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MD/VA/DC Golfers - Ten Seconds or Less


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Also, I put an empty bag of sour gummy worms on Sully's car.




Tex was parked next to me, so I assumed it was him. So I took the trash that was on my car, plus some of my own that was in my car, and put it back on his windshield.





EDIT: You really should have known better, Sully. It was an empty pack of gummy worms. Do you really think Tossed Salad Tex downs entire packages of sour gummy worms?

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TRU Recap (part 2)


Got there in plenty of time for a warm-up after a waffle and some eggz at Chez Waffle. This was the first time since the surgery that I’ve fully adjusted to the new distances I’m hitting. One club less through the bag, essentially. Nice easy swing since I had 36 holes of swings to make. Keep the upper body down through impact. NBD.


I was driving it pretty well all day, and my decision making was good. Only a couple loose tee shots, but I was hitting it to PW or less all day on the 4’s, and my wedge game was great. Hit a ton of f’n greens and put a bunch in really good position to make the putt. And a lot of them fell.


Made the turn in 35 (-1) with a double on #2.


Just missed birdie on 10 (-1)

Thought I had an ace on 11. Rolled out to 10 feet. Made it (-2…officially “feeling it” at this point)

3 foot putt for par on 12. City and I had a side bet going and he said “You’re killing me”. I said “There’s something else going on right now that I’m more worried about. I’m -2 right now”. Botch the par putt (-1)


Make bogey on 13 (E)


Hit the drive over the tree on 14. Wedge to 15 feet. Make the putt (-1….what is going on?)


Front bunker on 15, ball in a rake mark. Think to myself “Just get it on the green and two putt for bogey. Don’t blow this up. Good out to 20 feet, two putt bogey (E)


Hit my drive on 16 into the 14th fairway. Pull 3w but chunk it through the trees back into perfect layup position. Hit wedge to 8 feet and make the putt (-1 WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON)


Hit the approach just in the rough pin high on 17 (lucky bounce). Putt one to 3 feet. MISS (E)


Drive to the “ruins” in the right rough on 18. Pitch it down the fairway right against the collar of the rough, nbd though since it’s in front of the ball. PW to just past the flag about 18 inches into the rough. Have a downhill shot about 20 feet. Ball is sitting up nicely. Need to get up and down for 72. I actually thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that I spent all this cash on this putter, and I’m using it. It wasn’t a hard shot. Pulled the flag and putted 2 feet past. Stood over the putt and thought “Who knows when this opportunity will come again. Make it happen right now.” Made it. (E)


Basically it was a perfect course for this to happen on. You could pick lines from the white tees that had no trouble, and trust your wedge game. Luckily I had a great ballstriking day at the same time as a great putting day.


BTW don’t buy an evnroll they’re horrible.


Really glad it happened at a Hive event. Thanks to everyone who came up and said nice round afterwards (which was literally everyone). It’s always cool when someone does something out of the ordinary at one of these events. Everyone is into it. No haters like at some other clubs I’ve been in. Makes it that much more special.


When I made the 9th birdie (on #12 in the second round), I felt like this:




For the day, birds on 4,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16. Sweet.

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Sully, I had the cardigan in my car. Wish we could have worked that out.


Great ni99le hider, that.

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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I called Domes round prior to him hitting his first shot. I said "Domes you will play really well today because you will swing easy" on account of the knee. Sure came true. #80%ruleworks


I was definitely recalling that during the round. You're right.


Kent said he's had enough surgeries to know that sometimes they slow you down just enough to get everything in sync. Total believer in that.

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Yeah...Team Ginger put trash on my truck.


Still don't know what you drive Sully and you blamed me last year too..


Callaway Epic Speed Triple Diamond LS *9.0 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *15 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway Mavrik *18 w/ UST Attas 11
Callaway 19' Apex Pros 4-Pw/ UST Recoil 125 Protos F4 
Callaway MD5 50W & 54W & 58X w/ UST Recoil 125
protos F4

Tyson Lamb Customed Long Neck Allendale 
#lookatthebaby #teamcallaway

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@priceless you should definitely come out. Yeah, they're are a bunch of good golfers, but more than that they're good guys and it's all good fun regardless of the quality in play.


