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The Secret History of Tiger Woods -


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If he grabbed it and threw down a G for a tip, they would have said 'that's what he's supposed to do'.. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't..

This is what more of the SEALS privy to the story say, especially the older more mature ones. A few of the older ones felt that the senior SEAL(S) at the table should have stepped up sooner than they did because it would be like anyone, it could be Michael, Danny Mo or any one of us, doesn't matter, because all are a guest to them. Though as has been noted, literary liberties were taken in both the interpretation of time until two SEALS spoke up and also the degree and definition of "awkward." Bottom line, and you striped it, you're damned if you do and damned if ya don't, so ya just gotta be true to yourself and live with it. Say what you will, the Man lives by this and that I respect a lot because again, he's in the minority here as most try to please, apease and play the form of a human Gumby.


Have a nice week :)


All the Best,


In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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Well...I listened to the podcast. A few interesting tidbits.


The most surprising to me is that even though many people were affected negatively (the women) by being involved in Tiger's scandal many of them are protective of Tiger.



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The Seal lunch story is a little fishy. Not because Tiger didn't pick up the bill, but typically guys would NOT ask for separate checks--- they'd simply tally the bill add gratuity and divide it by the number of people.


Army/Navy guys? Or just guys? I've never done that. I've never seen it done with friends....if some guy orders like 2 double Macallans i ain't splitting that


No I'm just talking about regular guys--- Frankly I've rarely had "separate" checks with friends or even couples. We just split up the bill equally. Now if someone orders food or drinks substantially out of line, then they would offer up to throw in extra $$'s.


Separate checks with guys do happen, but that is why I said "typically would not."


Not defending Tiger as I'm pretty critical and not a fanboy--- This one just pinged my skeptic radar a bit if it went down exactly as described.


It all comes down to math skills. Go out with engineers and they know there part of the bill and throw in the cash to cover it. I spend 10 years eating lunch pretty much every day and it was never an issue. The people that can't add need things like seperate bills or alternating paying. The exception of course are the poker players. Their math skills are great but as a general principle is that you need to play a game for everything.

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If he grabbed it and threw down a G for a tip, they would have said 'that's what he's supposed to do'.. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't..

This is what more of the SEALS privy to the story say, especially the older more mature ones. A few of the older ones felt that the senior SEAL(S) at the table should have stepped up sooner than they did because it would be like anyone, it could be Michael, Danny Mo or any one of us, doesn't matter, because all are a guest to them. Though as has been noted, literary liberties were taken in both the interpretation of time until two SEALS spoke up and also the degree and definition of "awkward." Bottom line, and you striped it, you're damned if you do and damned if ya don't, so ya just gotta be true to yourself and live with it. Say what you will, the Man lives by this and that I respect a lot because again, he's in the minority here as most try to please, apease and play the form of a human Gumby.


Have a nice week :)


All the Best,



The eternal smart aleck in me wants to say it was being Pokey that got him in trouble. Okay I said because you teed it up, but actually not feeling the humor.


Totally agree with you, and disappointed that such trivial encounters like one lunch (how many blanking years ago?) get blown out of proportion.


It's 2016, he had to reset his life, and seems to be finding his way. Whatever he went through was never any of our business to get over anyway.



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Nikegal, don't be bothered by Tsecor. He or she finds a way to insult pretty much everyone they encounter on this board. Just go look at the thread about whether LPGA deserves PGA money. Carry on.

Thank you for your kindness though I contributed to that exchange. Please feel free to call me Madison or Maddie if you would like :) Maddie
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One of the greatest ironies with Woods, and most athletes, is that they expect undying loyalty from those closest to them, but don't hold themselves to that same standard.


Tiger has notoriously cut people out of his life who are disloyal.


Yet Tiger himself was completely disloyal to his wife, to pretty much the worst degree possible.


And some who expect others to not care about Tiger cheating on Elin, can't stand that Hank Haney wrote a book about Tiger.


At least it makes for interesting discussion.


