would not pine over her. I know sorting through her mother’s things gave DW closure.

  • Like 2

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > > @scotee said:

> > > We just got back home. Had to make an emergency trip to Az. to see my Mom. She was in the hospital for almost a month with infection. She is 86 and on dialysis. She came home and fell. Dad found her unresponsive in the bathroom. Back to the hospital so we flew down. The doctor said she was failing and would not get better. They discontinued dialysis and the IV antibiotics and placed her on hospital hospice. We prepared to say goodbye. Right before we got there she woke up (after 25 hours) and wanted to go home. They put her back on dialysis and antibiotics and after a few days sent her home. She is walking with her walker and getting in and out of bed and bathroom and is back to her old self. I don’t know how long Dad (87) and Mom can manage at home but they are very stubborn and have no plans to go to assisted living. My Sis is down there but just lost her husband to Parkinson’s and is burned out. I see that Reasey is going through much the same.

> > >

> > > The day we left the realtor called and told us the the buyer backed out of the deal to buy our rental house. Back to square one.

> > >

> > > I took my phone for a swim and it is toast.

> > >

> > > But Mom is doing better and we had a nice road trip home driving Mrs. scotee’s Dad’s (89) car that he is giving to our daughter #4. We saw some spectacular high desert country and had warm clear weather as we passed through small towns like Caliente, Ely, and Chloride. We dodged a lot of retread rubber and the car ran well and we are glad to be home.

> > >

> > > Will try to catch up.

> > >

> > > Hope you all are well.

> >

> > Well...further proof that it's not over til it's over no matter what the powers that be think. Hey @Conrad1953 you need to make a call and straighten those folks out! My wife has often times said that without an advocat you are screwed in today's healthcare system. DW's best friend is going through cancer treatment as we speak. She was tested and has a gene, so opted for preventative therapy even though she is asymptomatic. I swear to gawd that they're gonna kill her! But, hey, doctors gotta fix, even if there isn't a problem! But that's another story and I'm just glad that your mom has decided that she's not done with this world yet.

> >

> > I enjoyed hearing about your road trip home in the old car. I was talking with a friend the other day and she related to me how one of her great desires was to do a road trip in a Mercedes 450 convertible. #1 son drove the costal Hwy #1 in California in a Mustang and raved about that. Haven't done a road trip in many years since my back started to act up. Might have to make Route 66 a bucket list item of my own.


> Old route 66 is now Interstate 40 with the occasional tourist trap, i.e.,

> Indians ripping you off for stuff made in Mexico.......and Indian casinos

> wanting your money and putting up billboards romanticising the old

> glory days of route 66; more like fantasizing about the old days of

> route 66.


> BTW, I'm not being PC because they are not PC, calling themselves

> Indians and not Native Americans, lol, because they make more

> money as "Indians"..............lol, money talks.


The real reason they are called "Indians" is because when Christopher Columbus landed on out shores he actually thought he had landed in India and the people that met him were "Indians" There was a little saying a few years ago about Columbus

He set sail not knowing where he was going

He went there not knowing where he had been

And he did it all on borrowed money

  • Like 1

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > Hard to believe, but I actually watched several hours of the third round yesterday. Most of it in fact and I was rivitted. The relentless charge of Koepka and the steadfastness of both Rose and Woodland. Should be pretty good today I would think. I certainly appreciated the familiar venue and the fact that the USGA was able to resist tricking the set-up beyond ridiculous a la Chambers Bay!

> > I think this proves that they don't have to go over the edge to get a compelling test. Lots of guys were charging and then falling back at the same time due to the penal nature of errors. Best US Open I've seen in a long time and it helps that no one is running away with it.


> Well deserved victory by Woodland. Clearly the best on the day and the week. He was certainly most consistent and was able to quickly right the ship when things went a bit awry. Those who were chasing were pressing and that had a negative impact on their swings as they were spraying the ball all over. I was shocked to learn the Woodland was 35! It doesn't seem that he's been around that long, but I suppose he's part of the DJ and Ricky cohort and they've both been around for a long time now.


> On the Ireland next and the Open Championship. I'm really looking forward to that one as I've actually been there in person and had a meal in the clubhouse restaurant back in 2010.