Once again it was a great time hitting the links with the Golf Hive dudes. I didn't play great, but that's all right.


Some of the holes at Whiskey Creek just don't suit me. Awkward stances or long, uphill approaches. When I'm standing over a tough shot I tend to tense up, trying to hit the ball harder. Of course, that doesn't lead to good things.


And, as others have said, the greens weren't great. Pretty much the same as playing the MoCo munis, but for more moneyz.


Boy am I worn out. Between getting back from traveling on Monday and playing 36 yesterday, I need to lay in bed for a few days/weeks/months or so.


Oh, and domes's swing was so much smoother. As I recall, he had a pretty aggressive swing before. Slowing it down was good for him. Dunno if he can keep it smooth as he gets back to full health.

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The TRU event was an absolute blast! Day off from work. 36 holes at a great (new to me) course. And great company. It doesn't get much better than that. Many thanks to Eagle for setting it all up and also to Stix and Sully for handling some logistics yesterday.


This was my first time out to Whiskey Creek. I really liked the course and am looking forward to playing it again in the future. Fun elevation changes, nice views, pretty open, and interesting green complexes made for 2 enjoyable rounds. I didn't think the greens were bad at all. But Norbeck's are still in ROUGH shape, so my opinion is probably swayed by that.


Part 1:


Playing partners for both rounds were Gmen, David30, & Siegel. We had a lot of laughs out there. Really fun group that definitely added to the experience.


Gmen - It is incredible that he is out playing golf after having heart surgery a couple of weeks ago. Glad that everything is looking up for him in that department. He struggled a bit on the first 18 with a few 7's on the card, but played much better in the second round by replacing those 7's with pars and bogies. We determined that beer (specifically Yuengling) was the key to the turnaround. He should always have some on hand.


David30 - This was our first time playing together. I was impressed with his game. Specifically his tee shots. He was hitting fairways all day long. If he keeps doing that some really good scores are in his future. He also left about 10 putts short that were DFC.


Siegel - Fun dude to play golf with. Love his positivity. He definitely hit the ball better than he scored yesterday. If he can tighten up his putting (specifically 2nd putts for par) he will also be putting up some solid scores.


So, I was feeling pretty good about my game coming into yesterday. I have been hitting the ball well, but not making any putts. The first round yesterday was very frustrating for me even though my score wasn't too bad. I could not hit a driver to save my life. Lots of low hooks that dove right into the ground 100 yards out. Thank god I could get by hitting hybrids and 3-woods off of the tee. I was able to put together a good stretch of holes on the front 9 including a 2-putt birdie on #9. Then I was lost for 6 holes. Then I finished par-par-birdie. Shot 81 with some room for improvement on the 2nd round.


Ball striking was much better during the 2nd round. I was able to par the 3 holes on the front that I bogied in the 1st round (1,3, & 6) and throw in a birdie on 7. 10 & 11 were my nemesis holes yesterday. I had to count a bogie and a double on those two holes. Not good. I was able to make a very nice birdie on 12 this round though after I hit a PW to 6 feet. I was also able to birdie the 18th again after making a sweet up and down from the front bunker while some hivers looked on. Shot 77 this round and ended up with 73 gross / 63 net for the event.

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@priceless you should definitely come out. Yeah, they're are a bunch of good golfers, but more than that they're good guys and it's all good fun regardless of the quality in play.


Once again it was a great time hitting the links with the Golf Hive dudes. I didn't play great, but that's all right.


Some of the holes at Whiskey Creek just don't suit me. Awkward stances or long, uphill approaches. When I'm standing over a tough shot I tend to tense up, trying to hit the ball harder. Of course, that doesn't lead to good things.


And, as others have said, the greens weren't great. Pretty much the same as playing the MoCo munis, but for more moneyz.


