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Patrick Reed golf.com Story - A Must Read


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For additional context as this has turned into driving a bulldozer over everyone involved:


An interesting element of all this is that a former Augusta State golfer Taylor Floyd, who was teammates with Reed, reached out to Ryan via Twitter on Sunday night.


Shane my man. Just saw our boy p reed spitting some garbage thru his teeth on the golf channel. Hit me up

— Floyd (@TFloyd22)


The above tweet—now deleted—was retweeted by three other Augusta State golfers from Reed’s era, Derek Chang, Carter Newman, and Mitch Krywulycz.

The below screenshot shows Floyd’s timeline from last night. He also tweeted to Ryan, “You’re not the only one who wants this dude’s nonsense to come to light.”



Floyd has since deleted that tweet, but then he also tweeted to Reed, “#goshen 2 days in a row a brah.”

“Goshen” is a course in Augusta.



Rofl? Are these men? Man, the way men deal with each other sure has changed.


Here are the links to these guys to see how their golf careers/money earned are doing. No wonder they are acting so whiny,











I think what you just did would be exhibit A as to why people don't want to come forward...and I'm not speaking about P. Reed.




you are correct .. But it doesnt or shouldnt work that way.. either you have things to say or you dont..


the police dont say " well we have a witness to the killing.. but he/she doesnt want to testify , nor have their name on record. But trust us we know he did it .. our witness saw it all.. "


You have the right to know your accusers and respond....


sure there are some instances of sealed to the public deals.. BUT the accused knows the details..


It's not like they are whistle blowers craving anonymity.



These guys seem to be want to shout this stuff from the rooftops with their names/accounts. Not sure why there would be anything unfair about pointing out what they willingly did on social media.


Come on, we all know everything on social media is absolute fact! Amirite?

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just want to say ... awesome thread so far guys!! never ceases to amaze me the level of celebrity that haunts this place.... we have published members of the media ..... gentlemen and ladies who dine with the very subjects we are debating ....and there are several directly connected to the Reed camp lurking in the wings....

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just want to say ... awesome thread so far guys!! never ceases to amaze me the level of celebrity that haunts this place.... we have published members of the media ..... gentlemen and ladies who dine with the very subjects we are debating ....and there are several directly connected to the Reed camp lurking in the wings....





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just want to say ... awesome thread so far guys!! never ceases to amaze me the level of celebrity that haunts this place.... we have published members of the media ..... gentlemen and ladies who dine with the very subjects we are debating ....and there are several directly connected to the Reed camp lurking in the wings....







cant see the pic.... who? man if i told you that id have to send Mr wolfe up your way !

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Titleist MB 3-pw modus 130x 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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(btw when that says they reached out to whoever "Sunday night" - those tweets are from 2015)


Just curious...these guys were so outraged by Reed's alleged behavior that they waited...~ 5-6 YEARS to say something?


For real? When I was in college if I had been so outraged over a teammates behavior (and I wasnt so old that Twitter wasnt around) you can be darn sure I would have been outing him. How long does it take to create an anonymous, burner Twitter account? (KD?) Five seconds? Yet this entire group of guys was so furious, so angry, so sick of Reed and so tired of his behavior...that they did...exactly nothing. In 5+ years. Crickets.


Until some book came out in @ 2015 and maybe they wanted to get their names out there again? But this picture is painted of a guy who was just hated, hated, HATED by his teammates...and yet absolutely nothing was said.


Too happy winning two national titles in a row? Or maybe, just maybe, there wasnt a whole lot of fire under that smoke.


If I could like your comments, I would. This is spot on.

I agree and Madison has been cooing about his posts since yesterday, lmao.


If she tells me one more time to “check out DC’s latest post,” I’m gonna block her ?






In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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Read the whole story. All I can say is that family can be complicated. I don't think Patrick's wife is torpedoing his career (like Brooke Shield did with Andre Agassi). For a family to say "your future wife isn't right for you" is a harsh thing to say. I can empathize with his response. Their response may have even been more harsh than the way it was described in the article.