Actually believe it or not I watched most of the tournament. I told some folks on the other threads I would watch only if the USGA did not trick up the course and did not run too many nauseating self serving corny commercials. Actually hat off to the USGA for doing neither. I got a chuckle thinking about one of the owners being Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry mode to the USGA crowd. " Try to trick up our golf course go ahead make my day"---- Yep it was a great event the best I have seen since the 1986 Masters

  • Like 1

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @tolmij said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > American "Indians" want you to appropriate their culture by selling

> > you things like headresses, dream catchers and the like.

> >

> > Actually, if you are a tourist who travels you are given many opportunities

> > to appropriate other cultures and encouraged by them to do so.

> >

> > People want to see their cultures spread and appropriated, otherwise

> > Thai's would not be serving Thai food in restaurants in America....or

> > anywhere else outside Thailand.


> I agree with you, it’s just today everyone in the PC brigade seems to thing you cannot do, dress, talk, eat or any other function if it was not originally part of the culture in the country you were born. I have to laugh when they start because they do not seem aware of how idiotic they sound.


Trust me Bud I am far from being PC In person I really say what I think---- I may not always be right and have to apologize a couple of days later but I say what I think---- On here I have sorta a filter on. This thread is not bad at all but in some of the other sections of WRX if I really typed what I was thinking I could be banned. I try not to offend as a rule but do not get me started and in person I do not go out of my way to be obnoxious or offend. I have learned this with some of today's millennial folk. If you ignore them it ticks them off worse and they will go away. I tell you I am relishing getting old and not giving two hoots but come to think of it I have been that way all my life

  • Like 1

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @"BIG STU" said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > > @scomac2002 said:

> > > Hard to believe, but I actually watched several hours of the third round yesterday. Most of it in fact and I was rivitted. The relentless charge of Koepka and the steadfastness of both Rose and Woodland. Should be pretty good today I would think. I certainly appreciated the familiar venue and the fact that the USGA was able to resist tricking the set-up beyond ridiculous a la Chambers Bay!

> > > I think this proves that they don't have to go over the edge to get a compelling test. Lots of guys were charging and then falling back at the same time due to the penal nature of errors. Best US Open I've seen in a long time and it helps that no one is running away with it.

> >

> > Well deserved victory by Woodland. Clearly the best on the day and the week. He was certainly most consistent and was able to quickly right the ship when things went a bit awry. Those who were chasing were pressing and that had a negative impact on their swings as they were spraying the ball all over. I was shocked to learn the Woodland was 35! It doesn't seem that he's been around that long, but I suppose he's part of the DJ and Ricky cohort and they've both been around for a long time now.

> >

> > On the Ireland next and the Open Championship. I'm really looking forward to that one as I've actually been there in person and had a meal in the clubhouse restaurant back in 2010.


> Actually believe it or not I watched most of the tournament. I told some folks on the other threads I would watch only if the USGA did not trick up the course and did not run too many nauseating self serving corny commercials. Actually hat off to the USGA for doing neither. I got a chuckle thinking about one of the owners being Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry mode to the USGA crowd. " Try to trick up our golf course go ahead make my day"---- Yep it was a great event the best I have seen since the 1986 Masters


One of my playing companions yesterday has played Pebble Beach. He said at the time it was $600 all in including clubs and a cart. He heard that current rates are now over $800 for a round with the tee sheet being booked solid a full year in advance!

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @tolmij said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > I learned yesterday that my former next door neighbour is sufferring from severe dementia. He is only 72. That's pretty scarry. I had always figured that something was wrong as he would call up about once a year and we would have a conversation on the phone. I found him to be increasingly difficult to understand the past couple of times and i had begun to wonder what was up with him. He has always slurred his words a bit as he studdered as a child, so never gave it much thought until after they moved away and I didn't see him more than once a year.

> >

> > Turns out both of his wives have had troubles too. The first wife is an alcoholic and is pretty much bed ridden while the second has had all sorts of kidney issues which I had always attributed to her addiction of Coca-Cola. That's the only thing she ever drank and she would go through 3 cases a week! Myabe there's something more to it than the obvious. Water? Low grade CO2 poisoning? Who knows, but when I factor in that family's issues with some of the other neighbours and my own mother, I'm a little bit worried. Visions of Erin Brockovich begin to dance through my head... Can't say that we're getting out of here soon enough!


