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Patrick Reed golf.com Story - A Must Read


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This seems like something of a representative comment:

The cheating accusations are obviously troubling given the integrity golf demands. But again, he was a stupid college kid at the time and if it’s true I’m sure looking back he regrets it. If his father was a total d bag growing up and hammering him if he didn’t perform, maybe that’s why he’s so driven to win and super competitive, to the point he’d cheat. Just a thought and not excusing it, but it’s a bit overblown.



Anyway, I don’t see a chance in hell we have a Willett like collapse following the win of his first major. Reed’s F U attitude will hopefully help him bag a few more.


Let's break it down.


The cheating accusations are obviously troubling given the integrity golf demands.

I think that Shane Ryan and Alan Shipnuck would agree, and they have done little more than to suggest it is an issue, with questions (at a minimum) having been raised by people who were in close contact with Reed.


But again, he was a stupid college kid at the time and if it’s true I’m sure looking back he regrets it.

But again, it might help if Reed answered the relevant questions, instead of stiff-arming every reporter who asks about it.


If his father was a total d bag growing up and hammering him if he didn’t perform, maybe that’s why he’s so driven to win and super competitive, to the point he’d cheat.

Of all of the un-sourced, dubious accusations surrounding Patrick Reed, this one leads the pack. I'll entertain that notion when somebody states it on the record and a journalist has sufficient second-sourcing to print it, and when Patrick Reed will answer questions about it. All of which can be said favorably, about Alan Shipnuck's reporting with Reed's parents.


The cheating accusations are...accusations. And look at who is making them.




There is a guy who, I believe, reportedly did LSD, let his daughter and her mother go on welfare, and screwed over/was a total bastxxx in his many of his business affairs.


But half the planet still has no problem using an iPhone ; )

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Funny, the "Top 5 player in the world" comment never bothered me. To me it was as if he was stating a goal, not making a proclamation on his status at the time. Still, it was brash & cocky to blurt it out, but I'd bet that most super elite athletes who make it to the pinnacle of their sport share this kind of confidence, even if they choose to play it cool and feign humility.


Patrick not only provided insight to his psyche with that comment, he very likely added an additional source of motivation that drove him to back up his claims and silence naysayers.


Any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.


Reed could have waited until he was actually in the top 5, or not said it all. I never hear Jordan Spieth talking about how good he is. Because he doesn't need to, results speak for themselves, and that's for others to do.


Yes, that's certainly the more PC way to handle things, but don't think for a second that Spieth doesn't have that same extreme self-belief. If they all present themselves the same how boring would that be for the rest of us?


It's not as if Patrick went all Muhammad Ali screaming at the top of his lungs, "I AM THE GREATEST!" lol?

Look, anyone that has competed athletically at either the highest levels as an Am or Professionally, and I don’t care the sport, knows exactly of what I speak...


An individual does what they HAVE TO DO to prepare themselves MENTALLY to compete to the best of THEIR Potential.


Not YOUR potential, not MY Potential, not some silent KING’s potential!!




Whatever it takes to prepare them MENTALLY!!


At the highest levels amateur wise, 98%+ have the physical gifts to take it to the next level, regardless of sport.


Yet over 97-98% don’t or will not “make it” as a Professional in their chosen sport.


Some guys/gals can prepare quietly and go about it as a “gentleman king” whether preparing, participating or recounting following the game/event.


Others, like Patrick, needed to put a target ? on their chest/back, light a fire ? underneath themselves and put themselves square in everyone else’s sights, to give them the edge to perform at their highest levels.


As a DI football Player, I was in this boat. Did I have the physical talent to go about my business and prepare, compete and carry myself as a “quiet king?”


Don’t know, though I doubt it, cuz from the time I was 16yo and introduced to an individual who would become my football and position(LB) mentor, NFL Linebacker Pete Wysocki, he was anything but a “quiet king.”


But damn did he compete at THE highest level(look em up).


I took his style and made it mine.


I visualized it, I practiced it and come game time, I executed it-


It went like this-


I was gonna tell you what I was gonna do to you, I was gonna do it to you, and then I was gonna stand over you and recap what I did to you.


I did the same thing if asked by an “outsider,” ie., reporter, fan or a competitor.


Did it work every time?


Don’t be an moron, of course not, lol


But when it didn’t, I truly looked at it as a fluke and if I could learn something from it, I took that nugget from it and then I forgot it, totally.


Call it compartmentalizing, call it chronic short memory, call it selective amnesia, I don’t care what ya call it.


I wiped it from my mind-


Didn’t happen!!


Did it work in the locker room?


