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I have not swung a club in a month, and have given up on golf.


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I almost quit the game in 2014 when I was shanking and couldn't break 90.  Just when I was going to sell my clubs on Craigslist I came across Be Better Golf channel on Youtube and Monte Scheinblum and his teachings totally changed the way I saw the golf swing.  I saw the swing as a natural and athletic motion instead of being worried about positions.  It took a few years but my scores gradually came down but really went into overdrive when the pandemic came and was stuck chipping balls in my basement and discovered how to use the bounce on a wedge correctly which really improved my short game.  Because of that, I pretty much score in the 70s and low 80s now and enjoy the game again!


Don't give up OP.  Just think of the swing in a different way like I did.

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10.5 deg Titleist 905R with stock UST Proforce V2 Shaft (Stiff flex)
Titleist 990 (3-PW) with stock Dynamic Gold in S300
Taylormade V-Steel 5W & 3W with Grafalloy Prolaunch Red shafts (Regular Flex)
2011 Adams Tom Watson signature wedges in 52 and 56 degrees with stock steel shafts (Player's Grind)
Rife Island Series Aruba Blade Putter


"Loft for loft, length for length, and shaft for shaft, the ball will go the same distance when hit on the sweet spot regardless how old the iron."

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7 hours ago, otto6457 said:

See you next season! 😋




7 hours ago, SNIPERBBB said:

You can awing fast while staying smooth. See too many guys trying to swing smooth that passing butterflies have more speed 


Good point.   

I got so obsessed with smooth tempo that I never learned to swing hard.

Went the extreme opposite direction as the typical frat guy n00b thinking golf is home run derby.


7 hours ago, ChipDriver said:

1) Did the lesson give me hope and show some potential for improvement?  

2) Is it a swing that I can do with a little practice without having to relearn the game?

3) Is it a swing that I can swing till I'm 80 years old?

4) do we have a plan?

5) We get along.


#1 is key.

I did not feel that after my 2 lessons.

The "swing as hard as you can and be jerky" inspired zero confidence.

The other lesson just felt like I got zero difference when I tried to do the hip leading correctly.   So, that felt futile.


7 hours ago, Krt22 said:

The lessons didn't kill you, your misconception of the swing killed you. 


I hear pickleball is quite the rage these days


Great constructive post.   

Many thanks!


6 hours ago, rd1959 said:

Just because someone has a title in front of their name doesn't mean they know anything. If you really want to keep playing golf forget all the YT golf crap and go back to the beginning. Start with the simple 9-3 drill and build your swing back on a solid foundation. There's a story in the Bible about one man building his house on a stone foundation and one who built his house on sand. You can imagine how that story turned out.


Yes, my swing of 20+ years is built on sand.

That is why my 5 iron is a line drive and goes 145yards.


6 hours ago, Barfolomew said:

Are you a self-entitled whiner.... spoiled rich kid maybe? 🐫 


Quite the opposite.

I use old used equipment, used balls, and play public courses.

I spent years of playing 7x a week to develop my game.


6 hours ago, jholz said:

Sounds like you might have gone into those two lessons saying "I want to hit my driver longer." So the pro's took the shortest route to get you there.


I said I was sick of my 3/4/5/6 irons all going zero loft and the same distance of 145yards

I wanted loft for the mid irons.   That's all I want in my entire game.


5 hours ago, naj959 said:

This thread sounds eerily similar to they guy that joined a CC, bought a sim, and took multiple lessons and had like a 60% loss in distance. Don't mean to sound like a jerk but if you were truly good at putting, chipping, reliable inside 100 yards and had a 220 yard drive, you could easily shoot around par from the appropriate tees and not be a 25 cap. Seen plenty of seniors do it. Something is not adding up. 


You don't shoot par when you can't hit anything longer than 150.


5 hours ago, rd1959 said:

Nothing was mentioned about course management ability either either. 


I have exceptional course mgmt for a +25.

I always take the safe shot, lay up smartly, play the percentages, great punch out shot, no hero shot, never leave putts short, etc.

All that means jack when you can't hit anything longer than 150 line drives


5 hours ago, Fuscinator said:

"This went against everything I ever believed about a clean pure golf swing (Freddy)" 


I'm gonna bet the farm that you're too anal retentive. That's my guess, at any rate. You probably need to get a giant bucket and just keep swinging out of your shoes until the ball goes somewhere. 




