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Struggling. Not sure if it's me, putter or all together


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14 minutes ago, North Butte said:

The worst thing I ever did was spend a few weeks during the winter hitting putt after putt after putt indoors trying to groove that SBST stroke with several different putters by making "perfect" strokes on 8-foot straight putts. It took me a long, long time after that debacle to be able to putt a lick. And longer still to really get back to having some feel and touch and putt without tension in my hands, arms and shoulders.


This is exactly what I did and now I can't putt lol. 

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18 hours ago, Shankapotimous said:

Anyone else had this craziness going on? How did you overcome it? 


I've had similar struggles and thoughts since getting back into golf a few years ago. It's been a few months now and I think I can confidently say I've "fixed" my terrible putting. There is always room for improvement and I continue to work on it, but I'm substantially better now.


I went through all the putters too, bought expensive Scotty Camerons, etc. but nothing helped. Occasionally I had a good putting round where I'd have about 33 putts, but those were once a year rare. Typically I'd have 36-38 putts per round, a couple rounds of 40 putts. Had a 5 putt from 15 feet once, several 4 putts, too many 3 putts to count, you get the idea. I was pretty good at lag putting, but really, really bad inside 10 feet. If I wasn't in tap in range, there was good chance I was going to miss. I wondered if it was a confidence thing, or maybe I just sucked at putting. I had a week off from playing after a surgery and couldn't do full swings, so I went deep into the mechanics of how to putt. I was determined to solve the problem. I refused to believe I was that bad.


I took a lot of still photos and some videos of me putting in my living room. I compared those with pros and started to pick out what I was doing differently. I also found some really good PDFs from Science and Motion Sports (SAM Puttlab people) on their ideals for putting set up, lengths, lofts, dynamic loft at impact, etc. Once I understood how to putt, I need to learn how to do it. I went to a Golf Galaxy and found a putter that I could reliably aim. I had my wife there to double check my alignment. I didn't care what kind of putter I bought, I just needed to be able to align it. I didn't care about color, sound, marketing, popularity, etc. It ended up being an Odyssey Versa Twelve center shaft.


Once I had my putter I began cutting it down so that I could set up to the ball comfortably and to the ideals of Science and Motion. This turned out to be 31 inches for me (I'm 5'7"). It was so much more comfortable. I played a couple of rounds with the putter like this and while it was more comfortable, it just felt off. I bought a bunch of different Super Stroke counter weights and tried them all at home until it felt right. Ended up with a 75g counter weight, and also added about 35 grams of lead tape to the bottom of the putter. My putter is short and heavy, but it really settled down my stroke. My backstroke was much more stable with the added weight. While figuring out what weights I needed, I would roll a putt down a yardstick on a flat surface. I tweaked the weights until I could roll it down the entire length at varying speeds and be able to do it over and over without fail.


I also tweaked my grip to what felt comfortable while maintaining some of the fundamentals of a good putting grip.


One thing I didn't do is a bunch of drills or putting games on the putting green. 


Immediately I was putting so much better. It was really crazy. Over the past few months I've had a couple of 34 putt rounds, which is my highest since all of these modifications. Most are in the 30-32 range. I even had a 24 putt round recently which is completely unheard of for me. I no longer have issues with short putts. It's an amazing feeling to know I can be more aggressive and run it by 3 feet and not fear the comebacker.


It was a lot of work, but well worth it.


Here are the PDFs that really helped me.


https://www.scienceandmotion.com/download/docs/fundamentals/The Fundamentals of Putting1.pdf

https://www.scienceandmotion.com/download/docs/fundamentals/The Fundamentals of Putting2.pdf

https://www.scienceandmotion.com/download/docs/fundamentals/The Fundamentals of Putting3.pdf

https://www.scienceandmotion.com/download/docs/fundamentals/The Fundamentals of Putting4.pdf

https://www.scienceandmotion.com/download/docs/fundamentals/The Fundamentals of Putting5.pdf


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Great post @ericz! You sound like me at the beginning of your post. 


Your links only work for documents 1 and 2, but nothing opens for the rest of them. 