Again, don’t know however I was elected captain at every level from my fifth/sixth grade team, as a fifth grader, through my senior year in college. That’s all I can go on regarding how my teammates accepted my behavior.


Everyone else, including coaches, I didn’t care.


Didn’t give them or their views, thoughts or opinions a first thought, much less a second, lmao


If you didn’t take the field with me, you could be my BFF(who didn’t Paly Ball), you could be my lover, you could be my most cherished family member, but ya weren’t my teammate, you didn’t compete and your opinion didn’t count.




Patrick and I spoke about this and actually my Tour Bud was present and introduced us the first time.


I’ve never understood people using regular everyday standards and benchmarks used in a softer civilized environment for an athlete on the course/field in the heat of competition and the game and then judging their character as a man/woman(Stacy Lewis comes to mind) based off of it, and then to boot, not one of these former “teammates” has had the balls to step forward and own those accusations????




If you think that that’s ok, legit and the way that a man should take care of business, I don’t want you anywhere near me-


Seriously, and trust me, you’ll never EVER sit around a table full of athletes/former athletes, that Played a true TEAM sport(I Played HS golf, was two-year team captain but please spare me that it was a TEAM sport, lmao) and have ONE say that this type of behavior is acceptable.


Only on a friggin golf board with fake avatars and fictitious user names is it even entertained??


Some guys/gals are gifted enough or wired in such a way that they can proceed, prepare and compete as a “quiet king,” and some cannot, and most run the gamut in between.


However to use a man’s competitive persona to stamp, judge and label him off the course/field and outside of his competitive arena is a little narrow and apples to oranges.


Fortunately, most have never used this bar with me, as my professional/personal Mentors are some of THE most successful “quiet kings” that you will ever find, anywhere.


As possibly my greatest personal/professional mentor, himself the former CEO/President of PNC Financial, and member of ANGC & Seminole GC who took Madison to Augusta this past week(all-grounds pass?), told me back when I was 22-23yo over at the club one day during one of our talks...


“This world is a stage, we are actors and we play different parts in different plays every day. The most successful are those that can adapt and play On the greatest numbers of stages.”


At my core, I am the same person regardless of the stage, though I adapt my persona and behavior to the stage.


Patrick is learning this and I myself(and this former CEO) thinks that he’s doing a hell of a job.


For those that don’t think so, think he’s a piece of shat in golf clothes, he truly doesn’t care.


Back when we spoke, my Tour Bud and I told him that THAT’s THE foundational bedrock on which all else is built-


Compartmentalize, forget the negative, whether it be a shot, an individual or an experience.


But we didn’t have to tell him because like many, myself included, events in his personal life had taught him how to compartmentalize, forget and move on.


It was a matter of survival and keeping one’s mental sanity.


So compared to that, and achieving that, how hard do ya think that it would be to forget and bury a missed shot or tackle, lolol????


Patrick’s doin just fine!


Remember Gents~








Everyone can’t be a “quiet king,”


Sometimes ya gotta make a little noise?


Or, ya can take the advice of my Tour Bud’s favorite Skynyrd tune..


“Don’t ask me no questions, and I won’t tell you no lies”




I loooove this place!!




In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




He didnt dwell there because he knows it’s junk too.


Come on man. You’re just digging Deeper. There is no source. Shane Ryan isn’t a source. HE made it up with parsed together urban legends and he said she said crap. Non of which are attached to any name. Even the “ assistant coach “ for Georgia is un named. It’s a joke

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:



Stephanie Wei is the biggest hack journalist affiliated with golf and can't be trusted to write a grocery list.

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Very interesting question asked by GolfWRX in the last paragraph of the linked article. If Tiger Woods had won the 2018 Masters, would Shipnuck and O'Conner asked and written about his 2009 transgressions? Should they? How about the 2017 DUI arrest?

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I'm not sure I understand this.


This is the Golf Channel video of the Reed press conference after the green jacket ceremony. I believe that this is where Alan Shipnuck asked his question. I wanted a transcript of what Shipnuck asked, but was willing to do my own informal transcript from the video. But the video cuts off before Shipnuck's question, it seems.


Does anybody know what is going on with this?




Shipnuck's question, by his written description, should be at the end. The video clearly cuts off before the end of the presser.

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:



Stephanie Wei is the biggest hack journalist affiliated with golf and can't be trusted to write a grocery list.


Academic All-American at Yale. Selected by the NCAA to represent Yale at the National Leadership Conference. Has worked for The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CNN International, MSNBC, Fox International, Golf.com, and the Seattle Times among others.


Yup, some hack she is.

