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Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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Hadn’t had a chance to log back in, but I’m back. Lol


4’x8’ painting of my hometown in my dining room. I haven’t created in such a long time it is almost embarassing. Kudos to momma on keeping some of my work from high school and getting them nicely framed recently. It put a small gleam in my eye and honestly took me back to that time. She’s encouraged me to get back into anything artistic upon my return from my time in the Marine Corps. Any speck of talent I had or have, I took for granted. I’ve missed it, and hope to never keep myself from creating as long as I have again.


Pick up a new sketch book, basic pencils, and maybe some prismacolors to start off slow right? Not this knucklehead. Straight into a painting I’m going to have to see every day, eat and live with. LOL @ myself. But it doesn’t end there! I thought I would be a cool guy and decide to only use the primary colors red, yellow, blue in the painting as well. Black & white for lightening, shading, etc. I thought golf has given me patience & a great temperament. Making the color brown and it’s different hues struck a frustration chord in me, I never knew I had! In hindsight it was a great idea to limit myself to the primary colors, got me back to the color wheel & other art fundamentals I haven’t thought about in some time! Mixing colors became something I looked forward to and sparked that desire to paint inside of me.


Welp, I’m happy with the results nonetheless. Can’t wait to take on my next one. But for now I did get a sketch pad and essentials needed to get ideas flowing & such. ;)


Acrylics on textured drywall. Photorealism, maybe.



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Some very good writing in the Grille this morning. Seems the passing of the years and the

changing of the seasons brings on times of relection........I suppose a symbolic smelling

of the roses; taking time to notice the small things.......these little pauses in life where we

think and take stock.


Late in his life my father confessed to being in a sort of melancholy for much of his life.

I never noticed. Perhaps I wasn't tuned in and just too busy.


Cobi and I were thlnking recently and noticing how much more we appreciate nature as

we grow older. When younger we sort of just take things for granted. Now, we look around

and it all seems so miraculous; which from our point of view, it really is.


When I was young I thought old people were boring and led boring lives. I wanted adventure

and fun. I still want fun but now it comes from places and things I would not have imagined

when I was young.


We have a Thomes Kinkade wall hanging in our house that has one of his typical scenes

with the words above "A contented mind is the greatest blessing". It takes years of living to

truly understand what that means.



So much wisdom in this Conrad, thanks!

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Winter can distill our experience. Winter reduces color spectrum, temperature, quantity of things in general. Nature, time, and light become rare.


Since winter mutes so much color and leaves us with a great deal of black and white, I find that colors, light intensity and quality become more noticeable





In my travels around the country during the winter I have noticed the use of lighting in the

colder states to offset the bleak landscape; especially during the holidays. The colorful

lights add a certain warmth and cheerfulness.


Often the small towns are dressed up with lights and decorations and there seems a

certain liveliness that draws people out who may have stayed home otherwise.


I don't see this much in the south. We were surprised when we moved here; the lack

of outside Christmas lights and decorations; at least to the degree we would see them

in colder climes.


Enjoyable post to read.


I live in the city now.


But, nothing beats back as a kid, back in the 3,000 person town I grew up in


If you looked around during the day in winter at the woods. All you might see is black and white. But...


Rolling down Main Street at Christmas with green and red lights drawn across the way. Shops and homes glowing with color.


Nothing like the stillness of winter at night time.


Speaking of winter art. This scene is by a local artist and is especially interesting to me because I purchased this little Rail station in 1983 and remodeled the freight half of the building into my office. The attorney that bought the passenger end of the building saved the original wainscoting, benches and ticket window. He has the original painting hanging in his office. I have the old Diebold's Special safe with gold leaf O. R. & N. CO. (Oregon Rail and Navigation Company) which later became Union Pacific. I have a collection of old rail tools, photos, lanterns, oil cans etc. decorating the place. I have a copy of an old early 1900's photo of the building with horse drawn hotel drays parked out front on the unpaved street waiting for passengers. I also have a nice framed photo of my grandfather taken before his retirement at the Santa Fe rail yard in San Bernardino Ca. I have some mixed feelings about having sold in anticipation of retirement.







Wow, that as an office would be an amazing place to come to work. All those pieces tell such a story just as your grandfather’s picture and the artist’s painting. Congrats on the pending retirement btw!


