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The Secret History of Tiger Woods -


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Whose decision was it from the Navy to let Tiger train with them? Yeah they can get some good publicity I guess, but it seemed to take time away from real SEAL training. And what if he got even more seriously injured which easily could have happened, how would Steinberg explain that to his sponsors? Tiger risked his career.


Sure, split the checks evenly, but Tiger should have picked it up without batting an eye. The only thing Tiger could have been thinking is that he wanted to be considered one of the guys and picking up the tab wouldn't have fit that narrative.


Article does paint a really depressing picture of where Tiger is at now. That he has one more major - if he's even that lucky - and then he's done. But even more than that, he has his kids and that's it. I hope he finds some other purpose in life.

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tiger ALWAYS wanted to be a seal. he talked about it all the time and if he wasn't a golfer, he would have been a seal.


Tiger is like any other super high profile athlete....he just needs to find that replacement for his time and he will be fine....maybe he will be a top course designer or rydercup captain.....maybe THE best announcer...who knows....he has more money than god so he'll be ok regardless

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How does the Simunition work? I had never even heard of such a thing, but from what it looked like online, it's real bullets that are blunt and have paint on the tip? They just go twice as fast as a regular paintball gun but 25% as a real gun?

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tiger ALWAYS wanted to be a seal. he talked about it all the time and if he wasn't a golfer, he would have been a seal.

There are a few professions that unless one is actually in that profession, such as a surgeon, a card carrying member of the PGA Tour and I would include a SEAL, that unless one has actually achieved, well, anyone else on the face of this earth has absolutely no idea what it takes to achieve this nor can anyone else on the face of this earth comment as to who may or may not be able to achieve these positions. Think about this for about half a minute. How would a civilian have any earthly clue as to what it takes to become a SEAL. What, because he took a leisurely day time jump? Because he went through their kill house and guys had explicit orders not lay a single finger on him? Because he ran around a beach in chamos and combat boots? Ironically, in discussing it with Dick's teammate, and Dick and I have never had a single conversation about his times there, nor has Richard, he doesn't discuss it however his teammate said that one he didn't think that Tiger could get past the psych test due to a few factors, one being he has had no exposure, experience or success as a teammate in anything, anywhere or anytime, and no, he laughed when I jokingly brought up the Ryder Cup. So to say that had Tiger not been a golfer he would have been a SEAL is, well, it's borderline delusional. And I like Tiger. That's like me saying that my cousin, who had a 4.2 at MIT in engineering and aced the MCATs(he didn't go to med school) could have been a transplant surgeon had he not gone on to a senior VP position with Westinghouse, lolololol. Olympic medalist wrestlers, swimmers, sprinters and starting D1 football Players either don't get past the psyche test or ring the bell IF they make it to hell week. And Tiger would have been a SEAL if he hadn't been a golfer? Excuse my response however I just think that's a slap in the face of every SEAL, past, present and those to come. He had fun and got to live out his fantasy. Why don't we leave it at that. Have a nice evening :) Maddie
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tiger ALWAYS wanted to be a seal. he talked about it all the time and if he wasn't a golfer, he would have been a seal.

There are a few professions that unless one is actually in that profession, such as a surgeon, a card carrying member of the PGA Tour and I would include a SEAL, that unless one has actually achieved, well, anyone else on the face of this earth has absolutely no idea what it takes to achieve this nor can anyone else on the face of this earth comment as to who may or may not be able to achieve these positions. Think about this for about half a minute. How would a civilian have any earthly clue as to what it takes to become a SEAL. What, because he took a leisurely day time jump? Because he went through their kill house and guys had explicit orders not lay a single finger on him? Because he ran around a beach in chamos and combat boots? Ironically, in discussing it with Dick's teammate, and Dick and I have never had a single conversation about his times there, nor has Richard, he doesn't discuss it however his teammate said that one he didn't think that Tiger could get past the psych test due to a few factors, one being he has had no exposure, experience or success as a teammate in anything, anywhere or anytime, and no, he laughed when I jokingly brought up the Ryder Cup. So to say that had Tiger not been a golfer he would have been a SEAL is, well, it's borderline delusional. And I like Tiger. That's like me saying that my cousin, who had a 4.2 at MIT in engineering and aced the MCATs(he didn't go to med school) could have been a transplant surgeon had he not gone on to a senior VP position with Westinghouse, lolololol. Olympic medalist wrestlers, swimmers, sprinters and starting D1 football Players either don't get past the psyche test or ring the bell IF they make it to hell week. And Tiger would have been a SEAL if he hadn't been a golfer? Excuse my response however I just think that's a slap in the face of every SEAL, past, present and those to come. He had fun and got to live out his fantasy. Why don't we leave it at that. Have a nice evening :) Maddie


...and yet you do

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tiger ALWAYS wanted to be a seal. he talked about it all the time and if he wasn't a golfer, he would have been a seal.