I also had my wife take pictures of me lol. I found out that I was standing way too upright and my arms where "disconnected" from my torso. I started to "tuck" my albows little more closer to my body and bend over little more so my eyes are over the ball. I found this to be lot easier. Also, being little more bend over, made little easier to move my arms uniformly since they were more connected to my body. So that really led me to grab my very first putter from years ago. I noticed right away that SBST felt more comfortable for me, but I was always fighting it. With the double bend putter, it felt better for some reason. 


I also go through all the adjustments similar to what you did. Cut down shaft, changed grips, I even went to 40 gram weights on my X 5.5 putter. That seemed to help some. I felt like I could take my backstroke more stable with heavier weights. Then I put fat grip on. Then I went back, then I removed weights, then I went back to Metador grip.. then I went to my old putter...then... etc etc lol Now I am in this cycle. 



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7 minutes ago, Shankapotimous said:

Your links only work for documents 1 and 2, but nothing opens for the rest of them. 


They are working for me, not sure what's up with them...


10 minutes ago, Shankapotimous said:

I also go through all the adjustments similar to what you did. Cut down shaft, changed grips, I even went to 40 gram weights on my X 5.5 putter. That seemed to help some. I felt like I could take my backstroke more stable with heavier weights. Then I put fat grip on. Then I went back, then I removed weights, then I went back to Metador grip.. then I went to my old putter...then... etc etc lol Now I am in this cycle. 


Sounds like you may just need to be patient with what feels right for a while before making adjustments. It takes time.


I should mention that I went away from the huge fat grips during my process. I'm in a Super Stroke Pistol GT 1.0 now. I think it's a good compromise.

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I have a sort of similar story. Basically didn't play but 1-2 times per year over a ten year span due to playing fb in HS and college. Putting was a strength but when I got back into it after a year or so, I got long putt yips. Putted great under 20 feet but anything longer and I'd basically flip my hands open or closed when I had a long putt. The only thing that helped me was going cross handed about 5 years ago. That fixed the yips but I had horrible distance control.


Went back to traditional grip this year and putted solid all year until the long putt yips started again in the last month. I don't want to go back to cross hand so what's worked this time is I am completely focused on the hole and not the stroke. When I think about my stroke or mechanics I will flip my hands but if I focus on the hole and the result I don't do it. That's a common theme throughout my bag though. Technical thoughts cripple me.

Driver: TSi3 8* Tour Green 75 TX

4 wood: Callaway Apex UW 17* Hzrdus Smoke 6.5
Irons: 4-PW 716 AP2 X100
Wedges: Mizuno T22 Copper 51, 56, 61 TI S400
Putter: Odyssey Jailbird 380 MH

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You sound like you're a perfect candidate for totally changing how you putt.  I wasn't as bad as you, but I was pretty bad before I went side saddle.  Now putting is absolutely a strength of my game.  I could always read greens and knew what putts were going to do, but I could never get it on line.

Aerojet LS 9* - Aerojet LS 14.5* - Baffler 17.5* - Sub 70 Pro 23* - i525 6-U - SM9 54* / 58* / 62*  - F22
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3 hours ago, Shankapotimous said:

Well... my dudes.. I have one question for you. Have you ever topped a putt? Yes, I mean, TOPPED. Well, I did! yesterday! I topped a long 40 footer lol...Can't make this s*** up. 


Anwyays, something is definitaly going on. Even my league playing friends said that yesterday. I am just so nervous on those short putts. I missed 3 of them yesterday. Here is how my putting went:


Hole   Distance   Putts

1          7 feet        2

2         5 feet        2

3         40 feet     3

4         5 feet        1 (Used putter from the fringe, hence why this is one putt because I made the next one)

5         15 feet      2

6        3 feet        1

7        40 feet      3 (topped first long putt, had a good line though, missed a 3 footer here - lipout)

8        10 feet      1

9        40 feet      3 (missed a 3 footer here - lipout)


18 total putts. Lots of mishit putts with this putter. Just could feel them not being hit in the right spot. Despite missing some short ones, I think I just simply played too much break. On one hole, I originally set my ball up (I use line)...looked at it, and left it there.. then, changed the line a little. If I didn't change it, the putt would go in. 


Like some of you said, I simply need to practice and maybe incorporate other drills in my practice sessions. I can putt at home all damn day and make them in, but if that doesn't translate on the course, then I am just wasting my time. 