So many stories from places like these and to be able to repurpose them rather than just a straight demolition definitely appeals to me. Granted, sometimes for a plethora of reasons not everything can be preserved or kept in tact. But even being able to repurpose individual items or the bricks of a place has not only a huge monetary value but an intrinsic value to the soul.


Some older buildings in and around the railyard district downtown are currently empty or have been for years where I live. Cotton, chile, onion, pecan processing facilities, along with the type of building you owned would all be perfect candidates for restoration/renovation here.


Exposed brick, high ceilings, and concrete flooring are sick features in residential or business space.


Very cool.

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Hadn’t had a chance to log back in, but I’m back. Lol


4’x8’ painting of my hometown in my dining room. I haven’t created in such a long time it is almost embarassing. Kudos to momma on keeping some of my work from high school and getting them nicely framed recently. It put a small gleam in my eye and honestly took me back to that time. She’s encouraged me to get back into anything artistic upon my return from my time in the Marine Corps. Any speck of talent I had or have, I took for granted. I’ve missed it, and hope to never keep myself from creating as long as I have again.


Pick up a new sketch book, basic pencils, and maybe some prismacolors to start off slow right? Not this knucklehead. Straight into a painting I’m going to have to see every day, eat and live with. LOL @ myself. But it doesn’t end there! I thought I would be a cool guy and decide to only use the primary colors red, yellow, blue in the painting as well. Black & white for lightening, shading, etc. I thought golf has given me patience & a great temperament. Making the color brown and it’s different hues struck a frustration chord in me, I never knew I had! In hindsight it was a great idea to limit myself to the primary colors, got me back to the color wheel & other art fundamentals I haven’t thought about in some time! Mixing colors became something I looked forward to and sparked that desire to paint inside of me.


Welp, I’m happy with the results nonetheless. Can’t wait to take on my next one. But for now I did get a sketch pad and essentials needed to get ideas flowing & such. ;)


Acrylics on textured drywall. Photorealism, maybe.




Very good painting mo, the background is extreemly well done, the sky and mountain range are difficult particularly in acrylics. I started using primary colours but it was taking too long to find the exact tone I wanted and at 76 time is of the essence. I was using acrylics then went onto oils as it gives more time when blending colours.


Look foreword to more painting posts. Did you know Gus who owns the Grille has an art wall where you can hang the paintings. :)

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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Ok so here's a few more that we have, sorry so grainy or whatever, I uploaded them at low resolution so I could email them to myself all at once and upload them the same too... the last one's are Kincade's too, they are smaller ones that the kids have gotten us for anniversaries over the years.

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I think I have shown this one before, I did this as one of my last acrylic paintings.





Just beautiful.


Walked 15 holes yesterday, about 55 degrees, sunny, and windy. By the time I got home around noon, cloudy. Rained all day soon after that. Spent the afternoon cleaning my golf shoes. I've been putting Johnson's paste wax on a semi fabric pair of spikeless Callaway Balboa shoes. Dry as a bone with the wax treatment.


The leaves are coming down, but although the golf course isn't covered, I still managed to lose 6 balls. I never use good balls, so no big deal. Duffed two in the woods, with an old GBB. I've been using the Optiforce, hitting it well.


Some years ago, I bought a Walter Hagen Sunday bag at Dick's. Very light, makes my Jones bags feel positively heavy. Anyhow, used that Hagen bag for a few years, until it ripped beyond use. Of course, Dick's had discontinued the model, hardly anybody walks. I ordered on Ebay another for $35 including shipping. Got it Saturday, unused condition. What a joy to carry. Carried it yesterday with 5 clubs. Seems actually TOO light for 5 clubs. Will add a 6th.


Rain as I write. No golf today.

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Hadn’t had a chance to log back in, but I’m back. Lol


4’x8’ painting of my hometown in my dining room. I haven’t created in such a long time it is almost embarassing. Kudos to momma on keeping some of my work from high school and getting them nicely framed recently. It put a small gleam in my eye and honestly took me back to that time. She’s encouraged me to get back into anything artistic upon my return from my time in the Marine Corps. Any speck of talent I had or have, I took for granted. I’ve missed it, and hope to never keep myself from creating as long as I have again.


