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Tyson Lamb Putters & Crafts

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You guys talk like Tyson is actually selling putters... outside of his inner circle there has been what at most 2 releases of 16 putters in almost 3 years? An average of 10.5 putters a year.




RECENT. Damn you Tyson guys are so damn slow. One of those putters in the second or 3rd page has already been resold 2 or 3 times between two guys who were talking on the last couple pages...


You know his stuff is to good to be sold though by anyone he makes it for.


Move on...


Still have mine and game it all the time..


Did you find that piretti you were looking for?


Your butt hurt over this thread is through the roof...


I'd love someone to walk on to one of your job sites and critique you like you have done on here to Tyson's products..


Happens all the time bud. It's apart of business. Just replaced a huge hanger roof at Nashville airport a couple months back took 30 employees 2 weeks.


You should try providing a service for a government agency like Nashville metro airport authority if you think I haven't had every little thing critiqued or anyone were there is large sums of money involved like roofs. One of my cheaper roofs would cost more than the most expensive Scotty ever made depending on how many squares of course.


Also not butt hurt at all. I don't own a Lamb product. I think he makes clean lines but he's not gods gift to putter making. So who's really the butthurt one here?


You keep saying I'm a Piretti fan boy.. I own one 1 of 1 Tour 801 and that's only because Mike is great to deal with.


I can see that you are relatively new to the WRX forum and I'm sure you're not new to golf. You're clearly an adult based upon what you described previously as your business. However, some of your comments and posts make me question your ability to participate in forums in a positive manner and your maturity as you poke and prod like teasing child.


I have no issues with people having an opposing opinion to what Tyson does but as with any discussion, in person or in a group forum, positive and respectful demeanor should be utilized.


I know some of the other members here have certainly retaliated back and I'd be typing this post them as well. I'm singling you out since you seem to be the primary antagonizer over the last number of pages.


To all, please present critiques and minimize criticism.


Now please, back to the topic at hand.....

[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra F8+[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Adams Tight Lies Tour 14.5[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Cobra AMP 18[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Bridgestone J40 Combo [/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Callaway MP3 52/58[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]Tyson Lamb Custom Bridgeport[/font][/size]
[font="tahoma, geneva, sans-serif"]Vice Pro +[/font]

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thanks for sharing that, jason. one awesome putter right there. love the simplistic stamping for the prototype theme. clint's the man.

Titleist - 917-D3, 8.5 - AD BB-6X
Titleist - 917-F, 15 - AD BB-7X
Titleist - 916 T-MB 2 Iron - AD DI-105x
BB&F Co - DW - CB, 4-P - TI AMT X100
BB&F Co - DW - 53 & 58
Lamb Crafted - Allendale
MacKenzie - Sugarloaf Walker
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This is the thread that keeps on giving entertainment. :)


I know nothing about putters but will say the few markers, head covers and the hex tool I purchased from Tyson I love. They’re just a little bit different and fun and when I golf that’s what I’m in it for -fun. I love busting out a donut or pop top marker as I’m likely most interested in the folks I’m golfing with, the weather, beers, cigars and overall experience. Tyson stuff seems a bit more lighthearted to me.


I will also say I think Tyson’s friends always showcasing products where most can’t get any really hurt his image esp. when it comes to the availability of putters and think it’s a big reason for some of frustration and negativity from folks. If I was Tyson, and obviously I’m not, I would tell my friends to cool it and let my work speak for itself; and say keep some things between us like your stash of products etc. I think if the products become more available a lot of it goes away.


Not sure I would buy a putter as I just don’t think it’s a wise use of my money but like what I’m seeing; just wish it was easier to see more of it - even if it was just in this thread.





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No skin in the game, but in my opinion hands down best putters in every category (custom work, original aesthetics, functional designs / patented solutions, finishes, materials, face milling, and general artwork) goes to Dave Billings and the team at Machine. Granted it's a team, but still managed entirely in house.


The machine thread is filled with ingenuity and countless examples of obvious inspiration that fed Tyson's putters. Tyson clearly has him beat with the stamping and accessories. But putters, Machine is unmatched. I don't know if there's a single finishing detail (aside from stamping) on Lambs putters that wasn't already done by Billings.