Do you take practice strokes? I stopped taking them and my putting has gotten so, so much better.


I'd get so in my head about making the perfect stroke and my brain would forget that the objective is to get the ball in the hole. Now i pick my line, address the ball, take a look at the hole and go. Also why i don't use a line on my ball. Pick your spot and hit it


If none of these suggestions work, get a lefty putter or something. I know a few guys that were headcases on the green and switched sides with the putter and it actually helped.

Edited by dfeldss
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My friend, this is WRX, it's definitely the putter, need to buy a new one!!!!, that's the fix...just kidding, I say practice on real greens, at home is fine for winter play, I think doing practice on actual practice greens will/should help you, as recommended above, perhaps change the actual putter grip or change your current grip (holding the club), I used to putt left hand low for years, just two seasons ago went back to traditional grip and I have putter much immensely better, hope all works out, take care.

DRIVER: Callaway AI Smoke TD 10.5*, Ventus TR Blue 6TX at 45"
3 WOOD: Callaway AI Smole TD 15*, Diamana Flower Band White, D+ 82X Flex, tipped 1" at 42"
7 WOOD: Callaway AI Smoke TD 20*, Denali white 70g S Flex, tipped 1" at 41"

IRONS: Callaway Apex MB 7-10, CB 4-6 -- DG TI S400

WEDGES: Callaway JAWS Raw 50, 54, 58 -- DG TI S400
PUTTER: SC Phantom 5, Stability Shaft, 33.25", Garsen Quad Tour grip (Toulon Chicago and White Hot Pro V-Line as back ups)
BALL: Callaway CT X (current gamer), Srixon Diamond, -ProV1X and ProV1

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21 hours ago, Shankapotimous said:

What a frustrating period. This will be long, but I wanted to just throw it out there to get some feedback and comments. 


About 6 years ago, I started to play golf again, taking it seriously. I have a great instructor at GolfTech (top 10 in my state), and things are progressing very well. In between, I decided to focus more on my putter. I was playing with Oddysey EXO-7 putter, thinking nothing of it. It's a short bend neck putter (I am a lefty so selection is limited). To be honest, I bought this putter because I just liked the way it looked and felt how the ball sounded coming off of it. I didn't know anything about toe hangs or face balances, etc. It worked fine. I would putt 36 per round on average. But I wanted to get better. 


Then I discovered Scotty Cameron. I was messing around with a blade putter some at the store and it just felt a little different. I can't describe it, but it felt like I had better "look" on my backstroke. So I bought one. Got "fitted" at GG (I know I know, the only reason why I went there is because it was free if I bought the putter there, so I did it that way). it came up that 34 inch putter with 71 loft was good for me. 


First round out, I had 47 putts. I continued, but NOTHING worked. It was horrible. I lost total faith and confidence. So, being suborned, I bought Phantom X 5.5, but this time, I felt like shorter putter would feel better, so I got 32.5 inches. Things got better. I went back to my regular 36 putts per round and continued playing with this putter this year. However, something was missing. I just don't know  what. my shorter putts were shaky. I would miss 3 footers occasionally that should sink. 


One time, I went to the basement and for the hell of it, took out my very first putter. TM Rossie.. I noticed that this putter had a double bend neck and was face balanced. Since it was 35 inches long, I cut that sucker to 32.5 and slapped a big fat Winn grip on it. Right away, my backstroke felt better, more confident. So, now, I will play today in my league with this putter to see how it plays out. 


I am just so discouraged. Maybe I am expecting too much? Maybe I am just not a very good putter. I practice putting, but then get on a course and my putting game is just mediocre. Nothing special. I think the best I had was 14 putts on 9 holes in my league. Normally, it's 16, occasional 20, which is bad. 


I am seriously considering just sticking with this old putter since it's face balanced and see maybe this is my problem? It sucks because I have almost 1k worth of brand new Scotty Camerons sitting here. Newport blade didn't even see a season and X 5.5 was used just this year. Should I stick with 5.5 and "learn" it? I just feel like the putter should make me a little better? I guess one thing I need to come to realization is that I just want to like Scotty Cameron and have it as my gamer, but if my old crusty putter is giving me better results, then I just can't use Scotty, unless...I blow another $500 for Phantom X 12....ughhhh


Anyone else had this craziness going on? How did you overcome it? 

it's you.