Pick up a new sketch book, basic pencils, and maybe some prismacolors to start off slow right? Not this knucklehead. Straight into a painting I’m going to have to see every day, eat and live with. LOL @ myself. But it doesn’t end there! I thought I would be a cool guy and decide to only use the primary colors red, yellow, blue in the painting as well. Black & white for lightening, shading, etc. I thought golf has given me patience & a great temperament. Making the color brown and it’s different hues struck a frustration chord in me, I never knew I had! In hindsight it was a great idea to limit myself to the primary colors, got me back to the color wheel & other art fundamentals I haven’t thought about in some time! Mixing colors became something I looked forward to and sparked that desire to paint inside of me.


Welp, I’m happy with the results nonetheless. Can’t wait to take on my next one. But for now I did get a sketch pad and essentials needed to get ideas flowing & such. ;)


Acrylics on textured drywall. Photorealism, maybe.




Very good painting mo, the background is extreemly well done, the sky and mountain range are difficult particularly in acrylics. I started using primary colours but it was taking too long to find the exact tone I wanted and at 76 time is of the essence. I was using acrylics then went onto oils as it gives more time when blending colours.


Look foreword to more painting posts. Did you know Gus who owns the Grille has an art wall where you can hang the paintings. :)



Oh yes I learned how quickly they can dry! Before I even made brown, the small samples I was trying from the colors were drying up. Then when I used a larger amount of each, I just ended up with a lot of grayish slop. Haha in the end it was quite fun. I’ve only used oils on a really small scale before. I’d love to build up to using them again, in time. Thanks I’ll have to paint another, then get with Gus about hanging it on the art wall. ;)

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Hadn't had a chance to log back in, but I'm back. Lol


4'x8' painting of my hometown in my dining room. I haven't created in such a long time it is almost embarassing. Kudos to momma on keeping some of my work from high school and getting them nicely framed recently. It put a small gleam in my eye and honestly took me back to that time. She's encouraged me to get back into anything artistic upon my return from my time in the Marine Corps. Any speck of talent I had or have, I took for granted. I've missed it, and hope to never keep myself from creating as long as I have again.


Pick up a new sketch book, basic pencils, and maybe some prismacolors to start off slow right? Not this knucklehead. Straight into a painting I'm going to have to see every day, eat and live with. LOL @ myself. But it doesn't end there! I thought I would be a cool guy and decide to only use the primary colors red, yellow, blue in the painting as well. Black & white for lightening, shading, etc. I thought golf has given me patience & a great temperament. Making the color brown and it's different hues struck a frustration chord in me, I never knew I had! In hindsight it was a great idea to limit myself to the primary colors, got me back to the color wheel & other art fundamentals I haven't thought about in some time! Mixing colors became something I looked forward to and sparked that desire to paint inside of me.


Welp, I'm happy with the results nonetheless. Can't wait to take on my next one. But for now I did get a sketch pad and essentials needed to get ideas flowing & such. ;)


Acrylics on textured drywall. Photorealism, maybe.




I enjoy looking at your painting far more than the photo ; )


They say space is the "final frontier" but I think that art is. Truly limitless possibilities.


Take a fruit/still life seen through the eyes of two masters










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I agree, I love going to art galleries. You have to take the time to appreciate what you see there. I've always felt that tol's paintings belong in any gallery I've ever been to. Been some real tol beauties shared here, each tells a story of its own... that's when a painter goes from a painter to an artist.

Now we have mo_golf_joe gonna post some good talent. Heck, I'm gonna paint my front porch next spring when I retire, does that count? :dntknw:

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I think I have shown this one before, I did this as one of my last acrylic paintings.





Just beautiful.


Walked 15 holes yesterday, about 55 degrees, sunny, and windy. By the time I got home around noon, cloudy. Rained all day soon after that. Spent the afternoon cleaning my golf shoes. I've been putting Johnson's paste wax on a semi fabric pair of spikeless Callaway Balboa shoes. Dry as a bone with the wax treatment.


The leaves are coming down, but although the golf course isn't covered, I still managed to lose 6 balls. I never use good balls, so no big deal. Duffed two in the woods, with an old GBB. I've been using the Optiforce, hitting it well.


