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Drive 400 Distance Program .... my review

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Hm... Buy a 400 dollar driver or buy the drive 400 program for 30 dollars? Seriously getting in shape to hit it further shouldn't even be a question lol. I'll just have to switch some of my walking dead/farting on dog time with working out!

Callaway Paradym TD 10* Ventus Red TR 5S

Titleist TSR3 13.5* 3 Wood Tour AD-IZ 6S

Titleist TSR3 19* hybrid Modus GOST S

Titleist TSR2 24* hybrid Modus GOST S

Callaway Paradym Hybrid 27* Ventus non Velocore S

Titleist T100 2023 6-PW KBS Tour V S

Titleist SM8 50, 56, 60

Scotty Cameron X7.5 CS

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Bingo. I learned this the hard way in baseball. Totally destroyed my natural talent and career. Complete paralysis by analysis. I can't even explain to you guys how much filth I digested throughout 15 years of everyday pitching training. Books, videos, analyses, arguments, online forum debates (sound familiar?), toe angles, wrist hinges, arm-action, push vs no push, back leg, front leg, hip rotation, dozens of pitching coaches, etc, etc. Honestly I can't explain it. Absolute living nightmare.


In general, the biggest problem I've noticed in sports is that people analyze a golf swing or pitching motion, whatever... they watch some guy on tv or Youtube and they automatically assume every movement is a conscious thought. That couldn't be more wrong and it's the beginning of the end for your progress, if you go down that road. Please, by all means, don't do this to yourself. Take my word for it. Please.


Not every movement (most in fact) is a conscious thought. Most movements (should be) subconscious, automatic, whatever you want to call it. Do you think about your thumb and finger angle when you reach for a glass of water? I sure hope not. Thinking gets in the way of natural movement and slows you down. The more complex the movement, the more room for error. End of story.


The key is to:

1. Setup properly (pre-movement) - get in your natural, athletic position.

2. Externalize your focus on a target (hit ball here, throw ball here, etc)

3. Have the intent to be as explosive as possible (if speed is the goal). Another little known fact about speeding up - less time for things to go wrong.


Do this and your mind will naturally silence itself during movement and you'll be amazed at the difference. I absolutely promise you.



Expectations are also a big problem with analysis. And mentally it can discourage you... badly. I've been there.

People wonder why they don't move and look like .1%, absolute best on the planet do. Here's why:


1. Physically you're not capable of moving like the absolute best .1% on the planet right now. They've trained every day for 20 years. You've eaten Twinkies and farted on your dog while watching The Walking Dead. No offense but you get what I'm saying. Expectations have to be realistic to some degree. Have patience.


2. Consciously being aware of so many swing-thoughts, positions, etc, is screwing up your natural sequential movement program. You don't move like Tiger and Tiger doesn't move like you. And that's a good thing. Don't try to mimic anyone else. Optimize yourself.


Optimize your movement by improving range of motion and strength (physical) and empty the clutter and confusion (mental) and watch what happens.



For the record, I think science and tech is great for feedback (ball speed, launch angles, etc). I don't love it as far as hands-on teaching goes. It triggers too much conscious thought and forces people to fit a mold. Others will disagree and that's fine... at the end of the day, it's whatever works best for you.



Anyway, I really do wish all you guys the best. That's why I wanted to make this program. It tackles both sides - mental, physical/fitness.

I wanted to make it affordable. I probably could have charged 4 times what I am (based on content included) but I just felt like it's something everyone should have access to. All I ask is that if you like it, tell someone about it. Much appreciated.










any reviews on the mental aspects of this program? particularly interested in this claim:


"Drive 400 comes with a complete Swing-Speed Training Program with an online video library full of several never before seen mental and physical swing-speed drills. These drills have been designed to help you shut off your mind and swing at a near unconscious, reactive level."


