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The Tiger Woods PED/Steroids Speculation has to end


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[quote name='Playaway' timestamp='1425685042' post='11093253']
[quote name='Sean2' timestamp='1425684682' post='11093211']
[quote name='aussie ausborne' timestamp='1425684559' post='11093195']
[quote name='Sean2' timestamp='1425683828' post='11093099']
You guys are STILL talking about this? :-)

There are guys here saying the speculation has to end, but they keep asking the guys who are doing the speculation to elaborate more on their speculation, and then we get a whole new round of speculation. :)

Well said...which was why I was wondering why people were still speculating. :-)

Similar to Lance Armstrong. Speculation went on and on . . . . . . . . then, BOOM!

I hope that doesn't happen here. Bad for the game.

His speculation lasted 10 years before the dynamite actually went off. Plenty of time left before 10 years go by.

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[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425689679' post='11093659']
[b]Posting a 5 year old speculative rush to judgment by someone from ESPN doesn't advance the argument for me. Paying attention to everything that's happened since then factually is a lot more relevant to me than an opinion piece.[/b]

What has happened since then that sheds any more light on this? Galea has plead guilty. Anything else?

I'm catching up on the LPGA.

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[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425689679' post='11093659']
[b]Posting a 5 year old speculative rush to judgment by someone from ESPN doesn't advance the argument for me. Paying attention to everything that's happened since then factually is a lot more relevant to me than an opinion piece.[/b]

What has happened since then that sheds any more light on this? Galea has plead guilty. Anything else?

Wait, which one is galea again?

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[quote name='Playaway' timestamp='1425682089' post='11092927']
[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425681754' post='11092891']
The thing that I don't get in this whole deal, and others have brought it up before, but aren't PED's supposed ENHANCE your performance? Tiger had knee surgery in 2008 and began receiving PRP therapy from Galea the next year. Since then, he STILL hasn't won a major and his overall performance has slipped.

Isn't that what happens with age? You're not as good as you once were? The major red flag would be if Tiger comes back from this latest bout of injury and starts miraculously winning everything in sight again.

That's the difference with the baseball/steroid connection everyone is making. McGwire, Bonds, Sosa, Palmeiro, etc were all outperforming their "in their prime" selves into their late 30's/early 40's. THAT doesn't happen. It may happen once or twice as an outlier, but not regularly like it was then.

Tiger's body is breaking down like 40 y/o bodies break down. [color=#ff0000] If he's taking HGH and all of these illegal miracle drugs, it's time to get his money back because they ain't working.[/color]

Maybe he stopped taking them in June 2008? Bonds and them continued using until they were done.

Wait...so Tiger was on a steady diet of PED's UNTIL he hurt is knee in 2008??? Then he decided to stop using them? Brilliant deduction.

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[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425682916' post='11093011']
[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425681754' post='11092891']
The thing that I don't get in this whole deal, and others have brought it up before, but aren't PED's supposed ENHANCE your performance? Tiger had knee surgery in 2008 and began receiving PRP therapy from Galea the next year. Since then, he STILL hasn't won a major and his overall performance has slipped.

Isn't that what happens with age? You're not as good as you once were? The major red flag would be if Tiger comes back from this latest bout of injury and starts miraculously winning everything in sight again.

That's the difference with the baseball/steroid connection everyone is making. McGwire, Bonds, Sosa, Palmeiro, etc were all outperforming their "in their prime" selves into their late 30's/early 40's. THAT doesn't happen. It may happen once or twice as an outlier, but not regularly like it was then.

Tiger's body is breaking down like 40 y/o bodies break down. If he's taking HGH and all of these illegal miracle drugs, it's time to get his money back because they ain't working.

Tiger ascended back to #1 in the OWGR and won 8 events between 2012 and 2013. To me that looks like overperformance from where he was at previously. Now that might not exactly square up with the Dr. Galea timeline, but who knows who else or what else Tiger was doing back then. Plus, Tiger re injured himself and may no longer be doing now what he was doing then. It doesn't have to be precise, make perfect sense, or line up like pieces of a nicely fit puzzle for it to have happened. Life isn't that simple.

So you're conveniently leaving out the MASSIVE scandal he went through, followed by a MASSIVE swing change during the two years prior to 2012/2013. You don't think that contributed to the down-tick in his production? That's nuts.

And if you think the best or second best golfer we've ever seen winning tournaments at age 36 is a sign of overproduction, that's just as nuts.

