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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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I couldn't give you a exact year or age that I played my first real round of golf, but would estimate it was around 1975. I had a mix and match set of power bilt, and wilson blades, 3,5,7, and nine. I teed off with a Blueridge 4 wood, that I had to use the ole toothpick trick, to keep the screws tight enough to hold the bottom plate on. My dad only played 4-5 times a year, usually when old friends were back in town. I was allowed to join in on a few of those excursions, but normally it was just he and I.

We played the same course I am currently a member of.

I didn't play very often for much of my life. I played football and ran track in high school. My friends and I always thought golf was for guys who couldn't make the baseball or track teams.

When my dad retired 12 years ago he picked the game back up, and became a member at the course. I soon followed suit to spend more time with him, and realized just how much fun this game was.

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> @howellhandmade said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?


> My first round is not as memorable as my first golf shot. Maybe 7 or 8 years old, I bought one club and one ball at a garage sale from a neighbor across the alley. The transaction was unsupervised. I doubt I had more than 50 cents to my name so I don’t remember exactly what I paid and I have no idea what club it was other than it was an iron. My neighbor whose back yard adjoined ours was a retired dean of the community college and an avid golfer, went to the local country club nearly every day. I loved him and was probably a bit of a pest as I often talked to him as he practiced chipping in his back yard and watched for him to come home in order to run out and play tunes I had just learned on the clarinet for him. He was a kindly, scholarly gentleman, smoked a pipe, never sent me away or let on that I was anything other than fascinating, sort of filled the spot left by grandfathers who were departed on one side and a distant (in every sense) alcoholic on the other. I believe he and his wife were childless, and I still wonder why he never put a club in my hands and gave me a proper start. We didn’t have a TV so I had never seen a golf shot except for his little five- and ten-yard chips, but at least I knew what a golf club was and sort of what you did with it, so there I was in my back yard with my club and ball.


> I had never swung a club before, so I don’t know exactly what happened except that somehow I absolutely flushed it. It felt like only a flushed golf shot feels, and the ball leapt off the club with unimaginable speed and at an unimaginable trajectory, straight and high. Unimaginable is key because if I’d had any idea what was going to happen I would have aligned myself differently. As it was, with nearly simultaneous exhilaration and horror, I put the ball straight through my parents’ bedroom window. Since my golf club was immediately confiscated I didn’t bother to ask for the ball back, and in a total elapsed time of ten minutes or less my early golfing career was over.


> My dad probably wasn’t thinking of that episode when I was in college and he told me, “You know, son, you should learn to play golf. That’s where the deals are made, on the golf course.” He died just a few years later and I took up golf shortly after that, when a fellow clarinet grad student taught me to play. Despite playing a lot of golf I’ve still never made a deal. I do envy the swings and games of people who learned to play as kids, and I’ve often thought of my dad’s advice and what might have been if instead of being so angry about the window he had realized that he had a golf prodigy on his hands.


Great story HHM. Love it.


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OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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> @howellhandmade said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?


> My first round is not as memorable as my first golf shot. Maybe 7 or 8 years old, I bought one club and one ball at a garage sale from a neighbor across the alley. The transaction was unsupervised. I doubt I had more than 50 cents to my name so I don’t remember exactly what I paid and I have no idea what club it was other than it was an iron. My neighbor whose back yard adjoined ours was a retired dean of the community college and an avid golfer, went to the local country club nearly every day. I loved him and was probably a bit of a pest as I often talked to him as he practiced chipping in his back yard and watched for him to come home in order to run out and play tunes I had just learned on the clarinet for him. He was a kindly, scholarly gentleman, smoked a pipe, never sent me away or let on that I was anything other than fascinating, sort of filled the spot left by grandfathers who were departed on one side and a distant (in every sense) alcoholic on the other. I believe he and his wife were childless, and I still wonder why he never put a club in my hands and gave me a proper start. We didn’t have a TV so I had never seen a golf shot except for his little five- and ten-yard chips, but at least I knew what a golf club was and sort of what you did with it, so there I was in my back yard with my club and ball.


> I had never swung a club before, so I don’t know exactly what happened except that somehow I absolutely flushed it. It felt like only a flushed golf shot feels, and the ball leapt off the club with unimaginable speed and at an unimaginable trajectory, straight and high. Unimaginable is key because if I’d had any idea what was going to happen I would have aligned myself differently. As it was, with nearly simultaneous exhilaration and horror, I put the ball straight through my parents’ bedroom window. Since my golf club was immediately confiscated I didn’t bother to ask for the ball back, and in a total elapsed time of ten minutes or less my early golfing career was over.


> My dad probably wasn’t thinking of that episode when I was in college and he told me, “You know, son, you should learn to play golf. That’s where the deals are made, on the golf course.” He died just a few years later and I took up golf shortly after that, when a fellow clarinet grad student taught me to play. Despite playing a lot of golf I’ve still never made a deal. I do envy the swings and games of people who learned to play as kids, and I’ve often thought of my dad’s advice and what might have been if instead of being so angry about the window he had realized that he had a golf prodigy on his hands.



Clarinet brings back some memories, I used to play clarinet and piano with a group of musical apprentices during my youth. We had a trad jazz group and made good music for a few years, playing mainly at apprentice functions. Wild times.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @tolmij said:

> > @Wriggles said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> >

> > I may have regaled you gents how I started to play golf, hitting a few balls with a pal's late grandfather's 3w and 5i. Played miniature golf with Dad before the real thing for a year or so, around age 11. At age 12, (1964) Dad took me to a real golf course, Pettibon's Raccoon Golf Course, one of the public courses. Dad only played golf a few times in his life, and didn't own clubs. We rented a set of LH beat up clubs for .50, and green fees for me was $1. Dad walked along free of charge, (no more free walkers now anymore) listening to the ball game on his Admiral transistor radio.

> > I hacked the ball all over the place in the course of nine holes. i wouldn't guess how many strokes, several hundred, I guess. Dad got snacks at the end of the fifth hole, right near the clubhouse. Usually a Nehi grape or RC Cola for me, along with a Bun Candy bar (vanilla) and a bag of Spanish peanuts.