I was going to talk about this a little in my review, but I didn't want to make it super long and boring lol. My short review on the mental aspect of the program is that it simply works. Basically, the only swing thought you have is to swing fast and NOTHING else. As long as you can do that, you will see an improvement in clubhead speed. Here's my longer review, if you care to read:


I read a book by Bob Rotella...what I'm going to talk about is probably from "Golf is Not a Game of Perfect," but I can't remember, since I've read all of his books. Basically, his mental approach to golf is to pick a target as small as possible, and think nothing BUT your target...it's essentially "aim small, miss small." So for me, when I am on the teebox and ready to hit my first shot, let's say I pick a tree as my target. I will literally pick a small leaf on that tree (even though I can't see the individual leaf from 300+ away) and think about nothing but that leaf throughout my entire golf swing. The ONLY thing I THINK about during my SWING is that leaf. In other words, I have absolutely zero swing thoughts. I don't have any swing thoughts about where my hands should be on the takeaway, I don't think about keeping a loose grip, I don't think about "swinging to first base," etc. This will guide your subconscious mind into making the perfect swing for you, if you let it. What I mean by that, is you have to TRUST your body that it is going to make the right swing for you, so that you will hit your target and make the golf shot that you drew up on the board. Rotella talks about the trust and the training mentality. Say you hit a bucket of balls for a range session, and during your swing, you are having swing thoughts (suppose you are implementing everything your swing coach taught you that day, perhaps "tuck your right elbow in on the downswing" or whatever). You are essentially using the training mentality, which will produce frustrating and inconsistent results, but you are training your brain to keep that right elbow tucked in on the downswing. The trust mentality, however, is the complete opposite; you are swinging the club without any conscious thought. You are TRUSTING your body to make the right moves and perform the perfect golf swing that you want it to, so you can see minimal errors and consistent results. I essentially have no swing thoughts. My elbow is being tucked in on my downswing without me having to consciously think about it. The only thought I have is my target, which is as small as possible, and nothing else. It's been a while since I've read one of his books, but when you are hitting a bucket of balls, Bob suggests using the training mentality (where you are allowed to have as many swing thoughts as you want) for 10 or 20% of the balls you hit, whereas the rest of the 80 or 90% of the balls is used for the trust mentality, where you have ZERO swing thoughts and only trust in your body's ability to hit a perfect shot.


Now, to tie this in with the Drive 400 program, Rob's mentality is similar. Instead of thinking about a small target, the only swing thought you have is to swing as fast as possible. You see, technology has absolutely, in a way, ruined the game of golf. Take the trackman, for example. You have stats that show everything: ball speed, attack angle, dynamic loft, smash factor...the list goes on. None of this stuff was being talked about in Hogan's day. We have come to the point in golf, where if any golfer's trackman stat, say, the dynamic loft angle, isn't optimal, the instructors now have a drill, where if you practice it, it will make your trackman stat, in this case, dynamic loft, optimal. Now, Rob isn't saying that this is a bad thing. It's just that these instructors' drills is just one more thing that is going to give golfers something to consciously think about during their swing. With all the technology and training aids of today, it is giving golfers more and more thoughts to think about during their swing. Rob and Rotella's mental philosophy is to minimize the swing thoughts as much as possible. Your swing speed is literally determined by what is in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is a powerful thing, and you can swing a club at 120mph, but only if you let it. There are, of course, physical limitations, but the subconscious mind prevents people from swinging a club to their full potential. This is kind of what Rob talks about in the Drive 400 program, and it is true. When you swing a club as fast as possible (and that is your only dominant thought), you are training your subconscious mind that it is possible to swing faster than what you are accustomed to swinging.


You will be surprised at how much better your golf game will be by implementing the trust mentality to your game. I went from consistently shooting anywhere in the 80s (I'd occasionally have that 78 or 79), to shooting in the mid to high 70s (occasionally shooting low 80s).


Boom! This guy is bring the knowledge! Love it.