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[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425734257' post='11095819']
[quote name='Playaway' timestamp='1425682089' post='11092927']
[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425681754' post='11092891']
The thing that I don't get in this whole deal, and others have brought it up before, but aren't PED's supposed ENHANCE your performance? Tiger had knee surgery in 2008 and began receiving PRP therapy from Galea the next year. Since then, he STILL hasn't won a major and his overall performance has slipped.

Isn't that what happens with age? You're not as good as you once were? The major red flag would be if Tiger comes back from this latest bout of injury and starts miraculously winning everything in sight again.

That's the difference with the baseball/steroid connection everyone is making. McGwire, Bonds, Sosa, Palmeiro, etc were all outperforming their "in their prime" selves into their late 30's/early 40's. THAT doesn't happen. It may happen once or twice as an outlier, but not regularly like it was then.

Tiger's body is breaking down like 40 y/o bodies break down. [color=#ff0000] If he's taking HGH and all of these illegal miracle drugs, it's time to get his money back because they ain't working.[/color]

Maybe he stopped taking them in June 2008? Bonds and them continued using until they were done.

Wait...so Tiger was on a steady diet of PED's UNTIL he hurt is knee in 2008??? Then he decided to stop using them? Brilliant deduction.

I meant after he had Galea administer the blood thing and whatever else, which would be a year or so later (I screwed up on the year). Bonds and them roided out till the end. Got popped later. Sorta like Lance Armstrong who, BTW, NEVER FAILED A DRUG TEST.

Valhalla, I am coming!
Drums beating, cold English blood
runs hot.
they just can't kill the beast

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[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425481289' post='11075219']
[quote name='Bluefan75' timestamp='1425477624' post='11074839']
[quote name='dpb5031' timestamp='1425476008' post='11074713']
Wow, there are some really well thought-out opinions and well-expressed points made in this thread, and it's remained mostly civil! The salient points on both sides of the argument have already been presented, so I won't beat that to death any further.

It was suggested though, that Earl's passing was the beginning of Tiger's slide. I think this may have been true in terms of some of his indiscretions and poor decision making, but then again, Earl was known to have made similar indiscretions as far as the infidelity part.

I think Tiger's real unraveling was/is related to Earl, but not just his passing. I think it truly began after the fire hydrant deal. The entire image and mystique, carefully cultivated and nurtured by Earl, and then further massaged, enhanced, and groomed by Steinberg, came crashing down the day he hit that hydrant and all of the other dirt came out.

The destruction of his image, and the idea that he let his parents down....especially his dad, had to be devastating to him. All of those lofty and seemingly unrealistic expectations, many publicly declared. Of course, in my view Earl placed unrealistic pressure on Tiger to live up to his proclamations. Remember the whole, "my son is going to do more for humanity than Gandhi, etc.,.."?

When the dirt came out and the image came crashing down, Tiger failed his dad, and disgraced his mom, lost his family, and destroyed his public persona. When you've got all the money in the world, what else is left.

Failing his parents and seeing his public image decimated had to be devastating to Tiger's psyche. Everything changed in an instant. The trauma from this type of event can be as real and significant as a major physical trauma. It wouldnt surprise me if Tiger has suffered since then with what Psychologists would diagnose as "Adjustment Disorder."

Interesting. I've always thought the fire hydrant's real consequence to him was that now that things were out in the open, the sportswriters who protected him couldn't do so anywhere near to the degree they did before, and maintain their appearance of objectiveness. It's such a mental game that I think knowing your press conferences are going to be only about your birdies and bogeys, "how did you feel on the range", etc., was a great comfort to him. Then that was gone. While the media is still mostly sycophantic when he is involved, I think things like Jenkins' column *never* would have happened pre-fire hydrant. Some editor or someone would have nixed it.

I agree. I think one of Tiger's main edges prior to all the scandals was his psychological well being and the aura of invincibility he maintained. Like Samson losing his hair, once Tiger's true persona became known, he himself had a new self image that was nowhere near as powerful as the one that was stripped away. In short, he can't summon up the prior greatness on demand any longer. It just isn't there for him.

Smitty's second sentence sums it up for me.

This is what I tried to get at in my prior posts regarding Tiger, and sometimes I communicated it better than others, lol.

Regardless of how well one can focus, insulate and compartmentalize themself, everyone is ultimately a product of the Man/Woman staring back at them in the mirror, even Tiger, and he obviously felt the humiliation to his very core, which is not a knock against him, because I can't even fathom being split wide open publicly like he was, and I would say that his ability to compartmentalize is as great as any public figure going, with the possible exception of Bill Clinton, however the critical difference between the two is that Bill Clinton's persona was not built on and around intimidation. Having been around those types of personalities most of my life through sports and business, I have never seen someone come out of a similar situation with their "armor," persona and abilities to perform at the pre-episode levels in tact.