> I sometimes worry because by my age my father would dress in 8/10 layers of clothes and stand on his doorstep shouting at people going past. Hoping that is not my future, he did sort of lose it though when mom passed on, in particular my messing sister went to the house and removed every single reminder of my mother so he would not pine over her. I know sorting through her mother’s things gave DW closure.


Not to make fun of your Dad on that but that is what I see me doing when I finally go to what we call "on the dark side of the moon" Of course if you ask a lot of people around here they think that I have already went. I know we went through Alzheimer's with my FIL around 25 years ago now. That is weird he would do some things goofy and knew darn well what he was doing and he would laugh about it. Sometimes he was a clear as a bell and sometimes he was out of it. It can be really stressful on a family. I remember when he was going through it my wife and my MIL accused me of being his "partner in crime" and putting him up to some of the antics he did which was far from the truth. He would do something goofy and I would laugh and he would laugh so I guess they got that impression. He was always a good mechanic whether it was textile machinery or cars. He would even when he was sick piddle with some of the old Ford Falcons he had in his yard. One time he actually got one running and ran it into the tree in their yard. He was not hurt. I ended up getting rid of all the batteries and draining all the gas tanks. I think the bad part about that disease in his case was that slowly shuts down your muscle function. I think his mind was somewhat sharp during it all. But when his muscle function started shutting down and he could not get in the yard and piddle he gave up.

  • Like 1

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @"BIG STU" said:

> > > @scomac2002 said:

> > > > @scomac2002 said:

> > > > Hard to believe, but I actually watched several hours of the third round yesterday. Most of it in fact and I was rivitted. The relentless charge of Koepka and the steadfastness of both Rose and Woodland. Should be pretty good today I would think. I certainly appreciated the familiar venue and the fact that the USGA was able to resist tricking the set-up beyond ridiculous a la Chambers Bay!

> > > > I think this proves that they don't have to go over the edge to get a compelling test. Lots of guys were charging and then falling back at the same time due to the penal nature of errors. Best US Open I've seen in a long time and it helps that no one is running away with it.

> > >

> > > Well deserved victory by Woodland. Clearly the best on the day and the week. He was certainly most consistent and was able to quickly right the ship when things went a bit awry. Those who were chasing were pressing and that had a negative impact on their swings as they were spraying the ball all over. I was shocked to learn the Woodland was 35! It doesn't seem that he's been around that long, but I suppose he's part of the DJ and Ricky cohort and they've both been around for a long time now.

> > >

> > > On the Ireland next and the Open Championship. I'm really looking forward to that one as I've actually been there in person and had a meal in the clubhouse restaurant back in 2010.

> >

> > Actually believe it or not I watched most of the tournament. I told some folks on the other threads I would watch only if the USGA did not trick up the course and did not run too many nauseating self serving corny commercials. Actually hat off to the USGA for doing neither. I got a chuckle thinking about one of the owners being Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry mode to the USGA crowd. " Try to trick up our golf course go ahead make my day"---- Yep it was a great event the best I have seen since the 1986 Masters


> One of my playing companions yesterday has played Pebble Beach. He said at the time it was $600 all in including clubs and a cart. He heard that current rates are now over $800 for a round with the tee sheet being booked solid a full year in advance!


If people have that amount of disposable income then my hat is off to them!!! OH yeah it is a beautiful place but even if I had that much disposable income I could not see it. Maybe just maybe if the time was right as in late in the afternoon with few folks around and I was able to walk with a caddie. But on a fun factor with good folks to play with I can have just as much fun at " Joe's Goat Ranch" for $20.

  • Like 2

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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Played again yesterday in the first group off the tee with a few of my old playing companions from the Monday men's league session. Despite being three weeks since playing last, I felt as though my game was beginning to show some signs of life. At least I felt as though I had some idea where the ball was going. Contact was much better than previous outings although I was fairly consistent with getting a bit under the ball. Might need to work a bit with tee height/ball placement.