Some years ago, I bought a Walter Hagen Sunday bag at Dick's. Very light, makes my Jones bags feel positively heavy. Anyhow, used that Hagen bag for a few years, until it ripped beyond use. Of course, Dick's had discontinued the model, hardly anybody walks. I ordered on Ebay another for $35 including shipping. Got it Saturday, unused condition. What a joy to carry. Carried it yesterday with 5 clubs. Seems actually TOO light for 5 clubs. Will add a 6th.


Rain as I write. No golf today.


One of the guys in our Monday/Friday group put a battery powered leaf blower in his cart. Very handy this time of year. We also are playing an OGA no lost ball rule for now if you can't find it in the leaves.

Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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I have an old golfing buddy who belongs to the Y. I've been seeing him periodically this year even though we haven't been golfing and he told me that he and his wife joined the Y and he has started to swim. This morning I went out with him for my first time to see how I liked it. Gad zooks, am I ever out of shape! But, then again, I already knew that what with my back trouble and what not. I managed to get 11 lengths in of a 25 meter pool and that was it for me. I guess that's not too bad for a first outing, but I wonder how the heck I'm going to feel tomorrow?


We are going again Monday provided I don't have any ill effects. From that point on I will be on my own dime. It's a nice new facility and everyone I met was very friendly. I'm thinking I'll try a swimmer's card which gives me 12 swims which should pretty much take me to the end of the year going twice a week.


A full membership runs about $50 a month which gives access to all the facilities as well as personal trainers. That's what my buddy and his wife have. My physiotherapist thinks a membership is a good idea because i could use some gym time to rebuild what I've lost from my injury, but at least I feel as though I can now see a road back after a long lost period in the wilderness...

My problem is LOFT -- Lack of friggin' talent


Cobra F-Max Airspeed 10.5°

Adams Tight Lies 2.0 3W/7W

Ping G30 4h/5h

Ping G 6-UW

Cleveland CBX Zipcore 56° SW

Cleveland CBX Fullface 60° LW

Odyssey WRX V-Line Versa                          

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I have an old golfing buddy who belongs to the Y. I've been seeing him periodically this year even though we haven't been golfing and he told me that he and his wife joined the Y and he has started to swim. This morning I went out with him for my first time to see how I liked it. Gad zooks, am I ever out of shape! But, then again, I already knew that what with my back trouble and what not. I managed to get 11 lengths in of a 25 meter pool and that was it for me. I guess that's not too bad for a first outing, but I wonder how the heck I'm going to feel tomorrow?


We are going again Monday provided I don't have any ill effects. From that point on I will be on my own dime. It's a nice new facility and everyone I met was very friendly. I'm thinking I'll try a swimmer's card which gives me 12 swims which should pretty much take me to the end of the year going twice a week.


A full membership runs about $50 a month which gives access to all the facilities as well as personal trainers. That's what my buddy and his wife have. My physiotherapist thinks a membership is a good idea because i could use some gym time to rebuild what I've lost from my injury, but at least I feel as though I can now see a road back after a long lost period in the wilderness...


Good for you Sco. You will feel better. This is a good reminder for me too. We have an aquatic center very near that is only $30/mo for seniors. It has a nice exercise room with lots of machines. We ride the bike for 30 minutes, do a few weight machines and then swim some laps. We only sign up in the winter as we are too busy in summer and the pools are full of kids out of school. I gotta get back at it!

Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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Hadn't had a chance to log back in, but I'm back. Lol


4'x8' painting of my hometown in my dining room. I haven't created in such a long time it is almost embarassing. Kudos to momma on keeping some of my work from high school and getting them nicely framed recently. It put a small gleam in my eye and honestly took me back to that time. She's encouraged me to get back into anything artistic upon my return from my time in the Marine Corps. Any speck of talent I had or have, I took for granted. I've missed it, and hope to never keep myself from creating as long as I have again.


Pick up a new sketch book, basic pencils, and maybe some prismacolors to start off slow right? Not this knucklehead. Straight into a painting I'm going to have to see every day, eat and live with. LOL @ myself. But it doesn't end there! I thought I would be a cool guy and decide to only use the primary colors red, yellow, blue in the painting as well. Black & white for lightening, shading, etc. I thought golf has given me patience & a great temperament. Making the color brown and it's different hues struck a frustration chord in me, I never knew I had! In hindsight it was a great idea to limit myself to the primary colors, got me back to the color wheel & other art fundamentals I haven't thought about in some time! Mixing colors became something I looked forward to and sparked that desire to paint inside of me.