Learned to keep it in play vs. swinging like a maniac.

Very short backswing.

I've since deepened my backswing to horizontal, but still PW=100, 5i=150


5 hours ago, rd1959 said:

He probably plays too many golf video games and thinks they're real.


Never played a video game since Tetris in 1991.


5 hours ago, Tanner25 said:

Here we go. Another I am going to quit golf post. Quit. But, if you are reaching out for help, all of the suggestions are good so far. Post your swing.


220 off the tee is fine, unless you like to play blue tees and you should be on whites. 


I am very happy with 220 driver.

I will take that all day long, to my grave.

I said I was sick of my 3/4/5/6 irons all going zero loft and the same distance of 145yards


5 hours ago, Z1ggy16 said:

Both teachers seemed to focus on input rather than output. Golf was pretty hard for me  until I really got dialed in on weight transfer. 


Instead of teaching trying to focus on the swing input (positions... Take away, etc) we focused on output. My only goal in my entire swing was to get my hip to bump into a pool noodle that was placed over a alignment stick a few inches outside my leg. 


If you're a young  in shape guy, then you have the ability to hit a driver 275+ with out much problem. 


Which leg?

Left leg moves forward?


3 hours ago, Valtiel said:

I wanted to highlight these bits in case you decide to revisit things.

First, there is no such thing as a "clean pure golf swing" nor is there much that Freddy does that anyone should be copying. He is one of my all time favorites and a big reason why I event picked up the game so don't misunderstand, his swing is just unique and contains a number of elements that shouldn't be mimicked, at least not without an understanding of how they fit together. All that matters are the core fundamentals and whether or not you're doing them correctly, which... 

The second part about not having any separation is one of those core fundmentals and is easily one the most common issues with the average golfer. Go to any given driving range on a busy weekend and 90%+ of the people there will have some version of this issue. It creates so many problems that it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the frustration those problems create, but if you're in very good physical shape as you claim then there is zero reason why you can't do these things correctly. Most of the time it just takes an understanding of WHAT you're supposed to be doing and how/why you're doing it wrong, so if you have any video of your swing please post it so we can help. 


Last sentence is key.

I have no ide what I should be working on.

I have no idea what chance will actually work.


I am happy with my putting.

I am happy with my chipping.

I am happy with my PW=100.

I am happy with my driver=220


I am sick and tired of my 3/4/5/6 irons all barely lofting, and going same distance of 145yards.

I am sick and f****** tired of having to lay up at 170 yards like a god damn 80 year old.

That is the one and only reason I quit golf this year.   

Sick of such a huge gaping Achilles heel in my game that I've worked so hard on for so many years.


Thank you for listening.



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I don't blame you mangohead. I've taken 6 lessons in Dallas from 6 "top" instructors with the exact same swing this year. They have all had completely opposite and sometimes bizarre advice. They all hide behind the excuse that it will improve eventually, if you just keep at it.


They don't realize that I've had lessons where I've been fixed in one or two swings and striping it. The only two things that affect the movement of the club are natural forces and pressures applied to the grip. Nothing else effects the movement of the club.

Edited by TexasTurf
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23 minutes ago, mangohead said:


Great constructive post.   

Many thanks!



It’s the truth, just calling a spade a spade. Let’s recap your game



-can only drove it 220 despite being and an otherwise active/healthy adult (I’m guessing 55 or younger)

-don’t have a single club but driver that you can get airborne more than 150y

-been playing 20+ years

-at one point we’re playing 7x a week


despite all that practice and play, you are still a 25hcp


Then you take two lessons a week apart with two different instructors. You immediately discount the first because of your own misconceptions of what a constitutes a good swing, then discount number two because that single lesson didn’t fix 20years of bad habits and misconceptions. You then blame the lessons on all your ailments


Get real man, you have no idea what a good swing is, If you did you wouldn’t still be a 25 after playing 20+ years. Plenty of those noob frat boys you look down your nose at get into the single digits within a few years once they start playing on a semi regular basis. 

If you want to get better you need to completely ignore everything you think and feel and seek long term professional advice.