> > We had many nice times together golfing. The golf course closed up in 1969, to make way for the first local shopping mall. Now, the entire area, about a 15 walk from Aunt Mildred's home, is more like a shopping center mecca. Used to very rural, where you heard roosters crowing and barnyard animals while golfing or visiting Auntie. A walk now to the heavily travelled four lane put in around 1970 would put your life in danger.

> > Got clubs piecemeal one at a time, with birthday and Christmas money, putter, 5Ii, 3W, 3i. by 1966. In 1968, Dad bought me a half set ($3) of pyratone Wright and Ditson clubs, in an ancient canvas Sunday bag. Used the Wrights until buying a set of Wilsons for work league play in 1975.

> > Didn't play much golf from 1968 on, after the course closed. Military, work, etc. Started to play regularly again, in the mid 1980's. Still was pretty bad, always last pick for leagues.

> > My game improved readily in the late 1980's. Due to my ongoing self employed/unemployed status, my game improved dramatically.

> > Just commented to myself yesterday, after two back to back birdies, "Not caring how you play is the best golf tip."

> > Cheers!


> Does no free walks mean that anyone with you not playing has to pay?. DW accompanies me to the course sometimes and drives the cart, no cost for her, they would have major problems trying to get money out of me for a non player


At some courses, a non player can ride with the golfer, but the courses charge for her half of the cart. Most places , though, a non player has to pay green fees also. One place we went to years ago, said the missus could ride in the cart, of course paying, but was not allowed to get out of it.

Just the way it is. Golf for the missus is anything but fun. She cannot get the ball off the ground. Getting out of the cart every 50 yards, and hitting erratically all over the place makes for a very irritable, sore, and weary wife. We haven't golfed together in around five years. I offered to get her lessons, or take a beginner golf class, but it's fallen on deaf ears, since her sister became a widow.

She's probably taken Stewart Maiden's advice, "Take two weeks off from golf, and then, give it up all together." Some people are just not suited for golf. I think she's one of them. One guy I used to pal with many years ago, took up golf twice. He was as bad as the missus, total misery to play with. (and I'm not a golf snob.) He'd get livid and take temper tantrums, jumping up and down, screaming at the top of his lungs. (He spent a fortune on lessons, even joined a country club, before he quit. Actually practiced in a downpour once. He was an awful golfer.)

In the last five years or so, I've really gotten to enjoy playing alone. This year, I've only played a few times with my 86 year old buddy. He was in the hospital for a couple days this week, with some kind of infection, caused by stubbing his toe, and the nail half ripped off. He immediately went for medical attention, but still got infected. He's totally disgusted.

It's really been hot and humid here. Just barely walking nine. Played horribly yesterday.


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> @Wriggles said:

> > @tolmij said:

> > > @Wriggles said:

> > > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> > >

> > > I may have regaled you gents how I started to play golf, hitting a few balls with a pal's late grandfather's 3w and 5i. Played miniature golf with Dad before the real thing for a year or so, around age 11. At age 12, (1964) Dad took me to a real golf course, Pettibon's Raccoon Golf Course, one of the public courses. Dad only played golf a few times in his life, and didn't own clubs. We rented a set of LH beat up clubs for .50, and green fees for me was $1. Dad walked along free of charge, (no more free walkers now anymore) listening to the ball game on his Admiral transistor radio.

> > > I hacked the ball all over the place in the course of nine holes. i wouldn't guess how many strokes, several hundred, I guess. Dad got snacks at the end of the fifth hole, right near the clubhouse. Usually a Nehi grape or RC Cola for me, along with a Bun Candy bar (vanilla) and a bag of Spanish peanuts.

> > > We had many nice times together golfing. The golf course closed up in 1969, to make way for the first local shopping mall. Now, the entire area, about a 15 walk from Aunt Mildred's home, is more like a shopping center mecca. Used to very rural, where you heard roosters crowing and barnyard animals while golfing or visiting Auntie. A walk now to the heavily travelled four lane put in around 1970 would put your life in danger.

> > > Got clubs piecemeal one at a time, with birthday and Christmas money, putter, 5Ii, 3W, 3i. by 1966. In 1968, Dad bought me a half set ($3) of pyratone Wright and Ditson clubs, in an ancient canvas Sunday bag. Used the Wrights until buying a set of Wilsons for work league play in 1975.

> > > Didn't play much golf from 1968 on, after the course closed. Military, work, etc. Started to play regularly again, in the mid 1980's. Still was pretty bad, always last pick for leagues.

> > > My game improved readily in the late 1980's. Due to my ongoing self employed/unemployed status, my game improved dramatically.

> > > Just commented to myself yesterday, after two back to back birdies, "Not caring how you play is the best golf tip."

> > > Cheers!

> >

> > Does no free walks mean that anyone with you not playing has to pay?. DW accompanies me to the course sometimes and drives the cart, no cost for her, they would have major problems trying to get money out of me for a non player


> At some courses, a non player can ride with the golfer, but the courses charge for her half of the cart. Most places , though, a non player has to pay green fees also. One place we went to years ago, said the missus could ride in the cart, of course paying, but was not allowed to get out of it.

> Just the way it is. Golf for the missus is anything but fun. She cannot get the ball off the ground. Getting out of the cart every 50 yards, and hitting erratically all over the place makes for a very irritable, sore, and weary wife. We haven't golfed together in around five years. I offered to get her lessons, or take a beginner golf class, but it's fallen on deaf ears, since her sister became a widow.

> She's probably taken Stewart Maiden's advice, "Take two weeks off from golf, and then, give it up all together." Some people are just not suited for golf. I think she's one of them. One guy I used to pal with many years ago, took up golf twice. He was as bad as the missus, total misery to play with. (and I'm not a golf snob.) He'd get livid and take temper tantrums, jumping up and down, screaming at the top of his lungs. (He spent a fortune on lessons, even joined a country club, before he quit. Actually practiced in a downpour once. He was an awful golfer.)