Welp, I'm happy with the results nonetheless. Can't wait to take on my next one. But for now I did get a sketch pad and essentials needed to get ideas flowing & such. ;)


Acrylics on textured drywall. Photorealism, maybe.




I enjoy looking at your painting far more than the photo ; )


They say space is the "final frontier" but I think that art is. Truly limitless possibilities.


Take a fruit/still life seen through the eyes of two masters











Love it. Simple stills, This one by Odilon Redon is one of my favs:



Turn the mass

OGA member #15

Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am

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Hadn't had a chance to log back in, but I'm back. Lol


4'x8' painting of my hometown in my dining room. I haven't created in such a long time it is almost embarassing. Kudos to momma on keeping some of my work from high school and getting them nicely framed recently. It put a small gleam in my eye and honestly took me back to that time. She's encouraged me to get back into anything artistic upon my return from my time in the Marine Corps. Any speck of talent I had or have, I took for granted. I've missed it, and hope to never keep myself from creating as long as I have again.


Pick up a new sketch book, basic pencils, and maybe some prismacolors to start off slow right? Not this knucklehead. Straight into a painting I'm going to have to see every day, eat and live with. LOL @ myself. But it doesn't end there! I thought I would be a cool guy and decide to only use the primary colors red, yellow, blue in the painting as well. Black & white for lightening, shading, etc. I thought golf has given me patience & a great temperament. Making the color brown and it's different hues struck a frustration chord in me, I never knew I had! In hindsight it was a great idea to limit myself to the primary colors, got me back to the color wheel & other art fundamentals I haven't thought about in some time! Mixing colors became something I looked forward to and sparked that desire to paint inside of me.


Welp, I'm happy with the results nonetheless. Can't wait to take on my next one. But for now I did get a sketch pad and essentials needed to get ideas flowing & such. ;)


Acrylics on textured drywall. Photorealism, maybe.




I enjoy looking at your painting far more than the photo ; )


They say space is the "final frontier" but I think that art is. Truly limitless possibilities.


Take a fruit/still life seen through the eyes of two masters











Love it. Simple stills, This one by Odilon Redon is one of my favs:




So cool, that really captures the light and even the texture even better than an actual photo might. It provides a feeling and experience.





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I agree, I love going to art galleries. You have to take the time to appreciate what you see there. I've always felt that tol's paintings belong in any gallery I've ever been to. Been some real tol beauties shared here, each tells a story of its own... that's when a painter goes from a painter to an artist.

Now we have mo_golf_joe gonna post some good talent. Heck, I'm gonna paint my front porch next spring when I retire, does that count? :dntknw:



We hang our paintings round the house but never show them to anyone, DW and son are talented artists but at present son is building a 3D printer so all else has stopped. We were having a web page developed to sell them but decided we wanted to keep them, it’s difficult letting go of something you have invested so much effort into. DW and myself are fussy, we ponder over what we have done for hours trying to decide if they need any tweets to improve them. One of the most difficult decisions is to say it’s finished. I will post some of DWs work, she was the one who inspired me to start, this was 43 years ago but then I stopped untill about 7 years ago.


You have to post a picture of your front porch, we want some inspirational murals on the door.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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This is one of my favourite paintings by DW, it sums up her attitude beautifully, don’t stuff with me :)





I love it. Captures that cat "energy".


Reminds me of a tabby we had when I was little.


I live in the concrete jungle now but I grew up in the burbs


With cats! Real cats that would stalk and kill and bring their prizes up to you with pride.


I have some great cat stories about the litters that this tabby birthed.


I have to figure out how to tell them because my Father is




For making THE most *politically incorrect* cat names you can ever imagine.



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This is one of my favourite paintings by DW, it sums up her attitude beautifully, don’t stuff with me :)





I love it. Captures that cat "energy".


Reminds me of a tabby we had when I was little.


I live in the concrete jungle now but I grew up in the burbs


With cats! Real cats that would stalk and kill and bring their prizes up to you with pride.


I have some great cat stories about the litters that this tabby birthed.


I have to figure out how to tell them because my Father is




For making THE most *politically incorrect* cat names you can ever imagine.