Can't speak to working with either. But just a cursory google image search is mind blowing.


I could agree with you but you still have time to edit your post before the fan boy flaming starts about how no one can touch Tyson's unmatched quality. This considering that 99% of the people here haven't actually seen one of his putters in person......


i really need to know who you are. you talk such a good game. do you collect a lot of putters? perhaps you and i have just been rolling in opposite circles. see you need to understand that from my perspective everything you say comes across as jibberish. a way to easily fool the uniformed and sound super duper smart. the issue i see is that i collects everyones stuff, and because of that feel like im entitled to an opinion. now perhaps i am way off and you have a monster collection. but if i come to find out you have an odyssey 2 ball at home and a cameron mil spec sitting right along side it i wouldnt be surprised. you have been super active over the last 10 pages of this thread...but i dont know who you are. i thought i knew every big putter collector. so far all i have gathered from you is youre 30 years old, own a roofing company and have 100 employees......at a roofing company. im going to need the name of that company as well.


see personally i like myself a good troll. it keeps the thread lively and fun. but now youre beginning to become obnoxious. perhaps its just the way you come across the keyboard, and in real life youre a super nice guy.


all i am saying is that no one ive ever met in the putter world is as opinionated as you without either being a huge putter aficionado or a celebrity. so i guess my question is who is "your" putter maker? and how did you come to believe you had anytype on inside info on anything youre talking about? is it conjecture? are y


Hi guys, my name is Devin. I'm 33 yrs, only been golfing a couple years. Came from a life of rock climbing, but found it and fell in love. I work hard at it every day and getting better, but nothing special. I don't collect putters, I don't play poker, I'm not a celebrity, I don't hang out with Tyson, Dave, Lamont, Cameron, Tom, or Lajosi. Had a dream last night that I was hanging with George W, oddly enough... But that just a interesting dream. Bottom line, I'm not a troll.


Here I thought I was just joining a conversation. I'm not bad mouthing Tyson, I've really enjoyed his instagram account and all the insight posted on this forum. I only own a Tyson head cover (white with F bombs) that I use on a Low Tide for no reason other than i love the bombs and the magnetic construction is second to none. However, let's be honest, the head covers have little to do with Tyson, the guys at Grindin Golf deserve the credit here. Oh, and a divot tool without any personalized stamps. I can post pictures if that's required.


I'm bummed, always enjoyed Raider or I believe your name is Santos's perspective. Now you've shown your colors... Not what I expected.


I don't need to be an aficionado to have a pronounced opinion. I don't see any need in "investing" in putters, but can absolutely appreciate the pride in ownership and joy of owning a collection. I understand you choose to spend money on amassing collections, but sorry that doesn't make you inherently any more deserving or knowing of what is craftsmanship. Some of the finest, most knowledgeable, and accomplished critics in any medium seldom own more than a single piece of an artist they most admire. I'm not suggesting, I am no such critic. But I have an opinion.


I apologize, my internet post so woefully hurt your feelings.


Bottom line, we have thousands of pictures of Dave Billings work. Proof is in the pudding.


just to be clear David i wasnt talking about you sir. i pretty much lay my opinions out there for anyone who wants to have a discussion. i also dont think you need to have a huge collection to have an opinion. i would like you to know a bit about every maker, their history, and the way in which they produce their product to give that opinion. i was actually referring to Kaeoxo or whatever his handle is. for the last 10 pages on here he has been relentless. i meant "0" disrespect your way. im sorry you took it that way. sometimes when you hit reply it pulls up a bunch of different replies before you type. im not so great on WRX yet...still learning.