Another thing that I've mentioned though I don't think in this thread is that I'd love to see, because no way in hell Tiger answers this question straight up, and that is that at the end of the day, I believe that he truly only cares about one individual's thoughts & opinions of him, and that's Earl's.

Yes, his Mother means the world to him and he Adores her, however he most definitely, in every way, is his Father's Son. That being said, I can't forget his Father's last toast in the press tent following Tiger's last US Am Victory, when he raised his glass, and in the presence of others, toasted to his son winning FOURTEEN MAJORS!!!!

From those who were present, it was much to Tiger's chagrin, lol.

However, at the end of the day, and if Tiger indeed never wins another Major, he can look at himself in the mirror and look skyward and say that he met his Father's expectations!!

In this whole f***** up mess that is his life, that's gotta be comforting to him-

Sure, he was set to take a run at Jack, and I hope, for the game and my entertainment, that he can regroup and come back to at least grab another one, however, if he does not.......

His Father put a number up and Tiger met it....

Well, Smitty, Blue & DP, great posts!!

Very Well Played Gents!!

Have a great weekend :)

Fairways & Greens My Friends,

In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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[quote name='puttingmatt' timestamp='1425747346' post='11096791']
So, is there a belief that Tiger would still be winning if he was still on the juice?
[/quote]FWIW, and the only way that I know of the definition of "juice" to be, with two now deceased former college teammates having passed from the side effects of the "juice," Tiger has never "juiced."

Unless the definition has changed as to what exactly "juice" is, ie., roids, I do not believe that Tiger has ever "juiced."

If the definition has changed to include ALL PEDs, my bad, ignore me :)

Stay well my Friend,

In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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I can't believe we're stopping the speculation for 940+ posts

Golf Jobs
Driver: Titleist TS3 9.5 w/ Tensei Blue 55 S
3W: Titleist 915F 15 w/ Diamana D+ 80 S
3H: Titleist 915H 21 w/ Diamana D+ 90 S
Irons: 4-GW Titleist T100 w/ Project X LZ 6.0
Wedge: Vokey SM8 54.10S TC w/ Project X LZ 6.0

Wedge: Vokey SM8 60.04L TC w/ Project X LZ 6.0
Ball: 2021 Titleist ProV1


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[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425734257' post='11095819']
[quote name='Playaway' timestamp='1425682089' post='11092927']
[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425681754' post='11092891']
The thing that I don't get in this whole deal, and others have brought it up before, but aren't PED's supposed ENHANCE your performance? Tiger had knee surgery in 2008 and began receiving PRP therapy from Galea the next year. Since then, he STILL hasn't won a major and his overall performance has slipped.

Isn't that what happens with age? You're not as good as you once were? The major red flag would be if Tiger comes back from this latest bout of injury and starts miraculously winning everything in sight again.

That's the difference with the baseball/steroid connection everyone is making. McGwire, Bonds, Sosa, Palmeiro, etc were all outperforming their "in their prime" selves into their late 30's/early 40's. THAT doesn't happen. It may happen once or twice as an outlier, but not regularly like it was then.

Tiger's body is breaking down like 40 y/o bodies break down. [color=#ff0000] If he's taking HGH and all of these illegal miracle drugs, it's time to get his money back because they ain't working.[/color]

Maybe he stopped taking them in June 2008? Bonds and them continued using until they were done.

Wait...so Tiger was on a steady diet of PED's UNTIL he hurt is knee in 2008??? Then he decided to stop using them? Brilliant deduction.

Coincidence maybe, that drug testing started in July of that year I believe.

Big Bertha Alpha 815 Speeder 565 R or TMAG SIM max Riptide R shaft
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[quote name='martinbns' timestamp='1425761658' post='11098071']
[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425734257' post='11095819']
[quote name='Playaway' timestamp='1425682089' post='11092927']
[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425681754' post='11092891']
The thing that I don't get in this whole deal, and others have brought it up before, but aren't PED's supposed ENHANCE your performance? Tiger had knee surgery in 2008 and began receiving PRP therapy from Galea the next year. Since then, he STILL hasn't won a major and his overall performance has slipped.

Isn't that what happens with age? You're not as good as you once were? The major red flag would be if Tiger comes back from this latest bout of injury and starts miraculously winning everything in sight again.

That's the difference with the baseball/steroid connection everyone is making. McGwire, Bonds, Sosa, Palmeiro, etc were all outperforming their "in their prime" selves into their late 30's/early 40's. THAT doesn't happen. It may happen once or twice as an outlier, but not regularly like it was then.