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Funny, the "Top 5 player in the world" comment never bothered me. To me it was as if he was stating a goal, not making a proclamation on his status at the time. Still, it was brash & cocky to blurt it out, but I'd bet that most super elite athletes who make it to the pinnacle of their sport share this kind of confidence, even if they choose to play it cool and feign humility.


Patrick not only provided insight to his psyche with that comment, he very likely added an additional source of motivation that drove him to back up his claims and silence naysayers.


Any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.


Reed could have waited until he was actually in the top 5, or not said it all. I never hear Jordan Spieth talking about how good he is. Because he doesn't need to, results speak for themselves, and that's for others to do.


Yes, that's certainly the more PC way to handle things, but don't think for a second that Spieth doesn't have that same extreme self-belief. If they all present themselves the same how boring would that be for the rest of us?


It's not as if Patrick went all Muhammad Ali screaming at the top of his lungs, "I AM THE GREATEST!" lol?

Look, anyone that has competed athletically at either the highest levels as an Am or Professionally, and I don’t care the sport, knows exactly of what I speak...


An individual does what they HAVE TO DO to prepare themselves MENTALLY to compete to the best of THEIR Potential.


Not YOUR potential, not MY Potential, not some silent KING’s potential!!




Whatever it takes to prepare them MENTALLY!!


At the highest levels amateur wise, 98%+ have the physical gifts to take it to the next level, regardless of sport.


Yet over 97-98% don’t or will not “make it” as a Professional in their chosen sport.


Some guys/gals can prepare quietly and go about it as a “gentleman king” whether preparing, participating or recounting following the game/event.


Others, like Patrick, needed to put a target ? on their chest/back, light a fire ? underneath them and put themselves square in everyone else’s sights, to give them the edge to perform at their highest levels.


As a DI football Player, I was in this boat. Did I have the physical talent to go about my business and prepare, compete and carry myself as a “quiet king?”


Don’t know, cuz from the time I was 16yo and introduced to an individual who would become my football and position(LB) mentor, NFL Linebacker Pete Wysocki, he was anything but a “quiet king.”


But damn did he compete at THE highest level(look em up).


I took his style and made it mine.


I visualized it, I practiced it and come game time, I executed it-


It went like this-


I was gonna tell you what I was gonna do to you, I was gonna do it to you, and then I was gonna stand over you and recap what I did to you.


I did the same thing if asked by an “outsider,” ie., reporter, fan or a competitor.


Did it work every time?


Don’t be an moron, of course not, lol


But when it didn’t, I truly looked at it as a fluke and if I could learn something from it, I took that nugget from it and then I forgot it, totally.


Call it compartmentalizing, call it chronic short memory, call it selective amnesia, I don’t care what ya call it.


I wiped it from my mind-


Didn’t happen!!


Did it work in the locker room?


Don’t know however I was elected captain at every level from my fifth/sixth grade team, as a fifth grader, through my senior year in college. That’s all I can go on regarding how my teammates accepted my behavior.


Everyone else, including coaches, I didn’t care.


Didn’t give them or their views, thoughts or opinions a first thought, much less a second, lmao


If you didn’t take the field with me, you could be my friend, you could be my lover, you could be my most cherished family member, but ya weren’t my teammate, you didn’t compete and your opinion didn’t count.




Patrick and I spoke about this and actually my Tour Bud was present and introduced us the first time.


I’ve never understood people using regular everyday standards and benchmarks used in a softer civilized environment for an athlete on the course/field in the heat of competition and the game and then judging their character as a man/woman(Stacy Lewis comes to mind) based off of it, lol


Some guys/gals are gifted enough or wired in such a way that they can proceed, prepare and compete as a “quiet king,” and some cannot, and most run the gamut in between.


However to use a man’s competitive persona to stamp, judge and label him off the course/field and outside of his competitive arena is a little narrow and apples to oranges.


Fortunately, most have never used this bar with me, as my professional/personal Mentors are some of THE most successful “quiet kings” that you will ever find, anywhere.


As possibly my greatest personal/professional mentor, himself the former CEO/President of PNC Financial, and king time ANGC & Seminole GC member who took Madison to Augusta this past week(all-grounds pass?), told me back when I was 22-23yo over at the club one day during one of our talks...


“This world is a stage, we are actors and we play different parts in different plays every day. The most successful are those that can adapt and play On the greatest numbers of stages.”


At my core, I am the same person regardless of the stage, though I adapt my persona and behavior to the stage.


Patrick is learning this and I myself(and this former CEO) thinks that he’s doing a hell of a job.


For those that don’t think so, think he’s a piece of shat in golf clothes, he truly doesn’t care.