We have a red Burmese that looks a lot like the one in the painting, when we lived out bush he always left the birds alone but would catch snakes and bring home live rabbits, drag them through the cat door and put them under my sons bed, still alive and kicking. He is now 16 but still the boss cat.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I think I have shown this one before, I did this as one of my last acrylic paintings.





I really really like this one Tol. You are so good.


Thanks Conrad, that was one of the most pleasurable paIntings, some go easy and some seem to fight you to the end, just like a game of golf. :)

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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I have an old golfing buddy who belongs to the Y. I've been seeing him periodically this year even though we haven't been golfing and he told me that he and his wife joined the Y and he has started to swim. This morning I went out with him for my first time to see how I liked it. Gad zooks, am I ever out of shape! But, then again, I already knew that what with my back trouble and what not. I managed to get 11 lengths in of a 25 meter pool and that was it for me. I guess that's not too bad for a first outing, but I wonder how the heck I'm going to feel tomorrow?


We are going again Monday provided I don't have any ill effects. From that point on I will be on my own dime. It's a nice new facility and everyone I met was very friendly. I'm thinking I'll try a swimmer's card which gives me 12 swims which should pretty much take me to the end of the year going twice a week.


A full membership runs about $50 a month which gives access to all the facilities as well as personal trainers. That's what my buddy and his wife have. My physiotherapist thinks a membership is a good idea because i could use some gym time to rebuild what I've lost from my injury, but at least I feel as though I can now see a road back after a long lost period in the wilderness...

The Y is fabulous. I have 2 advantages, 1 my wife works there meaning also free memberships for both of us, and 2 ours is only about a mile away. As I've mentioned earlier she is a runner, and does lots of 5k's and half marathons, but this year decided out of the blue to start working her way into the triathlon world, so she began that in the spring and became the state champ by the end of the summer in the beginner series. Not an easy task. The Y just put an article in the November newsletter about her, I'm very proud of her :)

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I have an old golfing buddy who belongs to the Y. I've been seeing him periodically this year even though we haven't been golfing and he told me that he and his wife joined the Y and he has started to swim. This morning I went out with him for my first time to see how I liked it. Gad zooks, am I ever out of shape! But, then again, I already knew that what with my back trouble and what not. I managed to get 11 lengths in of a 25 meter pool and that was it for me. I guess that's not too bad for a first outing, but I wonder how the heck I'm going to feel tomorrow?


We are going again Monday provided I don't have any ill effects. From that point on I will be on my own dime. It's a nice new facility and everyone I met was very friendly. I'm thinking I'll try a swimmer's card which gives me 12 swims which should pretty much take me to the end of the year going twice a week.


A full membership runs about $50 a month which gives access to all the facilities as well as personal trainers. That's what my buddy and his wife have. My physiotherapist thinks a membership is a good idea because i could use some gym time to rebuild what I've lost from my injury, but at least I feel as though I can now see a road back after a long lost period in the wilderness...

The Y is fabulous. I have 2 advantages, 1 my wife works there meaning also free memberships for both of us, and 2 ours is only about a mile away. As I've mentioned earlier she is a runner, and does lots of 5k's and half marathons, but this year decided out of the blue to start working her way into the triathlon world, so she began that in the spring and became the state champ by the end of the summer in the beginner series. Not an easy task. The Y just put an article in the November newsletter about her, I'm very proud of her :)


Give her a big pat on the back from DW and myself, this is truly an inspirational story.

Way down under in (not New Orleans) Australia.

Living the dream.

OGA Member no #8

Kindly donated by mdgboxx and worn with pride

A definite geezer of some repute, ( I think ).

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  • GwrxMod changed the title to Clubhouse Grille (*** NO LIV DISCUSSIONS ***) (*** NO POLITICS/RELIGION ***)

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      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Edoardo Molinari - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Logan McAllister - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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      • 282 replies
    • 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Monday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #1
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #2
      2024 Charles Schwab Challenge - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Keith Mitchell - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Rafa Campos - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      R Squared - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Martin Laird - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Paul Haley - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Min Woo Lee - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Austin Smotherman - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Lee Hodges - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Sami Valimaki - WITB - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Pullout Albums
      Eric Cole's newest custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      • 0 replies
    • 2024 PGA Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put  any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 PGA Championship - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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      • 13 replies

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