Tiger's body is breaking down like 40 y/o bodies break down. [color=#ff0000] If he's taking HGH and all of these illegal miracle drugs, it's time to get his money back because they ain't working.[/color]

Maybe he stopped taking them in June 2008? Bonds and them continued using until they were done.

Wait...so Tiger was on a steady diet of PED's UNTIL he hurt is knee in 2008??? Then he decided to stop using them? Brilliant deduction.

Coincidence maybe, that drug testing started in July of that year I believe.

But that's kind of my point. Tiger didn't even see Galea until his team decided he wasn't healing fast enough about 6 months after knee surgery in 2008. That's also when testing started. Players get tested all the time (including Tiger).

People can't point to Tiger's relationship with Galea as the cause of steroid speculation, if his relationship with Galea started at the same time as testing on tour started. Maybe if he had a long standing relationship to the guy for the prior 10-years it could be cause for suspicion.

Unless people are saying Tiger was using PED's for his whole career? Is there ANY real evidence pointing to that? I haven't heard any. The only speculation I've every heard is based on his getting PRP treatments from Galea. But that didn't start until the tour started testing for PED's, right?

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[quote name='Joebirds55' timestamp='1425760572' post='11098001']
GROUP A: The circumstantial evidence shows he definitely used PEDs

GROUP B: Until we see solid proof, we shouldn't speculate. Tiger is the messiah!

Continue for infinity more pages...

No Joe, group B doesn't necessarily include your little tag line.

You are revealing your bias.

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[quote name='Hawkeye77' timestamp='1425764268' post='11098285']
[quote name='Joebirds55' timestamp='1425760572' post='11098001']
GROUP A: The circumstantial evidence shows he definitely used PEDs

GROUP B: Until we see solid proof, we shouldn't speculate. Tiger is the messiah!

Continue for infinity more pages...

No Joe, group B doesn't necessarily include your little tag line.

You are revealing your bias.

You got me! :)

In all seriousness, not that it matters as I'm sure its been said 100 times already...but I am in the middle with my view of the situation. Gun to my head I say yes he used something. But I guess technically we don't have rock solid proof. Watching the Tiger lovers get extremely heated on the issue is pure entertainment. Same with watching the haters.

I would love to see Tiger return as it'd be great for golf. I just don't let it affect me emotions like some...

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[quote name='Joebirds55' timestamp='1425764604' post='11098321']
[quote name='Hawkeye77' timestamp='1425764268' post='11098285']
[quote name='Joebirds55' timestamp='1425760572' post='11098001']
GROUP A: The circumstantial evidence shows he definitely used PEDs

GROUP B: Until we see solid proof, we shouldn't speculate. Tiger is the messiah!

Continue for infinity more pages...

No Joe, group B doesn't necessarily include your little tag line.

You are revealing your bias.

You got me! :)

In all seriousness, not that it matters as I'm sure its been said 100 times already...but I am in the middle with my view of the situation. Gun to my head I say yes he used something. But I guess technically we don't have rock solid proof. Watching the Tiger lovers get extremely heated on the issue is pure entertainment. Same with watching the haters.

I would love to see Tiger return as it'd be great for golf. I just don't let it affect me emotions like some...

I'm just sayin' all group A isn't "haters". ;-)

I'm Dr. Spock (rest in peace) on this one, and I need cold, hard facts.

Back to LPGA thread for me, there was something about matching outfits.

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[quote name='bscinstnct' timestamp='1425747880' post='11096823']
[quote name='puttingmatt' timestamp='1425747346' post='11096791']
So, is there a belief that Tiger would still be winning if he was still on the juice?

Are you saying he was?

; )
just asking to see where the thread stands after many good arguements .
a poll would have been interesting.

Play Golf.....Play Blades......Play Something Else.....Just Go Play.....

4 HC
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[color=#2B3943][size=4]Tiger Woods emphatically denies that he has ever used performance-enhancing drugs, but almost a quarter of PGA Tour players [/size][/color][url="http://www.golf.com/golf/tours_news/article/0,28136,1985630,00.html"]surveyed by Sports Illustrated[/url][color=#2B3943][size=4] don't believe him. Of 71 PGA Tour players surveyed, 24 percent said they thought Woods "used HGH or other performance-enhancing drugs." [/size][/color]


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[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425829626' post='11101855']
[color=#2B3943]Tiger Woods emphatically denies that he has ever used performance-enhancing drugs, but almost a quarter of PGA Tour players [/color][url="http://www.golf.com/golf/tours_news/article/0,28136,1985630,00.html"]surveyed by Sports Illustrated[/url][color=#2B3943] don't believe him. Of 71 PGA Tour players surveyed, 24 percent said they thought Woods "used HGH or other performance-enhancing drugs." [/color]


Haha brilliant.