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15 minutes ago, Krt22 said:

It’s the truth, just calling a spade a spade. Let’s recap your game



-can only drove it 220 despite being and an otherwise active/healthy adult (I’m guessing 55 or younger)

-don’t have a single club but driver that you can get airborne more than 150y

-been playing 20+ years

-at one point we’re playing 7x a week


despite all that practice and play, you are still a 25hcp


Then you take two lessons a week apart with two different instructors. You immediately discount the first because of your own misconceptions of what a constitutes a good swing, then discount number two because that single lesson didn’t fix 20years of bad habits and misconceptions. You then blame the lessons on all your ailments


Get real man, you have no idea what a good swing is, If you did you wouldn’t still be a 25 after playing 20+ years. Plenty of those noob frat boys you look down your nose at get into the single digits within a few years once they start playing on a semi regular basis. 

If you want to get better you need to completely ignore everything you think and feel and seek long term professional advice.


Unfortunately all of that advice means noting until you address how you move the club. Rotation, ground reaction forces, etc... In the end the only thing that moves it is "gravity" and more importantly what you do to the end you are holding it with.

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1 hour ago, TexasTurf said:

I don't blame you mangohead. I've taken 6 lessons in Dallas from 6 "top" instructors with the exact same swing this year. They have all had completely opposite and sometimes bizarre advice. They all hide behind the excuse that it will improve eventually, if you just keep at it.


They don't realize that I've had lessons where I've been fixed in one or two swings and striping it. The only two things that affect the movement of the club are natural forces and pressures applied to the grip. Nothing else effects the movement of the club.


Wut, lessons from 6 different instructors in a year?? My brain scrambled just reading that.


I also think it's possible for two instructors to give totally conflicting advice and both be correct.


A simple short game example (same thing applies to long game) E.g. imagine a player who has Jason Day's pivot and arm structure when pitching but Luke Donald's wrist action. It would be a complete mess. Now one instructor may change the player to have Jason Day's wrist action, another may change the player to have Luke Donald's pivot i.e. they may choose differently when deciding which mismatching pieces to take out and replace with pieces that work together.

Edited by GolfTurkey
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2 hours ago, Krt22 said:

It’s the truth, just calling a spade a spade. Let’s recap your game



-can only drove it 220 despite being and an otherwise active/healthy adult (I’m guessing 55 or younger)

-don’t have a single club but driver that you can get airborne more than 150y

-been playing 20+ years

-at one point we’re playing 7x a week


despite all that practice and play, you are still a 25hcp


Then you take two lessons a week apart with two different instructors. You immediately discount the first because of your own misconceptions of what a constitutes a good swing, then discount number two because that single lesson didn’t fix 20years of bad habits and misconceptions. You then blame the lessons on all your ailments


Get real man, you have no idea what a good swing is, If you did you wouldn’t still be a 25 after playing 20+ years. Plenty of those noob frat boys you look down your nose at get into the single digits within a few years once they start playing on a semi regular basis. 

If you want to get better you need to completely ignore everything you think and feel and seek long term professional advice.


Now I remember! This was the guy that was mad at new golfers that would lash at the ball with unorthodox swings and blow it by him. I remember that thread. Not sure why people start "pity party" threads but I suspects it's to avoid self reflection and accountability. 


Those that want to get better at the game will take ownership and seek out quality instruction until they see tangible improvement. Heck I went through 5 or 6 local guys before I found these boards and online coaches. You either want it or you quit. Pretty simple. Sounds like the OP just likes to complain about stuff. I just don't have patience for those that give up and surrender to circumstance. 

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I suggest putting away your driver and hitting middle irons off the tee and fairway until you figure it out.


I did the reverse.  I learned to hit my middle irons first.  Then a driving iron.  And finally my driver.


Middle irons are harder than they look.  Unlike driver,  you need to compensate for your lie, which may be uphill, downhill, or something other than flat.

But, at the average rate of four swings per hole, or 36 per nine holes, that should be a pretty good practice session.  More than that may be frustrating and counterproductive.


If pace of play is an issue, get a Sunday bag and just carry a couple clubs.  As I said, you just need a bunch of irons and your putter. 

If you carry a light bag and walk right to the ball the round goes very quick.