I get the impression that Michael Jordan is the same way. Anyone who slighted him, he never forgives. But I'm pretty sure he ran around on his wife, too.

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Well...I listened to the podcast. A few interesting tidbits.


The most surprising to me is that even though many people were affected negatively (the women) by being involved in Tiger's scandal many of them are protective of Tiger.


I thought that too, but he paid them all off. If they talk or talk negatively they risk losing their money.

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tiger has always been a jerk. great golfer but always an idiot off the course and a lot of times on the course. When the HGH stories come out, don't be shocked


First let me say that Ive always admired Tigers golf game. I was 11 years old in 97 and started playing at 12. I grew up watching and admiring his dominace.

However I fully believe he took HGH. Look how big he got. The timeline fits with what was going on in baseball at that time too. McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Palmeiro ect. They all got significantly bigger physically so much so that it was noticeable. My 1st cousin was the pitching coach for a MLB team from 1993-2005 and said almost 75% of the ballclub during that time was on something and it was easily accessible. Also if you look at it after these guys stopped with the HGH they ALL went through several injuries and more importantly there performance fell to the floor. It seems that is what happened to Tiger. Im sure only a few people know if in fact this is true, Steinberg, Elin, his supplier of HGH ect so we may never know and if we do it will be awhile from now. Im not a Tiger hater and Im not a steroid basher either. In fact I think it would make baseball better and I love baseball just as much as golf. This is just my opinion on the subject on Tiger and steroids.

As far as the article, I kind of feel bad for Tiger. He seems like a lonely guy and noone no matter how many awful things you do or what have you should ever be lonely. Thats a horrible feeling and if anyone here on this board has ever had it or struggled with depression you'll know what Im talkin about.

Tiger never got BIG. Most of the ballplayers that used did get noticeably bigger. And almost all golfers deal with injuries. So every guy that gains a few pounds and gets injured is juicing? Spieth and McIlroy look a lot bigger than they did as a scrawny teenagers(okay Rory was a bit doughy) as well. What are they on? The problem to me about these type of comments about any athlete is they spread on the internet without a grain of truth. Then if or when they are proven wrong you never hear a peep from the posters.


Reread my comment. I mad no statement of facts or anything. It was MY OPINION. You know here in America we are allowed to have them. I can take the heat for it but to call me out and say Id never admit if I was wrong is pretty ballsy of you. Im no p**** and If Im wrong Im MAN enough to admit it. I think he balked up and you dont and thats fine. Your type of comment comes from a typical guy with internet muscles that is o so common into todays society. Seeing me face to face and that type of attitude wouldnt happen. Again, its my opinion and as Im entitled to mine so are you but you can keep the internet tough guy stuff to yourself.


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tiger has always been a jerk. great golfer but always an idiot off the course and a lot of times on the course. When the HGH stories come out, don't be shocked


First let me say that Ive always admired Tigers golf game. I was 11 years old in 97 and started playing at 12. I grew up watching and admiring his dominace.

However I fully believe he took HGH. Look how big he got. The timeline fits with what was going on in baseball at that time too. McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Palmeiro ect. They all got significantly bigger physically so much so that it was noticeable. My 1st cousin was the pitching coach for a MLB team from 1993-2005 and said almost 75% of the ballclub during that time was on something and it was easily accessible. Also if you look at it after these guys stopped with the HGH they ALL went through several injuries and more importantly there performance fell to the floor. It seems that is what happened to Tiger. Im sure only a few people know if in fact this is true, Steinberg, Elin, his supplier of HGH ect so we may never know and if we do it will be awhile from now. Im not a Tiger hater and Im not a steroid basher either. In fact I think it would make baseball better and I love baseball just as much as golf. This is just my opinion on the subject on Tiger and steroids.

As far as the article, I kind of feel bad for Tiger. He seems like a lonely guy and noone no matter how many awful things you do or what have you should ever be lonely. Thats a horrible feeling and if anyone here on this board has ever had it or struggled with depression you'll know what Im talkin about.