Guess what? 25% of U.S. Citizens still believe Obama wasn't born in U.S.! 7% of Americans think the Moon landing was faked, and 25% think the SUN REVOLVES AROUND THE EARTH.

People are stupid.


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[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425831033' post='11101947']
[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425829626' post='11101855']
[color=#2B3943]Tiger Woods emphatically denies that he has ever used performance-enhancing drugs, but almost a quarter of PGA Tour players [/color][url="http://www.golf.com/golf/tours_news/article/0,28136,1985630,00.html"]surveyed by Sports Illustrated[/url][color=#2B3943] don't believe him. Of 71 PGA Tour players surveyed, 24 percent said they thought Woods "used HGH or other performance-enhancing drugs." [/color]


Haha brilliant.

Guess what? 25% of U.S. Citizens still believe Obama wasn't born in U.S.! 7% of Americans think the Moon landing was faked, and 25% think the SUN REVOLVES AROUND THE EARTH.

People are stupid.


No Bud, you got the Obama thing wrong. 75% of Americans WISH he wasn't born in America.

Valhalla, I am coming!
Drums beating, cold English blood
runs hot.
they just can't kill the beast

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[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425831033' post='11101947']
[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425829626' post='11101855']
[color=#2B3943]Tiger Woods emphatically denies that he has ever used performance-enhancing drugs, but almost a quarter of PGA Tour players [/color][url="http://www.golf.com/golf/tours_news/article/0,28136,1985630,00.html"]surveyed by Sports Illustrated[/url][color=#2B3943] don't believe him. Of 71 PGA Tour players surveyed, 24 percent said they thought Woods "used HGH or other performance-enhancing drugs." [/color]


Haha brilliant.

Guess what? 25% of U.S. Citizens still believe Obama wasn't born in U.S.! 7% of Americans think the Moon landing was faked, and 25% think the SUN REVOLVES AROUND THE EARTH.

People are stupid.

No, people are gulliable and misinformed.

Play Golf.....Play Blades......Play Something Else.....Just Go Play.....

4 HC
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[quote name='stevesnis' timestamp='1425831033' post='11101947']
[quote name='Smith65' timestamp='1425829626' post='11101855']
[color=#2B3943]Tiger Woods emphatically denies that he has ever used performance-enhancing drugs, but almost a quarter of PGA Tour players [/color][url="http://www.golf.com/golf/tours_news/article/0,28136,1985630,00.html"]surveyed by Sports Illustrated[/url][color=#2B3943] don't believe him. Of 71 PGA Tour players surveyed, 24 percent said they thought Woods "used HGH or other performance-enhancing drugs." [/color]


Haha brilliant.

Guess what? 25% of U.S. Citizens still believe Obama wasn't born in U.S.! 7% of Americans think the Moon landing was faked, and 25% think the SUN REVOLVES AROUND THE EARTH.

People are stupid.


Not that surveying 71 "tour" players means anything as far as opinion goes.........who were the 71 players, were they current PGA tour players that would have frequent contact with him.....not that it would matter, because NONE supposedly knew of his "other" life before or after it became public knowledge, so I doubt that any of them would know something as secretive as him using Ped's.

But I did read the article and 76% think he DID NOT USE PED'S. So why would the 24% outweigh the 76%.

Not to mention that I bet 24 of 71 tour players know they could never take Tiger down on the course, so why not take a cheap shot where they hide behind an article.

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      Taylor Pendrith - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Kevin Tway - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Rory McIlroy - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      New Cobra equipment truck - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Eric Cole's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matt Kuchar's custom Bettinardi - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Justin Thomas - driver change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler - putter change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler's new custom Odyssey Jailbird 380 putter – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Tommy Fleetwood testing a TaylorMade Spider Tour X (with custom neck) – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Cobra Darkspeed Volition driver – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      • 2 replies
    • 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Pierceson Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kris Kim - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      David Nyfjall - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Adrien Dumont de Chassart - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Jarred Jetter - North Texas PGA Section Champ - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Richy Werenski - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Wesley Bryan - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Parker Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Peter Kuest - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Blaine Hale, Jr. - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kelly Kraft - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Rico Hoey - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Pullout Albums
      Adam Scott's 2 new custom L.A.B. Golf putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Scotty Cameron putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      • 11 replies

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