Boy am I worn out. Between getting back from traveling on Monday and playing 36 yesterday, I need to lay in bed for a few days/weeks/months or so.


Oh, and domes's swing was so much smoother. As I recall, he had a pretty aggressive swing before. Slowing it down was good for him. Dunno if he can keep it smooth as he gets back to full health.


Thanks for the post and encouragement. I would genuinely like to get some golf in with the "Hive". But remember if one goes to the Dictionary of American Sports Jargon and looks for the term "hacker", my picture may be there. For me, a good round is one in which I finish on the green side of the grass. I will continue to be looking in and hopefully, will be able to join the "Hive" at some point.

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@priceless you should definitely come out. Yeah, they're are a bunch of good golfers, but more than that they're good guys and it's all good fun regardless of the quality in play.


Once again it was a great time hitting the links with the Golf Hive dudes. I didn't play great, but that's all right.


Some of the holes at Whiskey Creek just don't suit me. Awkward stances or long, uphill approaches. When I'm standing over a tough shot I tend to tense up, trying to hit the ball harder. Of course, that doesn't lead to good things.


And, as others have said, the greens weren't great. Pretty much the same as playing the MoCo munis, but for more moneyz.


Boy am I worn out. Between getting back from traveling on Monday and playing 36 yesterday, I need to lay in bed for a few days/weeks/months or so.


Oh, and domes's swing was so much smoother. As I recall, he had a pretty aggressive swing before. Slowing it down was good for him. Dunno if he can keep it smooth as he gets back to full health.


Those greens in the summertime are a FAR cry from what we normally see. Much faster, not receptive, and they still cut those crazy pins. If you can't play target golf you are screwed on a good chunk of the course.


Worthington/Waverly aren't slower greens-wise but I think they give you a bigger margin for error.

TSR2 8*, Diamana BG 60TX

TSR1 15*, Diamana BF 80TX

TSR1 20°, Atmos TS Blue HB 8x 
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 21°, Recoil 110

JPX 923 Forged  5-P, DG120 X100
RTX6  50, 54, 58 MID (AMT White X100)
Odyssey Eleven S
Tour BX

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personal recap (official one coming later that will likely steal many of these lines):


day started like aces. picked up c.free and rode on up to hwiskey. he's like the perfect golf partner. funny, self-debasing, self-congratulatory, complimentary, with the an appropriate level of vulgar. car ride up, real good golf-y type conversation going on, i touched a little bit on how my putting went to S earlier this year and my solution was to stop practicing putting. no drills, no lags, nothing. just revert back to my base level. kinda what DC told me last year at lansdowne - stop thinking, and just let yourself putt. anyway, it proved to be prophetic, as i went out there on sh*t greens and just kept making putt after putt after putt.


after arriving and dapping it up in the parking lot, i handed out towels and rules sheets and scorecards with stix, hit a few balls, gladhanded a few more hivers, got my eyes cut by sully's pointy nips, and then rolled up to the first tee feeling fresh and positive. and i topped it right into the creek. lol for real. made 6. came back with a nice birdie look on #2 (made a plumb bob par), easy up n in from the fringe on 3. the round really got going on #4. big drive to the left side of the fairway (terrible angle), flailed 3w to the right rough just short of the green, an average chip to 12 feet, then -that's a bingo- birdie that got center cupped. unfortunate flailed 3w on #5 tee box led to a PBFU bogey. i think ol kenty ran over my ball on purpose, as i pushed it over to #6 rough. ANYWAY... nice par on 6 (another decent birdie look), stupid double from the front bunker on #7, then caught a huge break on #8 as my ball ricocheted off the left tree and rolled forward to 60 yards somehow. i parked up by the green and walked back with c.free and we got a good look at the pin. we both then played well-conceived pitches to the right, that kicked on and fed towards the hole. i made for another birdie, then make another one on #9 to come in at 37. had two more doubles on the back (#13 and #17) and a couple bogeys mixed in, but the ball was rolling nicely for me and i made a few more key putts to salvage a 79. easily could have been an 89 with all the errors i made off the tee, approach shots, and mental flubs. some nice escapability and 3 birdies helped offset the bad, considerably.