Back when we spoke, my Tour Bud and I told him that THAT’s THE foundational bedrock on which all else is built-


Compartmentalize, forget the negative, whether it be a shot, an individual or an experience.


Patrick’s doin just fine!


Remember Gents~








Everyone can’t be a “quiet king,”


Sometimes ya gotta make a little noise?


Or, ya can take the advice of my Tour Bud’s favorite Skynyrd tune..


“Don’t ask me no questions, and I won’t tell you no lies”




I loooove this place!!





Bingo. Good grief Richard you are on target !


All through school when I competed it was war. I literally hated the guts of my opponent. It’s what I needed to win. I’m by nature quiet and good natured ( yes it’s true despite my big mouth here ). So to execute I found early I needed to abondon that and treat my opponents as enemy combatants. Give no quarter. Sort of like the water boy and his “ tackling fuel “. It’s a switch I learned to flip. I still use it. And I can turn it off after a match. Shake your hand and not feel the same hate toward you.


We are all different. The quiet king mentality just doesn’t suit me. To me that seems like two for those unsure of themselves. A “ wait and see “ attitude. As in “ let’s wait and see IF I win and we will celebrate then “.


My sport was basketball and track. I was big and fast. My thought process was that the lower block belonged to me. Offense or defense. You could come down there if you wanted. But I had 5 fouls to give. And you’d likely carry a bloody nose before the 3rd if you tried to set up camp. Just the way it is. The ball belonged to me. And you’d pay before your get it. And I’d tell you that . Sometimes you’d meet guys who could dish it too. And that just fueled the fire. To me that’s competition I can respect.

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




Stephanie Wei has a degree in Eastern European History and writes on a blog she created. She's had her PGA Tour credentials revoked, got kicked off an airplane and was temporarily placed on the "no fly list.


Come on man, you're reaching!

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




He didnt dwell there because he knows it's junk too.


Come on man. You're just digging Deeper. There is no source. Shane Ryan isn't a source. HE made it up with parsed together urban legends and he said she said crap. Non of which are attached to any name. Even the " assistant coach " for Georgia is un named. It's a joke




Jason Payne, former Men's Golf Assistant Coach at the University of Georgia, in his written statement to Stephanie Wie:



Patrick Reed has established himself as one of the best players in the world of golf and I wish him nothing but the best both personally and professionally. While getting to know Patrick through the recruiting process as a coach, a few character issues came to light, that we as coaches thought we could help Patrick with. Once Patrick was on campus for a few months, it became clear that Patrick was not going to mesh with the make up of the team at that time, and he was dismissed from the team.

There is no doubting the ability of Patrick as a golfer, it was Patrick as a person that we chose not to associate with. The story that has been reported by Shane Ryan is an accurate account of his college career at UGA—including the suspicions held by his former teammates. I am sure Patrick has learned from his past and is now the best individual, golfer, husband, and father he can be.

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:



Stephanie Wei is the biggest hack journalist affiliated with golf and can't be trusted to write a grocery list.


Academic All-American at Yale. Selected by the NCAA to represent Yale at the National Leadership Conference. Has worked for The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CNN International, MSNBC, Fox International, Golf.com, and the Seattle Times among others.


Yup, some hack she is.


She also had her media credential revoked for a year, kicked off an airplane and temporarily placed on the "no fly list".


By the way, she never worked for any of those places, they printed her freelance material. Big difference!

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




He didnt dwell there because he knows it's junk too.


Come on man. You're just digging Deeper. There is no source. Shane Ryan isn't a source. HE made it up with parsed together urban legends and he said she said crap. Non of which are attached to any name. Even the " assistant coach " for Georgia is un named. It's a joke




Jason Payne, former Men's Golf Assistant Coach at the University of Georgia, in his written statement to Stephanie Wie:



Patrick Reed has established himself as one of the best players in the world of golf and I wish him nothing but the best both personally and professionally. While getting to know Patrick through the recruiting process as a coach, a few character issues came to light, that we as coaches thought we could help Patrick with. Once Patrick was on campus for a few months, it became clear that Patrick was not going to mesh with the make up of the team at that time, and he was dismissed from the team.

There is no doubting the ability of Patrick as a golfer, it was Patrick as a person that we chose not to associate with. The story that has been reported by Shane Ryan is an accurate account of his college career at UGA—including the suspicions held by his former teammates. I am sure Patrick has learned from his past and is now the best individual, golfer, husband, and father he can be.


Who says it’s accurate ? Shane Ryan or shipnuck ?lol

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




Stephanie Wei has a degree in Eastern European History and writes on a blog she created. She's had her PGA Tour credentials revoked, got kicked off an airplane and was temporarily placed on the "no fly list.