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7 hours ago, mangohead said:






Good point.   

I got so obsessed with smooth tempo that I never learned to swing hard.

Went the extreme opposite direction as the typical frat guy n00b thinking golf is home run derby.



#1 is key.

I did not feel that after my 2 lessons.

The "swing as hard as you can and be jerky" inspired zero confidence.

The other lesson just felt like I got zero difference when I tried to do the hip leading correctly.   So, that felt futile.



Great constructive post.   

Many thanks!



Yes, my swing of 20+ years is built on sand.

That is why my 5 iron is a line drive and goes 145yards.



Quite the opposite.

I use old used equipment, used balls, and play public courses.

I spent years of playing 7x a week to develop my game.



I said I was sick of my 3/4/5/6 irons all going zero loft and the same distance of 145yards

I wanted loft for the mid irons.   That's all I want in my entire game.



You don't shoot par when you can't hit anything longer than 150.



I have exceptional course mgmt for a +25.

I always take the safe shot, lay up smartly, play the percentages, great punch out shot, no hero shot, never leave putts short, etc.

All that means jack when you can't hit anything longer than 150 line drives





Learned to keep it in play vs. swinging like a maniac.

Very short backswing.

I've since deepened my backswing to horizontal, but still PW=100, 5i=150



Never played a video game since Tetris in 1991.



I am very happy with 220 driver.

I will take that all day long, to my grave.

I said I was sick of my 3/4/5/6 irons all going zero loft and the same distance of 145yards



Which leg?

Left leg moves forward?



Last sentence is key.

I have no ide what I should be working on.

I have no idea what chance will actually work.


I am happy with my putting.

I am happy with my chipping.

I am happy with my PW=100.

I am happy with my driver=220


I am sick and tired of my 3/4/5/6 irons all barely lofting, and going same distance of 145yards.

I am sick and f****** tired of having to lay up at 170 yards like a god damn 80 year old.

That is the one and only reason I quit golf this year.   

Sick of such a huge gaping Achilles heel in my game that I've worked so hard on for so many years.


Thank you for listening.



Your left leg/hip. It's the weight transfer to your front side which allows you to hit down and compress the ball.


I'm not a crazy big or insane athlete but once I fixed the weight transfer situation I was hitting my 9i about 155-160, up from 135. 

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Learned to keep it in play vs. swinging like a maniac.

Very short backswing.

I've since deepened my backswing to horizontal, but still PW=100, 5i=150"


Self-taught is not a problem. The only time it IS a problem is when you become a prisoner of your own dogma, which I think is what you've become. Rather than giving "swinging like a maniac" a chance, you'd rather quit. Right now, the only reason you "keep it in play" is because you don't hit it far enough to reach the trouble. That's not the same as hitting it with accuracy. You need a paradigm shift. You need to give the opposite end of the spectrum a chance to show you what it can do. There's no risk to doing so. You can still quit if it doesn't work. Start saying "my name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents" to the game of golf, and one day, golf will say back to you "Hi, George. I'm Victoria."

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8 hours ago, mangohead said:






Good point.   

I got so obsessed with smooth tempo that I never learned to swing hard.

Went the extreme opposite direction as the typical frat guy n00b thinking golf is home run derby.



#1 is key.

I did not feel that after my 2 lessons.

The "swing as hard as you can and be jerky" inspired zero confidence.

The other lesson just felt like I got zero difference when I tried to do the hip leading correctly.   So, that felt futile.



Great constructive post.   

Many thanks!



Yes, my swing of 20+ years is built on sand.

That is why my 5 iron is a line drive and goes 145yards.



Quite the opposite.

I use old used equipment, used balls, and play public courses.

I spent years of playing 7x a week to develop my game.



I said I was sick of my 3/4/5/6 irons all going zero loft and the same distance of 145yards

I wanted loft for the mid irons.   That's all I want in my entire game.



You don't shoot par when you can't hit anything longer than 150.



I have exceptional course mgmt for a +25.

I always take the safe shot, lay up smartly, play the percentages, great punch out shot, no hero shot, never leave putts short, etc.

All that means jack when you can't hit anything longer than 150 line drives





Learned to keep it in play vs. swinging like a maniac.