came back out with the sole purpose of improving on those bogey & double holes. bogey net par on 1, par net bird on 5 (after driving the green tho - boo!), standard par on #7, standard par on #12, 13 & 17. came to 18 knowing i needed birdie or better to have any hope of winning and just dunked it in the water, quite awfully. bah. WC let me ride the golfboard, which continues to be silly fun, so that was good.


company was top notch. pq, c.free and jamie made for a great mix of characters. non-stop ribbing. pq was verklempt about his putting and the green conditions early, overcame it and played pretty damn good from the tips. man, they were WAAAAAY back there too. he played it very patient in the first 18, maybe only 1 driver, then unleashed the beast in rd. 2.


jamie told us an unfortunate story about his name, and now, finally, we can put the moniker bangass to rest, as he finds jamie to be more annoying. his real enemies call him jimbo tho, remember that. last time i played with jamie was at POSH in 2016, and he has really done well for himself. bought not just 1, but 2 new pairs of shoes. swing-wise, he's got oodles of clubhead speed and was hitting some very good drives and some excellent irons. putting, once a disaster, looked to be more of a strength. the biocell+ he stole from me years ago is still in the bag. also, just like T.i.T, he's peace-audi5000 and moving to cali. we'll miss you bud, for real for real.


c.freezy - what can i say about him? dude is dr. jekell/mr. hyde. net 30 on the opening 9, then the wheels came off and never got back on. he was KILLING it, then, poof, gone like kaisersoze. i tried talking him off the ledge a few times, which i hope helped. he was very wushu then kept trying to hit it further, but actually needs to be like kunu in 'forgetting sarah marshall' and DO LESS. some excellent par saves, and excellent needle-sharp gibes. brought 4 different outwear options, and buttoned his top button like a bubba. love playing with this guy, his compliments make me feel like i'm actually a good golfer.


hanging out with the guys afterwards was great, wish i could have done more of that. we took an extended break at the turn, so that cut into our post-round festivities.


i know we wax poetic in here about being able to enjoy the round and the camaraderie and how that's the main goal of being a part of the Hive. it's not often that the actual experience exceeds the expectation. it was TRU yesterday for me, for sure. i hope you all loved it as much as i did. thanks for coming out to play, i do really appreciate everyone's participation. 25 guys on a wednesday in april. pretty good.


final note: emma the bartender was RIDICULOUS. rawr.

TM M5 10.5°
TEE XCG4 3w 15°
Cobra BioCell 3h
Titleist AP3 4-GW

Bstone J15 52°

Cally MD3 58° Tour Grind
Bettinardi Queen Bee #5

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Great time out there yesterday, Sneek, Gmen, and David30 were solid playing partners.


First things first - props to Domes for shooting an even par round. That's awesome, especially so soon after knee surgery. Much less impressive is Gmen, who's playing golf so soon after heart surgery. But he didn't shoot even par. Get on Domes' level.


I ended up shooting 41 on the front, 48 on the back the first time around for a not so stellar 89. Second time around was 39 front, 49 back. Honestly, it should have been a 45 on the back for the second round, but Sneek made up some BS about how I couldn't count the birdie putt I sunk on 16 because it was with the wrong ball. Sounds fishy...I'll look up the exact rule on whether you can use a random ball you found that should be in roughly the same spot as yours or not later.


Much like Sully, my speed was just off all day. It got better as the day went on, but I had a ton of 5ish foot par putts. I also feel like I played a lot better than I scored. Except for a few holes where I couldn't get off the tee, I was striking it pretty well and putting everything on the line that I wanted. Had more birdie looks than I can ever remember having, just could't capitalize on them. After the past few rounds in the high 90's, yesterday was a relief. Much more confident over the ball.