Tiger never got BIG. Most of the ballplayers that used did get noticeably bigger. And almost all golfers deal with injuries. So every guy that gains a few pounds and gets injured is juicing? Spieth and McIlroy look a lot bigger than they did as a scrawny teenagers(okay Rory was a bit doughy) as well. What are they on? The problem to me about these type of comments about any athlete is they spread on the internet without a grain of truth. Then if or when they are proven wrong you never hear a peep from the posters.


Reread my comment. I mad no statement of facts or anything. It was MY OPINION. You know here in America we are allowed to have them. I can take the heat for it but to call me out and say Id never admit if I was wrong is pretty ballsy of you. Im no p**** and If Im wrong Im MAN enough to admit it. I think he balked up and you dont and thats fine. Your type of comment comes from a typical guy with internet muscles that is o so common into todays society. Seeing me face to face and that type of attitude wouldnt happen. Again, its my opinion and as Im entitled to mine so are you but you can keep the internet tough guy stuff to yourself.

Roid Rage!
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tiger has always been a jerk. great golfer but always an idiot off the course and a lot of times on the course. When the HGH stories come out, don't be shocked


First let me say that Ive always admired Tigers golf game. I was 11 years old in 97 and started playing at 12. I grew up watching and admiring his dominace.

However I fully believe he took HGH. Look how big he got. The timeline fits with what was going on in baseball at that time too. McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Palmeiro ect. They all got significantly bigger physically so much so that it was noticeable. My 1st cousin was the pitching coach for a MLB team from 1993-2005 and said almost 75% of the ballclub during that time was on something and it was easily accessible. Also if you look at it after these guys stopped with the HGH they ALL went through several injuries and more importantly there performance fell to the floor. It seems that is what happened to Tiger. Im sure only a few people know if in fact this is true, Steinberg, Elin, his supplier of HGH ect so we may never know and if we do it will be awhile from now. Im not a Tiger hater and Im not a steroid basher either. In fact I think it would make baseball better and I love baseball just as much as golf. This is just my opinion on the subject on Tiger and steroids.

As far as the article, I kind of feel bad for Tiger. He seems like a lonely guy and noone no matter how many awful things you do or what have you should ever be lonely. Thats a horrible feeling and if anyone here on this board has ever had it or struggled with depression you'll know what Im talkin about.

Tiger never got BIG. Most of the ballplayers that used did get noticeably bigger. And almost all golfers deal with injuries. So every guy that gains a few pounds and gets injured is juicing? Spieth and McIlroy look a lot bigger than they did as a scrawny teenagers(okay Rory was a bit doughy) as well. What are they on? The problem to me about these type of comments about any athlete is they spread on the internet without a grain of truth. Then if or when they are proven wrong you never hear a peep from the posters.


Reread my comment. I mad no statement of facts or anything. It was MY OPINION. You know here in America we are allowed to have them. I can take the heat for it but to call me out and say Id never admit if I was wrong is pretty ballsy of you. Im no p**** and If Im wrong Im MAN enough to admit it. I think he balked up and you dont and thats fine. Your type of comment comes from a typical guy with internet muscles that is o so common into todays society. Seeing me face to face and that type of attitude wouldnt happen. Again, its my opinion and as Im entitled to mine so are you but you can keep the internet tough guy stuff to yourself.

I will be the one to apologize. Was not intending to call you out at all. Sorry if it came across that way and rereading my post I can see how it did. Was not meant for you. We have way too many posters on this and other forums, gc is notorious for it, that say inflammatory things or accuse golfers and other athletes of things knowing they will never be held accountable for their posts. .PS Tiger never got that big imo.

Wilson Dynapower Carbon Mitsu Kai’li 60S

Wilson Dynapower 3+ 13.5° HZRDUS Black 70

Wilson UDI 3 HZRDUS Black 90

Wilson 4-6 Dynapower forged/ 7-P Staff CB all Nippon Pro Modus 115s

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Cameron Newport w/ flow neck by Lamont/    Cameron Del Mar



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Could it be that we are overly obsessed with Tiger and other famous people? There isn't a person on this forum who hasn't done something that they would like to take back. Didn't offer to pick up the tab? Oh well, life goes on.