> In the last five years or so, I've really gotten to enjoy playing alone. This year, I've only played a few times with my 86 year old buddy. He was in the hospital for a couple days this week, with some kind of infection, caused by stubbing his toe, and the nail half ripped off. He immediately went for medical attention, but still got infected. He's totally disgusted.

> It's really been hot and humid here. Just barely walking nine. Played horribly yesterday.



From what I understand a golf cart in Australia is charged at a rate for the cart irrespective of one or two riders, at least every club I have attended does it that way.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @howellhandmade said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?


> My first round is not as memorable as my first golf shot. Maybe 7 or 8 years old, I bought one club and one ball at a garage sale from a neighbor across the alley. The transaction was unsupervised. I doubt I had more than 50 cents to my name so I don’t remember exactly what I paid and I have no idea what club it was other than it was an iron. My neighbor whose back yard adjoined ours was a retired dean of the community college and an avid golfer, went to the local country club nearly every day. I loved him and was probably a bit of a pest as I often talked to him as he practiced chipping in his back yard and watched for him to come home in order to run out and play tunes I had just learned on the clarinet for him. He was a kindly, scholarly gentleman, smoked a pipe, never sent me away or let on that I was anything other than fascinating, sort of filled the spot left by grandfathers who were departed on one side and a distant (in every sense) alcoholic on the other. I believe he and his wife were childless, and I still wonder why he never put a club in my hands and gave me a proper start. We didn’t have a TV so I had never seen a golf shot except for his little five- and ten-yard chips, but at least I knew what a golf club was and sort of what you did with it, so there I was in my back yard with my club and ball.


> I had never swung a club before, so I don’t know exactly what happened except that somehow I absolutely flushed it. It felt like only a flushed golf shot feels, and the ball leapt off the club with unimaginable speed and at an unimaginable trajectory, straight and high. Unimaginable is key because if I’d had any idea what was going to happen I would have aligned myself differently. As it was, with nearly simultaneous exhilaration and horror, I put the ball straight through my parents’ bedroom window. Since my golf club was immediately confiscated I didn’t bother to ask for the ball back, and in a total elapsed time of ten minutes or less my early golfing career was over.


> My dad probably wasn’t thinking of that episode when I was in college and he told me, “You know, son, you should learn to play golf. That’s where the deals are made, on the golf course.” He died just a few years later and I took up golf shortly after that, when a fellow clarinet grad student taught me to play. Despite playing a lot of golf I’ve still never made a deal. I do envy the swings and games of people who learned to play as kids, and I’ve often thought of my dad’s advice and what might have been if instead of being so angry about the window he had realized that he had a golf prodigy on his hands.



I, too, envied the people who got lessons as kids, and got the proper start in the game. Maybe, envy isn't the right word, but it took me fifty years to learn what little i do know about golf. A few lessons and decent clubs would have helped make me a good golfer in my early life, instead of being last pick in work leagues. Everyone I know says i'm a good golfer now, but i might have been much better.

On the bright side, however, in this era, I probably would have never taken up the game. Seems, today, you need thousands of dollars in clubs, and manicured golf courses to start the game. That is what the industry leads people to believe. A kid with a couple beat up clubs in a field, or cow pasture golf course, need not apply. So, I feel fortunate.

Like you, never made a deal on a golf course, or played with anyone influential.

BUT, I've enjoyed the game.

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> @tolmij said:

> > @Wriggles said:

> > > @tolmij said:

> > > > @Wriggles said:

> > > > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> > > >

> > > > I may have regaled you gents how I started to play golf, hitting a few balls with a pal's late grandfather's 3w and 5i. Played miniature golf with Dad before the real thing for a year or so, around age 11. At age 12, (1964) Dad took me to a real golf course, Pettibon's Raccoon Golf Course, one of the public courses. Dad only played golf a few times in his life, and didn't own clubs. We rented a set of LH beat up clubs for .50, and green fees for me was $1. Dad walked along free of charge, (no more free walkers now anymore) listening to the ball game on his Admiral transistor radio.

> > > > I hacked the ball all over the place in the course of nine holes. i wouldn't guess how many strokes, several hundred, I guess. Dad got snacks at the end of the fifth hole, right near the clubhouse. Usually a Nehi grape or RC Cola for me, along with a Bun Candy bar (vanilla) and a bag of Spanish peanuts.

> > > > We had many nice times together golfing. The golf course closed up in 1969, to make way for the first local shopping mall. Now, the entire area, about a 15 walk from Aunt Mildred's home, is more like a shopping center mecca. Used to very rural, where you heard roosters crowing and barnyard animals while golfing or visiting Auntie. A walk now to the heavily travelled four lane put in around 1970 would put your life in danger.

> > > > Got clubs piecemeal one at a time, with birthday and Christmas money, putter, 5Ii, 3W, 3i. by 1966. In 1968, Dad bought me a half set ($3) of pyratone Wright and Ditson clubs, in an ancient canvas Sunday bag. Used the Wrights until buying a set of Wilsons for work league play in 1975.

> > > > Didn't play much golf from 1968 on, after the course closed. Military, work, etc. Started to play regularly again, in the mid 1980's. Still was pretty bad, always last pick for leagues.

> > > > My game improved readily in the late 1980's. Due to my ongoing self employed/unemployed status, my game improved dramatically.

> > > > Just commented to myself yesterday, after two back to back birdies, "Not caring how you play is the best golf tip."

> > > > Cheers!

> > >

> > > Does no free walks mean that anyone with you not playing has to pay?. DW accompanies me to the course sometimes and drives the cart, no cost for her, they would have major problems trying to get money out of me for a non player

> >

> > At some courses, a non player can ride with the golfer, but the courses charge for her half of the cart. Most places , though, a non player has to pay green fees also. One place we went to years ago, said the missus could ride in the cart, of course paying, but was not allowed to get out of it.