Par 4 #5, first round Sneek hit an absolute bomb hybrid from the blues which left him with a little flick of a wedge in. Same hole second round, Gmen took hybrid from the whites, and I don't know how, but must have had like 40 yards to the pin. It was a monster.

Par 4 #6 second round, I was in the left side fairway bunker with the ball a mile below my feet, and managed to get it onto the green. Maybe one of the best bunker shots I've ever hit. David30 also managed to give himself the absolute worst lie in the sand I've ever seen. So that was kind funny.

par 3 #7 Sneek hit terrific shots both rounds, within 10 feet.

Par 4 #8 I drove the green first round. 3 putt par (missed the little slider coming back)

#10 is a bad hole and should feel bad.

Par 4 #13 David30 hit a nice 300+ yard drive first round.

This isn't a highlight, but I'd like to reiterate that I think I should have been able to count the birdie on #16. Wrong ball birdie is probably like a second ball par but better.

Par 4 #18 Sneek birdied both times around. Great way to finish.


Thanks to Eagle and whoever else (edit: Stix) for setting this up, it's always a great time.

I would just add that on the second round, 12th hole, I had one of the better pre-shot comments. Duffed a 4i well short off the tee into the right rough, 230yd+'ish to the pin. Pulled a hybid and said, "This is either going to be really good, or really bad." I felt the terror and fear of what I was attempting to do. I came up 20 yards short of the green. Duffed the chip.


It was a tale of two golfers for me all day. It was also a tale of good golf partners, as well. Always enjoy coming out to play with the Internet Superfriends.

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I don't find Jamie annoying. It's just strange when people who met me after age 13 call me that.


Short recap - If I could hit a gap wedge from anywhere between 70-115, I would have shot low 80s. A couple putts drop and I might make a run at <80.


PQ to me after my fifth or six GW hosel rocket - "You have the long game of a single digit and the short game of a 16."


Totally true except out of the sand. I was solid out of the traps all day. And out the hazard on 15. I think Eagle has a picture of that one.

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Quick TRU recap:


Sully - saw sully hit some of the best shots I've seen yesterday. He even had a little golf swag going saying things like "oh that's good" after some iron shots. Pounded driver and fairway woods off the tee on more occasions than not. 17 2nd round was murdered. Nearly drove 8 first round with a fairway. Lost his strokes on / around the greens, but his game looked better to me than I have seen.


Endless - first time playing with him. Hammers the ball. So much smooth coming from a big dude. Had a lot more good shots than bad, but the bad one hurt him. Wealth of knowledge for the rest of the group who wasn't familiar with the course. Insane putting inside 6 feet. A lot of just point and shoot. Struggled outside of that.


JJ - didn't notice the early round oddity he is speaking of. He did tell me he just wasn't feeling it early on. Swing was super quick through the first round which led to some left misses. Slowed things down on the 2nd 18 and played very very well. Can not ask for a better guy to cart around for 10 hours with.


DT - started the day with about 20 shanks on the range. Cool. Going to be a great day! Made a little change and stuck to it through the rounds. No shanks. Smashed 5 wood pretty much all day. Had 2 over 280 yards. Almost killed THDC on 8 from the blue tees. Pounded driver over 330 2-3x as well. That was fun. The crazy long par 3s ate my lunch though. Think I finished +2 over both rounds on the par 3s. Not fun.


Group - excellent grouping. As easy going as you can get with a nice amount of ribbing thrown in. Sully doesn't like wearing another man's clothes. I'm fine with that.


Hive - one of the more enjoyable after rounds I've had. Everyone was just incredibly laid back and happy to be there. Excellent time all around.

TM TI M2 - Yellow HZRDUS HC 6.5
XR16 5w - Speeder 757
Taylormade CB 3-AW
Vokey 254, 258
Taylormade Spider Tour Black

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More randoms.


I played the standard B330 yesterday. Big B logo, with FABB stamped on 'em. Stone cold killer, that golf ball. Really liked it off the driver, irons, and putter. Definitely seemed to have a bit more release on it inside 50 yards compared to the B330S, but I can get used to that. Will be my steady bang for this season.