Obviously sad for his family to have no contact with him or his children but as an outsider looking in, there isn't much we can do to affect the situation. If Patrick wants to keep it this way, it will stay this way. His family has extended an olive branch, he turned it down. He obviously is angry/hurt enough that he wants nothing to do with them at this point in his life, maybe forever.


I just wanted to say, this is a wonderful post.


Read the whole story. All I can say is that family can be complicated. I don't think Patrick's wife is torpedoing his career (like Brooke Shield did with Andre Agassi). For a family to say "your future wife isn't right for you" is a harsh thing to say. I can empathize with his response. Their response may have even been more harsh than the way it was described in the article.


Obviously sad for his family to have no contact with him or his children but as an outsider looking in, there isn't much we can do to affect the situation. If Patrick wants to keep it this way, it will stay this way. His family has extended an olive branch, he turned it down. He obviously is angry/hurt enough that he wants nothing to do with them at this point in his life, maybe forever.


I just wanted to say, this is a wonderful post.

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Funny, the "Top 5 player in the world" comment never bothered me. To me it was as if he was stating a goal, not making a proclamation on his status at the time. Still, it was brash & cocky to blurt it out, but I'd bet that most super elite athletes who make it to the pinnacle of their sport share this kind of confidence, even if they choose to play it cool and feign humility.


Patrick not only provided insight to his psyche with that comment, he very likely added an additional source of motivation that drove him to back up his claims and silence naysayers.


Any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.


Reed could have waited until he was actually in the top 5, or not said it all. I never hear Jordan Spieth talking about how good he is. Because he doesn't need to, results speak for themselves, and that's for others to do.


Yes, that's certainly the more PC way to handle things, but don't think for a second that Spieth doesn't have that same extreme self-belief. If they all present themselves the same how boring would that be for the rest of us?


It's not as if Patrick went all Muhammad Ali screaming at the top of his lungs, "I AM THE GREATEST!" lol��

Look, anyone that has competed athletically at either the highest levels as an Am or Professionally, and I don't care the sport, knows exactly of what I speak...


An individual does what they HAVE TO DO to prepare themselves MENTALLY to compete to the best of THEIR Potential.


Not YOUR potential, not MY Potential, not some silent KING's potential!!




Whatever it takes to prepare them MENTALLY!!


At the highest levels amateur wise, 98%+ have the physical gifts to take it to the next level, regardless of sport.


Yet over 97-98% don't or will not "make it" as a Professional in their chosen sport.


Some guys/gals can prepare quietly and go about it as a "gentleman king" whether preparing, participating or recounting following the game/event.


Others, like Patrick, needed to put a target �� on their chest/back, light a fire �� underneath themselves and put themselves square in everyone else's sights, to give them the edge to perform at their highest levels.


As a DI football Player, I was in this boat. Did I have the physical talent to go about my business and prepare, compete and carry myself as a "quiet king?"


Don't know, though I doubt it, cuz from the time I was 16yo and introduced to an individual who would become my football and position(LB) mentor, NFL Linebacker Pete Wysocki, he was anything but a "quiet king."


But damn did he compete at THE highest level(look em up).


I took his style and made it mine.


I visualized it, I practiced it and come game time, I executed it-


It went like this-


I was gonna tell you what I was gonna do to you, I was gonna do it to you, and then I was gonna stand over you and recap what I did to you.


I did the same thing if asked by an "outsider," ie., reporter, fan or a competitor.


Did it work every time?


Don't be an moron, of course not, lol


But when it didn't, I truly looked at it as a fluke and if I could learn something from it, I took that nugget from it and then I forgot it, totally.


Call it compartmentalizing, call it chronic short memory, call it selective amnesia, I don't care what ya call it.


I wiped it from my mind-


Didn't happen!!


Did it work in the locker room?


Again, don't know however I was elected captain at every level from my fifth/sixth grade team, as a fifth grader, through my senior year in college. That's all I can go on regarding how my teammates accepted my behavior.


Everyone else, including coaches, I didn't care.