> > Just the way it is. Golf for the missus is anything but fun. She cannot get the ball off the ground. Getting out of the cart every 50 yards, and hitting erratically all over the place makes for a very irritable, sore, and weary wife. We haven't golfed together in around five years. I offered to get her lessons, or take a beginner golf class, but it's fallen on deaf ears, since her sister became a widow.

> > She's probably taken Stewart Maiden's advice, "Take two weeks off from golf, and then, give it up all together." Some people are just not suited for golf. I think she's one of them. One guy I used to pal with many years ago, took up golf twice. He was as bad as the missus, total misery to play with. (and I'm not a golf snob.) He'd get livid and take temper tantrums, jumping up and down, screaming at the top of his lungs. (He spent a fortune on lessons, even joined a country club, before he quit. Actually practiced in a downpour once. He was an awful golfer.)

> > In the last five years or so, I've really gotten to enjoy playing alone. This year, I've only played a few times with my 86 year old buddy. He was in the hospital for a couple days this week, with some kind of infection, caused by stubbing his toe, and the nail half ripped off. He immediately went for medical attention, but still got infected. He's totally disgusted.

> > It's really been hot and humid here. Just barely walking nine. Played horribly yesterday.

> >


> From what I understand a golf cart in Australia is charged at a rate for the cart irrespective of one or two riders, at least every club I have attended does it that way.


Every place I've been, every rider theoretically pays for half a cart. Like our course, a cart is $6 for nine. (plus $12 for greens fees, $18 total.) So, if a guy plays alone, he pays $18. If he has a buddy riding with him, the guy pays $18 also, $12 for greens fees and $6 for the cart.

For members, they just pay $6 each for the cart.

I've only rode one time this year. Seems I'm more tired and sore from getting in and out of the cart, than walking.

No one ever said I was normal.


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> @tolmij said:

> > @howellhandmade said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> >

> > My first round is not as memorable as my first golf shot. Maybe 7 or 8 years old, I bought one club and one ball at a garage sale from a neighbor across the alley. The transaction was unsupervised. I doubt I had more than 50 cents to my name so I don’t remember exactly what I paid and I have no idea what club it was other than it was an iron. My neighbor whose back yard adjoined ours was a retired dean of the community college and an avid golfer, went to the local country club nearly every day. I loved him and was probably a bit of a pest as I often talked to him as he practiced chipping in his back yard and watched for him to come home in order to run out and play tunes I had just learned on the clarinet for him. He was a kindly, scholarly gentleman, smoked a pipe, never sent me away or let on that I was anything other than fascinating, sort of filled the spot left by grandfathers who were departed on one side and a distant (in every sense) alcoholic on the other. I believe he and his wife were childless, and I still wonder why he never put a club in my hands and gave me a proper start. We didn’t have a TV so I had never seen a golf shot except for his little five- and ten-yard chips, but at least I knew what a golf club was and sort of what you did with it, so there I was in my back yard with my club and ball.

> >

> > I had never swung a club before, so I don’t know exactly what happened except that somehow I absolutely flushed it. It felt like only a flushed golf shot feels, and the ball leapt off the club with unimaginable speed and at an unimaginable trajectory, straight and high. Unimaginable is key because if I’d had any idea what was going to happen I would have aligned myself differently. As it was, with nearly simultaneous exhilaration and horror, I put the ball straight through my parents’ bedroom window. Since my golf club was immediately confiscated I didn’t bother to ask for the ball back, and in a total elapsed time of ten minutes or less my early golfing career was over.

> >

> > My dad probably wasn’t thinking of that episode when I was in college and he told me, “You know, son, you should learn to play golf. That’s where the deals are made, on the golf course.” He died just a few years later and I took up golf shortly after that, when a fellow clarinet grad student taught me to play. Despite playing a lot of golf I’ve still never made a deal. I do envy the swings and games of people who learned to play as kids, and I’ve often thought of my dad’s advice and what might have been if instead of being so angry about the window he had realized that he had a golf prodigy on his hands.

> >


> Clarinet brings back some memories, I used to play clarinet and piano with a group of musical apprentices during my youth. We had a trad jazz group and made good music for a few years, playing mainly at apprentice functions. Wild times.


I played trumpet into high school. Dreamed of being another Harry James or Al Hirt. Thirty years too late. Big bands were already out of style. The Beatles and the like were the rage.

Wanted to learn guitar, but Aunt Mildred got me a ukulele with trading stamps. Ukes weren't very popular either. I still strum a few chords occasionally, but my fingers don't work as well as they used to.

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I have enjoyed reading about others' start in the game. It seems that in the old days it was expected that one would pay the price of being awful while learning the game. That was the tuition extracted and I think that expectation has an impact on why the game is waning with young people. They want to be competent from the get go so that they don't embarass themselves and can enjoy the game. This seems to be easiest to accompish with kids as they will pick things up quickly and fairly cheaply in the right situation.


WE sent both of our sons to golf camp when they were somewhere between 8-10. It was a week long affair at a local par 3 where the kids got a group lesson in the morning, would practice on the range, then after a provided lunch they would play nine holes. It would last a week and wasn't very expensive, maybe $200 each at the time. About the same price as a hockey school in summer. A boxed half set of Wilson jr. clubs and then full boxed set of Top Flites got two boys through their combined youth golf experiences and resulted in two that can play, pretty well I might add, even if it's only once or twice a year.


At the curling club the solution to attracting young adults is to offer a learn to curl program that lasts 5-6 weeks (in a group setting) and then follow that up with a developmental league where everyone is more or less on the same level. Offer all that at a discounted rate to regular club membership and we've been quite successful at attracting younger couples in their thirties and forties looking for a night out and a social activity that gets them some exercise. Retention of members hasn't been great because most lack the time to take advantage of full memberships, but it introduces them to the game and gives them a good base from which to go forward. Golf needs to find a way to make the game more accessible to the masses in a similar fashion.