Come on man, you're reaching!


That's a garbage post. If she got her statement from Jason Payne wrong, you should say so.


In a post where so many Patrick Reed Fanboyz have their knickers in a twist over irrelevant personal attacks, you've just supplied a good example of how "not to do it."

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Very interesting question asked by GolfWRX in the last paragraph of the linked article. If Tiger Woods had won the 2018 Masters, would Shipnuck and O'Conner asked and written about his 2009 transgressions? Should they? How about the 2017 DUI arrest?

Tiger Woods is well know and those topics have been beaten to death. Reed is a comparative unknown.

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Let me just say. I don’t hold any Ill feelings toward anyone here. This is just a polarizing debate. So we all get heated a bit. And I think that’s ok.


Also. If Shipnuck is anyone here it might make more sense. I can see defending yourself or your actions this enthusiasticly. If that is the case you should come forward. But I’m not sure why anyone would defend it otherwise. Those of us defending the other side have some pretty solid 1st hand info that sways our opinions.

Some have been provided here. Some will remain unsaid in public as long as is wished to be kept quiet.



And lastly. The entire Shane Ryan and shipnuck story is based on compete rumor. Not nearly enough to make any claims . If there are people who have solid info they should show themselves. Join the discussion. Otherwise it’s truly a bunch of personal family matters that isn’t our business.

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




He didnt dwell there because he knows it's junk too.


Come on man. You're just digging Deeper. There is no source. Shane Ryan isn't a source. HE made it up with parsed together urban legends and he said she said crap. Non of which are attached to any name. Even the " assistant coach " for Georgia is un named. It's a joke




Jason Payne, former Men's Golf Assistant Coach at the University of Georgia, in his written statement to Stephanie Wie:



Patrick Reed has established himself as one of the best players in the world of golf and I wish him nothing but the best both personally and professionally. While getting to know Patrick through the recruiting process as a coach, a few character issues came to light, that we as coaches thought we could help Patrick with. Once Patrick was on campus for a few months, it became clear that Patrick was not going to mesh with the make up of the team at that time, and he was dismissed from the team.

There is no doubting the ability of Patrick as a golfer, it was Patrick as a person that we chose not to associate with. The story that has been reported by Shane Ryan is an accurate account of his college career at UGA—including the suspicions held by his former teammates. I am sure Patrick has learned from his past and is now the best individual, golfer, husband, and father he can be.


Payne's account has never been corroborated, not even by Chris Haack. Wasn't he let go as an assistant coach following the 2010-2011 season? Hhhmmmm?!?!?

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:



Stephanie Wei is the biggest hack journalist affiliated with golf and can't be trusted to write a grocery list.


Academic All-American at Yale. Selected by the NCAA to represent Yale at the National Leadership Conference. Has worked for The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CNN International, MSNBC, Fox International, Golf.com, and the Seattle Times among others.


Yup, some hack she is.


She also had her media credential revoked for a year, kicked off an airplane and temporarily placed on the "no fly list".


By the way, she never worked for any of those places, they printed her freelance material. Big difference!


The media credentials were revoked because she used Periscope to post some swings of Jordan Spieth during a practice round. At the time, Periscope was new to the scene and the copyright laws surrounding its use for live sporting events were still very blurry. The Tour determined she was wrong for using it, despite not having anything in their current media guidelines saying so. Basically, the Tour's media guidelines hadn't been updated to reflect new technology.


The plane incident had nothing to do with her as a journalist. It was over a dispute she had about a passenger reading her texts over her shoulder and she reacted in a way that got her booted. Not sure how that's relevant to her as a writer.

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




Stephanie Wei has a degree in Eastern European History and writes on a blog she created. She's had her PGA Tour credentials revoked, got kicked off an airplane and was temporarily placed on the "no fly list.


Come on man, you're reaching!


That's a garbage post. If she got her statement from Jason Payne wrong, you should say so.


In a post where so many Patrick Reed Fanboyz have their knickers in a twist over irrelevant personal attacks, you've just supplied a good example of how "not to do it."


Shipnuck. Now we are name calling ? Come on.


Wei was stealing from the pga. She was streaminh coverage via periscope. Which is against the media rules. Don’t make her into a marter or even a real reporter. She’s freelance hustler. Which is fine. But not of any real relevance.

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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Very interesting question asked by GolfWRX in the last paragraph of the linked article. If Tiger Woods had won the 2018 Masters, would Shipnuck and O'Conner asked and written about his 2009 transgressions? Should they? How about the 2017 DUI arrest?