Driver: Titleist TS3, 8.5°

2 Wood: Adams InSight XTD, 10.5°

Fairway: Callaway Rogue ST Max LS, 18°

Utility Iron: Cleveland UHX, 20°

Irons: Titleist 718 AP1, 5-GW, 24°-48°
UW: Titleist Vokey SM8, 52°F

LW: Titleist Vokey SM8, 60°D
Putter: Bettinardi inovai 6.0 slant neck, 34"
Ball: Bridgestone Tour B RX
Bag: Sun Mountain Metro Sunday Bag

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3 hours ago, dfeldss said:


Do you take practice strokes? I stopped taking them and my putting has gotten so, so much better.


I'd get so in my head about making the perfect stroke and my brain would forget that the objective is to get the ball in the hole. Now i pick my line, address the ball, take a look at the hole and go. Also why i don't use a line on my ball. Pick your spot and hit it


If none of these suggestions work, get a lefty putter or something. I know a few guys that were headcases on the green and switched sides with the putter and it actually helped.

I stopped doing practice strokes. Before, I always would. 


I went to practice at lunch for a little bit. Did some work with the mirror, some lag puts and series of 5-6 footers with mirror.  Then 3 footers around the hole. Can't believe I missed some of them. Crazy. I mean, it's right freaking there! 


My pacing is good for the most part. it just sounds like I need to practice on a real green and see how I progress over time. 

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In your posts you mention a lot about different style putters, length, weight, etc. and all of the practice and drills you do, but the one thing you haven't mentioned is reading the greens. Your pace on putts might be good but if you can't read the breaks there's no way a perfectly paced putt will go in. I was taught how to read greens 60 years ago when I was 12 and just beginning. I learned how to read greens with my eyes and my feet and I became very good at reading greens. Over the years I have played lots of different courses all over the country on all sorts of grasses and it usually took me a couple of holes to get used to the greens and be able to read them. Maybe you need to take a lesson on green reading. One other thing I do is I don't try to make a putt. I try to make a good stroke and put a solid strike on the ball and get it started on line. That's all you can control on a putt. Once it leaves your putter you have no control over what happens as the ball rolls to the hole, you become a spectator. Once I pick my line I'll pick a spot on that line between 3" and 5" in front of the ball. That's my target, not the hole. The spot could be a blade of grass or a slight discoloration of grass, as long as the spot is on my line. If I can roll my ball over that spot I usually have a very good chance to make the putt. Good luck, I do know that once bad thoughts get into your head it takes some work to be positive again.

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When I’m going through a bad patch I practice the round the clock drill. So I start at three foot and I have to make 10-20 in a row (depends how badly I’m putting) before I then repeat the drill at 5-6 ft and have to make 10-15 in a row. I make sure to focus on a dimple or mark on the ball as well, stops me moving my head too early. The other drill is I will put to a tee peg as it makes the hole look huge.



If these drills are working, then I only need to hit a few long putts before the round as a general test of green speed as I know I’ll hole anything with 5-6 ft.

Titleist TSR2 10 set at 11 Hzrdus Red CB
Titleist TSI2 16.5 Tensei Blue

Ping G 17.5 set at 18.5 tour 
Titleist ts3 21 Hzrdus Smoke
Taylormade 2023 p790 5-PW kbs tour lite
Titleist Vokey SM9 50°/12° SM8 56°/14° and SM9 60°/10°
Scotty Cameron Studio Select Newport Two
Titleist pro v1x

[i]Remember there are no pictures on a scorecard, only a number. [/i]

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Thought I would give a little update. I played around with some grips. Removed the big fat Winn grip and tried the popular Ping P85 or something like that. Wow, what a difference. I thought I preferred thicker grip. Apparently not. I feel much better putting with it. I also cut down my Phantom X 5.5 to 32 inches. That gave me little bit more consistent stance and hand position. 


I was talking with my instructor and told him about what is going on with my putting. We went on a green and he checked my stance. In his words:" I think you are the only one of few that I checked first time who has a perfect setup and stance". I guess I just need to learn how to read greens better. I found out that I have tendency to overread them and play a lot of break on shorter putts. Really, I think I was just overthinking it. 