Didn't give them or their views, thoughts or opinions a first thought, much less a second, lmao


If you didn't take the field with me, you could be my friend, you could be my lover, you could be my most cherished family member, but ya weren't my teammate, you didn't compete and your opinion didn't count.




Patrick and I spoke about this and actually my Tour Bud was present and introduced us the first time.


I've never understood people using regular everyday standards and benchmarks used in a softer civilized environment for an athlete on the course/field in the heat of competition and the game and then judging their character as a man/woman(Stacy Lewis comes to mind) based off of it, and then to boot, not one of these former "teammates" has had the balls to step forward and own those accusations????




If you think that that's ok, legit and the way that a man should take care of business, I don't want you anywhere near me-


Seriously, and trust me, you'll never EVER sit around a table full of athletes/former athletes, that Played a true TEAM sport(I Played HS golf, was two-year team captain but please spare me that it was a TEAM sport, lmao) and have ONE say that this type of behavior is acceptable.


Only on a friggin golf board with fake avatars and fictitious user names is it even entertained����


Some guys/gals are gifted enough or wired in such a way that they can proceed, prepare and compete as a "quiet king," and some cannot, and most run the gamut in between.


However to use a man's competitive persona to stamp, judge and label him off the course/field and outside of his competitive arena is a little narrow and apples to oranges.


Fortunately, most have never used this bar with me, as my professional/personal Mentors are some of THE most successful "quiet kings" that you will ever find, anywhere.


As possibly my greatest personal/professional mentor, himself the former CEO/President of PNC Financial, and member of ANGC & Seminole GC who took Madison to Augusta this past week(all-grounds pass��), told me back when I was 22-23yo over at the club one day during one of our talks...


"This world is a stage, we are actors and we play different parts in different plays every day. The most successful are those that can adapt and play On the greatest numbers of stages."


At my core, I am the same person regardless of the stage, though I adapt my persona and behavior to the stage.


Patrick is learning this and I myself(and this former CEO) thinks that he's doing a hell of a job.


For those that don't think so, think he's a piece of shat in golf clothes, he truly doesn't care.


Back when we spoke, my Tour Bud and I told him that THAT's THE foundational bedrock on which all else is built-


Compartmentalize, forget the negative, whether it be a shot, an individual or an experience.


Patrick's doin just fine!


Remember Gents~








Everyone can't be a "quiet king,"


Sometimes ya gotta make a little noise��


Or, ya can take the advice of my Tour Bud's favorite Skynyrd tune..


"Don't ask me no questions, and I won't tell you no lies"




I loooove this place!!






Geez man who don't you know?! Can you and I just sit down one day and you can tell me awesome stories, we could start a podcast with all these stories!


Also spot on in your assessment.


Can I PLEASE participate in this.


Spot on Richard.

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The guy had, what seemed to be, less than spectacular character in college, and made some big mistakes. I know a lot of people have made big mistakes in college, but most of those never come to light. I'm sure he wasn't the only one in either of the locker rooms where he went to school that had a checkered past as well, but he's "made it" so now people are trying to catch some coin and attention. That being said, there shouldn't be any excuses, and he should come clean to the people that he affected by making any ill choices. He, however, doesn't really need to come clean with the rest of the world.

One thing that I took away from the article is that he kind of grew up and stopped screwing up when he got together with Justine. Maybe she was the disciplinarian that he needed. It doesn't sound like he had much discipline from his parents, hell they even tried covering up some of the stuff...Family ties can get severed really easily when a power shift happens, and it seems like she was the power shift.

All I know is whatever he's doing is working, and lucky for him, he plays an individual sport, so he doesn't need the friends/teammates around him. Sounds like he's always been a loner, and he definitely plays with some anger or a grudge, and I personally have no problem with it.


His college career was better than 1000s before and 1000s since, pretty accomplished.

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For additional context as this has turned into driving a bulldozer over everyone involved:


An interesting element of all this is that a former Augusta State golfer Taylor Floyd, who was teammates with Reed, reached out to Ryan via Twitter on Sunday night.