It just seems like a big deal because it shouldn't have been an issue. Tiger should have paid no questions asked.


Why? I really don't get the issue with Tiger not paying for everyone's lunch.


I've been out to lunch with people who are worth a LOT of money, and if we're having burgers and beers we split the bill. I would never expect that they would pick up the bill.


And maybe that's Tiger's mentality. He'll donate plenty of money to charity. He donates a lot of charity. He spent his own money on his tournament a few years back. But there's no reason for him to pick up the tab for lunch. That's insulting to him and what kind of person expects someone to just buy them lunch.



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Could it be that we are overly obsessed with Tiger and other famous people? There isn't a person on this forum who hasn't done something that they would like to take back. Didn't offer to pick up the tab? Oh well, life goes on.


It just seems like a big deal because it shouldn't have been an issue. Tiger should have paid no questions asked.


Why? I really don't get the issue with Tiger not paying for everyone's lunch.


I've been out to lunch with people who are worth a LOT of money, and if we're having burgers and beers we split the bill. I would never expect that they would pick up the bill.


And maybe that's Tiger's mentality. He'll donate plenty of money to charity. He donates a lot of charity. He spent his own money on his tournament a few years back. But there's no reason for him to pick up the tab for lunch. That's insulting to him and what kind of person expects someone to just buy them lunch.


If you ruin the SEALS' schedule for days on end and cost taxpayers a bunch of money, this is one way to make it right. They had guys catering to him for days and weeks on end. It's a no-brainer to just pick up the tab.

Ping G410 LST 10* (DI-6X)
Ping G410 3W 15.5* (DI-7X)
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I bet if you really talked to the Seals and Tiger they'd say this was no big deal and laugh that it got made into an issue.


The tidbit shared earlier about girls hanging out at the table, etc. Tiger would be drawing attention to himself and making a bigger deal out of what was probably a pretty small check.


Having said that,supposedly Tiger is stingy which is weird to me but to each his own.

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I personally don't think Tiger is stupid enough to risk his entire legacy over doing HGH or steroids. Obviously any physical advantages are not there in golf like they are in baseball or cycling. Maybe for healing, but again, don't think he's that stupid. They maintain he was having rich platelet work to speed healing which is legal--same thing Kobe had done repeatedly on his knee.

Lots of superstars have or are at least suspected of it. I think the pressure to stay on top and the assurances they probably get about not getting caught, suck these guys in. You take a guy with injuries and tell him we can make you healthy, that's a major temptation. I agree that I don't believe he would take it to make himself bigger or stronger necessarily but to assist in the recovery from injuries.
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The dinner tab thing....it's not the first example any of us have heard. There's two ways you can go with this....he's a jerk, or he really truly doesn't "get" it.


Would not be surprised if he was a little bit asperger-ish....nothing like a Moe Norman but the way that he just doesn't seem to understand things that aren't technical. Like why burying your dad in an unmarked grave is kinda weird - no one questions that he loves his dad and I'm sure it makes total sense to him. As did abandoning the role of most famous athlete on earth to go join the SEALs.


Hogan for comparison seems like a guy who just didn't give a half a rat's a** what anyone thought. Jack and Arnie - both born for the roles they played. Or at least they understood very how well to make it work. Tiger seems to care but he's just...a lil' off when it comes to dealing with nuanced social concepts.

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Tiger just doesn't get it. It's not intentional. Hank has documented this same behavior. Heck he's footed the bill for his tournament in December for a few years which could have run $10 million plus.

Ping G410 LST 10* (DI-6X)
Ping G410 3W 15.5* (DI-7X)
Ping i20 3-PW (PX 6.0)
Ping Glide 2.0 51*SS, 56*SS, 60*ES (PX 6.0)
Ping Vault Arna

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I had no idea the extent of his SEAL "training". I wonder if this was approved through official channels within the Navy? Either way, it seems like a waste of time and resources of our Navy.