Great Post! So true

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alrighty, time for an update. I haven't been doing the mobility exercises as much as I want to, maybe once a week, but I have been religiously using the foam roller/lacrosse ball for some MFR exercises. I have also been doing the SuperSpeed sticks three times per week. My results were astonishing. Before using this program, I was driving the ball in a 280yd-300yd range, depending on where I struck the ball on the clubface. **After doing my routine (foam roller/lacrosse ball, mobility exercises, and SuperSpeed system), I was driving the ball anywhere from 300yds-320yds, again, depending on how well I struck the ball!** I couldn't believe it. I went to a local golf fitter, here in Las Vegas, and his trackman was giving me an average swing speed reading of 113mph. He claimed that was the Tour average, and I was shocked. He recommended that I get stiffer shafts than what I was playing. For those of you who care, I was playing the original M1 with a stock Kuro Kage stiff shaft. He is installing a Handcrafted Project X HZRDUS Red 6.5 65g shaft (upgrading to an X shaft). This program really does work, and I have Rob to thank for. I would like to get my swing speed to, at the very least, 120mph, so I will keep you all updated on my journey.



To conclude, I just want to say that Rob's swing speed system is different. It does not incorporate the SuperSpeed training system. However, I firmly believe following his program will give you the same results that I had achieved with the SuperSpeed sticks. I will post another update in a month or so to see if there are any changes. Best believe I am going to keep using the foam roller and the SuperSpeed program. I would also like to incorporate the mobility exercises more frequently per week.




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I’ve posted an early update a few weeks ago. Here’s a more recent one.


I’m about 3-4 weeks in so far. I’ve been pretty religious about the program and am overall glad I’m doing it. I can’t say I’ve gained any yardage yet. I have hit some bombs that were longer than I’ve ever hit before, but on average I can’t say for sure I’m any longer yet. Also, my game is tanking a bit, and I do worry a little that I’m taking so many swings now focused only on swinging hard that I’m losing some technique. But I have plenty of things to blame for my game tanking...probably not related to this at all.


BUT, this program has made me more flexible, and has helped my back pain, etc. Plus it gives me a reason to work out now. I can definitely tell I’m getting stronger in my upper body.


I think the program is great. I’m definitely glad I’ve done it and have seen benefits from it already. Distance hasn’t been a consistent benefit yet, but I’m confident it will. It is definitely worth the $.

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Just bought the program and excited to try it out, today I did a dry run of all the foam roller and mobility stuff. I am going to do only that for the first few days before heading out to do the swing drills. For those who have been doing this program awhile, a couple questions: How long does the warm-up take for you? I was walking through it and it took 45 minutes to an hour, I know that it's important and gains don't come from rushing, but I was wondering what others' paces are.


I was also wondering what happens at the end of the 12 weeks, how do you maintain?


Really enjoyed the foam roller stuff though and really excited to _hopefully_ see some distance increases.

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I have just purchased the program.

Currently 38.y.o, hit it about 240m (265 yards) off the tee, reckon swing speed is about 105 but have not had it measured for ages. Play off a 2.0 index. I have a swing speed radar at home, but pretty sure it reads high but I will use that for tracking how it is all going.

I am chronically stiff and sore, pretty much across my whole body. When I get out of bed I feel like what I imagine a 60 y.o. should feel like.

I have previously played around with foam rolling and also done the 5x5 program but never stuck to it.

Main goal is to just feel better, very excited to get started.

I have a bit of a query, I know I don't swing as hard as I can, because when I do I feel like I lose sequencing and often times swinging harder will actually not increase distance, just increases mis hits. Is there a correct way to swing fast, or is it just let it fly!

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Alright, just broke out the SS radar and it came in around 107 average so that is the baseline.

Then I did the soft tissue work. That hurt quite a bit in a fair few areas. Thinking that roller routine might be a good way to start the day every day, although I may be a bit sore tomorrow. We will see.


Plan is to spend the next week trying to bed in the soft tissue and mobility work then look at strength program after that.

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Anyone else having issues viewing the videos? Im trying to view the Mobilities section and when it goes to Vimeo online, it requires me to not only enter the password to get in, but I have to enter it to view each short video. Also, when it ask if I want to open in the Vimeo App (which I have) it trys to switch, but then goes right back to the online. This is on an iphone X

And when I try to enter the password again for each individual video, it tells me "opps, there was a problem, please try again"?