Shane my man. Just saw our boy p reed spitting some garbage thru his teeth on the golf channel. Hit me up

— Floyd (@TFloyd22)


The above tweet—now deleted—was retweeted by three other Augusta State golfers from Reed’s era, Derek Chang, Carter Newman, and Mitch Krywulycz.

The below screenshot shows Floyd’s timeline from last night. He also tweeted to Ryan, “You’re not the only one who wants this dude’s nonsense to come to light.”



Floyd has since deleted that tweet, but then he also tweeted to Reed, “#goshen 2 days in a row a brah.”

“Goshen” is a course in Augusta.



Rofl? Are these men? Man, the way men deal with each other sure has changed.


Here are the links to these guys to see how their golf careers/money earned are doing. No wonder they are acting so whiny,











I think what you just did would be exhibit A as to why people don't want to come forward...and I'm not speaking about P. Reed.



Because people like you pretend tweets from 2015 are the night of the tournament? Come on now.

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I don't mind Patrick Reed....*ducks behind cover while the masses hurl obscenities and objects at me*

Taylormade M2 10.5° [color=#0000ff]Graphite Design AD-BB 7x[/color]
Titleist 913 FD 15° [color=#a9a9a9]Diamana 'Ahina 70x[/color]
Titleist 716 AP2 3 iron [color=#a9a9a9]Accra 110i[/color]
Titleist 716 MB 4-PW [color=#0000ff]Project X 6.0[/color]
Vokey [color=#000000]Jet Black [/color]SM7 52° 56° 60° [color=#000000]S400 Tour Issue Black Onyx[/color]
Scotty Cameron Newport [color=#daa520]Teryllium[/color] Sole Stamp

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This thread reminds me of listening to the local retired farmers sitting around the table at McDonalds arguing about how much rain we got.


Titleist TSR 2  9°

Taylormade V-Steel 3 wood

Ping G430 19°,22° Hybrids

PXG Gen 6 XP's 7-SW

Ping Glide 58ES Wedge

Ping PLD DS72 

If a person gets mad at you for telling the truth, they're living a lie.



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I'm all Patrick Reed-ed out at this point. It seems:


1. Stuff he did or didn't do 7-9 years ago or so, is in the minds of some people, stuff they think needs to be automatically injected into the dialogue if he accomplishes something in life. That is the way things are say some. Well, perpetuating that kind of thinking is part of the problem with those people, not with Patrick Reed. Teammates, an assistant coach that talk about suspicions/alleged incidents can't seem to stay out of the dialogue - axes to grind? Only something to chirp about safe behind social media when he has some good fortune? Seem like pretty little people to me. Why does anyone care in 2018? Anything untoward about his performances in the NCAAs? They certainly must not have thought so, smiling and enjoying being national champs two years in a row. Some people didn't like him then and still don't, probably won't change. So what. What's he done as a professional golfer and since he won his last NCAA match/team tourney that anyone has had any reasonable question about? I think the answer is nothing, so move on.


2. He doesn't communicate with his parents, there are "issues" - flat out none of anybody's business but theirs.


Yet, oh boy look at this, ooh some tweets! (pretty pathetic). Since 99.9999999999999999999999% of those passing judgment on him have never met him and just want to buy into the negative stuff without really knowing anything, suggests to me he needs some reasonable people in his corner, nice to see a little of that on here.

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The guy had, what seemed to be, less than spectacular character in college, and made some big mistakes. I know a lot of people have made big mistakes in college, but most of those never come to light. I'm sure he wasn't the only one in either of the locker rooms where he went to school that had a checkered past as well, but he's "made it" so now people are trying to catch some coin and attention. That being said, there shouldn't be any excuses, and he should come clean to the people that he affected by making any ill choices. He, however, doesn't really need to come clean with the rest of the world.

One thing that I took away from the article is that he kind of grew up and stopped screwing up when he got together with Justine. Maybe she was the disciplinarian that he needed. It doesn't sound like he had much discipline from his parents, hell they even tried covering up some of the stuff...Family ties can get severed really easily when a power shift happens, and it seems like she was the power shift.