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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Great stories on how a motley crew like the Grille got started in this game. A lot of different introductions. Several by accident,others by family. I, like a couple, wish I had gotten a few lessons at a much younger age. As I said the other day, at my current age, I am enjoying the process of golf a lot more than fretting about the results. I do not care at all what someone

else shoots,and I am sure that no one cares what I shoot. That leaves only the enjoyment of playing and that freedom has made each round more meaningful.

Golf is truly fun for me.

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Certified Orginal Member#2
Outlaw Golf Association
To Heck with the USGA

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> @scotee said:

> > @Reasonability said:

> > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?


> Good subject Reasey. I am enjoying hearing the stories and the fact that some of us have so much in common.


> I started playing in seventh grade (1964) with two uncles and a great uncle. My dad played once or twice a year but generally thought golf was a waste of time. He was a workaholic. My brother and I kind of rebelled and take much more time for leisure than he did. He did kick our butts and made sure that we got an education. We both went to dental school. He dropped out of high school but later went back for an equivalency to get into Barber college.


> We mostly played at two burned out cheap tracks in Riverside and San Bernardino Calif. I looked on Google Maps and found the one in Riverside. It used to be called Springbrook. It is still there but looks abandoned and not in use. It was wide open with flat parallel fairways that we walked. We learned to hit it far and go find it. I had a mix and match half set of used clubs until I saved up for a full set in college.


> I found this pic of my Dad and I and a cousin in law and his step dad. It was the last round with my Dad in Arizona 4 years ago. It will most likely be our last together. He is very short of breath and weak after a heart attack two years ago. He is 87 and the one with the turquoise hat and glasses. He never took golf seriously but had a very athletic lash at the ball very much like Arnold Palmer. He was very bad at keeping score and loved to look for golf balls. He sometimes embarrassed my brother and I when he would go wading in the pond for those free balls.


> I am glad that golf is still a good part of my life. I have enjoyed it for a long time.


> https://www.google.com/maps/place/Riverside,+CA/@34.0085275,-117.3619756,1455m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dca6df7ff47dbb:0xf7a1d705135e0ae8!8m2!3d33.9806005!4d-117.3754942l2w3g8rbdsqj.png



I looked up the other one we played in San Bernardino. It is permanently closed. We called it the Sewer Pond because it was right next to the sewage treatment center and had an odor at times. But it was cheap. My Dad and uncles liked to play there on Christmas day for free, I remember trying to play with the Santa Ana winds blowing so hard the balls would not stay on the tee and moved on the greens. Sadly it is closed and more sadly right across the street the mass shooting happened in 2017 at the Inland Regional Center.





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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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> @scotee said:

> > @scotee said:

> > > @Reasonability said:

> > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> >

> > Good subject Reasey. I am enjoying hearing the stories and the fact that some of us have so much in common.

> >

> > I started playing in seventh grade (1964) with two uncles and a great uncle. My dad played once or twice a year but generally thought golf was a waste of time. He was a workaholic. My brother and I kind of rebelled and take much more time for leisure than he did. He did kick our butts and made sure that we got an education. We both went to dental school. He dropped out of high school but later went back for an equivalency to get into Barber college.

> >

> > We mostly played at two burned out cheap tracks in Riverside and San Bernardino Calif. I looked on Google Maps and found the one in Riverside. It used to be called Springbrook. It is still there but looks abandoned and not in use. It was wide open with flat parallel fairways that we walked. We learned to hit it far and go find it. I had a mix and match half set of used clubs until I saved up for a full set in college.

> >

> > I found this pic of my Dad and I and a cousin in law and his step dad. It was the last round with my Dad in Arizona 4 years ago. It will most likely be our last together. He is very short of breath and weak after a heart attack two years ago. He is 87 and the one with the turquoise hat and glasses. He never took golf seriously but had a very athletic lash at the ball very much like Arnold Palmer. He was very bad at keeping score and loved to look for golf balls. He sometimes embarrassed my brother and I when he would go wading in the pond for those free balls.

> >

> > I am glad that golf is still a good part of my life. I have enjoyed it for a long time.

> >

> > https://www.google.com/maps/place/Riverside,+CA/@34.0085275,-117.3619756,1455m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dca6df7ff47dbb:0xf7a1d705135e0ae8!8m2!3d33.9806005!4d-117.3754942l2w3g8rbdsqj.png

> >


> I looked up the other one we played in San Bernardino. It is permanently closed. We called it the Sewer Pond because it was right next to the sewage treatment center and had an odor at times. But it was cheap. My Dad and uncles liked to play there on Christmas day for free, I remember trying to play with the Santa Ana winds blowing so hard the balls would not stay on the tee and moved on the greens. Sadly it is closed and more sadly right across the street the mass shooting happened in 2017 at the Inland Regional Center.


> https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Bernardino+Public+Golf+Club/@34.072496,-117.2883474,1842m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dcac96819710ad:0xd27148e616a5228f!8m2!3d34.0732651!4d-117.2808381




Ever play San Bernardino Golf Club? It's a public course. I played there

once with a bud around 2007/8. It was memorable cause we bumped

into Dave Stockton Sr. and his son Ronnie on the range. Morgan Pressel

was there with them, getting some help with her game.


Dave was really nice and talked with us for about 15 minutes or so

while we watched Morgan hit balls.

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @scotee said:

> > > @scotee said:

> > > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> > >

> > > Good subject Reasey. I am enjoying hearing the stories and the fact that some of us have so much in common.

> > >

> > > I started playing in seventh grade (1964) with two uncles and a great uncle. My dad played once or twice a year but generally thought golf was a waste of time. He was a workaholic. My brother and I kind of rebelled and take much more time for leisure than he did. He did kick our butts and made sure that we got an education. We both went to dental school. He dropped out of high school but later went back for an equivalency to get into Barber college.

> > >

> > > We mostly played at two burned out cheap tracks in Riverside and San Bernardino Calif. I looked on Google Maps and found the one in Riverside. It used to be called Springbrook. It is still there but looks abandoned and not in use. It was wide open with flat parallel fairways that we walked. We learned to hit it far and go find it. I had a mix and match half set of used clubs until I saved up for a full set in college.