Ping G400 SFT 12*

Ping G 5W 19*

Ping G  7W 21.5*

Ping G410 5 Hybrid 25*

Mizuno JPX 923 HM HL 6-GW

Cleveland CBX2 54* & 58*

Scotty Cameron Newport Mil Spec 340g @ 34”

Bettinardi BB1 350g @ 34”

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I had no idea the extent of his SEAL "training". I wonder if this was approved through official channels within the Navy? Either way, it seems like a waste of time and resources of our Navy.

It was approved at the highest channels. You do not go where Tiger went, ie., special training sights, kill house, shooting range, without "official" clearance.


Have a nice week :)


All the Best,



**I lost my phone and forgot my PW so I'm using Maddie's phone~ if you can't remember your PW, what do you do?? Thanks, RP

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I had no idea the extent of his SEAL "training". I wonder if this was approved through official channels within the Navy? Either way, it seems like a waste of time and resources of our Navy.


Lets just say that the


2i Stinger


Is not just a golf shot anymore




Plus they are working on an


HGH FAST-Pack version.


Mess you up ; )

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Got it!!! My Phone was down in the hospital bed between the bend where it inclines at your lower back. Housekeeping made the bed and the phone was under the sheet, lol. I'm glad cuz like 80% of my life is in my phone. Boy does this dependence on technology suck. I still can't remember my password. I think cancer is the least of my frickin problems....


My gene pool ain't as great as I thought it was ;)


Fairways & Greens My Friends,


In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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What I don't understand is how guys like Kobe Bryant and Ben Rothelsberger can be obvious scumbags and skate away

nearly scott-free publicly (eventually) but Tiger hasn't been afforded the same courtesy?? Is it a Christian America

thing and the fact that what he did was to his wife as opposed to some no-name women?? Somebody mentioned previously

that his publicist should have been fired and I think that may be the truest thing said in this thread.

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What I don't understand is how guys like Kobe Bryant and Ben Rothelsberger can be obvious scumbags and skate away

nearly scott-free publicly (eventually) but Tiger hasn't been afforded the same courtesy?? Is it a Christian America

thing and the fact that what he did was to his wife as opposed to some no-name women?? Somebody mentioned previously

that his publicist should have been fired and I think that may be the truest thing said in this thread.

Kobe was married as well at the time. I think there are two reasons. Number one is that we are used to scandals from professional football and basketball players. No real news. Second. well he's Tiger F'n Woods. At the time at least everything he did was huge news.

Wilson Dynapower Carbon Mitsu Kai’li 60S

Wilson Dynapower 3+ 13.5° HZRDUS Black 70

Wilson UDI 3 HZRDUS Black 90

Wilson 4-6 Dynapower forged/ 7-P Staff CB all Nippon Pro Modus 115s

Wilson ZM forged 50° 56° 60° DG TI Spinner wedge

Cameron Newport w/ flow neck by Lamont/    Cameron Del Mar



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What I don't understand is how guys like Kobe Bryant and Ben Rothelsberger can be obvious scumbags and skate away

nearly scott-free publicly (eventually) but Tiger hasn't been afforded the same courtesy?? Is it a Christian America

thing and the fact that what he did was to his wife as opposed to some no-name women?? Somebody mentioned previously

that his publicist should have been fired and I think that may be the truest thing said in this thread.


1. Tiger had affairs with 18+ women. No affair is ever justified, but the larger the number the larger the attention.

2. Outside of Michael Jordan, Tiger has been the biggest athlete arguably in history. The bigger the name, the more attention you will draw. Ben and Kobe got hammered in the press let's not forget.

Ping G410 LST 10* (DI-6X)
Ping G410 3W 15.5* (DI-7X)
Ping i20 3-PW (PX 6.0)
Ping Glide 2.0 51*SS, 56*SS, 60*ES (PX 6.0)
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