Goose went full FIGJAM for the second round, and had two drivers in the bag. I didn't pay attention to whether or not he ended up hitting them both.


Ditto to the multiple comments about how much of a good vibe group this is. Domes comes roaring in with a 72 in round 1, and not one person was salty about him firing such a low net round. Somebody going out and playing a killer round of golf is awesome, and this group truly appreciates that stuff.


I'm happy to see that Sully has fully embraced the tour visor life. Solid Tobacco Road tour visor yesterday.

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I had not played the course before and had no idea about it other than some other’s comments and looking at the scorecard and/or google maps. Im not sure I loved it, I certainly liked it – but one thing that kind of got me was holes like 11 have incredible character and presentation, and then there are holes like 13 and others were just meh holes. I did really enjoy the 2/3 par 5’s on the last three finishing holes. And 17 is not an easy par. One design characteristic I did pick up on was the tendency to pinch the fairways around the landing areas. From the blues at least – if you could land your ball 275, you were in heaven, but with that temp and some of the wind, I was hitting it like 250 and found some of those bunkers and pinch points.


I noticed as well, and really liked it. Basically every 4 and 5 had a good risk/reward to it. You can hit driver off the 4s, but it's not always a smart play. A lot of holes at Worthington are like that too. I'd say I hit more irons and fairway woods off the tee on those two courses than anywhere else I've played. But still not sure if that was always the right play either. Like on 8, you can lay way back, but the pin is just not accessible with an 8 or 9 iron. You need a sand wedge in to get the loft and spin to get it anywhere close.


That risk/reward was there almost to a fault really. There was no beastly 4 where you are required to hit a good drive and good mid/long iron, like say the 3rd at Blue Mash, or 17 at Waverly, or 3 at Worthington. Could have used something like that to mix it up a bit.


Also, we all forgot to mention the best shot of the day: on #12, DT hits a monster push. Way deep in to OB territory. Not even close. Goner. It hits the mansion on the right and ricochets back left, hits the cart path, and takes the hill down and rolls in to the fairway. I just did the google maps measurement and it's 50 yards from the house. I can't even remember what score he made after that, but I'm going to pretend he then knocked it to 6 inches and made a kick in birdie. It was awesome.

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More randoms.


I played the standard B330 yesterday. Big B logo, with FABB stamped on 'em. Stone cold killer, that golf ball. Really liked it off the driver, irons, and putter. Definitely seemed to have a bit more release on it inside 50 yards compared to the B330S, but I can get used to that. Will be my steady bang for this season.


Goose went full FIGJAM for the second round, and had two drivers in the bag. I didn't pay attention to whether or not he ended up hitting them both.


Ditto to the multiple comments about how much of a good vibe group this is. Domes comes roaring in with a 72 in round 1, and not one person was salty about him firing such a low net round. Somebody going out and playing a killer round of golf is awesome, and this group truly appreciates that stuff.


I'm happy to see that Sully has fully embraced the tour visor life. Solid Tobacco Road tour visor yesterday.


Did not touch the second one, I liked the 440 well enough so far.


edit: I only had 13 clubs to start in the AM, had the 460 as insurance in case the one sliding weight untorqued itself again.

TSR2 8*, Diamana BG 60TX

TSR1 15*, Diamana BF 80TX

TSR1 20°, Atmos TS Blue HB 8x 
Mizuno MP Fli Hi 21°, Recoil 110

JPX 923 Forged  5-P, DG120 X100
RTX6  50, 54, 58 MID (AMT White X100)
Odyssey Eleven S
Tour BX

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I played the SR3x yesterday during the first round. They're not the most durable golf balls I've played. I think I actually put a cut into one at some point. But they are long and spin really well around the greens. I'm happy I got them.


Used the juicer edition Vice Pro Plus in the afternoon. Couldn't figure out whether to hit the juicer symbol with the clubface, or be looking at the juicer symbol during the swing. Settled on pointing the hip thrust in the direction of the target. Made 3 birdies. Can't be a coincidence.