Very short backswing.

I've since deepened my backswing to horizontal, but still PW=100, 5i=150



Never played a video game since Tetris in 1991.



I am very happy with 220 driver.

I will take that all day long, to my grave.

I said I was sick of my 3/4/5/6 irons all going zero loft and the same distance of 145yards



Which leg?

Left leg moves forward?



Last sentence is key.

I have no ide what I should be working on.

I have no idea what chance will actually work.


I am happy with my putting.

I am happy with my chipping.

I am happy with my PW=100.

I am happy with my driver=220


I am sick and tired of my 3/4/5/6 irons all barely lofting, and going same distance of 145yards.

I am sick and f****** tired of having to lay up at 170 yards like a god damn 80 year old.

That is the one and only reason I quit golf this year.   

Sick of such a huge gaping Achilles heel in my game that I've worked so hard on for so many years.


Thank you for listening.




Mangohead, It sounds like you do want to improve. If you post a swing you'll get some great help here. If not and middle irons are your problem, there's hybrid irons sets or woods that are available at those distances. Is your shaft the right flex for your current swing? Good luck!


You can get individual marked down E521 TE Hybrid irons down to an 8 hybrid iron (they have a 30 day trial program) or Ping G425's to a 7 hybrid iron. 

Edited by Tanner25
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8 hours ago, Krt22 said:

It’s the truth, just calling a spade a spade. Let’s recap your game



-can only drove it 220 despite being and an otherwise active/healthy adult (I’m guessing 55 or younger)

-don’t have a single club but driver that you can get airborne more than 150y

-been playing 20+ years

-at one point we’re playing 7x a week


despite all that practice and play, you are still a 25hcp


Then you take two lessons a week apart with two different instructors. You immediately discount the first because of your own misconceptions of what a constitutes a good swing, then discount number two because that single lesson didn’t fix 20years of bad habits and misconceptions. You then blame the lessons on all your ailments


Get real man, you have no idea what a good swing is, If you did you wouldn’t still be a 25 after playing 20+ years. Plenty of those noob frat boys you look down your nose at get into the single digits within a few years once they start playing on a semi regular basis. 

If you want to get better you need to completely ignore everything you think and feel and seek long term professional advice.



Great post. 


To the OP - get back to basics, don't care if it's with a teacher or posts here or YT videos. Go hit some chips & pitches. Then hit some 9-3 swings. Just work on hitting the ball straight. If you DO go get some lessons, freakin' stick with them from the same person. This is the equivalent of going to 2 different doctors for an ailment, both of them giving you medical advice, then following neither and complaining that you still don't feel good. 

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11 hours ago, ShortGolfer said:

I suggest putting away your driver and hitting middle irons off the tee and fairway until you figure it out.


I did the reverse.  I learned to hit my middle irons first.  Then a driving iron.  And finally my driver.


Middle irons are harder than they look.  Unlike driver,  you need to compensate for your lie, which may be uphill, downhill, or something other than flat.

But, at the average rate of four swings per hole, or 36 per nine holes, that should be a pretty good practice session.  More than that may be frustrating and counterproductive.


If pace of play is an issue, get a Sunday bag and just carry a couple clubs.  As I said, you just need a bunch of irons and your putter. 

If you carry a light bag and walk right to the ball the round goes very quick.


This is great advice.

I will take my worst club, the 5i, and play an entire round with it.


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9 hours ago, Z1ggy16 said:

Your left leg/hip. It's the weight transfer to your front side which allows you to hit down and compress the ball.


I'm not a crazy big or insane athlete but once I fixed the weight transfer situation I was hitting my 9i about 155-160, up from 135. 


I have full 100% weight transfer.

Belt bucket faces front, even past center.

All weight on left leg in the finish.  (Can lift right foot off ground)

My 9i goes 110.   You are hitting PGA tour distances.   Insane.


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9 hours ago, Fuscinator said:



Learned to keep it in play vs. swinging like a maniac.

Very short backswing.