> > >

> > > I found this pic of my Dad and I and a cousin in law and his step dad. It was the last round with my Dad in Arizona 4 years ago. It will most likely be our last together. He is very short of breath and weak after a heart attack two years ago. He is 87 and the one with the turquoise hat and glasses. He never took golf seriously but had a very athletic lash at the ball very much like Arnold Palmer. He was very bad at keeping score and loved to look for golf balls. He sometimes embarrassed my brother and I when he would go wading in the pond for those free balls.

> > >

> > > I am glad that golf is still a good part of my life. I have enjoyed it for a long time.

> > >

> > > https://www.google.com/maps/place/Riverside,+CA/@34.0085275,-117.3619756,1455m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dca6df7ff47dbb:0xf7a1d705135e0ae8!8m2!3d33.9806005!4d-117.3754942l2w3g8rbdsqj.png

> > >

> >

> > I looked up the other one we played in San Bernardino. It is permanently closed. We called it the Sewer Pond because it was right next to the sewage treatment center and had an odor at times. But it was cheap. My Dad and uncles liked to play there on Christmas day for free, I remember trying to play with the Santa Ana winds blowing so hard the balls would not stay on the tee and moved on the greens. Sadly it is closed and more sadly right across the street the mass shooting happened in 2017 at the Inland Regional Center.

> >

> > https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Bernardino+Public+Golf+Club/@34.072496,-117.2883474,1842m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dcac96819710ad:0xd27148e616a5228f!8m2!3d34.0732651!4d-117.2808381

> >

> >


> Ever play San Bernardino Golf Club? It's a public course. I played there

> once with a bud around 2007/8. It was memorable cause we bumped

> into Dave Stockton Sr. and his son Ronnie on the range. Morgan Pressel

> was there with them, getting some help with her game.


> Dave was really nice and talked with us for about 15 minutes or so

> while we watched Morgan hit balls.


Yes that's the one I linked that closed. I can't count the rounds I played there. Very cool you got to see the Stocktons and Pressel there. One of my classmates is a member at Redlands CC and sees him there quite a bit.


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Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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During a family vacation (around '65) my dad took me to a driving range. You'd step on a little plunger-like button and this little swing-arm placed a range ball on the mat/rubber tee. Had watched dad step on this plunger doo-dad, deliver a silky smooth swing, and fly balls out over the range. Next thing I know he hands me a small bucket, a cut-down 3-wood and asks if I'd like to give it a try. He gave me a little coaching on grip and stance and stepped back as I stepped on the plunger and mimicked his swing. Like Scotee, that first one was miraculously a beaut. Dad was so excited I couldn't wait to try again. Not sure if it was dad's excitement or just whacking golf balls that felt so good. Guess it was both. Soon after it was par 3 golf with him. Around round two years later he took me out for 18 holes. We went on to play it many times before his passing in '75.


That course is still there. I try playing it at least once/year when visiting. Can stand almost anywhere on the place and vividly recall moments from those early days. Good times. Glad I had them.

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Some really good stories about starting up golf with family, my father started playing after I had been playing for a few years, problem was he could not count. Always handed in a good card, did not matter as we had fun.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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My father was not a golfer, although I have been told that he would play on occasion with my uncle (Dad's BIL). I think it was likely the nature of his work; first being a carpenter and then later farming that probably meant he wasn't really interested in spending his spare time outdoors in the hot sun. That time may as well have been better spent working. Instead, he did stuff with Mom; most notably dancing. They were always going to dances and that carried on throughout their lives. In the winter, they played a lot of cards; bridge mostly, a combination of party bridge and duplicate at a club.


They married later in life, both pushing 40, so I didn't really have the typical childhood of most boomers as most of their friends all had kids that were 10 years plus older than me so I didn't get the normal introduction to sport and games that most would. Needless to say, I was pretty unco-ordinated and generally hapless at most kids games. Like Wriggs, I was always the last kid chosen. AS no surprise, I eventually gravitated to individual sporting activities, be it bowling, skiing, cycling and then eventually golf.

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I have been amazed by the stories of the children of Grille members, it give great hope for the future of the world. However there are many of today’s young people who do not know what life is about, my son has the misfortune to work with one of them.


This young lady 25, asks a question, does not receive the answer she wants so asks someone else, this carries on until eventually she is put firmly in her place and told to be quiet. Her job is to ask the different managers their departmental requirements then log them for the correct solution to be found, she sits at her desk waiting for them to come to her, instead of searching out the information which she is supposed to do.


The latest and most stupid one is hours of work. She has been asking how long she has to work each day because she considered she was working for too long. 7h 36m is the official time for her working day so now she starts work on the dot and at the allotted time stands up and goes home, what she is doing at that time is totally irrelevant, she goes home. The work place an IT office attached to an IVF hospital, it is a very open place to work, no one checks the comings and going’s, everyone is trusted to work their relevant hours, there is no official starting time, if you miss time or work extra any day it is made up or taken off as required, it is the most relaxed office I have ever encountered,there is total trust by the management. I don’t think this young lady has a long term job with them, removal is probably imminent.


When I read how they are being treated now at University it makes me cringe, the latest stupidity this week was a theatre that gives a run down of the programme with any part of the play etc that could offend, the one example was a man putting his hand in a woman’s knee, or someone being kissed as it could depict sexual harassment and that will cause them distress. The sooner we start treating adults like adults the better we will be.


Raaaannnnt over.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Snowflakes abound...


Conversely, this was just posted by my cousin's partner on FB. She's a farm girl...


  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scotee said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @scotee said:

> > > > @scotee said:

> > > > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> > > >

> > > > Good subject Reasey. I am enjoying hearing the stories and the fact that some of us have so much in common.

> > > >

> > > > I started playing in seventh grade (1964) with two uncles and a great uncle. My dad played once or twice a year but generally thought golf was a waste of time. He was a workaholic. My brother and I kind of rebelled and take much more time for leisure than he did. He did kick our butts and made sure that we got an education. We both went to dental school. He dropped out of high school but later went back for an equivalency to get into Barber college.