again no disrespect. i dont mind a differing opinion also. my dad always taught me growing up that if you want to engage an argument with someone and give your own opinion you should be able to argue three facts from the other side's point of view. that way you need to learn and dig up some information on where they are coming from. the best way to win a debate is to know what the other person is going to say, how they are going to say it, and have counter points ready to strengthen your own side. sometimes on WRX (and im not saying this about you just to be clear) people come on here and argue like they know what they are talking about, but actually are totally wrong. its my intent to give the correct information i have about the putter makers i have it about. im pretty much an open book and answer every question i feel certain i have the correct answer too. are Tyson's putter better then LaJosi's, Mann's, Piretti's, Byron's, Edel's, Cameron's, Betti's, etc.....probably not to most people. to my eye many of his are better then most of the others i have seen personally. but best is subjective to me. i personally think Rolls Royce makes the best cars someone can buy, but im sure their are hardcore Bugatti guys that would disagree. my point is it doesnt matter.....so why even argue about it. just give the info you know and move on. otherwise some people (not you) are beating a dead horse



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my dad always taught me growing up that if you want to engage an argument with someone and give your own opinion you should be able to argue three facts from the other side's point of view. that way you need to learn and dig up some information on where they are coming from. the best way to win a debate is to know what the other person is going to say, how they are going to say it, and have counter points ready to strengthen your own side.


QFT - he was/is a wise man. It's also increasingly difficult to do these days seeing how easy it is to change the channel or browse the web to find alternative versions of "fact" that support one's own viewpoint.


I'm sad this thread (and its predecessor) took these turns. I truly want to see more of Lamb's work as I agree that it is super high quality and no other maker can match his BRAND. Comparisons of quality and versatility will always be subjective, but brands absolutely have to be differentiated in this market to survive and Tyson has a good start there.


I'd love these threads to feature more pictures as opposed to shots fired, but A) there just isn't that much product out there (yet, hopefully!) to generate the amount of images in the other manufacturers' threads (Morgan, Lajosi, Machine, et al), and B) the emotion on both the supporter and critic sides are very strong so derailing is inevitable...


Not sure if this vitriol from both sides is a testament to how WELL he is managing his brand or if it's just "haters gonna hate" white noise that goes with the territory. It's clear that Tyson needs - and wants - to get more product out into the market, and hopefully he turns that corner in 2018 because I think there's plenty of room to increase supply without sacrificing his brand value and/or pricepoint.

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As promised my... nuts......tool



Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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Well if judging by his instagram...hoping he's on the process to getting more things to market with a new machine. I believe one machine will now be focused on putters and one will be focused on accessories. I don't think the process for switching the current single machine is as simple as run a new program, so hoping this helps with that.

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Well if judging by his instagram...hoping he's on the process to getting more things to market with a new machine. I believe one machine will now be focused on putters and one will be focused on accessories. I don't think the process for switching the current single machine is as simple as run a new program, so hoping this helps with that.


That is what he has posted/said.


So big things should be coming in 2018!


Can not wait...

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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Keaxo........roofing biz must be slow these days.


Once again,..... for someone that doesn't care for Tyson and his products you sure do spend a good amount of time on this thread.


You are coming across as THIRSTY!!

Go get you a drank :beach:


We moved on kiddo. Where have you been?



WE moved on??!!! hahahaha


comedian and roofer

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Cool neck.. not a fan of the bettinardi type middle of the front of their putters.

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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That’s good to hear. Good to have options

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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That raybon at least looks quiet nice...especially if you can get it for anywhere close to what they list their putters at


That one was $1500.


It looks like the LambCrafted site is down.

TaylorMade QI10 9* - Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 8TX

TaylorMade Stealth+ 15* - Fujikura Ventus Red 9TX

NIKE Vapor Fly Pro 3-4i - Fujikura Pro Tour Spec 95X

Mizuno JPX 919 Tour 5 - KBS Tour 130X

Mizuno JPX 919 Tour 6-PW - DG TI X100

Mizuno T22 Raw 50* S, 55* D | TaylorMade Hi Toe 60* - DG TI S400

Scotty Cameron Select Squareback +


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Notice that. It has been for awhile.


I wonder if she just took it down while they new machine gets installed.

Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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I hear the Raybon thread is hot fire.

PING G430 10K Max 9 degree (digitally lofted) DI VF 6X  44.5" D5 

G430 17 HY DI HY 85 X

TSR2 21 HY DI HY 85 X

4 THRU PW King Tour KBS $ Taper 120

VOKEY 48 "F" KBS $ Taper 120

VOKEY 54 "F" S400

VOKEY 60 "V" S400




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