I've since deepened my backswing to horizontal, but still PW=100, 5i=150"


Self-taught is not a problem. The only time it IS a problem is when you become a prisoner of your own dogma, which I think is what you've become. Rather than giving "swinging like a maniac" a chance, you'd rather quit. Right now, the only reason you "keep it in play" is because you don't hit it far enough to reach the trouble. That's not the same as hitting it with accuracy. You need a paradigm shift. You need to give the opposite end of the spectrum a chance to show you what it can do. There's no risk to doing so. You can still quit if it doesn't work. Start saying "my name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents" to the game of golf, and one day, golf will say back to you "Hi, George. I'm Victoria."


Love it!


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18 minutes ago, mangohead said:


I have full 100% weight transfer.

Belt bucket faces front, even past center.

All weight on left leg in the finish.  (Can lift right foot off ground)

My 9i goes 110.   You are hitting PGA tour distances.   Insane.


Post a swing video. You must something really obviously wrong going on. 


Even if you transfer your weight properly, if you're over the top with an open face and missing the middle of the club face, I can see a 9i going 110, even if you have decent speed. 



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Quit !!


I was a bogey golfer...... quit for 20 years...... came back and was scratch in under a year 🦖


Played a lot but learned its a mental game once a certain physical level is attained


So we'll keep the light on for ya..... keep your account active...... take care and see ya in 20 years 🐒


Can't figure how to like my own posts

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It sounds like you are getting discouraged with the effects of losing club head speed - it happens to most golfers starting at 50 (NOTE: there are exceptions). Once you lose club head speed, your distance gaps narrow, and, some of your clubs will go the same distance. It is time for you to ditch the 3, 4, and, 5 irons. These can be replaced with hybrids or fairway woods.


As for the lessons, they attempted to help you increase your club head speed, but, focused on different areas. A faster back swing will help increase the speed of the down swing (I use this as a drill - see Dr. Kwon thread). The hip separation should help you swing more efficiently - unless you are extremely gifted, it takes some time to implement. 


Good luck and hang on in there.



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I would find one instructor that you are comfortable with, and stick with them, and they don’t need to have a big reputation. I really like golf coaches that make it simple. Find someone that has you working on the fewest things at a time. I really prefer an old school approach. If it doesn’t work out, and it’s no fun, there is no reason to beat your head against the wall.

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On 8/4/2022 at 6:51 PM, jordan2240 said:

Life's too short to be aggravated by a hobby.  I'd suggest a new one.

Lol. If golf doesn’t aggravate you , well… you’re a team of 1. That’s half the point. A game that can’t be won.  Only played. 

but seriously-OP. You need a outlook change.  I’ve been that frustrated.  But there’s too many folks who don’t get to play to act that way. Make use of what you have. From the tees you should play. And be thankful, work on it and improvements will come. 

Cobra LTD X 9* Hzrdus RDX blue 

TM Sim2 max tour  16* GD  ADHD 8x 

Ping i530 4-Uw AWT 2.0 

Mizuno T22 raw 52-56-60 s400

LAB Mezz Max armlock 

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      General Albums
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #1
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #2
      2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic - Monday #3
      WITB Albums
      Nate Lashley - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Hayden Springer - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Jackson Koivun - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Callum Tarren - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Luke Clanton - WITB - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
      Pullout Albums
      Jason Dufner's custom 3-D printed Cobra putter - 2024 Rocket Mortgage Classic
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      • 11 replies
    • Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
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      • 52 replies
    • 2024 US Open - Discussion and Links to Photos
      Please put any questions or comments here
      General Albums
      2024 US Open - Monday #1
      WITB Albums
      Tiger Woods - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Edoardo Molinari - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Logan McAllister - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Bryan Kim - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Richard Mansell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Jackson Buchanan - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carter Jenkins - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Parker Bell - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Omar Morales - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Neil Shipley - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Casey Jarvis - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Carson Schaake - WITB - 2024 US Open
      Pullout Albums

      Tiger Woods on the range at Pinehurst on Monday – 2024 U.S. Open
      Newton Motion shaft - 2024 US Open
      Cameron putter covers - 2024 US Open
      New UST Mamiya Linq shaft - 2024 US Open


      • 5 replies
    • Titleist GT drivers - 2024 the Memorial Tournament
      Early in hand photos of the new GT2 models t the truck.  As soon as they show up on the range in player's bags we'll get some better from the top photos and hopefully some comparison photos against the last model.
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