> > > >

> > > > We mostly played at two burned out cheap tracks in Riverside and San Bernardino Calif. I looked on Google Maps and found the one in Riverside. It used to be called Springbrook. It is still there but looks abandoned and not in use. It was wide open with flat parallel fairways that we walked. We learned to hit it far and go find it. I had a mix and match half set of used clubs until I saved up for a full set in college.

> > > >

> > > > I found this pic of my Dad and I and a cousin in law and his step dad. It was the last round with my Dad in Arizona 4 years ago. It will most likely be our last together. He is very short of breath and weak after a heart attack two years ago. He is 87 and the one with the turquoise hat and glasses. He never took golf seriously but had a very athletic lash at the ball very much like Arnold Palmer. He was very bad at keeping score and loved to look for golf balls. He sometimes embarrassed my brother and I when he would go wading in the pond for those free balls.

> > > >

> > > > I am glad that golf is still a good part of my life. I have enjoyed it for a long time.

> > > >

> > > > https://www.google.com/maps/place/Riverside,+CA/@34.0085275,-117.3619756,1455m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dca6df7ff47dbb:0xf7a1d705135e0ae8!8m2!3d33.9806005!4d-117.3754942l2w3g8rbdsqj.png

> > > >

> > >

> > > I looked up the other one we played in San Bernardino. It is permanently closed. We called it the Sewer Pond because it was right next to the sewage treatment center and had an odor at times. But it was cheap. My Dad and uncles liked to play there on Christmas day for free, I remember trying to play with the Santa Ana winds blowing so hard the balls would not stay on the tee and moved on the greens. Sadly it is closed and more sadly right across the street the mass shooting happened in 2017 at the Inland Regional Center.

> > >

> > > https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Bernardino+Public+Golf+Club/@34.072496,-117.2883474,1842m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dcac96819710ad:0xd27148e616a5228f!8m2!3d34.0732651!4d-117.2808381

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Ever play San Bernardino Golf Club? It's a public course. I played there

> > once with a bud around 2007/8. It was memorable cause we bumped

> > into Dave Stockton Sr. and his son Ronnie on the range. Morgan Pressel

> > was there with them, getting some help with her game.

> >

> > Dave was really nice and talked with us for about 15 minutes or so

> > while we watched Morgan hit balls.


> Yes that's the one I linked that closed. I can't count the rounds I played there. Very cool you got to see the Stocktons and Pressel there. One of my classmates is a member at Redlands CC and sees him there quite a bit.

> https://www.sbsun.com/2018/02/15/owners-regulars-reflect-on-san-bernardino-golf-club-scheduled-to-close-as-early-as-presidents-day/


Oops, sorry I missed that link. My security software is back to not

letting me click on links from WRX again. Sad that the course closed.


EDIT: I looked up that article but the website wants

me to subscribe or remove my ad blocker to read it.

I'm running into that more and more, mainly at media


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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @scotee said:

> > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > > @scotee said:

> > > > > @scotee said:

> > > > > > @Reasonability said:

> > > > > > When did you gents play your very first round of golf? Who if anyone was there with you? Is that course still there?

> > > > >

> > > > > Good subject Reasey. I am enjoying hearing the stories and the fact that some of us have so much in common.

> > > > >

> > > > > I started playing in seventh grade (1964) with two uncles and a great uncle. My dad played once or twice a year but generally thought golf was a waste of time. He was a workaholic. My brother and I kind of rebelled and take much more time for leisure than he did. He did kick our butts and made sure that we got an education. We both went to dental school. He dropped out of high school but later went back for an equivalency to get into Barber college.

> > > > >

> > > > > We mostly played at two burned out cheap tracks in Riverside and San Bernardino Calif. I looked on Google Maps and found the one in Riverside. It used to be called Springbrook. It is still there but looks abandoned and not in use. It was wide open with flat parallel fairways that we walked. We learned to hit it far and go find it. I had a mix and match half set of used clubs until I saved up for a full set in college.

> > > > >

> > > > > I found this pic of my Dad and I and a cousin in law and his step dad. It was the last round with my Dad in Arizona 4 years ago. It will most likely be our last together. He is very short of breath and weak after a heart attack two years ago. He is 87 and the one with the turquoise hat and glasses. He never took golf seriously but had a very athletic lash at the ball very much like Arnold Palmer. He was very bad at keeping score and loved to look for golf balls. He sometimes embarrassed my brother and I when he would go wading in the pond for those free balls.

> > > > >

> > > > > I am glad that golf is still a good part of my life. I have enjoyed it for a long time.

> > > > >

> > > > > https://www.google.com/maps/place/Riverside,+CA/@34.0085275,-117.3619756,1455m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dca6df7ff47dbb:0xf7a1d705135e0ae8!8m2!3d33.9806005!4d-117.3754942l2w3g8rbdsqj.png

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I looked up the other one we played in San Bernardino. It is permanently closed. We called it the Sewer Pond because it was right next to the sewage treatment center and had an odor at times. But it was cheap. My Dad and uncles liked to play there on Christmas day for free, I remember trying to play with the Santa Ana winds blowing so hard the balls would not stay on the tee and moved on the greens. Sadly it is closed and more sadly right across the street the mass shooting happened in 2017 at the Inland Regional Center.

> > > >

> > > > https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Bernardino+Public+Golf+Club/@34.072496,-117.2883474,1842m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dcac96819710ad:0xd27148e616a5228f!8m2!3d34.0732651!4d-117.2808381

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Ever play San Bernardino Golf Club? It's a public course. I played there

> > > once with a bud around 2007/8. It was memorable cause we bumped

> > > into Dave Stockton Sr. and his son Ronnie on the range. Morgan Pressel

> > > was there with them, getting some help with her game.

> > >

> > > Dave was really nice and talked with us for about 15 minutes or so

> > > while we watched Morgan hit balls.