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To a few questions from earlier:


Warmup routine - don’t know specifically but I can get through the entire routine (foam roller, stretches, swings and a little of the strength training) in about an hour to an hour and a half. I have it all mostly memorized, and I go through it somewhat quickly


Fast swing vs smooth swing- I worry a little about this. My swing was already too fast-tempo. I need to learn how to slow my tempo down. This is definitely not designed for that. BUT, I can tell that it is teaching me how to swing harder yet stay in balance. Eventually that will help with distance gains, though I would still say I haven’t conclusively seen distance gains yet. I’ve seen it in spots, but not consistently. But all of the other stuff makes it worth it. I feel looser, stronger, and back pain has lessened. I can swing what feels like 1,000mph and my back doesn’t tweak like it used to.

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> @smoothie4896 said:

> Never received any info on that. And still haven’t got any response on why I can’t view the videos.


The zip file you download should contain 3 files:


- Nutrition and sleep

- Strength Training Program

- Swing Speed Program


There are vimeo links provided for every single exercise in the workout, click on that and the password to watch the specific exercise can be found on page 6 of the strength training program.


I've just purchased and downloaded with no issues myself.

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> @Toolish said:

> So, just did the mobility stuff for the first time. My hip flexors are so tight I struggled to get into position for that exercise at all.


> Have always known my hips are tight, but didn't realise how bad. Also there are so many tender spots when rolling it is ridiculous!



I'm personally going to focus on soft tissue and mobility stuff initially along with getting more sleep and cutting processed foods as I'm tied in all kind of knots, after a week or two i'll bring in the strength training and go full bore.


Can't remember the last time i played without lower back ache (dull)

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> @rusty380 said:

> > @smoothie4896 said:

> > Never received any info on that. And still haven’t got any response on why I can’t view the videos.


> The zip file you download should contain 3 files:


> - Nutrition and sleep

> - Strength Training Program

> - Swing Speed Program


> There are vimeo links provided for every single exercise in the workout, click on that and the password to watch the specific exercise can be found on page 6 of the strength training program.


> I've just purchased and downloaded with no issues myself.


Rusty380- My zip file download only has the soft tissue instruction, swing speed instruction and the mobility exercises. Nothing on the strength training or sleep. And when I try to open the link to view the video's, the password isnt working for the mobility exercises.


Wait! This is strange and may help others. When I first received the file, I downloaded it right on my phone. Even thought his instructions say to download on PC first. (I need to read better!) Only one file showed on my phone, but when I downloaded on PC, all files showed up! Guess i need to follow instructions better. Wife says the same thing.



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So, decided to do the whole program last night (minus strength section). Had planned to just do the soft tissue and mobility work but kept going.


Afterwards I decided to hit a couple to see what happened. SS Radar before starting the program showed an average of 107. First swing after the session 121. Next swing 115, then 118. Hit about 10 balls and minimum was 112. Average was 116.


I am not sure if this is true gains or just a by product of doing it straight after the session. Interested to see what happens going forward.


A bit off topic but what sort of distance increase would an extra 10mph clubhead speed give, and would it mean I need a new fitting?

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Wow. Nicely done. And No man, I'm telling you guys, Golf lags badly, behind other sports, in proper warmup protocol.

Guys just go to the course, throw the driver behind their back and do a couple rotations and expect to be ready to perform optimally and pain free. It's not going to happen.


You're not sure if those are true gains? If you swung the club it's a true gain. It's in you. You just have to understand that no athlete realizes their potential without a proper warmup routine, and that's exactly what I wanted to provide in the Drive 400 program. That number is only going to go up man, just keep following the program.


Keep it up. This is impressive.







> @Toolish said:

> So, decided to do the whole program last night (minus strength section). Had planned to just do the soft tissue and mobility work but kept going.


> Afterwards I decided to hit a couple to see what happened. SS Radar before starting the program showed an average of 107. First swing after the session 121. Next swing 115, then 118. Hit about 10 balls and minimum was 112. Average was 116.


> I am not sure if this is true gains or just a by product of doing it straight after the session. Interested to see what happens going forward.