I went on a practice green and did few "gate" drills, 12-3-6-9 drills from 3 and 5 feet. Focusing more on starting line (about 6-10 inches in front of the ball) seems like it really helped me with overthinking. 


League today. We shall see how this works out. Thanks for all the comments!

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2 hours ago, Shankapotimous said:

Thought I would give a little update. I played around with some grips. Removed the big fat Winn grip and tried the popular Ping P85 or something like that. Wow, what a difference. I thought I preferred thicker grip. Apparently not. I feel much better putting with it. I also cut down my Phantom X 5.5 to 32 inches. That gave me little bit more consistent stance and hand position. 


I was talking with my instructor and told him about what is going on with my putting. We went on a green and he checked my stance. In his words:" I think you are the only one of few that I checked first time who has a perfect setup and stance". I guess I just need to learn how to read greens better. I found out that I have tendency to overread them and play a lot of break on shorter putts. Really, I think I was just overthinking it. 


I went on a practice green and did few "gate" drills, 12-3-6-9 drills from 3 and 5 feet. Focusing more on starting line (about 6-10 inches in front of the ball) seems like it really helped me with overthinking. 


League today. We shall see how this works out. Thanks for all the comments!

It's been years since I spent any lesson time on putting. Pretty early on in my golf "career" my teaching pro said something similar. No so much declaring my stance and setup "perfect" (there's not really one perfect way for everyone) but he said I'd found a way to putt that puts a good roll on the ball and starts it on line, the direction I'm aiming. So he video'd that setup, showed me how to check everything using an alignment stick and a putting mirror and said when my putting seemed off, just try to get back to my original basics.


I believe you very much might be over-reading, over-thinking, over-trying and just plain old going off the deep end in your own head. Over the years I've gone through spells of that and always come out the other side realizing, "Wait a minute, this ain't rocket surgery!". Putting is really about keeping your consistent and on an even keel hole after hole, day after day. The details of how you putt aren't as important as finding a method and sticking to and BELIEVING IN IT!

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Where Are You Waiting GIF by This GIF Is Haunted

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On 7/20/2023 at 8:51 AM, Shankapotimous said:


This is exactly what I did and now I can't putt lol. 

It’s funny.  I can say the same.  

I personally have come to believe that some of us are artists. Some are mathematicians.  When you try to make an artist calculate what when where and why he does what he does in his stroke And then repeat it via a measured method….. it scrambles our brains.  Again. Personal opinion.  

we want to see the putts path  in our minds eye.  And then just putt to that picture.   All this other measured setup clouds that picture.  Messes up the feel. 

Edited by bladehunter

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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1 minute ago, bladehunter said:

It’s funny.  I can say the same.  

I personally have come to believe that some of us are artists. Some are mathematicians.  When you try to make an artist calculate what when where and why he does what he does in his stroke And then repeat it via a measured method….. it scrambles our brains.  Again. Personal opinion.  

I am very much a "mathematician" by disposition. Have been my whole life, if you can't measure it forget it is my mantra. Golf is much the same. I keep (mostly useless) stats on every round, I've done all sorts of analytics exercises over the years, laser virtually every shot of a round (unless it's on an extremely familiar course), even keep an up to date notecard of my expected distances with each club.


Except putting. I have never figured out any useful way to apply numbers or measurements to putting. Can't for the life of me do it any way except look at the path from the ball to the hole, try to picture how it's going to roll, then roll the ball along that line at what feels like the proper pace. Totally 100% a feel thing. I can't even do the "start the putt rolling over a spot 6" in front of the ball" deal, it just doesn't work that way.


As it turns out, all my analytics over the years have had one clear finding. I am better at putting than any other part of the game. In recent times I'm CONSIDERABLY better at putting than most other parts of the game. I'm also pretty good at short chipping (inside 20 yards). And go figure, whether putting from off the green or chipping with a 9-iron I hit those shots just like putting. No method, no planning, no numbers, just picture the ball rolling into the hole and try to start it on that line and pace.  Coincidence? 