There are a few professions that unless one is actually in that profession, such as a surgeon, a card carrying member of the PGA Tour and I would include a SEAL, that unless one has actually achieved, well, anyone else on the face of this earth has absolutely no idea what it takes to achieve this nor can anyone else on the face of this earth comment as to who may or may not be able to achieve these positions. Think about this for about half a minute. How would a civilian have any earthly clue as to what it takes to become a SEAL. What, because he took a leisurely day time jump? Because he went through their kill house and guys had explicit orders not lay a single finger on him? Because he ran around a beach in chamos and combat boots? Ironically, in discussing it with Dick's teammate, and Dick and I have never had a single conversation about his times there, nor has Richard, he doesn't discuss it however his teammate said that one he didn't think that Tiger could get past the psych test due to a few factors, one being he has had no exposure, experience or success as a teammate in anything, anywhere or anytime, and no, he laughed when I jokingly brought up the Ryder Cup. So to say that had Tiger not been a golfer he would have been a SEAL is, well, it's borderline delusional. And I like Tiger. That's like me saying that my cousin, who had a 4.2 at MIT in engineering and aced the MCATs(he didn't go to med school) could have been a transplant surgeon had he not gone on to a senior VP position with Westinghouse, lolololol. Olympic medalist wrestlers, swimmers, sprinters and starting D1 football Players either don't get past the psyche test or ring the bell IF they make it to hell week. And Tiger would have been a SEAL if he hadn't been a golfer? Excuse my response however I just think that's a slap in the face of every SEAL, past, present and those to come. He had fun and got to live out his fantasy. Why don't we leave it at that. Have a nice evening :) Maddie


...and yet you do

Good point :) Maddie
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you are funny. You really need to lighten up though. Given Earl Woods back ground as an Army guy, Tigers dream of wanting to be a seal is just a story. Sorry you got offended. Take it up with Tiger


Nobody is down playing the toughness of the SEALS or how hard it is to achieve. My buddy who was a lazy slob growing up got his act in gear and became a seal, so what does that tell you? where there is a will there is a way.

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you are funny. You really need to lighten up though. Given Earl Woods back ground as an Army guy, Tigers dream of wanting to be a seal is just a story. Sorry you got offended. Take it up with Tiger


Nobody is down playing the toughness of the SEALS or how hard it is to achieve. My buddy who was a lazy slob growing up got his act in gear and became a seal, so what does that tell you? where there is a will there is a way.

What I do find cute is when a guy, in an attempt to minimize a Female or her response says that they are "funny, cute, etc," and that's even easier to do in the virtual world from the anonymity of a fake avatar and fictitious username, lololol. One of these guys makes my comment, it's taken as it was intended, a Female says it, and I need to "lighten up." there are at least 5-6 comments across the last two pages that you could say that about and I want to see you go back and say that to these guys, lololol. You and I both know that it's easier to come at me than to take on these guys, because I've read some of your last posts and there's no way that you come off of the porch at these guys, hahaha. Be that as it may,I'm sure your buddy can give his opinion and regarding what it tells me, well, it tells me a lot about him and that's great. Thanks for the response, and I do mean it, your response was cute and typical, lolol. Take care, M
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the seal lunch story has been confirmed many times over.

FWIW, one of Richard's father's teammates(the only time that he's every corected me in 14 years was when I addressed one of his teammates as "a former teammate," and he said simply, "their is no such thing as a 'former' teammate) related the story basically ver batum however as he heard it from one of the SEALS at the table, it was not nearly as awkward as the article made it appear. Actually two spoke up and asked for separate checks. I was not going to say anything about this however I spoke to Dick last night and he had no problem with me posting this. The other thing his teammate said is that most of the guys at the table understood and attributed it to Tiger being a little socially awkward because they were also on the beach and a lot of these guys are magnets and they were flirting with some girls and they were telling these girls that this was "Tiger effing woods" and Tiger was laughing though he had a hard time having a conversation with the girls. They found that amazing. The only group of SEALS that had an issue, and it was a small group, and you get this in every group of Alphas, and that is if you're not one of them, if you haven't been through what they've been through, then you're not ........ Dick and his teammate are not like this and in fact I see where Richard gets his edge with football Players or golfers who are like this because his father will tear into a surgical resident if they take this attitude. The SEALS were fine and Tiger was fine. I find it amazing how some will just look for anything to slam this guy. Appreciate him for the enjoyment that hopefully his golf has provided you. We will not see another like him for a lonnnnnng time :) Maddie

LMAO, this is friggin amazing, lol


#1, I asked my dad what you talked about at dinner and he said, "oh nothin much, just my s***** golf swing," lol.