All I know is whatever he's doing is working, and lucky for him, he plays an individual sport, so he doesn't need the friends/teammates around him. Sounds like he's always been a loner, and he definitely plays with some anger or a grudge, and I personally have no problem with it.


His college career was better than 1000s before and 1000s since, pretty accomplished.


I don't want to misinterpret what you said, but I never said anything about what he accomplished in college. I think the one thing that no one here can argue as true or false is the fact that he was a great player. I made a statement about his character, regarding the allegations of cheating, and stealing.

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Well, I just got off of the phone with one of the most respected agents in the game(and a patient of my father) and fellow Burgher and he said that I could, one, use his name and two, state his feelings about Patrick Reed.


I’m speaking of Bud Martin and he has followed Patrick since his HS days and known him since his college days and heard all of the talk about his UGA and Augusta days and I’ll paraphrase his words to me in that if you don’t think that Bud and his firm didn’t do their dudiligence on Patrick and were satisfied that while he showed poor judgement regarding the drinking episodes, NOT A SINGLE UGA OR AUGUSTA PLAYER would speak to Buddy or his firm belly to belly, with the promise of total anonymity!!!






Though Patrick didn’t sign with Buddy or his firm, they have stayed in touch and Bud thinks he is a fine person and he gives the cheating and stealing stories no credence, as do most of the men in his circle.


Also, and I will let Madison speak to this if she so chooses however the Gentleman that I spoke of earlier, Tom O’Brien, former Chair/CEO of PNC, member and committee man at ANGC, who’s guest Madison was for the week, spent time with Patrick at the Champion/Members’ dinner following the awards ceremony(Madison also got to eat dinner in the clubhouse however she was with the shlepps in another dining room?) and speaks highly of him.


I realize that neither of these men have the moral fiber and character of many of the WRX members, nor have they had the access to Patrick that these WRX members have had, or his “former teammates,” lmao, however if he were this piece of trash that many are attempting to make him out to be, and make no mistake, if he were a lyin, cheatin stealin piece of shat in college, where it was all for shats & giggles, there’s no way on God’s green(or brown) earth that he’d be able to hit the switch and not conduct himself in a similar manner under THE brightest lights, biggest stage and most intense crucible on earth, when he was Playing for the roof over his and Justine and their little ones’ heads and the clothes on their back.


What, he “grew up???”




And please don’t turn my “crucible” comment against me and say that he doesn’t try to cheat again BECAUSE he’s under this crucible. If you know anything about the game, whether it’s at your club or on Tour, there are myriad opportunities over a season where if one were prone to this type of behavior, they would have the opportunity at least, to act on it.


So no, forget about using the crucible against me??


C’mon, lmao


You outgrow the drinkin, brash behavior and acting like an idiot.


Ya don’t outgrow lyin, cheatin and stealin!!!


Those are deep seeded character flaws that will surface when pressure, adversity, doubt and stress intersect and one who has been prone to this behavior in the past resorts to one or more of these traits as easily as they take a breath, with zero though about results or consequences of their words or actions.


As always, just my .03 worth.




In the end, only three things matter~ <br /><br />How much that you loved...<br /><br />How mightily that you lived...<br /><br />How gracefully that you accepted both victory & defeat...<br /><br /><br /><br />GHIN: Beefeater 24

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The guy had, what seemed to be, less than spectacular character in college, and made some big mistakes. I know a lot of people have made big mistakes in college, but most of those never come to light. I'm sure he wasn't the only one in either of the locker rooms where he went to school that had a checkered past as well, but he's "made it" so now people are trying to catch some coin and attention. That being said, there shouldn't be any excuses, and he should come clean to the people that he affected by making any ill choices. He, however, doesn't really need to come clean with the rest of the world.

One thing that I took away from the article is that he kind of grew up and stopped screwing up when he got together with Justine. Maybe she was the disciplinarian that he needed. It doesn't sound like he had much discipline from his parents, hell they even tried covering up some of the stuff...Family ties can get severed really easily when a power shift happens, and it seems like she was the power shift.