I used my new chipper quite a bit and was quite pleased with the quality of strike and directional control. It's going to take a bit of time to get used to distance control though as I was consistently long with it in most instances. Putting was better, but not great as I am still heavy most often although rolling the ball nicely.


Shot a 44, so getting down to a more consistent level of bogies golf with putts for par on most holes. I was pretty tight at the end, so still only up to nine at a time, but I do feel pretty darned good today which is a plus.


Distance wise, I was back to what I would consider the new normal that accompanies an 80 mph swing speed. I'm going to need to rejig the top end of the bag a bit. I should be playing senior flex in all my woods as the new driver is working out pretty well. I'm using my 3W a fair bit, but finding that the 7W is redundant as it launches really high, but goes nowhere, so I'm thinking that a lower lofted hybrid is probably in order. Tough to find a 3h in sr. flex though. I'll keep on the lookout. In the meantime I've got an SLDR 4h in the stash that I might give a try even though it's a bit of a sledgehammer with an 82 gm Speeder shaft in R.

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @"BIG STU" said:


> He set sail not knowing where he was going

> He went there not knowing where he had been

> And he did it all on borrowed money

That's funny Stu, I read your posts backwards up to this one, so I read the one about millennials first. This ditty about Columbus applies to them as well, right? :D


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> @"BIG STU" said:

> > @tolmij said:

> > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > American "Indians" want you to appropriate their culture by selling

> > > you things like headresses, dream catchers and the like.

> > >

> > > Actually, if you are a tourist who travels you are given many opportunities

> > > to appropriate other cultures and encouraged by them to do so.

> > >

> > > People want to see their cultures spread and appropriated, otherwise

> > > Thai's would not be serving Thai food in restaurants in America....or

> > > anywhere else outside Thailand.

> >

> > I agree with you, it’s just today everyone in the PC brigade seems to thing you cannot do, dress, talk, eat or any other function if it was not originally part of the culture in the country you were born. I have to laugh when they start because they do not seem aware of how idiotic they sound.


> Trust me Bud I am far from being PC In person I really say what I think---- I may not always be right and have to apologize a couple of days later but I say what I think---- On here I have sorta a filter on. This thread is not bad at all but in some of the other sections of WRX if I really typed what I was thinking I could be banned. I try not to offend as a rule but do not get me started and in person I do not go out of my way to be obnoxious or offend. I have learned this with some of today's millennial folk. If you ignore them it ticks them off worse and they will go away. I tell you I am relishing getting old and not giving two hoots but come to think of it I have been that way all my life


I am a bit like that, if they don’t like what I say too bad, I do try to be polite but cannot stand today’s attitude. The one that really gets up my nose is how only one person complains and things are altered no matter how many people like it. Really are a snowflake generation, a good heavy boot up the backside would do them good.

  • Like 2

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @SixtySomePing said:


> > @"BIG STU" said:


> > He set sail not knowing where he was going

> > He went there not knowing where he had been

> > And he did it all on borrowed money

> That's funny Stu, I read your posts backwards up to this one, so I read the one about millennials first. This ditty about Columbus applies to them as well, right? :D



Yep absolutely you know they say history has a way of repeating itself.

  • Like 1

Driver--- Callaway Big Bertha Alpha--- Speeder 565 R flex

3W--- TM V-Steel TMR7 REAX 55g R

7W --- TM V Steel UST Pro Force 65 R flex

9W--- TM V Steel Stock V Steel R flex shaft

5 Hybrid-- Cobra Baffler DWS NVS 60A High Launch

Irons 5 thru PW 1985 Macgregor VIP Hogan Apex #2 shafts

SW -- Cleveland 588 56* Shaft Unknown

LW Vokey SM5 L Grind 58* 04 bounce Stock Vokey Shaft

Putter -- Rusty 1997 Scottie Santa Fe-- Fluted Bulls Eye Shaft

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    • Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
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      • 49 replies
    • 2024 US Open - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 US Open - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Edoardo Molinari - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Logan McAllister - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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      • 372 replies
    • 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Monday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #2
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Keith Mitchell - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Rafa Campos - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      R Squared - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Martin Laird - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Paul Haley - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Min Woo Lee - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Austin Smotherman - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Lee Hodges - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Sami Valimaki - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Pullout Albums
      Eric Cole's newest custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
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