Tiger Woods is well know and those topics have been beaten to death. Reed is a comparative unknown.




If Tiger had won the Masters this year, it is UNDENIABLE that the story would be about his comeback --- not only from injuries, but also from his DUI/pain killer issues, his chipping yips, and yes -- his marital problems. Do you honestly think that wouldn't be part of the narrative? Tiger's infidelities were huge news and are still in the news to this day.

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




Stephanie Wei has a degree in Eastern European History and writes on a blog she created. She's had her PGA Tour credentials revoked, got kicked off an airplane and was temporarily placed on the "no fly list.


Come on man, you're reaching!


That's a garbage post. If she got her statement from Jason Payne wrong, you should say so.


In a post where so many Patrick Reed Fanboyz have their knickers in a twist over irrelevant personal attacks, you've just supplied a good example of how "not to do it."


It's not "garbage" for Shipnuck to use unsubstantiated material in an ill-timed piece about the reigning Masters champion that's he's been chasing for nearly a decade?!?!?


But it is "garbage" for me to not trust someone with a checkered professional resume like Stephanie Wei?!?!?


Got it, I think?!?!?


Again, you're reaching!

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




Stephanie Wei has a degree in Eastern European History and writes on a blog she created. She's had her PGA Tour credentials revoked, got kicked off an airplane and was temporarily placed on the "no fly list.


Come on man, you're reaching!


That's a garbage post. If she got her statement from Jason Payne wrong, you should say so.


In a post where so many Patrick Reed Fanboyz have their knickers in a twist over irrelevant personal attacks, you've just supplied a good example of how "not to do it."


The funny thing is, I don't think there were any Reed fanboyz before the Shipnuk's excellent sense of "journalistic" timing and all the vitriol from the twitter haters.


Reed should send Shipnuk a gift for creating so much support for him!


Maybe a nice meal of crow.


Meantime, PR will be dining with Jack and all the other Champions for many years to come ; )

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:



Stephanie Wei is the biggest hack journalist affiliated with golf and can't be trusted to write a grocery list.


Academic All-American at Yale. Selected by the NCAA to represent Yale at the National Leadership Conference. Has worked for The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CNN International, MSNBC, Fox International, Golf.com, and the Seattle Times among others.


Yup, some hack she is.


She also had her media credential revoked for a year, kicked off an airplane and temporarily placed on the "no fly list".


By the way, she never worked for any of those places, they printed her freelance material. Big difference!


The media credentials were revoked because she used Periscope to post some swings of Jordan Spieth during a practice round. At the time, Periscope was new to the scene and the copyright laws surrounding its use for live sporting events were still very blurry. The Tour determined she was wrong for using it, despite not having anything in their current media guidelines saying so. Basically, the Tour's media guidelines hadn't been updated to reflect new technology.


The plane incident had nothing to do with her as a journalist. It was over a dispute she had about a passenger reading her texts over her shoulder and she reacted in a way that got her booted. Not sure how that's relevant to her as a writer.


Like Shipnuck's one-year suspension from Augusta, it suggests a willingness to get the story at any costs. She knew the rules, as antiquated as they may be, and willingly violated them as did Shipnuck when he followed a player into Butler Cabin after being told to leave him alone. The plane incident was as bizarre as her reaction. Funny, she hasn't had much published since.


It's relevant and reasonable. Whether you agree is irrelevant. Opinions vary!

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:



Stephanie Wei is the biggest hack journalist affiliated with golf and can't be trusted to write a grocery list.


Academic All-American at Yale. Selected by the NCAA to represent Yale at the National Leadership Conference. Has worked for The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CNN International, MSNBC, Fox International, Golf.com, and the Seattle Times among others.


Yup, some hack she is.


She also had her media credential revoked for a year, kicked off an airplane and temporarily placed on the "no fly list".


By the way, she never worked for any of those places, they printed her freelance material. Big difference!




Bringing in Stephanie Wei to corroborate a story is about the most blatant indicator of misinformation.

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Very interesting question asked by GolfWRX in the last paragraph of the linked article. If Tiger Woods had won the 2018 Masters, would Shipnuck and O'Conner asked and written about his 2009 transgressions? Should they? How about the 2017 DUI arrest?

Tiger Woods is well know and those topics have been beaten to death. Reed is a comparative unknown.


"Relative unknown" don't achieve 22 pages of banter on GolfWRX!


If Tiger had won, and Shipnuck wrote in the same manner in which he wrote about Reed, the world would have lost it's collective mind!