> >

> > Yes that's the one I linked that closed. I can't count the rounds I played there. Very cool you got to see the Stocktons and Pressel there. One of my classmates is a member at Redlands CC and sees him there quite a bit.

> > https://www.sbsun.com/2018/02/15/owners-regulars-reflect-on-san-bernardino-golf-club-scheduled-to-close-as-early-as-presidents-day/


> Oops, sorry I missed that link. My security software is back to not

> letting me click on links from WRX again. Sad that the course closed.


> EDIT: **I looked up that article but the website wants

> me to subscribe or remove my ad blocker to read it.

> I'm running into that more and more, mainly at media

> sites.**


I just pause my ad blocker on those websites and read the article that I want. I turn the blocker back on before I exit. That seems to work okay. What I'm finding more and more annoying is the embedded ads that are in many recent YouTube videos. You can skip them after 5 seconds, but it really spoils a musical piece to be interupted like that. :disappointed:



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My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scomac2002 said:

> Snowflakes abound...


> Conversely, this was just posted by my cousin's partner on FB. She's a farm girl...



Yes, makes you wonder how we survived our childhood with some of the games we played, can’t even think about them now, never mind playing them.

  • Like 2

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> Wow, what a finish. Bryson drops an eagle on 18 to take the lead

> and then Wolff drops an eagle to win. Hats off to Morikawa as well

> with a birdie on 18 for a T2.


> **Love Wolff's golf swing.............no cookie cutter swing there, lol.**


Looked like back surgery just waiting to happen the couple of swings I saw him take!

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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Congrats to the U.S. Women's Soccer team for their victory over the Netherlands in the World Cup final.




The Tour de France started yesterday and runs for the next three weeks. Bike racing is my thing, so I've been watching the extensive coverage since the Grande Depart. It's going to be quite wide open this year as two of the heavy favourites are not racing this year due to previous crashes, so there are no clear favourites for the overall win. The Dutch team; Jumbo Visima is off to a hot start winning the first two stages including today's team time trial.


One of my favourite bits of my Tour routine is to watch _The Move_ with Lance Armstrong, J.B. Hagar and George Hincapie following each stage for analysis. If you know Lance, you will know that he holds nothing back. It's pretty entertaining and insightful. He also does a regular podcast on WeDu and I caught a good chunk of his interview with Sammy Hagar. Now that's one wild and crazy guy! Successful solo rocker and former front-man for Van Halen, he started his own tequila brand following his successful bar in Cabo San Lucas and eventually sold the brand to an international distributor of $93M! He said he's the luckiest piece of white trash alive. He didn't graduate from high school, but he was always willing to work his butt off and take a chance.

  • Like 2

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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> @scomac2002 said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > Wow, what a finish. Bryson drops an eagle on 18 to take the lead

> > and then Wolff drops an eagle to win. Hats off to Morikawa as well

> > with a birdie on 18 for a T2.

> >

> > **Love Wolff's golf swing.............no cookie cutter swing there, lol.**


> Looked like back surgery just waiting to happen the couple of swings I saw him take!


> @scomac2002 said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > Wow, what a finish. Bryson drops an eagle on 18 to take the lead

> > and then Wolff drops an eagle to win. Hats off to Morikawa as well

> > with a birdie on 18 for a T2.

> >

> > **Love Wolff's golf swing.............no cookie cutter swing there, lol.**


> Looked like back surgery just waiting to happen the couple of swings I saw him take!


I don't think so. Watch his lead heel rise in the backswing. His swing is

actually a little old school and a lot idiosyncratic, lol, especially his swing

trigger move.

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> @Conrad1953 said:

> > @scomac2002 said:

> > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > Wow, what a finish. Bryson drops an eagle on 18 to take the lead

> > > and then Wolff drops an eagle to win. Hats off to Morikawa as well

> > > with a birdie on 18 for a T2.

> > >

> > > **Love Wolff's golf swing.............no cookie cutter swing there, lol.**

> >

> > Looked like back surgery just waiting to happen the couple of swings I saw him take!


> > @scomac2002 said:

> > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > Wow, what a finish. Bryson drops an eagle on 18 to take the lead

> > > and then Wolff drops an eagle to win. Hats off to Morikawa as well

> > > with a birdie on 18 for a T2.

> > >

> > > **Love Wolff's golf swing.............no cookie cutter swing there, lol.**

> >

> > Looked like back surgery just waiting to happen the couple of swings I saw him take!


> I don't think so. Watch his lead heel rise in the backswing. His swing is

> actually a little old school and a lot idiosyncratic, lol, especially his swing

> trigger move.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=


Funny foot action but excellent result and that is all that matters.

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Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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> @tolmij said:

> > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > @scomac2002 said:

> > > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > > Wow, what a finish. Bryson drops an eagle on 18 to take the lead

> > > > and then Wolff drops an eagle to win. Hats off to Morikawa as well

> > > > with a birdie on 18 for a T2.

> > > >

> > > > **Love Wolff's golf swing.............no cookie cutter swing there, lol.**

> > >

> > > Looked like back surgery just waiting to happen the couple of swings I saw him take!

> >

> > > @scomac2002 said:

> > > > @Conrad1953 said:

> > > > Wow, what a finish. Bryson drops an eagle on 18 to take the lead

> > > > and then Wolff drops an eagle to win. Hats off to Morikawa as well

> > > > with a birdie on 18 for a T2.

> > > >

> > > > **Love Wolff's golf swing.............no cookie cutter swing there, lol.**

> > >

> > > Looked like back surgery just waiting to happen the couple of swings I saw him take!

> >

> > I don't think so. Watch his lead heel rise in the backswing. His swing is

> > actually a little old school and a lot idiosyncratic, lol, especially his swing

> > trigger move.

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=


> Funny foot action but excellent result and that is all that matters.


Exactly Tol. A thousand swing coaches would change his swing and

ruin him. Thankfully, none of them got their hands on him.


But, look at how he won. He drained a putt from just off the green

for an eagle on 18 to win by 1 shot. He's not just a great ball striker;

he's a gamer......and only 20 years old.



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