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Just wait until someone makes an Ace during an official Hive event. That is going to be bonkers. Good thing Uber exists.


GTT : If you make a hole-in-one at a Hive event, what drink are you buying for everybody?


Faucet water. I'm trying to save money.

Titleist TSR2 8*

Taylormade P790 UDI 2

Nike Dymo 5w

Titleist 917f2 7w

Taylormade P7MB 4-AW DG 105x

Titleist Vokey 54*

Titleist Vokey 60*

Taylormade MySpider Tour X 


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There's some really nice holes out there.


If you can't drive 5, you almost want to be through the fairway right. That's coming right down the green, but the green slopes away from you. Made pars from there both times. And, the green has that big cut-out right in the middle front. I'd love to see the pro's play that hole from the back tees with the green running about 12 on the stimp. It would look like Riviera 10. I agree with Sully. . .it's not a fun green to be coming into with an 8 or 9 iron (I had to do that this winter when we played in the wind).


8 is cool because it's a draw off the tee (from blues, and blacks), but the green sets up for a fade. Abb and Puppet both drove it with balls that kind of ran on from the front. That was a rip from Abb.


For me, I took the "safe" route in R1, driving the ball into the greenside bunker. Very difficult sand shot that I sent over the green. Bay Rat was just left of the bunker and made a nice UD for birdie, but had to make like an 18 footer to do so.


R2, par in pocket, I tried getting a little further left. Wound up in first cut, left and short and got that UD for birdie. Tough pin.


When I've played that course, I've had more wind coming into your face on 1 tee. That also puts it into your face on 12 tee and 13 tee. I've always thought of 13 as a long hole, but without much wind, it didn't have any teeth. That was a heck of a pin, though. Never seen it there. Speaking of which. . .


They really had some pins out there. On 15, I hit 6 iron and caught it a groove low and I was like, "that's gotta go". Fortunately, I think it hit into the rough and trickled on to 11 feet. It was all carry and the green ran away at the hole and I I was thinking, "no one is going to get a ball inside of 20 feet on that hole" and then the group behind me put one in at 13 feet and behind them, someone hit one just inches outside of mine. Those are good shots. I caught a break.


The pin on 10 was tricky. I made a putt from off the green that broke about 4 feet (after a drive I found in the hazard left). Kudos to anyone who got one close on 11. I hit the back bunker in R1 and the front bunker in R2.


12, I still don't know how to play. Bunted a drive in R1 and had 7 iron in from a flat spot in the FW. R2, drove one through the FW and had a GW in, but out of the rough on a downslope. The spot you want to hit is that area of the fairway just FULL of divots.

Ping G400 LST 10º XTORSION Copper 60
RBZ Stage 2 4W 17º
Strong torso
Cobra f6 Hybrid
Mizuno JPX-900 Forged 4I-GW
Vokey 54º/14º F-grind
Vokey 60º/04º. "The Scalpel"
Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Ten
Oncore Elixir Neon Green

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dunno WTF is up with google's photo uploader but it took me a solid hour to get the pics up in an album. enjoy, dingii.




please upload all the pics you all took, but do NOT resort by date. i tried to put the swing pics in proper frame order for maximum google animation. thanks.

TM M5 10.5°
TEE XCG4 3w 15°
Cobra BioCell 3h
Titleist AP3 4-GW

Bstone J15 52°

Cally MD3 58° Tour Grind
Bettinardi Queen Bee #5

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10 pin may have been toughest 2-3 foot putt out on course all day


12- I think the play is to leave yourself on flat lie about 160 out.


Found that the play on quite a few holes.. 4,5,8,12,14 was for me to hit shorter than driver. Some 3 iron and some 3 wood, but driver was not the play for me.

Cobra Bio Cell + with Speeder vc 7.2 tour spec
Diablo Tr Edge 13
909H 15
AP2 PX 6.0
Odyssey Metal-X #2
SCOR 47 & BV 52 & 60

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