All I know is whatever he's doing is working, and lucky for him, he plays an individual sport, so he doesn't need the friends/teammates around him. Sounds like he's always been a loner, and he definitely plays with some anger or a grudge, and I personally have no problem with it.


His college career was better than 1000s before and 1000s since, pretty accomplished.


I don't want to misinterpret what you said, but I never said anything about what he accomplished in college. I think the one thing that no one here can argue as true or false is the fact that he was a great player. I made a statement about his character, regarding the allegations of cheating, and stealing.


You should end that sentence with "well that's what I heard!". That is unless you know something.

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Well, I just got off of the phone with one of the most respected agents in the game(and a patient of my father) and fellow Burgher and he said that I could, one, use his name and two, state his feelings about Patrick Reed.


I'm speaking of Bud Martin and he has followed Patrick since his HS days and known him since his college days and heard all of the talk about his UGA and Augusta days and I'll paraphrase his words to me in that if you don't think that Bud and his firm didn't do their dudiligence on Patrick and were satisfied that while he showed poor judgement regarding the drinking episodes, NOT A SINGLE UGA OR AUGUSTA PLAYER would speak to Buddy or his firm belly to belly, with the promise of total anonymity!!!






Though Patrick didn't sign with Buddy or his firm, they have stayed in touch and Bud thinks he is a fine person and he gives the cheating and stealing stories no credence, as do most of the men in his circle.


Also, and I will let Madison speak to this if she so chooses however the Gentleman that I spoke of earlier, Tom O'Brien, former Chair/CEO of PNC, member and committee man at ANGC, who's guest Madison was for the week, spent time with Patrick at the Champion/Members' dinner following the awards ceremony(Madison also got to eat dinner in the clubhouse however she was with the shlepps in another dining room) and speaks highly of him.


I realize that neither of these men have the moral fiber and character of many of the WRX members, nor have they had the access to Patrick that these WRX members have, or his "former teammates," lmao, however if he were this piece of trash that many are attempting to make him out to be, and make no mistake, if he were a lyin, cheatin stealin piece of shat in college, where it was all for shats & giggles, there's no way on God's green(or brown) earth that he'd be able to hit the switch and not conduct himself in a similar manner under THE brightest lights, biggest stage and most intense crucible on earth, when he was Playing for the roof over his and Justine and their little ones' heads and the clothes on their back.


What, he "grew up???"



C'mon, lmao


You outgrow the drinkin, brash behavior and acting like an idiot.


Ya don't outgrow lyin, cheatin and stealin!!!


Those are deep seeded character flaws that will surface when pressure, adversity, doubt and stress intersect and one who has been prone to this behavior in the past resorts to one or more of these traits as easily as they take a breath, with zero though about results or consequences of their words or actions.


As always, just my .03 worth.






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Well, I just got off of the phone with one of the most respected agents in the game(and a patient of my father) and fellow Burgher and he said that I could, one, use his name and two, state his feelings about Patrick Reed.


I’m speaking of Bud Martin and he has followed Patrick since his HS days and known him since his college days and heard all of the talk about his UGA and Augusta days and I’ll paraphrase his words to me in that if you don’t think that Bud and his firm didn’t do their dudiligence on Patrick and were satisfied that while he showed poor judgement regarding the drinking episodes, NOT A SINGLE UGA OR AUGUSTA PLAYER would speak to Buddy or his firm belly to belly, with the promise of total anonymity!!!






Though Patrick didn’t sign with Buddy or his firm, they have stayed in touch and Bud thinks he is a fine person and he gives the cheating and stealing stories no credence, as do most of the men in his circle.


Also, and I will let Madison speak to this if she so chooses however the Gentleman that I spoke of earlier, Tom O’Brien, former Chair/CEO of PNC, member and committee man at ANGC, who’s guest Madison was for the week, spent time with Patrick at the Champion/Members’ dinner following the awards ceremony(Madison also got to eat dinner in the clubhouse however she was with the shlepps in another dining room?) and speaks highly of him.