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Very interesting question asked by GolfWRX in the last paragraph of the linked article. If Tiger Woods had won the 2018 Masters, would Shipnuck and O'Conner asked and written about his 2009 transgressions? Should they? How about the 2017 DUI arrest?

Tiger Woods is well know and those topics have been beaten to death. Reed is a comparative unknown.




If Tiger had won the Masters this year, it is UNDENIABLE that the story would be about his comeback --- not only from injuries, but also from his DUI/pain killer issues, his chipping yips, and yes -- his marital problems. Do you honestly think that wouldn't be part of the narrative? Tiger's infidelities were huge news and are still in the news to this day.


But I doubt shipnuck goes to Ellen’s house and watch the masters with her in a supposed attempt to reunify them.


Or more accurately attempt to create news he can then report.

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:



Stephanie Wei is the biggest hack journalist affiliated with golf and can't be trusted to write a grocery list.


Academic All-American at Yale. Selected by the NCAA to represent Yale at the National Leadership Conference. Has worked for The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CNN International, MSNBC, Fox International, Golf.com, and the Seattle Times among others.


Yup, some hack she is.


She also had her media credential revoked for a year, kicked off an airplane and temporarily placed on the "no fly list".


By the way, she never worked for any of those places, they printed her freelance material. Big difference!




Bringing in Stephanie Wei to corroborate a story is about the most blatant indicator of misinformation.


When has she ever been accused of libel, plagiarism or any other instance of misinformation or dishonest reporting? She had the Periscope incident, but that in no way was a reflection of her reporting something untrue or unverified.

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Funny, the "Top 5 player in the world" comment never bothered me. To me it was as if he was stating a goal, not making a proclamation on his status at the time. Still, it was brash & cocky to blurt it out, but I'd bet that most super elite athletes who make it to the pinnacle of their sport share this kind of confidence, even if they choose to play it cool and feign humility.


Patrick not only provided insight to his psyche with that comment, he very likely added an additional source of motivation that drove him to back up his claims and silence naysayers.


Any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.


Reed could have waited until he was actually in the top 5, or not said it all. I never hear Jordan Spieth talking about how good he is. Because he doesn't need to, results speak for themselves, and that's for others to do.


Yes, that's certainly the more PC way to handle things, but don't think for a second that Spieth doesn't have that same extreme self-belief. If they all present themselves the same how boring would that be for the rest of us?


It's not as if Patrick went all Muhammad Ali screaming at the top of his lungs, "I AM THE GREATEST!" lol

Look, anyone that has competed athletically at either the highest levels as an Am or Professionally, and I don't care the sport, knows exactly of what I speak...


An individual does what they HAVE TO DO to prepare themselves MENTALLY to compete to the best of THEIR Potential.


Not YOUR potential, not MY Potential, not some silent KING's potential!!




Whatever it takes to prepare them MENTALLY!!


At the highest levels amateur wise, 98%+ have the physical gifts to take it to the next level, regardless of sport.


Yet over 97-98% don't or will not "make it" as a Professional in their chosen sport.


Some guys/gals can prepare quietly and go about it as a "gentleman king" whether preparing, participating or recounting following the game/event.


Others, like Patrick, needed to put a target on their chest/back, light a fire underneath themselves and put themselves square in everyone else's sights, to give them the edge to perform at their highest levels.


As a DI football Player, I was in this boat. Did I have the physical talent to go about my business and prepare, compete and carry myself as a "quiet king?"


Don't know, though I doubt it, cuz from the time I was 16yo and introduced to an individual who would become my football and position(LB) mentor, NFL Linebacker Pete Wysocki, he was anything but a "quiet king."


But damn did he compete at THE highest level(look em up).


I took his style and made it mine.


I visualized it, I practiced it and come game time, I executed it-


It went like this-


I was gonna tell you what I was gonna do to you, I was gonna do it to you, and then I was gonna stand over you and recap what I did to you.


I did the same thing if asked by an "outsider," ie., reporter, fan or a competitor.


Did it work every time?


Don't be an moron, of course not, lol


But when it didn't, I truly looked at it as a fluke and if I could learn something from it, I took that nugget from it and then I forgot it, totally.


Call it compartmentalizing, call it chronic short memory, call it selective amnesia, I don't care what ya call it.


I wiped it from my mind-


Didn't happen!!


Did it work in the locker room?


Again, don't know however I was elected captain at every level from my fifth/sixth grade team, as a fifth grader, through my senior year in college. That's all I can go on regarding how my teammates accepted my behavior.


Everyone else, including coaches, I didn't care.


Didn't give them or their views, thoughts or opinions a first thought, much less a second, lmao


If you didn't take the field with me, you could be my friend, you could be my lover, you could be my most cherished family member, but ya weren't my teammate, you didn't compete and your opinion didn't count.