> A bit off topic but what sort of distance increase would an extra 10mph clubhead speed give, and would it mean I need a new fitting?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Updating my results with the program:


Honestly, I had started to lose my fervor for the program in the last week or two, mainly because I’ve just been very busy and inertia is tough when you get out of a routine.


But I must disagree with my assertion that I wasn’t increasing speed. I played my home course for the first time in a few weeks today, and I honestly think I might need to move to the back tees. I had to stop hitting driver on several holes because I just didn’t have enough fairway to hit it with. I was killing the ball. It was hot outside, and for the first time in months the ground is drying out. But my carry distances were also longer. I’d be willing to bet I had gained 15 yards.


I’m definitely getting back to being “religious” about the program tomorrow! Thanks Rob!

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Love it. Nice job man. Keep it going. And to anyone concerned about completion time... even if you don't have the time to complete all aspects of the program, just do something. Foam Roll. Take half the number of specified swings. Do an abbreviated workout. Learn what works for you. It's very important to know yourself, in sports. Your strengths, your weaknesses, etc. Always try to pay attention... gather feedback. That's how you consistently improve.


I added as much beneficial information as possible to the program, without any filler, so everything in the program is advantageous. Pick and choose if you don't have time to do everything, it all helps... but never stop entirely.

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Yep. I’ve modified the program ever so slightly to add in some elements that are specifically areas of need for me. For example, I have issues with headaches and doc said it was tightness in shoulders/neck; plus, I’ve had a nasty case of tennis elbow for almost 9 months now, and finally I have a swing fault where my hips don’t turn until after impact...so I’ve added or modified some exercises to work on those areas.


And I didn’t start the program for speed gains. It just gave me a routine to work on, where I could also add in some of my own elements, and I figured it would just help me at golf overall. Speed would have been a happy byproduct. I’m definitely longer now than I was a month ago, and longer than I remember being last summer!

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Nice job. This is exactly what I hoped people would do. You'll learn a lot in the program, and after going through it a few times, most people should begin to get a feel for their strengths and weaknesses and adjust accordingly.


Yes, this is a swing-speed program first and foremost, but there really are a lot of other benefits - improved general health and fitness, alleviation of back pain, shoulder pain, flexibility, mobility, diet, sleep, etc.


Keep up it man.

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Had to tell this story. My newfound length has made playing my home course interesting because I now take lines I would never have considered before. In particular, on 3 par 5s I took very aggressive lines. On the first one, there is a bunker that I used to play right of. Went right over it today. Screwed up the hole from there but I got green side in 2.


On the second one, I considered it unreachable before. But today I hit a good drive...not even great. If I had caught it cleaner I probably could have gotten 15 more yards. Anyway, I was still as far up the fairway as I’ve ever been. So I scoped the distance to the flag. 260. Two other bits of context. This green is small and completely guarded by water on the left and nasty bunkers on the right. It has a 5 yard opening between the trouble. Nobody in their right mind tries to reach this green. Second, a group was waving me up and they expected me to lay up. But I waited. They kept yelling at me to come on but then they realized I was going for it. Their mumbling was hilarious. I was playing so poorly honestly that I didn’t even care. I was definitely going for it, no matter how stupid the shot was. I grabbed my 3 wood. Needed 240 of carry. I hit the best 3 wood I’ve ever hit in my life on literally a perfect line. Hit about 5 yards onto the green and fed back to the back left pin. The applause and discussion I got from the group at the green was awesome. Everyone congratulating me. I had 15 feet left for eagle with everyone watching. Drained it! It was about the only highlight I had despite some great tee shots.


2 holes later, I went to a dogleg left par 5 where I can no longer hit driver unless I hit it over the trees on the left. I had never considered hitting it over the trees but I decided to go for it again. Hit it on a perfect line and cleared the trees. Left me only 200 in, but I hit a poor approach and ended up with a par this time.


The point being, though, that my newfound length has given me several more shot options than I had before. And I’ll never forget that eagle, and I’ll probably never go for that green again, but it was awesome while it lasted.


Now if I can learn not to suck at golf...

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      Custom Bettinardi covers for Matt and Alex Fitzpatrick - 2024 Zurich Classic
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