I realize that neither of these men have the moral fiber and character of many of the WRX members, nor have they had the access to Patrick that these WRX members have, or his “former teammates,” lmao, however if he were this piece of trash that many are attempting to make him out to be, and make no mistake, if he were a lyin, cheatin stealin piece of shat in college, where it was all for shats & giggles, there’s no way on God’s green(or brown) earth that he’d be able to hit the switch and not conduct himself in a similar manner under THE brightest lights, biggest stage and most intense crucible on earth, when he was Playing for the roof over his and Justine and their little ones’ heads and the clothes on their back.


What, he “grew up???”




C’mon, lmao


You outgrow the drinkin, brash behavior and acting like an idiot.


Ya don’t outgrow lyin, cheatin and stealin!!!


Those are deep seeded character flaws that will surface when pressure, adversity, doubt and stress intersect and one who has been prone to this behavior in the past resorts to one or more of these traits as easily as they take a breath, with zero though about results or consequences of their words or actions.


As always, just my .03 worth.





Very insightful. Thanks for posting (especially as a Reed supporter :) )


It will be interesting in 2, 5, 10 years how his story unfolds and how he’s viewed by the fans.

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      New Super Stroke Marvel comic themed grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Ben Taylor's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Tyler Duncan's Axis 1 putter - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cameron putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Chris Kirk's new Callaway Opus wedges - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      ProTC irons - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Dragon Skin 360 grips - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      Cobra prototype putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
      SeeMore putters - 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge
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    • 2024 PGA Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put  any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 PGA Championship - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Michael Block - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Patrick Reed - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cam Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Brooks Koepka - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Josh Speight - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Takumi Kanaya - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kyle Mendoza - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Adrian Meronk - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jordan Smith - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jeremy Wells - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jared Jones - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      John Somers - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Larkin Gross - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Tracy Phillips - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Jon Rahm - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Keita Nakajima - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Kazuma Kobori - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      David Puig - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Ryan Van Velzen - WITB - 2024 PGA Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Ping putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Bettinardi covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 PGA Championship
      Max Homa - Titleist 2 wood - 2024 PGA Championship
      Scotty Cameron experimental putter shaft by UST - 2024 PGA Championship
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      • 13 replies
    • 2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Monday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #1
      2024 Wells Fargo Championship - Tuesday #2
      WITB Albums
      Akshay Bhatia - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matthieu Pavon - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Keegan Bradley - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Webb Simpson - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Emiliano Grillo - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Taylor Pendrith - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Kevin Tway - WITB - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Pullout Albums
      Rory McIlroy - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      New Cobra equipment truck - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Eric Cole's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Custom Cameron putter - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Matt Kuchar's custom Bettinardi - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Justin Thomas - driver change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler - putter change - 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Rickie Fowler's new custom Odyssey Jailbird 380 putter – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Tommy Fleetwood testing a TaylorMade Spider Tour X (with custom neck) – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
      Cobra Darkspeed Volition driver – 2024 Wells Fargo Championship
        • Thanks
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      • 2 replies
    • 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Monday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #1
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #2
      2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson - Tuesday #3
      WITB Albums
      Pierceson Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kris Kim - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      David Nyfjall - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Adrien Dumont de Chassart - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Jarred Jetter - North Texas PGA Section Champ - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Richy Werenski - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Wesley Bryan - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Parker Coody - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Peter Kuest - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Blaine Hale, Jr. - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Kelly Kraft - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Rico Hoey - WITB - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Pullout Albums
      Adam Scott's 2 new custom L.A.B. Golf putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
      Scotty Cameron putters - 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson
        • Haha
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      • 11 replies
    • 2024 Zurich Classic - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 Zurich Classic - Monday #1
      2024 Zurich Classic - Monday #2
      WITB Albums
      Alex Fitzpatrick - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Austin Cook - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Alejandro Tosti - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Davis Riley - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      MJ Daffue - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Nate Lashley - WITB - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Pullout Albums
      MJ Daffue's custom Cameron putter - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Cameron putters - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Swag covers ( a few custom for Nick Hardy) - 2024 Zurich Classic
      Custom Bettinardi covers for Matt and Alex Fitzpatrick - 2024 Zurich Classic
      • 1 reply

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