Patrick and I spoke about this and actually my Tour Bud was present and introduced us the first time.


I've never understood people using regular everyday standards and benchmarks used in a softer civilized environment for an athlete on the course/field in the heat of competition and the game and then judging their character as a man/woman(Stacy Lewis comes to mind) based off of it, and then to boot, not one of these former "teammates" has had the balls to step forward and own those accusations????




If you think that that's ok, legit and the way that a man should take care of business, I don't want you anywhere near me-


Seriously, and trust me, you'll never EVER sit around a table full of athletes/former athletes, that Played a true TEAM sport(I Played HS golf, was two-year team captain but please spare me that it was a TEAM sport, lmao) and have ONE say that this type of behavior is acceptable.


Only on a friggin golf board with fake avatars and fictitious user names is it even entertained


Some guys/gals are gifted enough or wired in such a way that they can proceed, prepare and compete as a "quiet king," and some cannot, and most run the gamut in between.


However to use a man's competitive persona to stamp, judge and label him off the course/field and outside of his competitive arena is a little narrow and apples to oranges.


Fortunately, most have never used this bar with me, as my professional/personal Mentors are some of THE most successful "quiet kings" that you will ever find, anywhere.


As possibly my greatest personal/professional mentor, himself the former CEO/President of PNC Financial, and member of ANGC & Seminole GC who took Madison to Augusta this past week(all-grounds pass), told me back when I was 22-23yo over at the club one day during one of our talks...


"This world is a stage, we are actors and we play different parts in different plays every day. The most successful are those that can adapt and play On the greatest numbers of stages."


At my core, I am the same person regardless of the stage, though I adapt my persona and behavior to the stage.


Patrick is learning this and I myself(and this former CEO) thinks that he's doing a hell of a job.


For those that don't think so, think he's a piece of shat in golf clothes, he truly doesn't care.


Back when we spoke, my Tour Bud and I told him that THAT's THE foundational bedrock on which all else is built-


Compartmentalize, forget the negative, whether it be a shot, an individual or an experience.


Patrick's doin just fine!


Remember Gents~








Everyone can't be a "quiet king,"


Sometimes ya gotta make a little noise


Or, ya can take the advice of my Tour Bud's favorite Skynyrd tune..


"Don't ask me no questions, and I won't tell you no lies"




I loooove this place!!






Geez man who don't you know?! Can you and I just sit down one day and you can tell me awesome stories, we could start a podcast with all these stories!


Also spot on in your assessment.

Taylormade M2 10.5° [color=#0000ff]Graphite Design AD-BB 7x[/color]
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Vokey [color=#000000]Jet Black [/color]SM7 52° 56° 60° [color=#000000]S400 Tour Issue Black Onyx[/color]
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Very interesting question asked by GolfWRX in the last paragraph of the linked article. If Tiger Woods had won the 2018 Masters, would Shipnuck and O'Conner asked and written about his 2009 transgressions? Should they? How about the 2017 DUI arrest?

Tiger Woods is well know and those topics have been beaten to death. Reed is a comparative unknown.




If Tiger had won the Masters this year, it is UNDENIABLE that the story would be about his comeback --- not only from injuries, but also from his DUI/pain killer issues, his chipping yips, and yes -- his marital problems. Do you honestly think that wouldn't be part of the narrative? Tiger's infidelities were huge news and are still in the news to this day.


But I doubt shipnuck goes to Ellen’s house and watch the masters with her in a supposed attempt to reunify them.


Or more accurately attempt to create news he can then report.

Sorry but that's completely different.

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Alan Shipnuck didn't dwell on the details of the Shane Ryan reporting. But to the extent that readers here wish to do that, I don't think that Stephanie Wei's blog post has been linked yet:




Stephanie Wei has a degree in Eastern European History and writes on a blog she created. She's had her PGA Tour credentials revoked, got kicked off an airplane and was temporarily placed on the "no fly list.


Come on man, you're reaching!


That's a garbage post. If she got her statement from Jason Payne wrong, you should say so.


In a post where so many Patrick Reed Fanboyz have their knickers in a twist over irrelevant personal attacks, you've just supplied a good example of how "not to do it."


It's not "garbage" for Shipnuck to use unsubstantiated material in an ill-timed piece about the reigning Masters champion that's he's been chasing for nearly a decade?!?!?


But it is "garbage" for me to not trust someone with a checkered professional resume like Stephanie Wei?!?!?


Got it, I think?!?!?


Again, you're reaching!


Consider the source

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