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Where Are You Waiting GIF by This GIF Is Haunted

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10 minutes ago, North Butte said:

I am very much a "mathematician" by disposition. Have been my whole life, if you can't measure it forget it is my mantra. Golf is much the same. I keep (mostly useless) stats on every round, I've done all sorts of analytics exercises over the years, laser virtually every shot of a round (unless it's on an extremely familiar course), even keep an up to date notecard of my expected distances with each club.


Except putting. I have never figured out any useful way to apply numbers or measurements to putting. Can't for the life of me do it any way except look at the path from the ball to the hole, try to picture how it's going to roll, then roll the ball along that line at what feels like the proper pace. Totally 100% a feel thing. I can't even do the "start the putt rolling over a spot 6" in front of the ball" deal, it just doesn't work that way.


As it turns out, all my analytics over the years have had one clear finding. I am better at putting than any other part of the game. In recent times I'm CONSIDERABLY better at putting than most other parts of the game. I'm also pretty good at short chipping (inside 20 yards). And go figure, whether putting from off the green or chipping with a 9-iron I hit those shots just like putting. No method, no planning, no numbers, just picture the ball rolling into the hole and try to start it on that line and pace.  Coincidence? 

Yep. You just described me too.  I build things for a living.  Measuring is my life.  Lol.  And I too laser every shot. Even a lot of tee shots with driver.  And yet with a putt. The more I try to measure it. The worse I get .  I think putting is like shooting free throws.  You’d never setup rigid and aim a free throw. You try to stay moving and let it go.  

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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19 minutes ago, bladehunter said:

Yep. You just described me too.  I build things for a living.  Measuring is my life.  Lol.  And I too laser every shot. Even a lot of tee shots with driver.  And yet with a putt. The more I try to measure it. The worse I get .  I think putting is like shooting free throws.  You’d never setup rigid and aim a free throw. You try to stay moving and let it go.  

Yeah, and the broomstick putter is like Rick Barry throwing Granny-style. 


Where Are You Waiting GIF by This GIF Is Haunted

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There are three things you need to putt well(which is matching speed and line)

1. Aim - actually aiming where you think you are aiming

2. Speed control.

3. Good starting line - this ties into 1 but is also separate.


I owned a putter company for quite a few years and worked with a few tour players, a bunch of college golfers, and a ton a high school age/golf academy kids.


There are plenty of putters I can aim correctly, but my stroke doesn't like starting it on that line.  My distance control(mainly because of my pre shot routine) has always been good.   Eye dominance, eye sight, age, all of it plays a part.  I used to be an amazing putter from being a kid until I was mid 30's.  Eyesight was still good, but age caused a muscle definition change.


I putted with an Anser style plumber's neck for years, and was great with it.  Then I transitioned into still that but a slant neck to get Aim and start correct.  At this point I am in a double bend shaft(yes it is a Versa Rickie/Wyndham copy) and am putting as well as I was as a youngster(I am 47 now).  I start the ball on line, aim it correctly, and my distance control is amazing with this insert and CB length.


First using a couple of small lasers to put on the topline, I determine if I can aim a putter properly.  Take a buddy and a piece of cardboard to a golf shop, put the cardboard in front of the head, aim, then pull the cardboard and see if you are aiming properly.  Try each putter head style, hosel, coloring at least twice, but not twice in a row.  Write down results.  Then with a stand laser behind the ball, block with cardboard, make your stroke, remove cardboard as soon as impact happens and see if you start it online.


Take the ones you can do both and then see if you have issues with speed on any of them.


Your other options

1. Just buy putter after putter guessing what works and you may get lucky on the first second or third, or it may be your 30+ purchase when you hit it.   

2. Quintic and SAM lab are also options, but can be expensive, however much cheaper than not finding a correct putter until 10+ putter purchases.


Getting a putter that you can do all three with allows you to putt with feel, or like a fee throw shot as someone above pointed out.