#2,when I asked him a couple of days ago if I could post the SEAL/diner story, he said "leave it alone," lol


This is bulls***, LMAO


I'm getting scooped by my friggin fiance, lol


Oh well, nice post Sweetie :)




Come on Richard. You should know by now that women have a way of getting what they want. No man is immune.
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obviously you have some serious issues....and you use LOL way too much......


if a guy made a direct comment to me in that manner, id say the same thing, I had an entire thread on defending women, so your view is entirely misguided like the rest of your post. Whatever inferiority complexes you carry is yours and your alone. Trying to project them onto others is what you would call....I believe the word was delusional?

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obviously you have some serious issues....and you use LOL way too much......


if a guy made a direct comment to me in that manner, id say the same thing, I had an entire thread on defending women, so your view is entirely misguided like the rest of your post. Whatever inferiority complexes you carry is yours and your alone. Trying to project them onto others is what you would call....I believe the word was delusional?

I use "lol" when I please and Have never had someone say that before and I was unaware that there is an acceptable number for it's use. Thanks for the responses and thank God for keyboards and screens, lolol :) M
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obviously you have some serious issues....and you use LOL way too much......


if a guy made a direct comment to me in that manner, id say the same thing, I had an entire thread on defending women, so your view is entirely misguided like the rest of your post. Whatever inferiority complexes you carry is yours and your alone. Trying to project them onto others is what you would call....I believe the word was delusional?

That's a good one. Who doesn't have serious issues? If you don't, you ain't living. LOL. Oops. Didn't mean to use that.
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obviously you have some serious issues....and you use LOL way too much......


if a guy made a direct comment to me in that manner, id say the same thing, I had an entire thread on defending women, so your view is entirely misguided like the rest of your post. Whatever inferiority complexes you carry is yours and your alone. Trying to project them onto others is what you would call....I believe the word was delusional?

I use "lol" when I please and Have never had someone say that before and I was unaware that there is an acceptable number for it's use. Thanks for the responses and thank God for keyboards and screens, lolol :) M


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Could it be that we are overly obsessed with Tiger and other famous people? There isn't a person on this forum who hasn't done something that they would like to take back. Didn't offer to pick up the tab? Oh well, life goes on.


It just seems like a big deal because it shouldn't have been an issue. Tiger should have paid no questions asked.

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I'm sure Tiger knows this story about him floats about and could have a do over. At least I think he would.

Just like Jordan is cheap, no tippin Scottie Pippen...


Probably. The article makes the point that Tiger reads everything said about him and his infidelities are his biggest regret. He hated looking so stupid.

Ping G410 LST 10* (DI-6X)
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obviously you have some serious issues....and you use LOL way too much......


if a guy made a direct comment to me in that manner, id say the same thing, I had an entire thread on defending women, so your view is entirely misguided like the rest of your post. Whatever inferiority complexes you carry is yours and your alone. Trying to project them onto others is what you would call....I believe the word was delusional?

I use "lol" when I please and Have never had someone say that before and I was unaware that there is an acceptable number for it's use. Thanks for the responses and thank God for keyboards and screens, lolol :) M


Your post is a nice way to end it!I Nicely played. Let's get back to the thread. I apologize for baiting you. Have a nice evening :) Maddie
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How does the Simunition work? I had never even heard of such a thing, but from what it looked like online, it's real bullets that are blunt and have paint on the tip? They just go twice as fast as a regular paintball gun but 25% as a real gun?

There are multiple ammunition types with some being lethal and not to be fired at personel. The top half is plastic with a water soluble compound similar to that found in paint balls. The colors are red, white, blue and i believe green though I'm not 100% sure on that. They come in .38, 9mm and 5.62 though presently they may have added to that. The non-lethal travels at 198-200m/s vs. 90-92m/s for paintballs. They sting and ya know you've been hit, lol. Also, a special cartridge is inserted into the individual's service weapon to house the ammunition and then easily removed.


Have a nice week :)


My Best


In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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obviously you have some serious issues....and you use LOL way too much......


if a guy made a direct comment to me in that manner, id say the same thing, I had an entire thread on defending women, so your view is entirely misguided like the rest of your post. Whatever inferiority complexes you carry is yours and your alone. Trying to project them onto others is what you would call....I believe the word was delusional?

I use "lol" when I please and Have never had someone say that before and I was unaware that there is an acceptable number for it's use. Thanks for the responses and thank God for keyboards and screens, lolol :) M


Your post is a nice way to end it!I Nicely played. Let's get back to the thread. I apologize for baiting you. Have a nice evening :) Maddie

you didn't bait me....no harm no foul...its all good....

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The one thing I didnt think was fair was the whole story about the meal with the seals. This dude has tried to embed himself in that life but then the check comes and they expect him to grab the tab and burn him when he doesn't.. If he grabbed it and threw down a G for a tip, they would have said 'that's what he's supposed to do'.. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't..

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