Edited by driveandputtmachine
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  • Driver - Ping G430 Max 10k - Aldila Rogue White 130 MSI TX
  • 3 Wood - Taylormade 300 Mini 13.5 - Ventus Purple X
  • 5 Wood - Ping G430 Max - Ventus Purple X 
  • 7 Wood - Ping G430 Max - Ventus Purple X | 4-iron Ping Blueprint S - Ventus Blue 90 Hybrid X
  • 5 - PW Ping BluePrint S - Recoil 110 F5
  • GW - Ping Glide 4.0s 50* - Recoil 110 F5 | Cleveland RTX6 55* - Fuji Tour Spec 115X | LW - Vokey SM9T 60* - Fuji Tour Spec 115X
  • Putters - LAB DF3 - Accra White | Odyssey Jailbird Versa Microhinge - Odyssey Tank DBOdyssey Jailbird Ai-One
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Thought I would provide some small updates. Last week, I shot 40 in my league and had 20 putts. I had three 3 putts. Some of them from less than 3 feet. VERY discouraging. 


I had my weekly lesson on Saturday and my coach basically talked to me about my mental game while putting. It was very helpful and interesting at the same time. We went over the process/routine, and he also showed me AimPoint. I know this will take me some time to calibrate but I started to use it. Second thing was my putter. Since I was in a funk, I started to mess around with my putter (SC X5.5). At first, I changed the grip, then I cut the thing down....all the way to 30 inches.. yes... 30...I didn't even measure, I just cut it where I felt it was right. That of course made the swing weight all messed up. Still, thinking I need a new putter anyways (face balanced), I went to Club Champ to get fitted for the putter. 


Surprise surprise surprise.... it's not the hammer.. it's the carpenter. The SAM system basically suggested the putter type that I have... little toe hang, mullet...except of course at 33 inches, which is what my Scotty originally was lol


I ordered new shaft and it should be here tomorrow. I had to add 40 gram weights to balance the putter due to it's length. 


I played in my league yesterday and had 15 putts. I used AimPoint (although not perfect, but it got me there), used a routine, relaxed and putted more confidently. I didn't have any three putts, I had three 1-putts and rest 2 putts from 20-30 feet. Most of those ended up with second putts being 2 footers. I was very happy with the results. 


I guess it's all mental with me. I have no idea what happened. It's like one day, someone turned off the putting light off and got in my head. It was absolutely CRAZY how nervous I was standing over those 3 footers..just counting on missing it. I didn't even putt yet! 


The good thing is, I don't need to buy a new putter 🙂

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On 7/19/2023 at 2:05 PM, Shankapotimous said:


That is also my thinking lol...maybe this constant putter changing and fiddling with grips actually makes me overthinking all this?

It’s narrowing down the list of things that work and don’t. There’s no answer. When it feels right it’s likely right. My NP2 has been everywhere from 34” to 35-1/4” and back. At least 6 different grips, headweights from 5g to 25g and swing-weight from C-4 to E-8. Thin grips, fat grips, counterweights. All the while hitting hundreds and hundreds of putts, which doesn’t do anything but make me better. 

Just my opinion. 

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On 7/20/2023 at 8:35 AM, North Butte said:

I've topped, drop-kicked, toe-jammed and borked more putts than I can count over the last 30 years and 5,000 rounds. Once you start trying too hard and thinking too much, eventually it'll start edging into out-and-out yips.


Once a good few years ago, I whiffed at an 18-inch putt, not because I stepped up and backhanded it, I actually lined it up and gave it my full attention but then froze over the ball until all I do was twitch at it without hitting the ball. 


I don't know what the cure is for you but you've got to find some middle ground between what you're doing (obsessive putter-changing, practicing, stat-keeping) versus giving up and not developing some touch and consistency in your stroke.


For me, the turning point was when I quit trying to make the putter go "straight back and straight through" and I quit watching the alignment line my putter during my stroke and I quit doing practice strokes. I totally leaned into visualizing the line before stepping up to the ball then doing the old Davis Love thing of taking one last look at the hole then starting the stroke the instant my eyes were back over the ball. 


The worst thing I ever did was spend a few weeks during the winter hitting putt after putt after putt indoors trying to groove that SBST stroke with several different putters by making "perfect" strokes on 8-foot straight putts. It took me a long, long time after that debacle to be able to putt a lick. And longer still to really get back to having some feel and touch and putt without tension in my hands, arms and shoulders.


This, this, this. Once I started visualizing the line and stopped standing over the ball, trying to get my putter line and ball line perfectly matched and overthinking the stroke, I became a better putter

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